Saturday, June 7, 2014

Yugioh GX one off The Start of a New Game!

New cards will be bold and check the previous story for card info and I don't own this.

A boy was sitting on a boat heading toward Duel Academy,an island of Dueling.He had black hair and blue eyes.You couldn't see his clothes because he was wearing a suit of armor which was black and red and he had a sword on his back and a black, red, and white duel on his left arm.He was sleeping and then he sense his spirit Dark Magician Girl or Mana."Bob! Wake up!" yelled Mana.

She then hit him with her wand and he said,"Really? You want to me to pissed off?"."No but you wouldn't hurt a pretty girl." said Mana."I would. So what do you want?" said Bob."Jinzo told me to tell you that we are near the island. Why are we going here anyway?" said Mana."I think this would be a great break from my training and I want to see my old friend." said Bob."Yeah but isn't your sister going there?" said Mana."Yeah but I can handled her. She is my sister after all." said Bob."Yeah but she is so annoying." said Mana.

"That is what family is Mana. You feel that way with Mahad." said Bob."But he is no fun." said Mana."Whatever. Get back. Tell Jinzo to part the boat in the harbor smoothly." said Bob.He then went back to asleep as the boat went even faster.

A boy woke up in the Slifer Red Dorm loudly walking his taller roommate."Sorry Jay but I am going to be late for the opening ceremonies." said the boy.He ran down the stairs and he ran into a girl."Syrus? Are you alright?" said a girl.It was Sakura Hikari, a second year student just like him.She had pink hair and blue eyes. "Yeah Sakura. I have to get going!" said Syrus.

He then ran off and Sakura saw Alexis.She was a second year student along with Sakura and they are best friends like sisters even.She had dirty blond hair and hazel eyes."Guess Jaden taught him something else beside his confidence." said Alexis."Yeah. Do you think Jaden is still asleep?" said Sakura."Yep." said Alexis.

She then opened the door and she grab a air horn.Sakura covered her ears and Alexis turned it on.Jaden woke up and he said,"Oh hey Alexis and Sakura. What's up?".He then got out of his bed.He had brown hair and brown eyes and his hair was always in a mess."Your sister is coming here today right?" said Alexis."Yeah. So?" said Jaden."Shouldn't you be happy?" said Sakura."Me and her don't see eye to eye." said Jaden."I see." said Alexis.

Sakura then found his PDA had a message."Hey Jaden. Your PDA has a message." said Sakura."Really? From who?" said Jaden."Some guy named Bob. You know him?" said Sakura."Bob? I'll be right back!" yelled Jaden.He was gone as Alexis said,"I wonder who this Bob guy is?".

Jaden was walking down to the harbor with the two girls and Alexis said,"So Bob is an old friend?"."Yep. Me and him have been friends since we were 7. You guys will like him." said Jaden."Really? So when was the last time you saw him?" said Sakura."1 year ago. He went to go do some training with his dad." said Jaden."Whose is his dad?" said Alexis."You will love him. It is..." said Jaden.He fell into the ocean and a boy's voice said,"Smooth move Jaden.".

Jaden then saw a boat with his friend Bob."Bob!" said Jaden.The boat then parked into the harbor and Bob helped him out of the water.Sakura noticed him.

He had a sword on his back and he was wearing a suit of armor which was black like Dark Blade with a black, red, and white duel disk.He looked very mysterious and she asked herself why Jaden would someone like that when he is the complete opposite of him in every way.

"So you must be Bob? My name is Alexis Rhodes and this is my friend Sakura Hikari. You a transfer student?" said Alexis."Nope, I am new and my name is Robert Percival Moto or Bob. You probably know my father." said Bob."Your dad can't be the King of Games?" said Sakura."Yep. His dad is Yugi and his mom is Rebecca Hawkins and his sister is my sister's best friend." said Jaden.

"She found you yet?" said Bob."Nope." said Jaden."Thank you Ra." said Bob."So Bob? What dorm are you in?" said Sakura."No clue." said Bob."Maybe Chancellor Sheppard will help?" said Alexis."Who is that?" said Bob."Our principal." said Jaden and Sakura."Okay then. Lets go." said Bob.The three students walked off as Bob turned the boat into part of his suit.

Syrus ran into his friend Bastion.He was a Ra Yellow and he was really smart."What happened Syrus?" said Bastion."Nothing. I'm just excited for the new freshman." said Syrus."So they can beat you?" said a voice.

