Monday, June 30, 2014

Yugioh GX Episode 2 The First Duel at Duel Academy

Bob was sitting on the deck which had a pool nearby him.He was supposed to take a plane but due to one of his duel spirits having Aviophobia which is the fear of flying,the plane exploded due to it.Bob looked at the pool and he saw his spirits relaxing in there.Oh and this is early in the morning.He then heard his name being called," Daddy!".He walked over to the duel monsters spirit of Card Ejector who he treated as his daughter and he said," Yes?"." Can you help me with this?" said Card Ejector.She then splashed him as he said," I see.".He splashed her and the two had a splash fight.

Mahad stood there and he said," Bob.You are 17 years old.You need to act your age.You have a job to do as the Spirit King.".He was then pushed into the water by a girl." Mana!" yelled Mahad.Mana stood there. She is the spirit of the Dark Magician Girl and she jumped into Bob's arms." Hey you." said Bob." So has Mahad being a grouch lately?" said Mana.He placed her in the water as Card Ejector said," Yep."." I am doing my job as his guardian.You two should be helping with this.I am always portrayed as the freaking bad guy." said Mahad.

He walked off to get dry and Card Ejector said," I feel bad now for distracting you daddy.I mean you are going to save the world and I am stopping you from it."." Don't worry about sweetie.I mean Bob here is ready for any challenge in a duel or in a fight.He needs your support though.Right Bob?" said Mana." Yep.I need my strongest magician ready to back me up in any thing." said Bob." Yeah!" said Card Ejector.

She fell asleep in his arms and Mana said," Look at you.I remember when Yugi used to do this with you."." Oh." said Bob." I am sorry Bob.We miss them too." said Mana." Yeah but you knew my dad longer than me.I knew the guy for 8 years but then he goes missing along with my mom.I miss them so much." said Bob." Don't worry Bob.We will find them." said Mana.She got closer to him and Bob said," So what was my dad like?"."He was just like you except for the black hair." said Mana." Ah." said Bob.

The two got closer and then they were about to kiss as a girl said," Am I interrupting something?".Bob turned around and he was blasted with an arm cannon.Mana and Bob have known each other since he was 8 and they were close to say the least.He then saw his duel monsters spirits Android." Hey Allison.How is it going?" said Bob." You two were about to kiss!This is so wrong." said Allison." Don't lie.You wanted to kiss him too." said Mana.

The robot's face blushed as she thought of him and her kissing.Oh and you may be thinking Bob is a player but he has the scent that makes girls fall in love him with such as characters seen later on."So what are you doing here?I thought you didn't like water." said Bob." I made my body more water proof." said Allison." That is so cool." said Bob.She got in and she said," This isn't half bad."." Yeah.So Bob?Where is Card Ejector?" said Mana.

Bob then pointed to a nearby chair where she was sleeping peaceful with a towel as a blanket and a pillow." How?" said the girls." I have the best luck.I better get to my room.We land later in the day." said Bob." Later Bob." said the girls.He walked inside and he felt his heart beating." Dam it!This is getting worse." said Bob.He ran upstairs and he woke Jacob."Morning man.You get any sleep?" said Jacob." Not a wink.So did you get any?" said Bob." Sleep like a baby or log." said Jacob." Then don't wake me." said Bob.

He slammed the door shut as Jacob said," Guess someone is sleep deprived.I am going to get something to eat.".He walked downstairs and he found the kitchen.He grab himself a muffin and some coffee and he started eating.He then noticed Roger and he said," Hey Roger.".He walked over after getting some breakfast and he wrote down," So where is Bob?"." Sleeping.You look nice in that uniform by the way.I don't mean in a gay way." said Jacob.

Roger was a Slifer Red even with his good dueling skills and his testing skills not the best." Thanks.I still don't get why you and Bob didn't get yours yet?" wrote Roger." No clue.Guess Doctor Waters is still a little mad about that duel." said Jacob." I get why she would punish Bob but why you?" wrote Roger." She hates my dad I guess." said Jacob." Shouldn't you be mad about it?" wrote Roger." Nope.I learned that violence isn't the answer to everything." said Jacob." Wow." wrote Roger.

Later on in the day,Bob was rubbing his eyes and he was walking with Jacob." You going to be alright sleeping beauty?" said Jacob." Yeah.I am so freaking tired." said Bob.The two were on Duel Academy island.This place had a card shop where you can buy new cards to add to your deck or trade them in for better cards,6 Dorms which are the boys and girls of Slifer Red,Ra Yellow,and Obelisk Blue,the beach,the harbor,and other stuff.This was a paradise.

" So why are we in trouble on the first day?Usually with you,it takes a week at the most before you are in detention." said Jacob." Don't know.We were called to see the Chancellor." said Bob.The two walked inside and after meeting up with Mr.Jackson,they found the Chancellor's office.Bob opened the door and he saw Alexis." Hello Mr.Moto and Mr.Wheeler.Please come in." said Alexis.

The two sat down and Jacob said," So Mrs.Yuki?What did Bob do this time and the better question What did I do?"." Absolutely nothing.You two are some of the best students we have seen in years." said Alexis." even better than you and Jaden?" said Bob." You two know each other?" said Jacob." Yes we do.He trained under my husband for sometime now." said Alexis." You remember Jaden?" said Bob." Oh.I remember you telling me about that.So why aren't we Obelisk Blues?" said Jacob." Ah.You two are going to be a new dorm run by an person who is perfect for the job of teaching the kids of two legendary duelists.You may come in now." said Alexis.

An woman walked in.She had long red hair and she had her deck on her hip.Her green eyes looked asleep as Bob said," Who are you?"." My name is Clara Knight.You must be Bob.I heard about you from Alexis here.You run a variety deck full of different types of monsters." said Clara." Yep." said Bob." And you are Jacob.You run some of your father's best cards along with your Psycho Monsters which have incredible spell and trap cards." said Clara." Yes.How do you know all this?" said Jacob." I knew your fathers quite well." said Clara." She will be your headmistress and she will be taking you to your dorm." said Alexis." Come on boys." said Clara.

The two followed Clara into the woods." Dude.Why is she taking us into the woods?" said Jacob." I am taking you into the woods Mr.Wheeler because this is the way to your dorm." said Clara." She sounds right." said Bob.She stopped as she said," Welcome to your home for the next three years.".The two looked at their dorm.It was about 2 stories tall with a garage." Um Ms.Knight?What is in there?" said Bob." Lets go look." said Clara.

She opened it up and Bob said," You didn't?"." I did." said Clara.He then ran over to his bike.He had been working on this since he went to New Domino City and he saw Turbo Dueling in action." This is awesome.Thank you Ms.Knight." said Bob." You two can call me Clara just like everyone else." said Clara.Jacob's stomach growled as he said," So what is for dinner Clara?"." Lets go." said Clara.

Meanwhile,Roger was sitting alone.He was in the common area.There was a boys campus and a girls campus.He then saw the headmaster for the boys standing next to the girls headmistress.The headmaster look buff and he was wearing the Slifer Red uniform with some addition as the headmistress was wearing it normaly" My name is Tyranno Hassleberry and I am the P.E Teacher for you boys.Standing next to me is Ms.Alice Carter.I will let her introduce yourself." said Hassleberry." Hello.I am your English teacher.I will be a nice den mom to you girls but if I see a single boy near there." said Alice.Roger felt the fear as a student raised his hand," So where is the dorm where Jaden Yuki stayed at?"." It was moved.I used to be a student here and I remember living with him.Good times but anyways.Welcome to Slifer Red!" said Hassleberry.

Later,Roger sat outside staring at the night sky and he saw a shooting star." I wish I could talk to people again." thought Roger.He then walked back to his dorm when he saw someone from his dorm grabbing a girl.She was from Obelisk Blue and she had pink hair." Let me go!" said the girl." Not going to happen baby.You are going to be my girlfriend." said the bully." Leave Emily alone!" yelled a boy.

Roger then saw his flamboyant roommate Terrence Lawson or Terry standing there.From first glance,he looked gay with his style of life and he got made fun but he ignored it but he was just flamboyant which is lively." What do you want fag?" said the bully." Let her go.She doesn't want to be with you." said Terry." Oh.And why should I listen to you?You want this all to yourself fag.Sorry but I ain't into dudes." said the bully.Roger had enough and he threw a rock at the bully and he said," Who threw this at the Bruce?!".

Roger stood there and Bruce said," Look it is your boyfriend fag,Mute."." Shut up you annoying man.I am going to ask you this once.Let her go or else." wrote Roger." Or what Mute?" yelled Bruce.Roger activate his duel disk and he wrote," We duel."." Lets!I wanted to crush you and your weak monsters for a while now!" yelled Bruce.

The two stood across from each other and Bruce said," I will go first Mute!".Roger shrugged as Bruce drew a card and he said," I summon Pitch-Black Warrior in attack mode!".Then a evil wolf stood there and Bruce said," I end my turn with playing a facedown and activating Swords Of Revealing Lights!".Then Roger was trapped in swords and he wrote," I draw!".He drew a card and he wrote," I summon Salamander in attack mode.".Then a pink haired boy about 18 stood there and Bruce said," How did you?"." When you have a monster on your field,I can summon him without any tributes.I then end my turn with 2 facedowns." wrote Roger.

Salamander/Natsu Dragneel.Attribute Fire.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Spellcaster/Effect.He is part of Fairy Tail and he is a wizard who use fire magic to burn his foes.He can be summon from your hand if your opponents has a monster on his field.

" Hey Terry.Who is that guy anyway?" said Emily." That is my roommate Roger.He doesn't talk me like me but he seems like a nice guy." said Terry.Bruce drew a card and he said," I summon Bitelon in attack mode.".The wolf was gone as a reptile stood there and Roger wrote," I activate the trap card Torrential Tribute.".The field was empty of monsters as Bruce said," I end my turn."." I summon Happy in attack mode." wrote Roger.Then a blue cat came out and he said," Aye!"." Ah so cute." said the two spectators." I activate his special abilities." wrote Roger.He drew two cards from his deck and Salamander came back to the field." How?" said Bruce." His special effect that he can summon Salamander from the grave and also two other monsters.I can summon one now since I have Salamander and Happy on my field.I summon Lucy." wrote Roger.Then a blond girl came out and Bruce said," Man that is a smoking baby."." You won't be thinking that.I activate her special effect.She destroy all spells and traps on the field with the cost of her attacks plus I get to summon one more monster.I summon Carla." wrote Roger.She destroy the swords and the 2 facedown cards as a white cat appeared." I attack with Salmander and Carla!" wrote Roger.The two knocked Bruce out of life points.

Happy.Attribute Wind.LV 4.ATK 1600 DEF 1600.Beast/Effect.He is the Exceed partner of Salamander aka Natsu and they are best friends.He can bring him to the field or graveyard when he is summon to the field.He can also two monster from your deck.
Lucy.Attribute Light.LV 7.ATK 2600 DEF 2000.Spellcaster/Effect.She was a rich girl but she left her rich life to be with her friends or family.She can destroy all spells and traps on the field when summon and you can summon a monster after it and she can be summon if Salamander and Happy are on the field.
Carla.Attribute Wind.LV 4.ATK 1400 DEF 1400.Beast/Normal.She is the Exceed partner of Sky Sorceress and she is like her only friend until they joined Fairy Tail. 

Bruce then grabbed Roger and he said," You are so dead punk!"." Put him down now." said a man.It was Hassleberry and Bruce looked at Terry who was smiling." You called the teacher on me fag!You are dead!" yelled Bruce." You are going to see the Chancellor about your attitude.Oh and Roger that was some nice dueling." said Hassleberry.He walked off with Bruce behind him as Emily said," Thanks Roger."." It is no problem Emily." wrote Roger." So Roger? I have a question for you?Aren't those monster from Fairy Tail?" said Terry." Oh yes.You see I was bullied a lot as a kid and then out of the blue the creator of Duel Monsters made me these cards based of my favorite animes." wrote Roger." That is so cool Roger.I better get back to my dorm." said Emily.

She walked off and Terry said," You like her don't you?"." What?!" wrote Roger.He blushed and Terry said," That is Fabulous Roger.I mean you are going to talk to her first."." Huh?" wrote Roger." As your roommate,I will get you a girlfriend." said Terry.He dragged the blond off as he sighed.A boy stood there watching Roger and he said," I better test him as well.".He then walked off.He is a very creepy kid.

