Friday, April 24, 2015

Power Guild Episode 42 Alliance vs Nine Prayers part 5 Paradise is filled with Poison.

A/N:Weird title to say the least but it makes sense.I mean Paradise is here plus Python.Yep.He and Bob are going to fight alongside their animal partner.We also have Mona fighting against Brendan and Ivan and Ana vs Tonya.A rematch on that regard.If you remember the first/second arc of this story, Bob use his Demon form for the first time against Tonya.It has been a while since then so did Ana and Tonya grow stronger.Bob obvious did but lets wait to find out.

Kevin was looking for Adonis.According to Ralph, their master is the only one not accounted for."Where is he?" said Kevin.He then dodge an attack from Night using his Aerial Dodge spell."You are fast Wizard. You aren't on the same level as Quick was. You are a close second. Are you looking for your friends Wizard of Light?" said Night."Yeah. How do you know that?" said Kevin."Yeah. The boy with the blond hair was looking for that master of his. Oh he was fun to make my bitch." said Night.

Kevin said,"Eat this you Gothic freak! Aerial Explosion!".Night blocked the attack as it destroy several trees behind the playboy.It cut Kevin and his clothing as Night said,"You are weak compared to the power of Paradise."."Paradise?" said Kevin."Notice that pillar of Light WOL (Wizard of Light)? It turns people of the light toward the darkness once they think of thoughts of darkness while people of the dark go toward the light when they think of thoughts of the light." said Night.

Night held Kevin in his hand and he said,"You want me to die don't you? I hurt your good friend didn't I? I thought you want to embrace the warm darkness to kill me."."I will never. The ladies don't like a bad boy." said Kevin."Fine. I shall kill Dark Slicer!" said Night.Kevin was on the ground covered with bruises as Night walked off.Kevin notice someone walking toward him before he was out cold from his attack.

Allison found James.The two were in a cave in front of Paradise location."James!" said Allison.The man turned around and he said,"Allison."."What are you doing here? How did you survive James?! Why are you working with the Nine Prayers James?!" said Allison.Python was nearby them and he thought,"He isn't working with us. I don't know whose side he is on.".Wanda came toward him and she said something in his ear."Really? This will be interesting." said Python.

James grabbed his arm and he said,"I don't know!"."Huh?" said the two."All I know is a girl name Allison. I am sorry." said James.Allison held him with a sword as she said,"Your name is James Henry! You were a friend of mine. You killed one of my closest friends trying to bring back an evil wizard! You are also my big brother!"."Really?" said Python.Wanda shrugged as James said,"I killed someone?"."Yes and other sins. You were once a nice boy." said Allison.

James stood up and he said,"I see. I know something else Allison."."What?" said Allison."I can blow up this. It caused many people suffering." said James.Python came out of his hiding spot as he said,"Stop!".Allison was shocked to see the wizard standing there as James place a Self Destruction spell on the powerful weapon."No!" said Python.He pushed James aside to try and stop the spell."Nothing is working!" yelled Python.

He grabbed the man and he said,"Tell me how to turn it off now!"."No. It will be a secret that I keep for the rest of my life." said James.He blasted Python back as he went toward it.He place the same spell on him as Allison said,"James."."Don't cry for me. I am not worth the precious tears. This is what I will do to pay for my crimes." said James."Now now. That is a little drastic." said a voice.

James was blasted into a wall by Mona's explosion.Allison ran toward him.Python saw Tonya, Mona, Night, and Mind standing there."You need to be a little more quiet. I could hear you." said Tonya."What do you want?" said Allison."She is right. You can't stop my spell!" said James."I can." said Mind.He went toward it and he said,"I taught you how to do this when you were 10 years old James."."Huh?" said everyone in the cave.

Mind sighed as he said,"I found the Nine Prayers to help take over the world using Paradise. I found Python, Harold, Quick, Lydia, Night, and Mona at the tower. They had such magical potential and they all became powerful wizard. Tonya joined us because she wanted to kill Bob and Ana for defeat her and her Guild. Now it is time for Paradise!".The magic power grew as everyone covered their eyes.

