A/N:Okay. We have seen the characters which they're a lot of them so just imagine the amount of battles in it. This arc will have some elements from both the Anime and Manga in it plus the Macao Arc because I forgot to do that arc starting out way back when. I also want to talk about Slayer Force and Slayer Pressure. Slayer Force and Slayer Pressure are basically Dragon Force except each slayer has their own one.
Like Bob would have Power Force and Power Pressure. It is kinda like how Goku goes from Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan 2. Power Force is Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 is Power Pressure All Slayers can access it but they are stronger when they are in their element along with Lucernas in the area. Newton is Gottfried and it is pretty powerful. This is going to be REALLY LONG!
Underworld Preamble:
Gray and Frost arrive at the Underworld H.Q.
At the magic council building at Carran, the members of the council were taking about the result of the Grand Magic Games. Ira, Noah, Andrea, and Lisa are taking about it as well outside of the conference room.
Edwin talks about the main topic of conversation Underworld. Jim suggest that Underworld is taking out dark guilds which makes the rest of them laugh at them.
A messenger runs in and he interrupts the meeting only for the building to blow up.
After the explosion, Noah finds Ira, Andrea, and Lisa trapped under rubble and they are breathing but they are almost dead. Noah looks around the wreckage to find anyone that is still alive.
He sees Jim having his head slammed into the ground by Wolf of the Sixteen Deadly Demons. He tells the young man to get the injured out of here before he explodes thanks to Wolf.
At the Heroes Guild Hall, the guild is having a normal day with Myra, Clint, and Wanda serving the wizard.
Bob and Allison talks with Ax and Marie about Dion and Nancy being members of a dark guild along with the mention of the father and Ax gets reminded about his age from some of the women nearby the four.
Casey tries to get Brendan to eat bread with him on it but it doesn't work since he is freaking out by it. Some of the major members talk about it as Norman eats one causing Sakura to reprimand him for doing that. Brendan eventually tries one only to eat one with his face on it.
Kurt, Scampers, Spike, Z, Dawn, Stella, Ana, Melody, Rose, Jade, and Johnny are trying to figure out more about Final and Underworld.
Fred and Victor come into the guild hall with big news shocking the entire guild.
Back at Carran, Noah is walking in the prison cells with a recovered Ira, Andrea, and Lisa. The girls are questioning what he is doing here as he says that Ira already knows what he is doing.
He stops in front of Tonya's cell as she chats with the four for a bit. Noah demands for her to spit out all that she knows about Underworld. She refuses as she learns that the higher ups are all dead.
Noah holds a knife up to her neck as he tells her that he will kill her and the other captains excluding Ira are shocked by this.
Gray and Frost are looking out only to turn around to see Zepoza behind them with some lower ranking members. Gray asks about the whereabouts of Wolf and Hurricaner as a shorter demon with a cane tells them that they are out on jobs.
The sixteen deadly demons excluding Hurricaner and Wolf are getting ready for their plans as Tonya tells them that Underworld is a guild filled with Hex's book demons and Final being their guildmaster. The demons are talking about their plans and we learn about them.
At the Sunset at the Sea restaurant, Clyde is taking with the members of the Inferno Legion plus John and his two employees about what happened at the Magic Council HQ. They also talk about the jobs that they have been getting since winning the grand magic games.
A strange hooded man walks into the restaurant and he blows up the place with just the sound of his voice.
John, Krystal. Viola, Eve, Leonard, Clyde, Rudy, and Leona vs Hurricaner.
The man goes after Clyde as Leonard and Rudy try to protect him from the man only to get blasted away.
He attacks the old man as Krystal and Eve tried to stop his onslaught. The girls get attacked by him as Clyde asked who is here.
He tells the old man that he has no name but humans call him a disaster. Leonard wonders what this magic is. He tells them that the gates of hell have been opened and he tries to kill Clyde. Leonard figures out that they are after both current and former council members as well.
The strange man tries to kill Clyde but he is stopped by X who is ready to fight.
X vs Hurricaner.
X figures out that he isn't human at all.
X curb stomp the demon as the others comment on it. Norman sneezes as Eve makes a comment about X's manliness. The others talk about it as Hurricaner mumbles something about humans not being a factor in their plan and lives. He explodes as some weird powder surrounds them.
They learn from the voice of Hurricaner that it something called Decessus. It destroy all of the magic in the air that it comes in contact with and it is poisonous to wizards.
Everyone swallows it as the group is more worried about Leona. They all faint excluding Krystal and Leonard. The two see X and he keeps saying over his dead body. He starts to swallow up the powder and he tells them that Slayer's lungs are unique since they have a dragon inside of them. He tells the two to get everyone back to the guild hall.
Later at the guild hall, Althea diagnosis the patients as Ax is worried about them. She tells the entire guild that they were lucky to have survive especially X whose lungs are damaged beyond belief. The guild are worried about this.
Leonard talks with Bob and Ax about the town being okay and how good of a job X did. Ax and Bob refuse to tell them that the town is a death zone with a lot of people dead.
Everyone refuses to tell him the truth as Ax and Bob tells him what the man wants to hear. Leonard is happy about this. The guild is either sad or anger. Bob is furious and he tells him that they are going to war with them for hurting his family.
Back at Underworld HQ, Hurricaner is being revived as he is talking with Zepoza on his coming back to life. She tells him that two new demons are being birthed right now and they are later shown to be Dion and Nancy.
Ebeixhar makes a comment about Vasroch being a failure. Hurricaner mention Heroes as Nancy and Dion go angry.
Zepoza tells Ebeixhar about Heroes being the ones who destroy Nine Prayers and Wicked Genocide in a year. She wonders if they will try to get in her way.
Back at Heroes's guild hall, Bob is trying to get out there to go destroy Underworld. Issac, Fate, Virgil, Charlie, and Fred are holding him down as Victor lays defeated from Bob's rampage.
Ax argues with his grandson about they should handle this as Marie is scared over their fighting.
They tried to figure out a way to find the homes of the former council members but they have no idea about where they are and where they live.
Jason arrives with Drake, Odessa, and Angel plus Danny who are here to help out the guild. Jason knows the location of four of the former council members as Danny offers up his services to help the guild out in their time of need. Drake and Odessa brought with them Kirby and Kari who are their Chreax partners.
Everyone gets geared up for the war ahead them as Ax and Marie gives them a speech. Althea mentions that if they can get the blood of the person who poisoned X and the others, she can make a cure so they need to find it.
Bob, Ana, Rose, Dawn, Scampers, Jaime, Alex, and Stella go to Marco's location to protect him.
Bob and Marco but heads since these two hate each other as Stella and Marco's granddaughter Maria try to stop them.
Marco figures out why Underworld is after former and current council members as Bob senses something. The house is blown up.
Bob saves their lives by eating the explosion.
Wolf stands there as he and Bob glare at each other.
The girls figure out that Wolf is the person who blew up the magic council and he blows up the town around them to stop Marco who tries to run away.
Bob rushed toward him starting the fight.
Bob vs Wolf.
Wolf tries to tell Bob something but he doesn't listen as he goes on a full out rampage on the demon as Marco is scared of Bob's fighting.
Bob defeats him as Marco figures out why he is here and he tries to run away with his granddaughter. Bob stops him by making him tell what he knows as Wolf wakes up.
He tells them that Marco tells him what he knows that they will all have a painless death. Marco yells at Bob to beat him already as Bob says something about the man.
Wolf tells Bob to look down as Bob noticed that he was some weird stuff on him as Wolf tells him about his curse which makes things that touch him turn into bombs which he has done about 100 times.
Bob noticed that he is about to explode as he tells everyone to get away from him.
Bob explodes as he is "defeated" by the demon who starts to laugh at him. Marco is worried about himself as Wolf tells him that he will give his granddaughter a horrible death.
Marco runs away from the wreckage. Ana, Rose, Dawn, Scampers, Alex, and Stella stop him as Marcia worries about her grandfather.
Ana, Rose, Dawn, Jaime, Scampers, Alex, and Stella vs Wolf.
He stops them all using his magic which is later revealed to be a Curse, He defeated them as he runs after Marco.
Marcia helps Stella up as she, Rose, Jaime, and Alex go after him while Ana, Dawn, Scampers, and Marcia tries to help Bob up.
Marco is running through town as the townspeople is wondering what is up with the old cat man.
Wolf gets his attention and Marco tries to run away from him as Wolf talks with him.
Alex, Jaime, Rose, and Stella are stopped by Wolf who says that they move, kaboom. The four Heroes try to get the townspeople to leave but Wolf decide to have some fun with this. He grabs a woman who is about to have a baby and Marco and tells the heroes to pick between the two on who survive and who goes boom.
He has fun torturing the four heroes and the two in the bomb balls. He is about to make a joke about Stella before he is attacked by Bob who is launched into the nearby river.
The woman is saved as Bob punched Marco for reasons. The rest of his team sigh at him as Wolf tells him that he touched him. Bob starts to eat the explosion and he survives the attack
Bob vs Wolf (Round 2).
Wolf goes into his super or Lucerna form as he almost destroy the town once colliding with Bob. Bob and the others learn about him being a demon as Bob tells him that it is a pretty stupid reason for him fighting.
He defeats him using his new mode known as Slayer which is pretty much comes from Ryuluth, the power dragon. He later explodes from punching Wolf like crazy.
The group talk about Bob's victory as Wolf is mumbling something as he tries to blow up the entire town.
Scampers grabs him to save the town from the explosion. He tells the demon that he and his guild are going to lose. He is caught in the explosion as everyone is worried about him. He comes back down to the group with an afro and the group is happy that he is still alive.
Johnny, Jade, Brendan, Casey, Jenny, Python, Z, and Wanda go to Sarah's location to protect her.
They arrive in the city to see that the city being completely frozen in ice and they find Sarah with her grandson at the hands of Miza with Frost by her side.
Johnny attacks them as the others go try to help her.
Johnny, Python, Jenny, Z, Wanda, Jade, Casey, Brendan, Sarah, and Stan vs Miza and Frost.
They fail as Sarah is killed by Miza. She along with Frost are gone.
Kurt, Danny, Melody, Spike, Clara, Angel, Roy, and Grim go toward Randall's location to protect him.
They find the town complete covered with slashes marks and they find him and his grandson Randy who is scared beyond belief. They fight against a group of Underworld soldiers who are still in the town killing innocent people and Rech.
Kurt, Danny, Melody, Spike, Clara, Roy, Angel, Randall, Randy, and Grim vs Underworld Soldiers and Rech.
Rech escapes the Heroes but not before he kills Randall using his blades.
Drake, Odessa, Nick, Julie, Adam, Jean, Kari, Kirby, Norman, Sakura, and Cyrus go to Gregg's location to protect him. This group is largest since Gregg is the most important former member of the Council.
They see that the town is completely normal until they are surrounded by the undead who attack them from the group. Norman, Sakura, and Cyrus run off to go find the former magic council member while the others take care of the undead.
Drake, Odessa, Nick, Kirby, Kari, Adam, Jean, and Julie vs the undead.
Ax communicates with the teams excluding Drake and Bob's team about what happened to the magic council members that they were sent to protect.
Norman finds Gregg alive and well along with Grace alive and well. The two later attack the three heroes.
Norman, Sakura, and Cyrus vs Gregg and Grace.
The three figure out that Gregg is dead as Grace turns out to be a fake. Norman tells Sakura to set up the communication orb so they can contact the guild. Cyrus noticed that Gregg is awake as the wizard destroy the orb and he goes back to being dead.
The three see Zimsa and she tells them that she killed the old man and the zombies are from Sezoch who isn't here right now.
Norman tells the two to get ready to fight her but he later noticed that he is choking both Sakura and Cyrus.