Bob was working on his bike when Jacob came in with snacks." Hey man." said Bob.He placed them down and Jacob said," I remember when this was a normal bike but now.It can do turbo duels right?"." Yep and I can ride it when ever I want." said Bob." Really?" said Jacob." Yep.So what do you think of Clara?" said Bob." She is actually really nice and a great cook." said Jacob." Yeah but she reminds me of someone." said Bob." Who?" said Jacob." I don't know but maybe you can help me." said Bob." Um sure." said Jacob." Remember when we were at Duelist Kingdom when we were little." said Bob." Yeah.I remember playing in the big castle why?" said Jacob." Remember the maid there?" said Bob." Yes.That was my grandma." said Clara.

She stood there which scared Jacob out of his chair." So you knew us since we were kids?" said Jacob." Yes.You two grew up into handsome young men." said Clara." Thank you.So I have a question for you?" said Bob." Yes?" said Clara." So can I ride this around?" said Bob." Yes but don't run over anyone." said Clara." Sweet.I need to get some work done.Do you guys mind leaving?" said Bob." Sure man.Call me if you need me anything." said Jacob.

He closed the door and Clara said," So Jacob?Do you want to play a game of chess with me?"."Sure.I am game for a match." said Jacob.He followed the woman.

Bob was working on his bike whom he called the bike a her." You are going to be awesome girl.I know it." said Bob.She then made a sound and Bob said," Are you sure girl?I mean I am still trying to get you ready to ride.".She then made a sound in agreement as Bob said," I can agree with you on that.".He then put on his helmet and he got on the bike.The bike was black and red along with the helmet.He opened up the garage and then he said," Ready girl?".She then purred in joy and he drove into the forest.

Bob then stop her onto a cliff looking over the island.He got off her and then Mahad appeared." Hey Mahad. You seem to be in a better mood." said Bob." I am but we have an issue." said Mahad." Did Scampers and Card Ejector get into the cookie jar?" said Bob." No.I have found some new duel monster spirits." said Mahad." Good.So where are they?" said Bob." Nearby.We need your bike to get there." said Mahad.Oh and Bob always try to make friends with duel monsters spirits

Bob followed the spirit on his bike and then he stopped in front of a cave." Get ready to fight.I sense a animal in there" said Mahad." Right." said Bob.He then got off his bike and he said," Keep an eye on her and don't break her.You don't do machines like Donatello.".He walked inside and he saw a bear.The bear then attacked him and then Bob's eyes glowed.He then made the bear teleport off into the ocean.Bob can use his spirit king powers to attack enemy and they are like super powers.

He then saw the spirits that Mahad sensed.They were a little boy about Card Ejector age and his older sister conveniently Bob's age.They were based on a bicycle aka the boy and motor cycle aka the ." Who are you?" said the boy." My name is Bob and I am the reincarnated Spirit King." said Bob." Really?" said the boy." Don't trust him Joey. He seems to be a thief." said the girl.

Android and Mana came out of his deck and Mana said," He is the reincarnated spirit king."." Yes I am.Please.I won't hurt you." said Bob." He is serious about this." said Android." Please Sonia.Bob looks like a nice guy." said Joey." Fine.I am the spirit of the monster known as Motor Drive and this is my brother who is the spirit of the monster known as Bike." said Sonia." Nice name." said Android." Coming from you being call Android." said Mana." Well Bob never gave me a name." said Android.He stood there with their cards and he said," Oh sorry.Guess I forgot about it.I'll call you Lynn.So Sonia?Are you guys part of a group of monsters?"." Yes.They are somewhere in this world of ours.Do you mind taking them in?" said Sonia." And use us in a duel." said Joey." Yep." said Bob.

He and Joey walked out of the cave and then Mana,Sonia,and Lynn stare at each other.Ah shit,time for a cat fight!" So what do you two see in Bob?" said Sonia." He is a nice guy.He cares for a spirit that was abandoned by her master like his daughter.I think that is why I like him." said Lynn." I have known him since he was a kid and he is the best boy that I know." said Mana." So you two are like his girlfriends or what?" said Sonia.The girls shut up and Sonia smiled." That is good.I can see why you two like him.He looks like an great older brother for Joey and I will make sure that he is happy not matter what." said Sonia.She walked as Lynn and Mana followed short after with plans to get Bob for themselves.

Jacob was walking by the garage after losing 3 games to her but on the plus side he won 2 games so that means something." Man you got creamed by her Jacob." said Skippy." Can it.I can still beat Bob in that game easily." said Jacob." Really?You are comparing her to Bob in chess?He may be the king but he sucks at everything beside duel monsters related." said Skippy.

He then stuck his head inside of it and it was empty." Guess Bob went out on a ride or something." said Bob.The door then opened and he saw Bob driving it.He stopped it and he said," Man.This place is sure big."." Yeah.Ain't that an understatement?" said Jacob.He then notice two new spirits.Oh Jacob can see them too just to mention that." Oh yeah.Guys this is my friend Jacob Wheeler and Jacob this Is Sonia and Joey or Motor Drive and Bike." said Bob." Sup.Bob take you two in or what?" said Jacob." Yes.We will be going where his spirits go." said Sonia.They were gone and Bob said," So how many games did you lose?"." Only three.She is way better than you in every way imaginable." said Jacob." Thanks.I can still beat you in a duel no matter what." said Bob." Lets get to bed.We have school in the morning." said Jacob." Right." said Bob.

Meanwhile in the Obelisk Blue dorms,Noah was sitting on his bed with his laptop doing research for his dueling opponents.He is the son of the man who funds this place." So what kinda of decks does he run?" said Noah.He then looked up Bob's records only to see his only recorded card is the Dark Magician and everything else is a secret." Strange." said Noah.He then searched up more dueling opponents only to stop at a girl's." Very interesting.Time to form my Big Five." said Noah.

Next time on Yugioh GX,
What is Noah planning with the big fire?Will we see Sonia,Mana,Lynn,Joey,or Card Ejector in a duel?And will we see this spirit who is afraid of heights?This and more next time on Yugioh GX.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Yugioh GX Episode 1 The Spirit King appears!

I don't know the reason why I have been making several Yugioh stories lately.Maybe due to my brain getting new ideas every minute.This story with have my sassy narrator in it.She just fits and I promised not to use the Great Sage during tag duels but no promises.

In a house in Domino City's quiet suburb.We see a house which looked abandoned.The lawn was ignored and it grew and it broke several rules in the neighborhood.It had broken windows and glass was in the grass. Inside the house was one of our main heroes sleeping on a couch.His name is Robert X Moto or Bob Moto for short.He is the reincarnated Spirit King which is the king of Duel Monsters spirits.Duel Monsters spirits are well the games monster with life.He can see them and he can talk to them.He is also the king of Games son.

A magician stood in front of him.This is Mahad or Dark Magician.He was Yugi aka the King of Games's main monster and now he was his son monster along with Yugi's deck plus Bob's.He woke him by making him get off the couch with magic." Morning Mahad.Man.What time is it?" said Bob." You have been asleep for a day straight.You will be late for the exams." said Mahad." Huh?' said Bob." The Duel Academy's exams." said Mahad." Oh yeah.That." said Bob." Three.Two.One." said Mahad." Shit!" yelled Bob." Sometimes Bob." said Mahad

Bob then ran out of the house and he noticed that he wasn't wearing any oants." I really need to stop watching horror movies until 3 in the morning." said Bob.He then ran back in and he grab his phone and bag which had his duel disk in it,deck,card box which held all of his cards in it,and he put on some clothes.It was his normal black jacket with his red shirt with blue jeans.He laced on his black/red tennis shoes and he ran outside.He ran toward the main city.

Meanwhile,at the testing building which was in the middle of the city.Our other main hero stood there waiting for Bob." Come on Bob.You don't have all the time in the world." said the hero.This is Jacob Wheeler and he is the son of Joey Wheeler.He can also talk to one duel monster spirit Skippy aka Psycho Weasel." Where is he Skippy?I mean he wouldn't miss this for anything." said Jacob." Knowing Bob like I do.He probably stayed up watching something." said Skippy." You are probably right." said Jacob.

The two then saw Bob breathing heavily with his bag over his shoulder.He saw Jacob and Skippy waiting for him.He ran over to them and he said," Sorry guys.Guess watching all of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies wasn't the best idea."." That is one of your dumbest idea ever.So are you ready?I mean you haven't been to a school ever." said Skippy." Yep.But you made me watch all those high school movies during the summer." said Bob." You know those aren't real right?" said Jacob.As you can so obvious tell,Bob likes movies." Yeah but they are so much fun to watch." said Bob." Lets go inside already.We have the written portion and the dueling portion to do before we get into Duel Academy." said Skippy." I have to write things?" said Bob. " Yes you do." said the two.Bob sighed as he followed the two inside.

Bob came out of the testing hall half asleep." Man.That test took forever for some people.I mean I don't think that everyone knows how to summon an XYZ monsters.I mean I have dueled them countless times so I wasn't worried too much." said Bob.Bob is a duel monsters pro so the test was cake to him but he hated writing ever since he was a kid.He then ran into a boy." Sorry man.I guess that I wasn't looking." said Bob

Bob then got a good look at the boy.He had blond hair and blue eyes and he pulled out a notebook and he wrote something down." Um hello.My name is Roger and I am so sorry for being in your way." wrote the boy." It is fine man.The name is Bob and you are?" said Bob.He then wrote down," Roger Palmer.Why are you even talking to me?"." So why do you write with that notebook anyway?" said Bob.Roger then wrote down," I lost my ability to talk when I was little.It sucks."." Oh.That sucks dude.Well,I hope to see you again." said Bob.

He ran off as Roger wrote down," Weird guy.Right buddy?".Then a duel spirit appeared and it was a yellow mouse and it said," Yep Roger.He seem like a very good duelist and maybe even a friend."."Me have a friend Pikachu?" wrote Roger." Yes.It is normal for boys your age to have friends and I am saying this for the entire deck.We are worried about you Roger.You need to make some friends and maybe a girlfriend." said Pikachu. Roger then walked toward the dueling arena and Pikachu said," I really need to get him out more.".

Jacob was sitting in the bleachers and he was watching duels." Hi.You must be Jacob Wheeler correct?" said a bubbly woman. Jacob then saw a pretty woman with blond hair which was in a ponytail." Yes I am.And you are?" said Jacob." My name is Naomi and I work at the card shack at Duel Academy and I need to take you to your duel." said Naomi." Oh.Lets go then." said Jacob." Your duel is in Block B." said Naomi."" Okay.Are you going to take me there?" said Jacob." Yes." said Naomi.

She then led Jacob in and he saw a teacher.His brown hair was gelled back and he was wearing a purple suit." And you are?" said Jacob." Ah Jacob.My name is Mr.Jackson and I am the Obelisk Blue headmaster and also the Chemistry Teacher and today I am going to be your dueling instructor." said Mr.Jackson." Cool.I need to duel someone anyway." said Jacob. Jacob then activate his duel disk and Mr.Jackson said," Be ready.I don't go easy on students."." I am always ready for a duel Mr.Jackson." said Jacob.

Meanwhile,in the tip top of the bleachers,Bob found Roger and he sat next to him." Hey Roger.Man this place is sure big ain't it?" said Bob." Yes it is.Why are you sitting next to me?" wrote Roger." We are friends." said Bob." We are?" wrote Roger." Of course man.I mean everyone on Earth is my friend and you are no exception to this fact." said Bob." Really?That is awesome." wrote Roger." I am guessing that you don't have a lot of friends." said Bob."You are right.It is due to my illness." wrote Roger." That is so mean. You should really stand up for yourself Roger." said Bob." I am scared though." wrote Roger." I see then. Don't worry I will help you with your fear.I promise on Slifer that I will do this." said Bob.

Then Bob saw Jacob dueling." I am so jealous of him right now." said Bob." Why?I mean I would be scared to be dueling in front of a crowd." wrote Roger." Yeah but Jacob gets to duel first.So jealous." said Bob." Ah Bob.You found your way here.I am impress." said a boy.Roger then saw a boy.He was wearing a white suit and he had white hair and blue eyes." Oh yeah.Roger this is Fate Falcon and Fate this is Roger Palmer." said Bob." Hey." said Fate." So how do you know Bob?And I use this to talk." wrote Roger." He ran into me.I would have killed him on the spot but he seem really lost so I decide to help him.So you know this Jacob guy?" said Fate." Yep.He is my best friend." said Bob.

