Monday, August 24, 2015

Power Guild Special The Dragon Stone part 6 The end of the Dragon and Shelia.

A/N:We are almost done. I didn't expect this to be this long but hey live and learn. I mean it will be good for when the new movie whenever it comes out. It looks interesting so I will be doing a lot of things different for the Underworld Arc and it will be seen in the original arc because I can't make it up in the Sun Village arc because of reasons. If Mavis is proven to be immortal like Zeref, the fight with the Spirggan 12 are going to be awesome for sure.

Bob fell off the dragon as Scampers grabbed him. "Are you going to be alright Bob? You used a lot of your magic against Dust which was awesome." said Scampers. "Yeah. You ready to fight with the rest of our family? " said Bob. "Aye Sir!" yelled Scampers. Kurt stood there with Ana, Johnny, Jade, and Rose stood there as they watched the others fight the dragon. "Man that fight was so awesome. It made this fight look like nothing." said Kurt.

Jade said,"Yeah but we still have the dragon to deal with.". "We got this." said Johnny. "But what are we going to do once we run out of magic?" said Rose. 'I don't know but we are going to win this fight no matter what." said Ana. Tanya stood there as she said,"You are dam right Ana.". "Where did you come from?" said the five. The two girls saw Myra in her demon form, Norman, Eric, Wayne, Nick, Roy, Clara, and Julie standing right behind them.

Tanya said,"Well, it looks like you guys need a couple of helping hands and we got them.". "Yes. It will be a snap if we all work together." said Clara. "We decided to screw the whole small team idea as soon as master stole from the magic council." said Eric. "A real man doesn't mind getting his fists at all dirty." said Norman. "Hell yeah." said Roy and Nick, "Sometimes." said Julie. "You will need our help." said Wayne. "Lets go already!" yelled Myra.

The Heroes wizard start to attack the dragon as Scampers said,"The gang is all here. We got this over grown lizard in the bag.". "Lets battle!" yelled Bob. Scampers dropped Bob toward the dragon as Bob said,"Akmo Su! Ultimate Dragon Frenzy!". He started to punch the dragon as Norman stood there in his beast from as he said,"Man Punch!". He punched him as Kurt said,"Passion Giant Hammer!". The hammer hit the dragon on the head.

Myra said,"Demon Rapture!". The blast hit the dragon like crazy as Nick and Julie said,"Elemental Bullet Storm!". Several bullets hit the dragons's scale and they caused a mini explosion. X ate the fire shots and Bob ate the wind shots. Wayne make smoke as Eric lit it on fire. Clara ran onto the back of the dragon slashing its back along firing Thunder Crash into the sports where she slashed. "Passion Fists!" yelled Roy.

They punched the dragon as Alex said,"Soul Tornado and Soul Cannon!". "Hero Explosion!" yelled Eve. She grabbed Norman as several explosion went off on the dragons back. "Ready Bob!?" yelled X who stood there in his fire form. "Hell yeah. Lets do this!" said Bob. "Ultimate Thunder Storm!" yelled Bob. "Enormous Inferno!" yelled X. The two combined their attack as Jade and Leonard said in unison,"Letter Magic Boost!".

Their attacks grew strong as Fred grabbed everyone that was near the blast radius. Stella and Shelia saw them fighting as Stella said,"They are here.". "You have a great connection with people Stella. I know that they would do anything for you and you would do the same." said Shelia. "Yeah. They're the best of friends that a girl could ask for." said Stella. Shelia felt a pain as Stella said,"What is it? It looks bad.".

Shelia nod as she said,"It is preparing its final attack by draining your friends magic power.". It was making the attack as X felt his magic draining. "What the hell is going on?" said X. Myra was kinda of wobbling as she said,"This thing must be drain our magic.". "I don't think I can keep on flying Bob because I feel sick." said Scampers. "Hang on little buddy. We can still it." said Bob. Stella said,"We can't do anything to stop it.".