Bob's group gets into the call with Johnny and Kurt's group. Marco tells the guild and Bob, Johnny, and Kurt's group about Head which is the council's ultimate weapon and it can get rid of the magic on the continent. He tells them that four magic council members were selected at random and only the former chairman knows who they are.
Ax tells someone to go find them only for someone to tell him that they have already sent their best duo Allison and Myra on their way.
Part One: Everlasting Life and Evildoers.
Myra and Allison are resting nearby a river as Myra asks about James and Anna being targets due to them being former magic council members. Allison tells her that he can take care of himself and Anna as well.
The two arrive at the former chairman's home to be served tea by the man. He asks why the girls are here in the first place as he remembers what happened to Heroes and Allison. He talks with the girls about Head and what he knows.
The two sense something as they tell the man to go hide as a bunch of members attack them.
Allison and Myra vs Underworld members.
Norman begs for Zimsa to let Sakura and Cyrus go. She tells him that when a human asks a demon for something that they offered up their soul so she ask him if he is offering up his soul.
At Carran, Noah looks at Tonya's empty prison cell as he remembers what she told him and the others about Head and Underworld.
Tonya is currently with the new nine prayers which has more than nine members. Mind congratulates her for a good job only for him to be blasted by her. She tells the others about what Mind thinks of them as Mind turns into Zero and he attacks the group.
Tonya, Julius, Night, Helen, Harold, Silvia, Lynda, Quick, Ex, Perry, Reaper, Holly, Marx, and Val vs Zero.
Zero is defeated as the newly freed Prayers decide what to do with their freedom only to be stopped by James, Alice, Kirk, Sally, Anna, and Bryan as they are here as per a favor by Noah. Renee is helping making sure that the other council members are safe.
Bob wakes up and he makes Marco tell him where the former magic council chairman's house as he and Scampers fly off to the house.
Myra and Allison finish off their enemies and both girls noticed that this was too easy because the former chairman should have been a bigger target. Bob tells Scampers that someone must have told Underworld about the locations of the former council members. Roosevelt later reveals himself to be the spy as he holds the sleeping Myra and Allison in his arms.
Bob and Scampers arrive to the aftermath of the fight only to find the girls and Roosevelt gone and missing. Bob destroy the house as Scampers tells him to stop. Bob tells his partner about the former chairman's allegiance. He tells Scampers that he will find them despite he destroy the house where the scent was the strongest.
Allison wakes up to see Zepoza there and she in magic sealing chains. The demon makes her tell her about James and Anna's location since she is so close to the both of them. She also tells her that Myra is danger of becoming a member of Underworld if she doesn't say anything.
James and Anna tell the others to get back despite their objections. Both Silvia and Harold refuses to fight the two as the others swarm in.
James vs Tonya, Night, Lynda, Quick, Val, and Ex,
Anna vs Julius, Helen, Perry, Reaper, Holly, and Marx.
Zepoza keeps torturing Allison and she tells her that once she kills either James and Anna, the final seal on Head will be release. She tells her if she tells her where the two are, she will free Myra but Allison doesn't as Zepoza goes back to torturing her,
Roosevelt and Ebeixhar are taking and the former chairman is worried about someone or those girls telling where he is but the demon calms him down as their base is undetectable. The two later see Bob and Scampers coming toward them at an alarming speed as Bob punched the teeth right out of the old man and he gets the attention of the entire guild.
Stella, Alex, Jaime, Dawn, Rose, and Ana are looking for Allison, Bob, Myra, Scampers, and the former chairman. They find the house to see the wreckage from the fight and Bob. They've a feeling that Underworld did something to them. Ana tries to find them as Stella is worried about Bob who is currently at Underworld H.Q.
Allison is left to the tentacles of Ausairon as she goes to check on the noise.
Bob and Scampers are surround by guards as the two attack them.
Bob and Scampers vs Underworld Soldiers.
Bob attacks Ebeixhar to make him shut up while Kurt talks with Melody about the incident that are happening right now. Danny and the others are nearby but they wanted to let the two have their little moment. Kurt tells her that Heroes always comes out on top. Ebeixhar is mad as he attacks Bob and Scampers.
Bob and Scampers vs Ebeixhar.
The fight is interrupted by Frost and Gray who tell the demon to take the chairman away from the fight as the four have a little chat. Bob figures out that they have the same aura as Kurt and Danny before he is frozen in the same stuff as Sunshine Village.
Scampers gets out of there by barrels as Gray and Frost noticed that Bob has a demon inside of him as they separate Bob and Chaos.
Bob is later unfrozen and thrown into prison without his scarf which he reacts to until he sees Cyrus without his hat along with Sakura. The three talk as Bob learn that Norman was captured by them. He tells them that they will escape.
In a bedroom, Zimsa talks with Zepoza. Zepoza is pleased at her fellow demon's handiwork as she takes Zimsa to enjoy her reward.
James and Anna are on death's door as the others tell them that they are going to help as the two tell them they are going to keep fighting because none of the Prayers are truly free. Zero appears from Ex's explosion.
At Heroes guild hall, the guild talks about the recent events. They note that Cyrus, Norman, and Sakura stayed behind to bury the former chairman according to the rest of their team.
They tried to find out where Underworld's base is as Scampers comes flying through the window dazed and confused. He tells the guild everything that he knows as Jade thinks that she can find their base thanks to the info from Scampers.
Norman arrives back at the guild hall and he tells them that Cyrus and Sakura were captured by them. Tanya yells at him for failing as everyone is on edge right now.
Zimsa tells Norman to blow up the guild hall so he can get Sakura and Cyrus back from them.
Bob tries to escape only to be stopped by Gray who gives Sakura and Cyrus some hot chocolate and a blanket as the two are cold. He walks off as Bob tells his friends that man has the same magic aura as Kurt and the woman that he was with has the same magic aura as Danny. Gray talks to himself about Bob being here.
Ebeixhar talks with Roosevelt about where James and Anna while Zepoza along with Ausairon keep on torturing Allison.
James and Anna are still fighting the Prayers as Zero walks up and he wounds the two. He then destroy the two as the others are shocked by him. Ebeixhar and Roosevelt are happy at this development.
James and Anna break Night's illusions as James and Anna defeat them with two powerful spells. He along with Anna tells them that they will free them by defeating and killing Hex. They should join Primeval Genesis.
Roosevelt transfer the final keys to himself using his magic as Ebeixhar makes the man yelled it out loud to the heavens and he is killed by Zepoza. The island known as Block starts to react Head being unsealed as Norman is about to blow up the guild.
Head comes out of the ground in a cavern somewhere.
Sakura noticed a sword toward them as she figures out that they can escaped with it.
Zepoza and Ebeixhar talk about the current situation at hand as they hope Heroes doesn't stick their nose into their business but Zimsa tells the two that they have nothing to worried about. Their story is about to end.
In a lab, a strange demon who goes by the name of Lich is talking to herself as Hurricaner and Wolf are revived by her. She fawns over them as Wolf is grossed out by her. The three look at Dion and Nancy who are fully demons.
Lich looks at Chaos and Myra and she tells them that Myra and Chaos will be an ugly insect and a hunk respectfully.
Tanya finds Norman with the bomb as she tries to stop him but she can't get past his pure strength. Jade found their base as she tells the guild about its location which is right above them. The guild then explodes.
Part Two: Song of the Sky Maiden.
The people of Mural are worried about Heroes since their guild hall exploded on them. Some are stopped before they can go try and save them.
Zimsa is happy because Zepoza congratulated her and the woman tells the members of the guild to get ready to activate Head.
Ebeixhar noticed something strange about a high volume of magic readings with a guild member telling him that they can see nine shadows coming toward Block. The demon retorts him and Zimsa looks below the block.
They see Scampers, Spike, Z, Dawn, Wanda, Mark, Anne, Kirby, and Kari flying toward the base with cards as Zimsa wonders why they are carrying them.
A few moments earlier, Tanya is struggling with Norman before she decide to use a magic that Joey used back then to trap Norman in a card. She puts everyone into cards as she tells the Chreax team to fly to Block before the guild explodes.
Zimsa is shocked that she failed in front of her precious Zepoza as Zepoza tells a guard to send the army to the underblock and to turn on the gravitational field.
The Chreax team slams into the island and they noticed that the enemy is on their way there. Tanya frees everyone from their prison as they all charged toward the dark guild army.
Tanya talks with Norman who is back to normal. She tells him that they are going to save Sakura, Mura, and the others but she need him to be a real man.
Lich noticed the noise outside but she ignores it as she stares at Myra and tells her that she will make her an ugly demon while she make Chaos into a hunk. The two walk up at the same time as they broke their test tub. The two look at Lich who is scared out of her mind of the two who are demons with human skin. Chaos decide to go look for Bob as Myra takes her anger on Lich.
Zepoza decide to use Allison to stop those humans but she finds that she has broken out. Bob grabs her as he is mad at her for torturing his girlfriend as Allison comes toward Zepoza with the defeated Ausairon on her back. Cyrus and Sakura are nearby.
The four wizard interrogate her about Myra, Chaos, and Norman's location. They learn about Myra's location as Cyrus and Sakura go running toward her. Bob is told by Allison to go with them.
The two have a chat before Zepoza breaks free from her chains.
Allison vs Zepoza.
Allison stabs Zepoza as Heroes are fighting the demon army.
Heroes vs Underworld.
Kurt and Melody team up against a girl who seems to be in love with Kurt making Melody jealous of her and also some demons.
Kurt and Melody vs Underworld members and Carla Palmer.
Virgil, Fred, Victor, and Charlie protect the injured, Marie, and Althea from the demons while Ax and Spike destroy them using their giant form.
Arthur gets attacked by his little brother who is now a demon and he attacks his son who is awake but he can't move unlike the other seven before Mordred is stopped by Arthur, Gail, Clint, and Audrey.
Arthur, Gail, Clint, and Audrey vs Mordred.
He defeats the four after an intense fight as Mordred goes to look for Bob before he can kill X.
Python, Rich, April, and Jenny get cornered by demons as Tamara and Opal attack them.
Python, Rich, April, and Jenny vs Underworld members, Tamara, and Opal.
Tanya convince Norman to be a man to help take care of them. He does that as the others try to find a way into the base. Their answer comes from Allison making a hole to the center of the cube.
Bob, Cyrus, and Sakura find a stairway only to be seen by guards. Bob tells the two to keep moving as he decide to take care of them.
Bob vs Underworld guards.
He defeats them but then they are frozen in time. He hears a familiar voice as it turns out to be Hex who is happy to see him. Hex tells Bob that Underworld is his bookshelf.
Hex tells Bob about Underworld including Final being their true guild master and some other stuff causing Bob to be lost at what he is saying. Bob rushed toward Hex with his new sword as it destroy upon contact with the dark wizard.
Bob vs Hex.
After blocking all of Bob's attack, Hex tells that Bob will be making a choice that involving life and death. He disappears as time goes back to normal. Chaos sees him and he asks his other half about what just happened as Bob tells him that he has no idea. The two fuse back together as Bob runs off looking for Myra.
Bob runs into Zimsa. He knows that she is the one who make the guild blow up as Bob challenges her to a fight to her.
Bob vs Zimsa.
Bob decide to go find Myra after leaving Zimsa. She heads to the lab to get healed as she remembers the name Bob.
Allison talks with the guild about what happened so far as she gets taken by Zepoza telling the others to try and stop Head before it activates. Some of the major members of the guild jump into the hole going to destroy Underworld and save the others.
