A/N:Yep. I decided to make these notes two parts because this arc is a large one. You also saw how long the first half of this was. Imagine the second one. I have the locations, items, battles, and events in this one. You will also see how the Grand Magic Games play out and it will be different from the other one. I promise that it will make sense. Every team will try their best to win. Villains will be a thorn in Heroes's side for sure. Also Cinco Hydra will be Cinco Gecko after Day 2 during the notes.
I won't be spoiling how many points each team has so that is good but who will fight who will be out in the open. Also in the special events, a wizard can go in as many times as he/she wants. I am not going to have a restriction on that. You will now some of the wizards age and the others you don't in this. I got off what Fairy Tail gives me here. Also I just want to saw this. If you want to learn more about how Fairy Tail was founded, read Fairy Tail Zero.
I like it more than the Gray spinoff but read that one too. They are both good. Also most teams battle the same team more than once but EVERY SINGLE MEMBER on the team will battle. Also it is either Dark Serpent or Black Serpent. I did a lot for it and the bets are pretty much all dates due to the fact that I am very lazy. Also Tia, Romeo, and Fulgor are not slayers. I just wanted to get that out there.
Here is what Team Power really is. Bob, Stella, Allison, Kurt, Ana, Scampers, Rose, and Dawn. I am also keeping Anna alive, young, and the same age because I kept Jo alive so she stays too so yeah. I will go into more detail why I don't like that because it is one of the few things that I hate about this arc. I will tell you my reason when I get there. I am 100% sure that this will be longer so enjoy how much effort that I put into this arc and the Inferno Legion is Eve, Leonard, Krystal, and Viola. Alex is on the fence because of reasons.
There are three rules for the event. Rule one:The Guild Master can't compete in the game. Rule two: Anyone without the Guild emblem on them can only watch the games and not compete. Rule three: Seven of the nine members compete in the games for your guild must arrive at your lodgings by midnight just like the story of Cinderella. During the games itself, the main seven members must be there on the first day. The other two may be there but they must be there on the second day for sure.
Days and Fights:
Preliminary Event: Heaven Maze. The hundred and thirteen teams competing in the games will have to find their way through the maze. The team will have to survive the other team who use their magic and survive the maze which move around. Wizards with motion sickness will not be effect by this. I would recommend making a map of this place.
Team Sacred Lions and 104 unnamed teams: Didn't make it.
Team Cinco Hydra: Rank Eight.
Team Heroes A: Rank Seven.
Team Amazons: Rank Six.
Team Thunder Wolves: Rank Five.
Team Bloody Darkness: Rank Fourth.
Team Villains: Rank Third.
Team Heroes B: Rank First.
Team Monsters: Rank First.
Day 1:
Surprise Event: Secret. In this game, the sixteen wizards are sent to different locations with their guildmate in a town magically created, which is filled with clones of the competitors. Wizard win a point when they attack another competitor. Wizards lose a point if they are attacked by another competitor or if they attack a clone. 10 seconds after being attacked, the wizard will respawn in a different area of the city. Restarts can happen as many times as necessary until the time limit is reached. The winner is the wizard that has the most points after 30 minutes.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
In the second event, participants must hit a Magic power measuring device with the strongest attack they can muster. The device will grant each player a number score, which they will then be ranked on,
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Allison May. Unknown/Weapon Wizard and S Class.17 years old.
Tanya Reed. Psychic Wizard. 18 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Louis. 34 years old. Earth Wizard. Wizard Saint.
Greg. Telekinesis. Teleportation, and Telepathy Wizard. 18 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Ralph. Data Wizard.27 years old.
Jane. Eye Wizard. 17 years old.
Conrad. Magic Cancel and Transformation Wizard.
Hugo. Take Over Wizard.
Cinco Gecko:
Glenn. Card Wizard.
Sake. Drunk Martial Arts/Palm Wizard and S Class. 18 years old.
Krista. Binding Wizard. 25 years old.
Phoebe aka Emma. Song/Music and Sword Wizard. 17 years old.
Romeo. Fire God Magic Wizard. 23 years old.
Titus. Unknown Wizard and Wizard Saint. 17 years old.
Day 4:
Allison and James talk about the last time and the fact that none of Lord Vex's Magic has appeared.
Lora talks with Stella, Ana, Rose, Dawn, Bob, and Scampers.
The Slayers and their Chreax see Bob who is beyond pissed. He swears that he will take down the guild master aka Warren to kick him out of the guild
Steve vs Johnny.
Steve is losing badly to Johnny who tells him to just give up.
X ask for Myra's help after Romeo gets creamed by the Wizard Saint.
The two future girls wake up and they tell the group about the end of the world and the true purpose of the gate.
Steve gets himself absorbed by the shadows and he violently attack by him.
Johnny tells the shadow to let go off Steve who used to be his junior back in the day. He activates his Metal Shadow Form.
Cameron looks for Colin and Sophia who plan for Twilight part 2 aka Twilight Cannon in his Sliver Armor.
X uppercuts Louis and he says that Heroes will win this with teamwork.
X and Myra land the finishing blow on Louis as Kurt's group does the same.
Team Heroes defeat Titus.
Chad brings the group to him and he plans to finish them off but he can't do it. He surrenders giving the win to Heroes.
Allison gets separated from the rest of the guild. She is surrounded by demons and she is saved by James and Alice. The three see Krista and the cat girl of the Amazons gets P.O (Pissed Off) quick.
X and his group are having trouble with the fire and lighting dragon along with the demons.
Raziel is reminded of the Dragon King Sivarth and she asked the boy if he knows the Dragon King. Bob answer with that he is Sivarth making the dragon laugh. She tells him that she is close to him.
Anna falls on the ground and she admits that her sins will never be clean.
The eight wizards team up against the two dragons along with Romeo and Claude.
Bob senses that Kurt died. Future Steve does as well along with his dragon and they made fun of him being weak. He attack them with immense anger.Anna remembers the spell that Master Orcus or Bruno told her to never use. It is known as Final Time. The spell takes away your life to move time backward.
She is about to use when she is stopped by Kirk and Sally who tells her to wait for them. She learns that they all learn her magic to keep her alive and with three people casting the spell, nothing happens to them.
Time goes back one minute and Kurt is saved from death, Victor isn't dying, and Eric is safe from death.
Back at the castle, John asks Dawn about the weird vision while Cameron and Morgan try to convince the Princess to leave but she will stay because this is her fault.
Stella runs over to them and she tells them that if they destroy the gate, the dragons and demons will go back.
X, Ana, Sunni, Krystal, Rose, and Dawn handled the two dragons who are tired from fighting them while John, Eve, Leonard, Viola, Cameron, and Morgan fight the demons and Alex, Aaron, Brendan, Casey, Myra, Stella, Scampers and Grim try to destroy the gate.
The Slayers finished off their dragons by defeating them.
Bob questions Future Steve on how he changed into evil. The man explains that he is doing this for his future because Milorth the Deathlord well destroys the future. Bob mentions Lucky and the man tells Bob that the Chreax will die in a year.
The wizards finish off the demons as Bob calls upon their power along with his to finish off the metal dragon and Future Steve with one of his spells.
He kills the Steel Dragon and also defeats Future Steve also destroy the gate.
Everyone celebrates their victories over the dragons.
Future Steve tells Bob that the shadows are absorbing him and he needs to tell the Steve of this time to protect Lucky who will be killed by someone close to Bob and his guild.
Future Stella, Future Sakura, and Future Steve go back to the future and the two girls see their guild along with Bob and Cyrus in a golden field aka Heaven. Stella starts crying as she hugs Bob who is back to normal.
A few days later, the king invites all of the wizards including Primeval Genesis, Ira, and Noah to a great banquet. Shenanigans ensue.
The next day, Primeval Genesis talk with Ira and Noah about the events and the mention of the Underworld and New Dynasty.
Heroes return back to Mural with cheering from the townspeople and the mayor shows them an amazing surprise.
Vex sits over Mural and he talks with some of the members of New Dynasty about all of this.
Spirit World: This world is where Stella. Brendan, Bob, and Morgan's spirits live. Humans are not allowed to go there unless you are wearing their clothing which Stella has been wearing in this story. She wore them after she and Team Power went into the Tower of Revival, right before the battle on Paradise, Prion's invasion of the castle, and after the battle with Damien.
Crifark Gardens: This is where the Monsters guild is staying during the game.
Stargaze Resort: This is where the main members of Heroes Team A (Ana, Allison, Brendan, Kurt, Clara, and Stella) plus Bob, Roy, Rose, Scampers, and Dawn is staying during the festival.
Carran: It is where the Magic Council HQ is located.
Fangdor: This is the royal family lives and it is very huge. This place has its secrets aka the Golden Knights.
The Wacky Fowl: It is where the Heroes guild drinks their victories and their loss.
Midnight Paradise. It is a Oyrus's famous amusement park and it is mainly a water park.