Ax stood there as he said,"There is one way.". "Are you serious?! The people of Light Village have been dead for more than 100 years." said Shelia. "Yes. You are right about that but the great wizard Walter or your father made an weapon to Seal the stones." said Ax. "He did?" said Shelia. "Yes. We aren't going to seal it but destroy it. If the dragon dies, anyone who has drink their blood dies along with them." said Ax.

Stella said,"That means.". "Yes. Allison has been giving the sword to launch toward the fight. We're going to save lives at the cost of one. I am prepared to deal with killing an innocent life." said Ax. "I know there must be another way! Allison would never kill one of her friends!" yelled Stella. "No one knows about the true power of the Sacred Sword. I told no one because I won't risk anything about what happened last time." said Ax.

Shelia said,"You can do it.". Ax gave the signal as Stella said,"Are you serious?!". "Stella. I wanted to live life with you all but I know that it is my time to go. These last couple of days have been the best in my life. I will never forget you Stella and I know that Bubbles is waiting for me. Be happy and you will make a good wife for Bob." said Shelia. Allison fired the sword straight into the dragon eyes as it felt an immenze pain.

It fell over as Tanya grabbed Ana and Dawn while Nick swooped in to save Rose and Z. Norman was saved by his sister as Scampers was knocked toward the ground. Bob held onto the dragon as it made a loud roar. It made a giant blast as it threw into the air. 'What is that?" said Alex. "Trouble Alex. We need to get up there." said Leonard. "I got no magic left." said Eve. "Same here. You got this Bob." said X.

Bob held on as he saw the sword. He heard Shelia say,"Bob. You must destroy this beast no matter what happens to me.". The boy climbed up as he held the hilt. "Die!" yelled Bob. Bob pushed it in as Shelia screamed in pain. "Someone! Save her!" yelled Stella. Bob kept pushing as he said,"Time for a power up! Voltage Boost!". He pushed the sword into the eye further with the power of electricity. It crack.

The dragon was being destroy as Shelia's body was gone. "I won't forget you Shelia." said Stella who was crying. "As will I." said Shelia. The two hugged as Shelia was gone. Stella was crying as Ax sigh a breath of sadness. He didn't want to take a life because every life is sacred. Scampers caught Bob as the boy said,"Okay. Now I need a break.". "Bob. You need to mend Stella's heart." said Shelia. She appeared as Scampers said,"So you are dead.".

Shelia said,"Yes. I will miss you Scampers.". Bob covered the Chreax's eyes as Bob said,"I will miss you too Shelia.". She kissed him as she said,"I have found what it means to fall in love. You remind me of a boy that came to visit the village once. He went by the name Chaos. I broke his heart after I kissed his rival.". "It is cool. I better figure out a way to calm her down after she hears about this and Chaos is finding a new love." said Bob.

Bubbles appeared as he said,"Shelia!". She hugged him as she said,"It is good to see you again.". The bird looked at Bob and he said,"Thank you all so much. We need to show our thanks to Heroes. Don't we?". "Yes." said Shelia. Scampers could see again as the two spirit made the symbol of the guild as the members all saw it. Scampers noticed tears coming down Bob's face as Scampers said,"We will all miss her.". "I know." said Bob.

Later, the wizards stood in a group. They all missed Shelia as Ana was crying. Tanya tried to comfort her as Allison said,"I didn't know that she would die.". "Yeah." said Ax. Bob walked up to them with Scampers by him as Stella said,"We lost her Bob. We lost Shelia.". She looked at Bob as she said,"Is magic bad Bob?! I mean it only brings sadness.". "Stella. Magic is sad but it can also be happy. She'll always be in our hearts." said Bob.