Sakura and Cyrus find Myra and Sakura hugs her sister. The three meet up with Zimsa who tells them that she is the one who made Norman blow up the guild hall using her curse. She tells them since not even one person was killed, a failure rest on her head and that she will kill Sakura for Norman messing up. Cyrus and Myra get mad at the demon,
Ebeixhar wonders why Head's location is different than what he expected for sure. He hears footsteps as he hides from Stella, Scampers, Ana, Rose, Dawn, and Z walking into the room,
Ebeixhar wonders why the guards didn't try to stop them as the girls and Scampers figure out that Head is unsealed and it needs to be activated on site.
Ana figures out that it will take 43 minutes until Head activates. Scampers go nuts as the female Chreax try and calm him down. The girls decide to go down there to stop Head but they are stopped by Sezoch which scares the girls.
Sezoch stands in their way as Ebeixhar joins him in stopping the girls plus Scampers. Stella summons Ted and April who let the others escape using April's wool.
Sezoch appears in front of the girls and he about to attack them only to be stopped by Danny. Stella thanks him as the skeleton figures out Danny why Danny is lost.
Danny vs Sezoch.
The girls noticed April's wool coming out of a hallway as Stella and Scampers are stopped by it as an April and Ebeixhar hybrid. He tries to grab Rose and Ana but before his hand can reach the girls, it is stopped by a giant lighting bolt from Bob.
Ana and Rose fly with Z and Dawn toward where the location of Head as Bob figures out why the girls are flying off while Ebeixhar gets angry. He later attacks them.
Bob, Stella, and Scampers vs Ebeixhar.
He later show the three his strongest soul as the three are noticeable shocked by this while the Yagami sisters plus Dawn and Z fly toward Head location with 36 minutes remaining.
Miza stops Python, Johnny, Jade, and Jenny in their tracks as she challenges them to a fight.
Python, Johnny, Jade, and Jenny vs Miza.
A ice using Chreax stops Kurt, Melody, and Spike in their tracks. Kurt has a feeling that he has met her before but he can't remember from where.
Kurt, Melody, and Spike vs Karla.
Angel, Drake, Odessa, Kirby, and Kari are stopped by Hugo, Kerry aka Dark Serpent, and Rafael.
Angel, Drake, Kari, Kirby, and Odessa vs Hugo, Kerry aka Dark Serpent, and Rafael.
Both Kerry and Rafael get defeated by the five as Hugo runs away in fear.
Casey, Brendan, and Grim are stopped by Samuel, Dwight, and Keith who are looking for payback.
Casey, Brendan, and Grim vs Samuel, Dwight, and Keith.
Nick, Julie, Clara, and Roy are stopped by Draodono.
Nick, Julie, Clara, and Roy vs Draodono.
Ana, Dawn, Rose, and Z rush toward Head's location as Bob, Stella, and Scampers reunited with Bruno in a strange way. Bob attacks him knowing that he defeat Bruno once he can do it again. The demon later tells the three the true power of Hex's demons.
Cyrus and Sakura watch as Myra gets attacked by Zimsa. The two teens get attacked by a revived Lich who is mad.
Cyrus, Sakura, and Myra vs Zimsa and Lich.
Allison and Zepoza continue their fight as she admits that the demon is strong.
Danny tries to escape Sezoch but the demon won't let him leave forcing Danny to keep fighting.
Wanda, Mark, Anne, Adam, and Jean get stopped by a girl and her Chreax.
Wanda, Mark, Anne, Adam, and Jean vs Terra and Terry.
The girls later arrive at Head's location Abysmal Hollow as the Chreaxs are tired from their flight here. Ana and Rose walk into the cave only to have Rech see them.
Ebeixhar tells the three Heroes that they are going to lose their magic and that they only have less than ten minutes remaining. Stella hopes that Ana and Rose can destroy Head before they all lose their magic because they are fighting.
At Abysmal Hollow, Ana and Rose walk around with Dawn and Z who are tired in their arms. The two tell the girls to calm down and look for its magic since it is made out of magic known as Lucernas. The girls get scared of water touching the back of their necks along with bugs and a lot of them.
The woman is saved as Bob punched Marco for reasons. The rest of his team sigh at him as Wolf tells him that he touched him. Bob starts to eat the explosion and he survives the attack
Bob vs Wolf (Round 2).
Wolf goes into his super or Lucerna form as he almost destroy the town once colliding with Bob. Bob and the others learn about him being a demon as Bob tells him that it is a pretty stupid reason for him fighting.
He defeats him using his new mode known as Slayer which is pretty much comes from Ryuluth, the power dragon. He later explodes from punching Wolf like crazy.
The group talk about Bob's victory as Wolf is mumbling something as he tries to blow up the entire town.
Scampers grabs him to save the town from the explosion. He tells the demon that he and his guild are going to lose. He is caught in the explosion as everyone is worried about him. He comes back down to the group with an afro and the group is happy that he is still alive.
Johnny, Jade, Brendan, Casey, Jenny, Python, Z, and Wanda go to Sarah's location to protect her.
They arrive in the city to see that the city being completely frozen in ice and they find Sarah with her grandson at the hands of Miza with Frost by her side.
Johnny attacks them as the others go try to help her.
Johnny, Python, Jenny, Z, Wanda, Jade, Casey, Brendan, Sarah, and Stan vs Miza and Frost.
They fail as Sarah is killed by Miza. She along with Frost are gone.
Kurt, Danny, Melody, Spike, Clara, Angel, Roy, and Grim go toward Randall's location to protect him.
They find the town complete covered with slashes marks and they find him and his grandson Randy who is scared beyond belief. They fight against a group of Underworld soldiers who are still in the town killing innocent people and Rech.
Kurt, Danny, Melody, Spike, Clara, Roy, Angel, Randall, Randy, and Grim vs Underworld Soldiers and Rech.
Rech escapes the Heroes but not before he kills Randall using his blades.
Drake, Odessa, Nick, Julie, Adam, Jean, Kari, Kirby, Norman, Sakura, and Cyrus go to Gregg's location to protect him. This group is largest since Gregg is the most important former member of the Council.
They see that the town is completely normal until they are surrounded by the undead who attack them from the group. Norman, Sakura, and Cyrus run off to go find the former magic council member while the others take care of the undead.
Drake, Odessa, Nick, Kirby, Kari, Adam, Jean, and Julie vs the undead.
Ax communicates with the teams excluding Drake and Bob's team about what happened to the magic council members that they were sent to protect.
Norman finds Gregg alive and well along with Grace alive and well. The two later attack the three heroes.
Norman, Sakura, and Cyrus vs Gregg and Grace.
The three figure out that Gregg is dead as Grace turns out to be a fake. Norman tells Sakura to set up the communication orb so they can contact the guild. Cyrus noticed that Gregg is awake as the wizard destroy the orb and he goes back to being dead.
The three see Zimsa and she tells them that she killed the old man and the zombies are from Sezoch who isn't here right now.
Norman tells the two to get ready to fight her but he later noticed that he is choking both Sakura and Cyrus.
Bob's group gets into the call with Johnny and Kurt's group. Marco tells the guild and Bob, Johnny, and Kurt's group about Head which is the council's ultimate weapon and it can get rid of the magic on the continent. He tells them that four magic council members were selected at random and only the former chairman knows who they are.
Ax tells someone to go find them only for someone to tell him that they have already sent their best duo Allison and Myra on their way.
Part One: Everlasting Life and Evildoers.
Myra and Allison are resting nearby a river as Myra asks about James and Anna being targets due to them being former magic council members. Allison tells her that he can take care of himself and Anna as well.
The two arrive at the former chairman's home to be served tea by the man. He asks why the girls are here in the first place as he remembers what happened to Heroes and Allison. He talks with the girls about Head and what he knows.
The two sense something as they tell the man to go hide as a bunch of members attack them.
Allison and Myra vs Underworld members.
Norman begs for Zimsa to let Sakura and Cyrus go. She tells him that when a human asks a demon for something that they offered up their soul so she ask him if he is offering up his soul.
At Carran, Noah looks at Tonya's empty prison cell as he remembers what she told him and the others about Head and Underworld.
Tonya is currently with the new nine prayers which has more than nine members. Mind congratulates her for a good job only for him to be blasted by her. She tells the others about what Mind thinks of them as Mind turns into Zero and he attacks the group.
Tonya, Julius, Night, Helen, Harold, Silvia, Lynda, Quick, Ex, Perry, Reaper, Holly, Marx, and Val vs Zero.
Zero is defeated as the newly freed Prayers decide what to do with their freedom only to be stopped by James, Alice, Kirk, Sally, Anna, and Bryan as they are here as per a favor by Noah. Renee is helping making sure that the other council members are safe.
Bob wakes up and he makes Marco tell him where the former magic council chairman's house as he and Scampers fly off to the house.
Myra and Allison finish off their enemies and both girls noticed that this was too easy because the former chairman should have been a bigger target. Bob tells Scampers that someone must have told Underworld about the locations of the former council members. Roosevelt later reveals himself to be the spy as he holds the sleeping Myra and Allison in his arms.
Bob and Scampers arrive to the aftermath of the fight only to find the girls and Roosevelt gone and missing. Bob destroy the house as Scampers tells him to stop. Bob tells his partner about the former chairman's allegiance. He tells Scampers that he will find them despite he destroy the house where the scent was the strongest.
Allison wakes up to see Zepoza there and she in magic sealing chains. The demon makes her tell her about James and Anna's location since she is so close to the both of them. She also tells her that Myra is danger of becoming a member of Underworld if she doesn't say anything.
James and Anna tell the others to get back despite their objections. Both Silvia and Harold refuses to fight the two as the others swarm in.
James vs Tonya, Night, Lynda, Quick, Val, and Ex,
Anna vs Julius, Helen, Perry, Reaper, Holly, and Marx.
Zepoza keeps torturing Allison and she tells her that once she kills either James and Anna, the final seal on Head will be release. She tells her if she tells her where the two are, she will free Myra but Allison doesn't as Zepoza goes back to torturing her,
Roosevelt and Ebeixhar are taking and the former chairman is worried about someone or those girls telling where he is but the demon calms him down as their base is undetectable. The two later see Bob and Scampers coming toward them at an alarming speed as Bob punched the teeth right out of the old man and he gets the attention of the entire guild.
Stella, Alex, Jaime, Dawn, Rose, and Ana are looking for Allison, Bob, Myra, Scampers, and the former chairman. They find the house to see the wreckage from the fight and Bob. They've a feeling that Underworld did something to them. Ana tries to find them as Stella is worried about Bob who is currently at Underworld H.Q.
Allison is left to the tentacles of Ausairon as she goes to check on the noise.
Bob and Scampers are surround by guards as the two attack them.
Bob and Scampers vs Underworld Soldiers.
Bob attacks Ebeixhar to make him shut up while Kurt talks with Melody about the incident that are happening right now. Danny and the others are nearby but they wanted to let the two have their little moment. Kurt tells her that Heroes always comes out on top. Ebeixhar is mad as he attacks Bob and Scampers.
Bob and Scampers vs Ebeixhar.
The fight is interrupted by Frost and Gray who tell the demon to take the chairman away from the fight as the four have a little chat. Bob figures out that they have the same aura as Kurt and Danny before he is frozen in the same stuff as Sunshine Village.
Scampers gets out of there by barrels as Gray and Frost noticed that Bob has a demon inside of him as they separate Bob and Chaos.
Bob is later unfrozen and thrown into prison without his scarf which he reacts to until he sees Cyrus without his hat along with Sakura. The three talk as Bob learn that Norman was captured by them. He tells them that they will escape.
In a bedroom, Zimsa talks with Zepoza. Zepoza is pleased at her fellow demon's handiwork as she takes Zimsa to enjoy her reward.
James and Anna are on death's door as the others tell them that they are going to help as the two tell them they are going to keep fighting because none of the Prayers are truly free. Zero appears from Ex's explosion.