It was Chazz Princeton,the richest kid on campus and he flaunts it like nothing else."No. I mean I think Jaden's sister is in there." said Syrus."So you think that just because you are Jaden's best friend? You can date his sister?" said Bastion."I didn't think you had in it you pipsqueak?" said Chazz."No!bI just wanted to meet her is all!" yelled Syrus.The two then laughed at the boy.

Bob was walking with his friend's female friends."So do they like him or what?! Whatever. Jaden won't notice it." thought Bob."So Bob? Where were you before you came here?" said Sakura."Training." said Bob."Training for what?" said Alexis."Just training." said Bob."He isn't that social." said Jaden."He is right. So are we almost there? I have been on that boat for 2 days now and I am getting tired." said Bob."Yep." said Alexis. She stood in front of the office and Bob said,"Thanks Alexis, Jaden, and Sakura. I'll see you guys later.".

He walked in and Alexis said,"He is nice?"."Yeah Bob is the best friend that a guy could have. He is so cool. You should see his deck." said Jaden."That sounds cool." said Sakura."Are you all right Sakura?" said Alexis."Yeah. Just tired is all." said Sakura."I see." said Alexis.The three reached the main battle field and Jaden walked toward where Syrus was sitting."You made it! How?" said Syrus."Alexis and Sakura." said Jaden."That makes sense." said Syrus.

Jaden then looked around and Syrus said,"What is wrong man?"."Nothing!" said Jaden."That is a lie." said Syrus."I can't lie to you little buddy. It is my sister. We don't get along well." said Jaden."That makes sense. It is like me and Zane." said Syrus."Yeah." said Jaden.

Then Sheppard came out with a man/woman.That was Vellian Crowler,the head professor."Welcome students. Let me introduce you to the new students joining us this year." said Sheppard.Then several blues and yellows came out and one red."That sucks for you Jaden." said Chazz."Do you always have to be mean to everyone Chazz?" said Alexis.

She and Sakura sat with Jaden and Syrus and Chazz said,"Ah my sweets. Me and Jaden are friends right?"."Yeah. We are friends." said Jaden."Okay then Chazz. So where is your sister Jaden?" said Sakura.She was looking for Bob but she didn't say it."Right there." said Jaden.

The group then saw her.She looked like a female Jaden except for the hair because it was controlled."Wow. She looks like you. So who is the girl next to her?" said Syrus.She had short black hair and she was very cute."That is Bob's sister Rose." said Jaden."Who is Bob?" said Chazz and Syrus.

Then the people in the main battle stadium saw Bob where the lights were."Who is that?" said the two."Bob." said the girls."Really?" said the two.Bob then said,"From the frozen north to the scorching south comes the hero to rock your world.".He then jumped down and Jaden's friends said,"Is he crazy?"."Nope." said Jaden.

Bob then landed on the ground and everyone was hit with a lot of wind."Anyway meet Bob. He is the son of the King of Games along with his sister. Can you come up here Rose?" said Sheppard.

She walked up and she stood next to her brother and she said,"Why did you have to be my brother?"."You love me sister." said Bob."Anyway? Why are you even here? I thought that you were training." said Rose."I am talking a break from it." said Bob."Whatever. See you around." said Rose.

She walked off as Bob thought,"Same old Rose.".He then saw Crowler and he said,"So are you supposed to be the nurse? I mean not to be mean or anything miss but you look like a man."."You little twerp! My name is Doctor Vellian Crowler! You are just some kid!" yelled Crowler."So you have a doctorate in what miss?" said Bob.

"I am a man and I have in dueling." said Crowler."You are a man? And they give doctorate in that? Times have certain changed." said Bob."I challenge you to a duel!" said Crowler."Um sure. You don't mind chancellor?" said Bob."Yes. This will be nice for the students to see a duel." said Sheppard.

Then Rose sat next to Jaden's sister Jamie.She then said,"Your brother is so weird sometimes. I mean sometimes he is so chill and then he is challenging the head professor.".Rose then saw Luke.He was the only Slifer Red Student in their class and he was a little shy."Hey Luke!" yelled Rose.

Luke then saw his only friend and he said,"Hey Jamie and Rose. What's up?"."Why don't you come up here and sit with us?" said Rose."Yeah Luke." said Jamie.He sat next to Rose and he thought,"Yes!".He had a crush on her and he said,"So why do you think your brother challenged Crowler?"."No clue. With Bob, it is asking yourself questions that you can't answer." said Rose."Yep." said Jamie."Oh." said Luke.

Bob stood there and Crowler said,"Are you ready to lose there Bob?"."Nope but give it your best shot." said Bob."I will let you go first you spoiled brat!" said Crowler."Okay then." said Bob.

