Monday, July 21, 2014

Yugioh GX Episode 22 Meeting the American duelists

We are staring this part in the good old USA where we produced Pop Stars and other stuff every day and our massive debt.

In California,we arrive outside of a house in Los Angeles.This happened to be the house of Mandy King. You probably don't remember her because she was in Episode 7.5 and she was the person who gave Bob his first kiss.So she is pretty important to Bob but this isn't about her dueling Bob.No this is about her little sister Lucy King.Lucy King is a little different from her sister in many ways.She had her blond hair died a darker shade so that she wouldn't be seen as Mandy's little sister anymore.

Lucy woke up and she heard her alarm clock go off." God dam!" said Lucy.She smacked it off her table and then Mandy walked in." Lucy.I can't keep buying you alarm clocks." said Mandy." Oh shut up sis.I really don't need to hear anything from you." said Lucy.Mandy sighed at her sister and she said," Would Bob want to see you like this?I think".Lucy's face went red as she said," I don't need you talking about him!".She slammed the door on her sister and Mandy said," Just come downstairs for breakfast okay.".

Lucy sat on her floor and she said," Why did you have to go back to Japan?".She and Bob always hanged out when he was there and she fell in love with him.She learned her sister kissing Bob and she hated her sister.All of her life,she was expected to be just like her sister who was in the pro leagues at age 8 but she didn't want to be like her sister.So she started to be a punk.She did have her sister's dueling skills so she was a force to be reckon with no matter what.

She walked downstairs where her sister was making her breakfast.Lucy looked in the mirror and she had a nose piercing plus a secret tongue piercing that her sister knew about but her beloved Bob didn't." You heard the news?" said Mandy." Huh?" said Lucy." That today at the academy is where the school picks who goes against Duel Academy." said Mandy." Cool." said Lucy." Do you think you'll be picked?" said Mandy." Not really.I mean I am the worst when it comes to schoolwork.I think that the principal hates me but loves you." said Lucy." Yeah but maybe you will get inspired to be picked." said Mandy."Whatever sis.I'm off." said Lucy.She walked off as Mandy said," I hope that she gets picked.".

Lucy was walking to school and then she saw her best friend in the world.She had short blue hair and she had earring that made her look like a punk and she was wearing a variation of their school uniform." Look who is smiling.Did your boyfriend call?" said the girl." Can it Brooke or should I mention your crush on Jacob?" said Lucy.Her face went red as she said," Let's get to school.".The two walked to school as Brooke said," So do you think you got picked for the duel?"." No.I mean I suck at school." said Lucy." Maybe because you ditch class all the time." said Brooke." Well.The teachers pissed me off." said Lucy." Yeah but you got me and that is what matters." said Brooke.Lucy sighed at her friend and the two walked to school.

The school that these two girls go to is called Saint Academy.This school was one of the few dueling schools in the world with a great education.Lucy enter her first class and she saw her "friend" walking toward her.His name was Nolan and he was a great student,good social skills,and he was a good duelist but he annoyed her to death." Hey Lucy!" said Nolan.Nolan had black hair and purple eyes which is very rare for anyone.

He smiled as Lucy said," What could you possibly want Nolan?"." Today is the big day!I mean we see how Duel Academy picked and then Headmaster Major can picked his three best duelist.I hope that you get picked." said Nolan." And why would that man pick me to represent this school?I mean I am his worst student and I am only in this school because my older sister." said Lucy." So?Mandy may be a great duelist but you are better than her." said Nolan." You are so annoying sometimes." said Lucy." Yep but you love me." said Nolan.She ignored him as she sleep through class.

Meanwhile at the King's home,Mandy was looking over her deck.She was about to enter a tourney where several amazing duelist were going to enter.She then heard the doorbell ring and she opened the door.She then saw Conrad." Hey Conrad.What's up?" said Mandy." It is about your sister." said Conrad." What do you mean?Did Lucy do something wrong?" said Mandy." No.You know that I am friends with the head teacher at Saint academy right?" said Conrad." Yeah.So?" said Mandy." We need to go the school right now." said Conrad.Mandy never heard Conrad being so serious ever and she said," Okay.Let get going but you better tell me what is going on."." K Mandy but first we are taking my car." said Conrad.

Mandy was sitting in the crowd of students with Brooke and Nolan." So why did we have to leave class?" said Mandy." Since when have you ever wanted to stay in class?" said Brooke." She was sleeping in class." said Nolan." Makes sense.I mean Mandy doesn't let you sleep in." said Brooke." Yeah.She is a bitch when it comes to that." said Lucy.She then saw her other friends walking toward them.One of them was Erica who was a star athlete and a girl who likes strong cards and Liza who is a book nerd and she likes powerful spell cards and traps.Erica had blue hair and Liza had green hair.