At Heroes guild hall, the guild talks about the recent events. They note that Cyrus, Norman, and Sakura stayed behind to bury the former chairman according to the rest of their team.
They tried to find out where Underworld's base is as Scampers comes flying through the window dazed and confused. He tells the guild everything that he knows as Jade thinks that she can find their base thanks to the info from Scampers.
Norman arrives back at the guild hall and he tells them that Cyrus and Sakura were captured by them. Tanya yells at him for failing as everyone is on edge right now.
Zimsa tells Norman to blow up the guild hall so he can get Sakura and Cyrus back from them.
Bob tries to escape only to be stopped by Gray who gives Sakura and Cyrus some hot chocolate and a blanket as the two are cold. He walks off as Bob tells his friends that man has the same magic aura as Kurt and the woman that he was with has the same magic aura as Danny. Gray talks to himself about Bob being here.
Ebeixhar talks with Roosevelt about where James and Anna while Zepoza along with Ausairon keep on torturing Allison.
James and Anna are still fighting the Prayers as Zero walks up and he wounds the two. He then destroy the two as the others are shocked by him. Ebeixhar and Roosevelt are happy at this development.
James and Anna break Night's illusions as James and Anna defeat them with two powerful spells. He along with Anna tells them that they will free them by defeating and killing Hex. They should join Primeval Genesis.
Roosevelt transfer the final keys to himself using his magic as Ebeixhar makes the man yelled it out loud to the heavens and he is killed by Zepoza. The island known as Block starts to react Head being unsealed as Norman is about to blow up the guild.
Head comes out of the ground in a cavern somewhere.
Sakura noticed a sword toward them as she figures out that they can escaped with it.
Zepoza and Ebeixhar talk about the current situation at hand as they hope Heroes doesn't stick their nose into their business but Zimsa tells the two that they have nothing to worried about. Their story is about to end.
In a lab, a strange demon who goes by the name of Lich is talking to herself as Hurricaner and Wolf are revived by her. She fawns over them as Wolf is grossed out by her. The three look at Dion and Nancy who are fully demons.
Lich looks at Chaos and Myra and she tells them that Myra and Chaos will be an ugly insect and a hunk respectfully.
Tanya finds Norman with the bomb as she tries to stop him but she can't get past his pure strength. Jade found their base as she tells the guild about its location which is right above them. The guild then explodes.
Part Two: Song of the Sky Maiden.
The people of Mural are worried about Heroes since their guild hall exploded on them. Some are stopped before they can go try and save them.
Zimsa is happy because Zepoza congratulated her and the woman tells the members of the guild to get ready to activate Head.
Ebeixhar noticed something strange about a high volume of magic readings with a guild member telling him that they can see nine shadows coming toward Block. The demon retorts him and Zimsa looks below the block.
They see Scampers, Spike, Z, Dawn, Wanda, Mark, Anne, Kirby, and Kari flying toward the base with cards as Zimsa wonders why they are carrying them.
A few moments earlier, Tanya is struggling with Norman before she decide to use a magic that Joey used back then to trap Norman in a card. She puts everyone into cards as she tells the Chreax team to fly to Block before the guild explodes.
Zimsa is shocked that she failed in front of her precious Zepoza as Zepoza tells a guard to send the army to the underblock and to turn on the gravitational field.
The Chreax team slams into the island and they noticed that the enemy is on their way there. Tanya frees everyone from their prison as they all charged toward the dark guild army.
Tanya talks with Norman who is back to normal. She tells him that they are going to save Sakura, Mura, and the others but she need him to be a real man.
Lich noticed the noise outside but she ignores it as she stares at Myra and tells her that she will make her an ugly demon while she make Chaos into a hunk. The two walk up at the same time as they broke their test tub. The two look at Lich who is scared out of her mind of the two who are demons with human skin. Chaos decide to go look for Bob as Myra takes her anger on Lich.
Zepoza decide to use Allison to stop those humans but she finds that she has broken out. Bob grabs her as he is mad at her for torturing his girlfriend as Allison comes toward Zepoza with the defeated Ausairon on her back. Cyrus and Sakura are nearby.
The four wizard interrogate her about Myra, Chaos, and Norman's location. They learn about Myra's location as Cyrus and Sakura go running toward her. Bob is told by Allison to go with them.
The two have a chat before Zepoza breaks free from her chains.
Allison vs Zepoza.
Allison stabs Zepoza as Heroes are fighting the demon army.
Heroes vs Underworld.
Kurt and Melody team up against a girl who seems to be in love with Kurt making Melody jealous of her and also some demons.
Kurt and Melody vs Underworld members and Carla Palmer.
Virgil, Fred, Victor, and Charlie protect the injured, Marie, and Althea from the demons while Ax and Spike destroy them using their giant form.
Arthur gets attacked by his little brother who is now a demon and he attacks his son who is awake but he can't move unlike the other seven before Mordred is stopped by Arthur, Gail, Clint, and Audrey.
Arthur, Gail, Clint, and Audrey vs Mordred.
He defeats the four after an intense fight as Mordred goes to look for Bob before he can kill X.
Python, Rich, April, and Jenny get cornered by demons as Tamara and Opal attack them.
Python, Rich, April, and Jenny vs Underworld members, Tamara, and Opal.
Tanya convince Norman to be a man to help take care of them. He does that as the others try to find a way into the base. Their answer comes from Allison making a hole to the center of the cube.
Bob, Cyrus, and Sakura find a stairway only to be seen by guards. Bob tells the two to keep moving as he decide to take care of them.
Bob vs Underworld guards.
He defeats them but then they are frozen in time. He hears a familiar voice as it turns out to be Hex who is happy to see him. Hex tells Bob that Underworld is his bookshelf.
Hex tells Bob about Underworld including Final being their true guild master and some other stuff causing Bob to be lost at what he is saying. Bob rushed toward Hex with his new sword as it destroy upon contact with the dark wizard.
Bob vs Hex.
After blocking all of Bob's attack, Hex tells that Bob will be making a choice that involving life and death. He disappears as time goes back to normal. Chaos sees him and he asks his other half about what just happened as Bob tells him that he has no idea. The two fuse back together as Bob runs off looking for Myra.
Bob runs into Zimsa. He knows that she is the one who make the guild blow up as Bob challenges her to a fight to her.
Bob vs Zimsa.
Bob decide to go find Myra after leaving Zimsa. She heads to the lab to get healed as she remembers the name Bob.
Allison talks with the guild about what happened so far as she gets taken by Zepoza telling the others to try and stop Head before it activates. Some of the major members of the guild jump into the hole going to destroy Underworld and save the others.
Sakura and Cyrus find Myra and Sakura hugs her sister. The three meet up with Zimsa who tells them that she is the one who made Norman blow up the guild hall using her curse. She tells them since not even one person was killed, a failure rest on her head and that she will kill Sakura for Norman messing up. Cyrus and Myra get mad at the demon,
Ebeixhar wonders why Head's location is different than what he expected for sure. He hears footsteps as he hides from Stella, Scampers, Ana, Rose, Dawn, and Z walking into the room,
Ebeixhar wonders why the guards didn't try to stop them as the girls and Scampers figure out that Head is unsealed and it needs to be activated on site.
Ana figures out that it will take 43 minutes until Head activates. Scampers go nuts as the female Chreax try and calm him down. The girls decide to go down there to stop Head but they are stopped by Sezoch which scares the girls.
Sezoch stands in their way as Ebeixhar joins him in stopping the girls plus Scampers. Stella summons Ted and April who let the others escape using April's wool.
Sezoch appears in front of the girls and he about to attack them only to be stopped by Danny. Stella thanks him as the skeleton figures out Danny why Danny is lost.
Danny vs Sezoch.
The girls noticed April's wool coming out of a hallway as Stella and Scampers are stopped by it as an April and Ebeixhar hybrid. He tries to grab Rose and Ana but before his hand can reach the girls, it is stopped by a giant lighting bolt from Bob.
Ana and Rose fly with Z and Dawn toward where the location of Head as Bob figures out why the girls are flying off while Ebeixhar gets angry. He later attacks them.
Bob, Stella, and Scampers vs Ebeixhar.
He later show the three his strongest soul as the three are noticeable shocked by this while the Yagami sisters plus Dawn and Z fly toward Head location with 36 minutes remaining.
Miza stops Python, Johnny, Jade, and Jenny in their tracks as she challenges them to a fight.
Python, Johnny, Jade, and Jenny vs Miza.
A ice using Chreax stops Kurt, Melody, and Spike in their tracks. Kurt has a feeling that he has met her before but he can't remember from where.
Kurt, Melody, and Spike vs Karla.
Angel, Drake, Odessa, Kirby, and Kari are stopped by Hugo, Kerry aka Dark Serpent, and Rafael.
Angel, Drake, Kari, Kirby, and Odessa vs Hugo, Kerry aka Dark Serpent, and Rafael.
Both Kerry and Rafael get defeated by the five as Hugo runs away in fear.
Casey, Brendan, and Grim are stopped by Samuel, Dwight, and Keith who are looking for payback.
Casey, Brendan, and Grim vs Samuel, Dwight, and Keith.
Nick, Julie, Clara, and Roy are stopped by Draodono.
Nick, Julie, Clara, and Roy vs Draodono.
Ana, Dawn, Rose, and Z rush toward Head's location as Bob, Stella, and Scampers reunited with Bruno in a strange way. Bob attacks him knowing that he defeat Bruno once he can do it again. The demon later tells the three the true power of Hex's demons.
Cyrus and Sakura watch as Myra gets attacked by Zimsa. The two teens get attacked by a revived Lich who is mad.
Cyrus, Sakura, and Myra vs Zimsa and Lich.
Allison and Zepoza continue their fight as she admits that the demon is strong.
Danny tries to escape Sezoch but the demon won't let him leave forcing Danny to keep fighting.
Wanda, Mark, Anne, Adam, and Jean get stopped by a girl and her Chreax.
Wanda, Mark, Anne, Adam, and Jean vs Terra and Terry.
The girls later arrive at Head's location Abysmal Hollow as the Chreaxs are tired from their flight here. Ana and Rose walk into the cave only to have Rech see them.
Ebeixhar tells the three Heroes that they are going to lose their magic and that they only have less than ten minutes remaining. Stella hopes that Ana and Rose can destroy Head before they all lose their magic because they are fighting.
At Abysmal Hollow, Ana and Rose walk around with Dawn and Z who are tired in their arms. The two tell the girls to calm down and look for its magic since it is made out of magic known as Lucernas. The girls get scared of water touching the back of their necks along with bugs and a lot of them.
Rech stops them and he is very angry that Zepoza gave him this job in the first place.
After placing Dawn and Z down nearby, Ana and Rose decide to fight the crazy demon.
Ana and Rose vs Rech.
Their attacks do nothing to him as their fight brings them to Head. Rech tells the girls about it being entirely made of Lucernas which makes him sick.
He is about to crush the girls but Dawn and Z decide to scratch him. Rech gets hungry as he decide to eat them both. Rose tells for him to stop as Ana sense something about the air.
She remembers something that Bob told her about being a slayer and that being in your element can allow you to go into a powered up form known as Slayer Force and a stronger one known as Slayer Pressure.
Rech is about to eat the girls as a huge amount of wind blows them away. Rose, Dawn, and Z are shocked to see Ana in the Slayer ultimate form Wind/Air Pressure.
Ana tells Rose to protect Z and Dawn while she take care of Rech.
Ana vs Rech.
Ana tries to finish off using her strongest spell which he slash to pieces but Ana defeat him along with destroying Head.
The girls are about to celebrate but they noticed that the countdown is still going on and it is counting down.
Ebeixhar tells them that in less than three minutes, magic will be gone. Everyone struggles in their fights against Underworld.
