A/N:We have reached Episode 30 folks.Yep.We made it.I got nothing else beside some Yugioh news.I am not giving up on this story in the slightest.I just don't want to write it.It is not like I hate it.It is more of the fact that I am just busy with Pokemon Journey and Power Guild.A fun little fact between these three stories, our main hero is in love with a girl with her first name being the letter A.
I swear to my lord Arceus that the new story will have the main female not have letter A for her first name.Also Bob and said girl in this story won't get together yet because I am pretty sure that a normal eleven year old didn't like girls just yet.I could be wrong about that so don't listen to me.I am not a love expert.I would mostly like be a love beginner.
You will also find my favorite Pokemon from Pokemon Uranium at the end of this.I don't own this.You should give credit to the creators.If you want to find where, check out the Pokemon Uranium Wiki.You may be asking why I am talking about this.I want to give credit to an amazing Pokemon Hack.It is better than Gold and Sliver plus the remakes to me.Also it gives so hints to some other custom Pokemon which will appear.
Ashley woke up in her room.She was woke up by someone training their Pokemon for their battle with Nancy.She had a good idea who but she was curious to say the least.She was staying with Sally and Ayano at the Virdian City Pokemon Center.She walked downstairs and outside of the Pokemon Center.She saw Bob training with Solar, Jack, Zero, Drake, Natsu, and Rogue.
Bob decided on these six due to Shawn, Sonia, and Laura's advice on Nancy's team for her gym battle.She mainly use the Pokemon that she had on her journey so if you find out what she used back then.You got this battle but take Nancy serious.Bob saw Ashley and he said,"Guys. Stop for a sec.".The six Pokemon sighed in relief as Bob said,"It isn't that bad.".Drake and Natsu then fired out a weak Flamethrower burning Bob."Very funny you guys." said Bob.
He stood there and Ashley said,"I thought you would be roasted Bob."."Bob is stronger than he was a week ago. Him training with Hope and Roy made him stronger." said Jack."I see. So does Nancy know about you picking these Pokemon?" said Ashley."No Ashley. Bob keeps his team for everything a secret even to his very close friends." said Solar."I see. Why didn't you tell me this Bob?" said Ashley."Bob would say what Solar said Ashley." said Zero."I wasn't asking you Zero." said Ashley."He is right." said Bob.
Ashley sighed as she said,"Shouldn't you get some sleep for tomorrow?"."Yeah but Rogue woke me up along with Drake." said Bob."We wanted to train for tomorrow. Nancy is rumored to be the strongest Gym Leader in Kanto. We want to be prepared for anything tomorrow." said Rogue."Yeah." said Natsu and Drake."Okay. We will train in the morning." said Bob.He return the six Pokemon and the two trainers walked inside.
Bob saw that he was in an laboratory."Where am I? Is this a dream or an Aura Projection?" thought Bob.He then saw Mewtwo from Saffron City in a test tube sleeping or recharging.Bob couldn't tell."Okay. Where am I? It feels like I haven't left Viridan City." thought Bob."Wake up you freak." said a voice.Bob then hid as he saw Tad.The teen scientist looked angry and Bob thought,"I guess me taking his four experiments made him pissed off.".
The Genetic Pokemon woke up and he said,"What do you want human? I am trying to recharge after the last couple of jobs. Your boss has needed me a lot lately. Is something wrong with the amazing Team Rocket? I thought the great Team Rocket was invincible."."You should shut up. I think you would want to serve us or do you want me to hurt your friend?" said Tad.The Pokemon was silent as Tad said,"Good. Now head into your armor. This mission is going to be an interesting one.".The two walked off as Bob thought,"Time to go explore this place."
Bob walked off as he thought,"So where is this base? And how did I get here?".He then saw that he was on a island.He looked down and he saw a city.It look very heavily populated and he also saw a battle stadium below."Wow." thought Bob.He then sense something and he followed it.It had a strong aura and Bob was more curious.He opened the door and he saw a Pokemon trapped in a cage.It looked the legendary Phoenix mixed with a dragon.It looked really strong and Bob went toward it.
Bob then woke up in his bed sweating."You alright man?" said Shawn."Yeah. I just had a dream that I was in the desert without any water." said Bob."I see. I hope you are ready for Nancy Bob. Her and her Fearow are really strong." said Shawn."Gotcha. I got a plan for him. Lets go meet up with the girls." said Bob."Right man." said Shawn.Bob grabbed his bag and he thought,"What was that? It felt way too real to be a dream. I wonder if Grandpa knows anything.".