Back to the field,Mr.Jackson drew his first card and he said," I play the spell card Pot of Greed.".He drew two extra cards and he said," I play the spell card Double Spell and I summon Zombie Master and Master Kyonshee in attack mode.".Then a man with sliver hair stood next to a zombie warrior with some writing on his face." I end my turn with a facedown and I activate the field spell Zombie World.".Then the field turned into a zombie movie and Jacob drew a card.He looked at his hand and he said," I summon Psycho Cat in defense mode and then I end my turn with a facedown.".Then a cat with its brains sticking out of its stomach stood there in defense mode but then it turned into a zombie.

Psycho Cat.Attribute Earth.LV 4.ATK 1500 DEF 2000.Beast/Normal.The psycho cat who is part of the Psycho monsters.

" That is a weird monster." wrote Roger." That is nothing compared to the rest of Jacob's deck." said Bob." I draw." said Mr.Jackson.He drew a card and he said," I send my Master Kyonshee to the grave so I can summon Malevolent Mech- Goku En in attack mode.".Then the zombie version of a Majestic Mech stood there and he said," I attack with him.".Jacob then lost his cat and he said," I activate my facedown.".Then a picture of a laboratory stood there and Mr.Jackson said," What is that?"." It lets me summon a monster from my deck to stop your attack and I pick this one.I summon Red Eyes Black Dragon!" said Jacob.Then the familiar dragon destroy the attack plus the monster." Clever.That card is very effective.I end my turn by using my Zombie Master's special effect to bring back your Psycho Cat in defense mode by sending my Des Lacooda to the graveyard." said Mr.Jackson.

Psycho Labs.Spell.Quick.Lets you block an attack by summon a monster from your deck with equal or more attack points.

" Those zombie cards are very strong.I mean he is the headmaster of Obelisk Blue after all." said Fate." Don't worry about it Fate.Jacob is an amazing duelist." said Bob.Jacob then  drew a card and he said," Lets get rid of this world with the quick spell Mystical Space Typhoon!".The zombie world turning the cat back to normal." I now activate the spell Reinforcement of The Army to bring a warrior to my hand." said Jacob.He drew a monster and he said," I play the spell card Double Summon to bring out my Blue Flame Swordsman and Gearfried the Iron Knight.".The two stood there ready for a fight with the zombies." I activate the spell card Release Restraint and the field spell Psycho World." said Jacob.Then Gearfried the Swordsmaster stood there with the blue fired swordsman as the field turned into the psycho world." I summon Psycho Ape, Psycho Beast,and Psycho Weasel in attack mode!".Then three monsters came out.One was an ape and his brain was sticking out of his head,a beast monster with his brain sticking out,and Skippy.Skippy was a normal weasel with a awesome effect." I now activate my Weasel special effect.For every psycho monster I have on the field,you lose 800 life points so you lose 3200 life points." said Jacob.She then made the teacher lose 4/5 of his life points as Jacob said," I end this with Gearfried!Slash that zombie!".Then he lost all of his life points making the victor Jacob.

Psycho World.Spell.Field.Allows you to summon as many Psycho monsters that you can summon on your field at the moment.
Psycho Ape.Attribute Earth.LV 4.ATK 1800 DEF 1000.Beast/Normal.He was a normal ape until Doctor Psycho got him.He is now part of the gang known as the Psycho monsters.
Psycho Beast.Attribute Earth.LV 8.ATK 2500 DEF 2500.Beast/Normal.He was a normal lion until Doctor Psycho got him and he turned him into a feral animal.
Psycho Weasel.Attribute Earth.LV 4.ATK 2000 DEF 2000.Beast/Effect.She is the leader of the Psycho animals and she is a threat to the world with her brain power.For every psycho monster on your field include herself,she strikes with 800 points of damage per monster.

" That duel was pretty good." said Fate."Jacob's duels can make anyone love this game." said Bob.Jacob stood there with Skippy on his shoulder as he said," So Bob?I see that you made some new friends.Care to introduce me?"." Yep.Guys this is Jacob Wheeler and this is Roger Palmer and Fate Falcon." said Bob." You aren't Joey Wheeler's son?" wrote Roger." In the flesh.I mean I got my dueling genes from him and my mom.So is this a gimmick?" said Jacob." Nope.I can't talk." wrote Roger." I am so sorry.I didn't know." said Jacob." It is cool." wrote Roger." So Fate?Did you have your duel already?" said Bob." Yes and I won with no problems in it.You?" said Fate." Nope.Guess they haven't drawn my name yet." said Bob." Would Bob Moto report to Block A for his duel?" said the announcement." Guess I am up.Wish me luck." said Bob.He walked off.

Meanwhile in the teacher's block.Mr.Jackson walked back up feeling defeat." Don't worry so much about it Clark.You will win the next time." said a teacher.She was the swimming teacher and the headmistress of Obelisk Blue." I know that Ms.Waters but he was so strong.I mean he was like a pro out there Susie." said Clark." Maybe due to his father being the Joey Wheeler Clark." said a teacher.He had glasses which kept his brown hair at bay somehow and he was your stereotypical nerd plus he was the math teacher and the headmaster for Ra Yellow." What do you mean Harold?I thought Joey only 2 daughters." said Clark." He had a son and according to this,he could be in Obelisk Blue." said Harold.

The two looked at the computer that he always carried and Susie said," But Mr.Gibson.Wouldn't he be in Ra Yellow?I mean that test score is amazing."." Yes but his dueling skills moved him up.It is sad that I don't get to have him in my dorm but it would be nice to have some intelligent people to talk too." said Harold.He ignored the two as their boss walked toward them.She stood there and she said," Are we almost done?This is so boring.I am missing my shows."." Sorry Vice-Chancellor.We only have one more duelist yet.He seems to be pretty good." said Harold." Really?We could be leaving.I mean we have so many Slifers and Ra and not enough Obelisk like Guy Palmer.Just tell him to try again next year." said the Vice-Chancellor.

She then got a call by the Chancellor who was at Duel Academy." Hello Jamie.I am looking over the reports that Mr.Gibson send me over me.An impressive lot don't you think?" said the Chancellor." Yes.Mrs.Yuki." said Jamie." I see that you are skipping over a student.Is this because he is going to miss your show?We give every student a fair chance here.You know this or do you want your pay cut?" said Mrs.Yuki." Okay fine but I won't be going easy on him." said Jamie." K." said Mrs.Yuki

She hanged up as Mrs.Yuki looked at the computer and she saw Bob's picture with his test score.His test score was high to say the very least." He is perfect for this." said Mrs.Yuki.She then called her husband." Hey Alexis?You get any interesting duelists?" said Mr.Yuki." Yes.You do remember Bob Jaden?" said Alexis." Yeah.He was an awesome kid.What about him?" said Jaden." He is entering the Academy." said Alexis." That is so awesome Lex." said Jaden." But we have another problem.Jamie is dueling him most likely." said Alexis." I still don't get why you hired her Lex.I mean she causes you more problems than anything." said Jaden." She is an incredible teacher just like Crower was to us.I feel like she will be able to teach these kids something new." said Alexis." Makes sense.I better get going.I got a duel with someone named Vivian Wong.Wish me luck." said Jaden." I will." said Alexis.He hanged up and Alexis said," I wonder."

Wonder what she is thinking?Anyway back at the entrance exams,a girl with sliver hair and blue eyes walked to a boy who looked like an older Roger." Guy!" yelled the girl.Guy took out his headphones and he said," What is it Stella?I am trying to listen to my music."." Yep and that is why I yelled because Iron Maiden is bad for your ears." said Stella." You have no nice place to complain Miss Pop Star.So are you in Obelisk Blue yet?" said Guy." Yes and Joan is too." said Stella." Great." said Guy.He ignored her as Stella said," I thought that you would be more happy Guy.I mean your brother is going to be here this year."." I bullied the kid Stella." said Guy." Oh yeah.I forgot about that." said Stella." I made the kid stop talking forever and I feel like the worst brother ever." said Guy." Don't worry so much about it Guy.Just talk with him okay?" said Stella." Okay.I will and you go hang out with your friends." said Guy." Okay." said Stella.

She ran off as Bob enter Block A after getting directions from everyone and their grandma,he found it." You are late." said a woman.It was Jamie standing there." So who are you supposed to be mister?" said Bob.She didn't really have any assets if you know what I mean." I am Doctor Jamie Walters.I have a P.H.D in dueling." said Jamie." Okay.Sorry." said Bob.He stood across from her and she said," Are you ready to be schooled slacker?"." Nope.Now lets get your game on teacher!" said Bob.

He pulled out his duel disk that he had since he started playing the game.It was black,the card spaces were white,and red." Like it?" said Bob." Look very childish compared to mine." said Jamie.She then pulled out one that looked like a guitar." That looks so cool.Where can I get one?" said Bob." Once you matured a little,you may get one slacker." said Jamie." My name is Bob miss." said Bob." Your name is Slacker when I speak to you." said Jamie." Okay then.You can go first then teacher." said Bob.

Up in the stands,a boy with brown hair stood there.He was Noah Kaiba,the son of Seto Kaiba.He was named after his dead uncle and he had his father's no sense of emotion." So that is him right Vivian?" said Noah.A maid stood there and she said," Yes.This kid is the son of your father's greatest rival Yugi Moto. What should we do with him?"." I am going to see what this kid has against her.I could defeat her easy but I want to see her rarest card." said Noah.

Jamie drew and she said," I summon my Queen's knight in attack mode.".A woman stood there in red armor and she was in a attacking position." I end my turn with a facedown.Your move slacker." said Jamie. Bob drew his first card and he said," I summon Defender,The Magical Knight in attack mode.".Then a blue wizard appeared with a giant shield and Bob said," I play this.The equip spell Rush Recklessly!".The spellcaster ran toward the knight with 700 extra attack points and she was destroyed along with 800 life points of her." I end my turn by playing a facedown.Your turn teach." said Bob.

"Bob is really good." wrote Roger." This is nothing Roger.Just watch." said Jacob.Jamie drew a card and she said," I play Monster Reborn to summon back my Queen's knight in attack mode!".She return back to the field as she said," I now summon King's Knight in attack mode.".Then a kingly knight stood there and she then said," I can now summon Jack's Knight in attack mode thanks to my king special effect.".Then a knight stood there and Jamie said," A question Bob.What do these three monsters fuse into?"." Um let me think I should know this one." said Bob." I will tell you the answer since you don't know it.I play the spell card Polymerization so I can summon Arcana Knight Joker!" said Jamie.The knights jumped into the portal only for a stronger knight to come out." I attack your Defender with Slash!" said Jamie." Not very clever but I play the trap card Threatening Roar!" said Bob." I activate his special effect.I discarded one of my trap cards to negate yours." said Jamie.Bob then lost his monster plus 2200 life points." I end my turn with a facedown." said Jamie.

" Bob should have known about that monster due to his father." said Noah." Yes master.Do you think he is worth studying?" said Vivian." Yes." said Noah.Bob then said," This is a lot of fun."." You are having fun?You just lost about half of your life points with my monster?" said Jamie." Yep.I draw!" said Bob.He looked at his hand and he said," I play the spell card Easy Sacrifice.This allows me to summon a high level monster without sacrifices so sweetness.I summon the Dark Magician in attack mode!".He summon the spellcaster and he said," Lets get this over with you highness."." Same old Mahad.I play the equip spell card Ancient Wand. This allows my monster to gain an extra 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF points." said Bob.He felt the power and he said," Lets do this."." Dark Magic Attack!" said Bob.Jamie lost her monster along with 1200 life points and she said," An impressive move slacker but it was your last."." Nope.I activate the quick spell Quick Summon which allows me to summon a monster under 2000 ATK points! So I summon Dragon Seeker!" said Bob.The Fiend stood there Bob said," Attack and I also play the quick spell Sebek's Blessing!".Bob then gained 2000 life points as Jamie lost all of hers.

Easy Sacrifice.Spell.Normal.Allows you to summon a level 5 or higher monster from your hand or deck.
Ancient Wand.Spell.Equip.You give this to a spellcaster and then get a boost in their attack and defense which is their original attack and defense points times.
Quick Summon.Spell.Quick.You can summon a monster with 2000 attack points or less.

Bob walked up to his friends and Fate said," You have the legendary Dark Magician in your deck?"." Yep.I have Summoned Skull and Dark Magician Girl too." said Bob." Wait a minute.You can't be the Bob?" wrote Bob." The Bob?" said Jacob and Fate." Yeah.You are the son of the Yugi Moto who competes with his old cards and your special monsters." wrote Bob."Yep.That is me." said Bob." Wow.I can't believe that I am friends with the children of Yugi and Joey.We are friends?" wrote Roger." Yep.I am one of your friends too Roger.I saw you duel.Very impressive for someone who is afraid of talking." said Fate.Roger smiled as Bob said," Lets have fun this year."." I am in." said Fate and Jacob." Me too." said Roger silently." You talked?" said the three.Roger then got scared and Bob said," Sorry Roger.Guess we got a little excited that you are talking,"." It is fine." wrote Roger." And we are back to step one." said Fate.Jacob hit the boy and he said," Don't go there.".Bob then looked at the dueling down below and he said," Time to show them the true power of the Spirit King.".