Dawn and Z walk up to Head's clock and Z tells them that they can stop Head by using Z's power of seeing the future. Rose asks where she got this from and Z tells her that it comes from her mom.
Z changes the wording around as Dawn helps up Rose and Ana who is tired after her fight with Rech who is under the rubble. She tells the four that once she press that button, they will die.
Dawn talks about that they don't need magic just like Prion but the fact of everyone in the guild is fighting Underworld come back to her.
Dawn and Z tell Rose and Ana to try and leave. They will sacrifice themselves to save the others from having no magic.
The four argue with each other as they all agree to press the button together. They reminisce on the good times as they all press the button.
It explodes and far away, Ira stands there with Andrea and Lisa. The girls hope that Noah can save them and Ira tells them not to doubt Noah when he is serious.
He appears as he thanks Ira and Lisa for the assistance and he says that these girls are the heroes for taking down Head.
Z changes the wording around as Dawn helps up Rose and Ana who is tired after her fight with Rech who is under the rubble. She tells the four that once she press that button, they will die.
Dawn talks about that they don't need magic just like Prion but the fact of everyone in the guild is fighting Underworld come back to her.
Dawn and Z tell Rose and Ana to try and leave. They will sacrifice themselves to save the others from having no magic.
The four argue with each other as they all agree to press the button together. They reminisce on the good times as they all press the button.
It explodes and far away, Ira stands there with Andrea and Lisa. The girls hope that Noah can save them and Ira tells them not to doubt Noah when he is serious.
He appears as he thanks Ira and Lisa for the assistance and he says that these girls are the heroes for taking down Head.
Part Three: Emperor of Hell vs Emperor of Spirits.
Ebeixhar laughs as Head is supposed to activates as Bob points out that he still has magic shocking the demon. He later takes out his anger on the three and he blinds them by casting one of Bruno's spells known as Darkness Seal #23.
Zepoza noticed that Head didn't work on Allison so she tries to escape. Allison hears a familiar voice as she sees Nancy standing there. She calls herself New Nancy as she decide to show Allison her new power. Zepoza tells herself that it is time to bring out Master Final.
Allison vs New Nancy.
Bob tries to fight Ebeixhar but he is blocked by Bruno's magic before having Stella thrown toward him along with Scampers as Ebeixhar is using his chain magic. Ebeixhar laughs at the three bruised wizards as he decide to take their souls. He attaches himself to the three as he tells them that resisting him is a dumb move.
Bob tries to fight Ebeixhar's magic but the demon tells him to just stop. Bob tells the two near him to not let him have your soul by remembering the things most important to you. His are his family and loved ones. Scampers is Dawn and fish. Stella is the guild and her spirits. She doesn't want any harm coming to her spirits as she tries to send Ted back to the spirit world.
Ebeixhar get drags into the spirit world but he ejects Ted. Stella gets an idea as she begins for April to go back as well. The demon returns April back as she says that Bob needs to go back. The demon is shocked as he release Bob. Bob thanks her as Ebeixhar calls her a bitch. Bob punches him hard as the demon tells him that without magic. He is useless.
Bob whistles as Ebeixhar sees Bob with a giant rock from the wall nearby as he starts slamming him with it. Scampers gives Bob more as Stella notes that this is overkill.
Ebeixhar lays defeated as the souls that he has captured are getting returned. The three sees Bruno soul standing there and they talk with it. He tells Bob to make Ax or Marie release the light and that he'll be seeing him soon before he is gone.
Stella wonders what Bruno's soul meant by that as Scampers decide to go find the master while Stella and Bob go look for Myra. Ebeixhar talks about him and the guild being immortal as he decide to go make a stop at Hell Heart.
Myra is focused on Zimsa while Sakura and Cyrus are focused on taking care of Lich who is just an annoying insect. Zimsa tells Myra about her curse being that she can control anyone that she wants except for her own kind.
In a flask nearby Zimsa, Rech comes back and he yells for Lich to revive him already as she tells him to calmly to wait till their battle is over but he yells at her regardless.
Myra asks what is this place as Lich tells her. Zimsa sighs at her teammates incompetence at keeping a secret. Myra decides that destroying this place is the best idea. Ebeixhar comes back as Myra destroy all of the flasks with just a thought.
Zimsa asks how she did all of this as she tells her that it was her magic that can take control of demons like the ones in the guild and the flask.
Zimsa release her true power as she attacks Myra. Lich tells Cyrus and Sakura not to mess with any of the Sixteen Deadly Demons as Zimsa fires an attack which hits all of them with it. The three heroes are shocked by her power as Lich tells them that they are screwed.
Elsewhere somewhere in the mountains, the former members of Nine Prayers are still following Primeval Genesis and Alice is helping James who is blind while Bryan is helping Anna who is really tired from her fight. They stop nearby a waterfall as the members of Nine Prayers excluding Silvia and Mason talk about leaving James and Primeval Genesis. Tonya tells them that she hears a voice of people screaming and by following James, she may find out what that sound is.
Hamlet, Finn, Lila, Erin, and Tonya are nearby while James and Anna are resting with Mason, Silvia, and Alice nearby them. The five talk about their currently situation ahead them as they noticed that Percy, Julius, Val, Marx, Holly, and Helen are talking with Bryan, Sally, and Kirk. Reaper tries to get them to join the group but they each have their own methods in mind.
Tonya smiles as she can hear a familiar voice that may be able to help James with his whole sight problem. Alice begs her to help James who still can't see because he fought 10 powerful wizards with some help from Anna. Tonya agrees but only if they let the people who don't want to be here, leave. James agrees to her as Anna question his decision.
The group follows Tonya to a very peaceful garden as Kirk, Sally, Anna, and Alice see a woman who looks Fulgor who died seven years ago. They run to her and ask her who she is. She is shocked to see them again and she tells them that she is Fulgor.
She invites the group to lunch with an old friend. Sally and Alice see a girl who looks like Damien and Fulgor tells them that is Damien shocking the group.
Fulgor tells them that they were brought back from the dead by Hex. He decide to give Damien and him an new experience on life by turning them into a girl and in Mandy's case having no control over her new powers. The girls decide to give Damien.Mandy and Fulgor/Aria a makeover as the boys talk outside.
James asks Harold if he can heals his eyes with the stuff around here. Harold nods as Finn and Hamlet looks away from that. Kirk and Bryan decide to talk to the two about some stuff. After the girls finish making Mandy and Aria look like regular girls. James asks the two if they want to join Primeval Genesis.
Before they can answer, Mandy's magic power starts to go out of control. Aria tells them if she does this, a member of Last Dynasty is nearby. They figure out that six members are standing there. Their leader Yaag tells the wizards that they broke their promise with Hex by taking to other people and that they will kill them.
James tells Primeval Genesis to fight them. The Prayers just watch the fight from the sideline along with the two members of Wicked Genocide.
James, Alice, Bryan, Kirk, Sally, and Anna vs Yagg, Katar, Zrink, Llyana, Echo, and Nyhx.
The other dark wizards decide to help out because they want to help them defeating Hex for revenge in case of the two Wicked Genocide wizards and getting their freedom without it handed to them in case of the Prayers. James takes off his bandages as he gets ready to fight.
James, Alice, Lila, Tonya, Hamlet, Julius, and Finn vs Yagg.
Kirk, Sally, Silvia, Val, and Mason vs Echo.
Bryan, Anna, Erin, Marx, and Perry vs Katar and Llyana.
Damien, Fulgor, Helen, Ray, and Maria vs Zrink and Nyha.
The Last Dynasty retreated after receiving an order from Hex himself who appears. Hex tells the dark wizards good luck on trying to kill him. He disappears after that. James tells his guild that they will find their true freedom by defeating Hex. The group walk toward the garden making it their new guild hall which can now fly.
Back at Block, Scampers is looking for Ax. Bob and Stella are looking for Myra only to be stopped by Dion who wants revenge on Bob. He and Dion fight as Stella stands nearby. Myra is currently in her battle with Zimsa.
Bob vs Dion.
A man sits in a throne room holding a book with the word Final on it as he sees the fights happen in his base and he is talking to his book aka Master of Underworld Final. This man is Kazor Underworld and he is like the guild master of Underworld.
Zimsa is out of control as she tries to kill Myra. She tries to take the power of the demon for herself but it fails in her face. An exhausted Cyrus and Sakura are forced to watch this by Lich who asks them if they have any hotties in their guild. Myra remember her past.
When she was 12 years old, she, Norman, and Sakura were orphans and they were hiding out in a house from an angry mob who was afraid due to Myra's latent magic gave her some of the demon's appearance. Sakura tries to make them stop but they don't listen to her as Myra tells them it is time to move on.
They travel around until they arrive at Heroes. Ax tells them that Myra isn't a monster but that is her magic. It is known as Transform which allows the user to transform themselves into several different things if the user puts their mind to it. They decide to join the guild.
A few weeks later, Myra is alone as Bob tries to talk with her but she ignores him. Wayne and Eric point out that her brother and sister are making good friends with the younger members of Heroes.
Myra decides that she isn't human anymore so she decide to leave Norman and Sakura behind so that they can live a happy life.
She is stopped by them who have a big surprise for them. Sakura turns into a human cat hybrid as the boy's left hand turns into a bear which shocks her.
They tell her that they learn the same magic as her so they can stay together forever and that they will protect each other forever.
She is seen interacting with the guild after that. She finds out that Bob taught both Norman and Sakura how to use magic because he didn't want them to be alone like he was with his parents being gone.
She tries to take the demon's power for herself and it works but before Myra can use it, Zimsa tries to kill her as Sakura can't do anything since both her and Cyrus are trapped by Lich.
Zimsa is about to kill her and Myra tells her that her Curse has been taken from her as Zimsa tells her that it was useless. She doesn't notice that Norman is coming crashing down on her in his strongest transformation. He beats her as Lich faints. The Wood siblings cheer as Cyrus is happy to see the family reunited.
Elsewhere, Zipoza appears in front of Kazor who tells her about their enemies being stronger than we thought. She tells him that Head failed and that Rech and Ebeixhar have failed. He tells her that Zimsa and Underworld Heart have failed as well.
Zipoza is shocked by this as she tells him that they need to revive Final but he says that he can't let that happen. They are still lacking the curse power to revive him and they need to get rid of the magic power. She is lost by this but he tells her that she isn't looking at the big picture here and tells them that this is nothing.
He tells her that he is the perfect tactician and soon the magic world will be gone soon. She tries to figure what he means by that and he asks her what they are. She tells him that they are the demons of Hex's book and they are made of Lucernas. Their name is Lucerna.
He asks her what his goal is and he tells her. He smirks as she trapped in spikes which are extremely painful by the way, She ask why he is doing and he tells her why. He later talks about the humans so he decide to use Triumph to get rid of them.
Stella makes a new outfit as Bob defeats Dion. The two heroes hear Issac talking to them as everyone can hear him in their heads. He tells them that he, Victor, and Fred are with Myra who is safe. Stella asks him to patch her to everyone as she tells them that Rose, Ana, Dawn, and Z have crushed Head and stop their plans.
The guild cheers for the girls as Scampers needs to tell Ax and Marie something. He tells them that they met up with Bruno's soul and the Chreax mentions something about releasing the Light causing the two to be shocked.
Ax yells as Issac tells him not to. Issac then started to scream loudly as the group around him start to worry. He is out cold as they all hear a loud noise going through their head. They heard Kazor's voice going through his head as he tells them that their time is up as he says Triumph.
The block started to change into a monster known as Hell Prison. Everyone gets trapped in some goop like substance as Bob tries to grab Stella's hand but fails. He was about to be swallowed by it and he casts a powerful spell causing a huge white light to go off covering him in it. Some of the henchmen get captured as well as some of the modified demons are angry that they don't get their revenge.
