Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Yugioh GX Episode 33 The Divine Fiends

Okay.A little background on this.I had them turned into cards in Episode 8 if you recalled.Well Dark Ruler made them into his Dark Rulers and now they are going to put Bob behind bars.Oh and everyone of Bob's friends is in this part so this part will be hectic.They are part of the third group.

Kurt ran to Chancellor Rhodes's office after hearing the news from Stella." I can't believe it!" said Kurt.Tony was trying to catch up with him as he said," Bob hates those two with a burning passion but he wouldn't try to kill them.It make no sense."."I know Tony." said Kurt.He then ran into a man and Kurt said," I am so sorry.I am in a hurry.My friend is wrongly accused."." I know." said the man.Kurt then saw Nick and Nick said," My name is Nick Price.I am Bob's Lawyer and one of his closet friends.You must be Kurt Raymond. You are Bob's adopted brother?"." Yes.How do you know me?" said Nick." I am one of Bob's closet friends.I can just tell.Now lets get going." said Nick.

The group was in the room next to where they were question Bob as Rich said," So who are Bob's stepparents?"." Two people who only adopted Bob for their money and they treat him like garbage." said Angel." Until he met Mahad and Mana and he plus his lawyer free him for those 2." said Kitty." They are like the only people who Bob hates." said Fate." Wow." said Rita." This is so stupid.I mean Bob is so innocent and those two jerks probably blamed for this!" said Jess." It would make sense.I mean those 2 hate Bob for screwing them out of a lot of money." said Emily." Yeah." said Jacob and Noah." Where is Kurt?" said Joan." I thought he would be here." said Jane." Why?" said Ryu." Those two are like the same person." said Erica." They can talk to their duel spirits." said Johnny and Dana." Oh." said Tammy.

The door opened to see Kurt breathing heavily and he said," Sorry that I am late."."It is fine.We need everyone here to prove that Bob is an innocent man." said Guy." So have they said anything since Bob was arrested?" said Kurt." Nope.It has been pretty much silent in there." said Terry." I think they are waiting for Bob's lawyer to arrive." said Roger." You mean Nick Price?He just arrived." said Kurt." Really?That is amazing." said Stella.

Bob was handcuffed to a metal post as Alexis stood there with Jamie as the chief said," We are just waiting for Samantha and Nathan Sharp plus Bob lawyer.".Nick rushed in and he said," Thank god!".He went over over to Bob and he said," How are you doing man?"." I am really tempted to kill those two." said Bob." Okay." said Nice." We need to get them away from him before he actually does kill them." said Alexis.Jamie walked over to Bob with some food and the chief said," Don't feed the criminal."." He isn't a criminal.He may be an annoying brat but he is a student that I would hate if he would leave us." said Jamie." Thanks Jamie." said Bob.

He started to eat and then he saw the two.They were bruised and Nick said," What are you two trying to do?You look fine,You just got beat up and you blame Bob for this."." We are here to make Robert join us." said Nathan." I will never let Bob join you in prison." said Alexis." Yeah.He is staying here with us."." No.We have proof that Robert here tried to kill us." said Samantha." I so didn't do that and you two know it." said Bob." Oh yeah you brat.I have proof." said Nathan.

He then put on the screen Bob beating them and he said," That so isn't me!"." Yeah.I mean that can't be him because Bob was here helping me with some stuff at the time of this." said Alexis." They sound legit." said the chief." Can it Piggy.He did it and we want him to join us!" said Samantha.The chief sighed as Nick said." I guess we know who wears the pants in the relationship."." Yeah her." said Jamie." We want a duel!Bob can't be one of them." said Nathan." You okay with that Bob?" said the three and the cop." Heck yeah but I get to pick your opponents." said Bob." Deal." said the two.

