Sunday, June 22, 2014

Crossover High part 1 The Prophecy

I promise that this will be the Crossover high not a one off.

Welcome boys and girls, I am your narrator of this fair story.Our story begins in Mono City in a house, a boy was sleeping in his bed.He is the hero of our story and this is an understatement because of the many heroes in our fair story.His name is Robert Percival X or Bob because his name is so long.He is a normal boy who lives in the city of heroes but his true destiny is about to be realized by him and his friends.

Bob woke up in his bed.He then looked in his mirror.He is your normal high school junior but he had these glowing red eyes which made him look like a vampire.

He then went into his shower and he started it.He walked out and he put on his best friend Danny's parents the Fenton Ghost Peeler, Fenton Phones, and Azmuth's newest weapon which is a gun which contains several different aliens powers inside it.He then put on his shirt which had the logo of a Triforce.

He walked downstairs to see his best friend Danny eating his food."Hey Danny. You started eating my food again?" said Bob."Well excuse us for doing my job protecting you from ghosts every single day." said Danny."Yeah but I let you and Ben stay here after a another." said Bob.

He and Danny have been friends since they were second grade and they met Ben in third grade.Bob and Danny's girlfriend Sam were the first people to see Danny turned into Danny Phantom, the hero.He later saved the world from a Earth Destroying meteor and he gained a girlfriend aka Sam who Bob and Danny have known since second grade.

"So are you ready to be juniors?" said Danny."Yeah. I mean we have a crazy 2 years of high school left before we go to college." said Bob."You ready to go?" said Danny."No. I haven't ate all day." said Bob.He then poured himself some cereal and he ate it fast and he said,"Now I am.".

The two walked to school and they were stopped by Ben who was one of his aliens aka Heatblast."Oh hey guys. Let me finished this guy up with a nice scroching taste to him." said Heatblast.It was a giant insect and Heatblast burned it and he turned back to normal.

Ben then gained the Omnitrix from the super smart Alien known as Azmuth and he later became a hero.With his grandfather's wisdom, he became a respected hero and when he turned 16, he gained Master Control."Hey guys." said Ben.

He walked over and Bob said,"That was an alien?"."I guess. One that the Omnitrix recognized." said Ben."Maybe it is one of Dr.Animo's creepy creations." said Danny.Then he remember last year where he, Danny, the Plumbers, and Bob in one of his dad's creations fought off the minions of the crazy doctors."Good times. We better get to school. I mean I better get going to class not everyone in this city has super powers." said Bob.

Bob then reached his locker at Revolution High.This is the school that most people go to.He opened it and he got a pie in his face."I got you Bob!" said a high pitched male.Bob then cleaned the pie off his face as Ben said,"These pranks are getting old Sora. I mean a pie?".

Sora was a keyblade master which in layman's terms is a giant key which he can hit people with."Sorry Benny. This prankster was something else on his mind.bOh yeah later!" said Sora.He then threw a pie at the alien hero and he ran off."Don't go after him." said Danny."I wasn't but Rath was." said Ben."Don't man. He isn't worth it." said Bob.He then handed Ben the towel and Ben said,"Thanks."."No problem." said Bob.

He then pushed into a locker while he was grabbing his books again."Oh yeah!" said a jock.It was Jess who is one of the main football players.The football team here was well regarded as gods not real gods but you know what I mean by that."Guess we can add another one to the list." said a generic jock.He had a checklist and he added another one checkmate to the list."Do you have to be such a big jerk Jess?" said a cheerleader."Whatever. Lets get to class ladies." said Jess.

He walked with his gang and then Danny used his powers to free Bob from his locker."Thanks Danny." said Bob."Are you alright Bob?" said the same cheerleader."Yeah Stella. No need to worry about me." said Bob.Stella Polar was a cheerleader for the Valkyries and she is a childhood friend of his.

"Yeah Stella. I mean Bob gets pushed into lockers since we got into middle school and look at him, he seems perfectly normal." said Danny."I wish that I can go alien and get revenge on them." said Ben."Yeah we could but we won't." said Bob and Stella."Whatever. Lets get to English." said Ben.He walked off as Danny said,"Maybe we should let him go alien once in a while."."Nah." said the two.

Bob was sitting in his desk in English and the teacher said,"Welcome back to Revolution and my class once again. Lets begin the year with a 20 page essay."."Oh come on Mr. Hubbard. Why can't you be fun?" said Danny."I am so sorry Mr. Fenton but we need to make sure that you learned something this summer." said Mr.Hubbard."Come on Alex. Be a nice teacher." said a woman.