The Heroes are trapped in the block which is now a monster as Gray laments for their death with Frost before everyone sense something. Kazor figure out that two people escaped Triumph. It turns out to be Bob and Stella as Kazor says that was a one in trillion chance and they are left to be devour by the demons of hell.
Stella looks around to try and figure out what just happened. She finds Bob and she wakes him up using a kiss. Bob tells her that he is here because he used a very powerful spell. They look out the nearby window to see Hell Prison destroy Mural starting with Kingdom Church along with the town. It roars as the two wizards cover their ears from the roar.
The two later hear Kazor's voice as he tells the members of Underworld that Triumph have eradicated all of the intruders and that Head is going as planned. The two wizards are confused by this as Ana and Rose destroy Head and the intruders being eradicated. They then see a lot of water coming toward them.
Kazor tells the member that two little insects somehow escaped Triumph through strange means, He promised the members who kill one of them gets to be one of the Sixteen Deadly Demons. If one of the Sixteen Deadly Demons take them down, they get a reward from him.
Stella and Bob grab a piece of wood each to stand on as they are worried about their friends but some surfing members coming toward them and they decide to fight them.
Bob and Stella vs Underworld.
Bob notices three demons coming toward him and he decide to take care of them because Stella can handle it until he is done with these three.
Bob vs Caobur, Bolobur, and Scurro.
The three demons formed into a super demon making Bob get ready to fight for real.
Bob vs Moasahm.
He defeats the demon as he returns to go help Stella fight.
The two later see Lich coming toward them as they along Danny and Simon tried to hit her but it fails to her curse. She somehow defeats Danny and Simon whom Stella summoned earlier as Stella summons Violet and Lela to handle her. Bob sense four powerful demons as he blocks Draodono, Zarx and Miza's attack at once while Jason protects Stella from Hiusam. Jason tells Stella that he will be fine as Lich asks if she can take the credit but the other demons don't care.
Stella, Jason, Violet, and Lela vs Lich and Hiusam.
Bob vs Draodono, Zarx, and Miza.
The spirits need to defeat their foes quickly before Stella runs out of energy. The fight goes on as the two humans hear a whistle. They see Wolf standing there as Lich fawns over him. The spirits are worried about him as Hiusam attacks Jason.
Stella and Bob wonder why he is here but they remember that they can be revived. Stella notices that Bob has his hands full with three of the Sixteen Deadly Demons so she decide to fight Wolf by herself making him laugh.
Stella, Jason, Violet, and Lela vs Lich, Wolf, and Hiusam.
He throws explosion at her like crazy while the spirits and Bob are worried about her. His fellow demons tell him to finish her now so that they can focus on killing Bob. He tells them off by telling them that he needs to get rid of his rage. The spirits are worried about her energy as Bob gets more serious in his fight.
Stella gets launched into the ocean as she knows that her friends aren't dead and they would do the same thing for her. Wolf won't let her die yet. She comes out of the water holding a key as the three spirits tell her not to do. She doesn't listen to them as she summons her strongest spirit. Ariel appears as she says that Stella is an idiot.
The mermaid blast back all of the demons as Jason and the others tell her to send one of her spirits back as Bob agrees with them. Ariel notices that Hiusam is swimming through her water as he slash her. Stella and the others are worried about them as the three spirits get attacked by Wolf who destroy them in a second. The three spirits go back to their world as Ariel lays on the ground in pain along with Stella.
Bob tries to help his girlfriend but he is stopped by Draodono who is hoping for a rematch after his daughter didn't provide him a challenge. Bob decide to fight him so he can save his girlfriend and avenge his daughter.
Bob vs Draodono.
Wolf, Lich, and Hiusam look at Stella who is defeated as the three stand over her. Miza and Zarx let Draodono handle Bob. Hiusam tells his fellow demons that they should kill her but Lich and Wolf tell him to let them have so fun killing her in front of her boyfriend.
Stella tries to fight back but Wolf stops her by put an explosion on her right leg. Bob swears that he will kill Wolf after he takes care of Draodono.
Hiusam tells Wolf to get serious but Wolf tells him not to mess with him or he will go boom. The fish demon decide to let him have his fun as he gets the job done. The two demons decide to blow up her breasts first as Lich holds her so she can't fight back.
Wolf walks over to them and Lich keeps repeating stuff making Wolf blow her up. The two humans question him as Wolf tells them that he doesn't like her and that Stella should be more worried about happens to her instead of the brat. He is about to blow her up as a huge amount of water comes toward him and Draodono. Draodono can't swim so he is done with the fight.
The two demons get swept back as Ariel tells them that her and the other spirits can hold them back for so long. She tells the two that they can summon the Spirit Emperor. Bob tells her that he has his key but Ariel says that to destroy their opponent matters on doing something else. She tells them that by destroying a key that is very special to them.
Stella is lost as Wolf tries to blow up the water in front of him. Stella tells her that she can't do it due to her being able to lose one of her precious friends. Ariel tells her to destroy her key. Stella is shocked as Bob agrees with her.
Stella can't believe what is happen as she believes that here is another way. Ariel tells her that she won't die but they won't be able to see each other again. The two have a fight as Bob helps keep Wolf back as Stella ultimately decide to break her key.
Ariel remembers the memories that they shared over the years and she tells Bob to protect Stella and he promises that.
The Spirit Emperor comes toward Block with an epic aura as he slashes Hell Prison. The Sixteen Deadly Demons are worried about their base being destroy. Bob tries to comfort Stella who is crying her eyes out as Wolf tries to get her to talk.
The Spirit Emperor looks at the Emperor of Hell and the two get ready for battle.
It is now sunset. The other members of the Sixteen Deadly Demons figure out what just happened to their base as Bob protects Stella from boulders and Wolf tries to not to get angry.
The Spirit Emperor talks with Kazor about what happens. He will fight for two of his closet friends who lost a good friend of there.
Eldon, the Spirit Emperor vs Kazor, the Emperor of Hell.
Wolf wonders what the hell is going on as he noticed Stella with Bob by her side trying to cheer her up. Wolf attacks them but those two are protected by a water barrier. Stella looks around for one of her close friend. Eldon gives both of them Ariel's power as they decide to team up on Wolf with their Spirit Uniforms on them.
Bob and Stella vs Wolf.
He goes crazy on them using his spells. He noticed that Bob protected them using Power Barrier as he says that one spell can defeat him. Stella knows what he is talking about as she grabs Bob's hands. The two decide to cast a spell known as Newton. The two started chanting this,"I ask that the Empyrean make the Heavenly Bodies crash down to Oyrus. Enlighten everything in this realm, this planet, and this realm! By your hands, let everything be enlightened. Sparkling, blasting, falling... Let the Heavenly Bodies crash before us! Newton!".
Stella is tired from fighting as Wolf is defeated as the other Demons sense his defeat by the hands of the wizard. Bob holds Stella as he is proud of her.
Eldon's movements are getting slower as Kazor comments on that. Eldon doesn't give up as he does his ultimate attack Heaven Slash. The attack illuminates the area as Kazor wonders why why he would let his summoners become collateral.
The emperor smirks as Kazor figures out what the spell's true purpose as the curse gets dispelled. Nancy notices that Allison is coming out of the ground ready for their fight. Some of the others come out wondering what just happened.
Eldon tells him that his old friends can defeat Kazor and his dark guild. He is gone as Kazor turns to stone and he is angry at humanity.
Hiusam finds Wolf defeated and he wonders how these two managed to defeat both Wolf and Lich. He goes over to her and Bob and Bob gets ready to fight the shark.
Bob vs Hiusam.
Sezoch appears as Bob says that he can take him on as well.
Bob vs Hiusam and Sezoch.
Karla, Zarx, and Terry attacks Bob as he says that he can take them all on himself.
Bob vs Hiusam, Karla, Sezoch, Terry, and Zarx.
Bob dodges Frost, Gray, and Terra's attack as Stella is worried about her boyfriend who is fighting eight of the Sixteen Deadly Demons at the same time.
Bob vs Frost, Gray, Hiusam, Karla, Sezoch, Terra, Terry. and Zech.
Bob gets trapped in a giant fire breath by Hurricaner as he is slashed by Draodono and punched by Miza as Bob gets ready to fight them all. Stella is really worried about him but he tells him that he is going to beat them all even if it kills him.
Bob vs Draodono, Frost, Gray, Hiusam, Hurricaner, Karla, Miza, Sexoch, Terra, Terry, and Zech.
Hiusam is about to kill Stella as Bob tries to rush toward him but he is stopped by the other demons and Stella is saved from being killed by Hiusam thanks to Johnny.
Johnny stands there over Stella and Hiusam is lost why another human is here as Johnny is lost about what he is talking. He is lost as Sezoch tries to attack him. Melody protects him and Stella with her magic. Karla is about to freeze the three only to be blocked by the grim reaper of Heroes Grim.
Zarx appears to blast them with a huge amount of darkness only to be blocked by Brendan using his spirits.Terry appears to blast them with a lot of rocks but they are broken in pieces by the master of guns Nick. Terra appears to trap them all in the earth as Casey blocks her attack.
Frost tires to freeze her and her friends solid as she is stopped by Danny. Danny is shocked to see her there as Sezoch comments on her ice being stopped.A huge amount of passion magic coming from Gray heads toward them as Kurt decide to eat it appearing and he is shocked to see Gray and Frost standing there.
Draodono fires out a lot of poison and Hurricaner fires the elements at the group excluding Miza who was fighting Bob.
Python devours the poison and Clara attacks Miza to let Bob go free as Bob eat the elements. He tells the group what happened and how he and Stella saved their lives. Bob looks directly at the demons and he gets ready to fight them with his friends by his side, they aren't going to lose.
Block. Underworld's base of operations. It can later be turned into a monster known only as Hell Prison.
Ebeixhar laughs as Head is supposed to activates as Bob points out that he still has magic shocking the demon. He later takes out his anger on the three and he blinds them by casting one of Bruno's spells known as Darkness Seal #23.
Zepoza noticed that Head didn't work on Allison so she tries to escape. Allison hears a familiar voice as she sees Nancy standing there. She calls herself New Nancy as she decide to show Allison her new power. Zepoza tells herself that it is time to bring out Master Final.
Allison vs New Nancy.
Bob tries to fight Ebeixhar but he is blocked by Bruno's magic before having Stella thrown toward him along with Scampers as Ebeixhar is using his chain magic. Ebeixhar laughs at the three bruised wizards as he decide to take their souls. He attaches himself to the three as he tells them that resisting him is a dumb move.
Bob tries to fight Ebeixhar's magic but the demon tells him to just stop. Bob tells the two near him to not let him have your soul by remembering the things most important to you. His are his family and loved ones. Scampers is Dawn and fish. Stella is the guild and her spirits. She doesn't want any harm coming to her spirits as she tries to send Ted back to the spirit world.
Ebeixhar get drags into the spirit world but he ejects Ted. Stella gets an idea as she begins for April to go back as well. The demon returns April back as she says that Bob needs to go back. The demon is shocked as he release Bob. Bob thanks her as Ebeixhar calls her a bitch. Bob punches him hard as the demon tells him that without magic. He is useless.
Bob whistles as Ebeixhar sees Bob with a giant rock from the wall nearby as he starts slamming him with it. Scampers gives Bob more as Stella notes that this is overkill.
Ebeixhar lays defeated as the souls that he has captured are getting returned. The three sees Bruno soul standing there and they talk with it. He tells Bob to make Ax or Marie release the light and that he'll be seeing him soon before he is gone.
Stella wonders what Bruno's soul meant by that as Scampers decide to go find the master while Stella and Bob go look for Myra. Ebeixhar talks about him and the guild being immortal as he decide to go make a stop at Hell Heart.
