A/N: After six months, we are on a new arc which is going to be longer because of a filler arc. I am doing this because I need the new arc to keep going so you're not waiting for that reason. The real reason while you are waiting is because of me working on Soul. The other reason that Underworld took so long to finish is because I wanted to work on Soul which is very different stories than Power Guild despite the main characters being the same.
We are going to see a new enemy who is stronger than Bob. And who could that be? I mean I have stated a lot that Bob is going to be the strongest character in Heroes. The only person who could be stronger than Bob is Bob from an alternative timeline and ten years into the future. I got this idea from watching Danny Phantom during my Winter Break because I was really bored. His name is Dan Phantom and he inspired Evil Future Bob which will mostly likely be his name. I'm not very creative with names by the way.
You may be asking how this is going to be possible. My logic behind this is magic can make anything possible. Time Travel is possible so traveling to an alternative dimension isn't that much of a stretch when you can make a living magic being from a book, being taught by a dragon to use magic, control the elements with just your thought, and other crazy stuff like that. If this was in a comic world, I would do something else but since this is a magic world, free liberty for the win.
The main reason why I don't like the Avatar arc is the main evil team. I mean when you compared to them to Nine Demon Gates and the Spriggan 12, they are underwhelming beyond belief. I may hate the Spriggan 12 in terms of their bland personality but every member's magic is different than each other just like the Nine Demon Gates. The Avatar team has no original magic and the team may show up here but for what reason, lets find out.
This section will be VERY different than say the normal Avatar Arc because X are going to be here. If you read the manga like I do, you know that right now, Laxus and the Thunder Legion/Thunder God Tribe is at the Blue Pegasus Guild but since X and Myra are "dating" (You will see what I mean by that), things are going to be a little bit different. We are also going to see more of the independent guild Primeval Genesis because we sure don't know a lot about Crime Sorciere such as their other members.
It has been a year so everyone is a year old and screw birthdays in Power Guild because I didn't think about it in the past and last names because most characters have last names and some don't. So just accept. I'm changing a couple of things and like with me saying that lighting is lightning, it is staying because it is history. I am also describing hair length because past me wasn't a fan of details with me being slightly better but not by much like at all.
Some characters will get more detail than others because of both fan service and clothing. For the latter, expect very basic clothing from characters with no writing of clothing. I don't know fashion. I mean every show has both female and male fan service. I do think you shouldn't sell your things off that alone but it helps with ratings. There will only be characters like that due to the fact that most characters are people that you would see in the real world are the main focus on this story.
Also bra strap is actually a measurement for hair length I think. You learn some dumb and useless stuff but how you use is the more important thing. It is a dumb reason but just go with it folks. I may have said this before but this bears repeating so if you folks have played Fire Emblem Awakening or Fire Emblem Fates, you know that once two units get married a kid appears out of thin air with no explain in case of Fates and it works just like that in Power Guild. Also so many spoilers.
Okay. I am going to explain myself. I decide to make the Alvarez Arc in the year X795 because of one big reason. I don't like how it is starts maybe a week after Fairy Tail comes back. I have a feeling why it is like that but I feel like it should have been at least six months before the war. When you see a character, it will be the arc that they are introduce. For example, Bob in the Enraged Paradox would be 699 years old but in say the Heroes Rebirth arc would be 700.
The Enraged Paradox Arc takes place in X791, the Heroes Domination Arc takes place in X792 to X793, the Grand Magic Games X794 Arc takes place in X794, and the Vicious Plague Arc takes place in X794. I also want to explain myself on something which is Kurt's Relationships. I also have no idea about what to do with his relationship because it was first with Casey before I decided to put her with Brendan and Melody before I changed my mind on that fact.
I am on the fence with Gray and Juvia. I don't give a dam if they are together in the end of Fairy Tail but I hate how Juvia's character is mainly based on her obsession of Gray. I reread Fairy Tail recently and I noticed that a lot of Juvia moments is her obsessed with Gray and it showed me the truth. I also am not a big fan of Lucy and Natsu for the same reasons. I don't care if they get together in canon by the way. It is way too obvious andI am breaking up Bob and Stella gently.
I don't hate the couple at all due to it being my favorite pairing of all time. I've done so many stories with them together so enjoy not having together for once. I'm also going to be extremely savage with how I am breaking up Kurt and Melody. It will be extremely violent so if you are a fan of Juvia and Gray, you have been warned now. Fun fact about Myra and X, I made that relationship based of a title cover.
It was Chapter 380 and I liked them together but while working on this story, you realize that I just put them together because they are both single and they have a connection. To me, I have to like both characters which I do but I think that what I have in mind instead is way better so I am breaking them up softly like Bob and Stella. Hint Hint, I will have a reason for Darin to be around more. This was also edited a lot so if you noticed some new stuff, it has been edited A LOT. Bob's character will have more of a description in the other part which is going to be longer than the one in here. The guild marks won't get any description because I ain't really good at that stuff. I'm extremely lazy when it comes to writing details if you haven't noticed by now.
You may some characters on here until that arc so if you don't see say like. If you have any questions, it will be answered in the second half I hope. Also it will have the character when they first appear so like how someone is in a guild now, it will change thanks to the spoilers. The teams for the Grand Magic Games are in the next part because they are huge and some other stuff. I also have a lot more new Slayers appearing and I am saying that right now, not every Slayer will have a partner but I estimate a good amount will have one due to the fact that I am lazy and I forget stuff easy. Also to make things simpler, coins which was the magical currency is now utopias. I like it more than that being that one hundred utopias equals one dollar in US currency. I like in the united states. I also have a thing planned out. It is like the Prion Notes from almost a year ago. I won't go into detail because it is obvious on their personality. It won't be here because I'm lazy.
Legal Guilds:
Heroes. This guild has been around for over a hundred years and they are a guild different from other guilds in Meca. They are known for treating the members like family and when one is hurt, you got
the wrath of the entire guild. They share each other tears and joy. Every member of the guild has a troubled past with different levels of trouble. It is an landmark to Mural and they are going to be there forever. Every member is extremely powerful even if some aren't S Class and Bob considered them to be all S Class to him.
Masters at any point of time:
Bob Percival Yagami. Unknown/Thunder (a stronger version of Lightning) Wizard, Ultimate Sorcerer 792 after, Wizard Saint until X792, and Power Slayer. 700 human years/8400 demon years old. He became Guild Master in X792. He has spiky shoulder length pink hair and gold eyes. It was once black and blue but after accepting his dragon blood, he gained the pink hair and gold eyes.
Ax Hunter. Light Wizard and Wizard Saint. 90 years old. After he disbanded the guild, he went missing and the current magic council is looking for him along with his grandson who is on his journey. He has short ear length silver hair with the top of it gone due to age and stress. He has a mustache and he grew a beard which fits him somewhat. He also has blue eyes.
Jo Edwards. Passion Wizard and Wizard Saint. 44 years old. After traveling around for a while, she went to join the magic council along with her fellow wizard saints after it was destroyed by the dark guild Underworld a year ago. She is happy after hearing about her guild returning from the dead. This new council has all wizard saints excluding Ax, Bob, and Kara. She takes time for her job to see Bob much to both Anna and Kurt's anger. She has chin length dark purple and green hair and brown eyes.
Marie Saffron. Illusion, Hero, and Unknown Wizard. 21 years old (Biologically)/123 years old (Chronologically). She went with Bob and Scampers to meet up with the three other founders of the guild. She decided along with the other founders of the guild to make Bob their heir. She is the guild master upon Bob leaving for a job or something happening to him that she hates. She thinks that Bob is special to him since she is well cursed and Bob isn't a fan of that. She is also very sensitive about her age. She has ankle length dark pink hair and blue eyes.
Darin Price. Blast, Dissemble, and Explosion Wizard. 47 years old. He is still traveling around and causing his children Royce and Tanya headaches. He can never stay in one place and he along with Bob and Scampers have no idea about their guild being disbanded. He reunites with Bob and Scampers with him being at the beck and call of Bob with Royce and Tanya having no idea about this idea. He treats Bob like his son and Bob as his father. He is hiding a lot from the guild which includes his true magic power. He tends to be a little overprotective when it comes to his kids however mainly with Tanya. He has shoulder length light orange hair and brown eyes.
Bruno Gungnir. Bullet, Chain, Darkness, and Darkness Seals Wizard. 126 years old. He is currently traveling with Ryoku around Meca because he is a former dark wizard after all. He will come back to Heroes in times of need or if Bob needs him for something. He has armpit length white hair and gray eyes.
Bruno Gungnir. Bullet, Chain, Darkness, and Darkness Seals Wizard. 126 years old. He is currently traveling with Ryoku around Meca because he is a former dark wizard after all. He will come back to Heroes in times of need or if Bob needs him for something. He has armpit length white hair and gray eyes.
S Class Wizards:
Stella Celestial Inferno. Fire, Gravity, Letter, Light, Lightning, Passion, Spirit, and Transformation Wizard. 19 years old. Being that Heroes disbanded after the guild war with Underworld, she really miss Bob and Scampers. She is now living in Crifark working at Magician Monthly under Archie. She keeps in contact with Allison. She also learned Lightning magic because of her strong feelings toward Bob which she will come to learn the truth about them. Thanks to some training with Casey, Kurt, Myra and X who was forced by Myra she learned how to use their main magic but it looks like a copy. She has shoulder length silver hair and blue eyes. She usually wears clothing from the company Zenith Design. Her guild mark is on the back of her right hand with it being a pink color.
Kurt Roger Raymond. Ice/Passion and Passion Devil Wizard and Slayer. 19 years old. He is training his new magic which came from his parents to protect his family. However in that year, he got way denser since he has Melody and Wendy currently fighting for his attention. He keeps in contact with Allison using a communication crystal. He loves to fight and he always tried to get strong with him owing it to Bob and their rivalry. He has abnormally sharp canines. He is very loyal to his guild and his friends with him not very smart when it comes to women. He has neck length light blue hair and blue eyes. He has a scar on his forehead above right eye which is covered by his hair from his fight with his father during the fight with Underworld and a line shaped scar on both of his arms from using Passion Blade of Seven Dances for the first time. He strips constantly without thinking so he tries to keep on clothing with him keeping on a pair of black pants on. It is constantly pointed out and he tends to think once or twice. He has his guild mark on his left pectoral and it is a dark blue color.
Scampers Lucian Yagami. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. 9 years old. He went with his best friend Bob to travel around the world with Bob after defeating Underworld. The two got stronger and Scampers is rumored to be the strongest Chreax in the world but that is up to personal opinion. He is worried about Bob and the constant nightmares. He tends to eat fish and he will throw Bob under the bus if he is mean to him. Bob tends to blow off his insults because he knows that Scampers loves him too much. He has black fur with silver streaks running across his body with him always wearing his golden armor and blue eyes. He has his guild mark on his back and it is red just like Bob. He can use Transformation magic. He is able to evolve himself further with him saying that it is because his family bond with his slayer Bob making him able to fuse with Bob and turned into a super and deadly dragon/cat hybrid with great power known as Bob the Catmander. He is also able to turn into a more feral version of himself aka a beast form and a human form which has short black hair with silver streaks.
Tanya Reed. Psychic Wizard. 20 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with Fate, Royce, Tessa, and Virgil on a journey to find Darin for her and her brother. She miss her friends back at the guild and that causes her to drink. She doesn't know about Fate's crush on her at all but she does has a one on the power slayer. She has mid-back length thick and wavy red hair with two shoulder length strands framing her face along with the right strands being more prominent and brown eyes. She became an S Class Wizard in X792.
Johnny Wilson. Metal Wizard and Slayer. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He is working with Spike and Z in the Head Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights with him being the captain. He has waist length dark blue hair with a dark red tattoo above and under his right eye with them both being red. He becomes an S Class Wizard in X792.
Casey Crawford/Polar. Water Wizard. 19 years old. She and Brendan are now married and Casey is in paradise. This town that they are living in after Heroes was disbanded has no rain since moving there excluding one corner of the town. She has collarbone length gold blond hair with blue eyes and a permanent smile on her face. She becomes an S Class Wizard in X792.
Ana Else Yagami. Air/Wind, Negate, and Unknown Wizard and Slayer. 15 years old. She and her sister Rose plus Alex and Dawn went to Bloody Darkness after the guild disbanded. She is now part of the Wind Sisters with Tia and she also matured in many ways. She had chin hair red hair when she was six years old, her hair grew out to her waist when she was was 13 and 14, and she now has her hair cut to about her shoulders with her bangs gone and she has blue eyes. She usually has her hair in cute pigtails. She mainly wears clothing with frills. Her guild mark is on her right shoulder with it being green. She becomes an S Class Wizard in X792.
Allison Serenity May. Lightning, and Unknown Wizard. 19 years old. She missed Bob a lot when he left her to go on his training journey with Scampers. She wondered why he didn't talk to her or Stella about it. She decided to get stronger for him so that he will someone to call able a true mate after she learned about that stuff from Johnny who was forced to tell her thanks to Jade. She is known as the Hero Queen and the Weapon Queen for her ability to make weapons out of thin air. She was born on April 4, X767. She is really 25 years old but thanks to the Time Sphere, it changed. She is an extremely beautiful young woman being that she is incredible busty for someone her age. To some, she looks to be in her early twenties while others think that she is in her late teens. To her, beauty is of little importance. She has a fair skin tone being a peachy white and strangely when she tans, it doesn't ruin her skin. She also has a slim build with her looking very fragile and weak until she slashes you down with her blade or a fist straight in the face. She sometimes has her hair in a waist-length ponytail for when she is serious or in her one of her many armors. When she was a preteen aka the hormonal years from 13-15, she wore in a braided ponytail that made Bob blush crimson red. Now, she has hip length scarlet red/dark red hair that was brown and a light blue color before the Battle of Heroes. She has her bangs parted to her left along with it covered her left eye (it is artificial), she has two straps of hair being about shoulder length and they are the same size, and sapphire blue eyes that has a certain amount of intensity to them with them being able to mesmerize and frighten anyone who looks into them or is the target of the gaze. It is able to pierce through the soul like her when she is angry. She sometimes wears a black long jacket with gold trims. She has a pair of long white pants that she keeps tucked inside of her black/gray knee high boots. This outfit she wears when it is winter or a holiday really cold. With this outfit, she wears a pair of black gloves that protects her hands when she is using her bow. She tends to put them on when using a bow, something that could hurt her hands, or when she thinks it matches her outfit in her opinion. Before she reunited with Bob and the rest of her family, she wore the first engagement ring around her neck something like a necklace. She wore a white tank top, black jeans, and black sandals with her having her guild mark on the upper part of her left arm being seen. This changed with her now wearing a black t-shirt with the word Dragon Knight in red, white pants, and brown wedges sandals with a suit of cure yet functional armor. The guild mark is still seen with it being a light blue color. She actually has her dream wedding planned out which she shared with Bob with her not knowing about this. Her dream dress is a long and white mermaid-style gown. Flowing diagonally from the left side of her torso was red embroidery in the shape of roses with a matching ribbon tied around her stomach.She wears red gloves that has gold embroidery that covers up to her forearms. Her hair is curled with it flowing down her exposed back. It goes all the way down to the floor and it looks like it was dragging behind her. She has several outfits just for dates which isn't strange to most people. On a picnic date, she wears a flowing white sun dress that stops just above her ankles. She decides to wear her brown wedges with this outfit along with a pattern of scarlet roses which makes her hair that is tied at the end standing out more. She wears a tan colored sun hat with a black ribbon tied in a bow around it. On a more casual date, she wears black high heels, a pair of nice skinny blue jeans that accented her body and a nice shirt that does the same thing. She wears a pair of ruby earrings that Bob got for her on their first date that she started to wear more often. When she was turned into a thirteen year old, she changed her outfit once again. She now has her red hair in a extremely beautifully braided ponytail with her wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a black skirt. She wears dark red leggings matching her hair in a way and she wears a pair of white boots. She wears a red ribbon around her neck along with an armor chest plate and a sword strapped to her hip. She has two new weapons being the Soul Weapon which is the representation of Allison in a nutshell. It is has the ability to changes its form with Allison mainly making it into a bow with arrows that appears out of thin air and she fires said arrows at her targets with a different outcome, a simple sword, and other weapons. Its main form is a white steel katana with a crimson red handle and the Suffering Club which is one of her strongest weapons. It is a giant spiked mace and it is very deadly toward whatever she hits with it mainly Bob and Kurt if the two boys do something stupid in Kurt's case or for Bob, being a idiot as she puts it. It has six large spikes running down the edge with each one getting progressively larger as they reach the hook end of the club.
Myra Wood. Fire and Transformation Wizard. 24 years old. She miss Bob a lot in fact due to her having a crush on the boy that she hopes that he doesn't know about. She only likes X because she reminds him of Bob. She is considered to be the most beautiful girl in Heroes which is impressive since all of the females in the guild have something special to make them stick out. She was born on September 20, X765. Her real age is 27 but thanks to the time sphere, things changed for her. She is incredibly beautiful and her body is perfect in every single way. If she has a flaw, it is so small because her perfections hide it. She tends to care little about her beauty compared to most girls her age because she doesn't care about that stuff. She is a young woman who is slighter shorter than the average height of a woman her age but she wears high heels to hide her height. Her hazel eyes are large then most and one of her most attractive features second only to her curvy and voluptuous body with large breasts. She always has a smile on her face. She has her guild mark on her right thigh and it is a white color. She has long blond hair that goes down to the middle of her back. She is a romance guru. She is extremely good at drinking despite her never drinking at the bar. She loves anything cute and she goes crazy. She now wears black high heels, tight blue jeans that hug her legs, a t-shirt with it showing off her cleavage, and good hoop earrings that Bob got for her birthday a year after Sakura's "death". She also wears black long boots with a powerful heel to them and black tight pants. After the guild disbanded, she along with her younger siblings plus X, Eve, Cyrus, Sunni, and John to work at a restaurant that is known for its fighting chefs. She is also known for using different types of magic but she isn't known for them at all.
Rick aka X Hunter. Fire and Lightning Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he went with his girlfriend, her siblings, Eve, John, Sunni, and Cyrus work at a restaurant that is known for its fighting chefs which made training easy. He learned lightning magic in honor of both his cousin and his grandfather. He is also able to use Transformation magic because of his relationship with Myra. He tends to keep his emotions hidden from others but he is worried about his cousin spilling his secret to Myra. He tends to think that Myra is only dating him because she likes Bob in a different way than say Norman does and Sakura did. He tends to keep things hidden like noticing the truth about things. He like his cousin can sometimes be obvious to the truth mainly romance. He is the Fire Slayer. He has ear length red hair with it slicked back and it is just like Victor except way more spiky along with a small tuft on his forehead and red eyes.
Zane Kurosawa/the Protector of Life. Hellish and Spirit Wizard (He can't summon spirits) and Slayer. 26 years old. He is the son of the Celestial Dragon Slytha and Hell Dragon Zoralth. His family and his village was killed by a group of dark wizards who were looking for anyone that could be use for the body of Hex at the young age of four. He had killed them all using his magic power without any control because he let his rage and sadness drive him. He was founded by the dragons and they took him in as their son. He wanted to find a purpose in life with the two who raised him telling him that he will just have to find his answer with the help of magic with the boy getting pumped for that life. The two legendary beasts decided to train him to become a powerful wizard with the child being reminded of the dragon prince Bob Yagami. For seven years, the two dragons trained his body, knowledge, and magical power on a blizzard, desert, mountain, and volcano. In the year X777, the two dragon then decides to give him the true power of a slayer by lending him their power killing them. He was depressed at first but he was reminded of them whenever he looks at his dragon necklace that was made from their scales. He decided to travel around the country side talking jobs and training himself. He found his life long best friend Unagi who reminds most of a baby dragon at first and she would be cute excluding her very nasty tongue and her lack of skin. He joined Heroes in the year X780 and he became good friends with Sakura. Upon the day of her "death", he was extremely depressed and his emotions took him over with ease. He decided to unnaturally train causing him to distance himself for the guild in the process. He then attacked both Allison and Kurt upon them trying to calm him down. He was kicked out of the guild by Ax and he along with Unagi was erased from the guild's members thanks to Noah right before he was a member of the Magic Council. The only people which it didn't work on is Bob, Darin, Grim, and X. He was extremely pissed off at the old bastard aka Ax and he decided to join a dark guild to spite them. Right before he attacked his former guild, he saw their loyalty to each other under Bob's command and he was given a choice to fight the stronger man or run. He picked the latter and he decided to help his former guild in secret. He heard about Heroes reforming and he decided that it was time for him to rejoin his true home since that old bastard isn't there anymore with his partner in crime. He hates when people make fun of his guild and he has a stripping habit that he got from his genetics he claims to everyone. He is extremely loyal to the people that he cares about and he hates when they make fun of them. His magic aura is gold like the sun and it is thanks to both his dragon parents that he has this, he tends to activate it when he is truly threaten in a fight. He says that it can boost up the confidence of others around him and it can make others of any size fly right around him like he has his own center of gravity. Thanks to his foster mother, he is able to use all forms of air, fire, and light magic with his foster father giving him the ability to use all forms of darkness, earth, and water magic with him able to control lava but he tends to use that power if needed due its extremely destructive abilities.He is able to create things out of darkness, fire, and light such as his weapons and going into the shadows. His birth parents were both psychic wizards so he is able to use them along with every known powers involving the mind. He is an original generation slayer meaning that he will never get motion sick and his magic power has the same strength as the Wizard Saints. He also uses two daggers known as Dusk and Shine that he got from his foster parents. The daggers are identical with it them being curved that had a jagged backside of the blade with them being able to cut through solid steel. The handles are simple gray leather and they have an inch hand guard that slightly curved upwards towards the blade, the blade are pure black with dusk having a dark blue etched dragon and shine having a white etched dragon on the sides of them. He keeps the sheaths for them on his back so he is able to grab them when he is in a fight. He carries about a hundred throwing knives that are black with half having the symbol of an angel and the other half having the symbol of an devil. He keeps them held inside of ten holders that hold ten knives in them and each holder is a different part of his body. He use a pistol called Crimson with it being a black metal with the side of the handle having a small flame with it being able to make several bullets of different elements and a magazine filled with special bullets. He keeps its holster was a simple black leather one that he keeps strapped to the side of his left thigh. He has brick-red hair which he keeps out of his eyes and it is both luxurious and straight and large purple eyes that are like two amethysts gems. He is about 5 foot 11 with him being very strong despite looking just like a normal pretty boy with his pure as snow white skin. He wears black combat boots that are made of leather but are extremely durable. He wears gray and white cargo pants that gives off the vibe of a powerful dragon with them reminding him of his dragons that raised him being his mother the Celestial Dragon along with having several pockets. He wears a black vest with crimson red trimmings that has the same pattern as his pants with it reminding of his father the Hell Dragon. He wears a black trench coat with red trimmings on them with a white flame on the back of it and it has four pockets on the inside and two on the outside. He has the collar of it flipped upwards and it totally covers the sides of his face to hide himself from the world. He has black steel knee pads and black steel elbow pads with them having a red trimmings just like the rest of his outfit. He wears a pair of black fingerless black leather gloves with dragon like steel plating on it. Upon rejoining the guild, he became S Class in X792.
Fred Armstrong. Speed Wizard. 26 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he started up a model career with crashed and burned quick like Victor's fire. He kept on wondering why it failed in the first place and he doesn't know that the ladies think that he is hot but not model hot. After that failure, he did decided to change himself into a stronger wizard after hearing about how both Jade and Johnny both joined the magic council. He is now way stronger than he was before being that he has created several powerful speed based techniques. Much to everyone includes his shock, he became S Class in the year X792. He has his black hair currently kept in a short ponytail and black eyes.Rory Serafino. Prototype Wizard and Slayer. 21 years old. She is the youngest daughter of the king of the Stoutogon Empire. She was discovered to be the reincarnated Prototype slayer with the king loving his daughter because of that. She was taught how to use all of the Saimbure arts because of that. She was selected as the next queen of the Stoutogon Empire after Ion and her friends along with Bob and Scampers defeated Rory's older sisters. She fell in love with her best friend Mia Raymond and they are currently dating with her being very open about it. She has a softer and more feminine side with a curiosity toward make-up and romance. She is fierce, independent, and aggressive but under it, she is loyal to her friends and her duty as the queen of the Stoutogon Empire along with being the Prototype Slayer. She has an admirable compassion and devotion when she shows love towards things such as her family and friends. She is quick witted and impulsive and she is always starting a fight. She has a good sense of human enthusiasm and a vulnerable teenage charm. She has tan skin, wavy and beautiful shoulder length brown hair usually put in a cute ponytail with a cute headband and honey brown eyes. She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. She knows all forms of the art and she is also the prototype Slayer. She is able to drive in her girlfriend's cars and her need for speed with her being able not to get motion sick. The Prototype Slayer is able to use all four of the core elements and other elements along with being able to access a form which gives her the ability to break through anything in her path. She is S Class in X792.
Silas Hunter. Vermilion Inferno Wizard. 28 years old. He is X's younger brother and he wasn't raised like X was. He was abandoned at birth by his father due to him not being like his older brother in his words. He was raised by a fire dragon by the name of Morenth and he was given a powerful heat crystal implanted inside of him by the dragon who was worried about her child dying. He however wanted more power than normal and he tried to gain more power by just fighting. Morenth tried to stop his lust for power but she failed due to him being stronger than she expected of him. He almost killed her with him saying that if she tries to stop him again, he won't be so nice to his former mouth. He gained a name for himself before he had joined Heroes in the year X780 and he is known as the Firestorm Traveler. He gained the respect and loyalty of nine other wizard with them forming under him to be known as Hellfire Dragons (Ashley Campbell, Chomp Mojica, Dorothy Washington, Gisele Ledford, Lyra Malone, Marilyn Wilkerson, Matt Robinson, Santos Gardner, and Tyron Steed). He is very arrogant and uncaring which he doesn't try to hide from anyone. He does believe that he is all powerful and he should rule over the weak with an iron fist and kick out the weak due to his thinking that he is the strongest. He doesn't listen to others with him thinking that his way of doing things is the right way to do things. He is cold-blooded due to him thinking that he is the only person that matters and he and Bob don't get along because he hates demons aka Bob. His fire is a vermilion color with it being able to melt through anything. He hates wyverns for reasons. He always has a permanent scowl on his face with him rumored to be unapproachable to most people. He has a well-toned body which he got from his training over the years. He is taller than most wizards but six of the nine dragons and he has slightly tanned skin due to his heat magic. He has deep red hair with strands of black due to his father. He keeps it short up to his chin and it is really messy with his bangs falling along his forehead and he has distinct sideburns. He doesn't care about his hair in the slightest and black eyes with them looking like a dragon with his eyes turning bright red due to his anger being like his fire. He usually wears a black leather jacket with a fur collar and under it, he wears a gray v-neck shirt that cover hides his frame. He wears a pair of black denim jeans with it being held by a simple white belt. He has a set of black shoes to end his outfit. He has a sword shape necklace hanging down his shirt. He is S Class.
Ethan Brogan. Voltage Wizard and Slayer. 16 years old. He is a huge fan of fighting being that he is always training for a fight. He was raised by a slayer who taught him how to use lightning extremely well. He is very shy outside of battle with him always blushing upon being given a compliment or other wise. He isn't good around girls always blushing if one talks to him. He is able to clone himself about seven time with each clone being different from the last one and most of the time, they are women that can use the same kind of magic as him but with a different variation of his magic. He is really shy outside of battle with him getting really pumped up and confident in or during a battle. He wants Bob to train due to him hearing rumors about the slayer. His Slayer magic is just like his and Bob being that he is a really strong wizard despite his doubts as a wizard. He wears a green bandanna with a black vest, his signature black with green strips hat, white undershirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. He has his left eye green while the other eye is blue with him wearing designer sunglasses that makes him look attractive. Despite Voltage magic means that he would use Lightning magic, he is able to use telekinesis magic at an ultimate level. able to control all forms of darkness, earth, energy, fire, light, lightning, water, weather, and the wind, and if he is focused hard enough, he is able to use space and time based magic. Bob decides to adopt him and Rico upon meeting them. He becomes S Class upon joining in X792.
Mia aka Star Raymond. Cosmos=Gravity, Light, Space, and Spirit and Passion Slayer. 22 years old. She is Kurt and Stella's daughter from an alternative future. She and her little sister Marin were sent back to the future in the year X786 five years before the other future kids. She got a job working as a solider in the Stoutogon Empire with her advancing through the ranks due to her natural martial arts and her ability to shock people with her gloves that she always keeps on her during a fight. She got to know the future queen of the Stoutogon Empire Rory very well. She is a sweet and caring young woman with her being able to be independent and capable of fending for herself being able to handled herself in a fight with someone three times her size. She is extremely humble and modest demeanor with not being scared to stand up for her she believes in. She has a high morality and judgment being not able to hate anyone because she is like a mixture of both her mother and father. She has light skin, wavy and stunning shoulder length silver hair, and ocean blue eyes. Unlike her father and most slayers if not all slayers, she doesn't have motion sickness. She is an expert driver with her being able to drive anything that she can gets her hands on. She fell in love with Rory and the queen fell in love with her back. The two are seen as a perfect couple. Her femininity is usually a foil to Rory's tomboyish and aggressive tendencies. She is bold and adept in combat with her being more stoic and preferring to think before acting. She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. Her main style of fighting with it is fire, lightning, and ice based. She can control passion magic like her father with her being the Cosmos slayer being that she can control space and use it as a weapon in a fight. She becomes S Class in X792.
Grim Darth. Darkness, Scythe, and Sleep Wizard. 21 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he left with Krystal, Leonard, Malcolm, and Viola to train their magic for his family so they don't have their family fighting for them. He has chin length dark brown hair with red eyes. He also looks like the grim reaper. He is S Class.
Krystal Powell. Weather Wizard. 25 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she left with Grim, Leonard, Malcolm, and Viola to train their magic for her family so they don't have their family fighting for them. She has a crush on X still and she wants him to figure it out. She has shoulder length blue hair and green eyes. She is S Class.
Lyra Malone. Iron Wizard and Slayer. 22 years old. She is known as the Heroes's Dark Knight with most people thinking that she is male. This is due to the fact that she never seems to talk and her iron armor makes her look really masculine and the name dark knight comes for same army. She seems to be really close to both Matt and Silas with her taking Matt's side but she will fight for Silas. She was raised by the Iron Dragon Salanth. She has no sense in fashion being that she wears her armor twenty four seven. She has long purple hair that comes out of her armor like a ponytail that doesn't restrict her movements in a fight and green eyes under her armor. She became S Class in X792.
Chomp Mojica. Shark Wizard. 29 years old. He is very much like his magic being that he is a shark but unlike the normal fish, he is able to be outside of water. He can't stop with him always eating to keep himself under control. He is able to control water well since he was born nearby water at a young age. He respects Silas and he will do anything for the wizard even kill to prove that. He has short white hair that he keeps short for swimming reasons and black eyes. He became S Class in X792.
Prominent Members:
Rose Corinne Yagami. Black Arts and Unknown Wizard. 415 years old. She miss her big brother Bob since he told her about Hex. She joined the same guild as Ana who is her best friend. She also has matured in many ways like her sister. She has waist length black hair and red eyes. She usually wears clothes that she designed being that they are mainly dresses with a cute design of a little dragon on them. Her guild mark being on her left arm is purple.
Norman Wood. Transformation Wizard. 20 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with both of his sisters, Cyrus, Eve, John, Sunni, and X went to go work at a fighting restaurant which is known for fighting chefs. He considered Bob to be the only man worth for his sister. He has neck length wavy and spiky blond hair and black eyes with a scar crossing his left eye from the time that he thought he killed Sakura back in X782.
Jade Emerald. Earth and Letter Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Clara, Jenny, Johnny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She is going to rebuild Heroes once they come back because of legal reasons and the such. Vera is helping her with this. She has shoulder length wild and wavy emerald green hair with her locks hanging from the sides of her face and blue eyes.
Sakura Wood. Nature and Transformation Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Cyrus, Eve, John, Myra, Norman, and X to work at a restaurant which is known for their fighting chefs. She has neck length pink hair and green eyes.
Fate aka Falcon. Earth, Guns, and Wind Wizard. 20 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he went with Royce, Tanya, Tessa, and Virgil on a journey to find Darin for Royce and Tanya. He is trying to keep Tanya from drinking more than it needed. He still has feelings for her but he isn't sure that she likes him in that way. He has chin length white hair with blue eyes and he always has his famous falcon tattoo that starts at the top of his right shoulder and it ends about in the middle of his arm and hand.
Nick White. Guns, Sand, and Speed Wizard. 20 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He works with Clara, Julie, and Roy in the 88th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for being fast. He has shoulder length gray hair and blue eyes with his left eye being covered by his hair. He is known for his western clothing.
Brendan Crawford. Element and Spirit Wizard. 19 years old. He married Casey which made the two very happy. He is currently trying to find a man whose name is Julius Ware due to his relationship with his wife. He is keeping this a secret from Casey. He has neck length black hair with white tips and blue eyes.
Jacob/Spike Raymond. Duplication, Transformation, and Weapon Wizard and Chreax. 23 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Johnny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He is working with Johnny and Z in the Head Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights. He has green hair in his human form, blue fur in his Chreax form, and brown eyes.
Jason Knight. Ice Spirit/Wizard. 19 years old. He is very loyal to Stella and he is always coming out of the spirit world to try and comfort her but she really miss her boyfriend. He tries to find him using his spirits but they're staying quiet. He has ear length spiky cut blond hair and brown eyes.
Melody/Melanie Lawson. Emotion Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she asked Kurt to train her because of her major crush on him. She now fights for his attention with Wendy. She hopes that he gets her attention and she now has an obsession with him. It is creepy. Her magic has evolved from the seven core emotions (Rage, Avarice/Greed, Fear, Will, Hope, Compassion, and Love) into being able to use elements for emotions such as Anger/Rage for fire. She has chin length light pink hair and blue eyes.
Jenny Eruption. Explosion Wizard and Slayer. 23 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She is working with Owen, Python, and Wanda in the 7th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for dealing with dangerous environments. She has shoulder length brown hair usually in a ponytail and blue eyes.
Clara Yagami. Fire, Lightning, and Weapon Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She works with Julie, Nick, and Roy in the 88th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for being fast. She has scarlet red hair and blue eyes.
Roy Raymond. Passion Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He works with Clara, Julie, and Nick in the 88th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for being fast. He has light blue hair and blue eyes.
Noah Grant. Martial Artist, Memory, and Teleportation Wizard. 33 years old. He joined Heroes as a member way back when but he along with Ira were erased from everyone's memories by Noah who wanted to leave no traces of the magic council finding him and Ira out. He has wild chin length black hair and light green eyes.
Ira Yates. Letter Wizard. 33 years old. He is trying to express more emotions thanks to Noah who is helpful to the wizard. He is hopeful that Andrea and Lisa will talk to him and Noah because they were really not happy about them leaving the Alchemy Knights. He has shoulder length which he keeps tied up black hair and brown eyes.
Ryoku Mjonir Yagami. Fire, Thunder, and Unknown Wizard. 124 years old. He is now currently traveling with Bruno around Meca. He is flirting with girls despite him having strong feelings for Marie. He has neck length black with white sections hair and blue eyes.
Althea Harmony. Healing Wizard. 87 years old. She is currently semi active because she wants to be left alone. She only treats people that she likes and she wonders why in the gods did Ax disbanded Heroes in the first place. She has shoulder length pink hair and blue eyes.
Major Members:Sakura Wood. Nature and Transformation Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Cyrus, Eve, John, Myra, Norman, and X to work at a restaurant which is known for their fighting chefs. She has neck length pink hair and green eyes.
Julie Brown. Guns Wizard. 20 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She works with Clara, Nick, and Roy in the 88th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for being fast. She has bra strap length brown hair and her bangs are parted to the sides of her face along with blue eyes. She usually wearing a cowgirl like outfit.
Nick White. Guns, Sand, and Speed Wizard. 20 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He works with Clara, Julie, and Roy in the 88th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for being fast. He has shoulder length gray hair and blue eyes with his left eye being covered by his hair. He is known for his western clothing.
Brendan Crawford. Element and Spirit Wizard. 19 years old. He married Casey which made the two very happy. He is currently trying to find a man whose name is Julius Ware due to his relationship with his wife. He is keeping this a secret from Casey. He has neck length black hair with white tips and blue eyes.
Jacob/Spike Raymond. Duplication, Transformation, and Weapon Wizard and Chreax. 23 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Johnny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He is working with Johnny and Z in the Head Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights. He has green hair in his human form, blue fur in his Chreax form, and brown eyes.
Jason Knight. Ice Spirit/Wizard. 19 years old. He is very loyal to Stella and he is always coming out of the spirit world to try and comfort her but she really miss her boyfriend. He tries to find him using his spirits but they're staying quiet. He has ear length spiky cut blond hair and brown eyes.
Eve Halsey. Stone and Superhero Wizard. 20 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Cyrus, John, Myra, Norman, Sunni, and X to work at a restaurant which is known for their fighting chefs. She has waist length curly brown hair and brown eyes.
Leonard Conner. Element and Letter Wizard. 22 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he left with Grim, Krystal, Malcolm, and Viola to train their magic for his family so they don't have their family fighting for them. He is very happy to have his friends and family. He has waist length light green hair and brown eyes.
Alex Howard. Soul and Sound Wizard. 14 years old. He got rid of his mask to a pair of sunglasses to make him look more pleasing to Ana who he has a crush on but he won't tell her that because he is scared of getting rejected by her. Dawn teases him about it. He has chin length spiky blue hair and black eyes. His guild mark is on his tongue with it being black.
Python or Russell/Rusty Arsenic. Poison Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and X joined the recently formed Magic Council. He works with Jenny, Owen, and Wanda in the 7th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for dealing with dangerous environments. He has spiky maroon chin length hair with a scar covering his left eye and his other eye being a slit red.
Z Wilson. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. 22 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, and Wanda joined the recently formed Magic Council. She is working with Johnny and Spike in the Head Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights. She has black and red fur and red eyes.
Viola Art. Art and Letter Wizard. 21 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she left with Grim, Krystal,
Leonard, and Malcolm to train their magic for her family so they don't have their family fighting for them. She is very happy to have her friends and family. She has chin length purple hair and light blue eyes.
Cyrus Rock. Bullet and Sound Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Eve, John, Myra, Norman, Sakura, Sunni, and X to work at a restaurant which is known for their fighting chefs. He has shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes.
Leonard Conner. Element and Letter Wizard. 22 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he left with Grim, Krystal, Malcolm, and Viola to train their magic for his family so they don't have their family fighting for them. He is very happy to have his friends and family. He has waist length light green hair and brown eyes.
Alex Howard. Soul and Sound Wizard. 14 years old. He got rid of his mask to a pair of sunglasses to make him look more pleasing to Ana who he has a crush on but he won't tell her that because he is scared of getting rejected by her. Dawn teases him about it. He has chin length spiky blue hair and black eyes. His guild mark is on his tongue with it being black.
Python or Russell/Rusty Arsenic. Poison Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and X joined the recently formed Magic Council. He works with Jenny, Owen, and Wanda in the 7th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for dealing with dangerous environments. He has spiky maroon chin length hair with a scar covering his left eye and his other eye being a slit red.
Z Wilson. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. 22 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, and Wanda joined the recently formed Magic Council. She is working with Johnny and Spike in the Head Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights. She has black and red fur and red eyes.
Viola Art. Art and Letter Wizard. 21 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she left with Grim, Krystal,
Leonard, and Malcolm to train their magic for her family so they don't have their family fighting for them. She is very happy to have her friends and family. She has chin length purple hair and light blue eyes.
Cyrus Rock. Bullet and Sound Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Eve, John, Myra, Norman, Sakura, Sunni, and X to work at a restaurant which is known for their fighting chefs. He has shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes.
Melody/Melanie Lawson. Emotion Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she asked Kurt to train her because of her major crush on him. She now fights for his attention with Wendy. She hopes that he gets her attention and she now has an obsession with him. It is creepy. Her magic has evolved from the seven core emotions (Rage, Avarice/Greed, Fear, Will, Hope, Compassion, and Love) into being able to use elements for emotions such as Anger/Rage for fire. She has chin length light pink hair and blue eyes.
Jenny Eruption. Explosion Wizard and Slayer. 23 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She is working with Owen, Python, and Wanda in the 7th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for dealing with dangerous environments. She has shoulder length brown hair usually in a ponytail and blue eyes.
Clara Yagami. Fire, Lightning, and Weapon Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She works with Julie, Nick, and Roy in the 88th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for being fast. She has scarlet red hair and blue eyes.
Roy Raymond. Passion Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He works with Clara, Julie, and Nick in the 88th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for being fast. He has light blue hair and blue eyes.
Noah Grant. Martial Artist, Memory, and Teleportation Wizard. 33 years old. He joined Heroes as a member way back when but he along with Ira were erased from everyone's memories by Noah who wanted to leave no traces of the magic council finding him and Ira out. He has wild chin length black hair and light green eyes.
Ira Yates. Letter Wizard. 33 years old. He is trying to express more emotions thanks to Noah who is helpful to the wizard. He is hopeful that Andrea and Lisa will talk to him and Noah because they were really not happy about them leaving the Alchemy Knights. He has shoulder length which he keeps tied up black hair and brown eyes.
Ryoku Mjonir Yagami. Fire, Thunder, and Unknown Wizard. 124 years old. He is now currently traveling with Bruno around Meca. He is flirting with girls despite him having strong feelings for Marie. He has neck length black with white sections hair and blue eyes.
Althea Harmony. Healing Wizard. 87 years old. She is currently semi active because she wants to be left alone. She only treats people that she likes and she wonders why in the gods did Ax disbanded Heroes in the first place. She has shoulder length pink hair and blue eyes.
Ryan Lance. Familiar (Spirits) Wizard. 416 years old. He is like Bob, Hex, and Rose being that he is immortal due to him signing contracts with spirits. His magic is like a mixture of both Soul and Spirit Magic except the seven spirit each have a specific power and used by him while working. He joined Bloody Darkness for some company and he fell in love with Rose due to them being both immortal and other reason. He contracted a frost giant giving him ice magic and enhanced strength, a devil giving him flight and both dark and fire magic, a sea dragon giving him water magic, a mole giving him earth magic, a angle giving him air and light magic, a robot giving him metal magic and super smarts, and a werewolf giving him enhanced speed. He has chin length gray hair and green eyes. His guild mark is on his neck with it being dark blue.
Kane Xasius. Diamond Wizard. 19 years old. He is known for playing soccer which is his favorite holiday in his home country Astrua with his team known as the Aces. He is known for his good looks being that he has modeled for Magician Monthly before and the fact that he gets several thousand love letters from his fan girls with the letters mainly mentioning hot he is upon just looking at him. He joined Heroes upon meeting Bob and others at the Chreax hometown with his guild stamp being on the right side of his hip and it is black. He is one of few males that change his clothes with his main outfit being his red and dark-red Aces soccer uniform with the number one on it, loose red tank top and black cargo jeans, and a white wool shirt, red hoodie, and a black bodywarmer with him using a hat or a cap with the Heroes logo. He has a silver ring in his right ear as an earring. He doesn't have many memories of his childhood with the only thing he remembers before meeting the king of Astrua is when he learned how to play soccer by his parents with his little sister. He wasn't happy about leaving his home and he meet the princess Arisa Scott with him fighting with her. The king stopped their fight with the two forced to be friends after that. The two talked to each other under the two and the two got to be friends. Arisa decided to stay with him and his late sister. By doing this, he was open and friendly with him fighting only if his friends are hurt or if someone challenges him. He later confessed to Arisa with her telling him that it was about time. He is flirting with girls but Arisa knows that he only loves her. Most people think that he is aggressive or scary thanks to his serious look but he is a kind, generous, and protective person toward those that care about him. He is usually playing soccer with his main magic diamond and his secondary magic ice being very strong. He is very strong with him showing off to anyone who wants to fight. He doesn't think but he dies ace with him not thinking about his actions and this happened once before because Arisa was hurt because of him and he trained eight days continuously with Arisa stopping him before he kills himself. He has a big heart for animals with him unable to fight them except if they hurt his family. He adopted a Chreax who goes by the name of Luna with her being a mixture of a wolf, husky, and cat. She was adopted by him and she is also her being her little sister's Chreax partner and she is able to fight alongside her own. He is able to sing with Arisa, Gero, and his littler sister in a band with him mainly using the guitar and being on vocal. With his song, he is usually expressing his feeling through them because he can't show them. He wrote a love song for Arisa which made her cry for at least an hour. He wears headphones usually listening to his band's music, rock, and classical magic. His magic is Diamond magic which allows him to create diamonds with ease along diamonds around him and building made out of the stuff. It takes a lot out of him to manipulate what diamonds are out. This magic is mainly from Astrua with him being one of the best at it. He can use something called Diamond-Make magic which allows him to create diamonds at will and shape it into objects with it being extremely versatile form of magic coming in useful both in battle for offensive and defensive purposes and outside of it. He has a great mastery over it being able to create countless amounts of objects for a multitude of uses. He can combined his magic with anyone that he trusts to create something called a Unison Raid. He has immense reflexes with him being able to avoid them and attack them right back, he can take a punch with him being able to stay in the fight for a long time, he has immense strength with him being able to beat a person who is a slayer along with other strong wizards, he can be able to take a lot of punches before getting tired. He possesses an immense level of magic in him with manifests itself of diamonds with them appearing on his body from simple little diamonds which is mainly used for intimidating opponents or when he is annoyed and it is able to turned into a frozen diamond aura that appears around him and this is only appearing when he is mad with a glowing red light coming from both his eyes and mouth. He can use Ice and Transformation with him carrying his signature Soul Sword that contains the souls of powerful heroes and wizard in it. He use a skateboard that has his signature snowflake at the bottom of the board and the board that is silver. He can use his signature soccer ball in a fight with his steel baseball bat as a combat weapon. He has messy ear length blond hair with it usually parted to the right and ice blue eyes. He is quite tall and muscular with some strong facial features with broad shoulders. He is very athletic and his body is completely well trained.
Arisa Scott. Ruby Wizard. 19 years old. She is Stella's younger cousin. She usually wears hoodies and headphones which she usually listened to her band's music mainly rock and country. She joined Heroes upon meeting Bob and others at the Chreax hometown with her guild stamp being on the right thigh and it is light blue. She is known for her beauty with her being really cute and pretty to boys with Kane being her biggest admirer. She has posed for Magician Monthly many time with her being one of their favorite models. She wears a lot of jewelry which includes her diamond earrings and her light blue necklace with a a diamond and bracelets on both of her arms with a ruby and diamond with her diamonds being made by Kane himself upon her eighteenth birthday. She usually wears rubies on her clothing since that is her signature gem. She uses Ruby magic with her having a strange connection to them and diamonds. She doesn't wear the same outfit but her usually outfit is a red cowgirl hot with a red neckholder bikini top with jeans-plants and she wears a small ruby pendant on her belt and on her bikini-top you can see a snowflake. She is strong, athletic, and very competitive by nature with her both good at sports and studies. She is a shy, kind, and honest guy with her having restless but yet pessimistic personality when she is unlucky and having a bad day, despite that, she is confident and very hard-working girl who has moves people heart. She is the goddess of the song with her being the singer of her band that includes Kane, his sister, and Gero with her being the singer of the ground. She is a clever, kind, and caring person. She likes swimming, cooking, and men who are assertive. Her favorite colors are blue, black, red, and white. Her friends call her cool, strong, and beautiful. She is the princess of Astrua with her meeting Kane and his little sister because of that. She was known as the red demon in her youth being feared by everyone excluding Kane. She is now a loving and caring person who treats her friends and even strangers with kindness. She is very popular with everyone and she hates liar. She is determined to protect her friends and she will do anything to protect them. She is very smart with her being a very good strategist and an extremely hard worker with her appearing to be very sweet and cute in her job as a singer even if it is against her personality. She is driven to do her best regardless of what and has a strong sense of justice with her forgetting her own well being in the process of helping others. She also uses a whip in combat. Her magic is Ruby magic which allows him to create rubies with ease along rubies around him and building made out of the stuff. It doesn't take a lot out of her to manipulate what rubies are out right now. This magic is mainly from Astrua with her being one of the best at it. She can use something called Ruby-Make magic which allows her to create rubies at will and shape it into objects with it being extremely versatile form of magic coming in useful both in battle for offensive and defensive purposes and outside of it. She has a great mastery over it being able to create countless amounts of objects for a multitude of uses. She can combined her magic with anyone that she trusts to create something called a Unison Raid. She has immense reflexes with her being able to avoid them and attack them right back, she can take a punch with her being able to stay in the fight for a long time, she has immense strength with her being able to beat a person who is a slayer along with other strong wizards, she can be able to take a lot of punches before she gets tired from it. She possesses an immense level of magic in him with manifests itself of diamonds with them appearing on his body from simple little diamonds which is mainly used for intimidating opponents or when he is annoyed and it is able to turned into fiery aura that goes around her and this can only appear when she is mad with a glowing red light coming out of both her eyes and mouth. She can use Transformation and Fire magic. Her face is a soft in shape and she has full lips. She has a top-model physique, being slim and sporting a large bust and large breasts, a curvy and voluptuous body and amble hips. She looks like her mother. She has shoulder length gray hair with large magenta eyes with long eyelashes.
Alyssa Valdez. Knowledge Wizard. 20 years old. Her magic is very interesting. She is able to analyze any form of magic and she is able use in her magic itself. She is able to create barriers and lightning out of thin air as example. Her knowledge is limitless but her social skills is pretty awful. She tends to be by herself with her only reading a book mainly magic books. She decided to join Heroes upon her visiting a fortune teller and saying that it is her destiny to go and join the guild because she will find her true love. However, she won't be able to have more than one kid due to her genetics. She is only able to have one kid so she picks her man very serious. She has pale-fair skin with her cheeks always seen like they're blushing. She has her brown hair made out of very neatly combed bangs that reach her ears with it framing her face and she has small streaks of silver. She has strands of her hair very straight and it is reaches down her chest with the rest of her hair loosely flows outward and it seems to be waist length. She wears silver glasses with a small wire-frame. She tends to wears a custom made dress that shows off her body but it also works for combat. It is a sleeveless navy blue dress that is tight around her body with a cut low enough to show a good amount of her breasts. It ends with a skirt that just barely comes midway down her thighs, but leaves her enough room to move around in a fight and it has a cute pink lace. She wears a black ribbon with a gold star on it around her neck and combat boots. She has a graceful and somewhat muscular appearance. Her thunderbolt like eyes have passion, spirit, and energy in them. She doesn't get angry often but when she does, it is scary on the same level as Bob or Myra.