Alpha Stadium: This is where the main battles of the games begin. Most of the games are there.
The Library of Sorcery. Everything involving magic is here and wizards come here to learn more about their guild's past or more about their magic. It also holds every single Magician Monthly ever in there.
Grand Magic Games
The Games will be divided into 5 days with nine events held each day, eight battles and a surprise event. For the surprise event, each team will receive an amount of points based on their position in the end of it. Each team can send two members into each event if they so choose and they may go solo if they wish. If one team wins both third and fourth place, they get 9 points due to it being in between six and twelve. During day 3's event, the points are doubled and in fifteenth and sixteenth place, they earn a point..
1st and 2nd place: 10 points.
3rd and 4th place: 8 points.
5th and 6th place: 6 points.
7th and 8th place: 4 points.
9th and 10th place: 3 points.
11th and 12th place: 2 points.
13th and 14th place: 1 points.
15th and 16th place: 0 points.
The battle rounds will have three members from each team battling against the other seven teams and two others team excluding their own. The winning team gets 6 points and the loser gets nothing. If the fight ends up in a draw, both wizards get 3 points. The arena is the battle arena and you have thirty minutes to win the match by knocking out your opponent.
The Games will be divided into 5 days with nine events held each day, eight battles and a surprise event. For the surprise event, each team will receive an amount of points based on their position in the end of it. Each team can send two members into each event if they so choose and they may go solo if they wish. If one team wins both third and fourth place, they get 9 points due to it being in between six and twelve. During day 3's event, the points are doubled and in fifteenth and sixteenth place, they earn a point..
1st and 2nd place: 10 points.
3rd and 4th place: 8 points.
5th and 6th place: 6 points.
7th and 8th place: 4 points.
9th and 10th place: 3 points.
11th and 12th place: 2 points.
13th and 14th place: 1 points.
15th and 16th place: 0 points.
The battle rounds will have three members from each team battling against the other seven teams and two others team excluding their own. The winning team gets 6 points and the loser gets nothing. If the fight ends up in a draw, both wizards get 3 points. The arena is the battle arena and you have thirty minutes to win the match by knocking out your opponent.
There are three rules for the event. Rule one:The Guild Master can't compete in the game. Rule two: Anyone without the Guild emblem on them can only watch the games and not compete. Rule three: Seven of the nine members compete in the games for your guild must arrive at your lodgings by midnight just like the story of Cinderella. During the games itself, the main seven members must be there on the first day. The other two may be there but they must be there on the second day for sure.
Days and Fights:
Preliminary Event: Heaven Maze. The hundred and thirteen teams competing in the games will have to find their way through the maze. The team will have to survive the other team who use their magic and survive the maze which move around. Wizards with motion sickness will not be effect by this. I would recommend making a map of this place.
Team Sacred Lions and 104 unnamed teams: Didn't make it.
Team Cinco Hydra: Rank Eight.
Team Heroes A: Rank Seven.
Team Amazons: Rank Six.
Team Thunder Wolves: Rank Five.
Team Bloody Darkness: Rank Fourth.
Team Villains: Rank Third.
Team Heroes B: Rank First.
Team Monsters: Rank First.
Day 1:
Surprise Event: Secret. In this game, the sixteen wizards are sent to different locations with their guildmate in a town magically created, which is filled with clones of the competitors. Wizard win a point when they attack another competitor. Wizards lose a point if they are attacked by another competitor or if they attack a clone. 10 seconds after being attacked, the wizard will respawn in a different area of the city. Restarts can happen as many times as necessary until the time limit is reached. The winner is the wizard that has the most points after 30 minutes.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Brendan Crawford. Spirit and Element/Elemental Wizard. 17 years old.
Kurt Raymond. Passion Wizard. S Class and Slayer. 17 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Leon. Passion Wizard. 25 years old.
Adrian. Claw Wizard. 25 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Bruce. Ice/Snow Wizard. 23 years old.
Colin Earth. Fire and Air Wizard. 24 years old.
Dwight. Needle Wizard.
Opal. Smoke Wizard.
Cinco Hydra:
Steven. Plant Wizard.
Ken. Fists Wizard.
Leah. Vegetable Wizard. 16 years old.
Rachel. Song/Music and Gun Wizard. 21 years old almost 22.
Claude. Memory Wizard. 19 years old.
Steve. Shadow Wizard and Slayer. 19 years old.
Heroes B:
Casey Polar. Water Wizard. 17 years old.
Grim Darth. Sleep, Darkness, and Scythe Wizard. 19 years old.
1st Battle: Stella vs Angelica.
2nd Battle: Kevin vs Lynn.
3rd Battle: Cole vs Romeo.
4th Battle: Johnny vs Tamara.
5th Battle: Shroud vs Louis.
6th Battle: Colin vs Chad.
7th Battle: Ken vs Conrad.
8th Battle: X vs Terry.
9th Battle: Clara vs Glenn.
10th Battle: Kitty vs Jennifer.
11th Battle: Titus vs Kim.
12th Battle: Python vs Alicia.
Kurt Raymond. Passion Wizard. S Class and Slayer. 17 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Leon. Passion Wizard. 25 years old.
Adrian. Claw Wizard. 25 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Bruce. Ice/Snow Wizard. 23 years old.
Colin Earth. Fire and Air Wizard. 24 years old.
Dwight. Needle Wizard.
Opal. Smoke Wizard.
Cinco Hydra:
Steven. Plant Wizard.
Ken. Fists Wizard.
Leah. Vegetable Wizard. 16 years old.
Rachel. Song/Music and Gun Wizard. 21 years old almost 22.
Claude. Memory Wizard. 19 years old.
Steve. Shadow Wizard and Slayer. 19 years old.
Heroes B:
Casey Polar. Water Wizard. 17 years old.
Grim Darth. Sleep, Darkness, and Scythe Wizard. 19 years old.
1st Battle: Stella vs Angelica.
2nd Battle: Kevin vs Lynn.
3rd Battle: Cole vs Romeo.
4th Battle: Johnny vs Tamara.
5th Battle: Shroud vs Louis.
6th Battle: Colin vs Chad.
7th Battle: Ken vs Conrad.
8th Battle: X vs Terry.
9th Battle: Clara vs Glenn.
10th Battle: Kitty vs Jennifer.
11th Battle: Titus vs Kim.
12th Battle: Python vs Alicia.
Day 2:
Surprise Event: Transport. In this game, the participants are made to run along the tops of interconnected chariots, which starts at one end of Crifark to the arena of the Grand Magic Games. Magic can be used at any time to help the wizards reach the goal faster or hinder the other wizards. Falling off the chariots will result in disqualification. The winner is the wizard that reaches the Grand Magic Games Arena first.
For each of the battle rounds, the participants chose to put a wager on whether they would win or not.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Kurt Raymond. Passion Wizard, S Class, and Slayer. 17 years old.
Clara Yagami. Weapon, Lighting, and Fire Wizard. 18 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Terry. Wave Wizard. 25 years old.
Sonic aka Grady. Speed Wizard. 20 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Adonis. Perfume Wizard. 36 years old.
Kevin, Wind Wizard. 27 years old.
Kerry aka Black Serpent. Mimic Wizard.
Rafael. Shadow Wizard.
Cinco Hydra:
Sake. Drunk Martial Arts/Palm Wizard and S Class. 18 years old.
Dean. Spike Wizard and S Class. 27 years old.
Kelli. Gravity Change Wizard. 24 years old.
Kim. Song/Music and Spear Wizard. 22 years old.
Chad. Light/Holy Wizard and Slayer. 19 years old.
Larry. Light Wizard/Chreax. 13 years old.
Heroes B:
Surprise Event: Transport. In this game, the participants are made to run along the tops of interconnected chariots, which starts at one end of Crifark to the arena of the Grand Magic Games. Magic can be used at any time to help the wizards reach the goal faster or hinder the other wizards. Falling off the chariots will result in disqualification. The winner is the wizard that reaches the Grand Magic Games Arena first.
For each of the battle rounds, the participants chose to put a wager on whether they would win or not.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Kurt Raymond. Passion Wizard, S Class, and Slayer. 17 years old.
Clara Yagami. Weapon, Lighting, and Fire Wizard. 18 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Terry. Wave Wizard. 25 years old.
Sonic aka Grady. Speed Wizard. 20 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Adonis. Perfume Wizard. 36 years old.
Kevin, Wind Wizard. 27 years old.
Kerry aka Black Serpent. Mimic Wizard.
Rafael. Shadow Wizard.
Cinco Hydra:
Sake. Drunk Martial Arts/Palm Wizard and S Class. 18 years old.
Dean. Spike Wizard and S Class. 27 years old.
Kelli. Gravity Change Wizard. 24 years old.
Kim. Song/Music and Spear Wizard. 22 years old.
Chad. Light/Holy Wizard and Slayer. 19 years old.