Stella woke up to see that she was in Spirit World clothing."What happened?" said Stella.She saw Ivan and he said,"Your friend Violet gave you that. You look nice."."Thanks. Where is Brendan?" said Stella."Right here and look who I found guys." said Brendan.He stood there with Tina who was looking down as Ivan said,"Where is Leon Tina? You two went off together."."He is dead." said Tina.The three were silent as Tina said,"Because of the members of Heroes! I will send you all to hell!".

Stella and Brendan were trapped in vines as Kurt grabbed her.He held as the two Spirit wizard were free from her magic."Kurt?" said Stella and Brendan."You are still alive?" said Tina."We Passion wizards are quite stubborn. Nice outfit Stella." said Kurt."Thanks." said Stella."Kurt. Let her go." said a voice.Ivan saw Leon with a knocked out Quick."You survived?" said Tina."Yes. I use my magic at the last second to save me and Quick here." said Leon.Tina smiled as she was out.

The ground start to shake as Kurt got sick."Really? Right now?!" said the four awake."Yeah." said Kurt.The four then saw a giant machine.It had four legs on each side and a giant cannon."What is that thing?" said Leon."Lets go find out! Bob and the others must be up there!" said Stella.She grabbed onto a leg as Brendan said,"Wait up!".The two started climbing as Ivan sighed after seeing Kurt puke his guts out."Stay here with Tina Leon." said Ivan."Gotcha. Take him with you." said Leon.Kurt and Ivan were gone as Leon said,"You Heroes got this.".

Bob and his group saw the machine and Z said,"Hey guys. I am going to take a shot in the dark here and say that machine is Paradise."."Yeah Z. It is. We better hurry up and destroy that thing." said Bob."Why?" said Ana."It is heading toward the Emerald Wolverines Guild Hall at a good speed." said Scampers."What?! Lets go!" said Z.She headed toward the machine with Ana holding on for dear life.

Scampers stood there with Bob as Scampers said,"Are you sure about this Bob? He seemed to be very strong. Him and his pet snake."."Yeah. I got my partner by my side. Ana has Z to protect her so I am not so worried about her. Lets go have some fun." said Bob.The two were getting ready to fight Python and his pet snake Wanda.Bob wanted revenge on the wizard for hurting Allison.

Louis and Harold found their way onto the machine."What is this Harold?" said Louis."This is Paradise. Mind say this place will cause destruction to the Emerald Wolverine Guild." said Harold."That is the guild that Z is from. Why them?" said Louis.Harold shrugged as he said,"Who knows? We should go find your friends. They will be able to help us."."Right." said Louis.The two went looking for others as Adonis screamed for help.He was here too but no one heard him.

Kurt was puking his guts out as Stella was thanking Danny."It is no problem Stella. You help me and my friends out. It was the least I could do. I better head back to the Spirit World." said Danny.He was gone as Ivan said,"We should get looking for Bob and the others you guys. I have a feeling that Louis here along with Harold."."Harold? Why is he with a member of the Nine Prayers?" said Brendan."Because this machine turned me into a good guy." said a voice.

The three saw Harold and Louis."Paradise?" said Stella."It is a powerful magic. It change people from good to bad or bad to good in a second." said Louis."That explains Tina's unexpected change from a nice girl to a bad girl in a second flat. So what is the plan?" said Ivan."We go in teams. I am pretty sure that Bob and Ana are here somewhere. Brendan, Ivan, and Stella plus Kurt are one team." said Louis."Gotcha." said Stella.The three teens ran off as Kurt was being held in the air by Stella's magic.Louis and Harold ran off.

Night, Mona, Tonya, Python and Wanda, and Mind were in the center of Paradise.Night said,"Father. I am sensing those pesky wizards from the Light. Shall we go take care of them?"."Yes Night. You all may pick your opponents to kill. Don't let them come toward me." said Mind.He walked into the building and Tonya said,"So which one are out there Night?".Night said,"The wizards of Light that are here on Paradise. They are Bob, Scampers, Stella, Kurt, Louis, Ivan, Brendan, Ana, Z, James, and Allison.".