Aurora Ballard. Fire and Ice Wizard. 21 years old. She is a human being but with her ability to go at supersonic speed, lift over fifty tons, flight, and being able to take a hit without her using her magic, she may be considered a demon. She was raised by two powerful wizards who she considered her birth parents and she loved every moment. When she was eight years old, her entire village was murdered by a dark guild looking anyone with magic power. She was angry and her magic came out. She either burned the dark guild or froze them. She sat in her house by herself and cried for an hour. She was later found by the magic council and the two took her in after seeing her magic potential. She was trained how to use her magic by Clyde before the Tower of Revival incident with her being a trial member of the Alchemy Knights. She was one of the best members known as the Flaming Freeze due to her mixture of both fire and ice. She decided to join Heroes upon chatting with Clyde at his restaurant. She tends to keep to herself upon joining the guild because of her past and she will either freeze, burn, or slash anyone who tries to talk with her. She is able to use her light blue sword that was from her village's elder and it looks like a mixture of a rapier and a cutlass known as the Tundra Inferno. She wears a light blue scarf around her neck with it being from her mother and her father gave her his signature ring that is able to produce shadows. She wears a white tunic with navy blue pants and dark blue boots and she usually makes ice armor in combat. She has shoulder length white hair with red tips and the woman puts it in a ponytail upon entering combat and light blue eyes.
Matt Robinson. Gale Wizard and Slayer. 23 years old. He is tends to be a person that people ignore due to his always serious expression but that is because he doesn't know how to emote well. He is a master of the wind even more than Ana who he respects. He doesn't give up on his beliefs with him known for arguing with Silas on things that go against his beliefs. He has shoulder length silver hair and piercing red eyes. He is known for wearing a gray hood with his pure white uniform. He doesn't mind getting mud on it.
Marilyn Wilkerson. Cerulean Dusk Wizard and Slayer. 20 years old. She is a really strong wizard and she sometimes doubt herself. She is stronger than she thinks because Silas is telling her that she is weak during their training session. She has neck length black hair and blue eyes.
Unagi Kurosawa. Fire Wizard. 26 years old. She is a familiar with a very strange appearance being that she is a chibi looking dragon with nothing but bones and they are black like the night sky and her body is covered in a red aura. She and Zane met when Zane saved her from some poachers with the two become life long pals afterward. She was pissed when they kicked Zane out of the guild because they made fun of his parents. She decided to get stronger for Zane and she was happy upon him being excited to rejoin the guild She is able to turn into a bigger dragons with it being ten meters in length and about ten feet strong. Her red like crimson flame are able to burn through solid steel and able to get rid of dark magic. She is able to turn into a human with waist length crimson red hair and green dragon like eyes. She has her scales being seen on her peach colored skin with her wearing black scaled high heeled boots with a red and black skirt. She wears a black and red tank top with black scales elbow length gloves. Her black wings are always shown in this form.
Marian Gamma Reynolds. Particle Wizard. 25 years old. She has a really bad case of Amnesia being that she can't remember anything beside her name and her ability to use her magic power. She has very calm but crabby attitude. She dislikes troublesome things with her trying to avoid fighting if possible and also things that she doesn't like. She loves anything that is soft and fluffy things with her turning into a very different person afterward. She can be mischievous and playful at times. She shows love in very strange ways and she usually does whatever she wants. She is traveling around the world before joining Heroes and her guild mark is on her left thigh. She is a very young woman with her seeming to be the same age as both Allison and Stella in terms of looks. She wears her chin length lilac hair and she has her bangs pushed out of her eyes with powder blue cross-shaped earrings and purple eyes. Her clothing definitely showed off her body. She wears a burgundy swimsuit showing off her huge and nice bust and a golden fancy coat with red fur around the collar. She wears a crystal choker around her neck with matching chains attach to it with black high heels. Her magic allows her to alter the particles around her with her also able to alter the particles in humans.
Ember Marie Yagami. Lightning, Teleportation, and Unknown Wizard. 8 human months old/8 demon years old. She is the oldest triplet of her, Aura, and Sivarth. She has a very kind personality with her being very much like a normal little girl but she is very oblivious about certain things such as love. It reminds people of both parents due to the two of them being dense toward love. She is actually 8 months old but thanks to Bob being half demon, she looks eight years old since they age twelve times older than a normal human baby. She is always causing trouble with her little sister with Sivarth trying to be nice. She does jobs despite her not being a year old but she does it with an older member that her parents trust. She usually seen with a smile on her face which everyone loves her for because she is really cute. She only gets mad when someone that she cares about gets hurt and the only thing that can calm her down is her father, her mother, her siblings, and her friends safe. She is really giving toward others and everyone loving her upon meeting her. She is loyal to her mom. She has shoulder length wine red hair and blue eyes. She wears a red scaled scarf that is like Bob's signature scarf. She wears a cute black and red dress that stops just below her knees with her having a purple band in her hair. She has light blue eyes. For parties or other stuff like that, she wears a light pink flowing party dress that has its torso covered with jewels causing it to shine in the light with it also enhanced the pink ribbon tied around her stomach. She has a purple rose in her red hair with pearls around her neck. She has on a ring that seems to be made of a pretty basic metal with the crystal in the center cut in the shape of a small sword that was given to her by her father. During the winter, she wears a beige pea coat with black pants and boots. She also wears a dark blue beanie with dark blue mittens.
Aura Nova Yagami. Lightning, Reflector, and Unknown Wizard. 8 human months old/8 demon years old. She is the middle triplet of her, Ember, and Sivarth. She has a very kind personality with her being fan of rough housing and a tomboy. She usually seen with a smile on her face which everyone loves her for because she is really cute. She is only eight but she does jobs just like Bob did at her age when she was in the guild but she has to do it with a older member of the guild that both Allison and Bob trust. She only gets mad when someone that she cares about gets hurt and the only thing that can calm her down is her father, her mother, her siblings, and her friends safe. She is really giving toward others and everyone loving her upon meeting her with her loving to fight and cause some trouble with Ember. She is actually 8 months old but thanks to Bob being half demon, she looks eight years old since they age twelve times older than a normal human baby. She is loyal to both of her parents. She has shoulder length pink hair and blue eyes. She wears a long sleeve shirt with a kitten on it with black pants and white tennis shoes. She has light blue eyes. She wears a pink scaled scarf that is just like Bob's signature scarf. For parties or other stuff like that, she wears a light blue flowing party dress, the torso was covered with jewels that caused it to shine in the light which also enhanced the blue ribbon tied around her stomach. She has a white rose in her pink hair and diamonds around her neck. She has on a ring that seems to be made of a basic metal and the crystal in the center is cut like a shape of a small flower that was given to her by her father. During the winter, she wears a pink coat with white pants and boots. She wears a dark green beanie with dark green mittens.
Sivarth Erik Yagami. Lightning, Speed, and Unknown Wizard. 8 human months old/96 demon years old. He is the youngest triplet of him, Aura, and Ember. He loves to fight like his father but he doesn't cause trouble for others mainly because of his older sisters doing that for him. He usually seen with a smile on his face which everyone loves him for because he is really cool and cute. He is only eight but he does jobs just like Bob did at his age when he was in the guild but he has to do it with a older member of the guild that both Allison and Bob trust. He only gets mad when someone that he cares about gets hurt and the only thing that can calm him down is his father, his mother, his siblings, and his friends safe. He is really giving toward others and everyone loving him upon meeting him. He is always trying to make his dad happy due to him being named after his grandfather who was really special to his dad. He is actually 8 months old but thanks to Bob being half demon, he looks eight years old since they age twelve times older than a normal human. He has his black hair spiky just like his father.with it being slightly longer and light blue eyes. He wears a similar scarf to Bob's scarf. He is very loyal to his father no matter what he does or looks like. He wears a red t-shirt with black shorts and brown boots. For parties or other stuff like that, he wears a white tuxedo that was accented with a crimson vest and bowtie over his white button up shirt. During the winter, he wears a black and white coat with gray pants and boots. He wears a dark red beanie with dark red mittens.
Lure Raymond. Passion Wizard. 8 years old. He is Kurt and Stella's Son. He isn't like his mother or his father with him being known for his lack of emotion. He often masks this with a false, cheerful, and transparent facade. He has suppressed all of his emotions with him being very loyal to his guild and his friends. He has trouble understanding how bonds between others can motivate others. It tends to get others angry at him because he often speaks without considering his words on people and the effects of it. He is very observant and always focused on his jobs unlike his dad. He pays a lot of attention to details. He is very loyal to his father and Bob. He is very honest to people and he does things at his own rate. He cares about his friends. He isn't good around girls of any age due to his personality. He is able to stretch any part of his body to use as a weapon. He is able to use fire and water magic. He is a fantastic artist with him being rumored to be on the same level as Jordan and he uses his passion magic though his scroll. His main creations are a black and white tiger, a dark purple with red markings on its body raven, and a dark blue swordfish. He has short tousled silver-blue hair, pale skin that seems to be translucent, and blue eyes. He always carrying a backpack that he keeps his pencils and scrolls. He wears a black and red jacket with dark blue straps with long black sleeves. He wears a high-collared midriff shirt, navy blue pants, he has thin eyebrows, he wears black and long fingerless gloves with gray calf-length sandals. When he is angry, his eyes turn demonic red and his sclerae are black.
Chase Wilson. Metal and Letter Wizard. 7 years old. He is Jade and Johnny's Son. He is very open and always looking a fight which he gets from his father. He is deeply kind and always thinking of others's feeling and well-being which he gets from his mother. He doesn't like to be angry but he will if needed. He will never gives up in a fight or a contest. He is very compassionate and caring for her friends. He is also very confident and not afraid to speak his mind. He is very cheerful and pushy toward people with him caring about his father. He also loves to read just like his mom and eat metal just like his old man. He can use earth, water, fire and lightning magic. He is able to see all around her. He is able to heal any wound. He has peach and cream fair skin, red eyes, and green hair with it being under shoulder length. He wears a red t-shirt, a violet diamond on his forehead, black sandals, and long claw like fingernails. He wears tight dark blue shorts. He has bandages on his abdomen and legs.
Rico Brogan. Lightning Wizard. 10 years old. He is considered to be Ethan's partner in crime since the two have been together since Ethan found his egg that came from Prion so many years ago. The two are always playing together and causing mischief. He is always flying around his home, training with Ethan, and being perched on his shoulder. He seems to be a Chreax just like Scampers and the others but he seems to be full on cat with him being similar to a wolf mixed with a tiger. He tends to wear clothes which are a white bandanna matching his partner's green bandanna with a blue vest and baggy gray jeans. He always travels with a backpack that he keeps on his back. He tends to have a crush on cute animals. He wants Scampers to train him after he saw him in action during the games and he will do anything to get that dream. Bob decides to adopt him and Ethan upon meeting them.
Lacey Excalibur Yagami. Ice, Thunder, and Unknown Wizard. 122 years old. She is currently traveling around Meca with her keeping in contract with her cousin and Bruno. She has shoulder length black with silver stripes hair and blue eyes. She is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Dante Evermore. Darkness and Light Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. He was raised by a dragon who to him was a mother figure. Her name is Tessith, the Darkness and Light Dragon. She trained him through what he considers to be hell itself. She made sure that unlike most First Generation Slayers, he doesn't suffer with motion sickness. It was leaving him on a train for two whole months with him being allowed to leave until his sickness is gone. After recovering from that training, she taught him how to use a blade made out of her fang along with all forms of darkness and light related magic due to her not wanting his slayer nature to be shown. She left him in the year X780 due to her deciding to take on Milorth. She died but she left Dante with the ability to use her magic power making him extremely strong. He joined Chaos Lords with him making fast friends with Faye and for some reason, Johnny. He told the Metal Slayer his past and Johnny promised not to spill the beans to the master. He was thought to be dead after saying his girlfriend Faye Lawrence from their guild hall but he survived with serious injuries. He was found by a woman who figured out his true power as the Darkness Slayer. Upon recovering from his injures, he trained with the woman who was both a Darkness Dragon, Darkness God, Light Dragon, and Light God wizard who taught him everything she knew. He decided to help the Magic Council as a bounty hunter and he did this because he need work. He likes to be alone and he likes it that way. He tends to stick out due to his ability to take several jobs in quick succession. However, he decided to join Heroes upon seeing Johnny again after seven years. He is able to summon a blade known as Starsteel which is a pure black and white blade with it looking very similar to a broadsword. He has dark indigo hair with it reaching about up to his chin in length with a scar over his right eye with his crystal blue left eye seen. The top of his hair is white like snow. He wears a dark turquoise shirt with long sleeves that he usually pulls up for the hotter weather, black pants with a matching belts and combat boots, and gray finger less leather gloves. He tends to have a mischievous smirk on when working or playing a prank or just whenever. He has a form that he calls his Devil's Rage. This form activates when he is extremely angry. He grows bigger than most people around him with the left side of his body being white and the right side of his body is black with gold highlights all over his body. In the center of his chest is a black and purple orb with him growing four extra arms. This form gives him the ability to control darkness and light.
Elizabeth or Liz Winters. Ice Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. She is a strong woman despite her tragic past. Everyone that she ever cared about dying by the hands of a group who wanted anyone who had magic potential. Before the group found her, she activate her magic power causing the area to freeze in unbreakable ice. She was saved from this by the Ice Dragon Aphohis. He decided to train her on how to use her powers and be able to get over all of the pain that she has seen. After thirteen years, she smiled thanks to the dragon who taught how to control her ice being that she is able to use ice make magic. She was walking to her home with a smile on her face and then she was angry upon seeing her father figure dead thanks to some poachers. She froze them solid and she was tempted to smash them into pieces but she decided to bury her father. She decided to leave her home to go to a guild that Aphohis recommended that she go to aka Heroes. Despite her ice magic, she is extremely warm and kind heart. She is extremely naive and tends to be shocked by almost everything more often than not. She however is able to turn into a dragon which makes her stronger than most slayers except that she is weak to anything that moves aka trains. She has purple eyes and long snow white hair that she has keeps loose. She wears a white sleeveless shirt with a gold snowflake like pattern on it with it wrapped around her clockwise. She wears silver metal gauntlets with white gloves with blue edge under them, a light blue skirt with a white edge under the robe with black leggings and cute pink shoes. Her dragon form is very similar to Raziel except entirely made of both ice and snow.
Kaida Sinclair Yagami. Unknown Wizard. 7 years old. She was found by Allison and Bob when the couple was on a job. She tends to not talk due to the abuse that she has been given on her and what she has seen. She is able to communicate with others using her telepathy based magic and she is able to talk only to people that she trusts. After saving her from some punks, the couple tried to ask her if she lost her parents. The two was then blasted with a huge amount of raw magic power just like a child who doesn't know. Bob tried to calm her down despite her breaking his ear drums. Bob after that decided to adopt her with her remind him at that age. He treats her like she is his real daughter with her parents being a mystery to everyone but him and her. She only speaks when she wants too with her mainly talking when she is hungry and she eats just like Bob does or when she wants her adopted father's attention which is really cute. She loves cats and sweets with the Chreaxs being her favorite things in the world and she will pretty much devour any sweet in sight. She is loved by all females causing Bob a lot if not a huge amount of trouble. She has an extreme amount of magic power that made her wanted by dark guilds and demons causing Bob to protect her more than anything. She has amazing straight white hair that goes to her shoulders and she has red eyes. She wears a scarf just like her adopted father does and it is a navy blue color. She also wears a red t-shit that has the symbol of the guild on it, blue jeans, and gray tennis shoes. She also wears a cute pink backpack with a sword on it after Bob bought for her.
Arisa Scott. Ruby Wizard. 19 years old. She is Stella's younger cousin. She usually wears hoodies and headphones which she usually listened to her band's music mainly rock and country. She joined Heroes upon meeting Bob and others at the Chreax hometown with her guild stamp being on the right thigh and it is light blue. She is known for her beauty with her being really cute and pretty to boys with Kane being her biggest admirer. She has posed for Magician Monthly many time with her being one of their favorite models. She wears a lot of jewelry which includes her diamond earrings and her light blue necklace with a a diamond and bracelets on both of her arms with a ruby and diamond with her diamonds being made by Kane himself upon her eighteenth birthday. She usually wears rubies on her clothing since that is her signature gem. She uses Ruby magic with her having a strange connection to them and diamonds. She doesn't wear the same outfit but her usually outfit is a red cowgirl hot with a red neckholder bikini top with jeans-plants and she wears a small ruby pendant on her belt and on her bikini-top you can see a snowflake. She is strong, athletic, and very competitive by nature with her both good at sports and studies. She is a shy, kind, and honest guy with her having restless but yet pessimistic personality when she is unlucky and having a bad day, despite that, she is confident and very hard-working girl who has moves people heart. She is the goddess of the song with her being the singer of her band that includes Kane, his sister, and Gero with her being the singer of the ground. She is a clever, kind, and caring person. She likes swimming, cooking, and men who are assertive. Her favorite colors are blue, black, red, and white. Her friends call her cool, strong, and beautiful. She is the princess of Astrua with her meeting Kane and his little sister because of that. She was known as the red demon in her youth being feared by everyone excluding Kane. She is now a loving and caring person who treats her friends and even strangers with kindness. She is very popular with everyone and she hates liar. She is determined to protect her friends and she will do anything to protect them. She is very smart with her being a very good strategist and an extremely hard worker with her appearing to be very sweet and cute in her job as a singer even if it is against her personality. She is driven to do her best regardless of what and has a strong sense of justice with her forgetting her own well being in the process of helping others. She also uses a whip in combat. Her magic is Ruby magic which allows him to create rubies with ease along rubies around him and building made out of the stuff. It doesn't take a lot out of her to manipulate what rubies are out right now. This magic is mainly from Astrua with her being one of the best at it. She can use something called Ruby-Make magic which allows her to create rubies at will and shape it into objects with it being extremely versatile form of magic coming in useful both in battle for offensive and defensive purposes and outside of it. She has a great mastery over it being able to create countless amounts of objects for a multitude of uses. She can combined her magic with anyone that she trusts to create something called a Unison Raid. She has immense reflexes with her being able to avoid them and attack them right back, she can take a punch with her being able to stay in the fight for a long time, she has immense strength with her being able to beat a person who is a slayer along with other strong wizards, she can be able to take a lot of punches before she gets tired from it. She possesses an immense level of magic in him with manifests itself of diamonds with them appearing on his body from simple little diamonds which is mainly used for intimidating opponents or when he is annoyed and it is able to turned into fiery aura that goes around her and this can only appear when she is mad with a glowing red light coming out of both her eyes and mouth. She can use Transformation and Fire magic. Her face is a soft in shape and she has full lips. She has a top-model physique, being slim and sporting a large bust and large breasts, a curvy and voluptuous body and amble hips. She looks like her mother. She has shoulder length gray hair with large magenta eyes with long eyelashes.
Alyssa Valdez. Knowledge Wizard. 20 years old. Her magic is very interesting. She is able to analyze any form of magic and she is able use in her magic itself. She is able to create barriers and lightning out of thin air as example. Her knowledge is limitless but her social skills is pretty awful. She tends to be by herself with her only reading a book mainly magic books. She decided to join Heroes upon her visiting a fortune teller and saying that it is her destiny to go and join the guild because she will find her true love. However, she won't be able to have more than one kid due to her genetics. She is only able to have one kid so she picks her man very serious. She has pale-fair skin with her cheeks always seen like they're blushing. She has her brown hair made out of very neatly combed bangs that reach her ears with it framing her face and she has small streaks of silver. She has strands of her hair very straight and it is reaches down her chest with the rest of her hair loosely flows outward and it seems to be waist length. She wears silver glasses with a small wire-frame. She tends to wears a custom made dress that shows off her body but it also works for combat. It is a sleeveless navy blue dress that is tight around her body with a cut low enough to show a good amount of her breasts. It ends with a skirt that just barely comes midway down her thighs, but leaves her enough room to move around in a fight and it has a cute pink lace. She wears a black ribbon with a gold star on it around her neck and combat boots. She has a graceful and somewhat muscular appearance. Her thunderbolt like eyes have passion, spirit, and energy in them. She doesn't get angry often but when she does, it is scary on the same level as Bob or Myra.
Aurora Ballard. Fire and Ice Wizard. 21 years old. She is a human being but with her ability to go at supersonic speed, lift over fifty tons, flight, and being able to take a hit without her using her magic, she may be considered a demon. She was raised by two powerful wizards who she considered her birth parents and she loved every moment. When she was eight years old, her entire village was murdered by a dark guild looking anyone with magic power. She was angry and her magic came out. She either burned the dark guild or froze them. She sat in her house by herself and cried for an hour. She was later found by the magic council and the two took her in after seeing her magic potential. She was trained how to use her magic by Clyde before the Tower of Revival incident with her being a trial member of the Alchemy Knights. She was one of the best members known as the Flaming Freeze due to her mixture of both fire and ice. She decided to join Heroes upon chatting with Clyde at his restaurant. She tends to keep to herself upon joining the guild because of her past and she will either freeze, burn, or slash anyone who tries to talk with her. She is able to use her light blue sword that was from her village's elder and it looks like a mixture of a rapier and a cutlass known as the Tundra Inferno. She wears a light blue scarf around her neck with it being from her mother and her father gave her his signature ring that is able to produce shadows. She wears a white tunic with navy blue pants and dark blue boots and she usually makes ice armor in combat. She has shoulder length white hair with red tips and the woman puts it in a ponytail upon entering combat and light blue eyes.
Matt Robinson. Gale Wizard and Slayer. 23 years old. He is tends to be a person that people ignore due to his always serious expression but that is because he doesn't know how to emote well. He is a master of the wind even more than Ana who he respects. He doesn't give up on his beliefs with him known for arguing with Silas on things that go against his beliefs. He has shoulder length silver hair and piercing red eyes. He is known for wearing a gray hood with his pure white uniform. He doesn't mind getting mud on it.
Marilyn Wilkerson. Cerulean Dusk Wizard and Slayer. 20 years old. She is a really strong wizard and she sometimes doubt herself. She is stronger than she thinks because Silas is telling her that she is weak during their training session. She has neck length black hair and blue eyes.
Unagi Kurosawa. Fire Wizard. 26 years old. She is a familiar with a very strange appearance being that she is a chibi looking dragon with nothing but bones and they are black like the night sky and her body is covered in a red aura. She and Zane met when Zane saved her from some poachers with the two become life long pals afterward. She was pissed when they kicked Zane out of the guild because they made fun of his parents. She decided to get stronger for Zane and she was happy upon him being excited to rejoin the guild She is able to turn into a bigger dragons with it being ten meters in length and about ten feet strong. Her red like crimson flame are able to burn through solid steel and able to get rid of dark magic. She is able to turn into a human with waist length crimson red hair and green dragon like eyes. She has her scales being seen on her peach colored skin with her wearing black scaled high heeled boots with a red and black skirt. She wears a black and red tank top with black scales elbow length gloves. Her black wings are always shown in this form.
Marian Gamma Reynolds. Particle Wizard. 25 years old. She has a really bad case of Amnesia being that she can't remember anything beside her name and her ability to use her magic power. She has very calm but crabby attitude. She dislikes troublesome things with her trying to avoid fighting if possible and also things that she doesn't like. She loves anything that is soft and fluffy things with her turning into a very different person afterward. She can be mischievous and playful at times. She shows love in very strange ways and she usually does whatever she wants. She is traveling around the world before joining Heroes and her guild mark is on her left thigh. She is a very young woman with her seeming to be the same age as both Allison and Stella in terms of looks. She wears her chin length lilac hair and she has her bangs pushed out of her eyes with powder blue cross-shaped earrings and purple eyes. Her clothing definitely showed off her body. She wears a burgundy swimsuit showing off her huge and nice bust and a golden fancy coat with red fur around the collar. She wears a crystal choker around her neck with matching chains attach to it with black high heels. Her magic allows her to alter the particles around her with her also able to alter the particles in humans.
Ember Marie Yagami. Lightning, Teleportation, and Unknown Wizard. 8 human months old/8 demon years old. She is the oldest triplet of her, Aura, and Sivarth. She has a very kind personality with her being very much like a normal little girl but she is very oblivious about certain things such as love. It reminds people of both parents due to the two of them being dense toward love. She is actually 8 months old but thanks to Bob being half demon, she looks eight years old since they age twelve times older than a normal human baby. She is always causing trouble with her little sister with Sivarth trying to be nice. She does jobs despite her not being a year old but she does it with an older member that her parents trust. She usually seen with a smile on her face which everyone loves her for because she is really cute. She only gets mad when someone that she cares about gets hurt and the only thing that can calm her down is her father, her mother, her siblings, and her friends safe. She is really giving toward others and everyone loving her upon meeting her. She is loyal to her mom. She has shoulder length wine red hair and blue eyes. She wears a red scaled scarf that is like Bob's signature scarf. She wears a cute black and red dress that stops just below her knees with her having a purple band in her hair. She has light blue eyes. For parties or other stuff like that, she wears a light pink flowing party dress that has its torso covered with jewels causing it to shine in the light with it also enhanced the pink ribbon tied around her stomach. She has a purple rose in her red hair with pearls around her neck. She has on a ring that seems to be made of a pretty basic metal with the crystal in the center cut in the shape of a small sword that was given to her by her father. During the winter, she wears a beige pea coat with black pants and boots. She also wears a dark blue beanie with dark blue mittens.
Aura Nova Yagami. Lightning, Reflector, and Unknown Wizard. 8 human months old/8 demon years old. She is the middle triplet of her, Ember, and Sivarth. She has a very kind personality with her being fan of rough housing and a tomboy. She usually seen with a smile on her face which everyone loves her for because she is really cute. She is only eight but she does jobs just like Bob did at her age when she was in the guild but she has to do it with a older member of the guild that both Allison and Bob trust. She only gets mad when someone that she cares about gets hurt and the only thing that can calm her down is her father, her mother, her siblings, and her friends safe. She is really giving toward others and everyone loving her upon meeting her with her loving to fight and cause some trouble with Ember. She is actually 8 months old but thanks to Bob being half demon, she looks eight years old since they age twelve times older than a normal human baby. She is loyal to both of her parents. She has shoulder length pink hair and blue eyes. She wears a long sleeve shirt with a kitten on it with black pants and white tennis shoes. She has light blue eyes. She wears a pink scaled scarf that is just like Bob's signature scarf. For parties or other stuff like that, she wears a light blue flowing party dress, the torso was covered with jewels that caused it to shine in the light which also enhanced the blue ribbon tied around her stomach. She has a white rose in her pink hair and diamonds around her neck. She has on a ring that seems to be made of a basic metal and the crystal in the center is cut like a shape of a small flower that was given to her by her father. During the winter, she wears a pink coat with white pants and boots. She wears a dark green beanie with dark green mittens.
Sivarth Erik Yagami. Lightning, Speed, and Unknown Wizard. 8 human months old/96 demon years old. He is the youngest triplet of him, Aura, and Ember. He loves to fight like his father but he doesn't cause trouble for others mainly because of his older sisters doing that for him. He usually seen with a smile on his face which everyone loves him for because he is really cool and cute. He is only eight but he does jobs just like Bob did at his age when he was in the guild but he has to do it with a older member of the guild that both Allison and Bob trust. He only gets mad when someone that he cares about gets hurt and the only thing that can calm him down is his father, his mother, his siblings, and his friends safe. He is really giving toward others and everyone loving him upon meeting him. He is always trying to make his dad happy due to him being named after his grandfather who was really special to his dad. He is actually 8 months old but thanks to Bob being half demon, he looks eight years old since they age twelve times older than a normal human. He has his black hair spiky just like his father.with it being slightly longer and light blue eyes. He wears a similar scarf to Bob's scarf. He is very loyal to his father no matter what he does or looks like. He wears a red t-shirt with black shorts and brown boots. For parties or other stuff like that, he wears a white tuxedo that was accented with a crimson vest and bowtie over his white button up shirt. During the winter, he wears a black and white coat with gray pants and boots. He wears a dark red beanie with dark red mittens.
Lure Raymond. Passion Wizard. 8 years old. He is Kurt and Stella's Son. He isn't like his mother or his father with him being known for his lack of emotion. He often masks this with a false, cheerful, and transparent facade. He has suppressed all of his emotions with him being very loyal to his guild and his friends. He has trouble understanding how bonds between others can motivate others. It tends to get others angry at him because he often speaks without considering his words on people and the effects of it. He is very observant and always focused on his jobs unlike his dad. He pays a lot of attention to details. He is very loyal to his father and Bob. He is very honest to people and he does things at his own rate. He cares about his friends. He isn't good around girls of any age due to his personality. He is able to stretch any part of his body to use as a weapon. He is able to use fire and water magic. He is a fantastic artist with him being rumored to be on the same level as Jordan and he uses his passion magic though his scroll. His main creations are a black and white tiger, a dark purple with red markings on its body raven, and a dark blue swordfish. He has short tousled silver-blue hair, pale skin that seems to be translucent, and blue eyes. He always carrying a backpack that he keeps his pencils and scrolls. He wears a black and red jacket with dark blue straps with long black sleeves. He wears a high-collared midriff shirt, navy blue pants, he has thin eyebrows, he wears black and long fingerless gloves with gray calf-length sandals. When he is angry, his eyes turn demonic red and his sclerae are black.
Chase Wilson. Metal and Letter Wizard. 7 years old. He is Jade and Johnny's Son. He is very open and always looking a fight which he gets from his father. He is deeply kind and always thinking of others's feeling and well-being which he gets from his mother. He doesn't like to be angry but he will if needed. He will never gives up in a fight or a contest. He is very compassionate and caring for her friends. He is also very confident and not afraid to speak his mind. He is very cheerful and pushy toward people with him caring about his father. He also loves to read just like his mom and eat metal just like his old man. He can use earth, water, fire and lightning magic. He is able to see all around her. He is able to heal any wound. He has peach and cream fair skin, red eyes, and green hair with it being under shoulder length. He wears a red t-shirt, a violet diamond on his forehead, black sandals, and long claw like fingernails. He wears tight dark blue shorts. He has bandages on his abdomen and legs.
Rico Brogan. Lightning Wizard. 10 years old. He is considered to be Ethan's partner in crime since the two have been together since Ethan found his egg that came from Prion so many years ago. The two are always playing together and causing mischief. He is always flying around his home, training with Ethan, and being perched on his shoulder. He seems to be a Chreax just like Scampers and the others but he seems to be full on cat with him being similar to a wolf mixed with a tiger. He tends to wear clothes which are a white bandanna matching his partner's green bandanna with a blue vest and baggy gray jeans. He always travels with a backpack that he keeps on his back. He tends to have a crush on cute animals. He wants Scampers to train him after he saw him in action during the games and he will do anything to get that dream. Bob decides to adopt him and Ethan upon meeting them.
Lacey Excalibur Yagami. Ice, Thunder, and Unknown Wizard. 122 years old. She is currently traveling around Meca with her keeping in contract with her cousin and Bruno. She has shoulder length black with silver stripes hair and blue eyes. She is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Dante Evermore. Darkness and Light Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. He was raised by a dragon who to him was a mother figure. Her name is Tessith, the Darkness and Light Dragon. She trained him through what he considers to be hell itself. She made sure that unlike most First Generation Slayers, he doesn't suffer with motion sickness. It was leaving him on a train for two whole months with him being allowed to leave until his sickness is gone. After recovering from that training, she taught him how to use a blade made out of her fang along with all forms of darkness and light related magic due to her not wanting his slayer nature to be shown. She left him in the year X780 due to her deciding to take on Milorth. She died but she left Dante with the ability to use her magic power making him extremely strong. He joined Chaos Lords with him making fast friends with Faye and for some reason, Johnny. He told the Metal Slayer his past and Johnny promised not to spill the beans to the master. He was thought to be dead after saying his girlfriend Faye Lawrence from their guild hall but he survived with serious injuries. He was found by a woman who figured out his true power as the Darkness Slayer. Upon recovering from his injures, he trained with the woman who was both a Darkness Dragon, Darkness God, Light Dragon, and Light God wizard who taught him everything she knew. He decided to help the Magic Council as a bounty hunter and he did this because he need work. He likes to be alone and he likes it that way. He tends to stick out due to his ability to take several jobs in quick succession. However, he decided to join Heroes upon seeing Johnny again after seven years. He is able to summon a blade known as Starsteel which is a pure black and white blade with it looking very similar to a broadsword. He has dark indigo hair with it reaching about up to his chin in length with a scar over his right eye with his crystal blue left eye seen. The top of his hair is white like snow. He wears a dark turquoise shirt with long sleeves that he usually pulls up for the hotter weather, black pants with a matching belts and combat boots, and gray finger less leather gloves. He tends to have a mischievous smirk on when working or playing a prank or just whenever. He has a form that he calls his Devil's Rage. This form activates when he is extremely angry. He grows bigger than most people around him with the left side of his body being white and the right side of his body is black with gold highlights all over his body. In the center of his chest is a black and purple orb with him growing four extra arms. This form gives him the ability to control darkness and light.
Elizabeth or Liz Winters. Ice Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. She is a strong woman despite her tragic past. Everyone that she ever cared about dying by the hands of a group who wanted anyone who had magic potential. Before the group found her, she activate her magic power causing the area to freeze in unbreakable ice. She was saved from this by the Ice Dragon Aphohis. He decided to train her on how to use her powers and be able to get over all of the pain that she has seen. After thirteen years, she smiled thanks to the dragon who taught how to control her ice being that she is able to use ice make magic. She was walking to her home with a smile on her face and then she was angry upon seeing her father figure dead thanks to some poachers. She froze them solid and she was tempted to smash them into pieces but she decided to bury her father. She decided to leave her home to go to a guild that Aphohis recommended that she go to aka Heroes. Despite her ice magic, she is extremely warm and kind heart. She is extremely naive and tends to be shocked by almost everything more often than not. She however is able to turn into a dragon which makes her stronger than most slayers except that she is weak to anything that moves aka trains. She has purple eyes and long snow white hair that she has keeps loose. She wears a white sleeveless shirt with a gold snowflake like pattern on it with it wrapped around her clockwise. She wears silver metal gauntlets with white gloves with blue edge under them, a light blue skirt with a white edge under the robe with black leggings and cute pink shoes. Her dragon form is very similar to Raziel except entirely made of both ice and snow.
Kaida Sinclair Yagami. Unknown Wizard. 7 years old. She was found by Allison and Bob when the couple was on a job. She tends to not talk due to the abuse that she has been given on her and what she has seen. She is able to communicate with others using her telepathy based magic and she is able to talk only to people that she trusts. After saving her from some punks, the couple tried to ask her if she lost her parents. The two was then blasted with a huge amount of raw magic power just like a child who doesn't know. Bob tried to calm her down despite her breaking his ear drums. Bob after that decided to adopt her with her remind him at that age. He treats her like she is his real daughter with her parents being a mystery to everyone but him and her. She only speaks when she wants too with her mainly talking when she is hungry and she eats just like Bob does or when she wants her adopted father's attention which is really cute. She loves cats and sweets with the Chreaxs being her favorite things in the world and she will pretty much devour any sweet in sight. She is loved by all females causing Bob a lot if not a huge amount of trouble. She has an extreme amount of magic power that made her wanted by dark guilds and demons causing Bob to protect her more than anything. She has amazing straight white hair that goes to her shoulders and she has red eyes. She wears a scarf just like her adopted father does and it is a navy blue color. She also wears a red t-shit that has the symbol of the guild on it, blue jeans, and gray tennis shoes. She also wears a cute pink backpack with a sword on it after Bob bought for her.
Santos Gardner. Lava Wizard and Slayer. 35 years old. He is a very serious man being that he hates the weak. He will burn anything that he finds to be weak. His power and temper made him distant from the others and unlike the others, he never tried to make friends. He only saw the guild as weak and the only people that he respected are the Hunter and Yagami family. He like how Mordred hates Bob because he thinks that the child gets too much praise but he won't hurt him due to him being the grandson of the master. He is hiding a lot from everyone. He has a scar that he got in a fight at a young age with his black eyes always close except when serious in a fight and he has brown hair in a buzzcut.
Tessa Ramsey. Plant/Wood Wizard. 21 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with Fate, Royce, Tanya, and Virgil on a journey to find Darin for Tanya and Royce. She has started trained her magic to make anything like Virgil but more plant like. She has her violet hair with her bangs framing her face and also it is more wavier and in a ponytail, going down to the middle of her back with a triangular tuft covering her forehead and green eyes.
Virgil Holt. Maker Wizard. 22 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he went with Fate, Royce, Tanya, and Tessa on a journey to find Darin for Tanya and Royce. He has gotten a lot more creative with his magic making more crazy stuff. He has wild chin length brown hair and black eyes.
Wanda Arsenic. Normal Human/Chreax and Poison Wizard. 21 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Clara, Jade, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She is working with Julie, Owen, and Python in the 7th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for dealing with dangerous environments. She has long light green/fur scales and brown eyes.
Jaime Logan. Rainbow Wizard. 14 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling with his dad, Wayne, and June. He is showing his father off his magic growth unlike his father. He is thinking about asking out June but he has to deal with her cock blocking dad first. He has chin length purple hair and blue eyes.
Mark Yagami. Lightning Wizard and Chreax. 47 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he went with his wife along with Bob's parents and Stella's parents to train. He wonders how his son is doing because he is currently with Bob. He has silver fur and black eyes
Anne Yagami. Earth Wizard and Chreax. 44 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with her husband along with Bob's parents and Stella's parents to train. She wonders how her son is doing because he is currently with Bob. She has black fur and blue eyes.
Adam Air. Darkness and Light Wizard. 23 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he went with Jean, April, and Rich. He was shocked when Jean asked him but he said yes after hearing that from the girl who he likes. He has chin length black and white hair being a strong mixture of the two colors and black eyes.
John Hunter. Fire Wizard and Chreax. 23 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Cyrus, Eve, Myra, Norman, Sakura, Sunni, and X went to go work at a restaurant that is known for its fighting chefs. He has red and orange fur and red eyes.
Arthur Yagami. Fire Wizard. 52 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he went with his wife along with Scampers's parents and Stella's parents to train. He doesn't know about his blood being like a dragon which makes him able to live longer than his wife. He has neck length black hair and red eyes.
Audrey Yagami. Ice Wizard. 50 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with her husband along with Stella's parents to train. She is sad that her family is separated out but she keeps in contact with her daughters at the least. She has shoulder length white hair and blue eyes.
Gail Inferno. Gravity and Light Wizard. 40 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with her husband along Bob's parents and Scampers's parents to train. She is sad that her family is separated out but she keeps in contact with her daughter and son at the least. She has shoulder silver hair and blue eyes.
Clint Inferno. Ring Wizard. 40 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with her husband along with Stella's parents to train. He is sad that his family is separated out but she keeps in contact with her daughter and son at the least. He has chin length black hair with a silver stripe going down the middle and blue eyes.
Rich Inferno. Light and Shadow Wizard. 16 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he went with April, Adam, and Jean. He hopes to see his older sister again but way stronger to protect his family from evil. He has ear length black hair with silver tips and blue eyes.
June Summers. Ice Wizard. 13 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she is traveling with Eric, Wayne, and Jaime. She hates her father being super overprotective with her in pretty much everything on the planet. She has shoulder length dark green hair and gold eyes.
Sunni Hunter. Fire and Transformation Wizard. 18 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Cyrus, Eve, John, Myra, Norman, Sakura, and X went to work at a restaurant that is known for its fighting chefs. She has shoulder length red hair and brown eyes.
Malcolm Darth. Scythe and Weather Wizard. 18 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he left with Grim, Krystal, Leonard, and Viola to train their magic for his family so they don't have their family fighting for them. He is very happy to have his friends and family. He has ear length brown hair and green eyes.
Owen Arsenic. Poison Wizard. 18 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. He is working with Jenny, Python, and Wanda in the 7th Custody Enforcement Unit of the Alchemy Knights which is known for dealing with dangerous environments. He has collarbone length maroon hair and blue eyes.
Vera Wilson. Metal Wizard. 18 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Lucia, Nick, Owen Python, Roy, Spike, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She works with her mom helping with the paperwork to bring back the guild and working as a messenger to her dad. She has bra strap length green hair and red eyes.
Lucia White. Guns and Sand Wizard. 17 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he along with Clara, Jade, Jenny, Julie, Nick, Owen, Python, Roy, Spike, Vera, Wanda, and Z joined the recently formed Magic Council. She works as a messenger like Vera but she is known for traveling around the county sending messages. She has shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes.
Morgan Yagami. Gravity, Lightning, and Spirit Wizard. 18 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she is traveling around the country with her brothers, Aaron, and Rachel. She miss her father because her mother miss Bob who is traveling around. She has neck length silver hair and blue eyes.
Volt Yagami. Spark Wizard and Slayer. 18 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling around the country with his brother, his sister, Aaron, and Rachel. He miss his father because his mother miss Bob who is traveling around. He has chin length salmon hair which isn't like Bob's new hair in X792 and blue eyes.
Percy Yagami. Shade Wizard and Slayer. 18 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling around the country with his brother, his sister, Aaron, and Rachel. He miss his father because his mother miss Bob who is traveling around. He considered his slayer type to be Shade magic. He has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes.
Rachel Raymond. Emotion with some elements from Passion Magic in it Wizard. 17 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she is traveling around the country with her Morgan, Volt, Percy, and Aaron. She worried about her father because he is really dense. She has shoulder length pink hair and blue eyes.
Aaron Yagami. Healing/Negate, Soul, and Wind Wizard. 17 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling around the country with Morgan, Volt, Percy, Aaron, and Rachel. He wonders if his father will get up the courage to ask his mother out. He has neck length red hair and black eyes.
Jean Duncan. Fire and Lightning Wizard. 22 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with her little sister, Rich, and Adam on a journey. She actually asked out Adam who said yes making her super happy upon hearing that.
April Duncan. Water Wizard. 15 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went with her older sister, Rich, and Adam. She hopes that June finally asked Jaime but she needs to ask Rich who has feelings for the water girl.
Zimsa, Godddess of the Silver Satellite and the Mistress of Domination. Domination Curse. ? years old. She was once a member of Underworld and she caused the guild hall to be destroyed. She wants to reform after Bob saved her life and also her knowing about Bob being Hex's older brother. She has mid-back length dark purple hair and magenta eyes.
Draodono, the Demon Swordsman. Poison and Sword Curse. ? Years old. He wasn't really effected by his guild being disbanded since his guild master died. He is currently traveling around the country fighting anyone that seems like fun. He decided to join Heroes after remembering the strong wizards that he once fought. He has mid-back length white hair and red eyes.
Zark, the Eternal. Darkness Curse. 20 years old. He is currently traveling with Terra and Terry. He is using eating brains while Terra and Terry are working. They are hoping that they can join Heroes but to them, it seems likes a pipe dream. He has chin length white hair and red eyes.
Terra aka May, Mother Earth. Ground Wizard and Slayer. 18 years old. She is currently traveling with Terry and Zark. She has a crush on the zombie like wizard with Terry being there to help her partner out. She was once thought to be the Earth Slayer but that was proven wrong. She has shoulder length brown hair and green eyes.
Terry or Austin. Earth Wizard and Chreax. 19 years old. He is currently traveling with Terra and Zark. He is wondering if Zark eats enough brains, he will get smarter and notice Terra's feelings for him which to him are super obvious. He has brown fur and brown eyes.
Wendy Clark. Fire, Ice, and Passion Wizard. 19 years old. She was a member of the guild Sacred Lions but she left the guild after Heroes disbanded. She asked Kurt to train her because of her crush on him. She now fights for his attention with Melody. She is not related with Leroy. She seems to be hiding something from the guild but what could she be hiding? She has neck length fiery red hair and blue eyes.
Angelica or Angel Turner. Crimson Hair Wizard. 19 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she went back to her village to train her hair to be stronger for her friends mainly Allison, Ana, Bob, Dawn, Kurt, Rose, Scampers, and Stella's sake since they brought Angel to her second family. She has waist length red hair which are kept in a single braid and red eyes.
Xenia Sledge. Matter Wizard and Slayer. 23 years old. She is a person who driven by her emotions and a desire to protect the people that she cares about. She is very caring and compassionate and she has a fierce determination to aid others around her and she is seen as the only person who can She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. She is a master of the water and healing arts of the martial arts. She can eat anything that comes in her path to use it as energy. She has shoulder length brown hair usually in a wave, blue eyes, and dark skin.
Ion Errol. Tsunami Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. He was the son of a rebel leader who tried to get rid of the king. He was given his signature burn from the former king of the Stoutogon Empire. He met Rory upon being captured by her father. He convinced Rory to stand up to her father with him dying and avenging his father's dead. He is clever and hot headed due to his strong temper getting the best of him. He doesn't hurt people if he doesn't have a reason for it. He is more patient, kind, precise, and calculating after meeting Rory. He is more laid-back and empathetic except he can be strict and uptight when he was training Rory to master fire. He can smile even if a joke is made about him. He however is extremely serious when a situation gets worse due to him now putting up with antics or mistakes. He like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. He is a master with fire and water with it making for an interesting combo on a fight with him. He is also the tsunami making him a master of water. He has dark black hair with gray streaks from stress and gold eyes with his right side of his face scarred from facing off the former king of the Stoutogon Empire.
Jamal Bradwood. Plant/Wood Wizard and Slayer. 16 years old. He is a proud warrior of the Stoutogon Empire with him training with Ion only to get defeated but he doesn't give up ever. He like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. He is a master of using mother nature as a weapon with his plant and wood making abilities He has chin length green hair with the sides shaved off and blue eyes. He always try to use a weapon but he knows how to use martial artist being one of the best fighters in the Stoutogon Empire. He is skeptical, abrasive, sexist, and immature with him being sharp-witted. He is always serious when he chose to be or when the time is right. He is loyal to his family, friends, and allies. He lets others fight their battles for them . He prefers to solve problems using his strength and his wits. He is rash and he is prideful leading to embarrassment. He likes smiles on his friend's face using his wit, sarcastic humor, and overall eccentricity. He is a lover of meat with him eating anything in his oath. He is extremely creativity, versatility and intelligence. He is ambidextrous.
Yukiko Xasius. Diamond Wizard and Slayer. 15 years old. She usually listened to her band's music mainly rock and vocals. She joined Heroes upon meeting Bob and others at the Chreax hometown with her guild stamp being on the left side of his hip and it is shining blue diamond. She is a model for Magician Monthly because she is very beautiful and she can be strong along with weak at the same time. She is irresistible with boys falling for her and she is scared of most of them because of her brother. She use a whip that can freeze the air upon whipping someone from it. She is always smiling with her usually being happy. She is clumsy and a bit paranoid when her emotions get the best of her. She tends to be melancholic and to suddenly turn sober when something overwhelms her. She is able to soothe the hearts of others.She is very caring and friendly person with her being able to truly trust her brother, Gero, and Arisa. She can sing with her playing the keyboard in her band. She is cold to some people with her focused and strict on a job. She is able to infuse her diamonds with elements that she has absorbed with her favorite being fire and lightning but it takes a lot out of her. She can use snow magic. Her magic is Diamond magic which allows her to create diamonds with ease along diamonds around her and building made out of the stuff. Unlike her brother, it doesn't take a lot out of her to manipulate what diamonds are out. This magic is mainly from Astrua with her being one of the best at it. She can use something called Diamond-Make magic which allows her to create diamond at will and shape it into objects with it being extremely versatile form of magic coming in useful both in battle for offensive and defensive purposed and outside of it. She has a great mastery over it being able to create countless amounts of objects for a multitude of uses. She can combined her magic with anyone that she trusts to create something called a Unison Raid. She has immense reflexes with her being able to avoid them and attack them right back, she can take a punch with her being able to stay in the fight for a long time, she has immense strength with him being able to beat a person who is a slayer along with other strong wizard, she can be able to take a lot of punches before she gets tired. She possesses an immense level of magic in her with manifests itself of diamonds and it appears on her body from simple little diamonds which is mainly used for intimidating opponents or when she is annoyed and it is able to turned into frozen diamond aura that goes around her with this only appearing when she is mad with a glowing blue light coming from her eyes and mouth.She bears a striking resemblance to her and Kane's mother. She has shoulder length blonde hair that looks unkempt and stroked and big ice-blue eyes. She has a darker skin tone complexion unlike her brother. She is slim-built and averagely has a normal build for someone her age. She usually wears a black and tight t-shirt with pants with matching shoes being black and simple. She wears a blue belt with cans that store magic for emergencies.
Luna Xasius. Diamond Wizard and Chreax. 9 years old. She is a mixture of a wolf, husky, and cat with her being part of the eggs that came from Prion to Meca. She was found by Kane and her magic is based off both her brother and her little sister who she calls her partner. She is considered to be the mascot of the group. She has glass colored fur and blue eyes. She has her guild mark on the same spot as most Chreax in Heroes.
Gero Skelron. Time Slayer. 15 years old. He was cursed upon being born being that he was given powers over time by the time gods. He is given rare magics and they are considers to be lost thanks to time. He usually wears headphones with him listening to his band, rock, and pop music. He joined Heroes upon meeting Bob and others at the Chreax hometown with his guild stamp being on the forehead and it is white. He plays drums and sings with Kane, Arisa, and Yukiko which he met due to modeling because of the fact of him being a model. He usually has a clock themed staff which helps him control time and he wears white and black clothing with it being half white and half black. He has neck length white hair and red eyes with a clock in the center of it.
Thor Skelron. Time Wizard and Chreax. 9 years old. He is Gero's chreax partner. He was adopted by Gero when he found his egg outside his temple of time. He trained in the same magic as Gero with him being decent about the whole thing. He is a cat with light gray fur and blond stripes with his guild mark being on his back and it is white.
Karen Parker. Creature Wizard. 31 years old. She is a woman who always wanted to join Heroes but she is a girl who isn't really brave mainly shy and scared of things. She will be brave for her friends and the people that she truly cares about. She is able to use a magic that allows her to use the power of animals in her attack unlike Charlie, she uses it more often. It is like Animal Mimicry. She was going to join the guild but it was disbanded just as she got up the courage to go ask to join. She is best friends with Amy usually helping her collecting things to take over. She has shoulder length blond hair and amber eyes.
Amy Bailey. Take Over Wizard. 31 years old. She is way more confident than her best friend Karen who is very shy. She can use magic that Hugo was famous for but she takes over cute and powerful monsters. She was going to join Heroes with Karen but their guild just happened to disband. She has neck length blue hair and gray eyes.
Cindy Verdin. Darkness and Light Make Wizard. 21 years old. She is the heiress to a royal family in Meca. She decided to join Heroes after hearing about their return She has excitable outbursts and she dyes her hair random colors and hazel brown eyes. She is also obsessed with Bob's triplets upon their birth with the trio having very interesting opinion about her. Her ability to make things out of both darkness and light is very interesting and strong. The right side of her hair is dirty blond and the left side of her hair is black. It is stops right around her shoulders. She usually wears a indigo tank top with navy blue cargo jeans with white flats. She has dainty fingers.