Next time,
Getting your colors,met new friends,and new enemies.

Update 6-29-14

Hey guys.I am ending the newest Yugioh Series because it is like a new one and I hate it.I am sorry about this but the new one will be good I promise.I am working on the new Psycho,Powerful Power,Pokemon Journey,and Crossover High but I will be working on the new Yugioh because it is fun.I don't know the reason why but I do.It might be due to some stuff in my life but I don't know for sure.So stay tuned.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Yugioh GX part 9 Revenge is a dish best served with evil

This title is a reference to Psycho which if you love a superhero who isn't Power, you should check it out.Anyway the narrator from the recent Pokemon Special is here because I feel like she would be perfect and also it is way too much fun writing her.This part will be long because of the main duel.

It would be a normal Monday morning on the dueling island somewhere on the ocean but today is the start of showing off the academy week as I call it.

We start our story at the Obelisk Blue Boy's dorm.It had a dueling arena set up and Chazz stood there.He had a black eye from Roger who doesn't talk like other boys his age and he had the words Slifers Rules on his arm and on his chest so he always wore his uniform.I know this prank sounds childish but for Chazz it works."Get working Slackers! Time is money!" yelled Chazz.

He sat in a lounge chair drinking an iced tea as a Obelisk came up to him. Um Mr. Princeton. We have a problem." said the Obelisk."What? Does this little problem involve me?" said Chazz."No but it is about Jaden." said the Obelisk."Really?! What?" said Chazz."He is ditching to go see his girlfriend over at the girls dorm who is having their maid cafe if you recall." said the Obelisk.

The girls of course are having a maid cafe for one reason which is so obvious that they want to show off their beauty."I am going. You are in charge! And don't sit in my chair!" yelled Chazz.He then ran off as the Obelisk sat in the chair and he said,"I think we are good from right now. Right guys?"."Hell Yeah!" yelled the Obelisk males.

Jaden was walking there.He was known as the armored duelist maybe for that obvious fact that he is wearing freaking armor around!He saw his girlfriend Aziza in a maid outfit.She was a girl that he summon from a demonic ritual and she had a a demonic spirit in her at one point until our main hero saved her and gave her a personality.

"Morning Aziza. You look smoking hot." said Jaden."Thank you master. What would you like today?" said Aziza."The real Aziza with a coffee please." said Jaden.

She sat down and she said,"This is torture Jaden. I mean I have to be nice to guys like Chazz."."Yeah. He is being an ass over at the Obelisk Dorm so I ditch it to come here." said Jaden."Isn't it required to do something today?" said Aziza."I was going to ask Bob if I could join his dorm's activities. Where is he anyway?" said Jaden."Take a guess beloved. I have to get back to work. See you later?" said Aziza."O promise." said Jaden.

She walked off as Jaden looked for Bob.Bob is the king of games's son and he defeated his dad in a duel so he is now the King of Games and also he is really dense so you will see it.

He saw Bob who was asleep on the table and Jaden then poked him with a stick and he said,"I summon Armageddon in attack mode!"."Morning Bob. Have a good dream?" said Jaden."Yes. Oh hey J." said Bob."You know I hate when you call me that Bob." said Jaden."But Aziza gets to do it." said Bob."She is my girlfriend and you are my friend. A big difference indeed." said Jaden."You called me your friend." said Bob."Don't. So what is Armageddon Black doing for the festival?" said Jaden.

Bob then said,"Nothing."."Really?" said Jaden."Yep. I believe as the founder that I am looking for the perfect duelist who was the heart of the game and I don't want to do anything." said Bob."Taking the lazy way. Nice." said Jaden."So what is Obelisk Blue doing?" said Bob."Some dueling thing. I don't care really. So I was thinking." said Jaden."You are in but not official." said Bob.

"Thanks man. Dealing with Chazz is a nightmare. Why were you asleep anyway?" said Jaden."My deck. Living with duel spirits is harder than you think." said Bob."Yeah. So are the folks coming in?" said Jaden."Nope. They are busy with stuff." said Bob."Yeah. Mine too." said Jaden."So when does this thing start anyway? I need to work on some new deck stuff." said Bob. "Sometime soon. I am staying here until Aziza's shift is done." said Jaden."So romantic Jaden." said Bob."Do you want me to throw you into the lake?" said Jaden."No. I better get going. Later J!" said Bob.

He ran off as Jaden said,"Quick son of a.."."Don't finish that." said Yubel.She is a duel monster spirit and she looks well weird but good thing she can't hear me."Are you alright Yubel? You keep staring off into space." said Jaden."It is nothing. So why are you here?" said Yubel."Waiting for Aziza to finish her shift so we can go out thing. Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend Evil Hero Malicious Edge right now?" said Jaden."We are just friends Jaden. Is someone jealous that his childhood friend has a boyfriend?" said Yubel."I am so not jealous. Just leave." said Jaden."Yes Jaden." said Yubel.

She disappeared as Alexis stood there with Mindy and Jasmine.Alexis is the queen of Obelisk Blue meaning that she is really pretty like goddess like her friends were pretty but not as pretty."You doing alright Jaden?" said Alexis."We hate to see our Master like this." said the two."Get back to work." said Alexis.The girls walked off as Alexis said,"So what is up master?"."Just stuff." said Jaden."You can tell me the truth J. I mean we are friends." said Alexis.He also didn't mind when Alexis called him J by the way."I am just tired is all." said Jaden."Is there anything I call do for you master?" said Alexis."Nope but something to snack on would be nice." said Jaden.She then walked off as Jaden relaxed.

The festival started as boats came in like lighting.At the Slifer Red dorm which is like the outhouse of Obelisk Blue and Bob's dorm Armageddon Black, Jess stood there.He was the second best duelist there and that is saying something because Slifers are the bottom of the barrel.He was wearing his costume for the show.He was dressed as Celtic Guardian which is one of Yugi's monster as he said,"This is boring.". Yeah. Try serving food to Emily's parents wearing this." wrote Roger.

Roger is the kid who writes everything on his notepad and he was the card Neon Knight."Can you see anything out of that thing?" said Jess."Not really. I almost spilled hot chili on her dad's lap. Thank god, her dad is so chill and her mom not so much. So where is your partner?" wrote Roger."Off making out with his secret girlfriend." said Jess."Isn't his girlfriend a slut?" wrote Roger."Yes. Do you mind standing out here with me? I need someone to talk too. No offense." said Jess."It isn't an issue." wrote Roger.

The two stood there and Jess said,"So what do you think of this? Me and Mindy?"."Mindy? The girl who hangs around Jasmine?" wrote Roger."Yep. She is so hot." said Jess."She is too good for you man. I mean you are a Slifer Red. She may go for an Obelisk or even a Ra but a Slifer is just crazy." wrote Roger.

"Don't know until you try. So I wonder how Sy is doing?" said Jess."He is working the projector right now." wrote Roger."Yeah. I wish I got that job. It is so awesome that Banner is switching jobs around." said Jess."Indeed. So I am going to the dueling arena over the Obelisk Dorm later? You in?" wrote Roger."If you come with me to the maid cafe. I mean Sy and Chum are stuck here all day due to their jobs." said Jess."Sure." wrote Roger."And also having blackmail is always fun." thought Roger.

Weird kid ain't he?Anyway to the pier.Two girls walked onto the main land.The taller one had black hair and it was long and female.She was wearing a cute outfit and her friend had blond hair which was in a ponytail and she was wearing a outfit which was less cuter than the other one and that is saying something."We are going to find him and get our revenge right Diana?" said the blond one."Yes we are Anna. We are going defeat him into the ground." said Diana.

The two walked onto the island and the harbor isn't official part of the island due it being metal and stuff."So where could he be?" said Anna."Knowing him, he will be at the best dueling area on this island." said Diana.Roger then noticed them and he wrote to Jess,"Those girls looked lost."."And they are pretty too." said Jess.

He walked over to them as Roger sighed and he said,"The name is Jess and this is my friend Roger. He doesn't talk."."You poor thing. Did this happen because of someone?" said Anna."Nope. I have phobias and this is how I deal with it." wrote Roger."That is sad. Do either of you know a duelist named Jaden Yuki?" said Diana."Yeah. He is my sorta of friend. He and his girlfriend are really nice to us Slifers. So are you two childhood friends?" said Jess."You can say that." said Anna."We are going there right now. Do you need us to take us there?" wrote Roger."Yes." said Diana.

Jess led the two girls as he flirted with them as Roger thought,"This is so weird. I mean Jaden doesn't seem like the guy to have friends. Strange how he was a girlfriend. We need to do some more research on them. You got that right?".A little cat stood there and he nodded as Roger thought,"Keep an eye on them right Happy?"."Aye!" said Happy.He flew above them and listen it.Oh, Roger can talk to his duel spirits using his brain because his voice don't work.

Bob came out of the woods and he said,"I really need to get a map of this place.".Oh and he has a bad sense of direction.He walked toward the battle arena and he saw the duels."Looks fun right Bob?" said a voice.Bob then turned around and he said,"Jacob?".Jacob had brown hair and brown eyes and he was wearing a shirt with a brain on it with blue jeans."The one and only. Care for a duel for old time sakes?" said Jacob."Sure but lets use our father's deck." said Bob."Deal." said Jacob.

Stella was walking with Fate, Alexis, Emily, Aziza, and Jaden.Stella is the second hottest girl, Fate is a gangster who disguised herself as a boy but she is a girl now, and the best friend of silent Roger."That is still weird how you guys got so much money." said Emily."I have a pretty good guess how." said Fate.

She was punched lightly by Alexis and Stella."Trying looking amazing and you can get anything. So have you seen Bob around?' said Stella."I thought saw him this morning." said Aziza."He said something about his deck." said Jaden.

The 6 reached the Obelisk Blue Dorm to see Bob dueling against Jacob."Isn't that Jacob Wheeler?" said Emily."Yeah. He is Joey Wheeler's son." said Fate.Jacob had Red Eyes on his field along with Gilford the Lighting and Gearfried the Swordsmaster."Those are some of Joey's strongest cards!" said Stella."Yeah but look at Bob's field." said Alexis.

He had Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and Magician of Black Chaos."I think Bob has all of them in his deck." said Aziza."He does." said Jaden.He remind that one duel that he watched with Bob against a Obelisk.It didn't end up well for him."I now activate this one. I send the five pieces of Exodia so I can well summon him." said Bob.

He won the duel and Jacob said,"You have gotten better man. I remember a time where you didn't know the difference between a spell and trap."."Still don't." said Bob.

He walked over to Bob along with the girls and Jaden."What a duel. I mean you summon Exodia." said Alexis."Oh hi miss." said Jacob."Guys this is Jacob Wheeler and he is my best friend from childhood. They are my friends Alexis Rhodes, Stella, Fate Falcon, Emily Walker, Jaden Yuki, and Aziza Jamila." said Bob."So what are you doing here at Dual Academy?" said Emily."Well Emily, I'm official a student here thanks to my dad." said Jacob."So does that mean?" said Bob."Yep. They are coming here and you know him." said Jacob."Yeah." said Bob."Who are you talking about?" said Jaden."Old friends. So care for a duel Jaden? You look strong." said Jacob."He likes a strong opponent." said Bob.

"You will have to duel us first Jaden." said a girl.Jaden then shivered as he said,"It can't be.".He then turned around and he saw two old faces with Roger and Jess."Hey Jess and Roger. So aren't you going to introduce us to your new friends?" said Fate.

"My name is Diane, this is Anna, and we would like to talk with Jaden alone." said Diane.The two girls took Jaden off somewhere as Bob whispered to Jacob,"I need to go help Jaden. Do me a solid and keep them distracted?"."No problem." said Jacob.

Bob then hid behind a wall as Anna said,"You thought that you could escape us Jaden."."Not really. I was going to go to school here." said Jaden."Can it Yuki! Change us back now!" yelled Diane."Huh?" said Bob."I don't know how." said Jaden."You changed us before. Now change us back!" yelled Anna."I better figure this out already." said Bob.