Larry. Light Wizard/Chreax. 13 years old.
Heroes B:
Johnny Wilson. Metal Wizard and Slayer. 17 years old.
Nick White. Speed, Sand, and Guns Wizard. 19 years old.
1st Battle: Adrian vs Kerry aka Dark Serpent.
2nd Battle: Norman vs Dean.
3rd Battle: Myra vs Lana Stars.
4th Battle: Jeff vs Rachel.
5th Battle: Sonic vs Nick.
6th Battle: Tanya vs Opal.
7th Battle: Sake vs Ralph.
8th Battle: Hugo vs Steve.
9th Battle: Kurt vs Leon.
10th Battle: Scampers vs Larry.
11th Battle: Alana vs Leah.
12th Battle: Mona vs Lora.
Day 3
Surprise Event: Anarchy. In this game, the wizard are entering a temple/castle one at a time. Inside the temple are 1,000 monsters of different strength levels. The participant in the temple can choose to take on any number of the 1,000 monsters at a time, but must defeat them all if they wish to continue. If they do defeat them, the number they overcame will be added to their event score. The wizards have no control over which level of monster they face due it being random, and they must choose the numbers of monsters they wish to face with this in mind. The game ends when either all participants run out of Magic power, or all the monsters are defeated.
Nick White. Speed, Sand, and Guns Wizard. 19 years old.
1st Battle: Adrian vs Kerry aka Dark Serpent.
2nd Battle: Norman vs Dean.
3rd Battle: Myra vs Lana Stars.
4th Battle: Jeff vs Rachel.
5th Battle: Sonic vs Nick.
6th Battle: Tanya vs Opal.
7th Battle: Sake vs Ralph.
8th Battle: Hugo vs Steve.
9th Battle: Kurt vs Leon.
10th Battle: Scampers vs Larry.
11th Battle: Alana vs Leah.
12th Battle: Mona vs Lora.
Surprise Event: Anarchy. In this game, the wizard are entering a temple/castle one at a time. Inside the temple are 1,000 monsters of different strength levels. The participant in the temple can choose to take on any number of the 1,000 monsters at a time, but must defeat them all if they wish to continue. If they do defeat them, the number they overcame will be added to their event score. The wizards have no control over which level of monster they face due it being random, and they must choose the numbers of monsters they wish to face with this in mind. The game ends when either all participants run out of Magic power, or all the monsters are defeated.
1 S Class Monster.
20 A Class Monsters.
150 B Class Monsters.
305 C Class Monsters.
505 D Class Monsters.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Allison May. Unknown/Weapon Wizard and S Class.17 years old.
Tanya Reed. Psychic Wizard. 18 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Louis. 34 years old. Earth Wizard. Wizard Saint.
Greg. Telekinesis. Teleportation, and Telepathy Wizard. 18 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Ralph. Data Wizard.27 years old.
Jane. Eye Wizard. 17 years old.
Conrad. Magic Cancel and Transformation Wizard.
Hugo. Take Over Wizard.
Cinco Gecko:
Glenn. Card Wizard.
Sake. Drunk Martial Arts/Palm Wizard and S Class. 18 years old.
Krista. Binding Wizard. 25 years old.
Phoebe aka Emma. Song/Music and Sword Wizard. 17 years old.
Romeo. Fire God Magic Wizard. 23 years old.
Titus. Unknown Wizard and Wizard Saint. 17 years old.
Heroes B:
Bob Yagami. Unknown Wizard. S Class, Wizard Saint, and Slayer. 418 years old.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Allison May. Unknown/Weapon Wizard and S Class.17 years old.
Tanya Reed. Psychic Wizard. 18 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Louis. 34 years old. Earth Wizard. Wizard Saint.
Greg. Telekinesis. Teleportation, and Telepathy Wizard. 18 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Ralph. Data Wizard.27 years old.
Jane. Eye Wizard. 17 years old.
Conrad. Magic Cancel and Transformation Wizard.
Hugo. Take Over Wizard.
Cinco Gecko:
Glenn. Card Wizard.
Sake. Drunk Martial Arts/Palm Wizard and S Class. 18 years old.
Krista. Binding Wizard. 25 years old.
Phoebe aka Emma. Song/Music and Sword Wizard. 17 years old.
Romeo. Fire God Magic Wizard. 23 years old.
Titus. Unknown Wizard and Wizard Saint. 17 years old.
Heroes B:
Bob Yagami. Unknown Wizard. S Class, Wizard Saint, and Slayer. 418 years old.
In the second event, participants must hit a Magic power measuring device with the strongest attack they can muster. The device will grant each player a number score, which they will then be ranked on,
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Allison May. Unknown/Weapon Wizard and S Class.17 years old.
Tanya Reed. Psychic Wizard. 18 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Louis. 34 years old. Earth Wizard. Wizard Saint.
Greg. Telekinesis. Teleportation, and Telepathy Wizard. 18 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Ralph. Data Wizard.27 years old.
Jane. Eye Wizard. 17 years old.
Conrad. Magic Cancel and Transformation Wizard.
Hugo. Take Over Wizard.
Cinco Gecko:
Glenn. Card Wizard.
Sake. Drunk Martial Arts/Palm Wizard and S Class. 18 years old.
Krista. Binding Wizard. 25 years old.
Phoebe aka Emma. Song/Music and Sword Wizard. 17 years old.
Romeo. Fire God Magic Wizard. 23 years old.
Titus. Unknown Wizard and Wizard Saint. 17 years old.
1st Battle: Krista vs Wade.
2nd Battle: Bruce vs Claude.
3rd Battle: Kelli vs Casey.
4th Battle: Ivan vs Punk.
5th Battle: Rafael vs Adonis.
6th Battle: Ken vs Nancy.
7th Battle: Greg vs Jane.
8th Battle: Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma.
9th Battle: Athena vs Grim.
10th Battle: Brendan vs Dwight.
11th Battle: Ana vs Tia.
12th Battle: Bob vs Clifford.
2nd Battle: Bruce vs Claude.
3rd Battle: Kelli vs Casey.
4th Battle: Ivan vs Punk.
5th Battle: Rafael vs Adonis.
6th Battle: Ken vs Nancy.
7th Battle: Greg vs Jane.
8th Battle: Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma.
9th Battle: Athena vs Grim.
10th Battle: Brendan vs Dwight.
11th Battle: Ana vs Tia.
12th Battle: Bob vs Clifford.
Day 4:
Surprise Event: Marine Brawl. In this game, the wizards swim inside a floating sphere of water. The wizards must knock each other outside of the sphere, with points being awarded based on the order in which the wizards are eliminated. Falling out of the sphere results in the contestant being automatically removed from play for the rest of the event. The last person remaining in the sphere will be the victor, and receive top points. Any form of Magic or technique can be used to assist in knocking rivals out. When only four wizards remain in the ring, a special five minute time will be set. Should two of the participants fall out of the sphere during this time, they will not receive second place, rather they will automatically come in the last two spots.
Today are Double Battles. Six wizards from each team will battle today and the point system changes once again to be 10 points for a win, 5 for a draw, and o for a lost.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Stella Inferno. Gravity, Light, and Spirit Wizard and S Class. 17 years old.
Brendan Crawford. Spirit and Element Wizard. 17 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Tia. Wind God Magic Wizard. 13 years old.
Jennifer. Explosion Wizard. 24 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Lana Stars. Ice Wizard. 25 years old.
Alana. Transformation Wizard. 26 years old.
Cinco Gecko:
Punk. Rock and Roll Wizard.
Wade. Spinning Wizard.
Kelli. Gravity Change Wizard. 24 years old.
Alicia. Song/Music and Ring Wizard. 22 years old.
Nancy. Universe Wizard. 21 years old.
Today are Double Battles. Six wizards from each team will battle today and the point system changes once again to be 10 points for a win, 5 for a draw, and o for a lost.
Wizards competing in this event.
Heroes A:
Stella Inferno. Gravity, Light, and Spirit Wizard and S Class. 17 years old.
Brendan Crawford. Spirit and Element Wizard. 17 years old.
Bloody Darkness:
Tia. Wind God Magic Wizard. 13 years old.
Jennifer. Explosion Wizard. 24 years old.
Thunder Wolves:
Lana Stars. Ice Wizard. 25 years old.
Alana. Transformation Wizard. 26 years old.
Cinco Gecko:
Punk. Rock and Roll Wizard.
Wade. Spinning Wizard.
Kelli. Gravity Change Wizard. 24 years old.
Alicia. Song/Music and Ring Wizard. 22 years old.
Nancy. Universe Wizard. 21 years old.
Chad. Light/Holy Wizard and Slayer. 21 years old.
Heroes B:
Casey Polar. Water Wizard. 17 years old.
Heroes B:
Casey Polar. Water Wizard. 17 years old.
Myra Wood. Transformation Wizard and S Class. 19 years old.