Dorothy Washington. Unknown Wizard. 26 years old. She is a very strong young woman being that she loves bugs to death. She is able to control them using her magic. She loves to drink wine and she loves to admire the males in her guild with her saying meh to the women in the guild. She believes that Silas is the strongest wizard in their guild with Bob being just a baby in her opinion. She has long orange hair that she keeps in twintails and fiery blue eyes.
Ashley Campbell. Music Wizard. 23 years old. She is a great musician but an awful people person with her team Hellfire Dragons. She is always playing her guitar and she tends to blow most people off even the guild master. She loves to play for Silas who doesn't really care but she will do anything to make him happy since he brought her to a group of people who like her. Her music making ability is on par with Cyrus and the two have the same magic but she tends to be more destructive with it and crazy. She has chin length red hair and orange eyes.
Tyron Steed. Metal Wizard. 25 years old. He considered himself to be a genius and anyone who is dumber than him, he tends to ignore. He is always reading a book on metal and his magic with him calling the fight that the other members have barbaric and stupid. He considered Leonard to be his equal except he questions why the man would get something as time wasting as a girlfriend when all he needs is science and magic to keep him entertain. He has chin length black hair with his bangs pushed to the side and brown eyes.
Gisele Ledford. Divine Wizard and Slayer. 27 years old. She would let others do her work of her despite being able to do things better than him or others. She tends to be a slob and no one tries to change that part of her due to it being a fight that they can't win. She doesn't care about what others think about her. She thinks that her and other Slayers are better than other wizards and she will keep herself to that with her magic being nothing to laugh at. She has mid back length dark purple hair and glowing green eyes.
Sarah Crawford. Water Wizard. 17 years old. She is Brendan and Casey's daughter. She is usually depressed about something causing the area around her to rain constantly and it is really depressing to say the least.
Craig Air. Dark, Fire, Light, and Lightning Wizard. 21 years old. He is Adam and Jean's son. He is determined to make his parents happy because he wanted helped to do it. He has his father black and white hair along with her mother's red hair and it being ear length with his eyes being blue.
Betty Wood. Transform Wizard. 20 years old. She is Norman and Eve's eldest daughter. She is very much like a mixture of her father and her aunt in terms of a personality. She is very much a tomboy but she loves to dress up like a supermodel. She has shoulder length blond hair and black eyes.
Drake Clysorin. Dragon Wizard and Slayer. 20 years old. After Heroes disband, he joined Odessa along with their Chreax partners, Alan, and Sara on a journey to improve themselves. They'll return to the guild when the time is right. He has neck length green hair and blue eyes. He is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Alan King. Ice and Water Wizard. 23 years old. After Heroes disband, he joined Sara along with their Chreax partners, Drake, and Odessa on a journey to improve themselves. They'll return to the guild when the time is right. He has ear length light blue hair and brown eyes. He is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Sara Blaze. Fire and Lightning Wizard. 22 years old. After Heroes disband, she joined Alan along with Kirby, Kari, Drake, and Odessa on a journey to improve themselves. They'll return to the guild when the time is right. She has shoulder length orange hair and brown eyes. She is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Odessa Raynne. Element Wizard and Slayer. 20 years old. After Heroes disband, she joined Drake along with their Chreax partners, Alan, and Sara on a journey to improve themselves. They'll return to the guild when the time is right. She has shoulder length pink hair and green eyes. She is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Kirby Clysorin. Dragon, Fire, and Light Wizard and Chreax. 7 years old. After Heroes disband, he joined Drake along with Odessa, Kari, Alan, and Sara on a journey to improve themselves. They'll return to the guild when the time is right. He has light pink fur and blue eyes. He is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Kari Raynne. Element Wizard and Chreax. 6 years old. After Heroes disband, she joined Odessa along with Kirby, Drake, Alan, and Sara on a journey to improve themselves. They'll return to the guild when the time is right. She has light green fur and light blue eyes. She is only seen in a flashback or they are mentioned.
Marin Raymond. Snow Wizard and Slayer. 14 years old. She is Kurt and Stella's daughter from an alternative future. She and her little sister Marin were sent back to the future in the year X786 five years before the other future kids. Unlike her sisters and the others, she is blinded. She however is able to use her magic due to her being connected to the earth thanks to her father focusing a lot of time on it. She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. She is a master of ice and snow based attacks with her sometimes using the earth to her advantage. She has chin length lime green hair, black eyes with her being blind, and light skin. She is extremely independent, sarcastic, honest with people, stubborn. and confrontational. She loves to battle and take great pride in her fighting with her always trying to prove that she is strong despite her not being able to see. She is always honest when she is criticizing others which including her friends. She is very vocal about her opinions regardless of their rank.She is an expert in verbally taunting and insulting her opponents and a quick learner. She walks barefoot to feel closer to the planet. She doesn't let her blindness hurt her self-confidence. She is very harsh on others that she deems weaker than her. She is also isn't very feminine along with being not a fan of showing emotions.
Ella Jones. Capture, Diamond, Lightning, and Sword Wizard. 7 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she left with her daddy and mommy to live together. She wants to be just as strong as her godfather who decided to give her good luck on her magic growth. She considered to be really strong. She has mid-back length green hair and purple eyes.
Tricia Hanson/Jones. Diamond Wizard. 36 years old. After Heroes disbanded, she left with her husband and her daughter to live together. She is worried about her husband gaining weight and her daughter is improving her magic power because of the fact that she doesn't want her daughter to grow up to be like the rest of the guild in terms of letting loose on the poor town that she is working in. He and Cecil argue about things but not in front of Ella. She has waist length green hair usually in a braid and brown eyes.
Minor Members:
Victor Graves. Fire Wizard. 26 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he started eating in depression. It seems that he is ninety percent fat now. He actually looks like a whale with him been asked by Fred mainly to lose some weight with that request being ignored hard. However, Bob forced him along with Charlie to lose weight by a dragon method that was torture to them. The fat is now all muscules after some training with Bob and X. He has fire shaped orange hair with it looking just like a small ember unlike X and black eyes.
Eric Logan. Purple and Red Wizard. 44 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling with his son, Wayne, and Wayne's daughter. Jaime is showing his father his magic growth unlike him who is just getting older every day of the year. He has chin length slicked back purple hair which is receding with a very obvious mustache and brown eyes.
Wayne Summers. Smoke Wizard. 44 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling with his daughter, Eric, and Eric's son. Wayne is worried about his daughter's protection causing him to be an overprotective father. He has chin length brown hair which like Eric is receding because of helping the fourth master with a thick and pointed beard on his chin with gold eyes.
Jordan Barnes. Art Wizard. 35 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he decided to work at a studio to improve his magic. His art is considered to be something of a professional level when he is thinking of his old guild. His art magic has improved since he decided to paint for battle scenes. He has shoulder length orange hair and blue eyes.
Eric Logan. Purple and Red Wizard. 44 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling with his son, Wayne, and Wayne's daughter. Jaime is showing his father his magic growth unlike him who is just getting older every day of the year. He has chin length slicked back purple hair which is receding with a very obvious mustache and brown eyes.
Wayne Summers. Smoke Wizard. 44 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he is traveling with his daughter, Eric, and Eric's son. Wayne is worried about his daughter's protection causing him to be an overprotective father. He has chin length brown hair which like Eric is receding because of helping the fourth master with a thick and pointed beard on his chin with gold eyes.
Jordan Barnes. Art Wizard. 35 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he decided to work at a studio to improve his magic. His art is considered to be something of a professional level when he is thinking of his old guild. His art magic has improved since he decided to paint for battle scenes. He has shoulder length orange hair and blue eyes.
Charlie Haynes. Animal Wizard. 34 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he decided to go into the jungle to train his magic with the local animals. He ate a lot of the food while fighting with the bears and apes in the forest along with the other animals. He was forced by Bob along with Victor to lose some weight by a method that was pure torture. He still tends to be around the request board all of the time but Bob doesn't care. He has chin length black hair with a thin beard around his mouth and brown eyes.
Leroy Clark. Dance Wizard. 24 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he decided to travel the world entering dance concerts with him usually ranking in the top three places when dancing about his guild to everyone. He has chin length blue hair with it being like a buzz cut and brown eyes.
Issac Mills. Air and Psychic (Telepathy) Wizard. 31 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he decided to use his magic to transmit messages across the country. He gets interference from teens who want to mess with him. He has chin length brown hair with a spike going up and brown eyes.
Cecil Jones. Capture Wizard. 37 years old. After Heroes disbanded, he left with his wife and his daughter to live together. He is very impressed and jealous with his little girl's magic and he got flabby according to his daughter and wife. They tend to argue but not in front of Ella not to scar her for life. He has chin length gray hair and black eyes.
Bloody Darkness. This guild was mainly known for Louis because of his strength but he left to join the magic council in X792. However, they are still a powerhouse thanks to Ivan, Leon, and Tia. They also have the little sisters of Bob Ana and Rose who joined the guild along with Alex and Dawn after Heroes was destroyed in X791.
Dana. Spinning Wizard. 71 years old. Currently, she is the oldest ranking guild master. She is known for teasing her guild wizards and she wants her members along with the guild to be number one. The guild is rank 2 right now in X792. She has shoulder length white hair usually tied in a bun and brown eyes.
Prominent Members:
Leon Vinson. Passion Wizard. 26 years old. He along with Ivan are the two strongest wizard after Louis left for the magic council. He is seen as the older brother to Tia because he is usually trying to be there for her after Tina left. He is the ace of Bloody Darkness making him the strongest wizard in their guild after Louis left. He has neck length silver hair with the top of it being spiky and it partly covers over his upper right part of his face and blue eyes.
Ivan Houston. Demon/Dragon Wizard. 25 years old. He along with Leon are the two strongest wizards after Louis left for the magic council. He is usually seen with Rose after she joined the guild because he is a trustworthy guy. He has chin length green hair with his right eye being more like a dragon with his left eye being like a demon and he has green eyes.
Elaine Shaw. Color Make Wizard. 27 years old. She is able to make the colors of the rainbow with ease. She believes in second and sometimes third chances. She is a person who will never give up even if everything is against her. She is good friends with Ivan and Leon. She has rainbow hair meaning that she has all seven colors of the rainbow in her hair and green eyes.
Sharon Butler. Combat Wizard. 26 years old. She is from a country from the east and she is a master of combat with either her fists and her feet. She is extremely friendly and she has trouble with others. She calls people who she thinks is stronger than her master, anyone who she think is weaker than her student, and any one on her level is companion. She loves to fight anyone that seems interesting to her and she has a massive crush on Ivan causing her to show her feelings by hitting him. She is an average height with pink eyes and shoulder length purple hair. She usually has her hair tied up in buns that sit above her ears but she always leaves a pair of bangs that frame her face perfectly. She has a large burn scar that envelop her left arm and she got it from fighting against a powerful fire monster and she keeps it in a bandage. She usually wears something that came from her land. It is a black t-shirt with puffed shoulders and a slightly modified qipao top over her chest, adorned with a rose shaped broach. She wears a pair of baggy white pants with black sandals along with a black sash around her waist.
Tia Barker. Wind God Magic Wizard. 16 years old. She is seen as the icon of Bloody Darkness now because of her cuteness. Ana, Dawn, and Rose are living with her now because of Tina leaving to go be with her husband Kevin. She has shoulder length pink hair that she usually keeps in pig tails and light blue eyes.
Oliver Terra. Earth Wizard. 28 years old. He is Louis's younger brother and he is a very strong wizard rumored to be stronger than his older brother. He is very much like a younger version of the wizard saint and most people respect him because of that. He is a force to be messed with due to his incredible control over the earth just like his other brother can but he tends to be way more creative in his attacks. He has short white hair and gray eyes. He dress like a monk.
Reid Wren. Chaos Wizard. 25 years old. He is able to use Chaos magic which is a rare form of magic and the only other known to use this magic is Chaos. He is extremely good with it making him one of the strongest members upon joining the guild. He tends to be distant around others outside of his guild and he tends to avoid company and the such if he is given a choice. He has excellent self-control over his feelings. He is extremely sharp and intelligent. He is rarely caught off guard even by sneak attacks. He has a soft side toward animals mainly birds. He has light skin and a lean build. His eyes are an unusual bright red with his hair being more than one color. It is a faded light green color with the center of his hair being the regular color with the edges of his hair being an red color. He now wears a long silver sleeveless coat with a chained white accessory of the guild's mark, a silver scarf, and a large silver collar pieces. Under it, he wears a navy blue sleeveless shirt with gray pants, black arm guards, white legs wraps, and navy blue shoes. He carries his swords with one that is sheathed along the side of his right waist and one sheathed diagonally along his back. He tends to look serious and it is rate that he smiles. He wears a pair of goggles around his forehead with him putting them on upon getting serious in a battle.
Rudy Walters. Gale Dragon Wizard. 19 years old. He has feminine features and he is being called a girl constantly. He doesn't mind these comments because he was raised to be like a girl due to his family wanting a girl mainly and when they had him, they forced their beliefs on him not by choice. He hates being called a girl with him getting extremely pissed off at that and he was once called the cutest FEMALE wizard in Meca and he destroy half of a city before he was stopped. He is able to use a very strong wind magic making him one of the strongest members of the guild. He is very tender and serene. He looks like a very petite girl with a innocent look to his face with silk over glass skin that shows elegance. He has silver hair that goes barley to his shoulders and separated into a fringe that parts at his left. with his left eye is blue and his right eye is red. He has a gentle face with a focus on both physical and magical strength. He has defined muscles but it smaller than others. He wears a light green trenchcoat over a long-sleeved white dress shirt that he buttoned up to the third highest button. He normally wears a vibrant green scarf that his mother made for him before she died. He wears a pair of navy blue jeans with a pair of gray shoes with green laces. He has a youthful and girly appearance with him being called a girl still in high school. He has cute and dainty features. He has a jaw line that looks like the smooth curvature of a painter's brush stoke coming to a small point at his chin. He has a natural blush to him and he has a very small nose that it looks like a bump above his pink lips.
Major Members:
Adrian. Claw Wizard. 26 years old. He is still hyper and he is able to fall in love with women if they are cute. He gets anger for no reason and usually have some crazy reason for getting mad. Terry is usually calming him down. He has shoulder length orange hair and black eyes.
Sonic aka Grady Swift. Speed Wizard. 21 years old. He is wondering why he hasn't found anyone who can keep on his speed excluding Nick. He wants to find a girl who can keep up with him and he is determined about that. He has gelled back chin length blue hair and green eyes.
Jennifer. Explosion Wizard. 25 years old. She is now for being just crazy with her explosions but she doesn't want to destroy her friends or building. It is really hard with her magic because it is really explosive. She has mid-back brown hair with white streaks and hazel eyes.
Terry. Wave Wizard. 26 years old. His eyebrows grew even more and it is a huge question how it is growing still. He is seen with Adrian as the straight man in their comedy duo and he is usually calming him down. He has dark green hair which he keeps in a braided ponytail that goes up to the middle of his back and dark blue eyes.
Jane. Eye Wizard. 18 years old. She joined the guild to be with Greg and the two are going out. They mainly get teased by Sonic who is usually seen as Greg's older brother. She is trying to be Tia's older sister in a sense. She has shoulder length brown hair usually in a ponytail and red eyes.
Greg. Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Teleportation Wizard. 19 years old. He is happy to have Jane in the same guild as him. He is usually seen with Sonic and the two are like brother in a way. He has chin length black hair and blue eyes.
Thunder Wolves. This guild is known for having very handsome men and beautiful women in their guild. Their new guild master is their former ace of the guild aka Adonis who is a very strange little man.
Adonis Wright. Perfume Wizard. 37 years old. He is a very strange man being that he thinks that he is extremely hot despite being very ugly. His guild also considered him to be strong and handsome with everyone questioning their sanity. He became the guild master of Thunder Wolves upon Master Clayton's early retirement. He wishes that Allison was his but with her being the mate of the Power Dragon King aka Bob, it is only a dream. He has wild dark blue hair and black eyes.
Prominent Members:
Kevin. Wind Wizard. 28 years old. He is still a member of the Angels with Bruce and Ralph. He is still married to Tina with her being with his child. For him being married is a shock. He doesn't know his kids gender yet but he doesn't care since he is still a strong wizard with him being one of the best in the guild. He has black hair and black eyes.
Alana. Transformation Wizard. 27 years old. She is currently showing off that she and Ralph are now married with both of them being extremely happy about it. She doesn't want to have kids and Ralph is okay with that. She is able to transform into monsters which is very similar to Norman but way more feminine in nature. She has blond hair and blue eyes.
Bruce. Ice/Snow Wizard. 26 years old. He turned from the prince of Thunder Wolves into a very handsome man similar to what Ralph was back in the day before his marriage. He is also a dick. He improved his ice or snow to be able to affect both fire wizards and other ice wizards. He is considered to be Lana Stars's number one guy. He has short blond hair and blue eyes.
Ralph. Data Wizard. 29 years old. He is really happy with Alana being that they admit their marriage to everyone around them with some getting sick of it. He is a little disappointed that Alana doesn't want kids but he just has to wait till she is ready with having kids. He has dark green hair and brown eyes.
Lana Stars. Ice Wizard. 28 years old. She has gotten stronger because she doesn't want to be the weakest wizard any more. She is the current Miss Meca which is like being the hottest girl in the country. She is rivals with Myra of Heroes when she was a model seven years ago. She has blond hair and green eyes.
Carmen Scanlon. Take Over (Wolf) Wizard. 19 years old. She is feral and she is very much like a wolf. She is always eating meat like a wolf and for some reason, she has her fans mainly because of her rocking body. People call her the queen of wolves. She wears a white t-shirt with blue shorts and she is extremely hot. She is able to turn herself into a powerful wolf with her able to summon a group of wolves to her side to increase her attack power. She has shoulder length silver hair that she has covered around her face and red glowing eyes.
Chad Rodgers. Holy Wizard and Slayer. 22 years old. He and his partner Steve became co guild masters after Underworld's defeat. He is seen as the mind of the guild while Steve is known as the heart of the guild. His slayer magic is known as Holy meaning a very bright light that keeps his best friend Steve under control because of Future Steve from the Games X791. He has spiky chin length dark blue hair and gold eyes.
Steve/Yami Moran. Shadow Wizard and Slayer. 20 years old. He and his partner Chad became co guild masters after Underworld's defeat. He is seen as the heart of the guild while Chad is known as the mind of the guild. He loves Lora and Lucky and he has trouble choosing between the two at points. He tries to be just like Bob who along with Johnny he respects. He has shoulder length black hair with it in a ponytail and blue eyes.
S Class Wizards:
Sake Tequila. Drunk Martial Arts Palm Wizard. 19 years old. He is still drinking and he learned that he works well with Kara due to their magics just working well with each other. He hopes that Tanya comes back to challenge him to a drinking match. He has his chin length black hair gelled back and red eyes.
Kara/Titus Morgan. Unknown Wizard and Wizard Saint. 18 years old. She rejected being part of the magic council along with Bob because she wanted to stay with her family more. Bob on the other hand didn't know about that. She has mid-back length purple hair and red eyes.
Prominent Members:
Lora Aquiler. Shadow and Spirit Wizard. 19 years old. She was sad when she heard about Heroes disbanded and she hopes that they come back. She is happy for Steve since he became guild master along with Chad and she does know about Lila being alive. She tries to see her but her sister is being stubborn as a mule. In case her magic fails, she learned how to use the same magic as Steve.. She has neck length brown hair and blue eyes.
Lucky Moran. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. ? years old. He is still adorable and dark wizards melt under his cuteness. He miss Bob but he knows that he is still alive because of his Lucky sense. Lucky is too cute to really question. Larry is usually seen with him. He wears his light pink frog suit over his light blue fur and brown eyes.
Larry Rogers. Light Wizard and Chreax. 14 years old. He is still a smart aleck and always seen with his partner in crime. He and Scampers have been compared to each other just like Bob and Chad. He is usually with Lucky. He has red fur and black eyes.
Athena Rhodes. God and Territory Wizard. 21 years old. She actually got Chad to go out with her and she is happy. She is now more expressive than she was a year ago. She is happy that her sister is back with her and her dad is gone. She has mid black length green hair and black eyes.
Romeo Russell. Fire God Magic Wizard. 24 years old. He is actually stronger than he once was thanks to Erica's help. He is considered the strongest wizard of Heroes in terms of physical sense but not in the mental way. He has shoulder length white hair and green eyes.
Claude Doyle. Memory Wizard. 20 years old. He is the smartest member of the guild because he reads more books. He wants to meet with Kurt again because he is the only person who defeated him in terms of creativity. He has waist length dark green hair in a ponytail at the end and hazel eyes.
Nancy Rhodes. Universe Wizard. 22 years old. She is back to being human thanks to Althea and she is happy to be with her guild. She wants to make amends with Stella who she hurt during the grand magic games of X791. She has mid-back length black hair with golden stripes and blue/green eyes.
Major Members:
Erica Lindsey. Fire Dragon Magic Wizard. 23 years old. She is more like a dragon every day but unlike the dragons of the past, she looks more human. She is mainly seen with Juliet like Romeo is seen with Claude. She has shoulder length red hair and red eyes.
Juliet Taylor. Memory Wizard. 19 years old. She is seen as the second smartest member of the guild second only to Claude who knows a lot of memory thanks to his magic. She is mainly seen with Erica like Claude is Romeo. She has collarbone length blond hair and green eyes.
Dion Clarke. Darkness, Ice, and Water Wizard. 23 years old. He is human like Nancy but he kept his ice claws due to him look cool according to Magician Monthly. He wants to fight someone who can handle his cold touch. He has neck length dark blue hair and dark blue eyes.
Lanita Garber. Gas/Smoke Wizard and Slayer. 30 years old. She is a huge smoker being that she smokes almost every day and week. It is impressive that she doesn't have lung cancer yet. Her constant smoking has an effect on her magic being that it is stronger than say a normal gas or smoke weather being that she can make smoke appear from any part of their body with someone like Wayne needing to use a item to activate his magic. She is also a pervert being that she is using her smoke for her pervert reasons and the such. She is Chad's biggest problem but to Steve, she is nothing compared to Zulma in his opinion. She has mid-back length white hair and green eyes.
Zulma Thornhill. Fleece Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. She is always sleeping being that she sleeps almost for twenty four hours weeks at a time. She is never doing any work with her sleeping but she is strangely stronger when she is asleep. Her magic power is increased by ten when she is awake. She is like a werewolf in that regard except the part that she doesn't grow hair everywhere. She is Steve's biggest problem but to Chad, she is nothing compared to Lanita in his opinion. She has shoulder length pink hair and brown eyes.
Miki Dalton. Storm Wizard and Slayer. 27 years old. Compared to Lanita and Zulma, she is a saint to the devils. She is usually seen as a girl who loves to drink and party which got Sake's respect. She is also a girl who wants to fight with Kara with the other members saying no to the wizard saint. Her magic allows her to make powerful thunder with the effect of shocking people from a distance and to Kara, it is like Bob's lightning. She is a huge fan of Monsters due to her power so she is always trying to make the guild proud. She has chin length yellow hair and black eyes.
Minor Members:
Todd. Ninja Wizard. 18 years old. He hasn't done much since Underworld disbanded. He is a minor member in terms of Monsters because every other member of the guild is way stronger than him by a lot. He has chin length brown hair and black eyes.
Amazons. This guild is known for being an all female guild and it have very strong women. If a man enters the guild, he will be dressed up as a girl and shown to everyone in Magician Monthly.
Diana. Sword and Whip Wizard. 61 years old. She is very old and if you want to live, don't mention her age. She is very beautiful for her age. She isn't a fan of any men because of a bad reason in the past. She hates when her wizards flirt with men. She however likes certain men being Bob and Clayton because of Clayton's very interesting personality. She has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes.
S Class Wizards/Prominent Members:
Krista Marble. Binding Wizard. 25 years old. She is worried about Allison and Bob because to her, she left her best friend and she is angry at both him and James. She doesn't know that Allison is currently working with James and the real reason why Bob left for his training. She has shoulder length blond hair with it being messy and brown eyes.
Mona Evans. Gravity and Sword Wizard. 24 years old. She doesn't miss Chaos whatsoever because of him being erased from her memory. She is hopeful to see Bob once again due to her forgiving Bob for killing her older brother but not James. She has mid-black length purple hair and hazel eyes.
Reta Cardwell. Blade Creation Wizard. 17 years old. This young woman is very different from other members of Amazons being that she was formally a man. Upon finding a magic book in the library of sorcery, he was turned into a girl. She accepted that this was now her true destiny and she tried to be feminine thanks to her fellow members of Amazons. However, she tends to keep some of her male traits such as her love for other women, having nose bleeds when a hot woman appears, and her not very feminine traits. She is able to make swords appear out of thin air similar to Kirk's magic. She has long blond hair that she keeps tied in a bun to prevent her from losing a fight because of it and magenta eyes. She is actually really beautiful with tomboyish traits. Her magic is similar to Sword Birth from High School DXD.
Gwen Moore. Fire, Ice, and Water Dragon Wizard. 20 years old. She is extremely positive and very energetic with her always having a huge smile on her face and open arms aka hugs for days. She tends to speak her mind without thinking. She loves adventures and seeing the world along with her facing anything in her way no matter how insane it looks. She loves to look at the places that she travels to with her just looking at it and trying to find a great place to see it. She will draw the location if she has the chances with her being decent compared to other artists. She is extremely skilled in navigating with her only looking at a map just once to memorize it. She is in love with other women and she is extremely perverted when she sees once that she likes a lot. She tends to show off her figure and her breasts in hope of impressing them except she seems to be get attention from the other gender than what she wants. She loves to drink until she goes overboard knocking her out. She is able to get serious but she lose it upon seeing a really cute woman. She is extremely curious about things and she loves to play pranks on people. She does things on a whim. She has boundless energy. She loves to fight. She has a secret crush on Carmen Scanlon of Thunder Wolves. She is able to use fire, ice, and water magic along with dragon like moves. She is a very tall and slim woman with waist length straight and wavy purple hair with light blue eyes. She is very attractive or even beautiful with a very voluptuous figure with large breasts and curvy hips which are going to get more defined over time. She has a pink tattoo on her right shoulder which to her remains her of a proud and noble dragon. She has her guild mark on the center of her stomach right above her belly button. She has a shapely upper body that she tends to keep exposed with her clothing being very scandalous. She usually wears a bikini top like Tanya does and a black belt tied around her waist with her blue jeans that shows off her curves. She wears knee high brown boots with a pink flower in her hair with a lollipop in her mouth.
Sabrina Estrada. Plant and Transformation Wizard. 26 years old. She is Stella's cousin with her always being a member of a family that makes a lot of money in Meca. She is very intune with both mother nature and fighting. She hopes to make her guild proud mainly Mona who is still the strongest wizard in Amazons. She has a slender figure with her being an average height. She looks to be similar to Stella in terms of facial features along with blue eyes and the only thing that tells them apart is her wavy dark blonde hair that goes to the middle of her back. She has very fair skin. She usually wears a blue dress with a pink trim and a dark blue ribbon attached to it with the top part of her dress is a slighter blue with the area below her waist is a darker shade of blue. A light blue bonnet with a white trim is on her head with a pink corsage on the left side. She wears her white stockings and little dark blue shoes. In battle, she wears an outfit that is mainly from nature. Her left eye is covered by a Iris eye patch which is seen glowing green when she isn't wearing the patch. She wears a short and strapless shirt made entirely of dark purple petals and she wears long dark purple gloves that goes to the top of her arms. She wears a short wide skirt made of dark purple petals that is pointed sideways and she wears pouch-like boots. Her right arms and both legs are embellish by light purple thorny vines.
Shattered Entities. This guild is famous for being like Heroes except in their country Oclor. They are very kind and respectable toward the magic council except for their members causing trouble for the people and the town. They have a team of ten wizards which is like Bob's team except they have an equal amount of boys and girls on it. They are also all human unlike Bob's team who have Dawn and Scampers being the only non-human members of the team.
Luciano Ashworth. Fire Wizard. 28 years old. He is a man who likes to talk with his fists and his magic reflects that fact. He is tall, tan, and highly muscular man with him wearing a gray body suit with it having like a hood attached to it with the center of it being a crystal skull with glowing red eyes. He wears scarlet red cuffs with silver lining and scarlet red boots which lined with beige fabic. and he wears a mask that looks like Carnage from Spiderman.
Evalyn Charlton. Smoke Wizard. 24 years old. Unlike Luciano, she is more a pacifist and she likes peace more than violence. She is short, pale, and not very strong woman with her wearing a white dress that shows off her amazing beauty. She doesn't like to be touched by people so she turns into smoke if she doesn't trust the person. She has neck length white hair and purple eyes.
Maximo Benoit. Water Wizard. 26 years old. He is a man who is very much a fan of water because of his roots of living near the ocean. He is able to talk with fish and this is due to him being able to connect with the animal kingdom in that sense. He is good friend with Vesta of the guild with him being the best to work with her magic. He likes to be called Maximo and not his name shorten in the slightest. He has ear length blue hair and brown eyes.
Vesta Navarrete. Ice Wizard. 27 years old. She is a woman who loves things that are cold and not anything hot or spicy because of her ability to use ice in her blood. She is good friends with Maximo with her magic and his magic working well together. She is also in love with him but she will never tell him that. She has shoulder length white hair and ice blue eyes.
Alphonso Thrash. Mud Wizard. 32 years old. Despite his magic being very dirty, he is very much a neat freak who is determined to keep himself at all times. He is determined to fight for his friends and he will do if it gets him dirty and it kills him on the inside but he sure doesn't show it. He has chin length brown hair and green eyes.
Cordelia Schmitt. Air Wizard. 31 years old. She has a god complex even more than the light wizard because she says that she is the closest to the gods out there. She is very much floating above everyone and she acts like a bitch sometimes. She has shoulder length white hair with green eyes.
Tobias Carranza. Darkness Wizard. 28 years old. He is very much into the darkness and he needs Stasis to keep him from becoming a wizard of darkness who would destroy the world if given the proper power and reason behind it. He has ear length black hair and red eyes.
Stasia Lavigne. Light Wizard. 27 years old. She is very much a person who loves the light. She is always there for Tobias to keep him from becoming a super villain and also losing him to the darkness in his heart. She has neck length light green hair and violet eyes.
Cobalt Klein. Air, Earth, Fire, Imitation, Magic Bestowal and Negation, and Water Wizard. 25 years old. He is a wizard who dreams to be a dragon but unlike a certain wizard from a filler arc, he will try to use to help people. I am talking about Daphne. He is determined to get his little sister Ruby back from the dark guild who took her away from him. He is working with the guild Shattered Entities to get her back. He is able to look like someone different using his magic. He has chin length blue hair and brown eyes.
Zara Vola. Animal (Mythical and Real), Barrier, Element, God, and Reality Wizard. 23 years old in X791 and 24 years old in X792. She is Shattered Entities's strongest wizard and she is also the youngest member of her guild. Her magics are very diverse due to it being helpful and destructive. She also loves to fight no matter what the reason and she hands problem that way. She is very carefree and reckless in nature but she is very loyal to the people that she cares about. She is willing to die fighting for her friends when the going gets touch. She is also looking for love but she doesn't show it. She is a girl who doesn't hold a grudge regardless of what her rivals does to her. She is always trying to show off her strength to others. Her brand of fighting caused destruction to those around her but her way of fighting is strategic. She is motion sickness with her being not able to ride on any form of transportation. The only thing that she is fear itself. She is also very understanding of her friend's feelings. She is also a girl with a trouble past being that like Allison, she was a former tower of revival slave. She can control all elements with ease but her strongest magic is both is Animal and Reality. She can alter reality around her slightly before she has to take a break for a while due to it being a strain on her. She can make a barrier to protect herself, her friends, and use as a weapon. Her animal magic allows her to access all of the animal kingdom from both fantasy and the real world such as a lion and dragon from each world. Her five favorite animals are Dragons, Eagles, Hawks, Sharks, and Wolfs. She is able to knock out a lot of grunts with ease and on stronger wizards, it does a good amount of damage. She mainly fights with her fists and legs. Her favorite element is fire but her second element is water. She is a very slim young woman with peach colored skin and she has long blonde hair with brown eyes. She has abnormal sharped canines and silt pupils. Her outfit is very revealing and she is extremely beautiful. She is slightly muscular due to her training. She has a scar on her neck from fighting against a shark that was her strongest fight ever. She has a cross-shaped scar on the right side of her abdomen with her getting in a fight with a demon who took her family from her. She wears a red top that is opened wide to reveal her cleavage that is slightly covered by her black and gold bra. She wears a pair of tight and black shorts with them being short on her showing off her very sexy legs. The shorts have belt loops with there being a white belt with a gold buckle. She wears a pair of black legging that are cut right off above her inner thigh and a pair of black boots with crimson red silts on the foot of them. She also wears a pair of black gloves and two metallic bracelets around the top of her upper arms. In her eyes. she has 3D diamond earrings which are in her ears thanks to small gold hoop earrings. She also carries around a rolled up comforter which is strapped around her back but she doesn't bring it to battle.
Elite Predators. This guild is competing in the X792 Grand Magic Games along with other guilds in Meca. They managed to pass through the elimination during the games but they didn't go against Amazons, Bloody Darkness, Cinco Hydra, the disband Heroes, Monsters, and Thunder Wolves. Their only known member is Ronald.
Ronald. Lightning Wizard. 45 years old. He is a strange man being that he is bald, fat, and short with him looking very unattractive. He wears a gray tank top with blue briefs for pants along with gray fingerless gloves and blue boots. He has brown eyes.
Tempest Titans. This guild is competing in the X792 Grand Magic Games along with other guilds in Meca. They managed to pass through the elimination during the games but they didn't go against Amazons, Bloody Darkness, Cinco Hydra, the now disband Heroes, Monsters, and Thunder Wolves. Their guild was named after their strongest wizard Ferdinand North.
Ferdinand North. Wind Wizard. 35 years old. He is a very lean wizard with him being bald excluding his brown hair which he keeps in a pony tail. He dress like a gentlemen and he is always confident with him pointing his fingers into the sky and saying Amazing.
Venomshroud. This guild is competing in the X792 Grand Magic Games along with other guilds in Meca. They managed to pass through the elimination during the games but they didn't go against Amazons, Bloody Darkness, Cinco Hydra, the disband Heroes, Monsters, and Thunder Wolves.
Forsaken Outlaws. This guild is rivals with Bloody Darkness and the feeling isn't mutual because Bloody Darkness doesn't really care about them at all. They plan to attack them after their parade where they are the most weak.
Orion. Memory and Space Wizard. 42 years old. He seems to be with this guild now and he doesn't know why. He will defeat anyone who is weak because he is pissed off at the whole thing. He has mid-back dark black hair and silver eyes.
Forsaken Outlaws's Monster Tamer. Monster Taming. ? years old. He seems to be very devious and evil. He will even kill everyone in town and he hates Bloody Darkness with a passion. He does respect his elders and he is also scared of people who are stronger than him. He has chin length blond hair and black eyes.
Sphinx Claw. This guild was originally from a different country Ochium before they moved over to Meca. They were initially founded in the same kingdom/country that Bob was born in a long time ago. They have a war chant. Beasts Die, Family Die, We Ourselves Will Die Also. I know one thing that never dies: The honors of the Dead! Bare your claws at those who would oppose us! Show them the fury of the lions of the Plague! Make them see the beginning of a golden age!
Zeus. Unknown Wizard. 600 years old. He is the first guild master of Sphinx Claw with him being good friends with Bob. He was given immortality by the gods after he defeated an entire army that was taking over his home. He doesn't like people revealing secrets with him being very strict when needing to be. He treats his guild as his children and he usually considered to be a very wise man. His magic is unknown but he is really strong. He has a rather muscular frame with a short gray/white beard framing his square face, an eye patch covering his right eye and his left eye is yellow.
Prominent Members:
Trevor Wallace. Steel Make Wizard. 28 years old. He seems to be taller than most people but still he is considered to average height for males in his guild. He has his blond hair with it slightly flowing from beneath his gold horned-helm. He wears dark blue and gold armor with him always focused on his sword that rest on his hilt. He has his guild mark which is the letter C and S in black facing each other on his right breastplate and it looks like the claws of a sphinx. He is one of the four strongest wizards under the master. He is very loyal to his guild and very serious. He only acts kind and loving to the people who he treasures more than anything.
Hera. Element Wizard. 598 years old. She is the wife of Zeus who is the guild master and she is considered to be the strongest female in their guild without any doubt. She is able to control all of the elements known to man kind along with some that haven't existed for a long time. She was given immortality upon sleeping with Zeus for the first time. She loves to tease others about love and she is considered to be always in a good mood. You don't want her mad ever. Wizards in Sphinx Claw know this well. She has long purple hair with it blocking her left eye and her eye color is a dark blue. She wears something very beautiful but she tends to keep her body hidden.
Freya. Unknown Wizard. 521 years old. She is Hera and Zeus's daughter. She is able to use a huge amount of different types of magic with her favorites being air/wind, ice, and lightning magic. She considered herself to be really weak when compared to her parents, she is actually extremely strong despite her doubting her strength constantly. She has long white hair that she keeps hidden under a gold helmet and she has her father's yellow eyes.
Troy Watts. Thunder Wizard. 32 years old. He loves to battle with him considering everyone a strong rival. He loves to drink and party with him being rumored to be able to drink several barrels of alcohol with that only giving him a buzz. He seems to be the same size as Romeo from the Monster guild with him wearing leather bands around his fists. He wears the red and white fur of a creature from the country of Sphinx Claw origin known as the Facola. It is rumored to be a mixture of a wolf and a raven. He wears chain mail on his rather broad chest with him wearing gray cloth pants. He has reddish-black hair that he keeps tied in a long braid at the end with ocean blue eyes. He is one of the four strongest wizards under the master. He uses a ax which he calls Typhoon and a hammer which he calls Eclipse that can/control thunder with ease.
Sonia Torres. Letter Wizard. 27 years old. She found Yuna in a village that was destroyed by the former king of Estrana with her taking the girl as her daughter. She is very peace loving but she will fight for her guild if it is needed. She likes Trevor. She is noticeable taller than most girls her age with her brown hair that flows down her back with her usually wearing a flowing white dress under her light forest-green armor.
Yuna Torres. Wildlife Wizard. 18 years old. She is a woman who loves her guild and plants. She was found as a girl by some of the members of Sphinx Claw. Her village was destroyed in the rampage of the former king of Estrana and she was adopted by the guild. She loves her guild and she will be there for them as they will be for her. She is the thing that keeps the guild together. Her power over all forms of plants is so impressive that she is able to talk to animals as well. She had long golden brown hair which she keeps in a elegant braid and she has plants in her hair. She has deep blue eyes and she usually wears a flowing green and white dress.
Liberty Place. Love Wizard. 20 years old. She loves love in way shape or form. She will do anything to make sure that love wins in the end. She is very beautiful but at the same time, she is very shred. She has silky golden and yellow hair with steel blue eyes. She wears a very slim flitting pink and white sweater dress with a heart shape in the middle of it and red high heels. Two known spells or her is Love's Illusion: A duplicate of whoever the target wants to see at the moment and Love's Sorrow: A duplicate made of someone who died and they loved before they pasted.
Buck Flutz. Unknown Wizard. 22 years old. He is very serious and he loves to tease people about pretty much everything. He has two tone yellow and black hair with it spiked up and gray eyes. He wears a black and yellow stripe magic robe with him usually holding his tome that lets him cast several different types of spells.
Major Members:
Oracle. Precognition Wizard. 28 years old. She is a member of Sphinx Claw with her being used to see the future. She joined the guild and she is usually staying at the guild for her powers to see the future. She can fight using her magic orb but not that much. She wears a long purple coat covering her entire body excluding her long black hair, glowing yellow eyes, and a very devilish smile. Under it, she is very attractive but she thinks that she is unattractive.
Orval Prather. Bow and Arrow Wizard. 27 years old. He is a man who loves a good contest making him perfect for a battle with wizards. He will always try to improve his magic which involves an archer. He has long and disheveled hair that is black as the night and it is framing his face covering his left eye. He is able to use different magical attributes with his arrows such as Fire, Grass, Ice, and Lightning.
Nadine. Element Wizard. 24 years old. She is a waitress who has a massive crush on Troy and she wants to be there for him. She is able to control the four main elements along with being able to combine them into a immense combination. She has blue-gray hair and blue eyes.
Supremacy Crusaders. A guild who wants to be number one in Meca and they will do anything to achieve that goal regardless of moral standards. They are like Monsters but way more strict on the members.
Kristine Sullivan. Blast and Dissemble Wizard. 54 years old. She is the Guild Master of Supremacy. She is very stubborn in her beliefs with her wanting to be number one in Meca no matter what. She has respect from her entire guild being that she will kill them out in a heartbeat if they break one of their rules unlike Warren who gave people a second chance or a rare third chance. She tends to blow things up without thinking. She is a tall woman with somewhat pale skin, short red hair that has a part on the right side of her head pushing her hair to the left, and very calm light green eyes. She tends to wear a green blouse, a black bow in her hair that has several studs in it, a white jacket with navy blue pants, and gray sneakers. She is a very athletic woman with gray vintage leather gloves.
Gerald Cox. Explosion Wizard. 24 years old. He loves to blow things up fitting his magic to the letter. He is very kind and considerate outside of battle being that he has a garden and tends to injured animals. Most people who see this side of him think that he is an idiot. He tends to blow things up that he doesn't mainly annoying fan girls. He is sometimes shy and embarrassed a cute girl. He loves to cause problems for others but he respect his guild master. He is an average hair with shoulder length brown hair and ruby red eyes with a average build to him. He wears a black cap with a light blue brim and he wears a navy blue long-sleeved shirt and red vest with light red jeans and silver shoes.
Jeremy Collins. Dust Wizard and Slayer. 22 years old. He was raised by a dragon royalty and he is a jerk to others about it. He is very reserved and when he speaks, he sounds very serious and regally sophisticated. He is something of a very intimidating and charismatic man being that he was raised by a royal and regal dragon. He has great pride and passion for his guild and when the guild is threaten, he is the one who will protect the guild with any means possible. He is very intelligent and he tends to exceed in anything that he does. He is extremely lazy and he tends to not do anything by helping the guild grow or help on missions unless he is really dam bored and he needs the money. It takes a turn for the better if he finds something that he wants to do. He is able to figure out a women's measurement by just looking at them and he tends to tease a girl upon just looking at her and he is a pervert. He sometimes plays around his opponents with him saying that he is slow and weak being that he tends to laugh at a failure pissing people off with him running around and chatting with his guild during a fight. He tends to let people hit him so he can test their strength. He carries for his friends like family upon getting pissed off upon seeing them lose. He has a rage mode being that he tends to just destroy and cause some mayhem. He is extremely amazing with the earth being that he can use sand, dust particles, and Earth make magic along with his Heaven magic. He has blue eyes and brown hair. He wears an Egyptian headdress with garments covering the lower half of his body and his arms are completely bandaged up to his shoulders. He has some marking on his body which he had no idea about. He is extremely imposing man with a sword that looks pretty plain and he is an excellent swordsman. He wears a short sleeve white shirt with a pair of blue jeans and brown boots.
Dennis Bryant. Command Wizard. 32 years old. He is always calm and collected with the only things breaking him are something crazy. He won't fight anyone that he deems unworthy and he use a fourth of his power to get rid of them. He is able to control spells and he is able to use darkness magic. He has a muscular build that to somewhat is pretty intimidating at times. He has short violet hair that is combed back with a small bang sticking out in back with white eyes. He wears a wine red skin tight long sleeve shirt and matching shoulder pads that covers his entire torso, He has a silver plated armband and big silver plated bracelets around his right wrist. He wears black fingerless gloves that have a small silver buckle on top of the hand near his knuckles. He wears a long cape that from his abdomen to his knees that goes around him except for the front that he keeps open and it is held up by three silver belts. The cape has big silver blade looking plates that are sown at the top. He wears black jeans with matching shoes that have three gold rings below his ankles and four fold straps that replace the laces.
Paula Anderson. Emerald Wizard. 26 years old. She is able to manipulate emeralds and she is extremely good at it. Her magic is rumored to be extremely potent in design and she tends to focus more on beauty than pure physical power with her considered to be very weak. She has green eyes, eyebrows, and hair with it being like emeralds in design and it spiky. She has light skin. She tends to wear emerald armors at all times.
Kiana Ventura. Phoenix Wizard. 33 years old. She is an extremely beautiful woman with her being rumored to be the reincarnated version of a phoenix which is a powerful fire beast. She tends to stay away from water being that her body tends to melt under it. She is able to use fire and turn into fire itself. She has long flowing red and orange hair with green eyes.
Doris Garcia. Speed Wizard. 25 years old. She is very much a fast woman being that she loves to run and keep her moving at times similar to a shark in nature. She tends to use her body to her advantage in getting a guy. She loves sweets more than anything else. She isn't very tall with her skin very much like she came from a tanning salon for a very perfect tan. She has a beautiful face with a very curvy figure with looks that makes others look when they see her. She has purple eyes with golden blond hair which she has in a ponytail that is clean beyond belief with her bangs framing her face. She has a large scar on her neck. She normally wears a orange tube top that she has held up by a single strap crossing over her chest and it goes around her neck. The waistband of her underwear is seen above her jeans and it is black in color. She wears a pair of light green fingerless gloves with purple sandals on her feet usually. She carries around a small wallet on the side of her beat that has a silver star and it is like a black hole. She has a silver medal on the straps holding her top up.
Annie Baker. Sword Wizard. 27 years old. She is a woman who is like a modern day pirate and she tends to cause some girls to fall for her because of her rogue like charms. She is also a fan of gold and adventure. She is extremely confident in her skills. She is extremely good with a sword being that she trained with it for a long time. She makes one out of thin air. She is an average height with brown eyes and green hair. She wears a tricone which is a hat that a pirate would wear. She wears a dark red coat with gold trims, silver buttons and a white lining, three belts one at her waist, one across her torso, and the third one at her hips. Under her coat, she wears a black vest with a white undershirt and cravat. She wears black shoes and close fitting black pants.
Ramona Bowers. Berserk Wave Wizard. 41 years old. She is a serious looking woman and she is extremely powerful with her magic being an angry version of Wave magic. She may look cold but she is extremely social being that she spends time with her guild mates and her fiance Galen most of the time. She tends to be the most collective in her guild being that she is extremely focused in battle being that she never lose her cool. She is very easygoing. She is fair skin with her usually having a stoic and aloof expression on her face. She has blue eyes with straight gray blue hair that frames her fact cut in a lopsided bob style with her front bangs reaching past her shoulders. She usually wears a low-cut outfit that shows off her impressive cleavage with mesh armor under it with a short skirt, red hand guards, and black high boots. She usually wears shirts that shows off her breasts. She has several tattoos on both of her arms and her back but it strangely doesn't take away from her beauty. Her left arm has a snake being wrapped around her entire arm and his right arm has a sword on it. The one on her back has eagle wings on it. She wears a red headband around her right arm with a giant thunderbolt on it.
Kraig Siegel. Black Wizard. 25 years old. His magic is very interesting being that it is like the Black Arts but it is demonic and evil version of very normal and somewhat average spells. He gives off an intimidating aura but he is actually a very kind and caring along with being somewhat docile. He likes to read and he tends to be very distant from others. He doesn't get close to people because his magic is very deadly to him. He is weak around women and children. He is a fan of anything with sugar being that he always has them with him. He is extremely smart. He is an incredibly tall man and he has a lean muscular build with broad shoulders with long arms. He has short straight purple hair that he figured out is naturally spiky and a pair of deep dark with emotionless brown eyes. He is hard to read because of this. He has smooth and soft skin with a pair of thin lips that can be curled into a slight smile with his smile hard to tell. He has a somewhat round nose with a natural slight tan. He has well defined muscles can be seen all over his body. He is covered in scars from his battles. Upon getting serious in a fight, he puts on the mask of a demon which is a white mark with seven black markings and small slits for his eyes. He wears a dark blue robe with a short collar along with a black sash across his left shoulder and under his robe, he wears a white and black sleeveless shirt with a pair of purple cargo pants and combat boots.
Donovan Schofield. Cosmic Wizard. 23 years old. He tends to be peaceful with himself because he hates to be angry. He loves to have fun at a party but he will be alone if he needs to be. He is a flirt being that he loves to be around the better sex. He loves to travel being that he gets to see the world. He is always smiling and he tends to focus on himself. He is extremely inviting and attractive to others. He is really good with cooking. He is a very handsome young man being that he is lean with muscles. He has straight violet hair with it almost about shoulder length with long bangs that hangs in front of his face. He decided not to slicking it back to show off his facial features and makes him look nicer. He has a sharp chin and blue eyes with them being inviting. He has pinch-able cheeks with a soft smile. He has a natural tan to him with him not being very muscular. He isn't out of shape being that his legs are the most defined due to him traveling around foot rather than riding a train. He wears a black t-shirt and white jacket with a pair of blue jeans with a pair of black, purple, and white sneakers. His skin is soft and smooth without any blemishes.
Morris Nichols. Construct Wizard. 24 years old. He is able to create anything out of thin air and it is tends to be something like Maker magic. His magic is different being that it cost a item to make something. It is similar to Alchemy in that regard. He tends to joke around with others and make things of outrageous proportions but he isn't someone to mess with that much. He has brown hair that he keeps in a long pony tail and brown eyes.
Doom Specters. This guild is endorsed by Alvin Earnest with this guild rumored to be extremely sneaky and it has two former enemies of Bob and Heroes. They look super evil and most people think that they are a dark guild but their guild master is a very kind woman with a big heart and she is a huge sadist.
Joyce Singleton. Unknown Wizard. 50 years old. She is the Guild Master and she is a very kind woman. She is known for helping out orphans in places that have their homes destroyed by fights between wizards. Her magic power is powerful and it is rumored to be the strongest in the guild without any question. She seems to take all of the blame if one of her guild members does something wrong. She cares for them like her children. She has long black hair with light green eyes.
Andre Stanley. Telekinesis Wizard. 28 years old. He is one of the strongest wizard in the guild and he is always trying to live up to what his master sets forth. He was an orphan that she saved in her youth. He is able to move anything with his mind and he is pretty much hard to hit up close. He wears a long sleeved tag shirt with a red X emblazoned on the front and one of his shirt arm is missing. His hair is black as the night with a cut was in the middle of his face crossing over the bridge of his nose. He Awore a pair of black shorts that shopped just below the knees with black combat boots.
Ignacio Barton aka the Cardinal of Gravity. Gravity Wizard. 29 years old. He is known as the cardinal of Gravity being that he is able to manipulate gravity with ease. He is also able to get rid of things with just a thought. He tends to drink more than is needed upon a victory. His hair is white as snow with a scar going down his left eye. He wears a black fur coat with black finger less gloves on each of his hand. Under the jacket, he wore a plaid shirt with green pattern and blue pants. He has his hair sliced back showing off his rather sizable forehead and he has an oblong face which is accented by his square jaw and deep blue eyes. He is about the same size as Norman but that may be due to the boots that he is wearing with his long arms being muscular thanks to him doing push ups every day and his left forearm has a strange symbol on it with the mark also being on the front of his beige shirt which was cut off at the sleeves and on the legs of the slacks.