Python said,"I will take Bob and Scampers. Lets go Wanda!".The snake flew off with her master on her back."I got Kurt, Ivan, Stella, and Brendan. Those four seem like the most fun to make them go boom." said Mona.She walked off as Tonya said,"Ana is mine. What about the other ones?"."Z will be with Ana for sure. I will hand the others." said Night.Tonya was gone as Night thought,"Time to take care of business.".He walked into a portal of darkness.

Bob and Scampers were looking for anyone.Bob had sprout his demon wings to let Scampers change into his battle form."See anything Bob?" said Scampers."Nada. I do heard something though." said Bob.The two then saw Python with Wanda."Thunder Crash!" said the two.Wanda dodge Scampers's attack as Python got hit with Bob."You. You and me Bob. Lets go." said Python.He grabbed Bob and he said,"Poison Impact!".

The two headed toward the ground as Scampers dealt with Wanda.Scampers said,"Hydro Storm!".A huge blast of water came out as the snake fired poison.It melt the water as Scampers said,"Voltage Blaze!".The snake was hit with several volts of electricity at her.She flew off to recharge as Scampers went toward where Bob and Python mostly likely crashed.

Bob stood there as he said,"You are strong snake boy. I will give you that.".Bob made his Oblivion Sword appeared as he said,"But I am stronger!".He rushed toward Python as he said,"You voice will be your downfall Bob. Sound Blast!".Bob dodge his voice as he attacked Python."What? I can't hear you at all?!" said Python."Bob is strong. He doesn't need to talk to fight! We are partners so that makes me just as strong! Thunder Impact!" said Scampers.

Scampers slammed into Python with several watts as Bob said,"Okay! Oblivion Slash!".Python went back as Wanda came back."I see girl. You two are going tag team me. Okay. Time to show you the power of Poison!" said Python.Wanda appeared and she dumped a lot of poison on Python as Scampers said,"Wait. He is like you, Kurt, Johnny, and X right?"."Yeah. He is a Poison Slayer. Be ready Scampers. He isn't going easy on either of us." said Bob."Aye Sir!" said Scampers.

Python stood there.His arms were now claws which were now laced with very powerful poison.He had two giant wings and he looked like a dragon."Prepare to die Bob! Poison Dragon Roar!" said Python."Power Barrier!" said Bob.Bob blocked the attack as it burned the building behind them."Poison Claw!" said Python.Bob's sword blocked it as Scampers went toward Wanda."Blizzard Punch!" said Scampers.

He froze the snake as Python said,"That is only to work for only a minute."."I see. Scampers! Go find Ana and tell her to use that spell on Kurt!" said Bob."I am not leaving you man." said Scampers."Just go tell her! I will hold them off!" yelled Bob.Scampers flew off as Python said,"Are you an idiot?! You can't handled both me and Wanda!"."I can. It is called a time waster!" said Bob.He rushed toward them as the two caused an explosion.Bob stood there over the knocked out Poison duo and he walked off.

Brendan turned around to see it."Wow." said Brendan.Ivan stood there and he said,"I guess someone found Bob or Louis.".Stella was holding the very motion sick Kurt as she said,"So how long do I have to hold him?"."I'll hold him." said Jason.He appeared from the spirit world holding Kurt as Ivan said,"Wait. I thought you need a key or something to bring out any Spirit."."I came here on the power of my love for Stella." said Jason."How sweet. I hate to do this but Grass Explosion!" said a voice.

Kurt, Jason, and Stella were trapped in a bundle of vines as Brendan and Ivan saw Mona standing there with a pervert smile on her face."You!? Who are you again? I mean I hae" said Kurt.He was back to normal as Stella said,"How?"."We aren't on Paradise any more you guys." said Kurt."That makes sense Kurt." said Jason."So you two dodge my Grass Explosion? I am very impressed. You two will be fun to make go boom into million pieces. Fire Explosion on the one with the wings!" said Mona.