The two then saw Sally and Ayano teasing Ashley about something."Hey Bobby. Good morning." said Sally.She hugged him as Ayano said with a smirk,"I am guessing that she is ready for your battle against Nancy Bob."."I guess that. We are actually going to the Battle Chateau." said Bob."Yeah. Ashley only has four more battles until she becomes a Grand Duchess." said Shawn."That sounds like fun." said Sally."Yeah. Lets go." said Ashley.She grabbed Bob's arm as the two girls carried him.Ayano and Shawn followed them.
Ashley was on the floor in front of the Battle Chateau as Sally said,"Wow. I can't believe it."."Yeah. Why would it have to be closed today?" said Ashley.Shawn read the paper on the door as he said,"According to this, someone broke the battle field."."Who?" said Ayano."It doesn't say who." said Shawn."I got an idea who." said Bob."Who?" said Ashley."I sense a familiar Aura and he is nearby." said Bob.Ashley then saw Paul standing there and she said,"Paul. You destroy the Battle Chateau.".
Paul said,"Oh look. It is the loser patrol plus Paul. What are you doing here?"."Who is this?" said Sally."This is Paul Shinji. He is Bob's rival." said Ayano."Actually he is my rival. So do you have eight badges yet Bob? Or does Bob need daddy's help?" said Paul."He is actually get his badge today." said Shawn."Really? That is pretty sad. I mean I have double your amount." said Paul."You have sixteen badges?" said Bob."I thought it was only possible to get 8." said Ashley."Fine. I will show you losers." said Paul.
The five then saw the badge case with 16 badges as Paul said,"They were nothing to my Pokemon. I was thinking of challenge the Gym Leader here in Viridian City. I heard that she is strong but I have other things to do. I was invited to the battle tournament on New Island."."New Island?" said Ayano and Sally."Yeah. It is for the best of the best aka me. I better get going. Later losers." said Paul.
He walked off as Shawn said,"I am impress that it didn't get to you man."."Yeah. I am way more mature than you think." said Bob.Hope came out of his bag and she nestled into her arms."So why isn't she talking like it was back on Cinnabar Island?" said Ashley."She is still a baby and her aura is still growing. This is from one of my uncle's books mind you but he seems to know what he is talking about most of the time." said Bob."I see. We better get to the gym then." said Ayano."Yeah. Bob is going to be awesome." said Stella.
The five headed toward the Gym and Bob saw Laura and Sonia standing there with a boy.He looked to be about 13 years old.He has brown hair under his white hat, blue eyes, and he was smiling."Isn't that Professor Birch's son?" said Ashley."Yeah. Brendan Birch." said Shawn."I wonder how he made friends with Laura and Sonia so quick." said Ayano."I think he is like me guys. I can make friends with anyone quick like in a second." said Bob.Hope smiled as Sally said,"You are so right.".
Brendan walked over to them as he said,"So which one of you is Bob?"."I am sir." said Bob."Sweet. My old man talks about you like you are a freaking god. You look pretty strong and your Togepi is pretty cute." said Brendan.Hope smiled as Laura said,"Hey you guys. I heard about the Battle Chateau. I'm sorry Ashley."."It is fine Laura. I am here to cheer on Bob." said Ashley.
"See? She is always known as the positive member of our group while Shawn is our lovable loner." said Sonia."Huh?" said Sally and Ayano."You will understand later." said Bob."I want to know." said Laura."Our group is very special. We all have been together since I was five. I am the oldest of the group but we have always been together." said Bob."That is pretty sweet." said Brendan.
The eight walked inside.Bob then saw the battle arena of the Viridian City Gym.It was so big and Bob was shocked and amazed."Wow. I really want to battle here now. I mean it is makes the other gym's arena look terrible in comparison." said Bob."Yeah. It is awesome." said Brendan."So where is Nancy you guys?" said Sally."She is right here." said a voice.Stella noticed that the roof was opening up.She then saw Nancy along with a man on her Fearow.
He had long dark red hair, gray eyes, and a serious look on him.He looked at Bob and he said,"Hey Red's kid. You here to challenge Nancy?"."Yep. You here to cheer me Uncle Sliver?" said Bob."He is your uncle? I thought Arthur was." said Ayano."He is. I have two uncles." said Bob.Laura was about to ask a question as Shawn said,"It is pretty complicated."."That is pretty weird. Right Hope?" said Brendan.She nod her head as Sliver said,"Don't go easy on him. He is like Red. He is strong despite his looks.".