" So who do you think Baldy Mcnosehair picked?" said Lucy." Still the same old Lucy.I think Headmaster Major will picked the best three duelists." said Erica." I hope you get picked Erica.I mean you are the best duelist on the girls dueling team." said Liza." That is nice but I have Michael and his gang of cronies to deal with." said Erica." Yeah Michael.I heard that he was the best freshman in the entire school." said Nolan." I bet that I could beat him." said Lucy." Makes sense but you have to challenge him first and you will get past his cronies." said Liza." Yeah but Lucy can deal them out cold.I mean she had some training from the Bob Moto." said Brooke.

Before her friends could question her,Headmaster Mark Major walked to his stage.He had light blue hair and he was wearing a white uniform." Welcome students!I have selected the three best students to represent us against Duel Academy.Now before I announce the three students,I have seen who the Chancellor over at Duel Academy." said Mark.Then a picture of Kurt and Roger appeared.Kurt was on the right and Roger was on the right" These two are the tag team duelist.The boy on the left is Kurt Raymond who use some monsters that we can't identify yet and the boy on the right is Roger Palmer who use monsters based of some Anime and video games." said Mark.

Then their pictures were moved to the side so that Bob was in the middle." Bob?!" said Lucy." He is a student there?" said the school." Yes and his deck is impossible to predict so these three duelist I have picked are the best choices." said Mark.Then Erica and Liza's picture appeared and Brooke said," Guess Major likes you girls."." That is so awesome.I mean you guys are going to rock those guys to pieces!" said Nolan." Yeah but we don't who Bob is going to be dueling against." said Erica." And the final duelist is!" said Mark.

Then Lucy's picture appeared and Mark said," Lucy King will be dueling Bob!"." What?" said the school." Why did you pick that slacker?!" yelled Micheal.He stood up and he had light red hair and Mark said," Lucy and her sister Mandy have known Bob since he was 9 years old Micheal."." Let me duel her for the spot!" yelled Micheal." Guess I am dueling Micheal." said Lucy." Are you sure about this Lucy?" said Liza." She is right.Micheal is the best duelist here!" said Nolan." Don't worry you guys.I got training from my sister and Bob himself.I can handle Micheal and school him." said Lucy.

Conrad was driving to Saint Academy as he said," You know the number cards right?"." Yeah from Heartland City.So what's up?" said Mandy." Well,according to my research one of the student has one of them and it is the evil kind." said Conrad." But Bob has all of them in his deck." said Mandy." Yeah.I guess Pegasus made some new ones and some evil spirit is in one." said Conrad.He stopped the car in front of the school and Mandy said," So which one is it?"." Number 17: Leviathan Dragon." said Conrad." Really?" said Mandy." Yep." said Conrad." Lets run there!" said Mandy.

Lucy stood across from Micheal and he said," You are going down King!"." Bring on Micheal." said Lucy. The two then said," Duel!".Lucy drew a card and she said," This is perfect.I summon Blade Knight in attack mode.".A knight stood there and Lucy said," I end my turn with two facedowns.Your move Micheal.".He drew a card and he said," I play Double summon to bring out Baby Dragon and Armored Zombie in attack mode.".The two stood there and Micheal said," I then end my turn with a facedown card."

Lucy drew a card and she thought," I need to get rid of those monsters before he can bring out that legendary card of his.".She looked at it and she said," Awesome.I play Quick Summon to bring out Fortress Warrior in attack mode.".The warrior stood there in a attacking mode and then Lucy said," I summon Genex Neutron in attack mode!".The robot stood there and Lucy said," I attack with Blade Knight and Genex Neutron!".The two destroy the dragon and zombie and Micheal lost 700 life points and he said," I activate my facedown card.Revenge.".Then Lucy lost 700 life points and Nolan said," Man that card is sure strong,"." Yeah.That card activate when Micheal takes damage and Lucy takes the damage." said Conrad.Nolan then saw Conrad and Mandy stood there and Liza said," So can Lucy win this duel?"." Yes if she plays her cards right." said Mandy." Right." said Erica.Lucy then said," I switch Fortress Warrior into defense and with my Genex Neutron's special effect so I can bring Blue Thunder T-45 to my hand.I then end my turn.".

Revenge.Trap.Continuous.Your opponents takes the same amount of damage that you take.