Bob then saw the history teacher Ms. Violet.She was very beautiful and everyone loved her and Alex said,"Okay fine. We won't do it."."Yes! You rock Ms. Violet!" said the class except for Bob who was asleep."Thank you. I will see you all in History later." said Violet.She was gone as Alex said,"Now lets begin with the classic literature works.".

Bob woke up thanks to Stella."Morning." said Bob."You sleep through class again. I thought this was going to be a different year for us." said Stella."Huh?" said Bob."I mean for you." said Stella."Oh that makes sense." said Bob.She then thought,"Thank god he is so freaking dense.".You may have been able to tell but Stella likes Bob.

She gained a crush on him after him and his girlfriend breaking up and she decided on herself to be the perfect girlfriend for her best friend."So where are Ben and Danny?" said Bob."Um they went to their next class which was I think math." said Stella."Oh cool. What class is next?" said Bob."Science." said Stella."Oh." said Bob.

He sat outside of the school and he was staring at the sky."Man. You get kicked out of class so easy in there." said a boy.Bob then saw his friend Axel.Axel was part of the band known as Kingdom Hearts along with the Student Council President and he was a senior."Well you know me and science teachers." said Bob. "Yeah. You two don't mix whatsoever." said Axel.

He was referring to the well known science teacher Mr. Clint Weaver.The two didn't see eye to eye on many things so Bob and him hate each other with a passion."So what are you doing out of school?" said Bob."Ditching man. I mean this place is such a drag. Why are you even still here?" said Axel.Bob was a super genius about the same level as some aliens and he went to a public school not a super private school where his knowledge could be brought to a new level."Because I don't want to leave my friends." said Bob."I see." said Axel.

Bob then got grabbed by a tongue and Axel was teleported inside."You know this gets real old Attea." said Bob.Then a frog like human girl stood there and she said,"You know that you are just bait for him right?"."Yep but I don't have to like that." said Bob.

Then Ben stood there and he said,"Bob! Let him go Attea."."I will give you back your mortal friend if you marry me as Bullfrag." said Attea."Don't do it Ben." said Bob.

But then Bob was grabbed by a four armed princess warrior and Ben said,"Looma?"."Yes. I am here to take your friend so that you can be that hunk of yours." said Looma."Why am I always the guinea pig for this?" said Bob."No clue man." said Ben.

He then turned into Goop and he grabbed Bob and then placed him onto the ground."Thanks man." said Bob."No problem buddy." said Goop.The two princess then said,"Give him back!"."Guess they want you." said Goop."Not going to happen man." said Bob.He then made his gun and he said,"Time to fire a blast.".

He then blast the two girls off into space and Goop said,"That gun is way too powerful."."I know right because it is still awesome that I have this." said Bob.Goop went back to normal as Bob said,"So why did you pick Goop? I mean you could have used Ghostfreak or Frankenstrike or maybe even Water Hazard."."Did you want to be saved?" said Ben."Yeah but I like to see a diversity among your alien heroes." said Bob."Sometimes Bob. Anyway, you going back to class?" said Ben."Nah. I be at the table and don't worry. I will be fine." said Bob.

He sat under a tree for the rest of second which was science and then third period Computer Tech class which he, Ben. and Danny had together so his teacher was used to people not coming to class."This is nice. No teacher or Jess bugging me. This is the life." thought Bob.He then stood up as the lunch bell rang.

Bob then saw Stella walking toward him."Hey Stella."said Bob."I heard that from Ben that you ditch Mr. Weaver's class again." said Stella."Not my fault. He started it. I mean he doesn't believe in aliens when the perfect example of this is Ben." said Bob."So? Are you going to come to cheer me at practice?" said Stella."Of course I will. I mean what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't." said Bob."A bad one." said Stella.

"So where are Ben and Danny?" said Bob."They left class to stop a bank robbery. You should have notice this by now." said Stella."Oh. So what is for lunch today?" said Bob.She fed him everyday because Bob was really lazy in the morning."Something really good Bob." said Stella."Sweet." said Bob.

Danny was Danny Phantom and he was sneaking in with his intangibility.The bank was being held hostage by Rojo who just had stolen alien tech from some plumbers who were handing that giant insect from this morning and Danny stood there."Hey Ben. We might need Swampfire." said Danny."Right." said Ben.He then turned into Swampfire and he then broke the door down and then Rojo saw Swampfire and she said,"Distract Them!".