The two walked off as the cop said," I am so sorry man.I mean those 2 are pretty crazy.".He freed Bob and he placed Bob in handcuffs on Bob who said," I thought we were done with the whole handcuff thing.My hands are killing me."."Sorry kid.It is the rule." said the cop.He walked off as Jamie said," Pick the right 2 kids Bob.".She walked off as Nick said," Yeah man.I don't want Robin to see you with those 2.It would break her heart."." I won't and I am not going to break anyone heart." said Bob.He tried to opened a door as Alexis said," Need help?"." Yeah." said Bob.

Bob stood there and Kurt said," Bob?!You aren't going to jail.That is awesome!"." Unless 2 people that he picks win the duel." said Nick." So who are you going to pick Bob?" said Alexis." Me and Jacob can crush those guys with no problem." said Noah." Yeah." said Jacob." Thanks guys but I have 2 in mind." said Bob." Me and Angel?" said Kitty." Nope.Erica and Dana." said Bob." Sweet.After hearing your tragic story man,I am so in." said Erica." I am as well." said Dana." Guess we are going to cheer even louder then." said Johnny." Why?I mean we are going to cheer so loud that they win." said Terry." Let's go." said Bob.

The group sat in the stands as Dana said," Ready to win this?"." Yep." said Erica.The two saw Nathan and Samantha and Samantha said," So which one of you two wants to go first?"." I guess me." said Erica." Good you two are going dead so we can Bob pay for what he did to us!" said Nathan." You will have to get past my divine monsters first!" said Dana.The four stood there and the chief said," We have Dana and Erica vs Nathan and Samantha.The winner decide what happened to Bob."." Please win." said Bob.

Erica drew a card and she said," I summon Fabled Ashenveil in attack mode.".The fiend stood there and Erica said," I end my turn with a facedown.".Then Samantha said," Time to play this field spell known as Darkness Power."." You two are Dark Riders?" said Rita and Ryu." Yes.Time to turn this field into darkness!" said Samantha.Then the cops were gone along with the chief as Bob was still in handcuffs." I summon Dark Beast in attack mode." said Samantha.Then a evil beast stood there and it had 3300 ATK points thanks to the card as Samantha said," I end my turn with a facedown.".

Dark Beast.Attribute Dark.LV 4.ATK 1800 DEF 1000.Beast/Normal.This was a normal dog until it was inflicted by darkness.

Dana drew a card and she said," I play Health X4.This gives 32000 life points and then I summon Divine Man.".The man stood there and he had 7000 ATK points thanks to the Dark Beast and Fabled Ashenveil." I end my turn with a facedown." said Dana." A bad move if I do say so myself.I mean this is what Robert did in our duel and we learned from our mistakes.I summon Dark Clone!" said Nathan.Then a shadow appeared and he went into two as Nathan said," He can make a double of himself to hit you harder.I end my turn with a facedown.".

Dark Clone.Attribute Dark.LV 3.ATK 1500 DEF 1500.Warrior/Effect.He is a shadow made to be a human.He can make himself into two powerful copies.He counts as 2 monsters.

Erica drew a card and she said," I special summon Lava Golem to your field!".The fiery fiend stood there and he trapped the two in the cage as Erica said," Like him?I activate my facedown known as Block!".Then a giant red X appeared over the golem as Erica said," This negates his special effect and it allows me to special summon Fiend Girl to the field.".A red haired girl stood there.She looked like a normal high school girl as Joan said," I don't see what so fiendish about her."." You haven't lived with two of them your entire life." said Ryu.He got glares from his sisters as Erica said," I could special summon her because you have the strongest monster the field.I then attack Dark Beast with her second effect!It is allows me to destroy a monster every turn.".The girl then pull out a hammer out of nowhere as Roger said," Yes! Hammerspace is real!".She then smashed the beast into the lava golem which burned it alive as Erica's fiend destroy 1600 life points from the woman as Erica said," I end my turn with a facedown.Your turn Sammie.".

Block.Trap.Normal.Negates a monster's effect for a turn.
Fiend Girl.Attribute Dark.LV 5.ATK 1800 DEF 1600.Fiend/Effect.She is your average girl gone crazier than normal.She can be special summon if your opponent has a stronger monster on their field and she can destroy one monster every turn with the cost of her attack.