1st Battle: Dean and Punk vs Kitty and Adonis.
2nd Battle: Leon and Ivan vs Mona and Krista.
3rd Battle: Johnny and Python vs Claude and Romeo.
4th Battle: Lana and Bruce vs Adrian and Terry.
5th Battle: Ken and Steven vs Nancy and Titus.
6th Battle: Sonic and Greg vs Kevin and Jane.
7th Battle: Nick and Allison vs Rachel and Phoebe aka Emma.
8th Battle: Sake and Jeff vs Alicia and Kim.
9th Battle: Bob and Kurt vs Chad and Steve.
Day 5
1st Battle: Dean and Punk vs Kitty and Adonis.
2nd Battle: Leon and Ivan vs Mona and Krista.
3rd Battle: Johnny and Python vs Claude and Romeo.
4th Battle: Lana and Bruce vs Adrian and Terry.
5th Battle: Ken and Steven vs Nancy and Titus.
6th Battle: Sonic and Greg vs Kevin and Jane.
7th Battle: Nick and Allison vs Rachel and Phoebe aka Emma.
8th Battle: Sake and Jeff vs Alicia and Kim.
9th Battle: Bob and Kurt vs Chad and Steve.
Day 5
Surprise Event: Grand Magic Game. The final day is a battle royal with every team and all nine members in a team battle. The battle ground is the entire city of Crifark where all the team are already spread out. The rules are as follows: All wizards wander the streets and if they encounter a wizard from another guild they are to fight. When a wizard deems unable to continue the battle, the opposing team scores 2 points. Each team must appoint two of their members as knights which is kept secret from the other guilds and one of them as a king. If a knight falls, the winning wizard gets five points. If a king falls, the winning wizard gets ten points. The highest amounts of points are 156 points meaning any team can win the games. If you somehow defeated all of a team in a single blow, you get the double amount of points that you would get. 30 turns into 60.
Adrian and Terry vs Glenn vs Kitty.
Leon vs Wade.
Louis vs Steven.
Leah and Lynn vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kim and Alicia vs Ralph and Alana.
Chad vs Dean.
Mona vs Adrian and Terry.
Ivan vs Sake.
Cole and Ken vs Jane.
Krista vs Punk.
Myra vs Lana Stars.
Python vs Colin Earth.
Johnny vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kurt vs Ralph and Alana.
Bob vs Jeff.
Greg vs Jane vs Roy vs Rachel.
Louis vs Adonis.
Tia vs Kelli.
Kurt vs Claude.
Nick vs Todd.
Larry vs Roy.
Melody and Roy vs Tia and Greg.
Nick vs Sonic. (Round 2!)
Python vs Jennifer.
Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma vs Athena.
Allison vs Athena (The Beginning).
Bob vs Mona vs Sake vs Nancy and Titus.
Allison vs Athena (The Real Fight).
Bob vs Mona vs Nancy and Titus.
Bob vs Mona.
Steve vs Johnny.
X vs Romeo.
Adrian and Terry vs Glenn vs Kitty.
Leon vs Wade.
Louis vs Steven.
Leah and Lynn vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kim and Alicia vs Ralph and Alana.
Chad vs Dean.
Mona vs Adrian and Terry.
Ivan vs Sake.
Cole and Ken vs Jane.
Krista vs Punk.
Myra vs Lana Stars.
Python vs Colin Earth.
Johnny vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kurt vs Ralph and Alana.
Bob vs Jeff.
Greg vs Jane vs Roy vs Rachel.
Louis vs Adonis.
Tia vs Kelli.
Kurt vs Claude.
Nick vs Todd.
Larry vs Roy.
Melody and Roy vs Tia and Greg.
Nick vs Sonic. (Round 2!)
Python vs Jennifer.
Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma vs Athena.
Allison vs Athena (The Beginning).
Bob vs Mona vs Sake vs Nancy and Titus.
Allison vs Athena (The Real Fight).
Bob vs Mona vs Nancy and Titus.
Bob vs Mona.
Bob vs Titus and Nancy.
X vs Romeo.
X vs Romeo vs Louis.
X and Python vs Louis.
Melody, Roy, Nick, and Kurt vs Tia, Greg, Sonic, and Leon.
Johnny vs Steve (Shadow Form).
Johnny vs Steve (Shadow Form) Round 2.
Bob and Allison vs Nancy and Titus.
Team Heroes vs Titus.
Teams on who they battle each day(Excluding Day 5):
Heroes A:
Day 1: Villains, Bloody Darkness, and Cinco Hydra
Day 2: Villains, Cinco Hydra, and Bloody Darkness.
Day 3: Amazons, Villains, and Bloody Darkness.
Heroes B:
Day 1: Villains, Bloody Darkness, and Amazons.
Day 2: Thunder Wolves, Bloody Darkness, and Monsters.
Day 3: Amazons and Villains.
Day 4: Monsters and Thunder Wolves.
Cinco Hydra/Cinco Gecko:
Day 1: Monsters, Villains, and Heroes A.
Day 2: Heroes A, Amazons, and Thunder Wolves.
Day 3: Amazons and Bloody Darkness.
Day 4: Thunder Wolves, Monsters, and Amazons.
Day 1: Thunder Wolves, Monsters, and Heroes B.
Day 2: Thunder Wolves and Monsters.
Day 3: Cinco Gecko and Heroes A.
Day 4: Bloody Darkness, Heroes, and Cinco Gecko.
Thunder Wolves:
Day 1: Amazons, Monsters, and Bloody Darkness.
Day 2: Heroes B, Cinco Hydra, and Amazons.
Day 3: Monsters, Villains, and Bloody Darkness.
Day 4: Cinco Gecko and Bloody Darkness.
Bloody Darkness:
Day 1: Heroes A, Heroes B, and Thunder Wolves.
Day 2: Villains, Heroes B, and Heroes A.
Day 3: Cinco Gecko, Thunder Wolves, and Heroes A.
Day 4: Amazons and Thunder Wolves.
Day 1: Heroes A, Heroes B, and Cinco Hydra.
Day 2: Bloody Darkness, Heroes A, and Monsters.
Day 3: Thunder Wolves, Heroes A, and Heroes B.
Day 1: Cinco Hydra, Monsters, and Amazons.
Day 2: Villains, Heroes B, and Amazons.
Day 3: Thunder Wolves, Cinco Gecko, Heroes B.
Day 4: Heroes and Cinco Gecko.
Bob, Scampers, Rose, Ana, Marie, Clara, Roy, Nick, Julie, Lucia, and Dawn head to the Library of Sorcery to learn some new magic along with the history of their Guild.
Heroes A:
Day 1: Villains, Bloody Darkness, and Cinco Hydra
Day 2: Villains, Cinco Hydra, and Bloody Darkness.
Day 3: Amazons, Villains, and Bloody Darkness.
Heroes B:
Day 1: Villains, Bloody Darkness, and Amazons.
Day 2: Thunder Wolves, Bloody Darkness, and Monsters.
Day 3: Amazons and Villains.
Day 4: Monsters and Thunder Wolves.
Cinco Hydra/Cinco Gecko:
Day 1: Monsters, Villains, and Heroes A.
Day 2: Heroes A, Amazons, and Thunder Wolves.
Day 3: Amazons and Bloody Darkness.
Day 4: Thunder Wolves, Monsters, and Amazons.
Day 1: Thunder Wolves, Monsters, and Heroes B.
Day 2: Thunder Wolves and Monsters.
Day 3: Cinco Gecko and Heroes A.
Day 4: Bloody Darkness, Heroes, and Cinco Gecko.
Thunder Wolves:
Day 1: Amazons, Monsters, and Bloody Darkness.
Day 2: Heroes B, Cinco Hydra, and Amazons.
Day 3: Monsters, Villains, and Bloody Darkness.
Day 4: Cinco Gecko and Bloody Darkness.
Bloody Darkness:
Day 1: Heroes A, Heroes B, and Thunder Wolves.
Day 2: Villains, Heroes B, and Heroes A.
Day 3: Cinco Gecko, Thunder Wolves, and Heroes A.
Day 4: Amazons and Thunder Wolves.
Day 1: Heroes A, Heroes B, and Cinco Hydra.
Day 2: Bloody Darkness, Heroes A, and Monsters.
Day 3: Thunder Wolves, Heroes A, and Heroes B.
Day 1: Cinco Hydra, Monsters, and Amazons.
Day 2: Villains, Heroes B, and Amazons.
Day 3: Thunder Wolves, Cinco Gecko, Heroes B.
Day 4: Heroes and Cinco Gecko.
Bob, Scampers, Rose, Ana, Marie, Clara, Roy, Nick, Julie, Lucia, and Dawn head to the Library of Sorcery to learn some new magic along with the history of their Guild.
Jamie and June tag along.
Lord Vex makes an appearance and he attacks the group.
Heroes vs Lord Vex.