He then drew a card and he said,"I first summon Ice Warrior in attack mode!".Then a warrior made of ice came out and he said to Bob inside his head,"I hate to be rude young master but who is the tranny?"."That is the head professor but more important your opponent so treat him with the respect that you deserve." said Bob."Okay Bob." said Ice Warrior."I then play Icicle Stab which allows me to attack this turn." said Bob.Crowler then lost 1600 life points and then Bob said,"I end my turn with a face down.".

"That was an pathetic move. I play Pot of Greed and then I play Triple Sacrifice to bring out my three Ancient Gear Solider!" said Crowler.Then three ancient robots came out and then Crowler said,"I play the spell card Three Monster Sacrifice to bring my Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem!".Then a weird looking golem came out and Crowler said,"Attack!".Bob then lost 2800 life points along with the ice warrior and he said,"I end my turn.".

Bob then stood there and Crowler said,"Have you never gotten hit before?"."Nope. I have but in this duel, I am feeling the Power!".He then said,"I activate my facedown. It is Icy Retribution! I can now summon a monster with a similar attack points. So I summon my Future Hero!".

Then a futuristic hero came out and he said,"Have no fear!I am here to save you!"."Okay! I then play the spell Mini Heroes!" said Bob.He then brought out three mini heroes and then Bob said,"Time to activate my Three Monster Sacrifice! I send these three to the grave so I can bring out my strongest monster. Time to bring out Armageddon!".

Then a dark hero came out and Jaden said,"That monster is still so cool!"."He is actually pretty scary." said Syrus."You think a spider is scary pipsqueak. That monster looks strong." said Chazz."That is a weird monster. I have never seen him before." said Bastion."Really Bastion?" said Sakura."Bob is a interesting guy that is for sure." said Alexis.

"This is actually interesting." said Armageddon."Right. Time to win this! You two charge with Power!" said Bob."Right!" said the two heroes.

They destroyed the robot and Crowler flew off the stage."The winner is Bob." said Sheppard."Later." said Bob.He then sat there in a peaceful state as Sheppard said,"And this is the duel that you expect from us here at Duel Academy.".The crowd dispersed as Jaden said,"Just like Bob. His duels are in his words powerful.". "I better get going. These freshman girls need to meet the Chazz!" said Chazz.He walked off as Bastion said,"I better get studying."."Wait for me!" said Syrus.

The two walked off as Sakura said,"He is so cool."."So you like him?" said Alexis."What! I mean we just met and all." said Sakura."I don't get it but I am going to wake him up." said Jaden."Huh?" said the girls.

Bob then woke up to Jaden."Hey man. Enjoy the duel?" said Bob."Heck yeah. I mean Armageddon looks stronger!" said Jaden."Well, he is my strongest monster and he is the person who trains a lot." said Bob.Then Sheppard said,"Jaden. Do you mind if Bob stays with you?"."It is no problem at all Chancellor." said Jaden."That is good." said Sheppard.

He walked off as Alexis said,"So Bob? I have a question for you?"."Ask away." said Bob."What is with the armor? Why do you wear it?" said Alexis."It is the armor that restraint my powers. It may be bulky but it works." said Bob."I see." said Alexis."I better get going." said Bob."Where are you going Bob?" said Sakura."Sprucing up the place." said Bob.

Jaden walked back to his dorm and he opened the door to his room and he saw Bob out of his suit and the room was changed.Bob was wearing a green shirt and his abs were shown and he was wearing sweat pants.It now had a flat screen, a lot of video games, a mini fridge, a closet, and two beds.

"Nice Bob. But where is Syrus's bed?" said Jaden."Syrus was his name? He says that he is going to stay at some guy named Bastion. You know him?" said Bob."Oh sweet." said Jaden.He sat on his bed and Bob said,"So do you want to see something really cool?"."Yeah?" said Jaden."Oh Alfred!" said Bob.

Jaden then saw a robotic butler appeared under the kitchen sink and he said,"Yes Master Bob?"."This is your other master Alfred and his name is Jaden. Get us some snacks." said Bob."Yes masters." said Alfred.He left as Jaden said,"How?"."I learned how." said Bob."Sweet." said Jaden.

He came back as Bob said,"Care for a video game session?"."Yeah!" said Jaden.The two sat there and Bob said,"This is going to be fun."."Hey Bob? Are you a 1st year?" said Jaden."Nope. Second year like you." said Bob."Sweet." said Jaden.

Next time,
A duel on boats!

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