Sliver walked off as Ashley said,"He is the opposite of Red and Arthur."."Yeah. You ready to go Bob? I won't be going easy on you." said Nancy."Yep. Brendan. You don't mind holding Hope?" said Bob."I don't mind at all. My grandparents run the day care. I am great with kids." said Brendan.The seven were in the stands as the ref stood there."This will be a six on six Pokemon Battle. The challenger may switch out his Pokemon. Trainers." said the ref.
Nancy said,"Go Politoed!".The Frog Pokemon came out as Bob said,"He may look dopey but I won't doubt your strength. Go Jack!".He came out as the ref said,"Begin!"."Bubble Beam!" said Nancy."Block it with your Bubble Beam!" said Bob.The two attacks blocked each other and Nancy said,"Show him your Focus Blast!".The attack went toward Jack as Bob said,"Protect!".He went back as Jack said,"Wow. I will never doubt a person by their looks every again."."Yeah. Lets show him your Crabhammer!" said Bob.
He then hit the Frog Pokemon on the head and he was confused."Now show him your strongest move! Crab Hammer from the Heavens!" said Bob.He jumped up high and the group saw Jack's Crabhammer glow a bright light.It then hit the Frog Pokemon and it knocked him out."The winner is Jack!" said the ref.Jack said,"Don't mess with the Claw!".Bob sighed as Shawn said,"Bob's Pokemon all have distinct personality. You should meet Thunder.".
Jack glowed as Brendan said,"Wow! Does that happen a lot?"."Yeah. Bob's Pokemon evolve whenever they want." said Sally.A Kingler stood there as he walked over to me.He smiled as he said,"Thanks. I have so been itching for a rematch with Jason. He think he is so cool because he evolved. Later!".He went back into his ball as Bob said,"Go Solar!".The Seed Pokemon came out as Nancy said,"Go Vileplume!".The Flower Pokemon came out as the ref said,"Begin!".
"Razor Leaf!" said Nancy."Block it with Sludge Bomb!" said Bob.The leaves were trapped in the poison attack and Bob said,"Sunny Day! Energy Ball!".The ball grew stronger as Nancy said,"Break it with Sludge Bomb!".The ball was destroyed by poison as Solar said,"So what do we do Bob? I mean she is the same type as me. What are we going to do?"."I have an idea. Eat your Energy Ball!" said Bob."What is he thinking?" said Ayano."Who knows with Bob?" said Ashley.
Solar ate the ball and his bulb glowed."Sweet! I feel stronger. Lets win this!" said Solar."Right Solar. Solar Beam, Petal Dance, Power Whip, and Frenzy Plant!" said Bob.The four moves combined into one and the Flower Pokemon was knocked out."Winner Solar!" said the ref."Nice. Bob is always fulled of surprises. His battle style works around that." said Sonia.He glowed as Bob said,"Cool.".A Venusaur stood there and he soothes the arena.
Nancy said,"Bob. Lets have two double battles. That sound good to you?"."Sure. Return Solar! Go Zero and Drake!" said Bob.The two came out as Nancy said,"I see. You picked these two because they work well together."."Yep. Me and Drake were caught around the same time. I won't forget this battle Nancy of the Viridian City Gym." said Zero."Yeah." said Drake."Go Seadra and Pinsir!" said Nancy.The Dragon Pokemon came out with the Stag Beetle Pokemon and the ref said,"Begin!".
"Lets start things with Swords Dance!" said Bob.The two's attack grew strong as Nancy said,"Brine Seadra! Brick Break Pinsir!".The two fired their attack and they dodge it.Laura saw that Drake went underground and Zero dodged it with incredible speed."Steel Wing Zero! Dragon Claw Drake!" said Bob.The two Pokemon combined their attacks on the Dragon Pokemon."Hydro Pump Drake!" said Nancy."Protect Drake! After her Zero!" said Bob.
Drake blocked the attack and he was pushed back.The Dragon Pokemon was trying to hit Zero but he dodge the attacks with his speed."Metal Claw and Shadow Claw Drake!" said Bob.He ran toward the Stag Beetle Pokemon as Nancy said,"Block it with your pincers Pinsir!".He block the attack as Nancy said,"You are very strong Bob but you forgot about Zero. Seadra show him your Ice Beam!".She charged up the attack and Bob said,"You got this Zero!".