Ivan dodge the attack as Brendan said,"Open! Gate of the Archangel Erica! Heaven Blast!".She fire the blast as Ivan said,"Time for Dragon Wave Ice and Demon Roar Water!".The two attack combined into one powerful spell. Mona blocked the attack Mona said,"Interesting. You use both Dragon and Demon based magic. Ice Explosion!".He was frozen and Brendan said,"Open! Gate of the Thunder Devil! Thunder Strike!".

He then destroy the ice as Ivan said,"Thanks man. Ready to finish her off?"."Yeah. Thunder Smash!" said Brendan.Thunder smashed into her as Ivan said,"Dragon Claw! Dragon!".He slashed her to the ground as she was knocked out."Man. She is pretty weak." said Kurt."Compared to the other ones, yeah she is. Ivan. You will go help Kurt find Ana. She knows a spell that can get rid of motion sickness." said Stella."Right." said Ivan.The two flew off.

Meanwhile, Ana was with Z.The two had heard the explosion from Bob and Cobra's fight."So do you know if Bob is okay Ana? I mean he is strong but these dark wizards are really strong." said Z."Z. Big brother is the best wizard out there. He can handle anyone in his way." said Ana."Ana and Z!" yelled Scampers.The two girls saw the cat as Z said,"What is wrong with you Scampers? Where is Bob?"."He is fighting Python. We need to fight Kurt. Bob wants you to use the spell on him." said Scampers.

Ana said,"Okay.".The three started to look for the blue haired boy but then Scampers was blasted."Ha! I found you!" said a voice.Ana saw Tonya in the air as Ana said,"You."."Did you miss little old me? Dam. You grew up brat. You don't have your big brother to protect you. Time to get my revenge on you and your brat and your little cat to you." said Tonya.Z went over to Scampers as Ana said,"Don't worry. I will protect you guys from her.".'Good luck." said Z.

Tonya said,"Ultimate Blast!".Ana dodge the attack as Tonya said,"You increase your speed using a spell right? I know that your normal magic can't effect mine!"."Yeah. Supersonic Punch!" said Ana.Tonya was knocked back as Ana said,"Air Dragon Roar!".Tonya was moved back as Scampers said,"Bob taught some more offensive spells. She want to help Bob and the Guild."."I see." said Z.Ana said,"You won't hurt my friends or other again!"."Die you little Bitch!" yelled Tonya."Don't call her that!" said a voice.

Tonya was blasted into a wall by Bob who was grabbed his arm."Big brother/Bob!" said the three."Easy on the noise. That explosion made my hearing hurt." said Bob.Tonya stood up and she said,"Perfect. Python's poison had an effect on you. Die! Ultimate Nova Storm!".Ana said,"Big Bro!".Bob block the attack as he said,"Ana. Use that spell on her for me.".He was out for a second as Ana said,"You Bitch! God's Judgement Blast!".Tonya was impact with holy ray and she was knocked out.

Ana went toward Bob and she started healing him."Is he going to be alright?" said Z."Yeah. I am getting rid of the poison inside of big brother." said Ana.Scampers saw Ivan with Kurt.The two crashed into the ground as Scampers said,"I guess you have a lot of work to do."."Yeah but this will help my team no matter what I do." said Ana.Mind sat there and he said,"Only a couple of Prayers left.".He only had two tattoo on him and he said,"I am ready to come out.".

Next time,
The End of The Nine Prayers.

Kevin vs Night.
Bob and Scampers vs Python and Wanda.
Brendan and Ivan vs Mona.
Ana vs Tonya.
Heroes:Ana, Bob, Brendan, and Scampers.
Thunder Wolves:Kevin.
Bloody Darkness:Ivan.
Nine Prayers:Night, Mona, Python and Wanda, and Tonya.

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