Bellatrix Amethyst. Shadow Devil Wizard. 25 years old. She has a troubled past being that she was a former like Allison and James but unlike them, her prison wasn't destroyed. She did escaped but with the cost of her father figure and she tends to keep herself with being somewhat of a tsundere toward others. She currently doesn't know that she is being possessed by a demon who once served under Bob's father and betray them. His name is Gorsur. She has long violet hair that goes up to her shoulder and green eyes with a black chain wrapped around her body and her chest which is impressive. She wears a outfit that fits her dark theme. She wears a long black dress that cover her entire body because she hates showing skin despite her being extreme beautiful along with a funeral veil with black combat heels (Which I think is a thing). However when Gorsur takes over her, she is wearing a form fitting black battle suit with a skull on her right thigh and she is still wearing the heels. Her real name is Belle. She later joined Heroes after her fight with Bob because she saved him from the demon haunted her. She is a barmaid with a temper. She joined her outfit immensely due to her old one being ugly to her. She still wears black combat heels because she likes them for some reason. She wears a pair of gold earrings with them hanging from her ears. She wears a pair of tight black jeans and shirt that shows off her cleavage. She will hurt anyone who flirts with her and she is a extremely good singer.
Alvin Earnest. Digging and Earth Wizard. 45 years old. He used to be a really corrupt man but after five years in prison, he changed. He joined the guild Doom Specters and thanks to the money that he had left over from before he went to prison, he helped the guild with their guild hall. He is known for his ugly sense of beauty being that unattractive woman are beautiful while pretty girls are ugly to him. He has chin length brown hair and brown eyes. He is very round and short and he is always wearing a very classy suit. He has a curly mustache that he constantly twirls even in battle. He last appeared in Episode 3.
Heather. Machine and Privacy Wizard. 29 years old. She is a mad inventor with her once trying to get revenge on the Magic Council using her inventions. She went put on patrol and thanks to former prisoner Alvin, she joined the guild. She however still has her inventing quirk. She is about the same height as Kurt with her being thin and she needs glasses with her having shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, and large breasts. She last appeared in Episode 46.
Daron Burdick. Ice and Speed Wizard. 22 years old. He is a proud wizard being that he hates to lose especially to his rival Sanzo. He hates him to the death after he stole Lula from him. He joined Doom Specters because they are strong. He is a tall and slim boy with short-cropped blond hair, freckled face, green eyes with him being attractive and a troubled soul. He has a mischievous smile. He is looks to be in college with an athletic and muscular build and a sneaky look. He has a thick and deep pal scar that runs the bottom of his right eye down to his chin. It was given to him by a dragon at a young age. He is able to see a little bit into the future. He has tan skin with his hair has gray streaks from his magic. He is able to use a sword with extreme accuracy. He is able to open any lock that he comes across, teleport places, and he is really good with money and thieving.
Melba Howell. Doctor Wizard. 24 years old. She is known as the Death Doctor. She really hates parties and she is always studying. She caries extremely about others along with her showing her emotions in strange ways and she is extremely loyal to the guild. She has shoulder length red hair and purple eyes. She has her entire face wrapped in bandages excluding her eyes and mouth and strangely she has a dagger sticking out of her head. She has a pretty face under the bandages and she wears a band-aid when not having a dagger in her hair. She wears a skin tight white suit under her long sleeved navy blue explorer type clothing with several medical instrument used when fighting or healing.
Eugene Jackson. Unknown Wizard. 25 years old. He is a former thief and he reformed upon joining the guild. He still has those problems being that he takes things causing him to get in trouble with his guild about his crimes. He has light purple hair with goggles and dark brown eyes.
Master Legion. This guild is from a small kingdom somewhere in Meca with them being a strong guild and they are very kind wizards. They also have a perverted master and some old faces.
Romana Galaza. Unknown Wizard. 253 years old. She is a huge pervert and the guild master of Master Legion. She is a angel who fell from the heavens above because she loves boobs like a lot which got her in trouble a lot. She is a casanova and her charisma is strangely soothing. She is known for having her way with any girl that she thinks is cute. She has long black hair that goes up to the middle of her back and some of her hair is on her pretty nice rack along with having a streak of orange and brown eyes.
Prominent Members:
Kyoko Donnell. Metal Make Wizard. 26 years old. He is able to bend metal with him saying that he is an artist like Douglas but well, it isn't that. He is very good at making weapons and he is highly recommend by the magic council since he makes weapons for the Alchemy Knights. It is his favorite past time second to fighting. He is one of the strongest wizards. He has silver hair with gray eyes. He tends to dress like a rock star.
Lincoln Provost. Summoning Wizard. 18 years old. He is a very strong wizard with him being the Guild's Ace despite being one of the younger members of the guild. He is able to summon beasts out of the universe around him without any sacrifice like Vernon. He tends to love battle so he tends to stay in tip top shape in a fight. He is able to keep with a strong martial artist with relative ease. He can summon a creature and use its abilities like take over magic. He has short white hair that can change its length upon his transformation and he has strange markings around his body. Because of this, he only wears jeans.
Izola Randle or Isolator. Unknown Wizard. 5 years old. Despite her being five years old, she has the mature and sexy body of a woman who is in her early 20s. She is a machias with her being very loyal to her guild and for some strange reason, she lets the guild master do extremely pervert things with her. She dress like a robot woman from anything from fiction and her magic is truly unknown due to her body structure. She has silver purple hair that goes up to her waist and it can be use as a weapon with glowing green eyes with a number in them.
Douglas Snyder. Wood Dragon Wizard. 29 years old. He is able to manipulate wood which doesn't sound deadly but his appearance says other wise. He tends to take jobs that are very creative in nature with him making objects used for creativity. He is very scary looking. He has long black hair which he keeps out of his face and brown eyes.
Darion Reed. Unknown Wizard. 26 years old. It is known as the Master Reaper with its gender unknown to everyone around and it is a really huge fan of Heroes mainly Grim Darth. It is quiet by choice being that it will open up to anyone that it finds his friends with it being forced to speak. It is really good with small children always having something that they like and they love the wizard. It keeps its hands in its pockets to avoid hurting others with its magic and it is able to read with no hands. It is usually calm and serious with it being very arrogant in battle. It has short black hair that it has under a black hat with a silver star. It is its most treasured prized possessions and it never leaves his head. It is tall and lanky that it keeps under a gray trench coat that it uses a cape with navy blue pants and black leather boots with a matching star like the hat. It has a scar running from its right shoulder to its left hip from something that it remembers not what so ever. It has bright red eyes. It carries around a crimson red scythe with a strange design with the bottom of the handle has an intertwined pattern.
Vanuxar or Vito Mcqueen. Unknown Curse. ? years old. He is a demon and he tries to hide this from his fellow guild master. The only ones that know this secret of his is Erza, Izola, Rico, and Romana because Erza and Rico found out his dirty secret, Izola knows everything about the guild members, and Romana is the guild master. He is able to use curses based on the members of Underworld with him saying that Hex stole his curses for his own uses. He tries not to use the more deadly ones with him telling himself that he can't kill at all unless it is needed. He is made of Lucerna with him able to phase right through attacks and he tells himself not to let them kill anyone. He is a very tall and super muscular demon with a very gruesome appearance. His chest is covered in a very dark and demonic breastplate that he was wrapped around his lower abdomen. He has extremely large and unnatural shape metallic pauldrons that connect and fade out into his cloak which he has the hood on with him wearing a skull mask to cover his face. On his arms, he wears a fishnet and a mesh-like material which is somewhat concealed by his pauldrons and gloves which are frayed along with bearing a zigzag pattern below the fray and they have irregularly flowing designs that resemble the bone structure of his hand. They travel down from the forearm of the glove and it branches off at the knuckles and they travel down to each fingertip. The zigzag pattern also appears on the material that is exposed on the parts of his torso that his breastplate doesn't cover and he wears a belt around his belt. His lower body is hidden by a dark robe that goes up to his feet. It sports a pattern of circles that travels around him. He is able to use Assimilate, Darkness, Death Water, Disaster, Domination, Earth, Electricity, Enhance/Upgrade, Fighting, Fire, Ice, Light, Memento Mori, Merging, Necromancer, Passion Devil, Poison, Rocket, Sense, Slimy, Spike, Sword, Triumph, Water, and Wind.
Sanzo Onishi. Water Wizard. 21 years old. He is the son of gods. He has a trident that goes across his left arm. His lips are rumored to be very salty. He seems like the sea, he looks like a mixture of skater, troublemaker, and a surfer with his eyes being like a baby seal and he usually wins any argument. He is the son of Aldir and Oena who are the god and goddess of magic respectively. He is very brave and spiritual. He is willing to risk his life to save his friends, his family, anyone that he meets, and sometimes his enemies. He is usually joking around but he knows when to get serious and he earns respect from most of the gods including the magic council and his enemies. He never goes back on his word with him hating bullying regardless of the reason. He tends to do or blurt out things before thinking. He is very smart but he is acts dumb and he doesn't see things right in front of him even when they are super obvious. He is very perceptive when he wants to be. He hates being forced to do things that are against his moral code. He isn't afraid of most things due to his wolf stare since he was raised around wolves. His loyalty is his great weakness. He is able to control all forms of water including ice. He is able to summon a pegasus and a hellhound that he has bounded with over the years. He has Blue/Blond hair and Sea Green eyes. He is very handsome to every girl from his home country. He is tall but he is still small than Daron with him being very fit, muscular, and lean. He doesn't admit it but many girls, women, and some men find him irresistible. He has slightly tan skin and abnormal sharp canines.
Lula Francis. Earth Wizard. 20 years old. She is the daughter of the Goddess of Knowledge Lylena and the God of Death Obus. She loves building and architecture with her usually spending her time at the beach, designing new buildings, or with her guild mates. She has an excessive amount of pride. She is very caring and possessive. She is very strong-minded and stubborn about things with her being incredibly brave and daring. She shows many signs of dauntlessness, courage, and determination. She is a genius with her being extremely clever and witty. She is very analytical and strategic. She is very reckless when it comes to things with Sanzo since he left for a very dangerous job. She is deathly scared of spiders. She is able to manipulate the earth, darkness, and the dead. She is known to hold a grudge for a very long time. She is really smart and extremely smart in battle with a weapon thanks to her training. She has curly and wavy golden blonde/ honey-colored hair with it looking like a princess. She is tall, fit, and athletic. She has gray eyes with her always getting distracted to her always thinking of several different ideas at one. She has a natural tan to her. She wears a gold skull ring. She wears tank tops and shorts.
Derick Serenade. Unknown Wizard. 28 years old. He is a great wizard and he is extremely loyal to his guild members. He has equal strength to Raisa. He is immortal thanks to him drinking the blood of the Hollowwraith with him knowing several different ways to fight and counter any opponent. He is very calm and serious compared to Raisa with his emotions hard to tell his thoughts and intentions. He prefers to take actions over others doing things for him. He can use a sword. He is a very tall and slender muscular man with dark red eyes. He has long dark red hair with it being covered with flowers and tribal beads from his village and he wears a long red and black headband to hold it back. He wears a form-fitting black and dark red armor which he says came from a monster known as the Hollowwraith which he says that it was a mixture of a lion and a dragon with him matching dark boots with it lined with the monster's silver fur. The writing on his armor can be translate to Hero of Sunhollow. He has a demonic looking sword known as Wicked and it is the darkness of man in his home language.
Raisa Symphony. Unknown Wizard. 27 years old. She has strength compared to Derick. She is very much in tune with magic being able to cast spells long since forgotten. She is very silly and loves to smile compared to Derick. She is very obvious to tell her feelings and she loves to spend time with her friends. She can use a spear. She is a very tall and slender woman with her strength being hidden due to her very delicate appearance. She has shoulder length brown hair and pink eyes. She wears a very appealing white dress that stops at her knees. It is very appealing due it showing off her figure without being slutty. She wields her spear known as Dawn with it being the light of man in her opinion.
Eloise Cohen. Random Magic Wizard. 28 years old. She is a woman who tends to be extremely random being like her magic. She is always doing things that make no sense and she tends to be nonsense to others around her. The only thing that she keeps constant is that she wears a pair of sunglasses along with a dress showing off her curves.
Howling Ravens. This guild's origin and its creation is unknown along with it being known by some of the magic council along with the king and certain wizards. Its guild master along with its members are just more mysterious to her guild. They decided to come into action in the year X792 for some reason. The rumors surround this guild are that the master is stronger than an wizard saint and the top ranking wizards are S Class. Their guild hall is similar to Chaos Lords's guild hall being that it can transform and roll out (Note, It isn't a transformer.). This one however is extremely more safe thanks to a member's obsession with safety.
Tasha Griffith. Imagination and Lightning Wizard. 413 years old. She is the definition of a crazy stalker and she loves her Bobby. She fell in love with him in the past by saving her life from a group of dragons and what they call a human hunt. She fell madly in love with him feeling only friendship for her. She died right in front of him saying that she was returning the favor for him. He destroy the dragon army that killed her and he buried her. Little did he know, she actually came from the dead to be with him. However, she learned that he moved on. She went crazy trying to find a way to get her to be with him and she found it. Her magic power is rumored to be stronger than a wizard saint. She makes most of the guild members with her magic and strangely, they appear and act like real human beings. She has mid back length cherry red hair and purple eyes that turn into hearts.
Nicole Johnson. Memory and Telekinesis Wizard. 37 years old. She is a strange woman. She tends to keep to herself while the others try to make friends with each other. She is extremely loyal to the guild master being she saved her life. She is considered to be extremely deadly becasue she is able to make opponents fight each other and if they are able to avoid her memory magic, they get thrown into something. She has long purple hair and green eyes. She tends to wear clothing that makes her look older than she really is.
Miguel Dawkins. Bullet, Card, Copy, and Transformation Wizard. 38 years old. He loves to play a game of cards and place outrageous bets with them. He is able to win when he is blindfolded, drunk, or something else. He tends to win ninety percent of the time with only the master and two people are able to beat the master of cards. In a fight, he tends to stay back and let his clones do all of the work instead while keeping his enemies back using either his bullets or his razor sharp cards. He is also able to copu magic He has long brown hair that always seems to be in his eyes.
Kathy Person. Earth Wizard and Slayer. 33 year old. Her dragon Daganth taught her how to be both peaceful and strong at the same time. When her dragon left, she was okay with it because she knew that her dragon was already dead. She tend to be a solo wizard for a good while until she met the guild master of Howling Ravens. She senses that the woman did the thing that she did for a reason and she could understand it. She decided to join the guild being that they have her favorite food aka a steak with beer. She has long purple hair with flowers in her hair and gold eyes. She dress strange
Caleb Burgess. Wood Wizard. 34 years old. He is a man who is extremely concerned on safety due to his magic protecting him in every way. He tends to focus on making sure that their guild hall is safe for a brawl or something along those lines. However in a battle, he is a maniac for destruction and he is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in that regard. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He is known for being very much like a monk due to his peaceful nature.
Hannah Bennett. Sky Wizard and Slayer. 29 years old. She was raised by Ferath, the Sky Dragon and he taught her how to treat air like it was a living thing. He left her for some reason and she hated him for that. She joined the guild Howling Ravens to find him and she did thanks to some info from the magic council. She asked him why he left her in the first place and the dragon was silent because he was already dead. She killed the person who killed her father figure and she swore to be the only slayer that can use the wind even if she has to kill. She has long sky blue hair that goes past her shoulder and matching eye color.
Jerome Patterson. Fiend Wizard. 25 years old. He is a strange young man. He tends to drink more than his body weight times eight but he fights like he doesn't drink at all. He always has a drink in his hand and he is always drinking. His magic is very similar to Angel Magic but he is able to summon demons with just a thought along with the ability to take the energy from the demons that he earlier summoned. He has long black hair and he keeps his glowing red eyes under a blindfold.
Barbara Philips. Gun and Sword Wizard. 24 years old. She is a master with both of a gun and a sword being that she tends to either slash or shoot through a problem. She has a short temper being that she is always shooting a glass filled with beer if a guild member piss her off meaning that the person who works there as an employee is cleaning up her messes a lot every day. She tends to also smoke which makes most people stay awake from her. She has short dark green hair and grayish green eyes. She tends to dress like a bounty hunter with her tending to look extremely beautiful.
Ruben Osborne. Passion Wizard. 23 years old. He was raised by Jo's husband Ben Osborne who took in the kid after his village was also destroyed by Estrarum. He was raised to hate Jo, Anna, and anyone who trained under Jo which is Kurt and Leon. He was beaten by Ben whenever he failed a single part of his training and the day that Ruben remembers forever. It was right after Ben found Jo who used Passion Shell to trap Estrarum in for all times which mean Ruben was beaten senseless. He left Ben after finishing his training and he met up with Bruno who took the child in after seeing his magic potential. He tried to have a fight with Anna who is the daughter of Jo and Danny who was Kurt's older brother but the two destroyed him. It opened his eyes to the truth that passion magic is weak. He decided to learn a new and stronger magic and he found it after searching for four years. It is known as Genesis Magic being that he can create anything with just a single thought and he is also able to destroy anything. He tends to use this magic when he feels like it being that he loves to make his enemies suffer in pure pain with him using his passion magic to trick his opponent. He joined Howling Ravens to get revenge on the top user of passion magic aka Kurt Raymond and he will do anything to make him suffer. He has short black hair that looks to be spiked up and onyx black eyes along with him wearing a jacket made for winter, a long sleeved shirt, boots, jeans, and snow goggles.
Gary Bass. Sound Wizard. 18 years old. He is a music man and he tends to always be listening to music twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. He always has a pair of magic headphones on him and he tries to make others listen to his music but they tend to hate his music. If you don't like his music, he will blast it at you with ear splitting in due time. He has orange hair and green eyes with a pair of headphones.
Luigi Reyes. Water Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. His dragon Cerioth who was known as the sea dragon taught the young boy to be able to be able to control water itself along with being able to manipulate anything that glows as the dragon put it. He impressed his father figure despite the dragon being a woman so much that she let her take the test to learn the strongest moves that a slayer can learn being final arts. He joined Howling Ravens because he need work in simple terms. He tends to take a very different approach to things being that he likes violence. He has short dark blue hair that covers his neck and dark green eyes that tends to remind people of sea weed. He wears clothing that makes you think that he is a surfer dude.
Amelia Wells. Blaze Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. She is a pyromaniac and she is crazy for any sort of action. She was raised by Rasenth, the Eternal Flame dragon who taught her to embrace the power and strength of fire to burn anything in her path a crisp. She learned the magic to burn things and she became a powerful woman in the process. She joined the guild because she wants some action in her life. She has long curly red hair that goes up to her hips and glowing gold eyes. She is a petite girl with her having a narrow waist to fit her figure. She has extremely big breasts with her usually wearing a white tank top with a pair of denim shorts and gray high tops. She also wears a denim jacket.
Azura Atkinson. Ice Wizard. 21 years old. She is a women who fits her magic to the T. She tends to freeze people that she doesn't like whatsoever and she tends to be by herself even when she is forced to work with other wizards. She is able to control any form of water and turn into ice. She tends to make ice sculptures and she tends to incorporate it into her attack. She is extremely powerful with her ice being able to resist fire magic and being able to break through steel with enough effort. She has light blond hair and emerald green eyes. She tends to wear a violet denim vest and matching denim skirt. She wears dark purple tights, light brown boots, and a black undershirt with white and pink striped sleeves. Her ice tends to be a sapphire blue or sky blue color.
Elalisa Fuchsia. Light Wizard. 19 years old. She is a woman who is determined to make the person that she considers to be an older brother happy. She will even commit murder for him but she tends to just make him by doing the little things such as making him lunch and the such. She easily has a crush on her brother and she doesn't deny that whatsoever. She is able to make a light that can easily blind a person and she is able to turn the light into an object of some kind. She had shoulder-length orange hair with her bands always covering her left eye that does hides a pretty nasty scar that she obtained from a dragon aka a very pissed off Ninarth. She is rather tall for a girl her age being that she is almost six feet tall. She has very voluptuous curves with a pretty bountiful chest. She has her impressive rack covered and contained in a dark pink bra. She usually wears tight white shorts and long black high-heeled boots. She wears long dark pink armbands that a hole from her middle finger and thumb. She tends to wear a navy blue trench coat with very intricate black designs running throughout the ends draped over shoulders just like a cape. She has deep green eyes and she has a malevolent smile gracing her delicate visage. She tends to seductively sway her hips when walking due to her trying to seduce her brother. They aren't related by the way.
Magic Council. After Underworld's Wolf and his guild killed them, the twelve wizards saints decided to reform the guild. The only three members who didn't join because Ax is currently missing right now, Kara wanted to stay with her guild, and Bob didn't know about it because he accidentally killed the messenger during him training. They are still new so it is hard for hem to get any work done with some new dark guilds.
Goddess Victoria or Tori. Cave (Earth), Inferno (Fire), Ocean Emperor (Water), Hurricane (Air and Wind), Fulmination (Lightning and Thunder), Adamant (Metal), Contagion (Poison), Detonation (Explosion), Nightfall (Darkness), Umbra (Shadow), Permafrost (Ice), and Radiation (Light) Wizard and Slayer. 46 years old. She is considered to be the strongest wizard saint in Meca second only to Bob but she is a very close second. She is considered to be a woman of great power and respect with immense magic power being something like a god. She however is hiding her true power and it is the fact that she is a Slayer. She has shoulder length light green hair and blue eyes.
Cronus. Space and Time Wizard. 81 years old. He is very much like a vampire being that he isn't a fan of the sun or light in general. He is seen as the peace keeper between him and the other gods of Orclana. He respect his elders which includes Bob who turned out to be older than he expected. He is very serious about his job and he was the one who suggest that they reform the magic council. He is usually drinking wine when things aren't serious. He has ear length black hair and red eyes.
Rashad. Beast Wizard. 101 years old. He is very impatient and he hates jokes. He is always up for a fight regardless if he can win or lose in it. He is usually seen eating or training his magic which turns him into a giant beast of amazing strength. He is usually fighting with anyone who makes a joke or anyone who challenges him to a fight regardless of what kind. He love fighting but for it being a contest of skill. He has chin length brown hair and blue eyes.
Van Payne. Nature Wizard. 128 years old. He is a former member of Heroes but he is still loyal to the guild. He along with the other founders trained Bob at one point and he respect the wizard's power. He is still connected to his former founders and Bob with him still loyal to the guild where he met his family. He is always making jokes pissing Rashad off with them. The jokes doesn't make any sense. He has shoulder length green hair and brown eyes.
Louis Terra. Earth Wizard. 35 years old. He was a former wizard of Bloody Darkness but he left the guild to help the magic council reform. He was mainly involved in building the new magic council headquarters. He is highly respected to his elders and also scared of them at the same time because of their immense power. He is very hopeful that Heroes will reform after they disband right after the war with Underworld. He is still close to Bloody Darkness and tries to visit if he can but he has a job to do in the magic council. He has shoulder length white hair and black eyes.
Marla Burns. Earth, Fire, Ice, Water, and Wind Wizard. 29 years old. She left her guild with a new determination to help reform the magic council. She is helping out younger wizards along with their magic training while Lisa is helping them with learning magic. She is known for being adventurous and she never stays still. She is always moving around and unlike Lisa, she isn't very smart in terms of math and science. She has shoulder length blue, red, and white hair and green eyes.
Astrid Coyle. Weapon Wizard. 31 years old. She is usually training her soldiers of amazons to join the Alchemy Knights in the protection of Meca and the magic world. She is usually fighting Rashad due to their love of fighting for the same reason. She is always keeping Marla in line because Lisa is always has her head in a good book. She is usually with Louis with doing things along those lines. It is very much like they are dating but they're not. She has chin length black hair and brown eyes.
Lisa Alexander. Paper Wizard. 28 years old. She is always in the library teaching young wizards more about their magic while Marla helps him practice what they learned. She is usually reading a good book and she is use her favorite book in her magic. Her magic is rare and admired by Claude along with Juliet. She is helpful to building the guild hall with Louis because their magic works well together. She has neck length blond hair and brown eyes.
Alchemy Knights. This is the Magic Council's personal army which serves them. They are all strong wizards and for some reason, no one seems to stay in the group beside two captains.Master:
Dana. Spinning Wizard. 71 years old. Currently, she is the oldest ranking guild master. She is known for teasing her guild wizards and she wants her members along with the guild to be number one. The guild is rank 2 right now in X792. She has shoulder length white hair usually tied in a bun and brown eyes.
Prominent Members:
Leon Vinson. Passion Wizard. 26 years old. He along with Ivan are the two strongest wizard after Louis left for the magic council. He is seen as the older brother to Tia because he is usually trying to be there for her after Tina left. He is the ace of Bloody Darkness making him the strongest wizard in their guild after Louis left. He has neck length silver hair with the top of it being spiky and it partly covers over his upper right part of his face and blue eyes.
Ivan Houston. Demon/Dragon Wizard. 25 years old. He along with Leon are the two strongest wizards after Louis left for the magic council. He is usually seen with Rose after she joined the guild because he is a trustworthy guy. He has chin length green hair with his right eye being more like a dragon with his left eye being like a demon and he has green eyes.
Elaine Shaw. Color Make Wizard. 27 years old. She is able to make the colors of the rainbow with ease. She believes in second and sometimes third chances. She is a person who will never give up even if everything is against her. She is good friends with Ivan and Leon. She has rainbow hair meaning that she has all seven colors of the rainbow in her hair and green eyes.
Sharon Butler. Combat Wizard. 26 years old. She is from a country from the east and she is a master of combat with either her fists and her feet. She is extremely friendly and she has trouble with others. She calls people who she thinks is stronger than her master, anyone who she think is weaker than her student, and any one on her level is companion. She loves to fight anyone that seems interesting to her and she has a massive crush on Ivan causing her to show her feelings by hitting him. She is an average height with pink eyes and shoulder length purple hair. She usually has her hair tied up in buns that sit above her ears but she always leaves a pair of bangs that frame her face perfectly. She has a large burn scar that envelop her left arm and she got it from fighting against a powerful fire monster and she keeps it in a bandage. She usually wears something that came from her land. It is a black t-shirt with puffed shoulders and a slightly modified qipao top over her chest, adorned with a rose shaped broach. She wears a pair of baggy white pants with black sandals along with a black sash around her waist.
Tia Barker. Wind God Magic Wizard. 16 years old. She is seen as the icon of Bloody Darkness now because of her cuteness. Ana, Dawn, and Rose are living with her now because of Tina leaving to go be with her husband Kevin. She has shoulder length pink hair that she usually keeps in pig tails and light blue eyes.
Oliver Terra. Earth Wizard. 28 years old. He is Louis's younger brother and he is a very strong wizard rumored to be stronger than his older brother. He is very much like a younger version of the wizard saint and most people respect him because of that. He is a force to be messed with due to his incredible control over the earth just like his other brother can but he tends to be way more creative in his attacks. He has short white hair and gray eyes. He dress like a monk.
Reid Wren. Chaos Wizard. 25 years old. He is able to use Chaos magic which is a rare form of magic and the only other known to use this magic is Chaos. He is extremely good with it making him one of the strongest members upon joining the guild. He tends to be distant around others outside of his guild and he tends to avoid company and the such if he is given a choice. He has excellent self-control over his feelings. He is extremely sharp and intelligent. He is rarely caught off guard even by sneak attacks. He has a soft side toward animals mainly birds. He has light skin and a lean build. His eyes are an unusual bright red with his hair being more than one color. It is a faded light green color with the center of his hair being the regular color with the edges of his hair being an red color. He now wears a long silver sleeveless coat with a chained white accessory of the guild's mark, a silver scarf, and a large silver collar pieces. Under it, he wears a navy blue sleeveless shirt with gray pants, black arm guards, white legs wraps, and navy blue shoes. He carries his swords with one that is sheathed along the side of his right waist and one sheathed diagonally along his back. He tends to look serious and it is rate that he smiles. He wears a pair of goggles around his forehead with him putting them on upon getting serious in a battle.
Rudy Walters. Gale Dragon Wizard. 19 years old. He has feminine features and he is being called a girl constantly. He doesn't mind these comments because he was raised to be like a girl due to his family wanting a girl mainly and when they had him, they forced their beliefs on him not by choice. He hates being called a girl with him getting extremely pissed off at that and he was once called the cutest FEMALE wizard in Meca and he destroy half of a city before he was stopped. He is able to use a very strong wind magic making him one of the strongest members of the guild. He is very tender and serene. He looks like a very petite girl with a innocent look to his face with silk over glass skin that shows elegance. He has silver hair that goes barley to his shoulders and separated into a fringe that parts at his left. with his left eye is blue and his right eye is red. He has a gentle face with a focus on both physical and magical strength. He has defined muscles but it smaller than others. He wears a light green trenchcoat over a long-sleeved white dress shirt that he buttoned up to the third highest button. He normally wears a vibrant green scarf that his mother made for him before she died. He wears a pair of navy blue jeans with a pair of gray shoes with green laces. He has a youthful and girly appearance with him being called a girl still in high school. He has cute and dainty features. He has a jaw line that looks like the smooth curvature of a painter's brush stoke coming to a small point at his chin. He has a natural blush to him and he has a very small nose that it looks like a bump above his pink lips.
Major Members:
Adrian. Claw Wizard. 26 years old. He is still hyper and he is able to fall in love with women if they are cute. He gets anger for no reason and usually have some crazy reason for getting mad. Terry is usually calming him down. He has shoulder length orange hair and black eyes.
Sonic aka Grady Swift. Speed Wizard. 21 years old. He is wondering why he hasn't found anyone who can keep on his speed excluding Nick. He wants to find a girl who can keep up with him and he is determined about that. He has gelled back chin length blue hair and green eyes.
Jennifer. Explosion Wizard. 25 years old. She is now for being just crazy with her explosions but she doesn't want to destroy her friends or building. It is really hard with her magic because it is really explosive. She has mid-back brown hair with white streaks and hazel eyes.
Terry. Wave Wizard. 26 years old. His eyebrows grew even more and it is a huge question how it is growing still. He is seen with Adrian as the straight man in their comedy duo and he is usually calming him down. He has dark green hair which he keeps in a braided ponytail that goes up to the middle of his back and dark blue eyes.
Jane. Eye Wizard. 18 years old. She joined the guild to be with Greg and the two are going out. They mainly get teased by Sonic who is usually seen as Greg's older brother. She is trying to be Tia's older sister in a sense. She has shoulder length brown hair usually in a ponytail and red eyes.
Greg. Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Teleportation Wizard. 19 years old. He is happy to have Jane in the same guild as him. He is usually seen with Sonic and the two are like brother in a way. He has chin length black hair and blue eyes.
Thunder Wolves. This guild is known for having very handsome men and beautiful women in their guild. Their new guild master is their former ace of the guild aka Adonis who is a very strange little man.
Adonis Wright. Perfume Wizard. 37 years old. He is a very strange man being that he thinks that he is extremely hot despite being very ugly. His guild also considered him to be strong and handsome with everyone questioning their sanity. He became the guild master of Thunder Wolves upon Master Clayton's early retirement. He wishes that Allison was his but with her being the mate of the Power Dragon King aka Bob, it is only a dream. He has wild dark blue hair and black eyes.
Prominent Members:
Kevin. Wind Wizard. 28 years old. He is still a member of the Angels with Bruce and Ralph. He is still married to Tina with her being with his child. For him being married is a shock. He doesn't know his kids gender yet but he doesn't care since he is still a strong wizard with him being one of the best in the guild. He has black hair and black eyes.
Alana. Transformation Wizard. 27 years old. She is currently showing off that she and Ralph are now married with both of them being extremely happy about it. She doesn't want to have kids and Ralph is okay with that. She is able to transform into monsters which is very similar to Norman but way more feminine in nature. She has blond hair and blue eyes.
Bruce. Ice/Snow Wizard. 26 years old. He turned from the prince of Thunder Wolves into a very handsome man similar to what Ralph was back in the day before his marriage. He is also a dick. He improved his ice or snow to be able to affect both fire wizards and other ice wizards. He is considered to be Lana Stars's number one guy. He has short blond hair and blue eyes.
Ralph. Data Wizard. 29 years old. He is really happy with Alana being that they admit their marriage to everyone around them with some getting sick of it. He is a little disappointed that Alana doesn't want kids but he just has to wait till she is ready with having kids. He has dark green hair and brown eyes.
Lana Stars. Ice Wizard. 28 years old. She has gotten stronger because she doesn't want to be the weakest wizard any more. She is the current Miss Meca which is like being the hottest girl in the country. She is rivals with Myra of Heroes when she was a model seven years ago. She has blond hair and green eyes.
Carmen Scanlon. Take Over (Wolf) Wizard. 19 years old. She is feral and she is very much like a wolf. She is always eating meat like a wolf and for some reason, she has her fans mainly because of her rocking body. People call her the queen of wolves. She wears a white t-shirt with blue shorts and she is extremely hot. She is able to turn herself into a powerful wolf with her able to summon a group of wolves to her side to increase her attack power. She has shoulder length silver hair that she has covered around her face and red glowing eyes.
Monsters. This guild changed after the Grand Magic Games thanks to Heroes such as treating their fellow members as family, more social with the townspeople, having a cute mascot, and having two guild masters which are Chad and Steve. Thanks to Herors disbanded, they have gotten all of the work that Heroes gotten after winning the grand magic games. They are hopeful that Heroes will come back because they are good friends.
Masters:Chad Rodgers. Holy Wizard and Slayer. 22 years old. He and his partner Steve became co guild masters after Underworld's defeat. He is seen as the mind of the guild while Steve is known as the heart of the guild. His slayer magic is known as Holy meaning a very bright light that keeps his best friend Steve under control because of Future Steve from the Games X791. He has spiky chin length dark blue hair and gold eyes.
Steve/Yami Moran. Shadow Wizard and Slayer. 20 years old. He and his partner Chad became co guild masters after Underworld's defeat. He is seen as the heart of the guild while Chad is known as the mind of the guild. He loves Lora and Lucky and he has trouble choosing between the two at points. He tries to be just like Bob who along with Johnny he respects. He has shoulder length black hair with it in a ponytail and blue eyes.
S Class Wizards:
Sake Tequila. Drunk Martial Arts Palm Wizard. 19 years old. He is still drinking and he learned that he works well with Kara due to their magics just working well with each other. He hopes that Tanya comes back to challenge him to a drinking match. He has his chin length black hair gelled back and red eyes.
Kara/Titus Morgan. Unknown Wizard and Wizard Saint. 18 years old. She rejected being part of the magic council along with Bob because she wanted to stay with her family more. Bob on the other hand didn't know about that. She has mid-back length purple hair and red eyes.
Prominent Members:
Lora Aquiler. Shadow and Spirit Wizard. 19 years old. She was sad when she heard about Heroes disbanded and she hopes that they come back. She is happy for Steve since he became guild master along with Chad and she does know about Lila being alive. She tries to see her but her sister is being stubborn as a mule. In case her magic fails, she learned how to use the same magic as Steve.. She has neck length brown hair and blue eyes.
Lucky Moran. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. ? years old. He is still adorable and dark wizards melt under his cuteness. He miss Bob but he knows that he is still alive because of his Lucky sense. Lucky is too cute to really question. Larry is usually seen with him. He wears his light pink frog suit over his light blue fur and brown eyes.
Larry Rogers. Light Wizard and Chreax. 14 years old. He is still a smart aleck and always seen with his partner in crime. He and Scampers have been compared to each other just like Bob and Chad. He is usually with Lucky. He has red fur and black eyes.
Athena Rhodes. God and Territory Wizard. 21 years old. She actually got Chad to go out with her and she is happy. She is now more expressive than she was a year ago. She is happy that her sister is back with her and her dad is gone. She has mid black length green hair and black eyes.
Romeo Russell. Fire God Magic Wizard. 24 years old. He is actually stronger than he once was thanks to Erica's help. He is considered the strongest wizard of Heroes in terms of physical sense but not in the mental way. He has shoulder length white hair and green eyes.
Claude Doyle. Memory Wizard. 20 years old. He is the smartest member of the guild because he reads more books. He wants to meet with Kurt again because he is the only person who defeated him in terms of creativity. He has waist length dark green hair in a ponytail at the end and hazel eyes.
Nancy Rhodes. Universe Wizard. 22 years old. She is back to being human thanks to Althea and she is happy to be with her guild. She wants to make amends with Stella who she hurt during the grand magic games of X791. She has mid-back length black hair with golden stripes and blue/green eyes.
Major Members:
Erica Lindsey. Fire Dragon Magic Wizard. 23 years old. She is more like a dragon every day but unlike the dragons of the past, she looks more human. She is mainly seen with Juliet like Romeo is seen with Claude. She has shoulder length red hair and red eyes.
Juliet Taylor. Memory Wizard. 19 years old. She is seen as the second smartest member of the guild second only to Claude who knows a lot of memory thanks to his magic. She is mainly seen with Erica like Claude is Romeo. She has collarbone length blond hair and green eyes.
Dion Clarke. Darkness, Ice, and Water Wizard. 23 years old. He is human like Nancy but he kept his ice claws due to him look cool according to Magician Monthly. He wants to fight someone who can handle his cold touch. He has neck length dark blue hair and dark blue eyes.
Lanita Garber. Gas/Smoke Wizard and Slayer. 30 years old. She is a huge smoker being that she smokes almost every day and week. It is impressive that she doesn't have lung cancer yet. Her constant smoking has an effect on her magic being that it is stronger than say a normal gas or smoke weather being that she can make smoke appear from any part of their body with someone like Wayne needing to use a item to activate his magic. She is also a pervert being that she is using her smoke for her pervert reasons and the such. She is Chad's biggest problem but to Steve, she is nothing compared to Zulma in his opinion. She has mid-back length white hair and green eyes.
Zulma Thornhill. Fleece Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. She is always sleeping being that she sleeps almost for twenty four hours weeks at a time. She is never doing any work with her sleeping but she is strangely stronger when she is asleep. Her magic power is increased by ten when she is awake. She is like a werewolf in that regard except the part that she doesn't grow hair everywhere. She is Steve's biggest problem but to Chad, she is nothing compared to Lanita in his opinion. She has shoulder length pink hair and brown eyes.
Miki Dalton. Storm Wizard and Slayer. 27 years old. Compared to Lanita and Zulma, she is a saint to the devils. She is usually seen as a girl who loves to drink and party which got Sake's respect. She is also a girl who wants to fight with Kara with the other members saying no to the wizard saint. Her magic allows her to make powerful thunder with the effect of shocking people from a distance and to Kara, it is like Bob's lightning. She is a huge fan of Monsters due to her power so she is always trying to make the guild proud. She has chin length yellow hair and black eyes.
Minor Members:
Todd. Ninja Wizard. 18 years old. He hasn't done much since Underworld disbanded. He is a minor member in terms of Monsters because every other member of the guild is way stronger than him by a lot. He has chin length brown hair and black eyes.
Amazons. This guild is known for being an all female guild and it have very strong women. If a man enters the guild, he will be dressed up as a girl and shown to everyone in Magician Monthly.
Diana. Sword and Whip Wizard. 61 years old. She is very old and if you want to live, don't mention her age. She is very beautiful for her age. She isn't a fan of any men because of a bad reason in the past. She hates when her wizards flirt with men. She however likes certain men being Bob and Clayton because of Clayton's very interesting personality. She has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes.
S Class Wizards/Prominent Members:
Krista Marble. Binding Wizard. 25 years old. She is worried about Allison and Bob because to her, she left her best friend and she is angry at both him and James. She doesn't know that Allison is currently working with James and the real reason why Bob left for his training. She has shoulder length blond hair with it being messy and brown eyes.
Mona Evans. Gravity and Sword Wizard. 24 years old. She doesn't miss Chaos whatsoever because of him being erased from her memory. She is hopeful to see Bob once again due to her forgiving Bob for killing her older brother but not James. She has mid-black length purple hair and hazel eyes.
Reta Cardwell. Blade Creation Wizard. 17 years old. This young woman is very different from other members of Amazons being that she was formally a man. Upon finding a magic book in the library of sorcery, he was turned into a girl. She accepted that this was now her true destiny and she tried to be feminine thanks to her fellow members of Amazons. However, she tends to keep some of her male traits such as her love for other women, having nose bleeds when a hot woman appears, and her not very feminine traits. She is able to make swords appear out of thin air similar to Kirk's magic. She has long blond hair that she keeps tied in a bun to prevent her from losing a fight because of it and magenta eyes. She is actually really beautiful with tomboyish traits. Her magic is similar to Sword Birth from High School DXD.
Gwen Moore. Fire, Ice, and Water Dragon Wizard. 20 years old. She is extremely positive and very energetic with her always having a huge smile on her face and open arms aka hugs for days. She tends to speak her mind without thinking. She loves adventures and seeing the world along with her facing anything in her way no matter how insane it looks. She loves to look at the places that she travels to with her just looking at it and trying to find a great place to see it. She will draw the location if she has the chances with her being decent compared to other artists. She is extremely skilled in navigating with her only looking at a map just once to memorize it. She is in love with other women and she is extremely perverted when she sees once that she likes a lot. She tends to show off her figure and her breasts in hope of impressing them except she seems to be get attention from the other gender than what she wants. She loves to drink until she goes overboard knocking her out. She is able to get serious but she lose it upon seeing a really cute woman. She is extremely curious about things and she loves to play pranks on people. She does things on a whim. She has boundless energy. She loves to fight. She has a secret crush on Carmen Scanlon of Thunder Wolves. She is able to use fire, ice, and water magic along with dragon like moves. She is a very tall and slim woman with waist length straight and wavy purple hair with light blue eyes. She is very attractive or even beautiful with a very voluptuous figure with large breasts and curvy hips which are going to get more defined over time. She has a pink tattoo on her right shoulder which to her remains her of a proud and noble dragon. She has her guild mark on the center of her stomach right above her belly button. She has a shapely upper body that she tends to keep exposed with her clothing being very scandalous. She usually wears a bikini top like Tanya does and a black belt tied around her waist with her blue jeans that shows off her curves. She wears knee high brown boots with a pink flower in her hair with a lollipop in her mouth.
Sabrina Estrada. Plant and Transformation Wizard. 26 years old. She is Stella's cousin with her always being a member of a family that makes a lot of money in Meca. She is very intune with both mother nature and fighting. She hopes to make her guild proud mainly Mona who is still the strongest wizard in Amazons. She has a slender figure with her being an average height. She looks to be similar to Stella in terms of facial features along with blue eyes and the only thing that tells them apart is her wavy dark blonde hair that goes to the middle of her back. She has very fair skin. She usually wears a blue dress with a pink trim and a dark blue ribbon attached to it with the top part of her dress is a slighter blue with the area below her waist is a darker shade of blue. A light blue bonnet with a white trim is on her head with a pink corsage on the left side. She wears her white stockings and little dark blue shoes. In battle, she wears an outfit that is mainly from nature. Her left eye is covered by a Iris eye patch which is seen glowing green when she isn't wearing the patch. She wears a short and strapless shirt made entirely of dark purple petals and she wears long dark purple gloves that goes to the top of her arms. She wears a short wide skirt made of dark purple petals that is pointed sideways and she wears pouch-like boots. Her right arms and both legs are embellish by light purple thorny vines.
Shattered Entities. This guild is famous for being like Heroes except in their country Oclor. They are very kind and respectable toward the magic council except for their members causing trouble for the people and the town. They have a team of ten wizards which is like Bob's team except they have an equal amount of boys and girls on it. They are also all human unlike Bob's team who have Dawn and Scampers being the only non-human members of the team.
Luciano Ashworth. Fire Wizard. 28 years old. He is a man who likes to talk with his fists and his magic reflects that fact. He is tall, tan, and highly muscular man with him wearing a gray body suit with it having like a hood attached to it with the center of it being a crystal skull with glowing red eyes. He wears scarlet red cuffs with silver lining and scarlet red boots which lined with beige fabic. and he wears a mask that looks like Carnage from Spiderman.
Evalyn Charlton. Smoke Wizard. 24 years old. Unlike Luciano, she is more a pacifist and she likes peace more than violence. She is short, pale, and not very strong woman with her wearing a white dress that shows off her amazing beauty. She doesn't like to be touched by people so she turns into smoke if she doesn't trust the person. She has neck length white hair and purple eyes.
Maximo Benoit. Water Wizard. 26 years old. He is a man who is very much a fan of water because of his roots of living near the ocean. He is able to talk with fish and this is due to him being able to connect with the animal kingdom in that sense. He is good friend with Vesta of the guild with him being the best to work with her magic. He likes to be called Maximo and not his name shorten in the slightest. He has ear length blue hair and brown eyes.
Vesta Navarrete. Ice Wizard. 27 years old. She is a woman who loves things that are cold and not anything hot or spicy because of her ability to use ice in her blood. She is good friends with Maximo with her magic and his magic working well together. She is also in love with him but she will never tell him that. She has shoulder length white hair and ice blue eyes.
Alphonso Thrash. Mud Wizard. 32 years old. Despite his magic being very dirty, he is very much a neat freak who is determined to keep himself at all times. He is determined to fight for his friends and he will do if it gets him dirty and it kills him on the inside but he sure doesn't show it. He has chin length brown hair and green eyes.
Cordelia Schmitt. Air Wizard. 31 years old. She has a god complex even more than the light wizard because she says that she is the closest to the gods out there. She is very much floating above everyone and she acts like a bitch sometimes. She has shoulder length white hair with green eyes.
Tobias Carranza. Darkness Wizard. 28 years old. He is very much into the darkness and he needs Stasis to keep him from becoming a wizard of darkness who would destroy the world if given the proper power and reason behind it. He has ear length black hair and red eyes.
Stasia Lavigne. Light Wizard. 27 years old. She is very much a person who loves the light. She is always there for Tobias to keep him from becoming a super villain and also losing him to the darkness in his heart. She has neck length light green hair and violet eyes.
Cobalt Klein. Air, Earth, Fire, Imitation, Magic Bestowal and Negation, and Water Wizard. 25 years old. He is a wizard who dreams to be a dragon but unlike a certain wizard from a filler arc, he will try to use to help people. I am talking about Daphne. He is determined to get his little sister Ruby back from the dark guild who took her away from him. He is working with the guild Shattered Entities to get her back. He is able to look like someone different using his magic. He has chin length blue hair and brown eyes.
Zara Vola. Animal (Mythical and Real), Barrier, Element, God, and Reality Wizard. 23 years old in X791 and 24 years old in X792. She is Shattered Entities's strongest wizard and she is also the youngest member of her guild. Her magics are very diverse due to it being helpful and destructive. She also loves to fight no matter what the reason and she hands problem that way. She is very carefree and reckless in nature but she is very loyal to the people that she cares about. She is willing to die fighting for her friends when the going gets touch. She is also looking for love but she doesn't show it. She is a girl who doesn't hold a grudge regardless of what her rivals does to her. She is always trying to show off her strength to others. Her brand of fighting caused destruction to those around her but her way of fighting is strategic. She is motion sickness with her being not able to ride on any form of transportation. The only thing that she is fear itself. She is also very understanding of her friend's feelings. She is also a girl with a trouble past being that like Allison, she was a former tower of revival slave. She can control all elements with ease but her strongest magic is both is Animal and Reality. She can alter reality around her slightly before she has to take a break for a while due to it being a strain on her. She can make a barrier to protect herself, her friends, and use as a weapon. Her animal magic allows her to access all of the animal kingdom from both fantasy and the real world such as a lion and dragon from each world. Her five favorite animals are Dragons, Eagles, Hawks, Sharks, and Wolfs. She is able to knock out a lot of grunts with ease and on stronger wizards, it does a good amount of damage. She mainly fights with her fists and legs. Her favorite element is fire but her second element is water. She is a very slim young woman with peach colored skin and she has long blonde hair with brown eyes. She has abnormal sharped canines and silt pupils. Her outfit is very revealing and she is extremely beautiful. She is slightly muscular due to her training. She has a scar on her neck from fighting against a shark that was her strongest fight ever. She has a cross-shaped scar on the right side of her abdomen with her getting in a fight with a demon who took her family from her. She wears a red top that is opened wide to reveal her cleavage that is slightly covered by her black and gold bra. She wears a pair of tight and black shorts with them being short on her showing off her very sexy legs. The shorts have belt loops with there being a white belt with a gold buckle. She wears a pair of black legging that are cut right off above her inner thigh and a pair of black boots with crimson red silts on the foot of them. She also wears a pair of black gloves and two metallic bracelets around the top of her upper arms. In her eyes. she has 3D diamond earrings which are in her ears thanks to small gold hoop earrings. She also carries around a rolled up comforter which is strapped around her back but she doesn't bring it to battle.
Elite Predators. This guild is competing in the X792 Grand Magic Games along with other guilds in Meca. They managed to pass through the elimination during the games but they didn't go against Amazons, Bloody Darkness, Cinco Hydra, the disband Heroes, Monsters, and Thunder Wolves. Their only known member is Ronald.
Ronald. Lightning Wizard. 45 years old. He is a strange man being that he is bald, fat, and short with him looking very unattractive. He wears a gray tank top with blue briefs for pants along with gray fingerless gloves and blue boots. He has brown eyes.
Tempest Titans. This guild is competing in the X792 Grand Magic Games along with other guilds in Meca. They managed to pass through the elimination during the games but they didn't go against Amazons, Bloody Darkness, Cinco Hydra, the now disband Heroes, Monsters, and Thunder Wolves. Their guild was named after their strongest wizard Ferdinand North.
Ferdinand North. Wind Wizard. 35 years old. He is a very lean wizard with him being bald excluding his brown hair which he keeps in a pony tail. He dress like a gentlemen and he is always confident with him pointing his fingers into the sky and saying Amazing.
Venomshroud. This guild is competing in the X792 Grand Magic Games along with other guilds in Meca. They managed to pass through the elimination during the games but they didn't go against Amazons, Bloody Darkness, Cinco Hydra, the disband Heroes, Monsters, and Thunder Wolves.
Forsaken Outlaws. This guild is rivals with Bloody Darkness and the feeling isn't mutual because Bloody Darkness doesn't really care about them at all. They plan to attack them after their parade where they are the most weak.
Orion. Memory and Space Wizard. 42 years old. He seems to be with this guild now and he doesn't know why. He will defeat anyone who is weak because he is pissed off at the whole thing. He has mid-back dark black hair and silver eyes.
Forsaken Outlaws's Monster Tamer. Monster Taming. ? years old. He seems to be very devious and evil. He will even kill everyone in town and he hates Bloody Darkness with a passion. He does respect his elders and he is also scared of people who are stronger than him. He has chin length blond hair and black eyes.