The Bug/Flying Pokemon took the attack as he said,"This is nothing compared to my friends's Ice type attack. You want to swap dance partners Drake?"."Yeah." said Drake.The two swapped partners as Bob said,"Now! Air Slash Zero! Stone Edge Drake!".Both of Nancy's Pokemon slammed into each other and Bob said,"Hyper Beam Zero! Draco Meteor Drake!".The two moves knocked out both of Nancy's Pokemon and the ref said,"Winner Zero and Drake.".
The two shook hands with Pinsir and Seadra as Laura said,"Those two must love to battle."."Yeah. Zero is a warrior and Drake likes to have fun." said Sally.The two glowed as their evolved forms stood there."I feel stronger now Bob." said Zero."Yeah. We should get back to training for the Pokemon League back at the ranch." said Drake.Bob return the two as Nancy said,"Go Fearow and Slowbro!".The Beak Pokemon and the Hermit Crab Pokemon came out as Bob said,"Go Natsu and Rogue!".The two appeared and the ref said,"Begin!".
"Mega Evolve!" said the two.Slowbro's mega form stood there along with Natsu's X form."Show her your Fire Dragon's Iron Fist Natsu!" said Bob."Right!" said Natsu.He punched Fearow and Rogue fired a Water Shuriken at the bird."A tag team move. Slowbro! Hold that dragon with Psychic!" said Nancy.She held the Flame Pokemon in her grasp as Bob said,"Free Natsu with Dark Pulse Rogue!"."Yes." said Rogue.The Flame Pokemon was free as Bob said,"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!".
The two Pokemon were knocked into the air and Bob said,"Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon!".Their attacks combined as the two were knocked out."And the winner is Bob from Pallet Town!" said the ref.Bob return his Pokemon as Nancy said,"Bob. May you please come with me please?"."Okay." said Bob.He followed her along with Hope.The others went back to the Pokemon Center to wait for Bob and Hope.
Bob stood there deeper into the Gym and Nancy stood in front of her with her back turned to him."What is it?" said Bob."Did you have a dream recently about you being on a island?" said Nancy."Yeah. How do you know about it?" said Bob."I had a guess. Your eyes are showing the Phoenix Pokemon inside of them." said Nancy."Phoenix Pokemon? I have never heard of that one. You are talking about Moltres and Ho-Oh right Nancy?" said Bob.
Nancy said,"She is a lot like your Megaros. She is the only one of her kind. Her Psychic Powers connect to Aura users. Her name is Phoenix."."I see. I better get going." said Bob.He walked off the gym holding his Earth Badge."I wonder if she has something to do with Mewtwo. Oh well, time to get some training done. Ready Hope? I was thinking of using you in the league." said Bob.She chipped yes as they head to the Pokemon Center.
Next time,
Bob return back to Pallet Town and we also meet Bart and Sophia.Finally!
Pokedex Stuff
Kingler, the Pincer Pokemon. Kingler has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because the claw is so heavy, the Pokemon quickly tired. This Pokemon knows Brine, Bubble Beam, Crabhammer, Protect, Vice Grip, Mud Shot, Metal Claw, Stomp, Slam, Hone Claws, Guillotine, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Rain Dance, Dig, Brick Break, Double Team, Snore, Rest, Attract, False Swipe, Giga Impact, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Surf, Cut, Strength, Dive, Ancient Power, Super Power, and Water Pulse.
Solar, the Seed Pokemon. There is a large flower on Venusaur's back. The flower is said to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight. The flower's aroma soothes the emotions of people.
Scizor, the Pincer Pokemon. Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. This Pokemon flaps its wings to regulate its body temperature. This Pokemon learned Bullet Punch, Metal Claw, Iron Head, Venoshock, Double Team, Strength, and Superpower.
Drake, the Mach Pokemon. It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape.
I swear to my lord Arceus that the new story will have the main female not have letter A for her first name.Also Bob and said girl in this story won't get together yet because I am pretty sure that a normal eleven year old didn't like girls just yet.I could be wrong about that so don't listen to me.I am not a love expert.I would mostly like be a love beginner.
You will also find my favorite Pokemon from Pokemon Uranium at the end of this.I don't own this.You should give credit to the creators.If you want to find where, check out the Pokemon Uranium Wiki.You may be asking why I am talking about this.I want to give credit to an amazing Pokemon Hack.It is better than Gold and Sliver plus the remakes to me.Also it gives so hints to some other custom Pokemon which will appear.