Myra is focused on Zimsa while Sakura and Cyrus are focused on taking care of Lich who is just an annoying insect. Zimsa tells Myra about her curse being that she can control anyone that she wants except for her own kind.
In a flask nearby Zimsa, Rech comes back and he yells for Lich to revive him already as she tells him to calmly to wait till their battle is over but he yells at her regardless.
Myra asks what is this place as Lich tells her. Zimsa sighs at her teammates incompetence at keeping a secret. Myra decides that destroying this place is the best idea. Ebeixhar comes back as Myra destroy all of the flasks with just a thought.
Zimsa asks how she did all of this as she tells her that it was her magic that can take control of demons like the ones in the guild and the flask.
Zimsa release her true power as she attacks Myra. Lich tells Cyrus and Sakura not to mess with any of the Sixteen Deadly Demons as Zimsa fires an attack which hits all of them with it. The three heroes are shocked by her power as Lich tells them that they are screwed.
Elsewhere somewhere in the mountains, the former members of Nine Prayers are still following Primeval Genesis and Alice is helping James who is blind while Bryan is helping Anna who is really tired from her fight. They stop nearby a waterfall as the members of Nine Prayers excluding Silvia and Mason talk about leaving James and Primeval Genesis. Tonya tells them that she hears a voice of people screaming and by following James, she may find out what that sound is.
Hamlet, Finn, Lila, Erin, and Tonya are nearby while James and Anna are resting with Mason, Silvia, and Alice nearby them. The five talk about their currently situation ahead them as they noticed that Percy, Julius, Val, Marx, Holly, and Helen are talking with Bryan, Sally, and Kirk. Reaper tries to get them to join the group but they each have their own methods in mind.
Tonya smiles as she can hear a familiar voice that may be able to help James with his whole sight problem. Alice begs her to help James who still can't see because he fought 10 powerful wizards with some help from Anna. Tonya agrees but only if they let the people who don't want to be here, leave. James agrees to her as Anna question his decision.
The group follows Tonya to a very peaceful garden as Kirk, Sally, Anna, and Alice see a woman who looks Fulgor who died seven years ago. They run to her and ask her who she is. She is shocked to see them again and she tells them that she is Fulgor.
She invites the group to lunch with an old friend. Sally and Alice see a girl who looks like Damien and Fulgor tells them that is Damien shocking the group.
Fulgor tells them that they were brought back from the dead by Hex. He decide to give Damien and him an new experience on life by turning them into a girl and in Mandy's case having no control over her new powers. The girls decide to give Damien.Mandy and Fulgor/Aria a makeover as the boys talk outside.
James asks Harold if he can heals his eyes with the stuff around here. Harold nods as Finn and Hamlet looks away from that. Kirk and Bryan decide to talk to the two about some stuff. After the girls finish making Mandy and Aria look like regular girls. James asks the two if they want to join Primeval Genesis.
Before they can answer, Mandy's magic power starts to go out of control. Aria tells them if she does this, a member of Last Dynasty is nearby. They figure out that six members are standing there. Their leader Yaag tells the wizards that they broke their promise with Hex by taking to other people and that they will kill them.
James tells Primeval Genesis to fight them. The Prayers just watch the fight from the sideline along with the two members of Wicked Genocide.
James, Alice, Bryan, Kirk, Sally, and Anna vs Yagg, Katar, Zrink, Llyana, Echo, and Nyhx.
The other dark wizards decide to help out because they want to help them defeating Hex for revenge in case of the two Wicked Genocide wizards and getting their freedom without it handed to them in case of the Prayers. James takes off his bandages as he gets ready to fight.
James, Alice, Lila, Tonya, Hamlet, Julius, and Finn vs Yagg.
Kirk, Sally, Silvia, Val, and Mason vs Echo.
Bryan, Anna, Erin, Marx, and Perry vs Katar and Llyana.
Damien, Fulgor, Helen, Ray, and Maria vs Zrink and Nyha.
The Last Dynasty retreated after receiving an order from Hex himself who appears. Hex tells the dark wizards good luck on trying to kill him. He disappears after that. James tells his guild that they will find their true freedom by defeating Hex. The group walk toward the garden making it their new guild hall which can now fly.
Back at Block, Scampers is looking for Ax. Bob and Stella are looking for Myra only to be stopped by Dion who wants revenge on Bob. He and Dion fight as Stella stands nearby. Myra is currently in her battle with Zimsa.
Bob vs Dion.
A man sits in a throne room holding a book with the word Final on it as he sees the fights happen in his base and he is talking to his book aka Master of Underworld Final. This man is Kazor Underworld and he is like the guild master of Underworld.
Zimsa is out of control as she tries to kill Myra. She tries to take the power of the demon for herself but it fails in her face. An exhausted Cyrus and Sakura are forced to watch this by Lich who asks them if they have any hotties in their guild. Myra remember her past.
When she was 12 years old, she, Norman, and Sakura were orphans and they were hiding out in a house from an angry mob who was afraid due to Myra's latent magic gave her some of the demon's appearance. Sakura tries to make them stop but they don't listen to her as Myra tells them it is time to move on.
They travel around until they arrive at Heroes. Ax tells them that Myra isn't a monster but that is her magic. It is known as Transform which allows the user to transform themselves into several different things if the user puts their mind to it. They decide to join the guild.
A few weeks later, Myra is alone as Bob tries to talk with her but she ignores him. Wayne and Eric point out that her brother and sister are making good friends with the younger members of Heroes.
Myra decides that she isn't human anymore so she decide to leave Norman and Sakura behind so that they can live a happy life.
She is stopped by them who have a big surprise for them. Sakura turns into a human cat hybrid as the boy's left hand turns into a bear which shocks her.
They tell her that they learn the same magic as her so they can stay together forever and that they will protect each other forever.
She is seen interacting with the guild after that. She finds out that Bob taught both Norman and Sakura how to use magic because he didn't want them to be alone like he was with his parents being gone.
She tries to take the demon's power for herself and it works but before Myra can use it, Zimsa tries to kill her as Sakura can't do anything since both her and Cyrus are trapped by Lich.
Zimsa is about to kill her and Myra tells her that her Curse has been taken from her as Zimsa tells her that it was useless. She doesn't notice that Norman is coming crashing down on her in his strongest transformation. He beats her as Lich faints. The Wood siblings cheer as Cyrus is happy to see the family reunited.
Elsewhere, Zipoza appears in front of Kazor who tells her about their enemies being stronger than we thought. She tells him that Head failed and that Rech and Ebeixhar have failed. He tells her that Zimsa and Underworld Heart have failed as well.
Zipoza is shocked by this as she tells him that they need to revive Final but he says that he can't let that happen. They are still lacking the curse power to revive him and they need to get rid of the magic power. She is lost by this but he tells her that she isn't looking at the big picture here and tells them that this is nothing.
He tells her that he is the perfect tactician and soon the magic world will be gone soon. She tries to figure what he means by that and he asks her what they are. She tells him that they are the demons of Hex's book and they are made of Lucernas. Their name is Lucerna.
He asks her what his goal is and he tells her. He smirks as she trapped in spikes which are extremely painful by the way, She ask why he is doing and he tells her why. He later talks about the humans so he decide to use Triumph to get rid of them.
Stella makes a new outfit as Bob defeats Dion. The two heroes hear Issac talking to them as everyone can hear him in their heads. He tells them that he, Victor, and Fred are with Myra who is safe. Stella asks him to patch her to everyone as she tells them that Rose, Ana, Dawn, and Z have crushed Head and stop their plans.
The guild cheers for the girls as Scampers needs to tell Ax and Marie something. He tells them that they met up with Bruno's soul and the Chreax mentions something about releasing the Light causing the two to be shocked.
Ax yells as Issac tells him not to. Issac then started to scream loudly as the group around him start to worry. He is out cold as they all hear a loud noise going through their head. They heard Kazor's voice going through his head as he tells them that their time is up as he says Triumph.
The block started to change into a monster known as Hell Prison. Everyone gets trapped in some goop like substance as Bob tries to grab Stella's hand but fails. He was about to be swallowed by it and he casts a powerful spell causing a huge white light to go off covering him in it. Some of the henchmen get captured as well as some of the modified demons are angry that they don't get their revenge.
The Heroes are trapped in the block which is now a monster as Gray laments for their death with Frost before everyone sense something. Kazor figure out that two people escaped Triumph. It turns out to be Bob and Stella as Kazor says that was a one in trillion chance and they are left to be devour by the demons of hell.
Stella looks around to try and figure out what just happened. She finds Bob and she wakes him up using a kiss. Bob tells her that he is here because he used a very powerful spell. They look out the nearby window to see Hell Prison destroy Mural starting with Kingdom Church along with the town. It roars as the two wizards cover their ears from the roar.
The two later hear Kazor's voice as he tells the members of Underworld that Triumph have eradicated all of the intruders and that Head is going as planned. The two wizards are confused by this as Ana and Rose destroy Head and the intruders being eradicated. They then see a lot of water coming toward them.
Kazor tells the member that two little insects somehow escaped Triumph through strange means, He promised the members who kill one of them gets to be one of the Sixteen Deadly Demons. If one of the Sixteen Deadly Demons take them down, they get a reward from him.
Stella and Bob grab a piece of wood each to stand on as they are worried about their friends but some surfing members coming toward them and they decide to fight them.
Bob and Stella vs Underworld.
Bob notices three demons coming toward him and he decide to take care of them because Stella can handle it until he is done with these three.
Bob vs Caobur, Bolobur, and Scurro.
The three demons formed into a super demon making Bob get ready to fight for real.
Bob vs Moasahm.
He defeats the demon as he returns to go help Stella fight.
The two later see Lich coming toward them as they along Danny and Simon tried to hit her but it fails to her curse. She somehow defeats Danny and Simon whom Stella summoned earlier as Stella summons Violet and Lela to handle her. Bob sense four powerful demons as he blocks Draodono, Zarx and Miza's attack at once while Jason protects Stella from Hiusam. Jason tells Stella that he will be fine as Lich asks if she can take the credit but the other demons don't care.
Stella, Jason, Violet, and Lela vs Lich and Hiusam.
Bob vs Draodono, Zarx, and Miza.
The spirits need to defeat their foes quickly before Stella runs out of energy. The fight goes on as the two humans hear a whistle. They see Wolf standing there as Lich fawns over him. The spirits are worried about him as Hiusam attacks Jason.
Stella and Bob wonder why he is here but they remember that they can be revived. Stella notices that Bob has his hands full with three of the Sixteen Deadly Demons so she decide to fight Wolf by herself making him laugh.
Stella, Jason, Violet, and Lela vs Lich, Wolf, and Hiusam.
He throws explosion at her like crazy while the spirits and Bob are worried about her. His fellow demons tell him to finish her now so that they can focus on killing Bob. He tells them off by telling them that he needs to get rid of his rage. The spirits are worried about her energy as Bob gets more serious in his fight.
Stella gets launched into the ocean as she knows that her friends aren't dead and they would do the same thing for her. Wolf won't let her die yet. She comes out of the water holding a key as the three spirits tell her not to do. She doesn't listen to them as she summons her strongest spirit. Ariel appears as she says that Stella is an idiot.
The mermaid blast back all of the demons as Jason and the others tell her to send one of her spirits back as Bob agrees with them. Ariel notices that Hiusam is swimming through her water as he slash her. Stella and the others are worried about them as the three spirits get attacked by Wolf who destroy them in a second. The three spirits go back to their world as Ariel lays on the ground in pain along with Stella.
Bob tries to help his girlfriend but he is stopped by Draodono who is hoping for a rematch after his daughter didn't provide him a challenge. Bob decide to fight him so he can save his girlfriend and avenge his daughter.