Zeus. Unknown Wizard. 600 years old. He is the first guild master of Sphinx Claw with him being good friends with Bob. He was given immortality by the gods after he defeated an entire army that was taking over his home. He doesn't like people revealing secrets with him being very strict when needing to be. He treats his guild as his children and he usually considered to be a very wise man. His magic is unknown but he is really strong. He has a rather muscular frame with a short gray/white beard framing his square face, an eye patch covering his right eye and his left eye is yellow.
Prominent Members:
Trevor Wallace. Steel Make Wizard. 28 years old. He seems to be taller than most people but still he is considered to average height for males in his guild. He has his blond hair with it slightly flowing from beneath his gold horned-helm. He wears dark blue and gold armor with him always focused on his sword that rest on his hilt. He has his guild mark which is the letter C and S in black facing each other on his right breastplate and it looks like the claws of a sphinx. He is one of the four strongest wizards under the master. He is very loyal to his guild and very serious. He only acts kind and loving to the people who he treasures more than anything.
Hera. Element Wizard. 598 years old. She is the wife of Zeus who is the guild master and she is considered to be the strongest female in their guild without any doubt. She is able to control all of the elements known to man kind along with some that haven't existed for a long time. She was given immortality upon sleeping with Zeus for the first time. She loves to tease others about love and she is considered to be always in a good mood. You don't want her mad ever. Wizards in Sphinx Claw know this well. She has long purple hair with it blocking her left eye and her eye color is a dark blue. She wears something very beautiful but she tends to keep her body hidden.
Freya. Unknown Wizard. 521 years old. She is Hera and Zeus's daughter. She is able to use a huge amount of different types of magic with her favorites being air/wind, ice, and lightning magic. She considered herself to be really weak when compared to her parents, she is actually extremely strong despite her doubting her strength constantly. She has long white hair that she keeps hidden under a gold helmet and she has her father's yellow eyes.
Troy Watts. Thunder Wizard. 32 years old. He loves to battle with him considering everyone a strong rival. He loves to drink and party with him being rumored to be able to drink several barrels of alcohol with that only giving him a buzz. He seems to be the same size as Romeo from the Monster guild with him wearing leather bands around his fists. He wears the red and white fur of a creature from the country of Sphinx Claw origin known as the Facola. It is rumored to be a mixture of a wolf and a raven. He wears chain mail on his rather broad chest with him wearing gray cloth pants. He has reddish-black hair that he keeps tied in a long braid at the end with ocean blue eyes. He is one of the four strongest wizards under the master. He uses a ax which he calls Typhoon and a hammer which he calls Eclipse that can/control thunder with ease.
Sonia Torres. Letter Wizard. 27 years old. She found Yuna in a village that was destroyed by the former king of Estrana with her taking the girl as her daughter. She is very peace loving but she will fight for her guild if it is needed. She likes Trevor. She is noticeable taller than most girls her age with her brown hair that flows down her back with her usually wearing a flowing white dress under her light forest-green armor.
Yuna Torres. Wildlife Wizard. 18 years old. She is a woman who loves her guild and plants. She was found as a girl by some of the members of Sphinx Claw. Her village was destroyed in the rampage of the former king of Estrana and she was adopted by the guild. She loves her guild and she will be there for them as they will be for her. She is the thing that keeps the guild together. Her power over all forms of plants is so impressive that she is able to talk to animals as well. She had long golden brown hair which she keeps in a elegant braid and she has plants in her hair. She has deep blue eyes and she usually wears a flowing green and white dress.
Liberty Place. Love Wizard. 20 years old. She loves love in way shape or form. She will do anything to make sure that love wins in the end. She is very beautiful but at the same time, she is very shred. She has silky golden and yellow hair with steel blue eyes. She wears a very slim flitting pink and white sweater dress with a heart shape in the middle of it and red high heels. Two known spells or her is Love's Illusion: A duplicate of whoever the target wants to see at the moment and Love's Sorrow: A duplicate made of someone who died and they loved before they pasted.
Buck Flutz. Unknown Wizard. 22 years old. He is very serious and he loves to tease people about pretty much everything. He has two tone yellow and black hair with it spiked up and gray eyes. He wears a black and yellow stripe magic robe with him usually holding his tome that lets him cast several different types of spells.
Major Members:
Oracle. Precognition Wizard. 28 years old. She is a member of Sphinx Claw with her being used to see the future. She joined the guild and she is usually staying at the guild for her powers to see the future. She can fight using her magic orb but not that much. She wears a long purple coat covering her entire body excluding her long black hair, glowing yellow eyes, and a very devilish smile. Under it, she is very attractive but she thinks that she is unattractive.
Orval Prather. Bow and Arrow Wizard. 27 years old. He is a man who loves a good contest making him perfect for a battle with wizards. He will always try to improve his magic which involves an archer. He has long and disheveled hair that is black as the night and it is framing his face covering his left eye. He is able to use different magical attributes with his arrows such as Fire, Grass, Ice, and Lightning.
Nadine. Element Wizard. 24 years old. She is a waitress who has a massive crush on Troy and she wants to be there for him. She is able to control the four main elements along with being able to combine them into a immense combination. She has blue-gray hair and blue eyes.
Kristine Sullivan. Blast and Dissemble Wizard. 54 years old. She is the Guild Master of Supremacy. She is very stubborn in her beliefs with her wanting to be number one in Meca no matter what. She has respect from her entire guild being that she will kill them out in a heartbeat if they break one of their rules unlike Warren who gave people a second chance or a rare third chance. She tends to blow things up without thinking. She is a tall woman with somewhat pale skin, short red hair that has a part on the right side of her head pushing her hair to the left, and very calm light green eyes. She tends to wear a green blouse, a black bow in her hair that has several studs in it, a white jacket with navy blue pants, and gray sneakers. She is a very athletic woman with gray vintage leather gloves.
Gerald Cox. Explosion Wizard. 24 years old. He loves to blow things up fitting his magic to the letter. He is very kind and considerate outside of battle being that he has a garden and tends to injured animals. Most people who see this side of him think that he is an idiot. He tends to blow things up that he doesn't mainly annoying fan girls. He is sometimes shy and embarrassed a cute girl. He loves to cause problems for others but he respect his guild master. He is an average hair with shoulder length brown hair and ruby red eyes with a average build to him. He wears a black cap with a light blue brim and he wears a navy blue long-sleeved shirt and red vest with light red jeans and silver shoes.
Jeremy Collins. Dust Wizard and Slayer. 22 years old. He was raised by a dragon royalty and he is a jerk to others about it. He is very reserved and when he speaks, he sounds very serious and regally sophisticated. He is something of a very intimidating and charismatic man being that he was raised by a royal and regal dragon. He has great pride and passion for his guild and when the guild is threaten, he is the one who will protect the guild with any means possible. He is very intelligent and he tends to exceed in anything that he does. He is extremely lazy and he tends to not do anything by helping the guild grow or help on missions unless he is really dam bored and he needs the money. It takes a turn for the better if he finds something that he wants to do. He is able to figure out a women's measurement by just looking at them and he tends to tease a girl upon just looking at her and he is a pervert. He sometimes plays around his opponents with him saying that he is slow and weak being that he tends to laugh at a failure pissing people off with him running around and chatting with his guild during a fight. He tends to let people hit him so he can test their strength. He carries for his friends like family upon getting pissed off upon seeing them lose. He has a rage mode being that he tends to just destroy and cause some mayhem. He is extremely amazing with the earth being that he can use sand, dust particles, and Earth make magic along with his Heaven magic. He has blue eyes and brown hair. He wears an Egyptian headdress with garments covering the lower half of his body and his arms are completely bandaged up to his shoulders. He has some marking on his body which he had no idea about. He is extremely imposing man with a sword that looks pretty plain and he is an excellent swordsman. He wears a short sleeve white shirt with a pair of blue jeans and brown boots.
Dennis Bryant. Command Wizard. 32 years old. He is always calm and collected with the only things breaking him are something crazy. He won't fight anyone that he deems unworthy and he use a fourth of his power to get rid of them. He is able to control spells and he is able to use darkness magic. He has a muscular build that to somewhat is pretty intimidating at times. He has short violet hair that is combed back with a small bang sticking out in back with white eyes. He wears a wine red skin tight long sleeve shirt and matching shoulder pads that covers his entire torso, He has a silver plated armband and big silver plated bracelets around his right wrist. He wears black fingerless gloves that have a small silver buckle on top of the hand near his knuckles. He wears a long cape that from his abdomen to his knees that goes around him except for the front that he keeps open and it is held up by three silver belts. The cape has big silver blade looking plates that are sown at the top. He wears black jeans with matching shoes that have three gold rings below his ankles and four fold straps that replace the laces.
Paula Anderson. Emerald Wizard. 26 years old. She is able to manipulate emeralds and she is extremely good at it. Her magic is rumored to be extremely potent in design and she tends to focus more on beauty than pure physical power with her considered to be very weak. She has green eyes, eyebrows, and hair with it being like emeralds in design and it spiky. She has light skin. She tends to wear emerald armors at all times.
Kiana Ventura. Phoenix Wizard. 33 years old. She is an extremely beautiful woman with her being rumored to be the reincarnated version of a phoenix which is a powerful fire beast. She tends to stay away from water being that her body tends to melt under it. She is able to use fire and turn into fire itself. She has long flowing red and orange hair with green eyes.
Doris Garcia. Speed Wizard. 25 years old. She is very much a fast woman being that she loves to run and keep her moving at times similar to a shark in nature. She tends to use her body to her advantage in getting a guy. She loves sweets more than anything else. She isn't very tall with her skin very much like she came from a tanning salon for a very perfect tan. She has a beautiful face with a very curvy figure with looks that makes others look when they see her. She has purple eyes with golden blond hair which she has in a ponytail that is clean beyond belief with her bangs framing her face. She has a large scar on her neck. She normally wears a orange tube top that she has held up by a single strap crossing over her chest and it goes around her neck. The waistband of her underwear is seen above her jeans and it is black in color. She wears a pair of light green fingerless gloves with purple sandals on her feet usually. She carries around a small wallet on the side of her beat that has a silver star and it is like a black hole. She has a silver medal on the straps holding her top up.
Annie Baker. Sword Wizard. 27 years old. She is a woman who is like a modern day pirate and she tends to cause some girls to fall for her because of her rogue like charms. She is also a fan of gold and adventure. She is extremely confident in her skills. She is extremely good with a sword being that she trained with it for a long time. She makes one out of thin air. She is an average height with brown eyes and green hair. She wears a tricone which is a hat that a pirate would wear. She wears a dark red coat with gold trims, silver buttons and a white lining, three belts one at her waist, one across her torso, and the third one at her hips. Under her coat, she wears a black vest with a white undershirt and cravat. She wears black shoes and close fitting black pants.
Ramona Bowers. Berserk Wave Wizard. 41 years old. She is a serious looking woman and she is extremely powerful with her magic being an angry version of Wave magic. She may look cold but she is extremely social being that she spends time with her guild mates and her fiance Galen most of the time. She tends to be the most collective in her guild being that she is extremely focused in battle being that she never lose her cool. She is very easygoing. She is fair skin with her usually having a stoic and aloof expression on her face. She has blue eyes with straight gray blue hair that frames her fact cut in a lopsided bob style with her front bangs reaching past her shoulders. She usually wears a low-cut outfit that shows off her impressive cleavage with mesh armor under it with a short skirt, red hand guards, and black high boots. She usually wears shirts that shows off her breasts. She has several tattoos on both of her arms and her back but it strangely doesn't take away from her beauty. Her left arm has a snake being wrapped around her entire arm and his right arm has a sword on it. The one on her back has eagle wings on it. She wears a red headband around her right arm with a giant thunderbolt on it.
Kraig Siegel. Black Wizard. 25 years old. His magic is very interesting being that it is like the Black Arts but it is demonic and evil version of very normal and somewhat average spells. He gives off an intimidating aura but he is actually a very kind and caring along with being somewhat docile. He likes to read and he tends to be very distant from others. He doesn't get close to people because his magic is very deadly to him. He is weak around women and children. He is a fan of anything with sugar being that he always has them with him. He is extremely smart. He is an incredibly tall man and he has a lean muscular build with broad shoulders with long arms. He has short straight purple hair that he figured out is naturally spiky and a pair of deep dark with emotionless brown eyes. He is hard to read because of this. He has smooth and soft skin with a pair of thin lips that can be curled into a slight smile with his smile hard to tell. He has a somewhat round nose with a natural slight tan. He has well defined muscles can be seen all over his body. He is covered in scars from his battles. Upon getting serious in a fight, he puts on the mask of a demon which is a white mark with seven black markings and small slits for his eyes. He wears a dark blue robe with a short collar along with a black sash across his left shoulder and under his robe, he wears a white and black sleeveless shirt with a pair of purple cargo pants and combat boots.
Donovan Schofield. Cosmic Wizard. 23 years old. He tends to be peaceful with himself because he hates to be angry. He loves to have fun at a party but he will be alone if he needs to be. He is a flirt being that he loves to be around the better sex. He loves to travel being that he gets to see the world. He is always smiling and he tends to focus on himself. He is extremely inviting and attractive to others. He is really good with cooking. He is a very handsome young man being that he is lean with muscles. He has straight violet hair with it almost about shoulder length with long bangs that hangs in front of his face. He decided not to slicking it back to show off his facial features and makes him look nicer. He has a sharp chin and blue eyes with them being inviting. He has pinch-able cheeks with a soft smile. He has a natural tan to him with him not being very muscular. He isn't out of shape being that his legs are the most defined due to him traveling around foot rather than riding a train. He wears a black t-shirt and white jacket with a pair of blue jeans with a pair of black, purple, and white sneakers. His skin is soft and smooth without any blemishes.
Morris Nichols. Construct Wizard. 24 years old. He is able to create anything out of thin air and it is tends to be something like Maker magic. His magic is different being that it cost a item to make something. It is similar to Alchemy in that regard. He tends to joke around with others and make things of outrageous proportions but he isn't someone to mess with that much. He has brown hair that he keeps in a long pony tail and brown eyes.
Doom Specters. This guild is endorsed by Alvin Earnest with this guild rumored to be extremely sneaky and it has two former enemies of Bob and Heroes. They look super evil and most people think that they are a dark guild but their guild master is a very kind woman with a big heart and she is a huge sadist.
Joyce Singleton. Unknown Wizard. 50 years old. She is the Guild Master and she is a very kind woman. She is known for helping out orphans in places that have their homes destroyed by fights between wizards. Her magic power is powerful and it is rumored to be the strongest in the guild without any question. She seems to take all of the blame if one of her guild members does something wrong. She cares for them like her children. She has long black hair with light green eyes.
Andre Stanley. Telekinesis Wizard. 28 years old. He is one of the strongest wizard in the guild and he is always trying to live up to what his master sets forth. He was an orphan that she saved in her youth. He is able to move anything with his mind and he is pretty much hard to hit up close. He wears a long sleeved tag shirt with a red X emblazoned on the front and one of his shirt arm is missing. His hair is black as the night with a cut was in the middle of his face crossing over the bridge of his nose. He Awore a pair of black shorts that shopped just below the knees with black combat boots.
Ignacio Barton aka the Cardinal of Gravity. Gravity Wizard. 29 years old. He is known as the cardinal of Gravity being that he is able to manipulate gravity with ease. He is also able to get rid of things with just a thought. He tends to drink more than is needed upon a victory. His hair is white as snow with a scar going down his left eye. He wears a black fur coat with black finger less gloves on each of his hand. Under the jacket, he wore a plaid shirt with green pattern and blue pants. He has his hair sliced back showing off his rather sizable forehead and he has an oblong face which is accented by his square jaw and deep blue eyes. He is about the same size as Norman but that may be due to the boots that he is wearing with his long arms being muscular thanks to him doing push ups every day and his left forearm has a strange symbol on it with the mark also being on the front of his beige shirt which was cut off at the sleeves and on the legs of the slacks.
Bellatrix Amethyst. Shadow Devil Wizard. 25 years old. She has a troubled past being that she was a former like Allison and James but unlike them, her prison wasn't destroyed. She did escaped but with the cost of her father figure and she tends to keep herself with being somewhat of a tsundere toward others. She currently doesn't know that she is being possessed by a demon who once served under Bob's father and betray them. His name is Gorsur. She has long violet hair that goes up to her shoulder and green eyes with a black chain wrapped around her body and her chest which is impressive. She wears a outfit that fits her dark theme. She wears a long black dress that cover her entire body because she hates showing skin despite her being extreme beautiful along with a funeral veil with black combat heels (Which I think is a thing). However when Gorsur takes over her, she is wearing a form fitting black battle suit with a skull on her right thigh and she is still wearing the heels. Her real name is Belle. She later joined Heroes after her fight with Bob because she saved him from the demon haunted her. She is a barmaid with a temper. She joined her outfit immensely due to her old one being ugly to her. She still wears black combat heels because she likes them for some reason. She wears a pair of gold earrings with them hanging from her ears. She wears a pair of tight black jeans and shirt that shows off her cleavage. She will hurt anyone who flirts with her and she is a extremely good singer.
Alvin Earnest. Digging and Earth Wizard. 45 years old. He used to be a really corrupt man but after five years in prison, he changed. He joined the guild Doom Specters and thanks to the money that he had left over from before he went to prison, he helped the guild with their guild hall. He is known for his ugly sense of beauty being that unattractive woman are beautiful while pretty girls are ugly to him. He has chin length brown hair and brown eyes. He is very round and short and he is always wearing a very classy suit. He has a curly mustache that he constantly twirls even in battle. He last appeared in Episode 3.
Heather. Machine and Privacy Wizard. 29 years old. She is a mad inventor with her once trying to get revenge on the Magic Council using her inventions. She went put on patrol and thanks to former prisoner Alvin, she joined the guild. She however still has her inventing quirk. She is about the same height as Kurt with her being thin and she needs glasses with her having shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, and large breasts. She last appeared in Episode 46.
Daron Burdick. Ice and Speed Wizard. 22 years old. He is a proud wizard being that he hates to lose especially to his rival Sanzo. He hates him to the death after he stole Lula from him. He joined Doom Specters because they are strong. He is a tall and slim boy with short-cropped blond hair, freckled face, green eyes with him being attractive and a troubled soul. He has a mischievous smile. He is looks to be in college with an athletic and muscular build and a sneaky look. He has a thick and deep pal scar that runs the bottom of his right eye down to his chin. It was given to him by a dragon at a young age. He is able to see a little bit into the future. He has tan skin with his hair has gray streaks from his magic. He is able to use a sword with extreme accuracy. He is able to open any lock that he comes across, teleport places, and he is really good with money and thieving.
Melba Howell. Doctor Wizard. 24 years old. She is known as the Death Doctor. She really hates parties and she is always studying. She caries extremely about others along with her showing her emotions in strange ways and she is extremely loyal to the guild. She has shoulder length red hair and purple eyes. She has her entire face wrapped in bandages excluding her eyes and mouth and strangely she has a dagger sticking out of her head. She has a pretty face under the bandages and she wears a band-aid when not having a dagger in her hair. She wears a skin tight white suit under her long sleeved navy blue explorer type clothing with several medical instrument used when fighting or healing.
Pamela Singleton. Darkness and Fire Wizard. 14 years old. She is a talking ghost cat or a Yokai. She was adopted by Joyce upon seeing her alone for the first time. She is usually seen as the partner of the adopted daughter Qiana.
Missy Aquino. Metal Devil Wizard. 26 years old. She is just like a female Johnny and she likes to eat metal. She is able to kill devils and demons with metal items. She has long black hair with metal in it along with blue eyes.
Qiana Singleton. Sleeping Wizard. 16 years old. A hommunculus. She was adopted by the guild master of the guild when she was found her a year ago. She tends to sleep often and her magic power is increased whenever she is asleep. Despite this, she is able to fight when her eyes are closed.
Milan Wolford. Darkness and Poison Make Wizard. 28 years old. He is able to make Darkness and Poison with ease and beauty. He tends to considered to be an artist and he wants to be able to fight anyone using his strong magic power. He has half purple and black hair with glowing blue eyes.Eugene Jackson. Unknown Wizard. 25 years old. He is a former thief and he reformed upon joining the guild. He still has those problems being that he takes things causing him to get in trouble with his guild about his crimes. He has light purple hair with goggles and dark brown eyes.
Master Legion. This guild is from a small kingdom somewhere in Meca with them being a strong guild and they are very kind wizards. They also have a perverted master and some old faces.
Romana Galaza. Unknown Wizard. 253 years old. She is a huge pervert and the guild master of Master Legion. She is a angel who fell from the heavens above because she loves boobs like a lot which got her in trouble a lot. She is a casanova and her charisma is strangely soothing. She is known for having her way with any girl that she thinks is cute. She has long black hair that goes up to the middle of her back and some of her hair is on her pretty nice rack along with having a streak of orange and brown eyes.
Prominent Members:
Kyoko Donnell. Metal Make Wizard. 26 years old. He is able to bend metal with him saying that he is an artist like Douglas but well, it isn't that. He is very good at making weapons and he is highly recommend by the magic council since he makes weapons for the Alchemy Knights. It is his favorite past time second to fighting. He is one of the strongest wizards. He has silver hair with gray eyes. He tends to dress like a rock star.
Lincoln Provost. Summoning Wizard. 18 years old. He is a very strong wizard with him being the Guild's Ace despite being one of the younger members of the guild. He is able to summon beasts out of the universe around him without any sacrifice like Vernon. He tends to love battle so he tends to stay in tip top shape in a fight. He is able to keep with a strong martial artist with relative ease. He can summon a creature and use its abilities like take over magic. He has short white hair that can change its length upon his transformation and he has strange markings around his body. Because of this, he only wears jeans.
Izola Randle or Isolator. Unknown Wizard. 5 years old. Despite her being five years old, she has the mature and sexy body of a woman who is in her early 20s. She is a machias with her being very loyal to her guild and for some strange reason, she lets the guild master do extremely pervert things with her. She dress like a robot woman from anything from fiction and her magic is truly unknown due to her body structure. She has silver purple hair that goes up to her waist and it can be use as a weapon with glowing green eyes with a number in them.
Douglas Snyder. Wood Dragon Wizard. 29 years old. He is able to manipulate wood which doesn't sound deadly but his appearance says other wise. He tends to take jobs that are very creative in nature with him making objects used for creativity. He is very scary looking. He has long black hair which he keeps out of his face and brown eyes.
Darion Reed. Unknown Wizard. 26 years old. It is known as the Master Reaper with its gender unknown to everyone around and it is a really huge fan of Heroes mainly Grim Darth. It is quiet by choice being that it will open up to anyone that it finds his friends with it being forced to speak. It is really good with small children always having something that they like and they love the wizard. It keeps its hands in its pockets to avoid hurting others with its magic and it is able to read with no hands. It is usually calm and serious with it being very arrogant in battle. It has short black hair that it has under a black hat with a silver star. It is its most treasured prized possessions and it never leaves his head. It is tall and lanky that it keeps under a gray trench coat that it uses a cape with navy blue pants and black leather boots with a matching star like the hat. It has a scar running from its right shoulder to its left hip from something that it remembers not what so ever. It has bright red eyes. It carries around a crimson red scythe with a strange design with the bottom of the handle has an intertwined pattern.
Vanuxar or Vito Mcqueen. Unknown Curse. ? years old. He is a demon and he tries to hide this from his fellow guild master. The only ones that know this secret of his is Erza, Izola, Rico, and Romana because Erza and Rico found out his dirty secret, Izola knows everything about the guild members, and Romana is the guild master. He is able to use curses based on the members of Underworld with him saying that Hex stole his curses for his own uses. He tries not to use the more deadly ones with him telling himself that he can't kill at all unless it is needed. He is made of Lucerna with him able to phase right through attacks and he tells himself not to let them kill anyone. He is a very tall and super muscular demon with a very gruesome appearance. His chest is covered in a very dark and demonic breastplate that he was wrapped around his lower abdomen. He has extremely large and unnatural shape metallic pauldrons that connect and fade out into his cloak which he has the hood on with him wearing a skull mask to cover his face. On his arms, he wears a fishnet and a mesh-like material which is somewhat concealed by his pauldrons and gloves which are frayed along with bearing a zigzag pattern below the fray and they have irregularly flowing designs that resemble the bone structure of his hand. They travel down from the forearm of the glove and it branches off at the knuckles and they travel down to each fingertip. The zigzag pattern also appears on the material that is exposed on the parts of his torso that his breastplate doesn't cover and he wears a belt around his belt. His lower body is hidden by a dark robe that goes up to his feet. It sports a pattern of circles that travels around him. He is able to use Assimilate, Darkness, Death Water, Disaster, Domination, Earth, Electricity, Enhance/Upgrade, Fighting, Fire, Ice, Light, Memento Mori, Merging, Necromancer, Passion Devil, Poison, Rocket, Sense, Slimy, Spike, Sword, Triumph, Water, and Wind.
Sanzo Onishi. Water Wizard. 21 years old. He is the son of gods. He has a trident that goes across his left arm. His lips are rumored to be very salty. He seems like the sea, he looks like a mixture of skater, troublemaker, and a surfer with his eyes being like a baby seal and he usually wins any argument. He is the son of Aldir and Oena who are the god and goddess of magic respectively. He is very brave and spiritual. He is willing to risk his life to save his friends, his family, anyone that he meets, and sometimes his enemies. He is usually joking around but he knows when to get serious and he earns respect from most of the gods including the magic council and his enemies. He never goes back on his word with him hating bullying regardless of the reason. He tends to do or blurt out things before thinking. He is very smart but he is acts dumb and he doesn't see things right in front of him even when they are super obvious. He is very perceptive when he wants to be. He hates being forced to do things that are against his moral code. He isn't afraid of most things due to his wolf stare since he was raised around wolves. His loyalty is his great weakness. He is able to control all forms of water including ice. He is able to summon a pegasus and a hellhound that he has bounded with over the years. He has Blue/Blond hair and Sea Green eyes. He is very handsome to every girl from his home country. He is tall but he is still small than Daron with him being very fit, muscular, and lean. He doesn't admit it but many girls, women, and some men find him irresistible. He has slightly tan skin and abnormal sharp canines.
Lula Francis. Earth Wizard. 20 years old. She is the daughter of the Goddess of Knowledge Lylena and the God of Death Obus. She loves building and architecture with her usually spending her time at the beach, designing new buildings, or with her guild mates. She has an excessive amount of pride. She is very caring and possessive. She is very strong-minded and stubborn about things with her being incredibly brave and daring. She shows many signs of dauntlessness, courage, and determination. She is a genius with her being extremely clever and witty. She is very analytical and strategic. She is very reckless when it comes to things with Sanzo since he left for a very dangerous job. She is deathly scared of spiders. She is able to manipulate the earth, darkness, and the dead. She is known to hold a grudge for a very long time. She is really smart and extremely smart in battle with a weapon thanks to her training. She has curly and wavy golden blonde/ honey-colored hair with it looking like a princess. She is tall, fit, and athletic. She has gray eyes with her always getting distracted to her always thinking of several different ideas at one. She has a natural tan to her. She wears a gold skull ring. She wears tank tops and shorts.
Derick Serenade. Unknown Wizard. 28 years old. He is a great wizard and he is extremely loyal to his guild members. He has equal strength to Raisa. He is immortal thanks to him drinking the blood of the Hollowwraith with him knowing several different ways to fight and counter any opponent. He is very calm and serious compared to Raisa with his emotions hard to tell his thoughts and intentions. He prefers to take actions over others doing things for him. He can use a sword. He is a very tall and slender muscular man with dark red eyes. He has long dark red hair with it being covered with flowers and tribal beads from his village and he wears a long red and black headband to hold it back. He wears a form-fitting black and dark red armor which he says came from a monster known as the Hollowwraith which he says that it was a mixture of a lion and a dragon with him matching dark boots with it lined with the monster's silver fur. The writing on his armor can be translate to Hero of Sunhollow. He has a demonic looking sword known as Wicked and it is the darkness of man in his home language.
Raisa Symphony. Unknown Wizard. 27 years old. She has strength compared to Derick. She is very much in tune with magic being able to cast spells long since forgotten. She is very silly and loves to smile compared to Derick. She is very obvious to tell her feelings and she loves to spend time with her friends. She can use a spear. She is a very tall and slender woman with her strength being hidden due to her very delicate appearance. She has shoulder length brown hair and pink eyes. She wears a very appealing white dress that stops at her knees. It is very appealing due it showing off her figure without being slutty. She wields her spear known as Dawn with it being the light of man in her opinion.
Eloise Cohen. Random Magic Wizard. 28 years old. She is a woman who tends to be extremely random being like her magic. She is always doing things that make no sense and she tends to be nonsense to others around her. The only thing that she keeps constant is that she wears a pair of sunglasses along with a dress showing off her curves.
Howling Ravens. This guild's origin and its creation is unknown along with it being known by some of the magic council along with the king and certain wizards. Its guild master along with its members are just more mysterious to her guild. They decided to come into action in the year X792 for some reason. The rumors surround this guild are that the master is stronger than an wizard saint and the top ranking wizards are S Class. Their guild hall is similar to Chaos Lords's guild hall being that it can transform and roll out (Note, It isn't a transformer.). This one however is extremely more safe thanks to a member's obsession with safety.
Tasha Griffith. Imagination and Lightning Wizard. 413 years old. She is the definition of a crazy stalker and she loves her Bobby. She fell in love with him in the past by saving her life from a group of dragons and what they call a human hunt. She fell madly in love with him feeling only friendship for her. She died right in front of him saying that she was returning the favor for him. He destroy the dragon army that killed her and he buried her. Little did he know, she actually came from the dead to be with him. However, she learned that he moved on. She went crazy trying to find a way to get her to be with him and she found it. Her magic power is rumored to be stronger than a wizard saint. She makes most of the guild members with her magic and strangely, they appear and act like real human beings. She has mid back length cherry red hair and purple eyes that turn into hearts.
Nicole Johnson. Memory and Telekinesis Wizard. 37 years old. She is a strange woman. She tends to keep to herself while the others try to make friends with each other. She is extremely loyal to the guild master being she saved her life. She is considered to be extremely deadly becasue she is able to make opponents fight each other and if they are able to avoid her memory magic, they get thrown into something. She has long purple hair and green eyes. She tends to wear clothing that makes her look older than she really is.
Miguel Dawkins. Bullet, Card, Copy, and Transformation Wizard. 38 years old. He loves to play a game of cards and place outrageous bets with them. He is able to win when he is blindfolded, drunk, or something else. He tends to win ninety percent of the time with only the master and two people are able to beat the master of cards. In a fight, he tends to stay back and let his clones do all of the work instead while keeping his enemies back using either his bullets or his razor sharp cards. He is also able to copu magic He has long brown hair that always seems to be in his eyes.
Kathy Person. Earth Wizard and Slayer. 33 year old. Her dragon Daganth taught her how to be both peaceful and strong at the same time. When her dragon left, she was okay with it because she knew that her dragon was already dead. She tend to be a solo wizard for a good while until she met the guild master of Howling Ravens. She senses that the woman did the thing that she did for a reason and she could understand it. She decided to join the guild being that they have her favorite food aka a steak with beer. She has long purple hair with flowers in her hair and gold eyes. She dress strange
Caleb Burgess. Wood Wizard. 34 years old. He is a man who is extremely concerned on safety due to his magic protecting him in every way. He tends to focus on making sure that their guild hall is safe for a brawl or something along those lines. However in a battle, he is a maniac for destruction and he is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in that regard. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He is known for being very much like a monk due to his peaceful nature.
Hannah Bennett. Sky Wizard and Slayer. 29 years old. She was raised by Ferath, the Sky Dragon and he taught her how to treat air like it was a living thing. He left her for some reason and she hated him for that. She joined the guild Howling Ravens to find him and she did thanks to some info from the magic council. She asked him why he left her in the first place and the dragon was silent because he was already dead. She killed the person who killed her father figure and she swore to be the only slayer that can use the wind even if she has to kill. She has long sky blue hair that goes past her shoulder and matching eye color.
Jerome Patterson. Fiend Wizard. 25 years old. He is a strange young man. He tends to drink more than his body weight times eight but he fights like he doesn't drink at all. He always has a drink in his hand and he is always drinking. His magic is very similar to Angel Magic but he is able to summon demons with just a thought along with the ability to take the energy from the demons that he earlier summoned. He has long black hair and he keeps his glowing red eyes under a blindfold.
Barbara Philips. Gun and Sword Wizard. 24 years old. She is a master with both of a gun and a sword being that she tends to either slash or shoot through a problem. She has a short temper being that she is always shooting a glass filled with beer if a guild member piss her off meaning that the person who works there as an employee is cleaning up her messes a lot every day. She tends to also smoke which makes most people stay awake from her. She has short dark green hair and grayish green eyes. She tends to dress like a bounty hunter with her tending to look extremely beautiful.
Ruben Osborne. Passion Wizard. 23 years old. He was raised by Jo's husband Ben Osborne who took in the kid after his village was also destroyed by Estrarum. He was raised to hate Jo, Anna, and anyone who trained under Jo which is Kurt and Leon. He was beaten by Ben whenever he failed a single part of his training and the day that Ruben remembers forever. It was right after Ben found Jo who used Passion Shell to trap Estrarum in for all times which mean Ruben was beaten senseless. He left Ben after finishing his training and he met up with Bruno who took the child in after seeing his magic potential. He tried to have a fight with Anna who is the daughter of Jo and Danny who was Kurt's older brother but the two destroyed him. It opened his eyes to the truth that passion magic is weak. He decided to learn a new and stronger magic and he found it after searching for four years. It is known as Genesis Magic being that he can create anything with just a single thought and he is also able to destroy anything. He tends to use this magic when he feels like it being that he loves to make his enemies suffer in pure pain with him using his passion magic to trick his opponent. He joined Howling Ravens to get revenge on the top user of passion magic aka Kurt Raymond and he will do anything to make him suffer. He has short black hair that looks to be spiked up and onyx black eyes along with him wearing a jacket made for winter, a long sleeved shirt, boots, jeans, and snow goggles.
Gary Bass. Sound Wizard. 18 years old. He is a music man and he tends to always be listening to music twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. He always has a pair of magic headphones on him and he tries to make others listen to his music but they tend to hate his music. If you don't like his music, he will blast it at you with ear splitting in due time. He has orange hair and green eyes with a pair of headphones.
Luigi Reyes. Water Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. His dragon Cerioth who was known as the sea dragon taught the young boy to be able to be able to control water itself along with being able to manipulate anything that glows as the dragon put it. He impressed his father figure despite the dragon being a woman so much that she let her take the test to learn the strongest moves that a slayer can learn being final arts. He joined Howling Ravens because he need work in simple terms. He tends to take a very different approach to things being that he likes violence. He has short dark blue hair that covers his neck and dark green eyes that tends to remind people of sea weed. He wears clothing that makes you think that he is a surfer dude.
Amelia Wells. Blaze Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. She is a pyromaniac and she is crazy for any sort of action. She was raised by Rasenth, the Eternal Flame dragon who taught her to embrace the power and strength of fire to burn anything in her path a crisp. She learned the magic to burn things and she became a powerful woman in the process. She joined the guild because she wants some action in her life. She has long curly red hair that goes up to her hips and glowing gold eyes. She is a petite girl with her having a narrow waist to fit her figure. She has extremely big breasts with her usually wearing a white tank top with a pair of denim shorts and gray high tops. She also wears a denim jacket.
Azura Atkinson. Ice Wizard. 21 years old. She is a women who fits her magic to the T. She tends to freeze people that she doesn't like whatsoever and she tends to be by herself even when she is forced to work with other wizards. She is able to control any form of water and turn into ice. She tends to make ice sculptures and she tends to incorporate it into her attack. She is extremely powerful with her ice being able to resist fire magic and being able to break through steel with enough effort. She has light blond hair and emerald green eyes. She tends to wear a violet denim vest and matching denim skirt. She wears dark purple tights, light brown boots, and a black undershirt with white and pink striped sleeves. Her ice tends to be a sapphire blue or sky blue color.
Elalisa Fuchsia. Light Wizard. 19 years old. She is a woman who is determined to make the person that she considers to be an older brother happy. She will even commit murder for him but she tends to just make him by doing the little things such as making him lunch and the such. She easily has a crush on her brother and she doesn't deny that whatsoever. She is able to make a light that can easily blind a person and she is able to turn the light into an object of some kind. She had shoulder-length orange hair with her bands always covering her left eye that does hides a pretty nasty scar that she obtained from a dragon aka a very pissed off Ninarth. She is rather tall for a girl her age being that she is almost six feet tall. She has very voluptuous curves with a pretty bountiful chest. She has her impressive rack covered and contained in a dark pink bra. She usually wears tight white shorts and long black high-heeled boots. She wears long dark pink armbands that a hole from her middle finger and thumb. She tends to wear a navy blue trench coat with very intricate black designs running throughout the ends draped over shoulders just like a cape. She has deep green eyes and she has a malevolent smile gracing her delicate visage. She tends to seductively sway her hips when walking due to her trying to seduce her brother. They aren't related by the way.
Magic Council. After Underworld's Wolf and his guild killed them, the twelve wizards saints decided to reform the guild. The only three members who didn't join because Ax is currently missing right now, Kara wanted to stay with her guild, and Bob didn't know about it because he accidentally killed the messenger during him training. They are still new so it is hard for hem to get any work done with some new dark guilds.
Goddess Victoria or Tori. Cave (Earth), Inferno (Fire), Ocean Emperor (Water), Hurricane (Air and Wind), Fulmination (Lightning and Thunder), Adamant (Metal), Contagion (Poison), Detonation (Explosion), Nightfall (Darkness), Umbra (Shadow), Permafrost (Ice), and Radiation (Light) Wizard and Slayer. 46 years old. She is considered to be the strongest wizard saint in Meca second only to Bob but she is a very close second. She is considered to be a woman of great power and respect with immense magic power being something like a god. She however is hiding her true power and it is the fact that she is a Slayer. She has shoulder length light green hair and blue eyes.
Cronus. Space and Time Wizard. 81 years old. He is very much like a vampire being that he isn't a fan of the sun or light in general. He is seen as the peace keeper between him and the other gods of Orclana. He respect his elders which includes Bob who turned out to be older than he expected. He is very serious about his job and he was the one who suggest that they reform the magic council. He is usually drinking wine when things aren't serious. He has ear length black hair and red eyes.
Rashad. Beast Wizard. 101 years old. He is very impatient and he hates jokes. He is always up for a fight regardless if he can win or lose in it. He is usually seen eating or training his magic which turns him into a giant beast of amazing strength. He is usually fighting with anyone who makes a joke or anyone who challenges him to a fight regardless of what kind. He love fighting but for it being a contest of skill. He has chin length brown hair and blue eyes.
Van Payne. Nature Wizard. 128 years old. He is a former member of Heroes but he is still loyal to the guild. He along with the other founders trained Bob at one point and he respect the wizard's power. He is still connected to his former founders and Bob with him still loyal to the guild where he met his family. He is always making jokes pissing Rashad off with them. The jokes doesn't make any sense. He has shoulder length green hair and brown eyes.
Louis Terra. Earth Wizard. 35 years old. He was a former wizard of Bloody Darkness but he left the guild to help the magic council reform. He was mainly involved in building the new magic council headquarters. He is highly respected to his elders and also scared of them at the same time because of their immense power. He is very hopeful that Heroes will reform after they disband right after the war with Underworld. He is still close to Bloody Darkness and tries to visit if he can but he has a job to do in the magic council. He has shoulder length white hair and black eyes.
Marla Burns. Earth, Fire, Ice, Water, and Wind Wizard. 29 years old. She left her guild with a new determination to help reform the magic council. She is helping out younger wizards along with their magic training while Lisa is helping them with learning magic. She is known for being adventurous and she never stays still. She is always moving around and unlike Lisa, she isn't very smart in terms of math and science. She has shoulder length blue, red, and white hair and green eyes.
Astrid Coyle. Weapon Wizard. 31 years old. She is usually training her soldiers of amazons to join the Alchemy Knights in the protection of Meca and the magic world. She is usually fighting Rashad due to their love of fighting for the same reason. She is always keeping Marla in line because Lisa is always has her head in a good book. She is usually with Louis with doing things along those lines. It is very much like they are dating but they're not. She has chin length black hair and brown eyes.
Lisa Alexander. Paper Wizard. 28 years old. She is always in the library teaching young wizards more about their magic while Marla helps him practice what they learned. She is usually reading a good book and she is use her favorite book in her magic. Her magic is rare and admired by Claude along with Juliet. She is helpful to building the guild hall with Louis because their magic works well together. She has neck length blond hair and brown eyes.
Andrea Reeves. Giant Wizard. 32 years old. She liked Noah but after he along with Ira left them to join Heroes and also the fact that they were former wizards of the guild. She grew stronger to fight and she hates Noah with a passion now. She has neck length blond hair and green eyes.
Lisa Harper. Letter and Sand Wizard. 32 years old. She hates Ira not because he rejected him and also she has the same name as one of the wizard saints. She is now more focused in her work now and she is determined to get herself a better guy. She has chin length brown hair and blue eyes.
Independent Guilds:
Primeval Genesis. This independent guild is more like a family due to their connection to Hex and black magic. They are currently on the beck and call of Heroes because of both Allison and Bob having a connection with every member of the guild. They became a legal guild after the defeat of Infernal Domination in the year X793.
James Henry. Darkness and Heaven Wizard. 27 years old. He is the current guild master with his relationship to Alice on thin ice because of him having a fling with Lila while Alice was with her daughter. He is in the dog house with both Alice and Allison right now since they are the same person but from different dimensions. He has chin length dark purple hair with brown eyes with a scar on his left cheek.
Prominent Members:
Anna Edwards/Raymond. Time Wizard. 29 years old. She is now married to Danny who makes her smile and the two help each other with their emotions. She is extremely kind and loving thanks to him and she hopes that she can help others with love. She had waist length dark purple hair with two shoulder length straps and brown eyes.
Kirk Brooks. Imagination Wizard. 26 years old. To the outside perspective, he and Sally are just friends but they are actually married. He is trying to make his wife smile but she isn't a fan of showing her emotions. He has gray hair and brown eyes.
Danny Raymond. Darkness and Ice Wizard. 30 years old. He married Anna which made happy to be alive. He visits his family's grave whenever he has a chance with Anna because he needs this to grow as a person and he tries to make the best life for Anna because he has a feeling that he is one day going to die. He is James's right hand while his wife is James's left hand. He has dark blue hair that goes down to his chin and blue eyes.
Alice Henry. Knight Wizard. 25 years old. She is very mad at her husband because James got Lila who Alice isn't a really big fan of to begin with fall in love with him. She is happy that Allison is helping their guild. She has shoulder length light green hair with blue eyes.
Sally Brooks. Solider Wizard. 25 years old. She is married to Kirk but she can't express her emotions whatsoever. Kirk is trying to get her both to smile but that is pushing a rock up a mountain. She has chin length gray hair and blue eyes.
Renee Rivera. Monster Wizard. 27 years old. She married her old friend Bryan since the two have been together for a very long time. He is still the normal Bryan with him being fabulous and that is why she loves him. She had wild mid-back length blond hair and blue eyes with her being able to mimic her monster.
Bryan Carter. Acid Wizard. 28 years old. He married Renee who is like an animal more and more but to him, he is still human. He however is considered the big brother of the guild because he is very mature for his age. He has his black hair usually in a pompadour and purple eyes.
Hamlet Blake aka Night. Darkness and Reflector Wizard. 27 years old. He hasn't really changed since he joined the guild. He however is more social with the other members mainly Helen who are very close. He has collarbone gray hair with purple strands and black eyes.
Finn Swift aka Quick. Slowing Wizard. 28 years old. He is more hyper because he is able to run free and nothing is holding him back. He is somewhat like Sonic but he has a lot of lovers all around the world. He is like Darin from Heroes in that way. He has chin length black hair with green, red, and yellow stripes and green eyes.
Mason Stone aka Harold/Close Orb. Earth and Heaven Eyes Wizard. 29 years old. He married Silvia and the two work well together because of the former crimes and also they are quite peaceful thanks to prison. He has armpit length purple hair and blue eyes.
Ray Demise aka Reaper. Scythe, Storm, and Wind.Wizard. 30 years old. He is the first one to make the change to join Primeval Genesis. He mainly spends time with Maria who is know for her amazing dancing. He has shoulder length silver hair and black eyes.
Erin Eruption aka Explosion/Ex. Explosion Wizard. 28 years old. She is determined to stay away from her older sister because she hates her luck. She is good friends with Marx and hates when her sister tries to talk with her. She has shoulder length brown hair with white strips and brown eyes.
Julius Ware. Rain Wizard and Slayer. 27 years old. He is Casey's first friend and he taught her water magic. He is trying to stay hidden from everyone and he doesn't want to hurt anyone with his magic. He was thought to be the Water Slayer but he is now the Water Slayer. He has chin length blue hair and blue eyes.
Julius Ware. Rain Wizard and Slayer. 27 years old. He is Casey's first friend and he taught her water magic. He is trying to stay hidden from everyone and he doesn't want to hurt anyone with his magic. He was thought to be the Water Slayer but he is now the Water Slayer. He has chin length blue hair and blue eyes.
Tonya Powell. Ultimate Wizard and Slayer. 26 years old. She is a girl who is by herself or with her Chreax partner in crime. She is still interested in Bob because of his power, his looks, and his huge heart. She caught up with him and Scampers on their training journey. She demanded that the two have a fling which Bob doesn't do since he is loyal to Allison and Stella. She has armpit length blond hair and blue eyes.
Aria Lightning. Darkness, Darkness Seals, Gravity, Ice, Lightning God Magic, and Time Wizard. 27 years old. She is a normal girl but she miss being a guy every day. She met up with Bob and the two trained their similar magic while Scampers tried to hide from the clashing lightning and thunder. She has shoulder length blond hair and red eyes.
Mandy Maxwell. Armor, Darkness, Darkness Seals, Fire, Imagination, and Tree Wizard. 26 years old. She is adjusting to being a girl rather well. She is still friends with Alice and Sally due to them being the same dimension and has better control of her magic. She has shoulder length pink hair and blue eyes.
Mind/Zero. Darkness/Unknown Wizard. 52 years old. He was the former master of Nine Prayers and he later became a member of Wicked Genocide. He was killed by his members of his guild and he wants revenge on them along with Heroes. Upon being revived by Enraged Paradox, he didn't want to work with them and he joined up with Bob which wasn't his most favorite plan. He has shoulder length white hair and red eyes.
Darren Evans. Darkness Wizard. 26 years old. He is Mona's older brother and he was killed by James who was thought to be control by the dark wizard Blake but it was really Anna. He forgive her and James but he is worried about Mona's revenge on him. He doesn't want to come back from the dead and he refuse to work for Enraged Paradox upon being revived him. He has a scar over his right eye, something made out of metal which covers his jaw, and he looks very strong. He has neck length purple hair and black eyes.
Gray Raymond Sr, the Devil's Passion. Passion Devil Wizard. 48 years old. He was Danny and Kurt's father until he was killed by Estrarum along with his wife. He and Francine were brought back once by Sezoch and they had to kill demons because they thought that their children were killed by demons but they were alive. He was killed by Kurt when he asked his son to die. He didn't want to come back because he just wanted to be dead. He refused to work for Enraged Paradox upon being revived again. He had ear length dark blue hair and blue eyes.
Nightmare aka Neil. Darkness and Tree Wizard. 25 years old. He was determined to fight anyone because it gives him joy. He was killed by him turning into a tree. He hates to fight for another dark guild because they brought no one strong with him. He saw Bob again and he challenge him to fight afterward. He decide to help Bob because he was bored. He has chin length dark purple hair and brown eyes.
Major Members:
Helen Stevens. Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water Wizard. 26 years old. She is happy to be with Hamlet because he is really good at writing poetry. He is more a pretty good singer and she wants to play for her guild with his lyrics. She has shoulder length light blue hair and white eyes.
Silvia Blade aka Shelly. Sword Wizard. 28 years old. She married Mason because of their good relationship that they got together in prison. She is helping Aria and Mandy adjust to being girls and it is a lot of work. She has mid-back length pink hair and blue eyes.
Maria Vaughn aka Holly. Charm, Dance, and Transformation/Creation Wizard. 29 years old. She is happy to be with Ray because she feels at home with him. She is known for teaching Lila how to charm James. She has chin length light green hair and blue eyes.
Val Powell. Bullet Wizard and Chreax. 19 years old. He is still with Tonya and usually the devil on her shoulder. He is good friends with Marx and he is not trying to stop Tonya for trying to seduce Bob because she likes him. He has brown hair and black eyes.
Marx Ware. Bomb Wizard and Chreax. 18 years old. She is helping both Erin with her explosion power and she helps her younger sister Jenny in secret because those two aren't on the best relationship. She has pink fur and black eyes.
Perry Blast. Burst Wizard. 29 years old. He is now able to control his magic better and now he can touch a person with little explosion excluding his enemies. If he feels hate for someone, he will blow them without hesitation. He has shoulder length black hair with silver stripes and brown eyes.
Hiusam, the Dark Water. Death Water Curse. ? years old. He joined up with Primeval Genesis due to him and Miza wanting revenge on Hex because of their design. He is very loyal to the group and he is helping out wherever he can. The top of his head is crimson and black eyes.
Miza, the Brutal Demon. Fighting Curse. ? years old. She joined the same guild as her fellow demon Hiusam. She is determined to fight someone strong like those wizards from Heroes. She respected James because of her power alone. She has chin length dark red hair and orange eyes.
Ike Laws. Acid Wizard and Slayer. 28 years old. He is a new member of Primeval Genesis. He was locked up due to his acid being able to burn through everything. He just did it for fun and he had magic sealing stones put around his entire body to at least control his acid. He was asked by James to join his guild with the master helping him control his acid thanks to Bryan. He has waist length purple hair and brown eyes.
Tonia Grooms. Weather Wizard and Slayer. 27 years old. She is a member of Primeval Genesis. Her magic is just like Krystal except Krystal knows how to control her magic with Tonia cutting lose more times that she can count up too. She is seen as a dumb blond because she is focused on finding something fun to do. She was asked by Anna to join the guild with her accepting after seeing how much fun that they can have. She has shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes.
Francine Raymond, Absolute Zero. Ice Wizard. 46 years old. She was Danny and Kurt's father until she was killed by Estrarum along with her husband. She and Gray were brought back once by Sezoch and they had to kill demons because they thought that their children were killed by demons but they were alive. She was killed by Kurt when she asked her son to die. She didn't want to come back because she just wanted to be dead. She refused to work for Enraged Paradox upon being revived again. She has shoulder length ice white hair and blue eyes.