The grunts then attacked the alien and Danny then took over one of them and blasted one out as Swampfire took out the rest of them.He then changed into Fasttrack and he ran after Rojo as Danny flew after them after giving the tech back to the plumbers and the grunts to the cop.The two found her with the money and she said,"You two won't be able to beat me. I mean I have this.".She then held a bomb and she said,"Good luck catching this!".

She then threw it at Revolution and then Fasttrack turned into NRG and then he grabbed the bomb as Danny knocked out Rojo with a ghost blast."That was a close one partner." said NRG."Yeah. We better get back to school." said Danny."Right. Lets me put her in a prison." said NRG.

He then trapped in rope that would take a lot of time to break."We better get back to school. I promised that I would go spend time with Sam." said Danny."Fine. I got this. You spend time with your girlfriend." said NRG." Are you sure? I mean two are better than one." said Danny.He turned into Four Arms and he said,"I have this.".

Ben walked into the school and he said,"Sometimes putting crooks away is so so boring".He then heard the bell ring and he got slammed into a locker and he thought,"I really wish I turned into an alien when this happened.".

The crowd died down as Bob stood there."Hey Ben. You going to cheer Stella on?" said Bob."Nah. I have my makeup work to do. It sucks being a super hero sometimes but then you get the fame which it makes it worth it." said Ben."Oh. I'll tell Stella where you are then." said Bob.He ran off as Ben noticed something on his friend."Weird. I better get going." said Ben.

Bob sat in the bleachers and he was watching Stella and the Valkyries.He was staring at his bag which had his homework in it and he pulled out his science homework.Stella then looked at Bob and he seemed focused on it and she said,"I'll be right back.".

She walked up there and she then said,"Hey Bob.".He then said,"Hey Stella? You finished practice?"."No but why aren't you paying attention to me?" said Stella."I am Stella but I need to get this down or Mr. Weaver will fail me." said Bob.She then grab it and she said,"Watch and then you can do it later."."K Stella." said Bob.

She walked back as Bob noticed Axel and Cloud.Cloud was the Student Council President and also part of Kingdom Heart and a senior."Hey guys. Did you guys getting roped into this too?" said Bob."Yeah but Aries is so cool." said Axel.He then stared at the girl that he liked Aries.Aries is like the female Axel and she and him are funny to be around."Yeah and Namine dragged me here." said Cloud."So how is the Kingdom Hearts going?" said Bob."Good man. I mean we are getting bigger everyday thanks to me and Cloud being star students." said Axel."That is so good you guys. It is amazing on your end." said Bob.

Bob was walking home and he was staring at his phone.He then dropped Stella off at his house and he was so bored."Man this sucks." said Bob.He then saw his mailbox and he opened it.It had a letter from his dear old dad who was on a business trip.

He then opened the door and he threw his bag on his couch and walk up to the attic."This makes no sense. I mean I turned 17 only a few days ago and now he sends this to me." said Bob.He then opened the door and he looked for a treasure chest that was in here.

He then found it and then his phone played the legend of Zelda treasure chest opening sound."Man that was convenient." thought Bob.He then opened it and it was a scroll and he read it."What?! This can't be true!" yelled Bob.

Ben and Danny walked into their friends house and Ben said,"You home Bob?! Stella is worried sick about you man."."Yeah." said Danny.He then found the attic door opened and he looked and he saw Bob in a ball."I found him! Something shocked him." said Danny.He then grabbed him and Ben said,"You remember how to put him back to normal?"."Yeah. We need to borrow Buzzshock for a small shock." said Danny.

He turned into the alien and he shocked Bob back to normal."Oh hey guys. How long have I been in scared cat mode?" said Bob."2 days now. This is a record. So what happened this time?" said Buzzshock."This." said Bob.

Danny then grabbed the scroll and he read it as Buzzshock went back to normal."So what does it say?" said Ben."Bob is the chosen one." said Danny."Really? Our Bob?" said Ben."Yeah. It says that he comes from a planet very similar to Earth and it is called Mono City. It was very amazing and very powerful. Bob also has something in called the Power which gives him an assortment of powers. Check it out." said Danny.

Ben read it and Bob said,"So what does this mean exactly?"."You can be a superhero like me and Ben." said Danny."Cool." said Bob."We have a problem." said Ben."What is it? I couldn't read past the first part before I went into the ball mode." said Bob."You will have 5 girls going after you." said Ben."Dude.That is like a dream for every guy everywhere." said Danny."What do you mean by that Danny?" said Bob."Huh?" said Ben and Danny.The two then thought,"I forgot that he is so freaking dense."."So when is my training?" said Bob."Soon." said Ben."Cool." said Bob.

Next time,
Power comes into the scene and he takes Revolution and Mono City by storm.

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