Ashley woke up in her room.She was woke up by someone training their Pokemon for their battle with Nancy.She had a good idea who but she was curious to say the least.She was staying with Sally and Ayano at the Virdian City Pokemon Center.She walked downstairs and outside of the Pokemon Center.She saw Bob training with Solar, Jack, Zero, Drake, Natsu, and Rogue.
Bob decided on these six due to Shawn, Sonia, and Laura's advice on Nancy's team for her gym battle.She mainly use the Pokemon that she had on her journey so if you find out what she used back then.You got this battle but take Nancy serious.Bob saw Ashley and he said,"Guys. Stop for a sec.".The six Pokemon sighed in relief as Bob said,"It isn't that bad.".Drake and Natsu then fired out a weak Flamethrower burning Bob."Very funny you guys." said Bob.
He stood there and Ashley said,"I thought you would be roasted Bob."."Bob is stronger than he was a week ago. Him training with Hope and Roy made him stronger." said Jack."I see. So does Nancy know about you picking these Pokemon?" said Ashley."No Ashley. Bob keeps his team for everything a secret even to his very close friends." said Solar."I see. Why didn't you tell me this Bob?" said Ashley."Bob would say what Solar said Ashley." said Zero."I wasn't asking you Zero." said Ashley."He is right." said Bob.
Ashley sighed as she said,"Shouldn't you get some sleep for tomorrow?"."Yeah but Rogue woke me up along with Drake." said Bob."We wanted to train for tomorrow. Nancy is rumored to be the strongest Gym Leader in Kanto. We want to be prepared for anything tomorrow." said Rogue."Yeah." said Natsu and Drake."Okay. We will train in the morning." said Bob.He return the six Pokemon and the two trainers walked inside.
Bob saw that he was in an laboratory."Where am I? Is this a dream or an Aura Projection?" thought Bob.He then saw Mewtwo from Saffron City in a test tube sleeping or recharging.Bob couldn't tell."Okay. Where am I? It feels like I haven't left Viridan City." thought Bob."Wake up you freak." said a voice.Bob then hid as he saw Tad.The teen scientist looked angry and Bob thought,"I guess me taking his four experiments made him pissed off.".
The Genetic Pokemon woke up and he said,"What do you want human? I am trying to recharge after the last couple of jobs. Your boss has needed me a lot lately. Is something wrong with the amazing Team Rocket? I thought the great Team Rocket was invincible."."You should shut up. I think you would want to serve us or do you want me to hurt your friend?" said Tad.The Pokemon was silent as Tad said,"Good. Now head into your armor. This mission is going to be an interesting one.".The two walked off as Bob thought,"Time to go explore this place."
Bob walked off as he thought,"So where is this base? And how did I get here?".He then saw that he was on a island.He looked down and he saw a city.It look very heavily populated and he also saw a battle stadium below."Wow." thought Bob.He then sense something and he followed it.It had a strong aura and Bob was more curious.He opened the door and he saw a Pokemon trapped in a cage.It looked the legendary Phoenix mixed with a dragon.It looked really strong and Bob went toward it.
Bob then woke up in his bed sweating."You alright man?" said Shawn."Yeah. I just had a dream that I was in the desert without any water." said Bob."I see. I hope you are ready for Nancy Bob. Her and her Fearow are really strong." said Shawn."Gotcha. I got a plan for him. Lets go meet up with the girls." said Bob."Right man." said Shawn.Bob grabbed his bag and he thought,"What was that? It felt way too real to be a dream. I wonder if Grandpa knows anything.".
The two then saw Sally and Ayano teasing Ashley about something."Hey Bobby. Good morning." said Sally.She hugged him as Ayano said with a smirk,"I am guessing that she is ready for your battle against Nancy Bob."."I guess that. We are actually going to the Battle Chateau." said Bob."Yeah. Ashley only has four more battles until she becomes a Grand Duchess." said Shawn."That sounds like fun." said Sally."Yeah. Lets go." said Ashley.She grabbed Bob's arm as the two girls carried him.Ayano and Shawn followed them.
Ashley was on the floor in front of the Battle Chateau as Sally said,"Wow. I can't believe it."."Yeah. Why would it have to be closed today?" said Ashley.Shawn read the paper on the door as he said,"According to this, someone broke the battle field."."Who?" said Ayano."It doesn't say who." said Shawn."I got an idea who." said Bob."Who?" said Ashley."I sense a familiar Aura and he is nearby." said Bob.Ashley then saw Paul standing there and she said,"Paul. You destroy the Battle Chateau.".