Vex meets up with Milorth and Ninarth.
On a grassy plain, two men talk about the Strohx Team return after seven years.
Jim talk with Noah who is depressed and Ira about recent events involving the Bael Alliance and Heroes's main team being back.
Team Power (Bob, Allison, Stella, Kurt, Rose, Ana, Scampers, and Dawn.) learn from Jaime, Tricia, Cecil, June, Ella, and Issac about the new top guild in Meca aka Monsters.
Tanya is wondering where Darin is.
Ax and Marie show Jo what is under Heroes's basement along with Darin.
Back at the grassy plain, the two men met up with a dark wizard.
The two are revealed to be the two Slayers of Monsters and we meet their Chreax companions.
Kurt battles Issac nearby the guild hall and he learns how much weaker he is. Ana, Dawn, Stella, Bob, Scampers, and Rose watch nearby along with Charlie and Leroy.
Kurt vs Issac.
Kurt reveals off his double element mode winning him the match.
Bob reveals to the group about the Strohx Island Team being weaker than the others while commenting on Drake, Alan, Sara, and Odessa being gone and him, Darin, Jo, and X being powerhouse.
Bob, Stella, Kurt, Rose, Ana, Scampers, and Dawn head to Althea's home to get stronger.
The Guild learns about Darin and Jo being Co Guild Master only to have them not here.
Myra hands Ax a letter and the guild learns about Ax and Marie being Co Guild Master, X being a member of the Guild, Tanya getting a card from her daddy, and the hope that the Guild will be number one when he returns.
The Guild ponders how to become number one when two girls walk into the guild. They join the guild and Jaime figures out a way to be number one scaring the members who have been the guild for seven years while the Strohx Island wonders what is going on with him.
The seven at Althea's house learn more about the healer and she gives Ana and Rose a power boost.
The seven return to hear Jaime and Eric arguing about competing in the Grand Magic Games. Jaime later tells the Strohx Island Team about it and Ax decide that they should do it for the rep and the money. The Strohx Island team has three months to train for the games.
Team Power (Bob, Kurt, Brendan, Stella, Allison, Scampers, Dawn, Ana, Rose, Casey, Adam, April, Jean, Melody, and Alex), Team Ultimate Champions (Jade, Victor, and Fred), Team Future Heroes (Clara, Morgan, Volt, Percy, Roy, Aaron, Vera, and Rachel), and the younger members (June, Rich, Jaime, and April) head to the beach for beach "training".
The game go off into different locations to go train.
The groups split off to train for the games in the afternoon.
Ana, Rose, Aaron, Alex, Percy, and Dawn study near the rocks.
Kurt, Roy, Rachel, Casey, Brendan, and Melody train near the ocean.
Bob, Scampers, Adam, Jean, June, Rich, Jaime, and April train on the cliff.
Allison, Stella, Clara, Morgan, Vera, and Jade train near the jungle with Victor, Volt, and Fred are at the beach eating or scoping girls.
The girls are looking at the sky wondering how the others are doing.
Hot Springs shenanigans. Bob notice Marie and the two talk.
Myra, Sakura, Tanya, Grim, Norman, and Malcolm are in the mountains.
X, Sunni, Krystal, Viola, Leonard, and Eve go toward somewhere.
Julie, Nick, Virgil, Tessa, Lucia, and Fate are in the desert.
Jenny, Python, and Owen are in the forest.
Johnny, Spike, and Z are training somewhere unknown.
The rest are training off somewhere.
The team of Bob, Kurt, Stella, Allison, Scampers, Dawn, Ana, Rose, Brendan, Casey, Melody, Alex, Jade, Victor, and Fred at the beach realize their power have grown in a day.
Violet appears from the ground and she tells the group about the Spirit World being in danger.
She takes Bob, Brendan, Stella, Casey, Allison, Ana, Scampers, Dawn, Kurt, Jade, and Melody to the world leaving the others behind.
The Spirit King tells the group to have fun because it is a party due to the fact that they return from time's grasp.
Party in Spirit World.
Violet tells the group that one day equals three months in their world meaning they have five days to train.
Dana tells Ivan, Leon, and Louis that they are competing in the games this year.
Clayton tells Adonis to enter the games so that they can win.
Lucky and Larry tell their partners about Bob and the Strohx island team are entering the games
Mordred and Villains prepare as well.
The Spirit World team sulks while Bob and the others are worried about them. Bob suggests a training camp from hell when a carrier bird gives him a letter for him and his group to head to the nearby woods.
The group meets up with up with Primeval Genesis.
Anna tells the Spirit World team about a way to boost up their power by her magic known as Second Origin.
The group agrees as the members who didn't go head back to the beach.
Bob and Rose has a talk with the dark guild while the others members are in pain from Anna's spell.
The first team for the Grand Magic Games is decided by Ax and Marie.
The second team for the Grand Magic Games is decide in secret by the two guild masters.
A few days later, Team Power arrives in Crifark along with the rest of the Heroes Guild.
Cecil, Tricia, Victor, Fred, Jade, Ax, and Ella meet up with them.
They explains the rules to the tired group.
Bob, Allison, Scampers, and Stella explore the city while Kurt goes off to do his own thing while Ana, Rose, and Dawn explore the city as well but in a different way.
Kurt meets Melody and she asked him out only to be cock blocked by Leon.
Leon wants Melody in Bloody Darkness and he bets her being in Heroes on the games.
Bob's group meets up with Emma, Chad, Steve, Larry, and Lucky. A rivalry is formed with Scampers and Larry, Bob and Chad, Stella and Allison and Emma, and Lucky plus Steve are lost.
Team Heroes is at the hotel with Sakura and Norman stop by with some refreshments. Bob. Rose, and Scampers are there too because no more room at the hotel where they were staying at.
The group meets the mascot of the games and the first event Heaven Maze begin.
Lord Vex makes an appearance and he attacks the group.
Heroes vs Lord Vex.
Vex meets up with Milorth and Ninarth.
On a grassy plain, two men talk about the Strohx Team return after seven years.
Jim talk with Noah who is depressed and Ira about recent events involving the Bael Alliance and Heroes's main team being back.
Team Power (Bob, Allison, Stella, Kurt, Rose, Ana, Scampers, and Dawn.) learn from Jaime, Tricia, Cecil, June, Ella, and Issac about the new top guild in Meca aka Monsters.
Tanya is wondering where Darin is.
Ax and Marie show Jo what is under Heroes's basement along with Darin.
Back at the grassy plain, the two men met up with a dark wizard.
The two are revealed to be the two Slayers of Monsters and we meet their Chreax companions.
Kurt battles Issac nearby the guild hall and he learns how much weaker he is. Ana, Dawn, Stella, Bob, Scampers, and Rose watch nearby along with Charlie and Leroy.
Kurt vs Issac.
Kurt reveals off his double element mode winning him the match.
Bob reveals to the group about the Strohx Island Team being weaker than the others while commenting on Drake, Alan, Sara, and Odessa being gone and him, Darin, Jo, and X being powerhouse.
Bob, Stella, Kurt, Rose, Ana, Scampers, and Dawn head to Althea's home to get stronger.
The Guild learns about Darin and Jo being Co Guild Master only to have them not here.
Myra hands Ax a letter and the guild learns about Ax and Marie being Co Guild Master, X being a member of the Guild, Tanya getting a card from her daddy, and the hope that the Guild will be number one when he returns.
The Guild ponders how to become number one when two girls walk into the guild. They join the guild and Jaime figures out a way to be number one scaring the members who have been the guild for seven years while the Strohx Island wonders what is going on with him.
The seven at Althea's house learn more about the healer and she gives Ana and Rose a power boost.
The seven return to hear Jaime and Eric arguing about competing in the Grand Magic Games. Jaime later tells the Strohx Island Team about it and Ax decide that they should do it for the rep and the money. The Strohx Island team has three months to train for the games.
Team Power (Bob, Kurt, Brendan, Stella, Allison, Scampers, Dawn, Ana, Rose, Casey, Adam, April, Jean, Melody, and Alex), Team Ultimate Champions (Jade, Victor, and Fred), Team Future Heroes (Clara, Morgan, Volt, Percy, Roy, Aaron, Vera, and Rachel), and the younger members (June, Rich, Jaime, and April) head to the beach for beach "training".
The game go off into different locations to go train.
The groups split off to train for the games in the afternoon.
Ana, Rose, Aaron, Alex, Percy, and Dawn study near the rocks.
Kurt, Roy, Rachel, Casey, Brendan, and Melody train near the ocean.
Bob, Scampers, Adam, Jean, June, Rich, Jaime, and April train on the cliff.
Allison, Stella, Clara, Morgan, Vera, and Jade train near the jungle with Victor, Volt, and Fred are at the beach eating or scoping girls.
The girls are looking at the sky wondering how the others are doing.
Hot Springs shenanigans. Bob notice Marie and the two talk.