He came out and Diane said,"You were with Jaden's friends. This doesn't involve you."."It did because it involved my friends." said Bob."You are an idiot. I mean why would you be friends with him? He made us into girls!" yelled Anna.

Man this is irony, I mean the last story I narrated for had this plot.Ain't that irony?"Wow." said Bob."Shut up. I was a kid and I was learned about my powers then these two attack me, and then I put them into a coma. I didn't think this would happen." said Jaden."Well. We want you to change us back but knowing you want a duel first." said Diane."Yep and I want him as my partner." said Jaden."Sure but you two are going to lose." said Anna.

They walked off as Bob said,"They don't know about me being the king?"."They have been in a coma for a long time." said Jaden."Makes sense. Lets show them out teamwork." said Bob."I guess." said Jaden.

Bob and Jaden stood in the red corner as the girls got the green corner."Go Anna and Diane!" said the boys included Jess."Doesn't he care about his friends?" said Emily."His hormones get the better of him." wrote Roger."Makes sense. So how was serving my dad?" said Emily."Nice." wrote Roger."So Jacob? How long have you know Bob?" said Aziza.

"Since we were in diapers, Bob was the worst at everything that came to this games. He seem to get better after a while. I guess having your dad being the king of games helped." said Jacob.

"I will go first then you Jaden then Anna and then Bob." said Diane."Me and you will duel Anna." said Bob."Fine." said Anna."Lets duel!" said Diana."K." said the boys.The screen showed Bob and Jaden on the left and Anna and Diane on the right with 8000 life points each.

"I draw." said Diane.She then looked at her hand and she said,"I play Double Summon and I summon Amazoness Chain Master and Amazoness Trainee in attack mode!".Two females came out and she said,"I end my turn with two facedowns. Your move Jaden.".

"Right. I play the spell Dark Fusion and I fuse Sparkman and Clayman so I can summon Evil Hero Lighting Golem in attack mode." said Jaden.The dark Thunder Giant stood there and Fate said,"So Jaden use Evil Heroes?"."Yes and no." said Aziza."Huh?" said Stella."You'll see." said Aziza."I destroy your trainee with his special effect." said Jaden.

She lost her warrior as Jaden said,"Since that was a fusion summon, I can summon him. I summon Evil Hero Acid Golem in attack mode.".A monster came out.He was huge and he was dropping acid onto the ground and his skin had acid in it."That monster is so gross." said Anna."What did she just call me? Let me hurt her Jaden." said Acid."I activate his special effect." said Jaden.He then drew a card and he said,"I activate this. Quick Summon. I special summon Evil Hero Crazy Warrior in attack mode.".A hero stood there and he had a really crazy look on his face."I end my turn with a facedown." said Jaden.

Evil Hero Acid Golem.LV 8.Attribute Dark.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Warrior/Effect.A Golem made by combining acid with a rock monster.You can summon him from your hand if you have a fiend or Evil Hero on your field without any sacrifices.You can draw a card but you can't attack that turn.
Evil Hero Crazy Warrior.LV 4.Attribute Dark.ATK 1800 DEF 1700.Warrior/Effect.A boy who almost died but thanks to some demon blood, he lived.If he gets destroy by a monster, your opponents takes the damage as well.

"Wow. Your monsters sure look ugly just like you. I draw!" said Anna.She drew a card as the evil monsters looked at Anna with anger and she said,"I play Triple Summon and I summon Axe Raider, Gil Garth, and XX-Saber Boggart Knight in attack mode.".The three stood there and Anna said,"I end my turn with a facedown.".

Bob then drew a card and he said,"I place a monster facedown and I end my turn."."Really? Usually Bob does something over the top." said Emily."Bob is planning something. Right Jacob?" wrote Roger."Yep." said Jacob.

Diane drew a card and she said,"I play the field spell Amazoness Village and then I summon Amazoness Sage in attack mode and then I attack your Crazy Hero with Chain master.".The boys then lost 100 life points along with the girls and she said,"I end my turn with a facedown.".

Jaden then drew a card and he said,"I activate this! Evil Tribute. I send Avian, Burstinatrix, Clayman, and Bubbleman into my grave so I can summon Evil Hero Element Mistress.".Then a woman stood there.She was wearing all black and well she was well endowed."Man she is hot!" said the boys."Men." said Fate."Ah Jaden. Why am I dueling these ugly woman and you are working with him? He is so plain." said Element Mistress."His name is Bob and he is my friend. I attack your Amazoness Sage with Inferno Fire Blast." said Jaden.She then burned the warrior causing 1300 life points from the girls and Element Mistress gained 1300 extra attack points."I end my turn with a facedown." said Jaden.

"I bring back out my Amazoness Paladin in attack mode." said Diane.A warrior came out and she gained 300 attack points.

Evil Tribute.Spell.Normal.You can remove fusion material monsters so you can summon the fusion monster in attack mode.
Evil Hero Element Mistress.LV 8.Attribute Dark.ATK 2900 DEF 2600.Warrior/Effect.The evil twin sister of Element Hero Electrum.She gets extra attack points by the difference between you and your opponent's life points.

Anna drew a card and she said,"I play the field spell Warrior's Battlefield and I summon The Legendary Swordswoman Athena!".A warrior stood there with the fiend and the other warriors and she look beautiful and the village was well destroyed plus she look like Stella."Slut." said Element Mistress."Coming from you.that is in a insult." thought Roger.

She then looked at him as Diana said,"Attack that facedown monster!".The warrior then slashed the card and Bob smiled."Why are you happy? You just lost your monster and life points." said Diana.She then looked at the score and it was still at 7900 life points."How?" said the crowd."My facedown monster. Let me bring him out. I bring back from the grave. Future Zombie!" said Bob.He then came out of the ground in defense mode and Bob said,"When he is destroy by a monster, he comes back from the grave but also I don't lose life points."."Wow. That is such a Bob move. Right Jacob?" said Stella."Yep." said Jacob."I end my turn." said Anna.

Warrior's Battlefield.Spell.Field.Every warrior type monster gains 1000 attack points and per warrior monster, you gain 300 life points.
The Legendary Swordswoman Athena.LV 10.Attribute Light.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Warrior/Effect.She is the queen of female warriors.She gains 1000 attack points per warrior on the field.
Future Zombie.LV 4.Attribute Dark.ATK 1500 DEF 2000.Zombie/Effect.A futuristic zombie who can bit you from a mile away.He can return back to the field in defense mode and you don't lose any life points.

"Hey Jacob. You must know Bob's deck pretty good. So what type of monsters does he run in there?" said Alexis."Well. Bob is known for his warriors and spellcasters and he doesn't use fiends but with that warrior on the field. I hope Bob has this." said Jacob.

Bob then drew with great power and he said,"I play Triple Summon and I summon Blast Magician in defense mode, Breaker The Magical Warrior in attack mode, and Defender, The Magical Knight in defense mode.".He then summon three magician and Bob said,"I activate Breaker's special effect so that I can get rid of the Battlefield!".

The spell was gone plus as Bob sighed."Thank god. Now I play this. Magical Tribute." said Bob.Then a circle appeared and he said,"This card only works when I have three spellcasters on the field. I remove from play my Future Zombie to special summon a spellcaster known as Future Magician.".

Magical Tribute.Spell.Normal.This card lets you special summon a spellcaster from your deck in attack mode with you banishing a monster if you have 2 or more spellcasters on the field.

A magician appeared where the zombie once stood.She was wearing the same outfit as Dark Magician but more high tech."Bob." said Future Magician."Luna." said Bob."I activate her special effect which allows me to special summon a spellcaster and nine spells from my deck." said Bob.

Bob then drew 9 spells and he added them to his hand."I special summon the Dark Magician in attack mode." said Bob.He then came out and Luna said,"Ah Mahad. You don't see me as often as you used to do."."You annoy me." said Mahad."I activate the field Spell Magician Paradise which gives all spellcasters 1000 points for ATK and DEF then I play the spell Field Barrier which means it stays for a while." said Bob.

Future Magician.LV 8.Attribute Dark.ATK 2500 DEF 2000.Spellcaster/Effect.The Future Dark Magician and she loves Dark Magician and she modeled herself after him.She can special summon him and three spell per spellcaster on the field.
Magical Paradise.Spell.Field.The world of magic.This field spell card has three effects.Every spellcasters gains 1000 ATK and DEF points.It cuts warriors monsters in half on your opponents side of the field.You can change a spell card property to your benefit.

Then a magical plane appeared as Bob's monsters gained 1000 attack and defense points."So you still can't beat my Athena with those witches?NShe has 11000 attack points and your highest monster only has 3500 attack points" said Anna."Yes. Magician Paradise also has a second effect. I call it cutting in half all warrior monsters attack points." said Bob.Athena then lost her power as Bob said,"I play the spell Magical Blast which allows me to take away 1000 points of damage and then I play Misfortune and I pick Athena causing you to lost 1500 life points.".He took away their bonus 2400 life points and 100 extra as Bob said,"I end my turn by playing the Swords of Revealing Light on Myself.".Then swords locked him in as the crowd questioned his move.

"Bob is doing something." wrote Roger."Yep and it was a brilliant move." said Jacob."You know this one?" said Alexis and Aziza."We are best friends and I know some of his many plans in his decks and he knows mine." said Jacob."So cool." said Emily."Not like Jess and his fans. I mean look at them." said Fate."Yeah. They don't know who to root for." said Stella.You can't blame them with the two well endowed woman on their field.They just have something that teenage boys love.Boobs.

"I draw!" said Diane.She then said,"I activate the spell Amazoness Goddess summoning. This only works if I have two Amazoness in my grave which I do thanks to you Jaden. So I can special summon Amazoness Goddess in attack mode.".A very powerful Amazoness stood there and her attack points grew to 5000 and Emily said,"I thought Magical Paradise cut warrior's attack in half."."She can't be effect by spell cards." said Aziza."Oh." said Emily."And you are in Obelisk Blue." wrote Roger.

She then hit the boy as Diane said,"I attack with Amazoness Goddess on your Thunder Giant and her attack can't be blocked by spells or trap on the turn she is summoned.".The boys lost 2600 life points putting the score at 5300 to 7100 so the girls are winning."I end my turn." said Diane.

Amazoness Goddess summoning.Spell.Ritual.If you have two Amazoness in your grave, you can special summon Amazoness Goddess.
Amazoness Goddess.Attribute Earth.LV 10.ATK 4000 DEF 2000.Warrior/Ritual/Effect.The goddess of all Amazoness and she can't be effects by spells.When summoned, she can't be targeted by trap and spell cards.She also gains 200 Attack points per Amazoness on the field or grave included herself.

Jaden drew a card and he smiled."I play the spell card Double Summon and I summon two Evil Hero Infernal Gainer!".Then two monsters appeared and Jaden said,"I sacrifice these two for Evil Hero Possessed.".Then a hero stood there and he was lifeless and a ghost."I activate his special effect. It allows my partner and me to draw three cards and then your monsters lost their attack points but my monster can only do 1000 points of damage oh well. Lets destroy those two weaker Amazoness Acid and Element Mistress." said Jaden.

The two destroy the Amazoness as Diane lost 2000 life points and Jaden said,"I activate his final effect. It allows me to special summon an Evil Hero from my hand. I summon Evil Hero Detective.".A evil looking detective stood there and he said,"Let see. These two were old bullies that you put into a 7 year coma and you must have turned them into girls."."Right as always. I activate his special effect to summon Evil Hero Malicious Edge from my deck." said Jaden.Edge then stood there and Jaden said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your move Anna.".

Evil Hero Possessed.Attribute Dark.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Warrior/Effect.He is a hero who died but his body was taken over by a demonic spirit many years ago.He has 3 effects.He allows you to draw three cards from your deck, when summon he can get rid of your opponent's monster attack points but he can't attack and each monster destroy is 1000 thousand points, and he can summon a Evil Hero from your hand.
Evil Hero Detective.Attribute Dark.LV 4.ATK 1600 DEF 1400.Warrior/Effect.He is the dark detective who can find out your secrets in a second.You can special summon an Evil Hero from your deck when he is summoned.

Anna drew her card and she said,"I need to get rid of this field spell. I play two Mystical Space Typhoon.".She then destroy the field spell and Roger wrote,"Why didn't Bob do anything?"."Trust me Roger. Bob always has a plan when it comes to this game." said Jacob."Attack Breaker and win this duel!" yelled Anna."I activate my facedown. Shut Down." said Bob.Her attacks stopped thanks to it and she said,"You were lucky Bob. Just plain lucky. You are just a weak duelist.".

Shut Down.Trap.Normal.It blocks all attacks.