Paul said,"Oh look. It is the loser patrol plus Paul. What are you doing here?"."Who is this?" said Sally."This is Paul Shinji. He is Bob's rival." said Ayano."Actually he is my rival. So do you have eight badges yet Bob? Or does Bob need daddy's help?" said Paul."He is actually get his badge today." said Shawn."Really? That is pretty sad. I mean I have double your amount." said Paul."You have sixteen badges?" said Bob."I thought it was only possible to get 8." said Ashley."Fine. I will show you losers." said Paul.
The five then saw the badge case with 16 badges as Paul said,"They were nothing to my Pokemon. I was thinking of challenge the Gym Leader here in Viridian City. I heard that she is strong but I have other things to do. I was invited to the battle tournament on New Island."."New Island?" said Ayano and Sally."Yeah. It is for the best of the best aka me. I better get going. Later losers." said Paul.
He walked off as Shawn said,"I am impress that it didn't get to you man."."Yeah. I am way more mature than you think." said Bob.Hope came out of his bag and she nestled into her arms."So why isn't she talking like it was back on Cinnabar Island?" said Ashley."She is still a baby and her aura is still growing. This is from one of my uncle's books mind you but he seems to know what he is talking about most of the time." said Bob."I see. We better get to the gym then." said Ayano."Yeah. Bob is going to be awesome." said Stella.
The five headed toward the Gym and Bob saw Laura and Sonia standing there with a boy.He looked to be about 13 years old.He has brown hair under his white hat, blue eyes, and he was smiling."Isn't that Professor Birch's son?" said Ashley."Yeah. Brendan Birch." said Shawn."I wonder how he made friends with Laura and Sonia so quick." said Ayano."I think he is like me guys. I can make friends with anyone quick like in a second." said Bob.Hope smiled as Sally said,"You are so right.".
Brendan walked over to them as he said,"So which one of you is Bob?"."I am sir." said Bob."Sweet. My old man talks about you like you are a freaking god. You look pretty strong and your Togepi is pretty cute." said Brendan.Hope smiled as Laura said,"Hey you guys. I heard about the Battle Chateau. I'm sorry Ashley."."It is fine Laura. I am here to cheer on Bob." said Ashley.
"See? She is always known as the positive member of our group while Shawn is our lovable loner." said Sonia."Huh?" said Sally and Ayano."You will understand later." said Bob."I want to know." said Laura."Our group is very special. We all have been together since I was five. I am the oldest of the group but we have always been together." said Bob."That is pretty sweet." said Brendan.
The eight walked inside.Bob then saw the battle arena of the Viridian City Gym.It was so big and Bob was shocked and amazed."Wow. I really want to battle here now. I mean it is makes the other gym's arena look terrible in comparison." said Bob."Yeah. It is awesome." said Brendan."So where is Nancy you guys?" said Sally."She is right here." said a voice.Stella noticed that the roof was opening up.She then saw Nancy along with a man on her Fearow.
He had long dark red hair, gray eyes, and a serious look on him.He looked at Bob and he said,"Hey Red's kid. You here to challenge Nancy?"."Yep. You here to cheer me Uncle Sliver?" said Bob."He is your uncle? I thought Arthur was." said Ayano."He is. I have two uncles." said Bob.Laura was about to ask a question as Shawn said,"It is pretty complicated."."That is pretty weird. Right Hope?" said Brendan.She nod her head as Sliver said,"Don't go easy on him. He is like Red. He is strong despite his looks.".
Sliver walked off as Ashley said,"He is the opposite of Red and Arthur."."Yeah. You ready to go Bob? I won't be going easy on you." said Nancy."Yep. Brendan. You don't mind holding Hope?" said Bob."I don't mind at all. My grandparents run the day care. I am great with kids." said Brendan.The seven were in the stands as the ref stood there."This will be a six on six Pokemon Battle. The challenger may switch out his Pokemon. Trainers." said the ref.
Nancy said,"Go Politoed!".The Frog Pokemon came out as Bob said,"He may look dopey but I won't doubt your strength. Go Jack!".He came out as the ref said,"Begin!"."Bubble Beam!" said Nancy."Block it with your Bubble Beam!" said Bob.The two attacks blocked each other and Nancy said,"Show him your Focus Blast!".The attack went toward Jack as Bob said,"Protect!".He went back as Jack said,"Wow. I will never doubt a person by their looks every again."."Yeah. Lets show him your Crabhammer!" said Bob.