Myra, Sakura, Tanya, Grim, Norman, and Malcolm are in the mountains.
X, Sunni, Krystal, Viola, Leonard, and Eve go toward somewhere.
Julie, Nick, Virgil, Tessa, Lucia, and Fate are in the desert.
Jenny, Python, and Owen are in the forest.
Johnny, Spike, and Z are training somewhere unknown.
The rest are training off somewhere.
The team of Bob, Kurt, Stella, Allison, Scampers, Dawn, Ana, Rose, Brendan, Casey, Melody, Alex, Jade, Victor, and Fred at the beach realize their power have grown in a day.
Violet appears from the ground and she tells the group about the Spirit World being in danger.
She takes Bob, Brendan, Stella, Casey, Allison, Ana, Scampers, Dawn, Kurt, Jade, and Melody to the world leaving the others behind.
The Spirit King tells the group to have fun because it is a party due to the fact that they return from time's grasp.
Party in Spirit World.
Violet tells the group that one day equals three months in their world meaning they have five days to train.
Dana tells Ivan, Leon, and Louis that they are competing in the games this year.
Clayton tells Adonis to enter the games so that they can win.
Lucky and Larry tell their partners about Bob and the Strohx island team are entering the games
Mordred and Villains prepare as well.
The Spirit World team sulks while Bob and the others are worried about them. Bob suggests a training camp from hell when a carrier bird gives him a letter for him and his group to head to the nearby woods.
The group meets up with up with Primeval Genesis.
Anna tells the Spirit World team about a way to boost up their power by her magic known as Second Origin.
The group agrees as the members who didn't go head back to the beach.
Bob and Rose has a talk with the dark guild while the others members are in pain from Anna's spell.
The first team for the Grand Magic Games is decided by Ax and Marie.
The second team for the Grand Magic Games is decide in secret by the two guild masters.
A few days later, Team Power arrives in Crifark along with the rest of the Heroes Guild.
Cecil, Tricia, Victor, Fred, Jade, Ax, and Ella meet up with them.
They explains the rules to the tired group.
Bob, Allison, Scampers, and Stella explore the city while Kurt goes off to do his own thing while Ana, Rose, and Dawn explore the city as well but in a different way.
Kurt meets Melody and she asked him out only to be cock blocked by Leon.
Leon wants Melody in Bloody Darkness and he bets her being in Heroes on the games.
Bob's group meets up with Emma, Chad, Steve, Larry, and Lucky. A rivalry is formed with Scampers and Larry, Bob and Chad, Stella and Allison and Emma, and Lucky plus Steve are lost.
Team Heroes is at the hotel with Sakura and Norman stop by with some refreshments. Bob. Rose, and Scampers are there too because no more room at the hotel where they were staying at.
The group meets the mascot of the games and the first event Heaven Maze begin.
Bob and Scampers appeared with the rest of his team.
Bob pause time for five minutes and Nick scopes out the maze.
Time returns to normal as Team Heroes A meets up with Team Sacred Lions.
Team Heroes A vs Team Sacred Lions.
Sakura and the others looks for Ana, Blake, and Dawn around the city.
Team Heroes A talk about the crowd and Ana, Rose, and Dawn being in the medic room.
The Eight teams are seen and their interactions.
The Rules for the events and battles are seen.
Day 1's event begins aka Secret.
Brendan gets targeted by Dwight during the games.
Casey gets targeted by Opal during the games.
The games end with Brendan swearing revenge on Dwight.
Bob pause time for five minutes and Nick scopes out the maze.
Time returns to normal as Team Heroes A meets up with Team Sacred Lions.
Team Heroes A vs Team Sacred Lions.
Sakura and the others looks for Ana, Blake, and Dawn around the city.
Team Heroes A talk about the crowd and Ana, Rose, and Dawn being in the medic room.
The Eight teams are seen and their interactions.
The Rules for the events and battles are seen.
Day 1's event begins aka Secret.
Brendan gets targeted by Dwight during the games.
Casey gets targeted by Opal during the games.
The games end with Brendan swearing revenge on Dwight.
1st Battle: Stella vs Angelica.
Cameron smiles as his plan for Lord Vex will go swimming.
2nd Battle: Kevin vs Lynn.
The engagement between Kevin and Tina is revealed.
3rd Battle: Cole vs Romeo.
4th Battle: Johnny vs Tamara.
The members of Primeval Genesis hope that James doesn't blown his cover during his match with the wizard saint.
5th Battle: Shroud vs Louis.
6th Battle: Colin vs Chad.
7th Battle: Ken vs Conrad.
8th Battle: X Hunter vs Terry.
9th Battle: Clara vs Glenn.
10th Battle: Kitty vs Jennifer.
Bob wonders what Titus will do because he is a wizard saint and he doesn't know his moves.
11th Battle: Titus vs Kim.
12th Battle: Python vs Alicia.
Cameron smiles as his plan for Lord Vex will go swimming.
2nd Battle: Kevin vs Lynn.
The engagement between Kevin and Tina is revealed.
3rd Battle: Cole vs Romeo.
4th Battle: Johnny vs Tamara.
The members of Primeval Genesis hope that James doesn't blown his cover during his match with the wizard saint.
5th Battle: Shroud vs Louis.
6th Battle: Colin vs Chad.
7th Battle: Ken vs Conrad.
8th Battle: X Hunter vs Terry.
9th Battle: Clara vs Glenn.
10th Battle: Kitty vs Jennifer.
Bob wonders what Titus will do because he is a wizard saint and he doesn't know his moves.
11th Battle: Titus vs Kim.
12th Battle: Python vs Alicia.
The Heroes Guild drink Day 1 of the games at the Wacky Fowl.
Cameron is planing something for day 2.
Sake appears to cause some trouble.
Day 2.
Day 2's event begins aka Transport.
Chad question Heroes for even being in the games in the first place. Kurt tells him the reason and Bob agrees with him.
One of Bob's spirits keeps an eye on the ones in the infirmary.
1st Battle: Adrian vs Kerry aka Dark Serpent.
The bet between secrets begins.
2nd Battle: Norman vs Dean.
The bet for a night with Norman's sisters vs a bet changing Cinco Hydro to Cinco Gecko.
Bob's spirit and Kurt notices that Althea, Dawn, Ana, and Rose are missing from the infirmary and the two goes after them for Bob.
They stops the group holding the four women and the group is revealed to be working for Villains but then they are later to be working for Cameron for the Twilight project.
The Inferno Legion keeps an eye on the nurse office for their team while Team Heroes A and Sakura talk about the most recent events.
3rd Battle: Myra vs Lana Stars.
The bet to take a picture in their birthday suit for Magician Monthly begins.
4th Battle: Jeff vs Rachel.
The bet to see get a date with Rachel for Jeff or Jeff to wear a shirt that I heart Soul Cancer begins.
5th Battle: Sonic vs Nick.
The bet to have Julie as their girlfriend begins.
6th Battle: Tanya vs Opal.
The bet to go off alcohol for Tanya and smoking for Opal for the rest of the day begins.
7th Battle: Sake vs Ralph.
The bet to get a date with a girl in Thunder Wolves for Sake and for Ralph to make get serious with Alana.
8th Battle: Hugo vs Steve.
The bet to see who gets to have Lucky as their partner begins.
9th Battle: Kurt vs Leon.
The bet to get a date with Melody begins.
10th Battle: Scampers vs Larry.
The bet to see who will eat their least favorite food begins.
11th Battle: Alana vs Leah.
The bet to get a chance to hang out with her idol Ralph for Leah and a country meal for Alana.
12th Battle: Mona vs Lora.
The bet is their lives!
Day 2's event begins aka Transport.
Chad question Heroes for even being in the games in the first place. Kurt tells him the reason and Bob agrees with him.
One of Bob's spirits keeps an eye on the ones in the infirmary.
1st Battle: Adrian vs Kerry aka Dark Serpent.
The bet between secrets begins.
2nd Battle: Norman vs Dean.
The bet for a night with Norman's sisters vs a bet changing Cinco Hydro to Cinco Gecko.
Bob's spirit and Kurt notices that Althea, Dawn, Ana, and Rose are missing from the infirmary and the two goes after them for Bob.
They stops the group holding the four women and the group is revealed to be working for Villains but then they are later to be working for Cameron for the Twilight project.
The Inferno Legion keeps an eye on the nurse office for their team while Team Heroes A and Sakura talk about the most recent events.
3rd Battle: Myra vs Lana Stars.
The bet to take a picture in their birthday suit for Magician Monthly begins.
4th Battle: Jeff vs Rachel.
The bet to see get a date with Rachel for Jeff or Jeff to wear a shirt that I heart Soul Cancer begins.
5th Battle: Sonic vs Nick.
The bet to have Julie as their girlfriend begins.
6th Battle: Tanya vs Opal.
The bet to go off alcohol for Tanya and smoking for Opal for the rest of the day begins.