Bob smiled and he said,"I now activate this.Bringing of the Great Sage or I like to call him Conner. This requires that I send five spells and five monsters to the grave so I can special summon the Great Sage.".

He sent the swords, his five monsters, and 4 cards in his hand to grave as a man appeared.He was tall than Acid Golem and his beard was white and fluffy."Ah Robert. You have summon me." said Conner."You know it old buddy. I activate his special effect. For every monster, spell, trap in our field or graveyard or have been removed from play, my buddy here gains 1000 ATK and DEF points per card." said Bob."That means?" said the crowd and the three duelist."Yep. He gains 60000 ATK points." said Bob.

He stood there and he said,"I love this Bob. You need to bring me out more."."I promise that I will. I now attack with this! Heavenly Blast!" said Bob.The girls then lost the duel and Great Sage is too OP!

Bringing of the Great Sage.Spell.Normal.You must send five monsters to the grave and five spells in your hand or field to special summon the Great Sage.
The Great Sage.Attribute Light.ATK 8000 DEF 8000.LV 8.Spellcaster/Effect.The greatest wizard in the universe and one of Bobby's strongest card.He gains 1000 points for every spell, trap, and monsters in you, your opponent's field, grave, or removed from play.

 Bob and Jacob were in the Armageddon Black dorm which was in the forest which you can get lost in."So welcome home man." said Bob."Nice plan. You really live the bachelor life." said Jacob."I know but I have them living here." said Bob."Yeah. It is nice to see Mahad ignoring Luna as always and Conner. I haven't seen him in years. Was using him really necessary?" said Jacob."I used him against you." said Bob."But that is difference. Those two were bullies who didn't deserve what happened to them. So are your monsters working on a cure?" said Conner."Yep. Even Mana is helping maybe due Conner." said Bob."Ah. So are you ready for those 2?" said Jacob."Yep but we have them." said Bob.

"Right. Your friends are nice by the way. So Roger and Jaden have duel spirits as well?" said Jacob."Yep. I know that they can see them and I can see there." said Bob."So do you mind if she comes out?" said Jacob."Nope." said Bob.

Jacob then let out a weasel.She was the duel monster spirits of Psycho Weasel."Hey Bob. You are looking well." said the weasel."You too Skippy. Everyone is out back." said Bob.She then ran off as Jacob said,"Lets bring our annual game off."."Right." said Bob.The two started to play as the festival went on.

Next time,
Old friends return and also rumors about a tournament in the works.

Oh hey, one more thing.This story is different from the last one due to the fact that the Shadows Riders will not appeared.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Yugioh GX part 8 Dates and Duels

Oh and Roger's deck is based of Video Game and Anime Characters so let me say this.I own absolute nothing beside my characters.I got that in only after 8 parts in and also I suck at describing clothes.

2 weeks later, Roger woke up to hear Chumley's snoring.He was in the room which was Fate's room before she moved out and the human/Koala is a snorer.He then stretched his body and he saw one of his spirits.Like Bob and Jaden, he can see duel spirits.

This was one of his monsters known as Pikachu."Hey master. What are you doing up so early?" said Pikachu. Roger then grabbed his notebook and he wrote down,"And what are you doing up so early?"."Oh you know. Mouse stuff." said Pikachu."Really? You are up at 5 in the morning." wrote Roger."Yes and do you always have to judge me?" said Pikachu."Nope. I just like too." wrote Roger."Whatever. You are probably going to see Emily aren't you? I mean you two are dating right?" said Pikachu."No! Where did you get that idea?!" wrote Roger."From someone close to you." said Pikachu."Let me guess you?" wrote Roger."Nope. Have fun." said Pikachu.

Roger then sighed as he locked up his room and he went to go get some breakfast."And that is how I won against Kaiba." said Bob.He then opened the door to the mess hall and he saw Bob teaching some Slifers about stuff."Morning Roger. Have fun sleeping next to Chumley?" said Bob."Nope. He is loud to say the least." wrote Roger."I know that but he is a fun guy to be around. So I need your advice on something." said Bob.

Roger was eating what they call food here as Roger wrote,"Shoot."."I am going on my date with Fate today." said Bob."You look fine." wrote Roger."Really?" said Bob."You look better than yesterday." wrote Roger.

Bob's wild black hair was calmed down a little, he was wearing a green shirt with blue jeans, and he had on his red/black tennis shoes."Thanks. My hair took forever. I know this because I have two sisters." said Bob."Yeah. I know." wrote Roger."Sorry. So what are you up to all day?" said Bob.

He wrote down a question mark as Bob said,"I see. Trying making some friends. I understand what it is like to be the new kid around."."I'll try but I already pissed off Chazz." wrote Roger."You got this. I better get going." said Bob."Good luck man." wrote Roger.

Bob was standing outside the girls dorm."Man this is boring. I mean I don't remember Robin and Rose taking this long when they forced me to go shopping with them. I wish I brought my deck with me." thought Bob.

He then saw Fate.She was wearing a white dress and she look amazing."Hey Bob. So how do I look?" said Fate."Remember what Gorz said." thought Bob."You look amazing." said Bob."Thanks Bob. You don't look half bad yourself." said Fate.

Bob works out."Yep. I have been training my dueling skills and my body since I was 10. So what do you want to do on our date first?" said Bob."I was thinking of some where so awesome that it will blow your mind." said Fate."Thank the gods, that there are no malls on this island."thought Bob.

She then dragged him off as Mana watched her king."Something is wrong with you." said Gorz.He stood there and she said,"Nothing is wrong!"."I can tell when something is wrong. You can tell me Mana." said Gorz."You haven't been with us that long but you don't know Bob like I do. He is so cool and he is so handsome." said Mana."You like the king?" said Gorz."Yes but I haven't told anyone beside for you about it." said Mana."So why?" said Gorz.

"Oh yeah, you must haven heard about Bob's training by Mahad or Armageddon by now." said Mana."Yeah but I wanted to hear your story." said Gorz."Well lets get go back a couple of years." said Mana.

In the past, Mana was watching a young Bob training with Armageddon.Bob was about 14 years old and he had been in the duel monster spirits world for 4 years now.Bob then stopped and Armageddon said,"You are gotten strong since your first day in here."."Thanks Armageddon. Can I go talk a break now?" said Bob."Yes. Have fun." said Armageddon.

Bob walked over to Mana and he said,"So have you finished your training with Mahad and Ultimate Wizard?"."Yeah. Totally." said Mana."So you want to go on a walk with me?" said Bob."As friends right?" said Mana."Yeah of course. What do you mean by that?" said Bob.Even as a kid, he was dense.

The two were walking and Mana said,"You are going back to the real world when you are 17?"."Yep. I will be older than my other students but I miss that place." said Bob."It is sweet." said Mana."So what do you mean by that?" said Bob."Dense. I mean that it is sweet to see my good friend have a goal." said Mana."Oh. Cool." said Bob.

Then Future Messenger rode up on her horse and she said,"Your highness. Black Luster needs you for training."."Okay. Later Mana." said Bob.He then followed the messenger as Mana said,"I hope no girl takes you away from me.".

Back in the real world, Gorz stood there outside Black Luster's room.He then opened the door to see Black Luster reading."Ah Gorz. Do you need me for something?" said Black Luster."Yeah. Can I ask you about Mana?" said Gorz."Isn't she a little young?" said Black Luster."Not like that. She likes our king." said Gorz."So? Many girls liked Bob in the spirit world and even here in the real world." said Black Luster."So? I shouldn't be worried." said Gorz."Yes and get some training done. Bob likes his friends to relax and train." said Black Luster."I see. Later Black Luster." said Gorz.

He walked off as Black Luster said,"I wonder who is actually going to pick. I mean he has some of his lovers in his deck right now."

Roger was hanging out with Syrus, Jess, and Chumley in their room because Bob asked them to do."So Roger? How did you and Emily meet?" said Jess."We are childhood friends." wrote Roger."So are you two dating?" said Syrus."Just friends Syrus." wrote Roger."So what did you write on Chazz Jess?" said Chumley."Oh you know. Normal stuff." said Jess."Like this?" wrote Roger.Jess looked at the notebook and he laughed."Nice. I so didn't think of that one. Check it out guys." said Jess.

The other two laugh at Roger's drawing and Chumley said,"You are a great artist Roger just like me."."But he can draw something beside Koalas." said Syrus."Huh?" wrote Roger on a nearby piece of paper and Jess said,"Chumley likes Koalas."."Oh." wrote Roger.

He then took back his notebook from Syrus as the door opened."Hey guys." said Alexis."Hey Lex. What are you doing down here in our humble home?" said Jess."We have a problem." said Alexis."Are we getting our dorm torn down?" said Syrus." Why do you think that Sy?" said Chumley."No idea." said Syrus.

"So what is it?" said Jess."It is Chazz. He wants to duel Roger." said Alexis."Why?" wrote Roger."You did give him a black eye and Chazz hates you." said Alexis."Oh. I better get my deck ready for him." wrote Roger."But Chazz is one of the best freshman duelist not as good as Jaden or Bob but still pretty good." said Syrus."Don't worry Syrus. I have this in the bag." wrote Roger.

Bob and Fate were walking back to the Slifer Red dorm."Bob. I am really impressed that you didn't even duel once during our date." said Fate."Well, I was told that it wasn't very nice to do that so I decide to leave my deck at home." said Bob."Wow." said Fate."So why are we going to the Slifer Dorm? You leave something there?" said Bob."Nope. We are going to see a duel between Chazz and Roger." said Fate."Really?" said Bob."Yeah." said Fate.

The two then saw Chazz who had Slifer Rules on him and he yelled,"Get out here!"."Chazz. Calm down." said Bob.He then grabbed the Obelisk and he was thrown to the floor and Fate said,"What was that for Chazz?".Chazz then ignored her as she helped Bob up."Aren't you going to punch him or something?" said Fate."Nope. I think this duel will be helpful to Chazz's ego." said Bob.

Bob then Jess, Syrus, Chumley, and Alexis."Hey guys. Where is Roger?" said Bob."Inside. Getting his deck ready." said Alexis."Cool. So why is Chazz pissed?" said Chumley."You!" yelled Chazz.

He then grabbed Jess and he said,"Hey Chazz."."You wrote this garbage on me! Didn't you Slifer!?" yelled Chazz."I have no idea on what are you talking about." said Jess."You did! I heard from one of my friends that a Slifer aka you did this!" yelled Chazz.He was about to punch him and he got hit with a rock.

Roger stood there and Chazz yelled,"Let's duel!"."Fine." wrote Roger.The two stood across from each other and Roger wrote down,"I will go first! I play the spell card Pikmin army!".Then little aliens came up and they were red, yellow, blue, white, and purple."What will those freaks do?"said Chazz."I activate the spell card Pikmin Strike!" wrote Roger.Chazz then lost 1000 life points as Roger wrote as the plant monster were gone thanks to the spell,"I end my turn with a facedown.".

"I draw! I play the spell card Magicial Mallet." said Chazz.He then drew new cards and he said,"I summon V-Tiger Jet in attack mode then I play Frontline Base which allows me to special summon a union monster during my main phase. I special summon W-Wing Catapult in attack mode.".The two mechanized monster stood there and he said,"I remove them from play VW-Tiger Catapult. Attack!"."This is for messing with the Chazz!" yelled Chazz."I activate my facedown. Pikmin Wall." wrote Roger.Then the five then return on the field and they made a wall which blocked the attack but Roger still lost half of his life points."Good. I end my turn with a facedown." said Chazz.

Pikmin Army.Spell.Normal.This spell works like Mini Heroes.You can summon five plants also known as Pikmins in red, yellow, blue, white, and purple with 1000 attack and defense points.
Pikmin Strike.Spell.Quick.You are allow to attack with your army and each one makes 200 points of damage.After that, the ones that attack go to the graveyard.
Pikmin Wall.Trap.Normal.It blocks half of your opponents attack.

Roger drew a card and he wrote,"I special summon the White Demon or Sakata Gintoki in attack mode!".Then a samurai stood there.He had claret colored eyes and natural wavy sliver and blue hair.He was wearing a black shirt and pants with a red lining, a white yukata( a summer yukata) with light blue patterns worn like he just woke up from a nap over his left shoulder, he is wearing knee-length black boots with a buckle around the upper foot and the top of the boot, and he had a wooden katana in his belt.