Bob vs Draodono.
Wolf, Lich, and Hiusam look at Stella who is defeated as the three stand over her. Miza and Zarx let Draodono handle Bob. Hiusam tells his fellow demons that they should kill her but Lich and Wolf tell him to let them have so fun killing her in front of her boyfriend.
Stella tries to fight back but Wolf stops her by put an explosion on her right leg. Bob swears that he will kill Wolf after he takes care of Draodono.
Hiusam tells Wolf to get serious but Wolf tells him not to mess with him or he will go boom. The fish demon decide to let him have his fun as he gets the job done. The two demons decide to blow up her breasts first as Lich holds her so she can't fight back.
Wolf walks over to them and Lich keeps repeating stuff making Wolf blow her up. The two humans question him as Wolf tells them that he doesn't like her and that Stella should be more worried about happens to her instead of the brat. He is about to blow her up as a huge amount of water comes toward him and Draodono. Draodono can't swim so he is done with the fight.
The two demons get swept back as Ariel tells them that her and the other spirits can hold them back for so long. She tells the two that they can summon the Spirit Emperor. Bob tells her that he has his key but Ariel says that to destroy their opponent matters on doing something else. She tells them that by destroying a key that is very special to them.
Stella is lost as Wolf tries to blow up the water in front of him. Stella tells her that she can't do it due to her being able to lose one of her precious friends. Ariel tells her to destroy her key. Stella is shocked as Bob agrees with her.
Stella can't believe what is happen as she believes that here is another way. Ariel tells her that she won't die but they won't be able to see each other again. The two have a fight as Bob helps keep Wolf back as Stella ultimately decide to break her key.
Ariel remembers the memories that they shared over the years and she tells Bob to protect Stella and he promises that.
The Spirit Emperor comes toward Block with an epic aura as he slashes Hell Prison. The Sixteen Deadly Demons are worried about their base being destroy. Bob tries to comfort Stella who is crying her eyes out as Wolf tries to get her to talk.
The Spirit Emperor looks at the Emperor of Hell and the two get ready for battle.
It is now sunset. The other members of the Sixteen Deadly Demons figure out what just happened to their base as Bob protects Stella from boulders and Wolf tries to not to get angry.
The Spirit Emperor talks with Kazor about what happens. He will fight for two of his closet friends who lost a good friend of there.
Eldon, the Spirit Emperor vs Kazor, the Emperor of Hell.
Wolf wonders what the hell is going on as he noticed Stella with Bob by her side trying to cheer her up. Wolf attacks them but those two are protected by a water barrier. Stella looks around for one of her close friend. Eldon gives both of them Ariel's power as they decide to team up on Wolf with their Spirit Uniforms on them.
Bob and Stella vs Wolf.
He goes crazy on them using his spells. He noticed that Bob protected them using Power Barrier as he says that one spell can defeat him. Stella knows what he is talking about as she grabs Bob's hands. The two decide to cast a spell known as Newton. The two started chanting this,"I ask that the Empyrean make the Heavenly Bodies crash down to Oyrus. Enlighten everything in this realm, this planet, and this realm! By your hands, let everything be enlightened. Sparkling, blasting, falling... Let the Heavenly Bodies crash before us! Newton!".
Stella is tired from fighting as Wolf is defeated as the other Demons sense his defeat by the hands of the wizard. Bob holds Stella as he is proud of her.
Eldon's movements are getting slower as Kazor comments on that. Eldon doesn't give up as he does his ultimate attack Heaven Slash. The attack illuminates the area as Kazor wonders why why he would let his summoners become collateral.
The emperor smirks as Kazor figures out what the spell's true purpose as the curse gets dispelled. Nancy notices that Allison is coming out of the ground ready for their fight. Some of the others come out wondering what just happened.
Eldon tells him that his old friends can defeat Kazor and his dark guild. He is gone as Kazor turns to stone and he is angry at humanity.
Hiusam finds Wolf defeated and he wonders how these two managed to defeat both Wolf and Lich. He goes over to her and Bob and Bob gets ready to fight the shark.
Bob vs Hiusam.
Sezoch appears as Bob says that he can take him on as well.
Bob vs Hiusam and Sezoch.
Karla, Zarx, and Terry attacks Bob as he says that he can take them all on himself.
Bob vs Hiusam, Karla, Sezoch, Terry, and Zarx.
Bob dodges Frost, Gray, and Terra's attack as Stella is worried about her boyfriend who is fighting eight of the Sixteen Deadly Demons at the same time.
Bob vs Frost, Gray, Hiusam, Karla, Sezoch, Terra, Terry. and Zech.
Bob gets trapped in a giant fire breath by Hurricaner as he is slashed by Draodono and punched by Miza as Bob gets ready to fight them all. Stella is really worried about him but he tells him that he is going to beat them all even if it kills him.
Bob vs Draodono, Frost, Gray, Hiusam, Hurricaner, Karla, Miza, Sexoch, Terra, Terry, and Zech.
Hiusam is about to kill Stella as Bob tries to rush toward him but he is stopped by the other demons and Stella is saved from being killed by Hiusam thanks to Johnny.
Johnny stands there over Stella and Hiusam is lost why another human is here as Johnny is lost about what he is talking. He is lost as Sezoch tries to attack him. Melody protects him and Stella with her magic. Karla is about to freeze the three only to be blocked by the grim reaper of Heroes Grim.
Zarx appears to blast them with a huge amount of darkness only to be blocked by Brendan using his spirits.Terry appears to blast them with a lot of rocks but they are broken in pieces by the master of guns Nick. Terra appears to trap them all in the earth as Casey blocks her attack.
Frost tires to freeze her and her friends solid as she is stopped by Danny. Danny is shocked to see her there as Sezoch comments on her ice being stopped.A huge amount of passion magic coming from Gray heads toward them as Kurt decide to eat it appearing and he is shocked to see Gray and Frost standing there.
Draodono fires out a lot of poison and Hurricaner fires the elements at the group excluding Miza who was fighting Bob.
Python devours the poison and Clara attacks Miza to let Bob go free as Bob eat the elements. He tells the group what happened and how he and Stella saved their lives. Bob looks directly at the demons and he gets ready to fight them with his friends by his side, they aren't going to lose.
Block. Underworld's base of operations. It can later be turned into a monster known only as Hell Prison.
Carran. The headquarters of the magic council in X791.
Heroes Guild Hall. The home of Heroes, Meca's number one guild. It is also in Mural.
Heroes Guild Hall. The home of Heroes, Meca's number one guild. It is also in Mural.
Restaurant by the Sea. Clyde's restaurant chain after retiring from the magic council.
Hell Heart. The lab of Underworld where demons can come back to life.
Hell Heart. The lab of Underworld where demons can come back to life.
Marco's town. This is the town where the former magic council member Marco lives with his granddaughter.
Sarah's town. This is the town where the former magic council member Sarah lives with her grandson.
Randall's town. This is the town where the former magic council member Randall lives with his grandson.
Gregg's town. This is the town where the former magic council member Gregg lives with his granddaughter.
Roosevelt's home. This is where the former magic council chairman lives.
Otron, Meca. This is where the Nine Prayers or Prayers are after escaping prison.
Abysmal Hollow. The location of Head.
Abandoned town. This is a town that James's group stops in so James can recharge.
Aria and Mandy's home. This is where Fulgor/Aria and Damien/Mandy of Wicked Genocide live now.
Outskirts of Meca. This is where Block crashes into the ground after the Spirit Emperor destroy it. This is where the Heroes and Underworld war rages on after that.
Abandoned town. This is a town that James's group stops in so James can recharge.
Aria and Mandy's home. This is where Fulgor/Aria and Damien/Mandy of Wicked Genocide live now.
Outskirts of Meca. This is where Block crashes into the ground after the Spirit Emperor destroy it. This is where the Heroes and Underworld war rages on after that.
Head. An ultimate weapon to make all magic on the continent nullified.
Lucernas. It is what wizards use to control magic and it is everywhere on the planet.
Decessus. It is poisonous to magic users, it destroy all of the magic in the air, and it is known as the Anti-Lucernas.
Sections | Battles in Underworld Arc |
Prologue | John, Krystal. Viola, Eve, Leonard, Clyde, Rudy, and Leona vs Hurricaner. X vs Hurricaner. Bob vs Wolf. Ana, Rose, Dawn, Jaime, Scampers, Alex, and Stella vs Wolf. Bob vs Wolf (Round 2). Johnny, Python, Jenny, Z, Wanda, Jade, Casey, Brendan, Sarah, and Stan vs Miza and Frost. Kurt, Danny, Melody, Spike, Clara, Roy, Angel, Randall, Randy, and Grim vs Underworld Soldiers and Rech. Drake, Odessa, Nick, Kirby, Kari, Adam, Jean, and Julie vs the undead. Norman, Sakura, and Cyrus vs Gregg and Grace. |
Part 1 | Allison and Myra vs Underworld members. Tonya, Julius, Night, Helen, Harold, Silvia, Lynda, Quick, Ex, Perry, Reaper, Holly, Marx, and Val vs Zero. James vs Tonya, Night, Lynda, Quick, Val, and Ex, Anna vs Julius, Helen, Perry, Reaper, Holly, and Marx. Bob and Scampers vs Underworld Soldiers. Bob and Scampers vs Ebeixhar. |
Part 2 | Allison vs Zepoza. Heroes vs Underworld. Kurt and Melody vs Underworld members and Carla Palmer. Arthur, Gail, Glint, and Audrey vs Mordred. Python, Rich, April, and Jenny vs Underworld members, Tamara, and Opal. Bob vs Underworld guards. Bob vs Hex. Bob vs Zimsa. Danny vs Sezoch. Bob, Stella, and Scampers vs Ebeixhar. Python, Johnny, Jade, and Jenny vs Miza. Kurt, Melody, and Spike vs Karla. Angel, Drake, Kari, Kirby, and Odessa vs Hugo, Kerry aka Dark Serpent, and Rafael. Casey, Brendan, and Grim vs Samuel, Dwight, and Keith. Nick, Julie, Clara, and Roy vs Draodono. Cyrus, Sakura, and Myra vs Zimsa and Lich. Wanda, Mark, Anne, Adam, and Jean vs Terra and Terry. Ana and Rose vs Rech. Ana vs Rech. |
Part 3 | Allison vs New Nancy. James, Alice, Bryan, Kirk, Sally, and Anna vs Yagg, Katar, Zrink, Llyana, Echo, and Nyhx. James, Alice, Lila, Tonya, Hamlet, Julius, and Finn vs Yagg. Kirk, Sally, Silvia, Val, and Mason vs Echo. Bryan, Anna, Erin, Marx, and Perry vs Katar and Llyana. Damien, Fulgor, Helen, Ray, and Maria vs Zrink and Nyha. Bob vs Dion. Bob and Stella vs Underworld. Bob vs Caobur, Bolobur, and Scurro. Bob vs Moasahm. Stella, Jason, Violet, and Lela vs Lich and Hiusam. Bob vs Draodono, Zarx, and Miza. Stella, Jason, Violet, and Lela vs Lich, Wolf, and Hiusam. Bob vs Draodono. Eldon, the Spirit Emperor vs Kazor, the Emperor of Hell. Bob and Stella vs Wolf. Bob vs Hiusam. Bob vs Hiusam and Sezoch. Bob vs Hiusam, Karla, Sezoch, Terry, and Zarx. Bob vs Frost, Gray, Hiusam, Karla, Sezoch, Terra, Terry. and Zech. Bob vs Draodono, Frost, Gray, Hiusam, Hurricaner, Karla, Miza, Sexoch, Terra, Terry, and Zech. |
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