7th Battle: Sake vs Ralph.
The bet to get a date with a girl in Thunder Wolves for Sake and for Ralph to make get serious with Alana.
8th Battle: Hugo vs Steve.
The bet to see who gets to have Lucky as their partner begins.
9th Battle: Kurt vs Leon.
The bet to get a date with Melody begins.
10th Battle: Scampers vs Larry.
The bet to see who will eat their least favorite food begins.
11th Battle: Alana vs Leah.
The bet to get a chance to hang out with her idol Ralph for Leah and a country meal for Alana.
12th Battle: Mona vs Lora.
The bet is their lives!
Allison and James talk about the last time and the fact that none of Lord Vex's Magic has appeared.
Allison and Krista meet up again.
Sake, Punk, and Dean arrived at the Wacky Fowl along with Leon and Tia.
Sake, Punk, and Dean arrived at the Wacky Fowl along with Leon and Tia.
At Crifark Gardens, Warren is mad at Chad and Lora for their performance in the games today. He give Chad a second chance but he kicks Lora out.
Chad, Steve, Larry, and Lucky talk about this incident while Lora heads toward the Stargaze Resort to talk with Stella about something.
The group of Stella, Ana, Rose, Dawn, Bob, and Scampers see Lora outside of the hotel
Lora talks with Stella, Ana, Rose, Dawn, Bob, and Scampers.
Bob and Scampers talk with Lora and Bob learns about what Monsters did to her.
Kurt and Allison have a talk over the city.
Cameron is happy due to there being four Spirit Wizard meaning the Twilight Project is going to work and we meet Colin aka the Minister of Defense.
Kurt and Allison have a talk over the city.
Cameron is happy due to there being four Spirit Wizard meaning the Twilight Project is going to work and we meet Colin aka the Minister of Defense.
Chad and Larry wake up to someone attacking the hotel.
The Slayers and their Chreax see Bob who is beyond pissed. He swears that he will take down the guild master aka Warren to kick him out of the guild
Bob vs Monsters.
Nancy stops Bob's rampage with Scampers in danger. Bob gives the guild a warning that he pissed off the wrong wizard, he will make sure that Heroes will win with their friendship and teamwork, and he will make them pay while Steve wonders these words about friendship and Lora. Chad and Titus really want to defeat Bob in the games.
Bob gets lectured by Team A about his actions.
Lora looks at Alpha Stadium because of hearing about some idiot attacking Crifark Gardens.
Day 3.
Day 3's events begins aka Anarchy and MPF.
1st Battle: Krista vs Wade.
The rematch between the two from day one begins.
2nd Battle: Bruce vs Claude.
3rd Battle: Kelli vs Casey.
4th Battle: Ivan vs Punk.
5th Battle: Rafael vs Adonis.
6th Battle: Ken vs Nancy.
7th Battle: Greg vs Jane.
8th Battle: Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma.
9th Battle: Athena vs Grim.
The rematch between the two from day one begins.
10th Battle: Brendan vs Dwight.
11th Battle: Ana vs Tia.
12th Battle: Bob vs Clifford.
Clifford threatens everyone in the stadium in his match with Bob and he and his team beats him up badly.
Bob vs Team Villains.
They get arrest for cheating in the games and Bob is taken to Althea.
Noah stops James after the day because he doesn't trust him, Ira arrives with the knights, and Clyde vouches for him. The two knights will keep an eye on James.
Mona sees James during this and she feels sick from the sight of him (What a Big Baby). Krista sees him and tries to attack him but she is stopped by Mona.
The Heroes cheers their victory over Day 3 with Bob in a lot of bandages.
Chad talks with Larry about him facing Bob tomorrow making the Chreax happy.
Lora salutes to an unknown person in a military uniform.
Bob, X, Ax, Arthur, Audrey, and Marie talk about what Mordred said during his match with Bob. X, Arthur, Audrey,and Ax try to comfort Marie because she is crying and Bob is thinking.
The Heroes Guild, Leon, Tia, Team Cinco Gecko, Angelica, Team Thunder Wolves(excluding Kitty), James, Alice, Ivan, Tina, Emma, Greg, and Jane go to Midnight Paradise.
Day 4.
The Fourth day's event begins aka Marine Brawl.
Team Heroes A and B swear revenge on Monsters for hurting their friends.
Team Heroes A and B combined into one powerful team.
Cameron and Colin talk about the new team.
Colin looks at the real reason behind the games meaning the Dragon King Festival.
The true identity of Kitty is revealed shocking everyone and making Bob and Allison almost faint.
1st Battle: Dean and Punk vs Kitty and Adonis.
2nd Battle: Leon and Ivan vs Mona and Krista.
3rd Battle: Johnny and Python vs Claude and Romeo.
4th Battle: Lana and Bruce vs Adrian and Terry.
5th Battle: Ken and Steven vs Nancy and Titus.
6th Battle: Sonic and Greg vs Kevin and Jane.
7th Battle: Nick and Allison vs Rachel and Phoebe aka Emma.
8th Battle: Sake and Jeff vs Alicia and Kim.
9th Battle: Bob and Kurt vs Chad and Steve.
Backstory on Chad and Larry is revealed.
The Heroes Guild celebrate their winning.
Jade is seen writing a letter to Stella in the past while above an Armageddon is happening.
James confronts the two hooded figures with Kirk, Danny, and Alice.
The day of relaxation ensues with Stella, Allison, Bob, Ana, Alex, Dawn, Scampers, Kurt, Melody, X, Myra, Johnny, and Jade.
Primeval Genesis talk about what the future visitors told them yesterday and the crowd talks about the games.
Johnny, Ana, Bob, Stella, Kurt, Scampers, Z, Dawn, and Rose find a dragon graveyard. Ana later brings back Kalinth to learn about the Great War between Humans, Demons, Dragons, and other groups back 400 years ago.
Nancy stops Bob's rampage with Scampers in danger. Bob gives the guild a warning that he pissed off the wrong wizard, he will make sure that Heroes will win with their friendship and teamwork, and he will make them pay while Steve wonders these words about friendship and Lora. Chad and Titus really want to defeat Bob in the games.
Bob gets lectured by Team A about his actions.
Lora looks at Alpha Stadium because of hearing about some idiot attacking Crifark Gardens.
Day 3.
Day 3's events begins aka Anarchy and MPF.
1st Battle: Krista vs Wade.
The rematch between the two from day one begins.
2nd Battle: Bruce vs Claude.
3rd Battle: Kelli vs Casey.
4th Battle: Ivan vs Punk.
5th Battle: Rafael vs Adonis.
6th Battle: Ken vs Nancy.
7th Battle: Greg vs Jane.
8th Battle: Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma.
9th Battle: Athena vs Grim.
The rematch between the two from day one begins.
10th Battle: Brendan vs Dwight.
11th Battle: Ana vs Tia.
12th Battle: Bob vs Clifford.
Clifford threatens everyone in the stadium in his match with Bob and he and his team beats him up badly.
Bob vs Team Villains.
They get arrest for cheating in the games and Bob is taken to Althea.
Noah stops James after the day because he doesn't trust him, Ira arrives with the knights, and Clyde vouches for him. The two knights will keep an eye on James.
Mona sees James during this and she feels sick from the sight of him (What a Big Baby). Krista sees him and tries to attack him but she is stopped by Mona.
The Heroes cheers their victory over Day 3 with Bob in a lot of bandages.
Chad talks with Larry about him facing Bob tomorrow making the Chreax happy.
Lora salutes to an unknown person in a military uniform.
Bob, X, Ax, Arthur, Audrey, and Marie talk about what Mordred said during his match with Bob. X, Arthur, Audrey,and Ax try to comfort Marie because she is crying and Bob is thinking.
The Heroes Guild, Leon, Tia, Team Cinco Gecko, Angelica, Team Thunder Wolves(excluding Kitty), James, Alice, Ivan, Tina, Emma, Greg, and Jane go to Midnight Paradise.
Day 4.
The Fourth day's event begins aka Marine Brawl.
Team Heroes A and B swear revenge on Monsters for hurting their friends.
Team Heroes A and B combined into one powerful team.
Cameron and Colin talk about the new team.
Colin looks at the real reason behind the games meaning the Dragon King Festival.
The true identity of Kitty is revealed shocking everyone and making Bob and Allison almost faint.
1st Battle: Dean and Punk vs Kitty and Adonis.
2nd Battle: Leon and Ivan vs Mona and Krista.
3rd Battle: Johnny and Python vs Claude and Romeo.
4th Battle: Lana and Bruce vs Adrian and Terry.
5th Battle: Ken and Steven vs Nancy and Titus.
6th Battle: Sonic and Greg vs Kevin and Jane.
7th Battle: Nick and Allison vs Rachel and Phoebe aka Emma.
8th Battle: Sake and Jeff vs Alicia and Kim.