"Morning Roger. Man, what time is it?" said Sakata."Is this a joke? You can't have him without 2 sacrifices Slifer!" said Chazz."I can thanks to you have a monster on your field. I now equip him with the Master Sword." wrote Roger.He gained an extra 2800 attack points as he said,"Thanks for Link's sword upgrade .I mean this makes me feel stronger. You are still playing that silent card huh?"." Attack!" wrote Roger."Gotcha." said Sakata.He then slashed the robot and Chazz lost all of his life points.

Sakata Gintoki or White Demon.LV 8.ATK 2800 DEF 2800.Attribute Earth.Warrior/Normal.A samurai from an alternative future where during the Edo period of Japan was invaded by aliens known as Amanto.He is a lazy warrior but he gets the job done with his mastery over the sword.
Master Sword.Spell.Equip.The Hero of Time's sword and it gives the user an boost in their attack points based on their attack points.

"I lost  to a Slifer? A mute one?" said Chazz."Yes. Now leave." said Sakata.He stood there and Chazz didn't see him but Bob did."So Roger has duel spirits too?" thought Bob.

Chazz then ran off as Syrus said,"That was so awesome!"."Yeah especially Sakata and that spell." said Chumley."Thanks." wrote Roger."So where did you get those cards anyway?" said Jess."From my dad." wrote Roger."Yep. His dad was so awesome and he could talk not like Roger." said Emily.

She stood there and she said,"So how was the date?"."You two were on a date?" said the three Slifers."It was pretty amazing." said Fate."And obvious. Since when do I dress nice?" said Bob."We should have noticed that." said the three."I better getting going Bob. See you tomorrow." said Fate."Yeah." said Bob.

She then kissed him on the cheek and she and Emily walked off."Are you?" said Syrus."Huh?" said Bob."A couple?" said Chumley."I think so but I don't get this stuff myself." said Bob."Wow. He is so dense just like someone I know." thought Roger."So what are you going to do for the rest of the day?" said Jess."Sleep. Later." said Bob.

He walked off into the woods as Roger wrote,"Lets get something to eat. I am starving.".The four walked into their dorm just as dinner was about to get start.

Jaden was walking toward the abandoned dorm and he thought,"Alexis is actually pretty hot.".The two have been hanging out a lot with Aziza so he was mixed about his feeling with the two.He walked into it and he saw Edge."Hello master. I thought that you would be with Aziza or Alexis." said Edge."I need a break from humanity." said Jaden."So are you ready for tomorrow?" said Edge."Yes. Where is Yubel?" said Jaden."Right here my love." said Yubel.

She stood there and Jaden said,"Who are you referring too?"."Who do you think?" said Edge."Mahad?" said Jaden."You my love." said Yubel."Really?" said Jaden."Nope. She and I have been hanging out more." said Edge."Yes we have." said Yubel."So you are closer to him than me Yubel? I am hurt Yubel." said Jaden."Hey kid. I know that you are faking this but don't worry I won't take your friendship with her." said Edge."Yeah. We have been friends since we were kids and I will fight you for her." said Jaden."Really?" said Yubel."Yep." said Jaden."So what is up with you and those ladies? Is someone accept their destiny?" said Edge."Yes he is." said Yubel.

"Huh?" said the men."I thought you two were listen to the history lesson that I told you." said Yubel."We both made Infernal Prodigy go for us." said the two."Of course. You as the Supreme King fell in love with two girls aka the old me which is Aziza and Alexis so this is normal." said Yubel."Dude.That is awesome!" said Edge."How?" said Jaden and Yubel.

"Just pick the one that you want man." said Edge."I see." said Jaden."You are an idiot sometimes Edge." said Yubel."But he is right. Thanks Edge." said Jaden.He then ran off and Edge and Yubel walked after him.

Bob woke up and he went downstairs to grab some food."This is so nice." said Bob.He then saw Black Luster who was with Mahad and Armageddon."Hey guys. Enjoy your day off like I did." said Bob."Yes and we need to know what you are doing for tomorrow." said Mahad."Nothing." said Bob."Of course you would say that." said Black Luster."Yep. I decided to help out some friends tomorrow due to me being a nice guy and all." said Bob.

"Did the ladies of the deck make you?" said Armageddon."Yeah." said Bob." Good luck and don't do anything stupid." said Mahad."No promises." said Bob."Yeah." said Black Luster."I better get some sleep. only have 4 hours till school." said Bob."Right night Bob." said Armageddon.

Bob went to sleep in his bed as his three main dueling spirits of his deck talked downstairs."So what is up with Bob's love life? I mean he has that Fate girl, Stella, and Mana plus those other ones." said Armageddon.

"You know the origin of his past? This is supposed to happened." said Black Luster."Sorry that I never played the best attnetion in school." said Armageddon."Of course you would say that. Lets make sure that Bob doesn't do any thing really stupid." said Mahad."Right." said Black Luster and Armageddon.

Next time,
Two duelists challenges Jaden and Bob to a duel of revenge!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Yugioh GX part 7 Para and Dox, a tag team that rhymes way too much!

Oh and one of the students is based off of a good friend of mine and I can't rhyme whatsoever so they will finished each other sentence like a couple.The twins deck is based off a mixture of their the first half of their second duel with my ideas.

Bob was sitting in his bed late at night and he was deep in thought about his duel tomorrow with Para and Dox."Tomorrow is going to be awesome. I mean with the extra strategy that I put into my deck. I am going to win this but still it is missing the edge but I can still win." said Bob.He then heard his door being knocked on and he walked toward it and he opened the door to see a package."Weird." said Bob.

He grabbed it and he walked inside of his room and he placed the box on his bed.He then grabbed a knife and he opened the box.It was a letter from his family and some cards.Bob then read the letter and he looked at the cards and he said,"This is perfect. Thanks dad."

Bob walked with Stella and they were walking toward the Slifer Dorm."So Fate revealed herself to the entire male population?" said Bob."Yeah. It was pretty brave." said Stella."So wouldn't she be at the girls dorm?" said Bob."The person who would be doing that is busy with trying to get rid of you almost every day. Are you sure that you don't need me today?" said Stella.Nope. I got the deck that could impress the world with it." said Bob."Really? Is it better than Yugi's deck?" said Stella."Yes." said Bob.He then thought,"Well my dad is Yugi and he did help me make this deck so yes I think.".

The two were outside of the Slifer Red dorm and then Bob said,"This place really needs to be cleaned."."Yeah but do you really think that Crowler will do that and he hates Slifers and you." said Stella."No Crowler loves me." said Bob."Right." said Stella.The two then saw the blue haired boy run off with Jess and Chumley walking after him."Man, who knew that Chumley could walk?" said Bob."He wanted to see you duel Para and Dox." said Fate.

She stood there in the female Slifer Red uniform and she said,"Like the uniform Bob?"."Yeah. It looks nice on you. It fits you." said Bob.Stella then grabbed his arm and she said,"Lets get going Bob. You don't want to be late."."Really? I was actually going to sit on the roof and maybe take a nap." said Bob."Sounds like fun. Let me join you." said Fate."Sounds like fun. I will join you two." said Stella."Cool. I better get going. Later ladies. I hope you girls cheer me on today." said Bob.

Bob walked to the academy and Fate looked at Stella and she said,"Well played."."Yep. You wouldn't get him that easy." said Stella.She walked after Bob and Fate said,"Time to bring out the Falcon charm.".

She walked off and Mahad and Gorz stood there."Is this normal for him? I mean he is pretty dense." said Gorz."You will get used to it like you have gotten to it. Bob's monsters, they 
seem to like you." said Mahad."I know but it is hard. I mean knowing my former master, he will be there and then you will meet him." said Gorz."Well whatever happens, we will like you man." said Mahad." MRight." said Gorz.

Bob was forced awake by Stella who told him that Crowler had an announcement for the entire class include him."You suck sometimes." said Bob."I know that but did you want detention?" said Stella."No but I am dueling." said Bob.Crowler then said,"Thank you. Beside today being Bob's last day here, we have 2 new transfer students. They strangely transfer in at the same time when you are leaving Bob so they will be an major freaking improvement over you."."Thank you so much for that teach. I like you too. So where are they?" said Bob."You two may come in." said Crowler.

The door opened and Bob saw a boy and a girl waking into the room.The girl had pink hair and she was very pretty and she said,"My name is Emily Walker.".She then bowed as the boy stood there.He had blond hair which was short and he had blue eyes.He was a Slifer Red and Emily was an Obelisk."Say hi Roger." said Emily.

He waved and he sat in the seat right next to Bob and Emily said,"Sorry about that. Roger isn't very social.".She sat next to Stella and Crowler said,"Now if you need me. I need to get ready for today's duel.".

He walked off as Bob said,"So Emily?".She looked at him and she said,"I know you."."You do?" said Stella and Fate who had to move up there."Yeah. You are that really stupid guy who is dueling Para and Dox today that I heard some other Obelisk Blue talk about." said Emily."Yeah, I'm the guy but don't worry. I am going to win with the deck that I built." said Bob.Bob felt his shoulder being tapped as Roger held a piece of paper saying Really?."Yep." said Bob.Bob then stood up and he said,"I better go get ready.".

He ran off as Fate said,"He is really excited for today's duel if you couldn't tell."."Yeah. I think everyone is. I mean he seems to have an influence on people." said Emily."Yeah Bob is like that. The name is Stella." said Stella."I am Fate Falcon." said Fate."It is nice to meet you two nice ladies." said Roger with a notebook."So why don't you talk Roger?" said Stella.

He hid as Emily said,"Roger didn't have a normal childhood."."Was he experiment on?" said Fate. No. His parents kept him sheltered in his house and I was his only friends so he doesn't like to talk as much." said Emily.Then Sheppard's voice was heard,"Attention all students, please head to the stadium for today's main event."

Roger then hid under his desk as everyone ran to see Bob crash and burn.He then popped his head up to see Jaden full armored and Roger wrote down,"Please don't hurt me!"."Why would I?" said Jaden."Your armor sweetie. The faceplate is stuck." said Aziza.

She got it up as Jaden said,"Sorry. My name is Jaden Yuki and this is my girlfriend Aziza Jamila." said Jaden.She waved at him and Roger wrote down,"You are very pretty."."Thank you Roger." said Aziza.

Jaden said,"So why are you here instead of watching the annoying one?"."You mean Bob? I got scared by the crowd. I have Anthrophobia which is the fear of people and Enochlophobia which is the fear of crowds. I have to write with this because I am always scared." wrote Roger.

Roger uses his notebook to write so when he talks, it will be like wrote."Don't worry Roger. I was like you. I am not good with people but Aziza here helped me a little." said Jaden."It is the truth. Now lets go.bBob's dueling is always fun to see." said Aziza."Yeah. He is annoying though." said Jaden.

The couple walked off as Roger thought,"That must be the reincarnated Supreme King. He is wearing the same armor and that means Aziza is the reincarnated Yubel. I wonder why he is interested about Bob. I am curious about him myself. I mean he is dueling Para and Dox who almost defeat the King of Games and his friend. He seems pretty confident about this. So lets go see how Bob deals with it.".He walked over there and Black Luster said,"He seems like a threat even though he can't talk. I better keep an eye on him.".

Jaden sat with Aziza who forced him to sit with the gang."So do you think Bob actually can win?" said Syrus."Yeah. Do you think Bob wouldn't win?" said Stella."No but these two almost won their duel against Yugi and Joey." said Syrus."Bob can win this duel. I mean their strongest monster can't even compared to Armageddon or Soul Reaper." said Fate."But they might have some new cards since then." said Jess."He is right." said Bastion."And how do you know that Bastion?" said Alexis.

"It is elementary Alexis.I mean it has been a long time since their duel with the King of Games. Right Bastion?" said Zane."Yeah." said Bastion."Hey Jaden right? Did you see Roger." said Emily.Then she saw Roger and he wrote down,"Sorry that I am late Emily. I got lost.".

He sat next to Syrus and then Crowler stood there."Welcome to the duel between Bob and the amazing tag team who would make Bob leave today." said Crowler.Then Para and Dox came out and Para said,"We are proud to be here at Duel Academy."."And to crush this boy." said Dox."Now where is the accused?" said Para."We are very busy." said Dox.

Bob walked out and he said,"It is a honor to duel you two."."You remind me of Yugi doesn't he Dox?" said Para."Yes he does." said Dox."Do you finish each other sentences a lot?" said Bob."Yes. Now! Lets us Duel!" said Para and Dox."Right! Time to get your game on!" said Bob.

Para drew his first card and he said,"I will go first then my brother Doc and then you can attack ."."Sure." said Bob."I summon Jirai Gumo in attack mode and I end my turn with a facedown." said Para.