Andrea. Cloning, Dark Sword, Earth, and Shockwave Wizard. 25 years old. She was killed by her guild for more power. She was brought back and she didn't want to work for another dark guild after being killed once before. She learned how to use a lot of new magic upon being revived. She has mid-back length white hair and blue eyes.
Dark Guilds:
Infernal Domination. This dark guild is known for being the true successors to the Bael Alliance due to their strength and their threat. They have a former member of Symbol in it but she is way stronger that she was ever in her former guild. They also have members of great power and their leader is way smarter who planned to sacrifice his men to bring a god just to Hex. Symbol was a joke and it is a bad idea. It was founded by Warren whose plan is to get revenge on everyone who made him mad and every member has someone who they hate. They also have a plan to take down the recently formed magic council with one of their members along with a super weapon which has the power of Divine Intervention, Fissure Smash (Abyss Break), Head, Magical Merging Mortar: Saturn, and Newton in one known as Ragnarok. They also have a powerful group of slayers who are really strong with their weapon Sapience.Tonia Grooms. Weather Wizard and Slayer. 27 years old. She is a member of Primeval Genesis. Her magic is just like Krystal except Krystal knows how to control her magic with Tonia cutting lose more times that she can count up too. She is seen as a dumb blond because she is focused on finding something fun to do. She was asked by Anna to join the guild with her accepting after seeing how much fun that they can have. She has shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes.
Francine Raymond, Absolute Zero. Ice Wizard. 46 years old. She was Danny and Kurt's father until she was killed by Estrarum along with her husband. She and Gray were brought back once by Sezoch and they had to kill demons because they thought that their children were killed by demons but they were alive. She was killed by Kurt when she asked her son to die. She didn't want to come back because she just wanted to be dead. She refused to work for Enraged Paradox upon being revived again. She has shoulder length ice white hair and blue eyes.
Andrea. Cloning, Dark Sword, Earth, and Shockwave Wizard. 25 years old. She was killed by her guild for more power. She was brought back and she didn't want to work for another dark guild after being killed once before. She learned how to use a lot of new magic upon being revived. She has mid-back length white hair and blue eyes.
Dark Guilds:
Warren Rhodes. Blast and Fissure Wizard. 59 years old. He made Infernal Domination to get back at Monsters for ruining his guild along with Bob, Chad, and Steve. He learned a new magic to explode a person based off their magic power. He has his shoulder length white hair up in the air with a beard that looks like an octopus tentacles.
Anita. Dark Sword, Cloning, Earth, Sacrifice/Summoning, Shockwave, and Virus Wizard. 23 years old. She was a member of Symbol. She took Andrea, Clinton, and V-8 out to get revenge on Bob and his group because they got destroyed by them. She has shoulder length pink hair and brown eyes.
Carla Palmer. Maker Wizard. 19 years old. She is still in love with Kurt of Heroes and she wants him or his son to have. She joined Warren's new guild to take Kurt for herself and kill or defeat any girl who likes him.
Dwight. Needle and Take Over Wizard. 21 years old. He lost to Brendan and he wanted revenge on him. He took Hugo's magic to get revenge on him and he killed Hugo to do it. He joined Warren's new guild to get revenge on Brendan. He has chin length blond hair and black eyes.
Ringo. Element and Shadow Wizard. 24 years old. He hates his former guild members for joining a guild aimed to stop Hex. He wants to get them all for revenge. He killed Rafael to go his magic to get stronger. He has rainbow afro hair with it reaching about his chin and brown eyes.
Tamara. Ghost and Smoke Wizard. 26 years old. She hates everyone in Heroes because of what Mordred taught her. She joined Warren's new guild to get revenge on the guild and she killed Opal to get power. She has bra strap white hair and red eyes.
Lewis Clark. Egg, Letter, and Sword Wizard. 33 years old. He combined his DNA with Clark. He killed him for his magic and DNA. He joined Warren's dark guild to have revenge on Heroes because of what he did to them. He looks like a mixture of both a chicken and a goat making one weird looking creature.
Seth. Doll and Telekinesis Wizard. 24 years old. He lost a lot of weight and he look handsome to women now. He took Oscar's doll from him and he killed him along with Daniel while he was there to be there. He joined Warren's guild to get revenge on Heroes for defeating him. He has shoulder length black hair and brown eyes.
Judy. Dispel, Guns, and Transformation Wizard. 31 years old. She was the girl of her guild but that changed upon joining Warren's guild. She took Billy's magic to make her revenge on Allison more perfect. She has waist length gray hair and brown eyes.
Sebastian. Absorption, Element, Guitar, Hair, and Jet Wizard. 24 years old. He was a member of Cursed Champions and he was lucky to have survived. He killed Kara and Sherman for a chance of revenge on Silvia. He changed his name. He has calf length black hair and black eyes.
Ebeixhar, the Armored. Assimilate Curse. ? years old. He was Zepoza's right hand man before Heroes killed her and their guild. He went to help get revenge on him mainly the boy who punched him aka Bob. He has red and blue striped body and yellow eyes.
Samuel Fuller. Darkness Wizard. 45 years old. He was the former master of Chaos Lords but Bob and company destroy his guild. He joined a dark guild to get his revenge but that failed thanks to Kurt and he wants revenge because he is determined now. He has shoulder length black hair and red eyes.
Mordred Hunter. Darkness, Illusion, and Paper Doll Wizard. 57 years old. He was a former member of Heroes but he was kicked out after trying to kill Bob. He then joined Warren's new guild to take his revenge on his kid, father, brother, and nephew. His magic evolved so that it is able to make his illusion real or fake by his choice. He has shoulder length black hair and black eyes.
Keith Wind. Air, Dark, Light, Mimic, and Wind Wizard. 29 years old. He hates Bob, Casey, and Johnny for destroying his first guild and betraying him. He joined Warren's new guild to have revenge on them and he joined it by killing Kerry aka Dark Serpent. He has waist length black hair and orange eyes.
Rickey Volcano. Fire, Light, and Lightning Wizard. 24 years old. He was a teacher but after he lost students, he joined Samuel along with Allen and Keith in his dark guild to have power back. He took Order's magic while killing her and he wants revenge on Heroes because Samuel promise him to have students back. He has black and white hair usually tied up into a Japanese-style top knot on the back of his head with the left side being black and right side being white with his left eye being yellow and his right eye being red with his bangs framing the sides of his face with a little stubble on his chin.
Allen Mountain. Darkness, Earth, and Grass Wizard. 32 years old. He was alone until he joined up with Samuel along with Keith and Rickey in his dark guild to kill Norman. He is going to kill the family. He killed Chaos's magic for his power. He has neck length green hair with it usually pointed upward and brown eyes.
Dust. Jackpot, Lightning, Sword, Telekinesis, and Weapon Wizard. 32 years old. He was the leader of a wizard group who fought against Bob. He took Arnold and turned him into a weapon for him to use a weapon against Bob for revenge. He killed Arnold to use as a weapon that can shift forms based on the user. He is hiding his true power being that he gained something from the Dragon Stone. He has shoulder length turquoise hair and green eyes.
Wolf, Explosion Maniac. Rocket Curse. ? years old. He is pissed off at Bob for destroying his home aka Underworld's guild hall. He joined up with former members to Warren's new guild. He doesn't mind working for a human if he gets to kill Bob with his curse. He has shoulder length red hair and red eyes.
Faye Lawrence. Mirror and Sound Wizard. 25 years old. She is an old and female friend from Chaos Lords aka Johnny's old guild and she has his first friend along with Dante. She was dating Dante before he died thanks to their guild hall turning into that robot. He saved her life and she was desperate for cash. She took several odd jobs and she got into a strong debt. Samuel told her that Dante was still alive and she wanted to see him again but she had to follow his orders. She heard about Heroes coming back and she wanted them to defeat this dark guild because of their plan. She has chin length light green hair and black eyes. She is Sue from Phantom Lord.
Son Vargas. Creation, Elimination, Hair, Lucerna Control, Shadow, and Undercover Wizard. 28 years old. He was an old member of Reaper's old guild. Eight years after his guild was defeated, He was asked by Reaper aka Ray to join his guild and he accepted without any hesitation. He is currently undercover in Infernal Domination because of their plans. He shaved himself bald to do this and he is able to regrow his jet black hair. He is able to switch his eye color and hair color using a combination of his Creation and Undercover magic. He is able to create things to help on his quest and he can change his appearance. He always has black earrings in both of his ears. His Lucerna Control magic allows him to control a demon that he created using dark magic to serve as his partner in crime and his name is Lullaby which is able to turn into a giant demon but its main form is a flute/sword. His main hair is chin length black hair and brown eyes.
Elliot Murdock. Claw, Page, and Weapon Wizard. 28 years old. He is an old friend of Kurt from his time after Jo's Sacrifice and him joining Heroes. He is usually seen as a nice and polite young man due to him being really polite. He enjoys others and he is working currently as a free agent for the magic council with him working undercover along with Son. He hates troublemakers and being very perceptive, he helped Kurt out with his issues and he is able to train Kurt in ways of his magic. His hands are known to be like Dragon Claws, he is able to summon a steel pipe which is very strong being able to be like thunder hitting the ground. He has chin length white hair and blue eyes. He looks like Pause.
Teresa Kelly. Clone, Copy, and Transformation Wizard. 30 years old. She is a former member of Heroes. Despite the fact that she is really strong with her magic, she was ignored because of the Slayers (Ana, Bob, Johnny, Kurt, Python, and X). Her transformation magic was ignored because of the transform siblings (Myra, Norman, and Sakura), She left Heroes in the time between the team from Strohx Island's disappearance and their return. She is the main part of the plan of Warren to get the magic council destroyed. She is able to clone herself over 100 hundred clones and she is able to copy any magic that she sees. However, the copy isn't that strong unlike the original magic. She is able to transform herself into anyone but she has to look a picture of the person who is she being transformed into. She has mid-back length brown hair and green eyes.
Emily Watson. Earth, Glowing, Light, Magic Partner, Mythology of Heroes, Prism, and Steel Animal Wizard. 28 years old. She was a former member of Heroes and she was ignored constantly mainly because of certain members mainly the females of the guild. She had a crush on X and she was pissed after seeing X kiss Myra right in front of her. She left Heroes in the time between the team from Strohx Island's disappearance and their return. Her glowing magic allows her to allow her hands and feet to glow causing a more stronger punch, her magic partner allows him to summon a familiar like creature to use as a weapon or other, prism magic allows her to make a prism for defense or a stronger version of magic, and Steel Animal allows her to make her fists into a steel animal that is stronger than a normal punch. She has shoulder length blond hair and gray eyes.
Chris Smith. Air Make, Darkness Make, Earth Make, Fire Make, Ice Make, Light Make, Memory Make, Paper Make, Sand Make, Steel Make, Water Make, and Wood Make Wizard. 22 years old. He is a former member of Heroes and he was super overshadowed by Kurt and Virgil due to their similar type magic and their personalities. He was trying to get attention from others but that blew up in his face. He mainly hates Alex and Ana because he was one of the younger members and those two then made him go into the shadows of the guild more. He left Heroes in the time between the team from Strohx Island's disappearance and their return. He can create stuff but unlike Kurt and Virgil, it is certain elements and he gets tired after doing too much. He has a shaven head because he didn't want to get bald when he is older and he has green eyes. His hair was formerly brown.
Randy Cook. Card, Guitar, Gun, Plant, Ring, Spirit, and Whip Wizard. 25 years old. He is a former member of Heroes. He was known as the item master but he was overshadowed by Brendan, Cyrus, Julie, Nick, and newcomer Stella. He tried to make himself obvious to everyone but he was ignored even though he looks cool but Stella was a cute girl. He was pissed and he was spiteful to any wizard who usually items in their magic. He left Heroes in the time between the team from Strohx Island's disappearance and their return. He is able to use a lot more items in his magic. He has an item called an Ocarina that when he plays it, he is able to reflect magic right back at the wizard. His chin length hair is black and his eyes are green.
Cherry Roman. Food Wizard and Slayer. 20 years old. She is from the farm with her looking extremely sexy to all of the boys. She was the belle of the farm being that she was good with every animal there. She was also spoke like a valley girl with adding like to every sentence and it had a faint but sweet accent to her voice. Her father used her magic mainly for her ability to use any form of food as a weapon and grow any food to make a lot of food for the market. She decided to leave the farm after hearing about the big city. She joined the Infernal Domination guild because she is like Angel did, she doesn't know about Dark Guilds and Legal Guilds. She actually forgot the name of her dragon family member because well, she ain't that bright. She is the youngest daughter with her three older sisters with them being less attractive than her but they are still very attractive. Her looks are even better than her mom. Her body is the prime example of fan service and the girls in the guild are super jealous of this corn-fed farmer daughter. She was a little pudgy but no one could notice it because guys don't care about that. She is a blond bombshell and she plays for both teams. She has hot pink acrylic nails with a thin waist, child birthing hips, dainty, delicate, and feminine hands, her chin length golden blond hair into big braids, her very big breasts, her plump lips usually with cherry lips sticks, soft and thick thighs, and high heeled sandals.
Leif Varela. Mud Wizard and Slayer. 26 years old. He is overweight with him looking like a giant beach ball and he is proud of this fact. Back in his hometown, you being overweight is attractive. To most people, it is obvious but he doesn't care. He is also known for wresting with pigs in his free time. He is like a male Cherry except he is the opposite of a hot blond. He was picked for his powers of the mud with people being shocked by his weight to even fight this guy or get drowned by his mud which have the effect to turn people into his loyal servant. He has ear length brown hair and brown eyes with his most obvious feature being his gut. It mostly has its own orbit.
Corina Strange. Sand Wizard and Slayer. 21 years old. She is a very interesting woman being that she is a girl who is very attractive. In her country, she was rated number one beauty in all of the known deserts with her looks rivaling the goddess of her country, She was given eternal beauty by the goddess of beauty. She however found a genie lamp and unlike most encounters with a genie, she actually used the genie for her own purposes. Her first wish was immense riches, her second wish was the ability to control the desert, and her final wish wasn't to let the genie go free. It was to gain its power with her power over the kingdom. She joined Infernal Domination with her Cherry being good friends and the two are usually together. A rumor is that the two sex goddess are seeing each other with neither girl saying no to that rumor. She forgot her dragon's name thanks to the genie's final demand. She has very wide hips, a large bubble but, long, thinned, and curved legs, sensitive skin and body, wide luscious hips, small torso, huge breasts being the same size as Cherry, small nose, plump lips formed into a pout, long eyelashes, round facial features, smaller head, rose red cheeks, a petite mole on both the left and right side of her cheek, shoulder length silky-smooth with it being permed and styled black hair, feminine and sultry voice, extremely slender stomach, soft skin without any rough edges on it whatsoever and it looked like it was moisturized, golden bands attacked to her arms and waists, and turquoise bedlah outfit showing off her midriff and belly button along with her legs plus matching shoes.
Nuria Sefaino. Magma Wizard and Slayer. 23 years old. She is the older sister of Rory and one of the princess of the Stoutogon Empire. She is a very confident woman with her being a princess, the eldest child, and hailed as a goddess, she was very narcissistic and confident. She drilled herself to be perfect for war which she loved a lot. She has the most fire power in the kingdom with her blue fire being the prime example of this. She is sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was expecting to be the new ruler of the kingdom but she wasn't picked. She hated Rory because of that and she sought to take her throne through illegal methods. She hired assassins to try and kill her with them failing due to the queen of the kingdom having bodyguards that were trained by a visiting Bob. After several hundred failed attempts, she left the kingdom with her most loyal Lavern and a mercenary by the name Tyson to get revenge on her younger sister for taking everything from her. She is seen as the leader of the Slayer team of Infernal Domination. She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. She is the master of the fire style and lightning style of the martial art. She has shoulder length black hair kept in a ponytail due to her royal status and gold eyes.
Lavern Harley. Cyclone Wizard and Slayer. 22 years old. She is the best friend to Nuria being her most loyal supporter. She is usually seen as a very nice girl with her cute looks but she loves to be pay attention with her usually having a new boyfriend every minute. She hated Rory because Nuria didn't like her sister. She was shocked and she tried to kill Rory for taking Nuria's spot as queen. She eventually left the kingdom with Nuria and the mercenary Tyson to get revenge on Rory. She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. She is able to destroy any magic spell with ease due to her very small fingers and she is an expert with the wind dancing across it. She has her shoulder length brown hair in a braided ponytail and brown eyes.
Tyson Milo. Mountain Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. He is a mercenary of the Stoutogon Empire and he is the best one of the bunch. He is seen as a man focused on his mission at all times and hates fun but he has a soft space for blondes and girls who show off a lot of skin. He is seen staring at girls using his magic but no one knows this. He now works with the princess Nuria and her friend because she pays a lot and both girls are hot. He like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. He is able to make huge earth using the art. He has neck length gray hair and his left eye which is red which is under the black side of his black and white mask with the white side being used as a excuse not to fight using both eyes.
Enraged Paradox. This dark guild is determined to bring back all the people who have died to serve under them to take over the world with an immortal army. However, they need a necromancer and they heard about the demon Sezoch. They plan to bring him back to take over the world but they had to do it on Klishsh Island where Erick is the guardian of. All of the grunts either use their fists or telekinesis magic to handle enemies. This guild operated in the year X791.
Nelson. Telekinesis Wizard. 29 years old. He was once defeated by Darin because he took his sacred picture of Tanya and not Royce. He gained a hatred for him and sought revenge on him. He learned about both Felecia and Vernon from the news and he sought the two to bring the dead which includes the demon Sezoch from Underworld. He looks Drum Bee. He is able to use Telekinesis to bring things to him without touching them. He mainly use his lance and something called Accumulate Beams 999 which are mini spears that caused damage to the person who gets taught them. He has ear length black hair and brown eyes.
Israel. 28 years old. Bomb Wizard. He is a really short guy on stilts. He once fought against a young Kurt but he was defeated by the young wizard. He survived barely and he really wants revenge on the young wizard by bringing back someone close to him to defeat him. He hates being called short and he is very strict on time. He will kill one of his guild members if they are off by a second. He looks like Nez Boom of Chrono Noise. His members mainly use their fists. He has chin length brown hair and blue eyes.
Ruby Klein. Telekinesis Wizard. 18 years old. She was alone because her home was destroyed by the dark guild Wicked Genocide in their prim. Cobalt saved her life and adopted her. She was given her magic by her older brother. She wants power and she joined the dark guild to get it. Her brother doesn't know about that. She has shoulder length light blue hair and brown eyes. She is a member of Enraged Paradox.
Hokr Blolvuf. 500 years old. He was a proud and strong barbarian king. He fought against Bob once and he was defeated due to the boy's magic. He sought power which turned into immortality along with a strong desire for rage and aggression. He wields a war hammer with the name Apocalypse Bludgeon which is made out of Obsidian and a bow known as Phantom Striker made out of Titanium. His hammer is able to bring back soldiers and wizards who have fallen in battle with his bow being able to pierce right through the heart. He has mid-back length black hair and red eyes. He is a member of Enraged Paradox.
Felecia Hawthorne. Resurrection Wizard. 21 years old. She was taken from her family by Enraged Paradox because of her ability to bring things back from the dead. However, it seems to be things like bunnies or small animals but the dark guild doesn't know that. She has bra strap length white hair and blue eyes. She was forced to join Enraged Paradox.
Vernon. Barrier, Priest, and Sacrifice/Summoning Wizard. 54 years old. He was a former priest of Symbol but he was taken by Enraged Paradox due to his ability to summon a god. However, he has a different plan in mind upon working with them. He has shoulder length blond hair and brown eyes.
Brent. Fire Wizard. 28 years old. He was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but he along with Cecilia, Juan, and Ron were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. He and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. He has chin length red hair and red eyes.
Juan. Ice Wizard. 29 years old. He was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but he along with Brent, Cecilia, and Ron were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. He and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. He has chin length white hair and black eyes.
Ron. Explosion Wizard. 30 years old.He was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but he along with Brent, Cecilia, and Juan were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. He and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. He has chin length brown hair and black eyes,
Cecilia. Gravity and Space Wizard. 34 years old. She was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but she along with Brent, Juan, and Ron were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. She and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. She has shoulder length black hair with gold stripes just like the night sky and purple eyes.
Kazor Underworld, Emperor of Hell/Ultimate Devil. Memento Mori, Spike Curse, and Triumph Curse. ? years old. He was the guild master of Underworld but he was killed by Hex in him failing to kill Bob and Hex. He wants revenge on Bob and Kurt for making him fall Hex and Final. He is still the same as he was alive. He has bra strap length usually in a pony tail dark purple hair and black eyes.
Zepoza, Goddess of the Demons. Enhance/Upgrade and Senses Curse. ? years old. She was killed by Allison and her desire to defeat Heroes who tried to stop her plan to bring back Final. She was brought back and she was happy to serve a new master for a chance to kill any Heroes that she gets her claw on. She had shoulder length dark purple hair and green eyes.
Hurricaner, the Immortal Disaster. Disaster Curse. ? years old. He was killed by Bob and X who were working together to defeat him and Miza. He forgot his name upon being revived once again so it took some time to remind him of his name. He has Decessus in his body making him a deadly force to wizard. He has neck length blond hair and blue eyes.
Rech, the Blade. Sword Curse. ? years old. He is very loud and very vulgar. However, he is able to make sure that he finds Ana, Bob, Dawn, Rose, and Z because they killed him. He wants to kill all humans upon being revived but learning of a chance that gets to kill Bob is something to make him work with human. He has pale blue skin and red eyes.
Sezoch, the Pitch-Dark Bishop. Necromancer Curse. ? years old. He contacted the guild master of Enraged Paradox to use his curse to bring him back. He wanted to be able to bring more people back from the dead and making him stronger than they were before. He still use Dreamweaver to hurt his enemies and he can use Decessus like Hurricaner. He has no hair and eyes.
Milorth. Dragon and Devil Wizard. 725 years old. Bob's Father. He has waist length dark blue hair and red eyes in his human form.
Avra. Dragon and Ice Wizard. 723 years old. Bob's Mother. She has shoulder length brown hair and emerald green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Eudes. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 702 years old. Bob's Older Brother. He has chin length blue hair and red eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Evelune. Dragon and Wind Wizard. 701 years old. Bob's Older Sister. She has neck length black hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Adela. Dragon and Lightning Wizard. 542 years old. Bob's First Wife. She has shoulder golden blond hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is very buxom.
Isata Yagami. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 536 years old. Bob's Second Wife. She has chin length fire red hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is flat as board.
Auizia Yagami. Dragon and Water Wizard. 541 years old. Bob's Third Wife. She has shoulder length blue hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is a major tsundere.
Sukie Yagami. Dragon and Ice Wizard. 536 years old. Bob's Fourth Wife. She had waist length white hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is a yandere.
Arturo Yagami. Dragon and Darkness Wizard. 517 years old. Bob's Oldest Child. He has chin length black hair and blue eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
David Yagami. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 516 years old. Bob's 2nd Oldest Child. He has ear length red hair and green eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Skye Yagami. Dragon and Light Wizard. 515 years old. Bob's 3rd Oldest Child. She has chin length golden blond hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Nathan Yagami. Dragon and Psychic Wizard. 513 years old. Bob's 4th Oldest Child. He has ear length purple hair and green eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Bruce Yagami. Dragon and Earth Wizard. 512 years old. Bob's 5th Oldest Child. He has shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Paris Yagami. Dragon and Water Wizard. 511 years old. Bob's 6th Oldest Child. She has ear length blue hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Aisha Yagami. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 507 years old. Bob's 7th Oldest Child. She has shoulder length red hair and brown eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Molly Yagami. Dragon and Air Wizard. 507 years old. Bob's 8th Oldest Child. She has ear length light blue hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Hugo. Take Over Wizard. 30 years old. He was killed by his former members for his magic and he wants revenge on them. He was brought back and he was happy to serve them if he got a chance to kill them. He has mid-back length dark blue hair and red eyes.
Xavier Ferris. Dispel, Fire, and Telekinesis Wizard. 147 years old. He was the guild master of the dark guild that ruled over Mural before Marie and the other founders arrived. He founded another guild to stop them which was known as Chaos Lords. He was killed by old age. He came back to get his revenge on the guild still. He doesn't know the truth about the guild being disbanded. He has chin length purple hair and brown eyes.
Vicious Plague. A dark guild with only sixteen members but every single member of the guild is from ten years into an alternative universe with added power and strength. This universe's Bob is their guild master and he is their strongest member without question.
Last Dynasty. This dark guild used to be very strong thanks to having Hex, Ninarth, and Milorth in their ranks. After the war between Heroes and to some extent the other guilds in Meca against Underworld, they fell in power. With Milorth and several members dead, Ninarth swears revenge on both Bob and Hex for killing his grandfather and guild respectively. Ninarth is also going after the Slayers as well.
Ninarth, the Destroyer. Dragon and God Wizard. 386 years old. He is like his father now being that he really hates Bob and Hex. He is able to stand Hex for a few minutes before he attacks him. He is very determined to kill Bob, Hex, and every Slayer in his way. He has chin length blond hair and red eyes.
Echo. Water and Sound Wizard and Mermaid. 19 years old. She is focused on two things. Killing Final and Hex because of what they did. She is still loyal to Ninarth and she will do anything to help him in their revenge. She has neck length coral hair and blue eyes.
Graytrunk. Plant Wizard and Evil Tree. Her ability to kill people with her plants has improved since she has been given power by Ninarth. She is going to strange Final and Hex for what they did to their guild. She had shoulder length green hair and red eyes.
Zadira. Darkness Wizard and Necromancer. Her ability to control the dead grew to be able to use the former member of Last Dynasty. Her Walkers are able to now turn into people that died and it is like Sezoch in a way. She has waist length black hair and red eyes.
Seven Demons of Karma. These seven demons were created by Karma who was rumored to be stronger than any of Hex's Demons any day of the week. Once the seven are defeated, Behemoth can come out to play.
Bloodsin. This mercenary guild is known for their members who mainly focus on physical strength along with magic-countering spells. They each go under intense training to improve both their strength and intellect. The few wizards who do use magic have only one rule in the guild being that if they fail one job, they are kicked out. They get made fun of constantly for it. They however take the personality of the people that they are working for. Their main duo are known as the Disappearing Siblings with one being a boy and girl. However, they are from the same country as Shattered Entities.Nuria Sefaino. Magma Wizard and Slayer. 23 years old. She is the older sister of Rory and one of the princess of the Stoutogon Empire. She is a very confident woman with her being a princess, the eldest child, and hailed as a goddess, she was very narcissistic and confident. She drilled herself to be perfect for war which she loved a lot. She has the most fire power in the kingdom with her blue fire being the prime example of this. She is sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was expecting to be the new ruler of the kingdom but she wasn't picked. She hated Rory because of that and she sought to take her throne through illegal methods. She hired assassins to try and kill her with them failing due to the queen of the kingdom having bodyguards that were trained by a visiting Bob. After several hundred failed attempts, she left the kingdom with her most loyal Lavern and a mercenary by the name Tyson to get revenge on her younger sister for taking everything from her. She is seen as the leader of the Slayer team of Infernal Domination. She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. She is the master of the fire style and lightning style of the martial art. She has shoulder length black hair kept in a ponytail due to her royal status and gold eyes.
Lavern Harley. Cyclone Wizard and Slayer. 22 years old. She is the best friend to Nuria being her most loyal supporter. She is usually seen as a very nice girl with her cute looks but she loves to be pay attention with her usually having a new boyfriend every minute. She hated Rory because Nuria didn't like her sister. She was shocked and she tried to kill Rory for taking Nuria's spot as queen. She eventually left the kingdom with Nuria and the mercenary Tyson to get revenge on Rory. She like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. She is able to destroy any magic spell with ease due to her very small fingers and she is an expert with the wind dancing across it. She has her shoulder length brown hair in a braided ponytail and brown eyes.
Tyson Milo. Mountain Wizard and Slayer. 24 years old. He is a mercenary of the Stoutogon Empire and he is the best one of the bunch. He is seen as a man focused on his mission at all times and hates fun but he has a soft space for blondes and girls who show off a lot of skin. He is seen staring at girls using his magic but no one knows this. He now works with the princess Nuria and her friend because she pays a lot and both girls are hot. He like the rest of the Stoutogon Empire can use the martial art style Saimbure which allows people who can't use magic to face off against wizards from any country. He is able to make huge earth using the art. He has neck length gray hair and his left eye which is red which is under the black side of his black and white mask with the white side being used as a excuse not to fight using both eyes.
Enraged Paradox. This dark guild is determined to bring back all the people who have died to serve under them to take over the world with an immortal army. However, they need a necromancer and they heard about the demon Sezoch. They plan to bring him back to take over the world but they had to do it on Klishsh Island where Erick is the guardian of. All of the grunts either use their fists or telekinesis magic to handle enemies. This guild operated in the year X791.
Nelson. Telekinesis Wizard. 29 years old. He was once defeated by Darin because he took his sacred picture of Tanya and not Royce. He gained a hatred for him and sought revenge on him. He learned about both Felecia and Vernon from the news and he sought the two to bring the dead which includes the demon Sezoch from Underworld. He looks Drum Bee. He is able to use Telekinesis to bring things to him without touching them. He mainly use his lance and something called Accumulate Beams 999 which are mini spears that caused damage to the person who gets taught them. He has ear length black hair and brown eyes.
Israel. 28 years old. Bomb Wizard. He is a really short guy on stilts. He once fought against a young Kurt but he was defeated by the young wizard. He survived barely and he really wants revenge on the young wizard by bringing back someone close to him to defeat him. He hates being called short and he is very strict on time. He will kill one of his guild members if they are off by a second. He looks like Nez Boom of Chrono Noise. His members mainly use their fists. He has chin length brown hair and blue eyes.
Ruby Klein. Telekinesis Wizard. 18 years old. She was alone because her home was destroyed by the dark guild Wicked Genocide in their prim. Cobalt saved her life and adopted her. She was given her magic by her older brother. She wants power and she joined the dark guild to get it. Her brother doesn't know about that. She has shoulder length light blue hair and brown eyes. She is a member of Enraged Paradox.
Hokr Blolvuf. 500 years old. He was a proud and strong barbarian king. He fought against Bob once and he was defeated due to the boy's magic. He sought power which turned into immortality along with a strong desire for rage and aggression. He wields a war hammer with the name Apocalypse Bludgeon which is made out of Obsidian and a bow known as Phantom Striker made out of Titanium. His hammer is able to bring back soldiers and wizards who have fallen in battle with his bow being able to pierce right through the heart. He has mid-back length black hair and red eyes. He is a member of Enraged Paradox.
Felecia Hawthorne. Resurrection Wizard. 21 years old. She was taken from her family by Enraged Paradox because of her ability to bring things back from the dead. However, it seems to be things like bunnies or small animals but the dark guild doesn't know that. She has bra strap length white hair and blue eyes. She was forced to join Enraged Paradox.
Brent. Fire Wizard. 28 years old. He was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but he along with Cecilia, Juan, and Ron were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. He and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. He has chin length red hair and red eyes.
Juan. Ice Wizard. 29 years old. He was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but he along with Brent, Cecilia, and Ron were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. He and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. He has chin length white hair and black eyes.
Ron. Explosion Wizard. 30 years old.He was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but he along with Brent, Cecilia, and Juan were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. He and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. He has chin length brown hair and black eyes,
Cecilia. Gravity and Space Wizard. 34 years old. She was a former member of the mercenary guild Bloodsin but she along with Brent, Juan, and Ron were kicked after losing to Bob, Kurt, Scampers, and Stella seven years ago. She and the three other kicked out members of Bloodsin join Enraged Paradox after that. She has shoulder length black hair with gold stripes just like the night sky and purple eyes.
Kazor Underworld, Emperor of Hell/Ultimate Devil. Memento Mori, Spike Curse, and Triumph Curse. ? years old. He was the guild master of Underworld but he was killed by Hex in him failing to kill Bob and Hex. He wants revenge on Bob and Kurt for making him fall Hex and Final. He is still the same as he was alive. He has bra strap length usually in a pony tail dark purple hair and black eyes.
Zepoza, Goddess of the Demons. Enhance/Upgrade and Senses Curse. ? years old. She was killed by Allison and her desire to defeat Heroes who tried to stop her plan to bring back Final. She was brought back and she was happy to serve a new master for a chance to kill any Heroes that she gets her claw on. She had shoulder length dark purple hair and green eyes.
Hurricaner, the Immortal Disaster. Disaster Curse. ? years old. He was killed by Bob and X who were working together to defeat him and Miza. He forgot his name upon being revived once again so it took some time to remind him of his name. He has Decessus in his body making him a deadly force to wizard. He has neck length blond hair and blue eyes.
Rech, the Blade. Sword Curse. ? years old. He is very loud and very vulgar. However, he is able to make sure that he finds Ana, Bob, Dawn, Rose, and Z because they killed him. He wants to kill all humans upon being revived but learning of a chance that gets to kill Bob is something to make him work with human. He has pale blue skin and red eyes.
Sezoch, the Pitch-Dark Bishop. Necromancer Curse. ? years old. He contacted the guild master of Enraged Paradox to use his curse to bring him back. He wanted to be able to bring more people back from the dead and making him stronger than they were before. He still use Dreamweaver to hurt his enemies and he can use Decessus like Hurricaner. He has no hair and eyes.
Milorth. Dragon and Devil Wizard. 725 years old. Bob's Father. He has waist length dark blue hair and red eyes in his human form.
Avra. Dragon and Ice Wizard. 723 years old. Bob's Mother. She has shoulder length brown hair and emerald green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Eudes. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 702 years old. Bob's Older Brother. He has chin length blue hair and red eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Evelune. Dragon and Wind Wizard. 701 years old. Bob's Older Sister. She has neck length black hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Adela. Dragon and Lightning Wizard. 542 years old. Bob's First Wife. She has shoulder golden blond hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is very buxom.
Isata Yagami. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 536 years old. Bob's Second Wife. She has chin length fire red hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is flat as board.
Auizia Yagami. Dragon and Water Wizard. 541 years old. Bob's Third Wife. She has shoulder length blue hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is a major tsundere.
Sukie Yagami. Dragon and Ice Wizard. 536 years old. Bob's Fourth Wife. She had waist length white hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox and she is a yandere.
David Yagami. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 516 years old. Bob's 2nd Oldest Child. He has ear length red hair and green eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Skye Yagami. Dragon and Light Wizard. 515 years old. Bob's 3rd Oldest Child. She has chin length golden blond hair and green eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Nathan Yagami. Dragon and Psychic Wizard. 513 years old. Bob's 4th Oldest Child. He has ear length purple hair and green eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Bruce Yagami. Dragon and Earth Wizard. 512 years old. Bob's 5th Oldest Child. He has shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Paris Yagami. Dragon and Water Wizard. 511 years old. Bob's 6th Oldest Child. She has ear length blue hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Aisha Yagami. Dragon and Fire Wizard. 507 years old. Bob's 7th Oldest Child. She has shoulder length red hair and brown eyes. He was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Molly Yagami. Dragon and Air Wizard. 507 years old. Bob's 8th Oldest Child. She has ear length light blue hair and blue eyes. She was brought back to serve Enraged Paradox.
Hugo. Take Over Wizard. 30 years old. He was killed by his former members for his magic and he wants revenge on them. He was brought back and he was happy to serve them if he got a chance to kill them. He has mid-back length dark blue hair and red eyes.
Xavier Ferris. Dispel, Fire, and Telekinesis Wizard. 147 years old. He was the guild master of the dark guild that ruled over Mural before Marie and the other founders arrived. He founded another guild to stop them which was known as Chaos Lords. He was killed by old age. He came back to get his revenge on the guild still. He doesn't know the truth about the guild being disbanded. He has chin length purple hair and brown eyes.
Vicious Plague. A dark guild with only sixteen members but every single member of the guild is from ten years into an alternative universe with added power and strength. This universe's Bob is their guild master and he is their strongest member without question.
Future Bob Yagami/Vlad Yagami, the Dragon Slayer King of Armageddon. Unknown/Thunder (a stronger version of Lightning) Wizard, Former Wizard Saint, and Power Slayer. 710 years old. This Bob is different from this universe Bob because he along with Kurt and Scampers went to go kill Hex and Ninarth which they did immensely. He along with Kurt and Scampers abandoned everyone in the guild and he became a dark wizard. He is known as the world's strongest and most evil wizard of all time. He can create demons like Hex but the two are way more deadly than any member in Underworld. He kills anyone who makes him mad which is real easy to do. He considers his guild members and everyone around him to be merely pawns because he is able to kill anyone with just a single motion from his power alone. He made Carnage and Venom like Hex did with Underworld but his demons is stronger than any other demon in Hex's deck of cards since both Carnage and Venom absorbed his universe's Final's powers before he killed him. He is currently connected to Bob from ten years in the past and from a different universe. He is able to use all of the same magic as Bob with him being able to destroy Magic Sealing Stones with ease. He looks the same except for his eyes color being that his right eye is red while his left eye is gold. His hair is still black and the same length. He has a scar on his left cheek which is a jagged blemish from his fight with Hex and Ninarth. He lost his right arm and his right leg in a fight with both Atlanteans and Amazons. He replaced them with advanced cybernetics along with it having increased magic power in them. He may have lost some limbs but he gained the fortress which can travel through space and time known as Prometheus Terminal. He wears the same clothes as Bob in the year X792 but it is way more demon lord like. He calls himself either the Dragon Slayer King of Armageddon or Vlad.
Future Scampers Yagami, the Grim Chreax. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. 19 years old. He is just like Marx and Val in terms that he is a killer now. He is still very loyal to Bob in this universe. He now stays in his battle form permanently because he got rid of his cuteness for power. He has the ability to use transform magic like Hugo which is way stronger than Hugo's magic. He will kill anyone who hurt anyone in his guild or Bob. He got rid of his crush of Dawn a long time ago when he killed her. He is in his battle form with him always ready for battle. He looks the same except older.
Mara Yagami, the Dragon Queen of Armageddon. Black Arts, Chaos God, Magnetism, Molecular, Radiation, and Reality Wizard. 708 years old. She is like Bob because they were both raised by dragons, abandoned by their family, and have loved many people. She met Bob when he was killing for no good reason. The two bonded and they married. She considered Carnage and Venom to be their children regardless of them not being at all related to each other. She kills people alongside her husband and she is considered to be extremely stronger than all of the women in Bob's life up to that point. She has a scar that goes across her right eyebrow which is very much a blemish on her perfect face. She is extremely beautiful to all women in the world. She has long gray hair that goes to her shoulders, gold eyes, and she is usually wearing clothing that are sexy and extremely practical.
Future Kurt Raymond, the Devil Slayer. Control, Disaster Curse, Enhance/Upgrade Curse, Ice and Passion Slayer, Air, Darkness, Earth, Explosion, Fire, Ice, Light/Holy, Lightning, Metal, Passion, Poison, Shadow, and Water Devil Wizard, Memento Mori Curse, Rocket Curse, Sense Curse, and Spike Curse. 29 years old. This Kurt went to go kill demons and take their curses for himself. He then took his universe's Ausarion, Bolobur, Caobur, Draodono, Ebeixhar, Final, Hiusam, Hurricaner, Kazor, Lich, Miza, Rech, Scurro, Sezoch, Wolf, Zarx, Zepoza, and Zimsa's curses after he killed them. He had Bob give him immense power and the ability to control anything or anyone. He is also able to kill demons with a lot more than just Passion. His entire body excluding his right eye is now completely demonic and he is completely loyal to Bob and Layla without question. He is also smarter than this dimension's Kurt and he isn't too kind to most people unlike Kurt. His hair is still blue and his right eye is blue while his left eye is red. He wears clothing that is able to be taken off with a second due to his stripping habit which is still alive to this day.
Layla Rivas/Raymond. Reality Wizard. 28 years old. This girl was gifted to be able to bend reality itself. However, she is able to fully use her power without any problems unlike Zara. She was taken by this universe's magic council to control her powers. However, this world's Zero basically tortured her for over ten years of her life. She was saved by Kurt who decided to kill the man for torturing her. He taught her how to control her magic with the two falling in love. She is the only one beside Bob that Kurt is loyal to with her being friends with the other woman. She usually stays on Prometheus Terminal because she is able to work with it because it just works with her better. She has shoulder length red and white hair and blue eyes.
Venom Yagami, The Powerful Demon. Unknown Curse. 10 years old. This demon was created by Bob thanks to him combining several different and deadly black arts to make him. He is seen as a slime creature with claws that are able to rip through anything that Venom wants, grow into any size and change shape with ease, it can see around its entire body and this includes through buildings, immune to psychic attacks, form fangs and bladed weapons out of their limbs, form tendrils from any part of the body, able to shape shift into different people, the ability to camouflage himself, sticking himself to wall, producing toxins and venoms with ease, can hold things inside of his body, and able to survive any form of environment. He seems unstoppable but he has a strange weakness. Only he and Bob know it because of the risk behind it. If you find out, it is already too late for you. His body is black with glowing red eyes.
Carnage Yagami, the Killer Demon. Unknown Curse. 9 years old. This demon was also created like Venom with the same way as he created Venom. She is like Venom except more dangerous. She is seen as a slime creature with claws that are able to rip through anything that Carnage wants, grow into any size and change shape with ease, it can see around its entire body and this includes through buildings, immune to psychic attacks, form fangs and bladed weapons out of their limbs, form tendrils from any part of the body, able to shape shift into different people, the ability to camouflage herself, sticking herself to wall, producing toxins and venoms with ease, can hold things inside of er body, and able to survive any form of environment. She seems unstoppable but she has a strange weakness. Only she and Bob know it because of the risk behind it. If you find out her dirty little secret, it is already too late for you. Her body is crimson red with gold eyes.
Leech Nightmare, the Drainer of Life and Magic. Darkness, Heaven, Parasite, and Tree Wizard. 42 years old. He is a mixture of both James and Nightmare in this universe. His powers kept him alone after he killed everyone in the area with his parasite magic. He met Bob and Scampers when the two were looking for strong wizards. Bob helped him with controlling his power. He is able to take a person's life force for more power along with if they are a wizard, stealing their powers. He takes the hair of the person's ability so if they are a fire wizard with red hair, Leech gets red hair and a stronger fiery force to him. He wants to have a relationship but that isn't possible. He is bald with red eyes. He wears a black hoodie with black jeans and he looks very much out of place in the dark guild.
Indira Reaves, the Mistress of Fate. String Wizard. 41 years old. She has the ability to control a person using strings which she creates out of thin air. She was known for causing government to fall using the person in power to make the people hate them. She was asked by Bob to join her guild at the cost of killing of all of her men which she did without hesitation. She is extremely arrogant, prideful, and carefree. She isn't scared of anything excluding Bob when he is angry. She is also sadistic meaning that she makes her enemies to feel pain. She has long blond hair and emerald green eyes. She wears a red Chinese dress known as qipao with matching heels.
Sabra Avila. Machine Wizard. 31 years old. She is a human and robot hybrid. She came from a tribe of her people but all of them excluding her were killed by a group of wizards from a nearby kingdom with her swearing revenge on them and the kingdom itself. She met Bob and Garth who were going to destroy the kingdom for not paying the tax for letting them live. She asked them if they could join her with Garth testing her resolve for revenge. She showed it by destroying several members of her kind to prove her loyalty to the two. Bob allowed her to come with the two with her finally getting her revenge on the people who killed her family. After killing the group of wizards, she was asked to join the team with her accepting it after squashing the wizard who killed her parents's head. She has shoulder length black hair in a ponytail and her left eye is blue with the right eye being cybernetic along with her right arm. She has this bad girl going for her.
Future Dante Evermore, The God Slayer. Metal God, Poison God, Water God, Darkness God, Shadow God, Passion God, Ice God, Earth God, Light/Holy God, Lightning God, Wind God, Explosion God, Sound, and Fire God Magic Wizard. 36 years old. He was an old friend of Faye and Johnny from Chaos Lord. He sought power to defeat Heroes in his universe. He saw Johnny betray his guild when he saw his guild mark which was now a sword aka heroes and he started to train himself. He taught himself many different god magics thanks to over fifteen years of studying and training. He wanted to fight Johnny but he saw Bob already killed the metal slayer. He joined up with Bob after Dante saw his power against other wizards who tried to stop him. He acts or looks extremely different than his younger counterpart. He had white hair with red eyes usually under a pair of black sunglasses with gold shades. He looks like a cool dude.
Shantae Salas, The Reaper of Dance. Dance/Music Wizard. 34 years old. She is a powerful musician with the ability to use music as her music which is deadly. She can dance and combine it with her music to create a huge destructive force. She was asked by Kurt to join and she was happy after hearing their strength along with seeing Kurt's strength against their universe's magic council. She hates when someone tells her the obvious and she doesn't fight except if she has a reason. She also very cautious due to her past of working with some bad people. She had white hair usually in a ponytail and light blue eyes. She wears a black bedlah with matching shoes with gold earrings, bead, and cuffs. She also has a diamond necklace around her.
Eclipse Jason, Spirit Kaiser. Dark Ice, Dark Light, Dark Water, Dark Fire, Dark Wind, Dark Earth, and Constellation Wizard. 29 years old. Jason along with Ariel teamed up with Bob after Hex killed Allison and Stella right in front of Bob causing him to rage and murder the dark wizard. He gained powers over darkness along with the power of Eldon, the Spirit Emperor. He is usually only serving Bob and if he sees a Stella again, he ignores them. He is cold to anyone other than Ariel and Bob. He is loyal to him and will do anything to serve them. He is wearing black and crimson plate armor with chain mail underneath it with his hair being more of a mane along with a evil look.
Eclipse Ariel, Spirit Empress. Black Hole, Earth, Fire, Gas, Ice, Lightning, Magma, Mud, Sand, Smoke, Take Over, and Water. 28 years old. She and Jason joined with Bob after he killed Hex right after he killed Allison and Stella. She gained more power along with the power of Eldon, the Spirit Emperor. She now looks like a little girl with the ability to go back to her adult mermaid, her adult human form, and her child mermaid form with just a thought. She had the same blue hair and light blue eye color as her normal counterpart. It is shorter and in pigtails when she is in her child forms and her normal hair in her adult forms. She is prone to having fun and hates being called mean or when people don't play with her. She talks in the third person in all forms. She doesn't know right from wrong and she will cry if no one plays with her. She wears the same armor as Jason but more cute and feminine with her child forms looking cute while the adult forms are sexy.
Future Bob Yagami/Vlad Yagami, the Dragon Slayer King of Armageddon. Unknown/Thunder (a stronger version of Lightning) Wizard, Former Wizard Saint, and Power Slayer. 710 years old. This Bob is different from this universe Bob because he along with Kurt and Scampers went to go kill Hex and Ninarth which they did immensely. He along with Kurt and Scampers abandoned everyone in the guild and he became a dark wizard. He is known as the world's strongest and most evil wizard of all time. He can create demons like Hex but the two are way more deadly than any member in Underworld. He kills anyone who makes him mad which is real easy to do. He considers his guild members and everyone around him to be merely pawns because he is able to kill anyone with just a single motion from his power alone. He made Carnage and Venom like Hex did with Underworld but his demons is stronger than any other demon in Hex's deck of cards since both Carnage and Venom absorbed his universe's Final's powers before he killed him. He is currently connected to Bob from ten years in the past and from a different universe. He is able to use all of the same magic as Bob with him being able to destroy Magic Sealing Stones with ease. He looks the same except for his eyes color being that his right eye is red while his left eye is gold. His hair is still black and the same length. He has a scar on his left cheek which is a jagged blemish from his fight with Hex and Ninarth. He lost his right arm and his right leg in a fight with both Atlanteans and Amazons. He replaced them with advanced cybernetics along with it having increased magic power in them. He may have lost some limbs but he gained the fortress which can travel through space and time known as Prometheus Terminal. He wears the same clothes as Bob in the year X792 but it is way more demon lord like. He calls himself either the Dragon Slayer King of Armageddon or Vlad.
Future Scampers Yagami, the Grim Chreax. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. 19 years old. He is just like Marx and Val in terms that he is a killer now. He is still very loyal to Bob in this universe. He now stays in his battle form permanently because he got rid of his cuteness for power. He has the ability to use transform magic like Hugo which is way stronger than Hugo's magic. He will kill anyone who hurt anyone in his guild or Bob. He got rid of his crush of Dawn a long time ago when he killed her. He is in his battle form with him always ready for battle. He looks the same except older.
Mara Yagami, the Dragon Queen of Armageddon. Black Arts, Chaos God, Magnetism, Molecular, Radiation, and Reality Wizard. 708 years old. She is like Bob because they were both raised by dragons, abandoned by their family, and have loved many people. She met Bob when he was killing for no good reason. The two bonded and they married. She considered Carnage and Venom to be their children regardless of them not being at all related to each other. She kills people alongside her husband and she is considered to be extremely stronger than all of the women in Bob's life up to that point. She has a scar that goes across her right eyebrow which is very much a blemish on her perfect face. She is extremely beautiful to all women in the world. She has long gray hair that goes to her shoulders, gold eyes, and she is usually wearing clothing that are sexy and extremely practical.
Future Kurt Raymond, the Devil Slayer. Control, Disaster Curse, Enhance/Upgrade Curse, Ice and Passion Slayer, Air, Darkness, Earth, Explosion, Fire, Ice, Light/Holy, Lightning, Metal, Passion, Poison, Shadow, and Water Devil Wizard, Memento Mori Curse, Rocket Curse, Sense Curse, and Spike Curse. 29 years old. This Kurt went to go kill demons and take their curses for himself. He then took his universe's Ausarion, Bolobur, Caobur, Draodono, Ebeixhar, Final, Hiusam, Hurricaner, Kazor, Lich, Miza, Rech, Scurro, Sezoch, Wolf, Zarx, Zepoza, and Zimsa's curses after he killed them. He had Bob give him immense power and the ability to control anything or anyone. He is also able to kill demons with a lot more than just Passion. His entire body excluding his right eye is now completely demonic and he is completely loyal to Bob and Layla without question. He is also smarter than this dimension's Kurt and he isn't too kind to most people unlike Kurt. His hair is still blue and his right eye is blue while his left eye is red. He wears clothing that is able to be taken off with a second due to his stripping habit which is still alive to this day.
Layla Rivas/Raymond. Reality Wizard. 28 years old. This girl was gifted to be able to bend reality itself. However, she is able to fully use her power without any problems unlike Zara. She was taken by this universe's magic council to control her powers. However, this world's Zero basically tortured her for over ten years of her life. She was saved by Kurt who decided to kill the man for torturing her. He taught her how to control her magic with the two falling in love. She is the only one beside Bob that Kurt is loyal to with her being friends with the other woman. She usually stays on Prometheus Terminal because she is able to work with it because it just works with her better. She has shoulder length red and white hair and blue eyes.