Stella cried in his chest as Bob said,"It is fine. Just keeping crying until you want to take about it so more.". Later, the people of Ethal were trying to rebuild the kingdom along with a new Prince Jelly who reformed for the better. Billy and Judy sat with their guild as Dust and Charles were missing in action and they are rumored to be dead. At the magic council meeting hall, Ax was sleeping as the council was angry at Heroes once again.

Later, Heroes was working on rebuilding. Allison was helping Norman and Charlie put the request board in the right spot as Virgil and Issac were talking about her outfit causing them to be attack by her later on. Melody is flirting with Kurt who has no idea about it. The wood sisters smiled as Cyrus was playing a song nearby them. Eric, Wayne, and Tanya were drinking away as Fate and June were very much lost.

Ax, Ella, Ana, Rose, Dawn, Cecil, Tricia, Fred, Victor, Stella, Jade, Bob, Z, and Johnny were being entertain by Leroy, Scampers, and Jaime's dance. Bob was eating lighting as Johnny was eating some metal. Bob was trying to force Johnny to eat lighting as he was forced to eat metal. Jade smiled at her boyfriend while Z was lost. Scampers smiled as Allison and Stella smiled at their boyfriend's antics which wasn't his thing. Bob noticed that Stella was smiling and it made him happy.

Later, Stella was walking through town waiting to go meet up with the rest of her team for a new job as she noticed something. She saw a younger Shelia holding Bubbles with her parents nearby. Stella smiled as Shelia turned around. "Thank you Stella." said Shelia. She was gone along with the spirits as Stella saw her friends. "Hey guys." said Stella. "Sup. You seem like you are in a way better mood which is great Stella." said Kurt.

Rose said,"Yeah. I guess you must have seen something to make you happy.". "Yeah. I did. So are you guys ready for our job?" said Stella. "I heard the food is going to be amazing." said Scampers who was drooling. "And the pay is decent." said Dawn. "Lets go already you guys." said Allison and Ana. Bob looked up and he thought,"We are going to miss you Shelia but we will keep on living for you and Bubbles forever.". The eight left the city.

He fights the dragon alongside the Inferno Legion, X, Kurt, Ana, Johnny, Jade, Fred, Melody, Z, Dawn, Rose, Myra, Tanya, Norman, Eric, Wayne, Nick, Roy, Clara, and Julie.
Heroes vs The Dragon.
Stella smiles as her friends fight the dragon as Shelia finally feels happiness. She feels pain as the dragon takes the power from the wizards to make an ultimate attack.
The dragon doesn't care about destroying the world because it can reborn. Ax appeared in front of the girls and he tells the girls they have a way to destroy the dragon. It is known as the Sacred Sword as the dragon will be destroyed along with Shelia as Allison gets ready to fire the sword.
Stella tells Ax that Allison would never do something like that as Ax counters her with that he never told her what the sword actually does. Shelia tells Ax to do it as Stella tries to stop him.
Stella tries to convince her as Shelia tells Stella that she will never forget her and that Bubbles is waiting for her.
The dragon is being killed as Scampers is knocked away from the dragon leaving Bob on it.
The dragon makes a black hole as Bob hears Shelia and he push the sword down into the beast killing it as its final attack is pretty much useless as the wizard seals the deal killing both Shelia and the dragon in one fell swoop.
Shelia says her final goodbyes to Stella as Ax regrets his actions.
Bob and Scampers are told by Shelia to mend Stella's heart. Shelia leaves with a happy heart after kissing Bob goodbye.
Bubbles and Shelia make the heroes guild mark as they departed to the afterlife.
Everyone is together as they miss Shelia.
Bob comforts her as he lets her cry on him until she feels better.
The people of Ethal try to rebuild their kingdom as Billy and Judy are the only ones to have survived.
The Magic Council is pissed off that Ax is sleeping during their lecture at him.
Heroes works on rebuilding their home while having fun doing it.
Stella sees Shelia's spirit along with Bubbles and Shelia's parents as they disappear for good. She joins up with the rest of Team Power as they head out for new adventures.

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