Micheal then drew a card and he said," Time to end you!I activate the spell card Double Summoning!This card works like Double Summon and I can bring back Baby Dragon and Armored Zombie can come back!".The two came back and Micheal said," I XYZ summon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon!"." He is bring out the card." said Conrad." I hope that Lucy can handled the real deal." said Mandy.The dragon appeared and Micheal gained a dark aura." Time to attack with an extra card known as Two More Hits.So my dragon can destroy your field of monsters and I send one of my dragon overlay units so that my dragon can hit harder!" said Micheal.The dragon destroy the monsters and Lucy lost 1200 life points." Ouch." said the group." I then play the spell Hitotama!" said Micheal.Then Lucy lost 500 life points." I end my turn.Now try to recover from that Lucy or do you need your sister to fight your duels for you." said Micheal.

Double Summoning.Spell.Normal.Lets you bring back two monsters back from the grave.

Lucy then thought," I hope this next card will help.".She then remember Bob's words," Even if you have Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon,Dark Magician,Elemental Hero Neos,Stardust Dragon,and Number 39: Utopia in front of you,you can win with the heart of the cards.".She drew a card and she said," Perfect.".She then said," I play Lucky Hand!".She drew 5 cards and she said," I summon Music Mistress!".Then a woman came out.She was wearing a dress with music notes on it with a flute and Mandy said," I know what she is doing."." I activate her special effect.This allows me to bring a Music Monster from my deck to the field in attack mode." said Lucy.Then Lucy said," I pick Music Master!".Then a man came out.He was wearing a suit with music notes and he had a guitar on his back." So what are they going to do against my monster?They can't even touch my dragon." said Micheal." I know so I activate my quick spell card.Music Strike!" said Lucy.The two played their instruments and then Micheal lost 1000 life points." I then activate my facedown card Ritual of Destruction!" said Lucy.Then the card flipped over." I send my Music Mistress and Music Angel to the graveyard so that I can summon Garlandolf,King of Destruction!" said Lucy.Then a powerful fiend appeared and Music Master stood there as the dragon went to the grave." How did that weak music monster stay!" said Micheal." Since I send Music Angel,she keeps my Music Master on the field." said Lucy.Then Music Master strummed his guitar and Micheal said," What is he doing?"." He is honor his fellow monsters,So he can bring one back.So come on out Music Angel." said Lucy.Then an angel came out and she was wearing an outfit of music and she had a warp." She is pretty." said the boys.The angel blushed as Lucy said," Lets finish him Garlandolf with the power of music!I play the spell known as Musical Accompaniment!".Then the fiend gained more power thanks to the two monster beside him and he slashed Micheal knocking him out of life points." That's game!" said Lucy.

Music Mistress.Attribute Earth.LV 4.ATK 1600 DEF 1300.Warrior/Effect.She is one of the woman of music and she is the one of the best.She can bring a Music Monster from your deck to the field.
Music Master.Attribute Earth.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 2500.Warrior/Effect.The leader of the Music monster and he is a man who loves music and his friends more than anything.He can strummed for his fallen allies of music and brings a monster from the grave.
Music Strike.Spell.Quick.If you have a music monster on your field,your opponents take 500 points of damage per Music monster.
Music Angel.Attribute Light.LV 4.ATK 1500 DEF 1000.Fairy/Effect.She may be an angel but her love of music brings her to the Music Monsters's attention.Once in the grave,she can protect a Music monster from a monster's effect,trap,or spell.
Music Accompaniment.Spell.Normal.If you have a music monster on the field,they can give their attack points to a monster.

Lucy then said," Guess I won."." I can't believe that she defeat Micheal and his best monster." said Conrad." Yeah.She is that awesome." said Liza and Nolan." I knew that she could win the duel." said Brooke and Erica." Yeah.She is my sister." said Mandy.Mark walked over to Lucy and he said," Good job Lucy."." Thanks Mark.Guess I am ready to defeat Bob for Saint Academy with the power of music!" said Lucy.The crowd cheered as Micheal walked off.

It was the middle of the night.Mandy got a video call from someone.Lucy was sleeping over at Erica's house with her stuff.Mandy then saw that it was Bob." Hey Mandy.So how are you and Lucy doing?" said Bob." Great.You will never believe it.Lucy won a duel against the best duelist in the school." said Mandy." That is awesome." said Bob." So what did you call about?" said Mandy." I want to say this.Good luck in that tourney in a few days.I hope that you win and I will watch because I sleep in my class." said Bob." Yeah right.You sleep in class is such a lie and thanks Bob." said Mandy." Good night.It is morning over here." said Bob.He hanged up and Mandy said," You better be ready for this duel Bob.She isn't going easy on you.".

Next time,
The school duels begins with a stupid plan

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