He then hit the Frog Pokemon on the head and he was confused."Now show him your strongest move! Crab Hammer from the Heavens!" said Bob.He jumped up high and the group saw Jack's Crabhammer glow a bright light.It then hit the Frog Pokemon and it knocked him out."The winner is Jack!" said the ref.Jack said,"Don't mess with the Claw!".Bob sighed as Shawn said,"Bob's Pokemon all have distinct personality. You should meet Thunder.".
Jack glowed as Brendan said,"Wow! Does that happen a lot?"."Yeah. Bob's Pokemon evolve whenever they want." said Sally.A Kingler stood there as he walked over to me.He smiled as he said,"Thanks. I have so been itching for a rematch with Jason. He think he is so cool because he evolved. Later!".He went back into his ball as Bob said,"Go Solar!".The Seed Pokemon came out as Nancy said,"Go Vileplume!".The Flower Pokemon came out as the ref said,"Begin!".
"Razor Leaf!" said Nancy."Block it with Sludge Bomb!" said Bob.The leaves were trapped in the poison attack and Bob said,"Sunny Day! Energy Ball!".The ball grew stronger as Nancy said,"Break it with Sludge Bomb!".The ball was destroyed by poison as Solar said,"So what do we do Bob? I mean she is the same type as me. What are we going to do?"."I have an idea. Eat your Energy Ball!" said Bob."What is he thinking?" said Ayano."Who knows with Bob?" said Ashley.
Solar ate the ball and his bulb glowed."Sweet! I feel stronger. Lets win this!" said Solar."Right Solar. Solar Beam, Petal Dance, Power Whip, and Frenzy Plant!" said Bob.The four moves combined into one and the Flower Pokemon was knocked out."Winner Solar!" said the ref."Nice. Bob is always fulled of surprises. His battle style works around that." said Sonia.He glowed as Bob said,"Cool.".A Venusaur stood there and he soothes the arena.
Nancy said,"Bob. Lets have two double battles. That sound good to you?"."Sure. Return Solar! Go Zero and Drake!" said Bob.The two came out as Nancy said,"I see. You picked these two because they work well together."."Yep. Me and Drake were caught around the same time. I won't forget this battle Nancy of the Viridian City Gym." said Zero."Yeah." said Drake."Go Seadra and Pinsir!" said Nancy.The Dragon Pokemon came out with the Stag Beetle Pokemon and the ref said,"Begin!".
"Lets start things with Swords Dance!" said Bob.The two's attack grew strong as Nancy said,"Brine Seadra! Brick Break Pinsir!".The two fired their attack and they dodge it.Laura saw that Drake went underground and Zero dodged it with incredible speed."Steel Wing Zero! Dragon Claw Drake!" said Bob.The two Pokemon combined their attacks on the Dragon Pokemon."Hydro Pump Drake!" said Nancy."Protect Drake! After her Zero!" said Bob.
Drake blocked the attack and he was pushed back.The Dragon Pokemon was trying to hit Zero but he dodge the attacks with his speed."Metal Claw and Shadow Claw Drake!" said Bob.He ran toward the Stag Beetle Pokemon as Nancy said,"Block it with your pincers Pinsir!".He block the attack as Nancy said,"You are very strong Bob but you forgot about Zero. Seadra show him your Ice Beam!".She charged up the attack and Bob said,"You got this Zero!".
The Bug/Flying Pokemon took the attack as he said,"This is nothing compared to my friends's Ice type attack. You want to swap dance partners Drake?"."Yeah." said Drake.The two swapped partners as Bob said,"Now! Air Slash Zero! Stone Edge Drake!".Both of Nancy's Pokemon slammed into each other and Bob said,"Hyper Beam Zero! Draco Meteor Drake!".The two moves knocked out both of Nancy's Pokemon and the ref said,"Winner Zero and Drake.".
The two shook hands with Pinsir and Seadra as Laura said,"Those two must love to battle."."Yeah. Zero is a warrior and Drake likes to have fun." said Sally.The two glowed as their evolved forms stood there."I feel stronger now Bob." said Zero."Yeah. We should get back to training for the Pokemon League back at the ranch." said Drake.Bob return the two as Nancy said,"Go Fearow and Slowbro!".The Beak Pokemon and the Hermit Crab Pokemon came out as Bob said,"Go Natsu and Rogue!".The two appeared and the ref said,"Begin!".