Then a spider came out as then Dox drew his card and he said,"I summon Kaiser Sea Horse in attack mode.".The man stood there and then he said,"I then activate Tribute Doll so I can use my brother's monster so I can summon Kazejin in attack mode.".A weird green monster stood there and Dox said,"I activate Dark Designator and I select my brother and I declare that he has the monster known as Sanga of the Thunder in his deck."."Yes I do brother. I have him in my deck so according to Dark Designator, I can bring him into my hand." said Para."Yes and I end my turn with a facedown." said Dox.

"Bob is so doomed. I mean they have two of three parts of the Gate Guardian on their field." said Syrus."Don't worry so much Sy. I mean Bob can handled any problem." said Jess.Bob then drew his card and he said,"Okay. I play the spell Mini Heroes and I summon three mini heroes in attack mode.".They stood there and Bob said,"I activate one of my many ritual spells. Alien for an Hero! I send one of my heroes to the grave along with my Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab in my hand so I can summon Captain Earth!".

Alien for an Hero.Spell.Ritual.You send a warrior monster from Earth and an alien like monster to the grave so you can summon Captain Earth.
Captain Earth, a super hero with the powers of the best aliens from space.LV 10.Attribute Earth. ATK 4000 DEF 4000.Warrior/Ritual/Effect.He is blessed with many different super powers from aliens from space.His abilities are pretty strong from being a monster.He can make every empty space on your opponent's field into a spell which gives him 200 ATK and DEF and He can special summon an extra monster on your field from your hand.Once destroyed, you can summon a warrior from your deck in attack or defense mode.

A hero appeared and he was dress like a superhero with blue and green spandex and red cape with a symbol of Earth."I activate his two special effects at once." said Bob.He then gained 2600 ATK and DEF points and then Bob said,"I summon Elemental Hero Neos!".He stood there and Bob said,"Attack with Shining punch!".The Elemental Hero flew toward Kaiser and then Dox said,"I activate my facedown card known as Chinese Finger Trap!".He was trapped in a Chinese finger trap and then two boys pulled him apart and Bob lost 1250 life points."I better not attack especially with Para's card. I end my turn with two facedowns." said Bob.

Chinese Finger Trap.Trap.Normal.You can block an monster attack and it gets destroy causing the opponent to lose life points equal to half of the destroyed monsters attack points.

"Wow. That card is like the anti Bob." said Zane."Yeah. Every one of Bob's monsters are over 2000 attack points which will make Bob lose this duel." said Bastion."I have a feeling that Bob can win this." said Stella."Yeah." said Fate.

Para drew a card and he said,"I play Monster Reborn so I can bring back Jirai Gumo.".The spider went back to the field and Dox said,"You can guess what my brother is doing right now."."Yes. Just go on with it." said Bob."I play my Tribute Doll and I tribute my spider so I can summon Suijin in attack mode." said Para.A blue monster stood there alongside the green and Para said,"I now use my brother Kaiser Sea Horse so I can summon Sanga of the Thunder!".The yellow one stood there and the twins said,"We now summon Gate Guardian in attack mode!".

He stood there and then Para said,"I activate my facedown. Chinese Fireworks!".Then some fireworks came out as Bob's field went empty beside his facedown and then he said,"Attack him directly!".Bob then lost 3750 life points and he had 3000 life points left."I activate my space hero's final effect so I summon Shield Warrior in defense mode." said Bob.Then a warrior with a really big shield in the world stood there and Bob smiled."I end my turn." said Para.

"I draw!" said Dox.He drew a card and he said,"I equip the spell card Fairy Meteor Crush to Gate Guardian and then I equip the spell Chinese Armor!".He then gained 3750 more attack points and then Dox said,"Attack!"."I activate my facedown!" yelled Bob.Then a cloud of smoke appeared.

Shield Warrior.LV 8.Attribute Earth.ATK 4000 DEF 6000.Warrior/Normal.A warrior with a massive shield made by the gods and she defend her friends from danger.
Chinese Armor.Spell.Equip.It gains a big boost in attack and defense points, the amount the monster originally had.
Chinese Fireworks.Spell.Normal.This spell destroy all monsters on your opponents field with a flashy display.

"Yes!" yelled Crowler.Sheppard looked at him and he said,"Crowler is just being him. Poor Bob. He had such potential."."Yes. Stella is mine and Bob is leaving the island." thought Chazz.He looked at Roger who was right behind him and he said,"What is your deal mute?".Roger wrote,"Huh?"."The name is Chazz Princeton and you seem so sad that Bob is leaving. I mean he was a disgrace to the Obelisk name." said Chazz.

"You are an Obelisk? Who knew? I thought you were a mascot for spoiled rich kids." wrote Roger.Oh and Roger on paper when he wants to be, a big jerk."You making funny of me? The Chazz? I can duel you so hard that you will feel the Chazz on you." said Chazz."Um gross. I like girls." wrote Roger."You are so dead Slifer!" yelled Chazz.

The two fought as Emily sighed."Aren't you going to do anything? I thought Roger was shy." said Aziza."He is but he sometimes gets like that." said Emily."You two must be childhood friends I presume?" said Jaden."Yep. We have been friends since he helped me with my dueling skills. He is really good." said Emily."I would love to duel him sometimes." said Jess."He would like that. Hey Zane." said Emily."I know." said Zane.

He then grab the silent duelist whose nose was bleeding and he wrote,"Put me down Truesdale."."Whatever." said Zane.He then took him to the nurse office as Stella said,"What about Chazz?"."Nah he can stay there. Look the smoke is clearing." said Alexis.

Bob stood there with Shield Warrior and he said,"I am in to win baby!"."How?!" yelled the crowd."Thanks to my facedown. I had a feeling that this would happen thanks to my dad giving me some advice so I brought me Illusion of the Blind. With sending 2 card in my deck to the grave, this card allows me to dodge your attack, stop your battle phase, and gives me back the life points which I lost to you two and a bonus 2000." said Bob."Clever move kid. I end my turn." said Dox.

Bob then drew a card and he said," I play the Helpful Friend and I summon Blue Eyes White Dragon!".The dragon came out and he roared loudly."Wow! That monster is so cool." said Stella."Huh?" said everyone."Stella likes that card a lot." said Alexis."Oh." said the group." I now activate this. Double Summoning. I can now summon two monsters from the grave which are Gorz the Emissary of Darkness and Felgrand Dragon!" said Bob.

The two popped out as Bob said,"You may be thinking. Bob, these monsters can't beat Gate Guardian but look at this beauty. Dragon Summon. I send Shield Warrior and Blue Eyes so I can summon this one. Introduce my second strongest monster Universe Dragon!".

Illusion of the Blind.Trap.Normal.You sending two cards into the graveyard so that you can dodge your opponent's attack, stop your opponent's battle phase, and then you get the life points that you lost the same turn and the previous turn plus 2000 life points.
Double Summoning.Spell.Normal.You can special summon two monsters from your grave.
Dragon Summon.Spell.Normal.You can special summon a dragon by sending one warrior and a dragon on your field to the grave.
Universe Dragon,the universe as a dragon who is the universe god.LV 12.Attribute All.ATK 8000 DEF 8000.Dragon/Effect.The dragon with the power of the universe inside him.He can fuse with any monster on your field.

A dragon came out.His scales were very shiny and they had stars on him and it was a dream come true.Stella said,"So cool."."Wow. That monsters is so not him. I think it would be a Zane monster not a Bob monster." said Jess."Yeah." said Syrus."Fire your Universe Breath!" yelled Bob.He then destroy Gate Guardian and then the two lost 1000 life points and then Bob said,"You two know what to do."."Right!" said Gorz.He then slashed them out of 2700 life points and the other dragon roared causing them to lose 2800 life points.Bob then saw that the twins had 1500 life points left and Bob said,"I will be finished this duel with this. I activate this spell.Quick Summon!I can summon a monster under 2000 attack points so I bring out Drawing Wizard!".He stood there and Bob said,"Lets finish this duel with numbers!".Drawing Wizard finished the duel and Bob said,"That is game!".

Quick Summon.Spell.Quick.You are allow to special summon a monster from your deck with 2000 or less attack points.

Bob stood there and the crowd cheered."Wow. I guess you can sure make a show Master Bob." said Para.The two were bowing as Bob said,"Um. What are you two doing?"."You have defeated us just your father did many years ago. So we present you with these." said Dox.He then handed Bob some new cards and Para and Dox said,"Good luck King of Games.".

The two hopped off as Sheppard walked over to him."You keep impressing me Bob. I mean you defeat Victor on your first day, Carla while trying to save your friend, Roy Hound because Crowler hates your guts for you calling him a women, a evil demon who took over your friend, two powerful female duelists, and now Para and Dox. You really have lead up to your dad's legacy." said Sheppard."Yep. Oh can I borrow that microphone for a minute? I need to scare Crowler up a bit." said Bob."Go right ahead." said Sheppard.

He then handed the boy the mic and he said,"I thank you all for coming and I wanted to say this for a long time. And no this isn't a love confession. I am Yugi Moto's son you know the king of games and I defeated him before coming here so that makes the King of Games so bring it on. Oh and Crowler, I quit being an Obelisk Blue. From now on, I am my own dorm.".

He walked off as Syrus said,"Bob is Yugi's son?! And the king of Games!"."That is so awesome!" yelled Jess.Jaden then knocked them down a peg as he said,"Quiet."."So Bob is the king of games? Who knew from his attitude toward classes?" said Aziza."Huh?" said Emily."He sleeps a lot in there like a lot." said Bastion."Man, it is still so cool that we know the king of games. I mean his dueling is so wow." said Fate.

"I knew it!" said Syrus."Knew what?" said Fate."You like Bob." said Syrus."Is that true Fate?" said Alexis, Aziza, and Emily."Yes and no." said Fate."So is that is a yes?" said Bastion."You really don't understand girls." said Alexis.

The girls took Fate away as Jaden started to walk off."Wait Jaden!" said Syrus."What?" said Jaden."I was thinking you could help me, Jess, and Bastion with Chazz." said Syrus.

The armored duelist then looked at the rich Obelisk who was knocked out with a black eye and a bloody nose."You two get the back and me and the pipsqueak get the front." said Jaden.Jess and Bastion were holding his legs and Jaden and Syrus held his arm."Hey guys. I have an idea." said Jess."Lets get this over with." said Jaden."You are so not fun." said Bastion and Jess.

Bob was standing outside his new dorm."Do you like it your highness?" said Black Luster.It was like a mixture of the three dorms but it was painted black and red,his signature colors."I love it Luster. So how is the family enjoying this place?" said Bob.

The two walked in and he saw Scampers playing with Card Ejector in their playroom and everyone of his other spirits relaxing."I take this as a yes. You really listen to my designs well Black Luster." said Bob."Thank you. Have you looked at those cards that you got from the people you dueled today?" said Black Luster."Nope. Get everyone together." said Bob.

Bob stood there with his duel monsters spirits as he said,"We are know Armageddon Black!"."Yes!" said the crowd."You guys and girls liked the name so much so I picked it. Now we have some new cards or family so treated them well. I have some stuff to do with my friends so I hope you guys like each other." said Bob.

He left the dorm and he saw Roger with his nose covered in bandages."So what happened in your duel?" wrote Roger."I won with the power of Universe Dragon, quit Obelisk Blue, and I started up Armageddon Black. You?" said Bob."Thanks to my anger, I got in a fight with Chazz Princeton." wrote Roger."You mean rich and spoiled kid Chazz? Nice." said Bob."I know right? So you live nearby now?" wrote Roger."Yep. So you mind if I hang out with you guys?" said Bob."Sure. I think me punching and knocking out Chazz who has sharpie on him from Jess got me some friends." wrote Roger.The two then walked to the Slifer Red Dorm.

Meanwhile in the girls dorm because why not in the gods name not?Fate was sitting there as Alexis said,"So you like Bob?"."Yeah. Is it obvious?" said Fate."Not as obvious as Stella's crush on him." thought Alexis."Yes." said Alexis."What am I going to do? I mean I know about Stella liking him too." said Fate."You have your date with him tomorrow right?" said Alexis."Yeah?" said Fate.

She then called Mindy, Jasmine, Emily who she made friends with quick, and Aziza and she said,"Time for a makeover and don't worry about Stella. I have a plan.".

What is Alexis's plan?Will we someone else beside Bob duel?And while I get better at ending this?One of these will not be answered.

Next time,
Bob and Fate have their date, Roger duels Chazz, and we learned more about this silent duelist with a strange problem of writing down his thoughts.