Venom Yagami, The Powerful Demon. Unknown Curse. 10 years old. This demon was created by Bob thanks to him combining several different and deadly black arts to make him. He is seen as a slime creature with claws that are able to rip through anything that Venom wants, grow into any size and change shape with ease, it can see around its entire body and this includes through buildings, immune to psychic attacks, form fangs and bladed weapons out of their limbs, form tendrils from any part of the body, able to shape shift into different people, the ability to camouflage himself, sticking himself to wall, producing toxins and venoms with ease, can hold things inside of his body, and able to survive any form of environment. He seems unstoppable but he has a strange weakness. Only he and Bob know it because of the risk behind it. If you find out, it is already too late for you. His body is black with glowing red eyes.
Carnage Yagami, the Killer Demon. Unknown Curse. 9 years old. This demon was also created like Venom with the same way as he created Venom. She is like Venom except more dangerous. She is seen as a slime creature with claws that are able to rip through anything that Carnage wants, grow into any size and change shape with ease, it can see around its entire body and this includes through buildings, immune to psychic attacks, form fangs and bladed weapons out of their limbs, form tendrils from any part of the body, able to shape shift into different people, the ability to camouflage herself, sticking herself to wall, producing toxins and venoms with ease, can hold things inside of er body, and able to survive any form of environment. She seems unstoppable but she has a strange weakness. Only she and Bob know it because of the risk behind it. If you find out her dirty little secret, it is already too late for you. Her body is crimson red with gold eyes.
Leech Nightmare, the Drainer of Life and Magic. Darkness, Heaven, Parasite, and Tree Wizard. 42 years old. He is a mixture of both James and Nightmare in this universe. His powers kept him alone after he killed everyone in the area with his parasite magic. He met Bob and Scampers when the two were looking for strong wizards. Bob helped him with controlling his power. He is able to take a person's life force for more power along with if they are a wizard, stealing their powers. He takes the hair of the person's ability so if they are a fire wizard with red hair, Leech gets red hair and a stronger fiery force to him. He wants to have a relationship but that isn't possible. He is bald with red eyes. He wears a black hoodie with black jeans and he looks very much out of place in the dark guild.
Indira Reaves, the Mistress of Fate. String Wizard. 41 years old. She has the ability to control a person using strings which she creates out of thin air. She was known for causing government to fall using the person in power to make the people hate them. She was asked by Bob to join her guild at the cost of killing of all of her men which she did without hesitation. She is extremely arrogant, prideful, and carefree. She isn't scared of anything excluding Bob when he is angry. She is also sadistic meaning that she makes her enemies to feel pain. She has long blond hair and emerald green eyes. She wears a red Chinese dress known as qipao with matching heels.
Tova Wingate. Blood, Liquid, and Water Wizard. 40 years old. She is a master of bending people to her command by using their blood in their body. She is able to control them like Indira except she could be on the other side of the world and still control someone. She can also do this with her eyes closed. She was selected by Bob to help control the wizard with her trying to control the dark wizard with him stopping that by almost killing the woman using his magic. She didn't him for an enemy at all because of his temper to the rest of his team. She can control any form of liquid with her magic being very deadly. She has shoulder length light gray and brown eyes.
Garth Stark, Guardian Soldier. Armor and Chronicle Wizard. 32 years old He is very rebellious and very antisocial. He even ignores Bob's direct orders and he doesn't want to much work leaving it to his partners that he is currently working for. He is able to see in the heart of his opponent and bring a person who is very special to them to life. It is the real deal and he is able to bring them back from the dead to work under him. He loves fighting and being entertained due to him being a former prince. He loves to tell his opponents about his power while making fun of his teammates whey they are losing the fight. He respect Bob and people of great power because he knows that they will kill if he doesn't. His magic is able to bring back the dead and they are able to break free of his control if they have a strong will. If they do that, he gets rid of them. They can be defeated by making them fear you or defeat them in battle. His magic is using memories of friends and foes of the past to fight with and cause heart ache in the process. He is also about to done suits of armor which seems to be very high tech and each one is similar to each other but somewhat different. He has long pink hair kept in a pony tail and glowing blue eyes.Sabra Avila. Machine Wizard. 31 years old. She is a human and robot hybrid. She came from a tribe of her people but all of them excluding her were killed by a group of wizards from a nearby kingdom with her swearing revenge on them and the kingdom itself. She met Bob and Garth who were going to destroy the kingdom for not paying the tax for letting them live. She asked them if they could join her with Garth testing her resolve for revenge. She showed it by destroying several members of her kind to prove her loyalty to the two. Bob allowed her to come with the two with her finally getting her revenge on the people who killed her family. After killing the group of wizards, she was asked to join the team with her accepting it after squashing the wizard who killed her parents's head. She has shoulder length black hair in a ponytail and her left eye is blue with the right eye being cybernetic along with her right arm. She has this bad girl going for her.
Future Dante Evermore, The God Slayer. Metal God, Poison God, Water God, Darkness God, Shadow God, Passion God, Ice God, Earth God, Light/Holy God, Lightning God, Wind God, Explosion God, Sound, and Fire God Magic Wizard. 36 years old. He was an old friend of Faye and Johnny from Chaos Lord. He sought power to defeat Heroes in his universe. He saw Johnny betray his guild when he saw his guild mark which was now a sword aka heroes and he started to train himself. He taught himself many different god magics thanks to over fifteen years of studying and training. He wanted to fight Johnny but he saw Bob already killed the metal slayer. He joined up with Bob after Dante saw his power against other wizards who tried to stop him. He acts or looks extremely different than his younger counterpart. He had white hair with red eyes usually under a pair of black sunglasses with gold shades. He looks like a cool dude.
Shantae Salas, The Reaper of Dance. Dance/Music Wizard. 34 years old. She is a powerful musician with the ability to use music as her music which is deadly. She can dance and combine it with her music to create a huge destructive force. She was asked by Kurt to join and she was happy after hearing their strength along with seeing Kurt's strength against their universe's magic council. She hates when someone tells her the obvious and she doesn't fight except if she has a reason. She also very cautious due to her past of working with some bad people. She had white hair usually in a ponytail and light blue eyes. She wears a black bedlah with matching shoes with gold earrings, bead, and cuffs. She also has a diamond necklace around her.
Eclipse Jason, Spirit Kaiser. Dark Ice, Dark Light, Dark Water, Dark Fire, Dark Wind, Dark Earth, and Constellation Wizard. 29 years old. Jason along with Ariel teamed up with Bob after Hex killed Allison and Stella right in front of Bob causing him to rage and murder the dark wizard. He gained powers over darkness along with the power of Eldon, the Spirit Emperor. He is usually only serving Bob and if he sees a Stella again, he ignores them. He is cold to anyone other than Ariel and Bob. He is loyal to him and will do anything to serve them. He is wearing black and crimson plate armor with chain mail underneath it with his hair being more of a mane along with a evil look.
Eclipse Ariel, Spirit Empress. Black Hole, Earth, Fire, Gas, Ice, Lightning, Magma, Mud, Sand, Smoke, Take Over, and Water. 28 years old. She and Jason joined with Bob after he killed Hex right after he killed Allison and Stella. She gained more power along with the power of Eldon, the Spirit Emperor. She now looks like a little girl with the ability to go back to her adult mermaid, her adult human form, and her child mermaid form with just a thought. She had the same blue hair and light blue eye color as her normal counterpart. It is shorter and in pigtails when she is in her child forms and her normal hair in her adult forms. She is prone to having fun and hates being called mean or when people don't play with her. She talks in the third person in all forms. She doesn't know right from wrong and she will cry if no one plays with her. She wears the same armor as Jason but more cute and feminine with her child forms looking cute while the adult forms are sexy.
Last Dynasty. This dark guild used to be very strong thanks to having Hex, Ninarth, and Milorth in their ranks. After the war between Heroes and to some extent the other guilds in Meca against Underworld, they fell in power. With Milorth and several members dead, Ninarth swears revenge on both Bob and Hex for killing his grandfather and guild respectively. Ninarth is also going after the Slayers as well.
Ninarth, the Destroyer. Dragon and God Wizard. 386 years old. He is like his father now being that he really hates Bob and Hex. He is able to stand Hex for a few minutes before he attacks him. He is very determined to kill Bob, Hex, and every Slayer in his way. He has chin length blond hair and red eyes.
Echo. Water and Sound Wizard and Mermaid. 19 years old. She is focused on two things. Killing Final and Hex because of what they did. She is still loyal to Ninarth and she will do anything to help him in their revenge. She has neck length coral hair and blue eyes.
Graytrunk. Plant Wizard and Evil Tree. Her ability to kill people with her plants has improved since she has been given power by Ninarth. She is going to strange Final and Hex for what they did to their guild. She had shoulder length green hair and red eyes.
Zadira. Darkness Wizard and Necromancer. Her ability to control the dead grew to be able to use the former member of Last Dynasty. Her Walkers are able to now turn into people that died and it is like Sezoch in a way. She has waist length black hair and red eyes.
Seven Demons of Karma. These seven demons were created by Karma who was rumored to be stronger than any of Hex's Demons any day of the week. Once the seven are defeated, Behemoth can come out to play.
Beelzebub. Darkness Curse. ? years old. He considers that he is way stronger than a normal demon but compared to the others, he is nothing. He is able to control all forms of darkness with ease. This demon is something out of a horror movie. He has jet black claws with a long and scaly tail with a very sharp tip with two horns on the top of his head, and huge canines that are red because of all of the humans that he killed. He is the demon of Sloth.
Lucifer. Desert Curse. ? years old. This demon is able to create sand from anywhere in his path. This demon has a single horn on the left side of his head with his right horn was cut off in a fight with a wizard who used a sword. His snout is a dark red color due to it being dried human blood with him having yellow teeth due to her not brushing and having teeth sharp enough to cut through solid steel with ease. He has scratches and scars all across his body due to him being a warrior of great strength. His arms have sharp thorns all over them and he has two large claws on the end of his hands. He is the demon of Greed.
Loki. Venom Curse. ? years old. This demon is always jealous of others making sure that he is trying to kill everyone in his path. He won't stop until the death of all is there. This demon seems to be over 200 feet tall and He looks like an eel. He has the head of a shark and a poisonous stringer on the end of its tail. He is extremely strong and he is able to make poison that is even able to affect people with great immune systems. He is the demon of Envy.
Ashura. Moonlight Curse. ? years old. He considered himself to be the strongest demon that Karma created and he considers humans to be nothing but bugs in their path itself. He kills just to have fun and he does at it the thick on night. This demon is able to read minds and he grows stronger when the sky above him turns to darkness and the moon gives him enhanced durability. He looks to be the same size as Norman's ultimate beast transformation spell. He has magical scales that covers his entire body and it is similar to an spike and steel mixture. He says that it will take a lot of damage before the scale cracks even a bit. He is very strong with him being able to survive several spells of great power before showing any signs of stopping. He has long and sprouting sharp crimson red claws from the blood of his victims. He has black fur with white marking all over his body and it glows when he is stronger. He has razor sharp fangs and giant horns. He always has a pair of black pants on him. He is the demon of Gluttony with a stomach for destruction.
Satan. Darkness and Hell Fire Curse. ? years old. He considers himself to be a proud demon with him staying in hiding to protect himself from the Slayers which are the one who could cause the end of demons along with dragon. He is able to use darkness like the Demon of sloth but he combines it with his hellfire to make sure that anything in his path is truly destroyed before he goes to his next target. He has jet black hair with a raven tattoo on his right cheek and he tends to wear clothing of a punk musician. He is the Demon of Pride.
Lilith. Attraction Curse. ? Years. She takes power from everything along with the ability to control them using her curse. She wants to be strong to be the one that Hades wants to love for the rest of time. She has the ability to take anyone that she meets magic and their talents along with control similar to Zimsa except it truly affects them. She tends to dress quite scantily and it is the end of all days if she will wear something of class. She has long black hair and gray/red eyes. She is the Demon of Lust.
Hades. Final Curse. ? Years old. He is the strongest demon created by Karma second only to Karma and Behemoth. He is the end of days when he decides to fight and he gets stronger with every second passing in a fight. When he is about to be defeated, he gains ten times more his normal power. He is able to break through anything and he is able to kill a lot of things with just a single thought. He looks like a human male with demon like features. He is the Demon of Wrath.
Dark Stars. This dark guild was hired by someone called the Glacial Sultan to protect the Mansion of the Damned. They are very similar to Cursed Champions but they only seem to take protection jobs and they try not to kill anyone who ends up the mansion for either good or bad reasons. They sometimes have to kill if they feel the threat is dangerous enough. Dark Stars is a team of six elite wizards or seven if you count the bat who can use magic and talking. They also have some help being the guards who can use magic along with the other wizards who are there and they are old friends of a wizard who recently joined Heroes.
Malik Larsen/Creator. Unknown Wizard. 36 years old. He considers himself to be the creator of the known universe and it didn't help that everyone around him worship him because of his magic power being higher than most growing up. He grew up with him gaining a love of hurting small animals and it turned him into a major sadist with him smiling at pain from anyone who comes in his hair. He is like Mind from the now dissolved Nine Prayers, he has a way more powerful side known only as the Creator. He always seem to be reading something from the book that is always in his left hand and it allows him to cast some powerful spells without using his magic power. He has long dirty blond hair with the creator having pale white hair about the same length. The two of them have glowing red eyes and the strange markings on his body doesn't have anything to do with bringing out Creator, Malik dress like a priest while the Creator dress like a god.
Edgar Willis. Reality Wizard. 19 years old. He seems to believe in the art of being a man who cares about women with him always trying to impress them and if they don't like him, he kills them. He hates being rejected and he will kill anyone who doesn't him a chance to fight. He is able to make realities out of thin air. He has his brown hair combined neatly with him having a cleanly shaven face with a formal black suit.
Zoom. Speed Wizard. ? years old. He is a silent man. He does his job without question and he tends to be focused on the job at hand instead of having fun. He is able to move at supersonic speeds with him being able to go straight through walls with ease. He wears something that a race car driver would wear and it is a red color from all the people that he has killed. His eye color and hair color are unknown.
Nigel Alvarado. Arc Wizard. 28 years old. He is a man who loves to fight regardless and he tends to make friends with the people who he is trying to kill making him stronger in the long reason of things. He dress like a knight and he strangely able to move fast in it. He wield a matching sword and shield. He has long blond hair and green eyes. His Arc Magic is very diverse and powerful. It allows the user to make a door appear out of thin are which allows the person or group to travel anywhere with ease, upon touching something he is able to take control of if it is moving or standing still along with controlling an object, able to merge with magic or things around him to gain power, able to make anythings out of thin air, able to control the four main elements (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) and along with their sub variations, able to get rid of things with just a thought, able to control magic and send it right back, and able to copy a magic just by seeing it.
Melissa Frazier. Insect Wizard. 22 years old. She has always been alone except for the insects who traveled right toward her. She hates when someone hurts them and she will get her revenge on them. She is able to control all forms of insects and able to freeze a target by just looking at them. She looks similar to a human insect with her calling her bugs her babies and her skin is pale. She dress like she was homeless. She has long white hair that covers up her face with her having gray eyes.
Laura Nightfang aka Midnight. Umbra Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. She is an original generation slayer. She was raised by the midnight dragon Resalth who taught her how to use the darkness of the universe. He died protecting her from Milorth who ignored the young girl who wanted to kill the dragon. She trained to get stronger by training with beings of darkness known as the vampires. She travels with Rhonin and they kill people for information about Milorth. She finds out that Bob killed Milorth and she wants to defeat him. However unlike most other original generation slayers, she gets motion sickness. She is able to hear anything like Python and she is able to fight with ease. She has dragon and vampire fangs with her having a mixture of the two species's appearance. She wears something that highlights her body with it being a crimson red dress that shows off her body. She has long green hair and raven black eyes.
Rhonin Nightfang. Darkness Wizard. 25 years old. He is a bat that can talk and use magic but he isn't a different species of bat. He is a normal bat but with magic power. He found Laura at a young age and he wants to be there for her because she saves his life so she is his master for all time. He is a bat that can form himself into a weapon and he is able to give darkness to his partner. He is also able to take a human form which he says that is his normal form with his bat form given to him by a witch and he is cursed. He has sliver/white hair that he likes to have out of his face and red eyes. He looks to be like a vampire.
Team Mansion of the Damned. This team is similar to the Tower of Revival Team but they aren't get targeted by the magic council. However, they are even eviler than them. They took kids with magic potential from their homes with the promise of control their magic but they use them for their own reason being that they want to bring back a wizard who seems to be very much stronger than say Hex and Milorth combined. Her name is Karma. They have an army of magic soldiers who wears magic proof uniforms and helmets that hide their true identities. Their helmets are black with glowing red gems for eyes. Only one person ever escaped from the mansion being the Shadow Devil wizard but she got a demon possessing her in the process.
Jerry Wade. Clone and Element Wizard. 25 years old. He is a very strange one being that he just loves to make jokes even it they cause harm to others around him. He tends to keep a close eye on Judith because he finds her interesting. He is able to clone himself with each one of his clones having the ability to either have the ability to use darkness, earth, fire, light, lightning, water, and wind magic at complete random with no clone having the same magic. He is dress just like a jester being that he tends to be in weird and extremely uncomfortable positions. He has short red hair and green eyes.
Calvin Mathis. Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Water Wizard. 26 years old. He is way stronger that he looks being that he tends to only use his earth magic to handle any problems in front of him since he really doesn't want Cynthia knowing his true powers. He is extremely worried about a girl from his past but he keeps this fear hidden due to both Cynthia and his best friends have a crush on her. It has a tendency to make things just worse. He has short brown hair with a very warm smile on his face with it working extremely well for weapon and he has brown eyes that you can melt in. He wears a solid black vest with white outlines and a long sleeved white shirt under it with a black blazer over his outfit along with dark gray jeans and brown boots.
Theron. Fire and Spear Wizard. 32 years old. He is very sensitive about his appearance and he tends to hurt people who make fun of his looks. He considers himself to be the strongest out of the group of Brigid and Efrain. He is a short man who wears a dark blue coat. He has his black hair hang loosely around his face and beady green eyes. He has a pointed nose like an arrow.
Efrain. Fragment and Water Wizard. 28 years old. He loves to tease others with his main targets being other wizards. He is an average height with green hair and bright brown eyes. He wears a black trench coat with the symbol of an S through a triangle. He is able to manipulate his body so that he is able to go right through physical and magical attacks.
Judith Pena. Wave Wizard. 25 years old. She is a really cute woman with her looking very much like a pop star. She tends to keep everyone away because of the pain that she had suffer at the hands of others. She has the same magic as Terry from Bloody Darkness but he can manipulate the magic itself. She can destroy any spatial magic using something called Yin Magic and regular magic using Yang Magic. He is able to combine the two magics into one with it being able to stop all forms of magic.
Brigid. Beast and Grass Wizard. 30 years old. She is a very strong wizard despite being extremely lazy and hating battle itself. She is able to turn into a powerful beast upon feeling an intense emotion along with others. Her beast form is a mixture of a rhino and a dragon. She has long light blue hair who ties her hair up in a cute ponytail with silver eyes. She wears leather pants with a matching leather jacket with the same tattoo as Efrain.
Scourge Harvesters. This dark guild is very minor compared to the Bael Alliance but after Heroes defeated all of three, they stayed the same. They actually have strong members and their leader is really strong but they tend to stay in the shadows to plan out an evil plan that took more time than they has expected to complete but hey, it doesn't have any flaws. It tends to have a lot of cannon fodder. They also go by codename excluding maybe two or three people in the guild.
Conrad. Cancellation, Darkness, and Transformation Wizard. ? years old. Remember that puppet that was a member of the former guild Villains. It turns out that Conrad is actually the guild master of the Scourge Harvesters. He then decided to make a plan after him meeting both Bob and Hex during the games and it is actually pretty evil. He looks like a chibi demon with his eyes glowing white. He is really strong despite being a foot tall.
Monique Hoffman. Art Wizard. 34 years old. She is a beautiful woman and she is also a fantastic artist. She is known for painting several pictures that are featured in magazine. She tends to be a fan of Heroes being that they have a wizard who use the same type of magic as her. She is able to make things in the same way that Jordan does but she is able to make living beings using her magic. She has recently gotten captured by a dark guild who wants to use her magic for what else but evil. She has short green hair with a cute bow in said hair. She wears an very tradition artist outfit.
Daryl Butcher. Shadow Wizard. ? years old. He is a silent guy being that he tends to stay quiet and he takes jobs that involve a lot of killing. He is really good at his jobs because he uses his shadow to do the job while he sits at a coffee shop drinking some coffee. He wears a black suit with sunglasses covering his eyes. He has wavy black hair that tends to stick out. He also smokes because he thinks that it is cool. He looks to be in his mid twenties or early thirties.
Garrett Rocker. Guitar Wizard. 29 years old. He is always playing his guitar much to the annoyance of Daryl who tends to destroy his guitars when pissed. He is able to alter what a person looks like with his Rock spells. He looks like a very typical rock star.
Harvey Torch. Flame Wizard. 32 years old. He is a pyromanic being that he just loves to burn things anything in his path. He also has a serious drinking problem and he burns things. He has fiery red hair and crazy look to his face.
Myrtle Trickster. Clone Wizard. 24 years old. She loves to play pranks on her and the other guild members much to the anger of the others. She dress just like a normal trickster and she uses her magic to make jokes about the whole thing.
Denise Carnation. Plant Wizard. 19 years old. Despite being the youngest member, she is a really talented wizard being that her control over plants is extremely impressive and deadly at the same time. She tends to make people feel her wrath. She has long pink hair with emerald green eyes and she dresses in plants making her very strange.
Mercenary Guilds:
Lucifer. Desert Curse. ? years old. This demon is able to create sand from anywhere in his path. This demon has a single horn on the left side of his head with his right horn was cut off in a fight with a wizard who used a sword. His snout is a dark red color due to it being dried human blood with him having yellow teeth due to her not brushing and having teeth sharp enough to cut through solid steel with ease. He has scratches and scars all across his body due to him being a warrior of great strength. His arms have sharp thorns all over them and he has two large claws on the end of his hands. He is the demon of Greed.
Loki. Venom Curse. ? years old. This demon is always jealous of others making sure that he is trying to kill everyone in his path. He won't stop until the death of all is there. This demon seems to be over 200 feet tall and He looks like an eel. He has the head of a shark and a poisonous stringer on the end of its tail. He is extremely strong and he is able to make poison that is even able to affect people with great immune systems. He is the demon of Envy.
Ashura. Moonlight Curse. ? years old. He considered himself to be the strongest demon that Karma created and he considers humans to be nothing but bugs in their path itself. He kills just to have fun and he does at it the thick on night. This demon is able to read minds and he grows stronger when the sky above him turns to darkness and the moon gives him enhanced durability. He looks to be the same size as Norman's ultimate beast transformation spell. He has magical scales that covers his entire body and it is similar to an spike and steel mixture. He says that it will take a lot of damage before the scale cracks even a bit. He is very strong with him being able to survive several spells of great power before showing any signs of stopping. He has long and sprouting sharp crimson red claws from the blood of his victims. He has black fur with white marking all over his body and it glows when he is stronger. He has razor sharp fangs and giant horns. He always has a pair of black pants on him. He is the demon of Gluttony with a stomach for destruction.
Satan. Darkness and Hell Fire Curse. ? years old. He considers himself to be a proud demon with him staying in hiding to protect himself from the Slayers which are the one who could cause the end of demons along with dragon. He is able to use darkness like the Demon of sloth but he combines it with his hellfire to make sure that anything in his path is truly destroyed before he goes to his next target. He has jet black hair with a raven tattoo on his right cheek and he tends to wear clothing of a punk musician. He is the Demon of Pride.
Lilith. Attraction Curse. ? Years. She takes power from everything along with the ability to control them using her curse. She wants to be strong to be the one that Hades wants to love for the rest of time. She has the ability to take anyone that she meets magic and their talents along with control similar to Zimsa except it truly affects them. She tends to dress quite scantily and it is the end of all days if she will wear something of class. She has long black hair and gray/red eyes. She is the Demon of Lust.
Hades. Final Curse. ? Years old. He is the strongest demon created by Karma second only to Karma and Behemoth. He is the end of days when he decides to fight and he gets stronger with every second passing in a fight. When he is about to be defeated, he gains ten times more his normal power. He is able to break through anything and he is able to kill a lot of things with just a single thought. He looks like a human male with demon like features. He is the Demon of Wrath.
Dark Stars. This dark guild was hired by someone called the Glacial Sultan to protect the Mansion of the Damned. They are very similar to Cursed Champions but they only seem to take protection jobs and they try not to kill anyone who ends up the mansion for either good or bad reasons. They sometimes have to kill if they feel the threat is dangerous enough. Dark Stars is a team of six elite wizards or seven if you count the bat who can use magic and talking. They also have some help being the guards who can use magic along with the other wizards who are there and they are old friends of a wizard who recently joined Heroes.
Malik Larsen/Creator. Unknown Wizard. 36 years old. He considers himself to be the creator of the known universe and it didn't help that everyone around him worship him because of his magic power being higher than most growing up. He grew up with him gaining a love of hurting small animals and it turned him into a major sadist with him smiling at pain from anyone who comes in his hair. He is like Mind from the now dissolved Nine Prayers, he has a way more powerful side known only as the Creator. He always seem to be reading something from the book that is always in his left hand and it allows him to cast some powerful spells without using his magic power. He has long dirty blond hair with the creator having pale white hair about the same length. The two of them have glowing red eyes and the strange markings on his body doesn't have anything to do with bringing out Creator, Malik dress like a priest while the Creator dress like a god.
Edgar Willis. Reality Wizard. 19 years old. He seems to believe in the art of being a man who cares about women with him always trying to impress them and if they don't like him, he kills them. He hates being rejected and he will kill anyone who doesn't him a chance to fight. He is able to make realities out of thin air. He has his brown hair combined neatly with him having a cleanly shaven face with a formal black suit.
Zoom. Speed Wizard. ? years old. He is a silent man. He does his job without question and he tends to be focused on the job at hand instead of having fun. He is able to move at supersonic speeds with him being able to go straight through walls with ease. He wears something that a race car driver would wear and it is a red color from all the people that he has killed. His eye color and hair color are unknown.
Nigel Alvarado. Arc Wizard. 28 years old. He is a man who loves to fight regardless and he tends to make friends with the people who he is trying to kill making him stronger in the long reason of things. He dress like a knight and he strangely able to move fast in it. He wield a matching sword and shield. He has long blond hair and green eyes. His Arc Magic is very diverse and powerful. It allows the user to make a door appear out of thin are which allows the person or group to travel anywhere with ease, upon touching something he is able to take control of if it is moving or standing still along with controlling an object, able to merge with magic or things around him to gain power, able to make anythings out of thin air, able to control the four main elements (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) and along with their sub variations, able to get rid of things with just a thought, able to control magic and send it right back, and able to copy a magic just by seeing it.
Melissa Frazier. Insect Wizard. 22 years old. She has always been alone except for the insects who traveled right toward her. She hates when someone hurts them and she will get her revenge on them. She is able to control all forms of insects and able to freeze a target by just looking at them. She looks similar to a human insect with her calling her bugs her babies and her skin is pale. She dress like she was homeless. She has long white hair that covers up her face with her having gray eyes.
Laura Nightfang aka Midnight. Umbra Wizard and Slayer. 25 years old. She is an original generation slayer. She was raised by the midnight dragon Resalth who taught her how to use the darkness of the universe. He died protecting her from Milorth who ignored the young girl who wanted to kill the dragon. She trained to get stronger by training with beings of darkness known as the vampires. She travels with Rhonin and they kill people for information about Milorth. She finds out that Bob killed Milorth and she wants to defeat him. However unlike most other original generation slayers, she gets motion sickness. She is able to hear anything like Python and she is able to fight with ease. She has dragon and vampire fangs with her having a mixture of the two species's appearance. She wears something that highlights her body with it being a crimson red dress that shows off her body. She has long green hair and raven black eyes.
Rhonin Nightfang. Darkness Wizard. 25 years old. He is a bat that can talk and use magic but he isn't a different species of bat. He is a normal bat but with magic power. He found Laura at a young age and he wants to be there for her because she saves his life so she is his master for all time. He is a bat that can form himself into a weapon and he is able to give darkness to his partner. He is also able to take a human form which he says that is his normal form with his bat form given to him by a witch and he is cursed. He has sliver/white hair that he likes to have out of his face and red eyes. He looks to be like a vampire.
Team Mansion of the Damned. This team is similar to the Tower of Revival Team but they aren't get targeted by the magic council. However, they are even eviler than them. They took kids with magic potential from their homes with the promise of control their magic but they use them for their own reason being that they want to bring back a wizard who seems to be very much stronger than say Hex and Milorth combined. Her name is Karma. They have an army of magic soldiers who wears magic proof uniforms and helmets that hide their true identities. Their helmets are black with glowing red gems for eyes. Only one person ever escaped from the mansion being the Shadow Devil wizard but she got a demon possessing her in the process.
Karma. Primordial Wizard. 571 years old. This dark wizard is rumored to be stronger than both Hex and Milorth combined. She fought against Bob before she was sealed into a coffin that looks like the cross. It is wrapped around chains and the only way to free her is to defeated the seven demons of Karma that the dark wizard created. She had a hand in created a deadly weapon known as Behemoth with its true appearance unknown only to Bob who has seen in action once before and he will do anything in his power to stop it. Her primordial magic has been lost to time itself but all of it is something that Bob truly fears and he calls it the ultimate magic. She has long half black and white being split down the middle with her half of her hair being black on the right and half of her hair being white on the left that covers her entire face and glowing red eyes. She stole clothing from a member of a dark guild upon her revival which she decided to make her new outfit. She tries to fight her life long rival Robert or Bob for love. She looks to be very lean and weak but she is extremely strong. She wears a black leather vest with crimson fur trimming, a black armlet around her left bicep, and a skull choker around her neck. She has spiked bracelets on both of her wrists and she wears skull earrings in both of her ears. She does also wears a long black coat with it being decorated with golden trimmings over her vest and she tends to wear the hood over it, she has gold bands around her arms, a tight-fitting shirt showing off her chest and her breasts for getting attention from Bob, a loose gray pants that she keeps held up by a belt with them being tucked inside of her brown boots.
Behemoth. Unknown Curse. ? years old. He was created by Karma to be only activate only when the dark wizard decides that he is needed to stop anything in its path. It can be also unsealed when all of the Seven Demons of Karma have been defeated or destroyed with it being the exact same thing as what the council did with Face. He looks like a mixture of a basilisk, cockatrice, drake, gargoyle, giant, hellhound, hydra, kraken, leviathan, medusa, salamander, titan, wyrm, and wvyern in one. His power is able to rival gods.
Cynthia Barnett aka the Glacial Sultan. Temperature Wizard. 26 years old. She was raised to believe that because she is a woman, she is weaker than a man. She is the daughter of eight boys so she was raised to be a constant disappointment. She was taken by the people who ran the mansion with her knowing that her family won't save her. She made friends with the other children who were kidnapped and they were taught how to use their magic. She took over the order of things with one person saying no to her demand. She decides to become a man known as the Glacial Sultan with one a few known that she is a woman. Her magic is known as temperature magic being that she is able to freeze the air or burn the air around her with ease. She is extremely strong on the level of the Wizard Saints. She wears a strange cloak with her always having a lion-headed staff that increases her magic powers. She wears the same armor as the magic soldiers and it is black on the left, gray in the middle, and white on the right with it allowing her increased speed in combat like really fast. Under her mask, she has sharp features with her having large eyes and she has two different eye colors. Her left eye is a crimson red color and her right eye is a snow white color. She keeps her hair slicked back with her hair having two different colors. It split down the middle with the right being a snow white and the left a crimson red. She wears two earring with the right being like a snowflake and the left being a flame.
Elena Simpson. Light Wizard. 26 years old. She is a very strange woman being that she has a really small figure but she is incredibly strong. She is the only one who isn't a fan of all of this but she does it to protect the wizards of the mansion who are her family in a way. She is able to bend light to her will. She has a slender body with large breasts and a really cute face. She has long light-brown hair and large green eyes with her dressed in a dark green t-shirt, short white skirt, and tan sandals.Cynthia Barnett aka the Glacial Sultan. Temperature Wizard. 26 years old. She was raised to believe that because she is a woman, she is weaker than a man. She is the daughter of eight boys so she was raised to be a constant disappointment. She was taken by the people who ran the mansion with her knowing that her family won't save her. She made friends with the other children who were kidnapped and they were taught how to use their magic. She took over the order of things with one person saying no to her demand. She decides to become a man known as the Glacial Sultan with one a few known that she is a woman. Her magic is known as temperature magic being that she is able to freeze the air or burn the air around her with ease. She is extremely strong on the level of the Wizard Saints. She wears a strange cloak with her always having a lion-headed staff that increases her magic powers. She wears the same armor as the magic soldiers and it is black on the left, gray in the middle, and white on the right with it allowing her increased speed in combat like really fast. Under her mask, she has sharp features with her having large eyes and she has two different eye colors. Her left eye is a crimson red color and her right eye is a snow white color. She keeps her hair slicked back with her hair having two different colors. It split down the middle with the right being a snow white and the left a crimson red. She wears two earring with the right being like a snowflake and the left being a flame.
Jerry Wade. Clone and Element Wizard. 25 years old. He is a very strange one being that he just loves to make jokes even it they cause harm to others around him. He tends to keep a close eye on Judith because he finds her interesting. He is able to clone himself with each one of his clones having the ability to either have the ability to use darkness, earth, fire, light, lightning, water, and wind magic at complete random with no clone having the same magic. He is dress just like a jester being that he tends to be in weird and extremely uncomfortable positions. He has short red hair and green eyes.
Calvin Mathis. Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Water Wizard. 26 years old. He is way stronger that he looks being that he tends to only use his earth magic to handle any problems in front of him since he really doesn't want Cynthia knowing his true powers. He is extremely worried about a girl from his past but he keeps this fear hidden due to both Cynthia and his best friends have a crush on her. It has a tendency to make things just worse. He has short brown hair with a very warm smile on his face with it working extremely well for weapon and he has brown eyes that you can melt in. He wears a solid black vest with white outlines and a long sleeved white shirt under it with a black blazer over his outfit along with dark gray jeans and brown boots.
Theron. Fire and Spear Wizard. 32 years old. He is very sensitive about his appearance and he tends to hurt people who make fun of his looks. He considers himself to be the strongest out of the group of Brigid and Efrain. He is a short man who wears a dark blue coat. He has his black hair hang loosely around his face and beady green eyes. He has a pointed nose like an arrow.
Efrain. Fragment and Water Wizard. 28 years old. He loves to tease others with his main targets being other wizards. He is an average height with green hair and bright brown eyes. He wears a black trench coat with the symbol of an S through a triangle. He is able to manipulate his body so that he is able to go right through physical and magical attacks.
Judith Pena. Wave Wizard. 25 years old. She is a really cute woman with her looking very much like a pop star. She tends to keep everyone away because of the pain that she had suffer at the hands of others. She has the same magic as Terry from Bloody Darkness but he can manipulate the magic itself. She can destroy any spatial magic using something called Yin Magic and regular magic using Yang Magic. He is able to combine the two magics into one with it being able to stop all forms of magic.
Brigid. Beast and Grass Wizard. 30 years old. She is a very strong wizard despite being extremely lazy and hating battle itself. She is able to turn into a powerful beast upon feeling an intense emotion along with others. Her beast form is a mixture of a rhino and a dragon. She has long light blue hair who ties her hair up in a cute ponytail with silver eyes. She wears leather pants with a matching leather jacket with the same tattoo as Efrain.
Scourge Harvesters. This dark guild is very minor compared to the Bael Alliance but after Heroes defeated all of three, they stayed the same. They actually have strong members and their leader is really strong but they tend to stay in the shadows to plan out an evil plan that took more time than they has expected to complete but hey, it doesn't have any flaws. It tends to have a lot of cannon fodder. They also go by codename excluding maybe two or three people in the guild.
Conrad. Cancellation, Darkness, and Transformation Wizard. ? years old. Remember that puppet that was a member of the former guild Villains. It turns out that Conrad is actually the guild master of the Scourge Harvesters. He then decided to make a plan after him meeting both Bob and Hex during the games and it is actually pretty evil. He looks like a chibi demon with his eyes glowing white. He is really strong despite being a foot tall.
Monique Hoffman. Art Wizard. 34 years old. She is a beautiful woman and she is also a fantastic artist. She is known for painting several pictures that are featured in magazine. She tends to be a fan of Heroes being that they have a wizard who use the same type of magic as her. She is able to make things in the same way that Jordan does but she is able to make living beings using her magic. She has recently gotten captured by a dark guild who wants to use her magic for what else but evil. She has short green hair with a cute bow in said hair. She wears an very tradition artist outfit.
Daryl Butcher. Shadow Wizard. ? years old. He is a silent guy being that he tends to stay quiet and he takes jobs that involve a lot of killing. He is really good at his jobs because he uses his shadow to do the job while he sits at a coffee shop drinking some coffee. He wears a black suit with sunglasses covering his eyes. He has wavy black hair that tends to stick out. He also smokes because he thinks that it is cool. He looks to be in his mid twenties or early thirties.
Garrett Rocker. Guitar Wizard. 29 years old. He is always playing his guitar much to the annoyance of Daryl who tends to destroy his guitars when pissed. He is able to alter what a person looks like with his Rock spells. He looks like a very typical rock star.
Harvey Torch. Flame Wizard. 32 years old. He is a pyromanic being that he just loves to burn things anything in his path. He also has a serious drinking problem and he burns things. He has fiery red hair and crazy look to his face.
Myrtle Trickster. Clone Wizard. 24 years old. She loves to play pranks on her and the other guild members much to the anger of the others. She dress just like a normal trickster and she uses her magic to make jokes about the whole thing.
Denise Carnation. Plant Wizard. 19 years old. Despite being the youngest member, she is a really talented wizard being that her control over plants is extremely impressive and deadly at the same time. She tends to make people feel her wrath. She has long pink hair with emerald green eyes and she dresses in plants making her very strange.
Mercenary Guilds:
Jimmy Mirage and Becky Mirage. 21 years old and 23 years old. He and his older sister Becky look nothing alike. They are the Vanish Brothers with the older sister looking like Chun Li from Street Fighter and the younger brother looking like Ryu. The older sister doesn't use a giant frying pan being able to use her hands to hold any form of element based magic.
Drew Hudson. 18 years old. He is a very powerful Greek warrior. He is a proud member of Bloodsin and he is good friends with both Elsa and Zara, He wears armor made by Hephaestus which allows him invulnerability, he wears a helmet giving to him by Hades which allows for invisibility, he use a shield that can be collapsed and thrown given to him by Odin, he is given a sword which has air, fire, earth, ice, lightning, and water properties by Hephaestus, he is given a trident given to him by Poseidon which allows him to create earthquakes along with tidal waves, tsunamis, and sea storms, he is given a bow which has air, fire, earth, ice, lightning, and water properties by Apollo, he is allowed to control thunder to be thrown as a weapon to hit his enemies from far away, he wears golden fur around him to protect him from weapons along with it being unbreakable, a hammer that control lightning and thunder by Thor, and boots that allow for super speed and flight by Hermes. He is six and half feet tall with him having a scar on his left eye. He has chin length brown hair and green eyes.
Elsa Dawson. 17 years old. She is a Enchanter, Healer, and Summoner. She is a member of the guild Bloodsin and she is good friends with Drew and Zara. She is very strong with her ability to heal all wounds, boost up strength for her and her allies, and summon things to aid her in battle, She has shoulder length white hair and blue eyes.
Kingdom of Crifark. This kingdom is the royal family of Meca and they are highly respected by the entire country.
King Otto L. Meca. 46 years old. He is still Toto at the Grand Magic Games aka the mascot which no one seems to figure out. He is happy that no one is planning to invade this games right?. He has chin length white hair and brown eyes.
Princess Sophia L. Meca. Spirit Wizard. 16 years old. She was the wife to Barry but he died due to an assassin. She isn't going to have a child because. She is hoping that Heroes come back but mainly Bob for reasons of love. She did learn how to use a weapon thanks to Barry and Cameron with her weapon being a mix of a staff and a lance. She has bra strap length light green hair usually in a ponytail and blue eyes.
Cameron, Chief of the Royal Army. 41 years old. He is very loyal to the royal family and he isn't a fan of people who mess with the royal family. He has neck length brown hair up in the air and blue eyes.
Colin, Minster of Defense. 51 years old. He is very old still but he questions the king on so many things. He has no hair and black eyes.
Golden Knights. This group is still loyal to the Kingdom and they are more social with the kingdom mainly other wizards and the royal family. The Brigade of Abril did joined the group despite Barry well dying.
Felix (Meca). Nullification and Void Wizard and Slayer. 44 years old. He hopes to face Bob again after he discovered that he is the Void Slayer being that he can erase all magic in the area along with making stuff that is being reminded of space and darkness. He is still the strongest member of the group with him serving Barry faithful when he was alive. He has ear length silver hair which looks like X's hair with a beard and brown eyes.
Tomas. Sword Wizard and Chreax. 15 years old. He is now Felix's Chreax Partner with him being the second in charge of the Golden Knights. He hopes to fight against Scampers due to them being Chreax partners of powerful wizard. He has light green fur and blue eyes.
Marcos. Scythe Wizard. 28 years old. He is very much the same man but he is stronger than he was before. He is determined to get a rematch with Bob. He has ear length gray hair and purple eyes.
Miranda aka Randy (Meca). Control Wizard. 27 years old. She still loves to have power and she is good friends with Marcos who was the former leader of the Golden Knights until Felix defeated him in battle. She had shoulder length purple hair with white stripes and yellow eyes.
Cesar. Terrain Wizard. 25 years old. He is still weird but boy, can he drink! He can't drink as much say Sake and Tanya but it is a close third. He has mid-back length black hair in a ponytail and black eyes.
Verna. Paper Wizard. 24 years old. She is stronger that she once was but her crazy nature is still there and it seems stronger. She has shoulder length brown hair in two ponytails and black eyes.
Derek. Knight. 26 years old. He is still the only human in the group but he is strangely one of the strongest members of the group. He still use his magic shield and spear to fight the enemies of the kingdom. His spear can shrink/grow people and fire out elements burst along with his shield being able to reflect magic attacks. He is still a ladies man with him pining for Lily. He has chin length dark red hair and blue eyes.
Lily. Plant Wizard. 25 years old. She is more peaceful than she once was but she will rip you apart with her plants and she isn't kidding. She still says beautiful a lot though. She had mid-back pink hair and violet eyes.
Vance. Element and Sword Wizard. 36 years old. His power with his sword is stronger and he trains with Marcos to make sure that their weapons are both stronger. He has chin length blond hair and blue eyes.
Sue (Meca). Athletic Wizard. 32 years old. She is training with Vance to control her ability to dodge attack and take attacks. She has shoulder length brown hair in a ponytail that rest on her shoulder and brown eyes.
Luther (Meca). Slime Wizard. 36 years old. Once joining the Golden Knights, he is trying to be friends with Maya but he isn't a good drinker unlike Cesar who he is competing with Cesar for her affection. He has neck length green hair and black eyes.
Maya. Fire Wizard. 34 years old. She is still fiery hot and she drinks with Cesar at the bar. She also loves spicy drinking. She has ear length orange hair and yellow eyes.
Prion Former Royal Army. This army was in power in Prion until Bob and a group of Heroes came here and destroyed them. They also get rid of their magic with the new king aka Prion James or Blaine saying that they can live without magic. However, the royal army wasn't happy about losing their power along them wanting revenge on the Chreax who abandoned them to die. They contacted Infernal Domination to bring them to Meca for revenge. They are given magic powers thanks to a drug known as M-Spheres. They also now use the Muzon for both combat and flight.Felix (Meca). Nullification and Void Wizard and Slayer. 44 years old. He hopes to face Bob again after he discovered that he is the Void Slayer being that he can erase all magic in the area along with making stuff that is being reminded of space and darkness. He is still the strongest member of the group with him serving Barry faithful when he was alive. He has ear length silver hair which looks like X's hair with a beard and brown eyes.
Tomas. Sword Wizard and Chreax. 15 years old. He is now Felix's Chreax Partner with him being the second in charge of the Golden Knights. He hopes to fight against Scampers due to them being Chreax partners of powerful wizard. He has light green fur and blue eyes.
Marcos. Scythe Wizard. 28 years old. He is very much the same man but he is stronger than he was before. He is determined to get a rematch with Bob. He has ear length gray hair and purple eyes.
Miranda aka Randy (Meca). Control Wizard. 27 years old. She still loves to have power and she is good friends with Marcos who was the former leader of the Golden Knights until Felix defeated him in battle. She had shoulder length purple hair with white stripes and yellow eyes.
Cesar. Terrain Wizard. 25 years old. He is still weird but boy, can he drink! He can't drink as much say Sake and Tanya but it is a close third. He has mid-back length black hair in a ponytail and black eyes.
Verna. Paper Wizard. 24 years old. She is stronger that she once was but her crazy nature is still there and it seems stronger. She has shoulder length brown hair in two ponytails and black eyes.
Derek. Knight. 26 years old. He is still the only human in the group but he is strangely one of the strongest members of the group. He still use his magic shield and spear to fight the enemies of the kingdom. His spear can shrink/grow people and fire out elements burst along with his shield being able to reflect magic attacks. He is still a ladies man with him pining for Lily. He has chin length dark red hair and blue eyes.
Lily. Plant Wizard. 25 years old. She is more peaceful than she once was but she will rip you apart with her plants and she isn't kidding. She still says beautiful a lot though. She had mid-back pink hair and violet eyes.
Vance. Element and Sword Wizard. 36 years old. His power with his sword is stronger and he trains with Marcos to make sure that their weapons are both stronger. He has chin length blond hair and blue eyes.
Sue (Meca). Athletic Wizard. 32 years old. She is training with Vance to control her ability to dodge attack and take attacks. She has shoulder length brown hair in a ponytail that rest on her shoulder and brown eyes.
Luther (Meca). Slime Wizard. 36 years old. Once joining the Golden Knights, he is trying to be friends with Maya but he isn't a good drinker unlike Cesar who he is competing with Cesar for her affection. He has neck length green hair and black eyes.
Maya. Fire Wizard. 34 years old. She is still fiery hot and she drinks with Cesar at the bar. She also loves spicy drinking. She has ear length orange hair and yellow eyes.
Devin. Air, Fire, Poison, Lightning, Light, Shadow, and Steel Dragon Wizard. 96 years old. He was the former king of Prion before he was defeated by Bob along with the rest of his guild's wizards along with his son. He was banished from the kingdom and he found a way to contact a dark guild in Meca who hates Bob and company. He then got Dave, Felix, Luther, Randy, and Sandra who were sick of Blaine/Prion James's rule to join up with him to get back magic and revenge on Heroes. He now has magic inside of him with still using Krai along with the Dragon Cable Mortar attached onto the robot making him stronger than he was before. He is the Prion Counterpart of Ax Hunter. He has collarbone length gray hair and black eyes with a sick beard.
Sandra. Guns Wizard. 28 years old. This woman miss Dawn along with the other Chreax. She also miss her magic power being that she was feared and now she is just a joke. She is now dating Dave with the man in question happy about that. She was promised magic power alongside Dave, Felix, Luther, and Randy thanks to Devin. They accepted it and they decided to help him in their revenge of Heroes. Her Meca Counterpart is unknown. Her magic being that she can make a giant cannon of different elements. She has shoulder length purple hair and brown eyes.
Dave. Staff Wizard. 30 years old. This man is happy without magic because he didn't really use it unlike the others. He got Sandra to date him which made him happy. He is respected among the people of Prion. He was promised magic power alongside Felix, Luther, and Randy thanks to Devin and he accepted it because Sandra was going to do it. His Meca Counterpart is unknown. His magic allows him to control different types of magic using his staff. He has chin length brown hair and blue eyes.
Felix (Prion) aka Foster. Flask Wizard. 72 years old. This man miss magic power being that he was feared and now he is just a joke. He is working with Randy in fixing Drain to hopefully get their magic power back. He was promised magic power alongside Dave, Luther, Sandra, and Randy thanks to Devin. They accepted it and they decided to help him in their revenge of Heroes. His Meca Counterpart has the same name as him so he changed his name upon arriving in Meca. His magic is that he can create different things using flasks of magic. He has ear length silver hair and brown eyes.
Luther (Prion) aka Lenny. Water Wizard. 36 years old. This man miss magic power being that he was feared and now he is just a joke. He is working with children which make fun of him the most out of everyone in the city. He was promised magic power alongside Dave, Felix, Sandra, and Randy thanks to Devin. They accepted it and they decided to help him in their revenge of Heroes. His Meca Counterpart has the same name as him so he changed his name upon arriving in Meca. He had chin length green hair and black eyes.
Randy (Prion) aka Rubin. Control Wizard. 26 years old. This man miss magic power being that he was feared and now he is just a joke. He is working with Felix in fixing Drain to hopefully get their magic power back. He was promised magic power alongside Dave, Luther, Sandra, and Randy thanks to Devin. They accepted it and they decided to help him in their revenge of Heroes. His Meca Counterpart has the same name as him so he changed his name upon arriving in Meca. He also has the same magic as his Meca Counterpart. He has chin length purple hair with white stripes and yellow eyes.
Prion Heroes.This universe Heroes were the complete opposite of Meca's Heroes. They weren't a family but they did work together well. They decided to become like their counterparts after meeting the Heroes from Meca and them also defeating Devin ending his rule and beginning the rule of his son King James/Blaine. They work closely with him due to that Blaine/James being close to the guild. They are given magic powers thanks to a drug known as M-Spheres. They also now use the Muzon for both combat and flight. They were brought to Meca thanks to Devin and the other royal army captains.
Sue (Prion) aka Shasta. Athletic Wizard. 24 years old. She unlike Dave, Felix, Luther, Randy, and Sandra adjust to having no magic pretty well. She is now the personal messenger of the new king with her having a lot of friends thanks to her being close to the Prion Heroes which operated in the city. Her Meca Counterpart has the same name as her so she changed her name upon arriving in Meca. She has the same magic as her counterpart. She has chin length brown hair which looks a dog and brown eyes. She have her own personal Muzon.
Johnny (Prion) aka Josh. Steel Wizard. 25 years old. He is a reporter for the royal city newspaper being that he is good friends with both the king and the guild master of Heroes. He has a fear of Jade of Prion with him being too scared of the woman to be near her. He drives around the city using a normal motorcycle which gets around the city fast. His Meca Counterpart has the same name as him so he changed his name upon arriving in Meca. He has the same magic as Johnny except way less strong. He has shoulder length dark blue hair and red eyes under a pair of glasses. Reporter for the City.