"Mega Evolve!" said the two.Slowbro's mega form stood there along with Natsu's X form."Show her your Fire Dragon's Iron Fist Natsu!" said Bob."Right!" said Natsu.He punched Fearow and Rogue fired a Water Shuriken at the bird."A tag team move. Slowbro! Hold that dragon with Psychic!" said Nancy.She held the Flame Pokemon in her grasp as Bob said,"Free Natsu with Dark Pulse Rogue!"."Yes." said Rogue.The Flame Pokemon was free as Bob said,"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!".
The two Pokemon were knocked into the air and Bob said,"Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon!".Their attacks combined as the two were knocked out."And the winner is Bob from Pallet Town!" said the ref.Bob return his Pokemon as Nancy said,"Bob. May you please come with me please?"."Okay." said Bob.He followed her along with Hope.The others went back to the Pokemon Center to wait for Bob and Hope.
Bob stood there deeper into the Gym and Nancy stood in front of her with her back turned to him."What is it?" said Bob."Did you have a dream recently about you being on a island?" said Nancy."Yeah. How do you know about it?" said Bob."I had a guess. Your eyes are showing the Phoenix Pokemon inside of them." said Nancy."Phoenix Pokemon? I have never heard of that one. You are talking about Moltres and Ho-Oh right Nancy?" said Bob.
Nancy said,"She is a lot like your Megaros. She is the only one of her kind. Her Psychic Powers connect to Aura users. Her name is Phoenix."."I see. I better get going." said Bob.He walked off the gym holding his Earth Badge."I wonder if she has something to do with Mewtwo. Oh well, time to get some training done. Ready Hope? I was thinking of using you in the league." said Bob.She chipped yes as they head to the Pokemon Center.
Next time,
Bob return back to Pallet Town and we also meet Bart and Sophia.Finally!
Pokedex Stuff
Kingler, the Pincer Pokemon. Kingler has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because the claw is so heavy, the Pokemon quickly tired. This Pokemon knows Brine, Bubble Beam, Crabhammer, Protect, Vice Grip, Mud Shot, Metal Claw, Stomp, Slam, Hone Claws, Guillotine, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Rain Dance, Dig, Brick Break, Double Team, Snore, Rest, Attract, False Swipe, Giga Impact, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Surf, Cut, Strength, Dive, Ancient Power, Super Power, and Water Pulse.
Solar, the Seed Pokemon. There is a large flower on Venusaur's back. The flower is said to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight. The flower's aroma soothes the emotions of people.
Scizor, the Pincer Pokemon. Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. This Pokemon flaps its wings to regulate its body temperature. This Pokemon learned Bullet Punch, Metal Claw, Iron Head, Venoshock, Double Team, Strength, and Superpower.
Drake, the Mach Pokemon. It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape.
#038 | ![]() | Pajay | Flying | Fire |
#080 | ![]() | Coatlith | Grass | Dragon |
#082 | ![]() | Inflagetah | Fire |
#086 | ![]() | Chimaconda | Fire | Poison |
#088 | ![]() | Dermafrost | Rock | Ice |
#090 | ![]() | Theriamp | Rock | Electric |
#091 | ![]() | Titanice | Ice |
#094 | ![]() | Frynai | Water | Steel |
#095 | ![]() | Saidine | Water | Steel |
#096 | ![]() | Daikatuna | Water | Steel |
#097 | ![]() | Selkid | Water | Fairy |
#098 | ![]() | Syrentide | Water | Fairy |
#099 | ![]() | Masking | Psychic | |
#100 | ![]() | Dramsama | Psychic | Ghost |
#102 | ![]() | Jackdeary | Fairy | Fighting |
#103 | ![]() | Winotinger | Fairy | Fighting |
#104 | ![]() | Chupacho | Poison | |
#105 | ![]() | Luchabra | Poison | Fighting |
#106 | ![]() | Linkite | Ghost | |
#107 | ![]() | Chainite | Ghost | Dark |
#108 | ![]() | Gargryph | Rock |
#119 | ![]() | Nucleon | Nuclear |
#123 | ![]() | Shrimputy | Water | Fire |
#124 | ![]() | Krillvolver | Water | Fire |
#125 | ![]() | Lavent | Fire | Dragon |
#126 | ![]() | Pufluff | Ice | Fairy |
#127 | ![]() | Alpico | Ice | Fairy |
#128 | ![]() | Anderind | Ice | Ground |
#129 | ![]() | Fafurr | Ice | Dragon |
#130 | ![]() | Fafninter | Ice | Dragon |
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