" The name is Samantha Brat!I draw!" said Samantha." You still lose 1000 life points since Block wore off." said Erica.Samantha felt the pain as she said," I play Dark Strike!This makes you lose 1000 life points.". Erica felt the burst of darkness as Samantha said," I play Lucky Hand!".She drew 5 cards and she said," I play Triple summon so that Guildfaxe of the Nordic Beast,Genex Ally Chemistrer,and Genex Ally Bellflame can come to play!".

Dark Strike.Spell.Quick.Your opponent lose 1000 life points.

Then three monsters appeared as Samantha noticed Divine Man.Since there were 3 dark monsters,a fire monster,and 2 light monster,his ATK and DEF were 18000." Wow." said the crowd." I then activate the spell Darkness Destruction!This destroy all monster based on light,fire,or water and for every one,you lose 1000 life points!" said Samantha.The girls lost 2000 life points and the adults lost 2000 as well." I then play Darkness Recovery.This means we gain back life points and a monster and I pick Divine Man!" said Samantha.

Darkness Destruction.Trap.Normal.Destroy all fire,water,and light based monster and for each one,you lost 1000 life points.
Darkness Recovery.Spell.Normal.You gained the life points you just lost and a monster.

The man return and it had 14000 life points as Samantha said," Attack!Cleansing Beam!"." Not so fast Sammie.I activate my facedown!Divine Barrier!" said Dana.Then a beam blocked the man's attack as he was destroyed." What?!" said Samantha." This card blocks an attack and it is send back to the owner." said Dana." Dam it.I end my turn with a facedown." said Samantha.A card went behind her monsters as the score stood at 29000 to 5400.

Divine Barrier.Trap.Normal.Blocks an attack and it destroy a monster.

Dana drew a card and she said," I summon Divine Archer in attack mode!".The archer stood there as Samantha said," I activate my facedown known as Torrential Tribute!".The field was wipe cleaned of monsters as Dana said,"I activate my archer's special effect causing you about 4500 points of damage.".The two were on their last couple of points as Dana said," I place a card down to end my turn.".

Nathan drew his card and he said," Time to stop this and take Bob to the Dark Ruler!I play Dark Robot Dragon Ritual!".Then the Dark Robotic Dragon appeared and Stella said," Why did this thing have to return?".It gained 2200 ATK points as Nathan said," I then activate my wife's former ritual spell known as Dark Beast Warrior Ritual!".The Beast Warrior stood there and he gained 28100 ATK points and Nathan said," I then attack you girls at the same time!".The two powerful monster charged up their blasts as Dana said," I activate Divine Transfer!This may cost us 8000 life points but it blocks your attack!".The girls were saved as Nathan said," Dam you all to hell!I end my turn!".

Divine Transfer.Trap.Normal.It blocks an attack but it caused you some life points.It is times 400 the monster level.EX a level 10 x 400 equals 4000.

Erica drew her card and she said," I play 2 changes of Heart and I attack you with them!".The two adults lost causing the cuffs to turn into ash." Thanks god.My hands were going to fall off wearing those things." said Bob.He then noticed a dark aura around the two and he said," Get back!".The two stood up and they said," We will have our revenge!".They transformed into a dragon similar to Light and Darkness Dragon as Bob activated his duel disk and he said,"Time to bring out the big Guns!".

He stood there and he said," I summon Revolution and Infinite!".The two giant robots grabbed them and Bob said," Go Power!".He stood there and he punched the dragon into a dark portal which just happened to open up.Bob then fell down as Stella said," Bob!".She ran over to him as Ryu said," Guess those cuffs did some more pain to him."." I'll get him to the nurse's office." said Nick.He walked with Bob as Tammy noticed her sister being worried for the boy and she said," She loves him.".What a shock!

Next time,
Jess duels a Dark Riders who knows his deck better than he does.

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