James (Prion) aka Blaine. Staff Wizard. 27 years old. He is the current king of Prion and he is doing a good job according to the people. Him "defeating" Bob eight years ago helped. He is making sure that the people can get used to not using their magic. He is good friends with Johnny of Prion and the guild master of Prion Heroes. He is currently engaged to Ana's Prion Counterpart. His Meca Counterpart has the same name as him so he changed his name upon arriving in Meca. His magic allows him to control different types of magic using his staff. He has chin length gray hair and brown eyes with the scar on his right cheek.
Kurt Raymond (Prion) aka Kyle Rowe. Vehicle Wizard. 27 years old. He is the current Guild Master of Prion Heroes since he accepted the role from Jade who pretty much forced it on him. He is brave and cocky like he was in his car except he is still scared of a lot of things. He is good friends with both the king and the head reporter. He is also a good mechanic. His Meca Counterpart has the same name as him so he changed his name upon arriving in Meca. His magic allows him to create vehicles out of thin air for him and his friends to use. He has neck length light blue hair and blue eyes. He wears a pair of midnight blue racing goggles and he wears racing clothing.
Ana (Prion) aka Amber. Element Wizard. 26 years old. She is still very mature with her being one of the beauties of the land. She did use Tonfas but now, she hits unwanted suitors with hammers that it is made without magic. She is engaged to the king making her the queen of the land. Her Meca Counterpart has the same name as her so she changed her name upon arriving in Meca. She is also about to control the elements with ease. She has waist length red hair and blue eyes with her dressing very beautiful.
Jade (Prion) aka Janna. Cannon Wizard. 24 years old. She is still very angry with most of the guild being scared of her when she is pissed off. She gave the guild master spot to Kurt by forcing him to take it using her torture techniques that she created just for him. She is good friends with Casey, Myra, and Tanya of Prion. She hates men with this Johnny being scared to ask her out. Her Meca Counterpart has the same name as her so she changed her name upon arriving in Meca. Her magic being that she can make a giant cannon of different elements. She has shoulder length straight emerald green hair and blue eyes.
Myra (Prion) aka Mercy. Warrior Wizard. 28 years old. Nothing changed with her being that she is just like Myra from Meca with her being a little violent when it comes to things that she wants. She looks for love with any man that fits her requirements. She miss her Prion little sister with her brother being more depressed about it. She is good friends with the Prion counterpart of Casey, Jade, and Tanya. Her Meca Counterpart has the same name as her so she changed her name upon arriving in Meca. Her magic is Sword and Shield with her being able to summon them with ease. She has waist length blond hair and brown eyes.
Casey (Prion) aka Clair. Umbrella Wizard. 23 years old. She is still very outspoken and slutty. She is known for having many different boyfriends excluding Brendan who has now focused his attention toward her instead of wavering over her and Jade. She is good with Hand to Hand combat. Her Meca Counterpart has the same name as her so she changed her name upon arriving in Meca. She was given a magic Umbrella with it being block any attack, reflect it back, and control any form of matter with enough concentration. She has shoulder length golden blond hair.
Tanya (Prion) aka Trina. Staff Wizard. 26 years old. She acts like a lady which is the complete opposite of Tanya of Meca. She is good friends with Casey, Jade, and Myra. She is usually helping Myra with her quest for love. Her Meca Counterpart has the same name as her so she changed her name upon arriving in Meca. Her magic allows him to control different types of magic using her staff. She has waist length red hair and brown eyes.
Brendan (Prion) aka Bart. Weapon Wizard. 24 years old. He still has a not so secret crush on Casey and she isn't a fan of that. He is always with Kurt trying to figure out a plan to get Casey to fall for him with Kurt getting sick of hearing it after a while. His Meca Counterpart has the same name as his so he changed his name upon arriving in Meca. His magic allows him to create weapons with ease and he uses a giant key like he did in Prion. He has chin length black hair and blue eyes.
Chreax from the capital Ziroton. They are the Chreax that came from Prion eight years ago with them adjusting well to it.
Queen Debra. Unknown Wizard and Chreax. 46 years old. She is Z's mom and the queen of her people. She is treated like a goddess among her people excluding her daughter. She has asked for her to visit but Z is being stubborn. She is good friends with Brian being that she is the one that is always by her side. She is able to use the same magic as her daughter. She has black and red fur and red eyes with a more mature beauty to her.
Brian. Sound Wizard and Chreax. 48 years old. He is the Minster of State and he is always waving his right hand. He is always seen with Debra being that the two are still close. He hopes that he can see Spike again and also for Princess Z to come visit the city that they created. He can control sound using his hand of doom. He has black and white fur and blue eyes. His head is somewhat round.
Sierra. Fortune Wizard and Chreax. 24 years old. She is a fortune teller and she is able to see into the future. She is a mixture of both a mermaid and cat with some of the younger Chreax wanting to eat her since they all love fish. She has purple fur and green eyes.
Lloyd. Sword Wizard and Chreax. 26 years old. He is the Captain of the Royal Army after Donald left to join Thunder Wolves. He is always trying to get Sierra's attention by protecting her from the younger ones who want to eat her. He is a mixture of a lion and cat. He has orange and yellow fur and brown eyes.
Heavenly Elders. This group of thirteen wizards formed to control the world in Future Bob's timeline with them being the judge, jury, and executioner. All of the members in the group have a connection to this version of Bob with him being evil and the such. They also have something like the Alchemy Knights being called Heavens Guards. This group was formed in X802.
Future Nancy Rhodes. Universe Wizard. 32 years old. She was a former member of Monsters with her one desire was being number one until she went up against Bob. She changed after joining two dark guilds after losing to Bob and his guild. She was shocked at Bob's sudden change into a dark wizard and how many people that he killed for what he called justice. She mainly hates Bob now because he killed her sister along with her guild just for fun.
Future Orion. Memory and Space Wizard. 52 years old. He was a former member of Wicked Genocide with him being the one to take Arthur and Audrey Yagami from Bob in the first place. He joined a legal guild for some reason in X792. He was picked for the Elders because he was one wizard who had a chance of defeating Bob who turned rogue after his fight with Hex and Ninarth. He just wants this Bob to pay for the crimes that he has done in the past decade alone.
Future Mona Evans. Gravity and Sword Wizard. 34 years old. She was a former member of Amazons and she is the youngest sister of Darren Evans who was a friend of Allison. She met Bob and she had a sort of crush on him. The crush died along with several thousand people because of Bob and his dark guild of pure evil. She hates Bob now because she killed her guild along with several thousand people.
Future Marco. Fire Wizard. 68 years old. He was a former magic council member with him hating all of Heroes mainly the demon Bob. He always knew that he was going to destroy the world. He was the only one who thought this but he turned out to be right when Bob and his dark guild killed several million people with their reason being that they were trying to stop the Atlanteans and Amazons from mythology. He mainly hates Bob because he killed both his granddaughter and Randall's grandson during this genocide. He has brown hair which is like cat fur and brown eyes.
Future Darin Price. Blast, Dissemble, and Explosion Wizard. 57 years old. He was a former member of Heroes with him being never at the guild. He mainly wanders around looking for something to do and get stronger. He was like Bob's father when Arthur was taken and he was very much disappointed in him when he went rogue with his dark guild He hates Bob now because he killed Heroes along with several thousands along with his daughter and son.
Future Jade Emerald. Earth and Letter Wizard. 29 years old. She was a former member of Heroes and she was one of the most famous members. She was dating Johnny and she was happy alongside her best friend Stella. She liked Bob just like a brother and she had her heart broken when she founded out the truth of Bob killing everyone including Johnny when he did right in front of her. She now hates Bob because of what he did.
Future Jo Edwards. Passion Wizard and Wizard Saint. 54 years old. She was a former member of Heroes and she was a wizard saint along with Ax and Bob in the guild. She had her daughter along with Kurt and Leon as her children. She loved Bob after he saved her life. She was shocked to hear that he killed countless people along with Kurt and Leon. She now hates Bob due to his turning from one of the best wizards to one of the worse wizards.
Future Wanda Arsenic. Normal Human/Chreax and Poison Wizard. 31 years old. She was a former member of Heroes and she was Python's partner. She met Bob and she cured him with having the ability to switch between her human and snake form at will. She now hates Bob because of what he did which includes killed Python and several others. She now hates Bob because of her killing her kind along with her best friend Python.
Future Angelica or Angel Turner. Crimson Hair Wizard. 29 years old. She was a former member of Heroes and she was a girl with her being scared. She was alone until she met Bob and the rest of Heroes. She joined their guild with open arms and they were a good family. She hates Bob because of what he did and the rest of his dark guild. She now hates Bob because of what he did in his word of justice and that he is crazy.
Future Alex Howard. Soul and Sound Wizard. 24 years old. He was a former member of Heroes and he was a normal boy with a curse. He met Bob and company and he joined the guild with him becoming one of his most prominent members in the guild. He loved Bob because he was the perfect big brother to most member. He was shocked after Bob killed several thousand people along with his girlfriend Ana who was shocked by this. He now hates Bob because he killed thousands along with Ana.
Future Eve Halsey. Stone and Superhero Wizard. 30 years old. She was a former member of Heroes and she was a girl who loved her guild. She knew Bob and she saw him as a troubled boy with a lot of issues which he never seemed to have gotten past his parent's disapperance. She liked him but she liked a different guy instead. She hated Bob after he killed a thousand and along with Norman who told her that she loved him right before he died.
Future Leonard Conner. Element and Letter Wizard. 33 years old. He was a former member of Heroes and he was a man who loves to read. He met Bob and Rick at the same time with those two being his close friends alongside Viola who he loves. He respect Bob and his ability to keep his power in check but when he killed millions, he decided to end his respect for Bob and put it toward hatred. He hates Bob and he deserves to die according to him.
Future Steve/Yami Moran. Shadow Wizard and Slayer. 30 years old. He was a former member of Monsters and he was a man with the power of darkness and a big heart. He and his partner Lucky were like brothers and he treasured him along with Lora who is his one true lover. He respect Bob and he treats Bob like his older brother. He was devastated to find Bob with blood on his hands from everyone that he ever cared about along with Lora and Lucky. He now hates Bob and will kill Bob for what he did to the people he cared about.
Final, the Ultimate Demon. Unknown Curse. ? Years old. He is Hex's right hand man and he is protecting the wizard from the former members of Underworld whose drive is kill Hex. He looks like a mixture of both Bob and Chaos with more demon than human. He has neck length black hair with purple, red, and white stripes and red eyes.
Hex. Black Arts and Darkness Wizard. 417 years old. He is Bob's adopted young brother and Rose's older brother. He is rumored to be able to make demons without using books anymore and he is hiding so many secrets. He has chin length gray hair and red eyes.
Hex. Black Arts and Darkness Wizard. 417 years old. He is Bob's adopted young brother and Rose's older brother. He is rumored to be able to make demons without using books anymore and he is hiding so many secrets. He has chin length gray hair and red eyes.
Erick Yagami. Fire, Lightning, and Telepathy Wizard and God of Nature. ? years old. He went back into the ocean last time Bob and Scampers saw him. He grew to be part of all island on the ocean. He got to see Bob and Scampers again when they went to visit their guild's founder Marie's island and help Bob and Scampers get rid of the evil guild that is currently on Kilhsh Island. He has black fur and black eyes.
Archie. Reporter. 41 years old. He is one of the most famous people in Meca because he works for Magician Monthly and he is known for being super hyper on any job that he is on. He took Stella on his apprentice after she was a gravure model. He wants her to be happy. He has chin length green hair and light blue eyes.
Clyde. Illusion Wizard. 89 years old. He is one of the judges with him missing both Ax and Bob. He is now currently being of the judges of the X792 magic games alongside Martin. He is also a judge alongside Blair in X794. He is usually wearing a chef costume with his gray mustache.
Martin. 29 years old. He is one of the judges with him still being bald and he knows everything about the games and wizard involved in each year. He is also a fan of young woman. He has brown eyes.
Murky. This is a monster which is made of a strange magic aura. It was made by a dark wizard who gave his life to bring this beast to life. It is able to manipulate its body to change its shape along with being able to go right through attacks. It is known as the symbol of the Chimera. It also talks like a snake meaning that it makes the S more obvious. It is a light purple.
Blair Espino, the Master of Games. Unknown Wizard. 28 years old. He is the one who helped created the Grand Magic Games for the kingdom and its wizards. He is a fan of games of any kind with him always trying to improve on his game and abilities. The only game that he doesn't know how to play is Chess due to him not being very patient. However despite his hatred of chess, he is very calm and collected with him being able to assess situations calmly in order to make the best move. He loves to make new games and competition to play with him loving to see others operate under them and he just loves jokes. He is all about fair play and he doesn't make unfair for either side with the answer/solution to the game is obvious. He likes to be calm and relaxed but he hates when someone breaks the rules. He is fairly tall and slim with purple hair that he keeps slicked back with a strand always in the front of his thin face. He wears a navy blue fedora with a thick orange strip going across the side of the cone. He wears a really cozy all-navy blue suit with thick black boots and he wears a crimson red long sleeved polo with a black necktie under it with him looking like a mafia boss and a business man. He sometimes makes jokes about that. He is known as the Judge/Announcer of the Ultimate Sorcerer/Sorceress Championship and for the Grand Magic Games of X794 alongside Clyde, and two special guests each day.
Sivarth, the Dragon King. Power Dragon Wizard. 730 years old. He is Bob's father figure after he saved the young boy's life when he was abandoned by his family at seven years old. He treasured his relationship with his son because he brought joy to him and the rest of his kingdom. He is killed by Milorth and he told Bob's friends to keep an eye on him. He was brought back from the dead and he wasn't in a good mood with him being used to kill Bob who was really shocked to see his father alive and well again. He was forced to fight and kill people including his son. His scales are black as the night sky and some are white as snow. He has red eyes. His human form is long black with white streaks hair and red eyes. His strength is unmatched by any dragon.
Azalea, the Dragon Queen. Star Dragon Wizard. 728 years old. She is Sivarth's first wife and the two became friends after Sivarth had argument with his father. The two became good friends and the two later fell in love. He always loved her and when she went missing one day, he was truly devastated by her disappearance. She was trapped on a island by a dark wizard who she killed trapping her forever. She is able to use Star magic making her a very strong being. She has a human form which is a beautiful woman with hair being reminding of the stars above. She is a huge or gigantic dragon and she tends to look like an Western Dragon unlike most female dragons that tends to look more like Eastern Dragons. Her lower body mainly her belly, the inner portions of her long tail, and her legs are covered in gold scales. Her back had several golden spikes reaching down her back to the end of her tail. She has a triangular head with four pairs of platinum horns being that ones closets to her face are larger, a pair of large round eyes which were just glowing with white light and a pair of sharp horns pointing upwards just above his nose. She has large sharp canine teeth with long and sharp golden claws. Her wings seem to look like a bat with rippled tips and smooth edges and a sharp claw at the end of each wing with four hind legs.
Ophelia, the Ocean Dragon Queen. Ocean Dragon Wizard. 725 years old. She is one of the strongest dragons in history. She is married to Aurelius and she is really good friends with Sivarth and Azalea. Her human form is a woman with long and flowing wavy blue hair that reaches down to her feet. She has emerald green eyes with a very curvy and voluptuous body with large breasts. She wears a ocean blue dress with a green bow over the chest. She wears sandals. She is a huge or gigantic dragon and she tends to look like an Western Dragon unlike most female dragons that tends to look more like Eastern Dragons. Her lower body mainly her belly, the inner portions of her long tail, and her legs are covered in blue scales like the ocean. Her back had several blue spikes reaching down her back to the end of her tail. She has a triangular head with four pairs of gold horns being that ones farthest from her face are larger, a pair of large round eyes which were just glowing with bluee light and a pair of sharp horns pointing upwards just above his nose. She has large sharp canine teeth with long and sharp emerald claws. Her wings seem to look like a eagle with rippled tips and smooth edges and a sharp claw at the end of each wing with four hind legs.
Aurelius, the Moon Dragon King. Moon Dragon Wizard. 728 years old. He is the best friend of Sivarth with him always believing in great strength. He married the Ocean Dragon Queen and he is happy. His human form is like Sivarth's human form. He is a huge or gigantic dragon and he tends to look like an Western Dragon. His lower body mainly his belly, the inner portions of his long tail, and his legs are covered in black scales like the night sky. His back had several blue spikes reaching down his back to the end of his tail. He has a triangular head with four pairs of diamond horns and the ones farthest from his face are larger, a pair of large round eyes which were just glowing with blue light and a pair of sharp horns pointing upwards just above his nose. He has large sharp canine teeth with long and sharp diamond claws. His wings seem to look like a fairy with rippled tips and smooth edges and a sharp claw at the end of each wing with four hind legs.
Zagehz, the Dragon God King. God Dragon Wizard. 792 years old. He is old as Oyrus itself with him being really old. He built the dragon kingdom from the ground up and he is a being with great patience. He tends to think about fighting other species. He won't let anyone hurt his fellow dragons and he tends to take it other species. He had his son Sivarth with the dragon taking him in after his parents died trying to protect the young dragon from humans. He is a huge or gigantic dragon and he tends to look like an Western Dragon unlike most female dragons that tends to look more like Eastern Dragons. Her lower body mainly her belly, the inner portions of her long tail, and her legs are covered in gold scales. Her back had several golden spikes reaching down her back to the end of her tail. She has a triangular head with four pairs of platinum horns being that ones closets to her face are larger, a pair of large round eyes which were just glowing with white light and a pair of sharp horns pointing upwards just above his nose. She has large sharp canine teeth with long and sharp golden claws. Her wings seem to look like a bat with rippled tips and smooth edges and a sharp claw at the end of each wing with four hind legs.
Xeanoch/Zain Zelophehad, the Demon Emperor. Unlimited Curse. 738 years old. He is Bob's first real father and he is a proud demon. He was the strongest demon in the known world at the time. He had tons of demon women pining for his attention but he tends to be focused on his training being that he knew how to use his curse and his signature weapon known as the blade of the devil to the best of his abilities. Upon visiting the human world for some training, he met the love of his life while she was being attacked by monsters. She was a human but he was very much impressed by her ability to kill monsters with her bow and staff that she knows how to use an impressive magic. He saved her life and he asked her to join him in the Devil Empire. It shocked him when she said yes making him extremely happy. The two married after they were ready to be husband and wife. He had his son Lucifer Orpheus Zelophehad or Robert Percival Yagagi aka Bob. He trained his son to make sure that the boy will be able to fight. He died by the hands of humans but he survived by placing his soul and his wife's soul into a magic book with them hoping that their son finds it if he survives and he watches over him. He has the ultimate curse which is an extremely powerful and diverse curse with him giving this to his son upon his birth. He has Bob's spiky salmon pink hair that goes up to his shoulders and demonic red eyes that can pierce your soul with a single glance. He wears a tight-skin black shirt with red designs and pants reminding people of a distinct feudal Japanese style. His gold belt is a tied just like an obi-sash and he wears Navy blue hakamas. His arms are covered in a golden armor-like shell with it reaching from his shoulders to his hands. The shoulders of the armor has the symbol of the Devil Empire which is a stereotypical devil that is holding a crown in its hand. He is able to summon his signature blade known as the Blade of the Devil which is a katana with a black handle with a white crisscross pattern with no handle guard with a long red string that looks like a small sliver dragon head with a curved horn to match.
Zaila Yagami/Zelophehad, the Demon Empress. Energy Wizard. 735 years old. She is the woman who gave birth to Bob over a hundred years old. Before she had her child, she was a wandering wizard and she hid it due to it that time being that magic was hated. She tended to use her bow and her staff in combat. The day that she met her husband is a day that started terrible. She was bathing in a lake when she was attacked by monsters. She had to fight in the nude before she could get to her clothing. She was about to finish putting on her clothing when a monster attacked her and she was about to die. She closed her eyes and she was shocked to see said monster with a giant hole in their chest. She saw her future husband standing there and offering her access to the Devil Empire. She said yes and she got stronger. The two married and they had a child aka Bob with her loving him. She wants him to become a proud man just like father. She died when Bob was four years old and she was sealed in a magic book. She hopes that her son finds her and she watches over him. She has Energy magic being that she can use her immense magic energy in her attacks being a very diverse magic and she gave it to Bob upon her birth. She has long and luxury black hair that reaches half way down her book. She wears a black shirt and matching shorts, chainmail gloves, elbow pads, knee pads and boots that she says is both fashionable and combat ready. She has her chest and shoulders protected by chainmail armor. She is extremely beautiful with a warm smile and her son's blue eyes.
Lazarus, the War God. Unknown Wizard. 736 years old. He is a proud and noble warrior being that he never gives up even if faced with a truly strong opponent with his courage being huge and he never gives up. He has never lost a fight except to the first dragon king Zagehz and the devil emperor. He was amazed by the latter's strength that the two became rivals. Upon Bob's birth, he gave him his determination and love for combat. He decided to keep a close eye on him being impressed with his battles over the years. He tends to fight with a weapon being a giant sword that he keeps on his back along with two weapons that look to be a mixture of a sword and spear. He is tall for a human with him having a deep voice and dark skin. His left arm is wrapped in cloth with the right arm being decorated in a large tattoo of a dragon that extends all over his right side. He gained this from fighting against Zagehz and losing to the king. He has long red hair going down to his waist and glowing gold eyes. He wears a pair of boots mainly to kick away minor threats. He wears a necklace out of bones of defeated monsters over the years. The blade on his back is extremely thick but despite this, he is able to wield it with great precision.
Remus, the Sun God. Fire God Wizard. 734 years old. He loves action and adventure being that he travels around the planet and the universe. He loves to fight and he tends to make up moves on the fly. It sounds over the top but he doesn't cares about that. His fire is able to burn through anything in his path. He is a tall regal-looking god with him being extremely tall and muscular. He has lavender skin with flaming fire like hair and a beard made of fire. His body is always on fire and his outfit is very futuristic looking being that he looks like a future butler. He use his fists in combat. He has yellow eyes with them looking like a tattoo.
Basil Vidal. Blast, Dissemble, Hell, Sacrifice, and Tsukuyomi Wizard. 20 years old. He was best friends with Zara during their time at the Tower of Revival. When Bob started up the rebellion, the two fought together. Basil protected Zara from the magic troops just like Ron, it activate Zara's magic. She escaped with the bruised Basil who gained a scar which starts at the top of his right eye up to his right hand. He decide to find out if he had magic but it turns out that he didn't. He left Zara in the care of Shattered Entities with him using a magic book in the guild hall to erase him from her memories. He trained his body to the limit with him using wearing hoplite armor. He was about to be killed by a general with his army around him falling to the general's army. He begs for power to the God of Pain and Suffering Idtar. He is then given magic with him blowing everything up, destroy things with hell based magic, cast magic circles with devastating effects, and turning things into pieces. He gained long chains around both his arms with two falchion-like blades called the War-Blades of Malice and Vengeance. He served the god with completely loyalty until the day that he heard that the god was killed by Bob during his fight with Symbol. He swore revenge on the wizard with him planning to rebuild the tower of heaven using magic power from the underworld to do it. He just needed Vernon to do it. He had dark green hair, a scar that starts at the top of his eye up to his right hand, and chains around both of his arms. He usually wears a gray shirt with a red tint under a hooded black coat with light red edges, two strings with sword-shaped pendants handing down from the hood and simple and loose black pants inside laced boots. Under them is his fighting suit using for melee combat. It also shows off his years of training his body due to it being muscular. It is a skin tight outfit with it belong black around the torso and mid-arm regions of his body with the rest being the shoulders, forearm, and thighs down is white. He has small protrusions on his outfit with each come with seven holes which allow him to aid him in his flight. The rest of the suit is decorated by groups of three thin red lines over the arms and legs with a double set adoring the chest.
Anarchy, Bob's Demons. Darkness Wizard. 699 years old. He is Bob's inner demons. He is always trying tempting Bob to use his power to kill anyone who hurts his family but his father along with Chaos, Lee, Raziel, Ryuluth, and Satan stopped his plans every single time. Hr had a chance once they died by Milorth because he is the one who allowed Bob control over Draco Form to kill his father and he would take over Bob to control the world. It failed thanks to the memories of Sivarth and he sought a new plan using Basil. He tricked Basil that he was the God of Pain and Suffering's lasting memories to trick Basil into bringing back the dead to get Bob's body for control. He is also connected to Future Bob/Vlad in some way. That bob kills the darkness in his universe. His magic is darkness version of any magic that Bob has ever seen. He looks just like Bob in X791 except with a shadow vibe going on.
Lich. Magic and Slimy Curse. ? years old. After the defeat and destruction of Underworld along with Hell Heart thanks to Heroes, she decided to change herself by a lot. She changed all of her traits that most people found annoying such as her laugh and her very strange obsession with the gender that is opposite to her. She keeps her strange sense of fashion however but compared to the two things that were mentioned before, it is actually good. She now lives in the ruins of her guild's former base and she is able to bring back her fellow Lucerna along with the dead with a test tube of Hell Heart that Myra didn't destroy a year ago. She still has her very strange curse along with the Magic curse that looks like magic that a normal human but it is somewhat different to say the least. She now looks like a girl who is in her mid twenties or thirties and she look pretty hot to guys. She has very attractive features and to guys, she is a total babe. She has her black hair ending about mid back length and she still has her bunny ears. She now wears a white coat that goes down to her thighs with her wearing a dark purple shirt with a dark purple skirt. She wears matching knee-high boots to her coat and she is wearing a tie that has a dragon on it and 1/32 because of her clones.
Kirito Amane. Blood Wizard and Slayer. He looks to be 20 years old but he is actually 706 years old. He was a student of Milorth back in the day with him hating Bob just like Milorth. He was given the dragon's attention because of Bob failing in almost anything. He decided to torture Bob when the king wasn't looking using his blood magic. He is able to take blood like how vampires can or throw you into the wall thanks to his blood. Since he stole Bob's blood, he is now immortal. Milorth saw this one time and he decided to train Kirito on how to use his magic without sending him to the tower because during that time, you were sent there if you had any magic power be it small or large. It is like the first Tower of Revival. He was later tortured by Milorth after Bob destroyed the tower in magic rage and the young wizard set his life to made Bob pay for what he did. He tends to think highly of himself. He has short light brown that always seems to be spiked up, brown eyes, long lasting scars all over his body from Milorth's torture, tan skin. an orange and white vest that covers his upper half of his body with a sleeveless brown shirt, blue jeans, and orange shoes. He carries a sword that seems very basic but he has enchanted it to be able to harm dragons. He is a wizard for hire.
Mike Amane. Fire Wizard and Chreax. 10 years old. He is Kirito's Chreax partner. He shares a lot of things with both Scampers and the Adonis Chreax hybrid. He is extremely powerful and he likes Dawn of Heroes much to the anger of Scampers. He wants her and since Scampers is Bob's partner in crime, he hates him because Kirito hates Bob. He is able to use fire magic just like a pro being that he was trained how Kirito was back in the day. He is also able to turn into a beast like form like a tiger or something along those lines just like Scampers can. He is extremely good with machines because of reasons unknown to her. He has red fur and he seems to be a cat along with a very smug animal. I don't know a smug animal just imagine one and you pretty got Mike in a nut shell. He is a wizard for hire.
Camilla Underwood. Unknown Wizard. 44 years old. She is a strange woman being that she is tall for a woman being slightly above 5 foot 10 which is pretty tall for a girl (I think). She is also super beautiful. If she was in Magician Monthly, she would be hotter than Ms. Meca aka Lana Stars. This is a bad comparison but I tried. She is very knowledgeable about the history of Meca with most people having no idea about what she is talking about. She tends to compare things to things in the past and she loves to watch fighting. She is extremely confident in her magic power and she tends to overthink herself when it comes to extremely strong opponents. She will be rude and insulting to those above her but she will be nice if she wants. She has the nickname of the Crimson Angel because she is both beautiful and deadly. She looks like Allison May and she has a history with her and she loves sweet a lot in fact. She has scarlet red hair which she has a lot of it and green eyes like emeralds. Her hair stops about where her hips are and two strands are resting on her voluptuous chest. She has two X-shaped earrings in both of her ears with her always wearing cherry red lipstick. She wears clothing that a mother shouldn't be wearing but she doesn't care about that kind of stuff since she is more focused on traveling instead of how she is dressing. She wears a very witch like hat with it being strangely larger than her head and it has white bandaging near the ends of her hair and it has a fur lining near its edges. It is a dark purple and black color. She has a dark red and black top with a diamond shaped opening exposing a part of her breasts with a heart shaped pattern around the borders. It extends down to her waist where it is meet with a large scar from something that she isn't a fan of talking about for personal reasons. She is wearing a matching cape to her hat and it has a light coloring inside with two medallion like ornaments and it is held together somehow with a chain. She wears a elongated loincloth with the omega symbol on the front with light borders and it connected to another piece of cloth with the hear shaped designs. She wears purple thigh-high booth with a strong heel to them and like most of her clothing, it has a light colored border to them. She wears gloves of the same color and design as her heels with claw like extensions and they are deadly. She use a magic staff in combat and this is deadly.
Brittany Inferno. Heaven Wizard. 45 years old. She is the ancestor to Stella being that in her time period, she was one of the strongest Spirit Wizard around in the year X392 when she was in her late twenties but she looked like she was actually in her early 20s. She actually knew Bob, Hex, and Rose back in the day and she had very strong feeling for Bob like a son despite him being way older but she couldn't act upon them because of his four wives. She was then trapped in time after Hex tricked her into building the Twilight Gate to bring things to the future. She was free from her prison after the gate was reactivated by the Meca royal family in X792. She lost her memory but she could remember her ability to use Heaven magic and memories with the Power Slayer. She is extremely fascinated with this new world. She has long silver hair with azure blue tips on the end of her hair and scarlet crimson eyes. She is extremely beautiful with her having a perfect body with no flaws due to her amazing luck which Stella got from her. She was given new clothes by the girls living at the castle because her old one being a keyhole blouse with a long dress and high-collared cloak isn't very fashionable in this day and age. She now wears perfectly fitted black jeans with a azure blue belt with a silver belt buckle made out of metal. She wears a light green tank top that shows off her very impressive body. She wears a black jacket with a golden cross on the back of it with a dragon resting around the cross. She usually has her lengthy hair back in a ponytail and she has her side-swept bangs in front with two strands of hair draped down the sides of her head.
Lila Aquiler aka Lynda. Angel and Element Wizard. 27 years old. She accidentally made James fall in love with her because she is able to charm people that she learned from someone in the Tower of Revival in all of places. The person who told her how to flirt is like how Ron was to Allison. She decided to leave the guild because she wanted to leave. She wanted to be near her sister without her knowing about her being there. To her, their relationship is complicated but to others, it is her being scary. She is also a single agent but she works with Primeval Genesis without being a member of the guild. She still has her gray hair and violet eyes because she decided to changed her eye color due to her not wanting to be confused for Stella. She dress just like an angel because in prison, she wanted to be free like an angel or bird. Her hair reaches down to her back and the tresses of hair now reach down past her shoulders and she has an violet hair ribbon and angel wing tattoos on her collarbone and she has a curl on the top of her hair. She wears a bikini that is like angel wings or clothing that have blue and white. All of her clothing tends to leave nothing to the imagination but she doesn't care.
Joey Banks. Card Wizard. 24 years old. He along with Justin are stronger than they were eight years ago because they traveled around looking for freedom. He however turned into a playboy being that he is extremely good with women even ones who are extremely serious. He forgave James for what he did after he learned the truth about him. His card magic improved being that he is able to combine different cards to make different effects. One of his signature move is called Card Ragnarok which is him creating several thousand cards to make different effects upon hitting a different color. He has his green hair cut in a Caesar cut and blue eyes. He now has facial hair with a goatee being the same color as his hair. He still has his cross earring in his left ear with his right ear having five helix piercings that in the form of three hoops. He has the number 7 under his lips. He has slightly tan skin and he is handsome to others. He wears a green t-shirt with the number ten in roman numeral aka that X and black jeans with a card keychain attached to his pants with him wearing black tennis shoes.
Justin Pierce. Shapeshifting Wizard. 26 years old. His body doesn't look like something from the game Minecraft anymore being that he is able to change his appearance. He tends to be Joey's big brother in many things mainly love because he doesn't it. He is now wears a white collared shirt with a dark green shirt with a dark blue tie. He wears sunglasses that hid his black eyes with his gray hair that is still block like.
Dwayne Haggard. Darkness Wizard. 28 years old. He is a very serious wizard and he hates dragons with a burning passion. They destroy his village and killed everyone there beside him. He decided to learn darkness magic to find any dragons so he can kill them with his magic. His darkness magic is able to pierce through a wyvern's scales so he thinks that taking down a dragon is easy. After he lost to a dragon known as Milorth, he swore revenge on the beast. He trained for ten years to defeated the dragon but he heard about Bob defeating him and killing him. He swore his revenge on Bob after that and he became a wizard for hire. He is able to hide from most detection magic even Lost Magic due to a special stone inside of his body. He is very tall for a man being that he is six foot four. He actually dress really well for himself. He wears a long sleeved shirt of usually the primary colors along with dark colors and he usually keeps his shirt unbuttoned at the top showing off his very muscular chest. He keeps the shirt tucked his black dress slacks and black dress shoes. He wears a long black leather trench coat with very elaborate blood-red patterns near the end and he draped it over his shoulders like a cape. He has very strong looking features that are considered to be very handsome to others. He has a very detailed shaped scar to the left of it that surrounds most of his eye and it trails down to the middle of his cheek. He has short spiky gray hair and deep brown eyes that you could melt in. Under his clothing, he has a very chiseled body with a pair of two and large scars that go diagonal on his chest and abdomen. One begins near his right shoulder and going all the way down to his left oblique. His other scar begins just below his right pectoral muscle and it goes down to the left leg of his pants. He got those bad boys from his encounter with Milorth.
Natasha Sampson. Fire Wizard. 17 years old. She is a schoolgirl that goes to the high school that is in the hometown of Monsters. She like most of the students have a crush on one of the members. She is known for switching between either Chad or Steve since the two are the most well known males in the guild with Lora and Nancy being the most popular females of the group. She is actually a wizard but she doesn't want people to know about her magic power. She is extremely powerful being that her fire is able to make anything. She remembers some people of Angel except less social awkward and a pretty decent cook in her opinion. She has long ruby red hair that goes to the middle of her back, deep red eyes, and a pale complexion with a large pair of breasts.
Megan Hawkins. Metal Wizard. 28 years old. She was initially from a universe very similar to Prion being that she is the daughter of a famous mechanic. She was born with the ability to bend metal itself so her being a blacksmith isn't that strange of a career choice. She was raised by her father to be tough as nails but she is able to be extremely feminine. She was taken into her land's royal army and she fell in love with one of the army's most powerful soldiers after he broke her cold heart. The two fell in love and Megan was happy. Her heart was broken when she lost her love and her child right in front of her die right in front of her by a girl who was the solider's first love and crazy ex. She then found a way to Meca due to the army having built a portal to other universes. She found a way to live her life once again with her becoming a prosthetist for people who lost their limbs and she is working on a way to allow wizards who lost their limbs to use their magic. She is determined to make sure that she stops suffering for the lovers of wizards. She will do anything for her patients but if they break her creation, she turns into a psycho. She wears an outfit that doesn't fit her profession. She wears a pair of opened-toes sandals, form-fitting black pants that stop about midway up her thighs, and a black t-shirt showing off her figure. She has long blond hair that she keeps in a profession looking and sexy ponytail and gray eyes. She is very well endowed with a strange tattoo on her right breast.
Lorelei Steele. Dream Wizard and Slayer. 19 years old. She is actually the daughter of two extremely powerful wizards with them being members of Heroes have long since past. She was born with a huge amount of magic power being that she was born from two powerful wizards. Ever since she was born, she was raised as a princess of Heroes. She was hunted by dark wizards looking to use her power for evil. After losing her father, her mother sent her in a spell similar to Hero Sphere away to somewhere safe with her only having her name and a letter of pretty much everything written about her origin in a magic seal that only a wizard of great magic power can undo. She was then raised by the Dream Dragon Venia and she was raised to be a very powerful slayer by the dragon. She actually knew Bob since she was really little but she forgot about him since it has been a long time but she remembers his scent. She has two different forms with one being her as a child and the other one being her more normal look with her switching between the two at will. Her mother dragon has no idea why despite her research. After her mother died due to reasons that she isn't talking about whatsoever, she settle in a town aka the hometown of the number two guild in Meca Monster hoping that one day she can meet her Bob again. Her magic is Dream Magic which is the stronger version of Imagination and Memory magic due to the fact that she is able to create things out of thin air. She is able to absorb the energy of anything around her with her deciding if they lose all of the energy or not. She is very emotional and compassionate person who just love any children. Despite this, she can be violently which is able to scare the strongest man with ease mainly when some hurts or talks to her man. She has an over-active imagination and gets carried away thinking of implausible scenarios. She has a very strange way of talking with it sounding wrong coming from her child form with Bob totally blaming her dragon mother for this. In her child form. she has a child like affection over Bob and she is known for bear-hugging him. She is knowledgeable and easygoing.She isn't the slightest bit modest about her appearance and she is known for being very prideful mainly about her body. She doesn't mind using her body and feminine charm to get he way mainly when she wants Bob to let her stay in his house. She will strip if no one compliments her on her outfits even if they are extremely skimpy. She loves buying excessive amounts of clothing in her true form and candy in her child form much to the dismay of anyone that goes shopping with her. She is good at acting. She loves to tease her Bobby and Allison. She is also extremely sadistic in battle and she doesn't show any mercy or remorse toward the enemies that she comes against. She tends to flirt with Bob and doesn't care if anyone sees her doing this. If any kind of danger happens to Bob good or bad, she will acted depressed and it will lead a rise in her anxiety level. She acts seductive toward Bob but she is emotional towards love with her acting like a little girl on a date with Bob. She won't stop her seducing Bob and flirting with him. She get jealous and will fight for him. She thinks that Bob is special and no one is different. She has no problem showing Bob her breasts or sleeping naked with him because she says that she can't sleep nude and without her Bob. She will show jealously if Bob doesn't spend enough time with him much to his dismay. Her true form is extremely attractive woman with a mixture of pale and tan skin. She has a figure that is both slender and extremely shapely with it trying people's attention with her breasts being her most prominent feature. Her figure is an hourglass figure. Her figure is known for being seductive and tempting which she uses to her advantage mainly with Bob. She is an average height for a woman for her age. She has brunt orange hair grown to the middle of her thighs. It is full and extremely wavier. She has her bangs naturally frame her face and it hangs over her ears. She does put her hair in a ponytail that looks extremely sexy mainly when she is working on something serious and she keeps it there with a cotton candy pink ribbon that reminds her of Bob. The tail ends at her hips. She has violet eyes with voluminous lashes and they always seem to be like she is madly in love. She is known for her fully lips and a beauty mark under the left side of her mouth. She has most of her clothing show off her very ample bosom to be revealed. She tends to wear seductive clothing mainly when she wants to impressive Bob. She abandoned her mask for something that a woman would wear. She has a thin golden and diamond necklace with a heart tucked between her cleavage and she has a pair of gold earrings that resembles dragons roaring. Her child form is the ultimate cute little girl. She has short chin length burnt orange hair and violet eyes that look to be extremely wide. She like most Slayers has elongated canine with the ones on the bottom being more prominent. Her clothing mainly contains a very simple pink gown with a hood that covers her entire body. She wears a cartoon-like skull that covers her entire face except for the bottom of her mouth. Her eyes are seen with this with there being a crack running across the right side of said mask with all of the teeth broken off thanks due to time.
Emma Vasquez. Time Wizard. 21 years old. She is known as the Slicer with her being wanted by the magic council for a long time. She has never been caught or seen since she is able to control time itself with her finishing off her jobs. She is known for killing people much to the council's anger and she is wanted by them. She is actually a woman who has been cursed by a god. She seems to be very relaxed and cynical of most things. She enjoys making comments about others and it makes her not very well liked in her profession. She does this stuff because she has seen a huge amount of death and suffering since a young age. She tends to be very serious while on a job because she hands her job with care. While under the control of another of the time god, her entire being changes for the worst. She wants to kill anything that gets in her way with her personality that isn't taken over being that she only kills her target and nothing else. She is a curvaceous young woman with a delicate figure despite her having strength that rivals people that work in a gym. She have wavy lagoon blue hair that goes up to her shoulders and she pushes it off her neck showing it off with it on her chest. Some bangs hang down her forehead curving away from her face on either side. Her coral green eyes look serious twenty four seven but she is actually pretty nice and kind heart. She has a strange symbol that looks like a clock that glows a bright red upon working on a job. It is branded on the outer side of her right calf. She uses a broadsword and backsword hybrid in combat despite it being almost her size. She wears something that is extremely sexy. Her arms however is encased in golden armor. The only part of her arm that is plated with the arm is her upper arm and shoulder and she wears the rest like a gauntlet. She wears a dark-colored skin-tight suit. It reaches up to her neck with it having crimson red borders that separates the darker and lighter parts of the outfit from each other. On the back, going down from her spine is a pattern of triangles intersecting with each other in a diagonal formation. She has light colored straps that encasing the arms and legs with brown sandals. While being possessed by the time god known as Pathar, her body get shrouded in ever lasting darkness and her eyes glow bright red with a clock in the eye.
Regina Thrasher. Element and Transform Wizard. 22 years old. She is a strong woman being that she is able to transform any part of her body into either an animal or an element such as steel. She was a formal Alchemy Knight (Does anyone stay in that group?) before going on her own to hopefully find herself a guild to call home. She travels across Meca mainly stopping perverts with her magic and she hates them with a passion. Her magic allows her to change into anything that she wants and also control the elements. She has large purple eyes that remind people who see her of cats. She has silky black hair with white tips that is about up to her ass. She keeps it tied up in a high ponytail with a navy blue ribbon with her bangs framing her face. She wears a black corset style top with a hot pink ribbon that enhances her impressive and large breasts look bigger and a white jacket. She wears a dark purple skirt with fishnet stockings and black high heeled knee high boots.
Team Power. This team consists of four S Class wizards and four S-Class level wizards. They are known for completing high ranking jobs in quick succession and they are known for causing a lot of destruction in the town with Bob and Kurt being the two causing the more damage. This team was known to cause both bad and good stress Ax due to their high completion rate and destruction. The main team consist of Allison, Ana, Bob, Dawn, Kurt, Rose, Scampers, and Stella. They have other wizards joining the team for jobs along with causing loads of destruction with some being more common than others. However, the eight tend to go on other teams when the other members are busy with stuff or jobs of their own.
The Inferno Legion. This team consists of members who are close to X Hunter. Their power as a team is rivaled by Ultimate Champions even though they all have very stronger members being that all of the members are considered to be worth for S-Class. The team consist of Alex, Eve, John, Krystal, Leonard, and Viola. They sometimes have Grim and X join up with them. Due to Leonard's strange respect and love for X, he is happy when that does happen.
Ultimate Champions. This team consists of Jade along with Fred and Victor who admire her. This power as a team is rivaled by the Inferno Legion. Their bond as a team is actually putting them on equal footing with the guild with s class candidates. Both Fred and Victor like Jade but she likes a certain metal slayer who like the cute girl back causing heartbreak. The team consist of Fred, Jade, Johnny, Victor, and Z.
Team 1 of Infernal Domination: This team is seen as the weakest out of the bunch with them having many minor members working under their six strongest wizards of the group. The leader of the group is Anita who was a former member of Symbol but boy, she got way stronger in a year. The team consist of Anita, Carla Palmer, Dwight, Lewis Clark, Ringo, and Tamara.
Team 2 of Infernal Domination: This team is slightly stronger than Team 1. They mainly work with Team 3 and they have no say in the guild's plan unlike Team 3. The leader of the group is Son Vargas who is actually working undercover with Primeval Genesis to stop Infernal Domination with no one knowing this. The team consist of Elliot Murdock, Faye Lawrence, Judy, Sebastian, Seth, and Son Vargas.
Team 3 of Infernal Domination: This team is the third strongest in the guild under Team 4 and Warren. They mainly work with Team 2 and they have something to say in the guild's plan unlike Team 2. The leader of the group is Mordred Hunter who is stronger than both Ebeixhar and Samuel combined. The team consist of Allen Mountain, Ebeixhar, Keith Wind, Mordred Hunter, Rickey Volcano, and Samuel Fuller.
Team 4 of Infernal Domination: This team is the second strongest in the guild under Warren. They mainly work right under Warren and they are seen giving orders out to the other three teams excluding the Slayer team. The leader of the group is Dust who is really strong and he is able to keep everyone away from him while blasting him with several different kinds of magic. The team consist of Chris Watson, Dust, Emily Watson, Randy Cook, Teresa Kelly, and Wolf.
Six Slayers. This team consisted of Six Slayers that joined Infernal Domination. The team consist of Cherry Roman, Corina Strange, Lavern Harley, Leif Varela, Nuria Sefarino, and Tyson Milo.
Underworld Squad. This group of dead were all members of Underworld before they died thanks to Heroes and also Milorth. Kazor Underworld is seen as the strongest member of the group along with the dead with Milorth challenging that title.
Deceased Veterans. This guild is like Primeval Genesis but they are formed thanks to being revived from the dead. After their encounter with Bob and Scampers, they joined Primeval Genesis with only Anna and James knowing about them. Sivarth is only with them until he reunites with Bob again.
The Inferno Legion. This team consists of members who are close to X Hunter. Their power as a team is rivaled by Ultimate Champions even though they all have very stronger members being that all of the members are considered to be worth for S-Class. The team consist of Alex, Eve, John, Krystal, Leonard, and Viola. They sometimes have Grim and X join up with them. Due to Leonard's strange respect and love for X, he is happy when that does happen.
Ultimate Champions. This team consists of Jade along with Fred and Victor who admire her. This power as a team is rivaled by the Inferno Legion. Their bond as a team is actually putting them on equal footing with the guild with s class candidates. Both Fred and Victor like Jade but she likes a certain metal slayer who like the cute girl back causing heartbreak. The team consist of Fred, Jade, Johnny, Victor, and Z.
Team 1 of Infernal Domination: This team is seen as the weakest out of the bunch with them having many minor members working under their six strongest wizards of the group. The leader of the group is Anita who was a former member of Symbol but boy, she got way stronger in a year. The team consist of Anita, Carla Palmer, Dwight, Lewis Clark, Ringo, and Tamara.
Team 2 of Infernal Domination: This team is slightly stronger than Team 1. They mainly work with Team 3 and they have no say in the guild's plan unlike Team 3. The leader of the group is Son Vargas who is actually working undercover with Primeval Genesis to stop Infernal Domination with no one knowing this. The team consist of Elliot Murdock, Faye Lawrence, Judy, Sebastian, Seth, and Son Vargas.
Team 4 of Infernal Domination: This team is the second strongest in the guild under Warren. They mainly work right under Warren and they are seen giving orders out to the other three teams excluding the Slayer team. The leader of the group is Dust who is really strong and he is able to keep everyone away from him while blasting him with several different kinds of magic. The team consist of Chris Watson, Dust, Emily Watson, Randy Cook, Teresa Kelly, and Wolf.
Six Slayers. This team consisted of Six Slayers that joined Infernal Domination. The team consist of Cherry Roman, Corina Strange, Lavern Harley, Leif Varela, Nuria Sefarino, and Tyson Milo.
Underworld Squad. This group of dead were all members of Underworld before they died thanks to Heroes and also Milorth. Kazor Underworld is seen as the strongest member of the group along with the dead with Milorth challenging that title.
Deceased Veterans. This guild is like Primeval Genesis but they are formed thanks to being revived from the dead. After their encounter with Bob and Scampers, they joined Primeval Genesis with only Anna and James knowing about them. Sivarth is only with them until he reunites with Bob again.
Slayer Types:
Original Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers are the true Slayers with them considered to be the strongest of their kind. They have a immune that all Slayers have which is Motion Sickness and some were raised by a dragon while others weren't. The known Slayers are Ana. Bob, Cherry, Corina, Ethan, Felix, Laura, Lorelei, Rory, and Zane.
First Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers were raised by their foster parents at a young age and all of them were proud dragons. The known Slayers are Dante, Elizabeth, Jenny, Johnny, Kurt, Luigi, Lyra, Nolan, Python, and Rick aka X.
Second Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers had Slayer-Based Crystals placed inside of them allowing them to use both abilities and magic of Slayers but to the real Slayers, they're nothing but artificial Slayers. They can be stronger than a second or third generation but it takes a lot of training. The known Slayers are Drake, Gero, Gisele, Goddess Victoria, Ike, Ion, Jamal, Julius, Lanita, Lavern, Leif, Marilyn, Matt, Miki, Nuria, Odessa, Santos, Terra or May, Tonia, Tonya, Tyson, Xenia, Yukiko, and Zulma.
Third Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers is a mixture of both First Generation and Second Generation Slayers with them being raised by a dragon and also having a Slayer-Based Crystals placed inside of them. Tara forgot the name of her dragon due to her training and Jeremy tends to only say that the Earth Dragon King was his dragon being that the dragon never told him his name as a joke. The known Slayers are Amelia, Chad, Hannah, Jeremy, Kathy, Silas, Steve, and Tara.
Fourth Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers is very different because they were raised by their parents which could have either been a first, second, or third generation Slayer or a dragon and they are going to be stronger when they are older. The known Slayers are Kirito, Mia, Percy, and Volt.
Original Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers are the true Slayers with them considered to be the strongest of their kind. They have a immune that all Slayers have which is Motion Sickness and some were raised by a dragon while others weren't. The known Slayers are Ana. Bob, Cherry, Corina, Ethan, Felix, Laura, Lorelei, Rory, and Zane.
First Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers were raised by their foster parents at a young age and all of them were proud dragons. The known Slayers are Dante, Elizabeth, Jenny, Johnny, Kurt, Luigi, Lyra, Nolan, Python, and Rick aka X.
Second Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers had Slayer-Based Crystals placed inside of them allowing them to use both abilities and magic of Slayers but to the real Slayers, they're nothing but artificial Slayers. They can be stronger than a second or third generation but it takes a lot of training. The known Slayers are Drake, Gero, Gisele, Goddess Victoria, Ike, Ion, Jamal, Julius, Lanita, Lavern, Leif, Marilyn, Matt, Miki, Nuria, Odessa, Santos, Terra or May, Tonia, Tonya, Tyson, Xenia, Yukiko, and Zulma.
Third Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers is a mixture of both First Generation and Second Generation Slayers with them being raised by a dragon and also having a Slayer-Based Crystals placed inside of them. Tara forgot the name of her dragon due to her training and Jeremy tends to only say that the Earth Dragon King was his dragon being that the dragon never told him his name as a joke. The known Slayers are Amelia, Chad, Hannah, Jeremy, Kathy, Silas, Steve, and Tara.
Fourth Generation Slayers. This generation of Slayers is very different because they were raised by their parents which could have either been a first, second, or third generation Slayer or a dragon and they are going to be stronger when they are older. The known Slayers are Kirito, Mia, Percy, and Volt.
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