9th Battle: Bob and Kurt vs Chad and Steve.
Backstory on Chad and Larry is revealed.
The Heroes Guild celebrate their winning.
Jade is seen writing a letter to Stella in the past while above an Armageddon is happening.
James confronts the two hooded figures with Kirk, Danny, and Alice.
The day of relaxation ensues with Stella, Allison, Bob, Ana, Alex, Dawn, Scampers, Kurt, Melody, X, Myra, Johnny, and Jade.
Primeval Genesis talk about what the future visitors told them yesterday and the crowd talks about the games.
One of the shroud figures leave behind a notebook about the future events as it is yelled at by a man. The man is lost at the words.
Warren yells at Chad and Steve for their performance during their match. Larry gets "killed" and Chad wounds Warren. Nancy saves Larry and he is a very different cat scaring the Slayers and Lucky by their friend's sudden change.
Chad questions this and Nancy says that she will change him back if they WIN the games tomorrow.
Cameron and Lora confront the group in the graveyard after Kalinth's story. They learn about the Twilight project and the four Spirit Wizards along with the knight get arrest by Colin. The man promise the Heroes Wizards if they win the games, they will free their friends.
Ax makes a team to go save the Spirit Wizards along with Chaos who separated from Bob and the two still have their immense magic power. They talk about their plan.
Brendan, Morgan, Stella, and Lora talk inside of prison.
Day 5.
The Five day's event begins aka Grand Magic Game while the Rescue team goes to the castle.
Scampers makes a plan to get everyone into the castle which is pretty "smart".
Everyone is lost by Team Heroes Actions meaning that they aren't moving at all.
Kurt vs Claude.
Nick vs Todd.
Larry vs Python.
Warren yells at Chad and Steve for their performance during their match. Larry gets "killed" and Chad wounds Warren. Nancy saves Larry and he is a very different cat scaring the Slayers and Lucky by their friend's sudden change.
Chad questions this and Nancy says that she will change him back if they WIN the games tomorrow.
Cameron and Lora confront the group in the graveyard after Kalinth's story. They learn about the Twilight project and the four Spirit Wizards along with the knight get arrest by Colin. The man promise the Heroes Wizards if they win the games, they will free their friends.
Ax makes a team to go save the Spirit Wizards along with Chaos who separated from Bob and the two still have their immense magic power. They talk about their plan.
Brendan, Morgan, Stella, and Lora talk inside of prison.
Day 5.
The Five day's event begins aka Grand Magic Game while the Rescue team goes to the castle.
Scampers makes a plan to get everyone into the castle which is pretty "smart".
Everyone is lost by Team Heroes Actions meaning that they aren't moving at all.
Adrian and Terry vs Glenn vs Kitty.
Leon vs Wade.
Louis vs Steven.
Leah and Lynn vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kim and Alicia vs Ralph and Alana.
Chad vs Dean.
Mona vs Adrian and Terry.
Ivan vs Sake.
Cole and Ken vs Jane.
Krista vs Punk.
Marie tells Team Heroes to move out to destroy them.
The Rescue Team gets into the castle but a guard tells the princess that it is time for the plan to begin.
The team dodges Claude's attack from the sky.
Myra vs Lana Stars.
Python vs Colin Earth.
Johnny vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kurt vs Ralph and Alana.
Bob vs Jeff.
Greg vs Jane vs Rachel.
Louis vs Adonis.
Tia vs Kelli.
The rescue team finds the four Spirit Wizards only for them all to be trapped into the underground called the place of deathLeon vs Wade.
Louis vs Steven.
Leah and Lynn vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kim and Alicia vs Ralph and Alana.
Chad vs Dean.
Mona vs Adrian and Terry.
Ivan vs Sake.
Cole and Ken vs Jane.
Krista vs Punk.
Marie tells Team Heroes to move out to destroy them.
The Rescue Team gets into the castle but a guard tells the princess that it is time for the plan to begin.
The team dodges Claude's attack from the sky.
Myra vs Lana Stars.
Python vs Colin Earth.
Johnny vs Bruce and Kevin.
Kurt vs Ralph and Alana.
Bob vs Jeff.
Greg vs Jane vs Rachel.
Louis vs Adonis.
Tia vs Kelli.
Kurt vs Claude.
Nick vs Todd.
Larry vs Python.
Nancy captures Krista and Larry.
They meet up with Cesar, Vance, Verna, May, Marcos, and Lily of the Golden Knights.
They separated them.
Chaos, Rose, and Cameron vs Vance.
Stella, Lora, and Scampers vs Cesar.
Jean, Dawn, and Adam vs Verna.
Ana, Alex, and Aaron vs Lily.
Brendan, Casey, and Clara vs May.
Z, Roy, Morgan, and Spike vs Marcos.
Sophia is confront by Colin about the Twilight Project and he learns about Stage 2.
The group meets two hooded figures in front another door.
Melody and Python vs Tia and Greg.
Nick vs Sonic. (Round 2!)
Myra vs Jennifer.
Marie predict that Allison will fight Emma and Bob will fight Mona.
Her prediction is wrong when Sake, Titus, and Nancy invades Bob's match and Athena invades Allison's match.
Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma vs Athena.
Allison vs Athena.
Bob vs Mona vs Sake vs Nancy and Titus (The Beginning).
Allison vs Athena (The Real Fight).
Colin tries to convince Sophia to stop the project because the person's from the future prediction seems so far fetched.
Chaos confronts the two and it turns about to be Stella and Sakura but seven years older.
The two are out cold once seeing the group. The group heads up the stairs.
Colin learns that Sophia put several keys into the gate already.
Chad sits there away from the camera and the rest of the team doesn't mean that three members were defeated.
They meet up with Cesar, Vance, Verna, May, Marcos, and Lily of the Golden Knights.
They separated them.
Chaos, Rose, and Cameron vs Vance.
Stella, Lora, and Scampers vs Cesar.
Jean, Dawn, and Adam vs Verna.
Ana, Alex, and Aaron vs Lily.
Brendan, Casey, and Clara vs May.
Z, Roy, Morgan, and Spike vs Marcos.
Sophia is confront by Colin about the Twilight Project and he learns about Stage 2.
The group meets two hooded figures in front another door.
Melody and Python vs Tia and Greg.
Nick vs Sonic. (Round 2!)
Myra vs Jennifer.
Marie predict that Allison will fight Emma and Bob will fight Mona.
Her prediction is wrong when Sake, Titus, and Nancy invades Bob's match and Athena invades Allison's match.
Allison vs Phoebe aka Emma vs Athena.
Allison vs Athena.
Bob vs Mona vs Sake vs Nancy and Titus (The Beginning).
Allison vs Athena (The Real Fight).
Athena tells Allison that she wants someone to defeat her sister and Allison tells her that Bob or her will do it.
Bob vs Mona vs Sake vs Nancy and Titus (The Real Fight).
Nancy piss Bob and Mona off more by holding Krista as a hostage.Colin tries to convince Sophia to stop the project because the person's from the future prediction seems so far fetched.
Chaos confronts the two and it turns about to be Stella and Sakura but seven years older.
The two are out cold once seeing the group. The group heads up the stairs.
Colin learns that Sophia put several keys into the gate already.
Sake is defeated by Mona who goes after Bob while he is trying to block Nancy and Titus's attacks.
Bob vs Mona vs Nancy and Titus.
Nancy and Titus leaves with Sake and Krista as Mona attacks Bob violently for thinking that Krista is her friend.
Steve confronts Johnny.
X and Myra see Romeo and the two fire wizards begin their battle as Myra watches.
Chad plans his strategy.
Primeval Genesis talk about the info that Future Stella and Sakura gave James, Kirk, Danny, and Alice.
Bob vs Mona.
Bob learns more about Mona and her relationship with James.
Bob vs Mona vs Nancy and Titus.
Nancy and Titus leaves with Sake and Krista as Mona attacks Bob violently for thinking that Krista is her friend.
Steve confronts Johnny.
X and Myra see Romeo and the two fire wizards begin their battle as Myra watches.
Chad plans his strategy.
Primeval Genesis talk about the info that Future Stella and Sakura gave James, Kirk, Danny, and Alice.
Bob vs Mona.
Bob learns more about Mona and her relationship with James.
After Bob saves Mona from the crumbling building, he tells her about what he knows.
Titus stab Mona with Eternal Rest and Vengeance causing Bob to really mad with the Monster.
Nancy shows Bob the bruised Sake and Krista as he swear that he will defeat both of them.
Bob vs Titus and Nancy.
Nancy shows Bob the bruised Sake and Krista as he swear that he will defeat both of them.
Bob vs Titus and Nancy.
Steve vs Johnny.
Steve is losing badly to Johnny who tells him to just give up.
X vs Romeo.
Louis joins the brawl between the fire wizards.
Louis joins the brawl between the fire wizards.
X vs Romeo vs Louis.
X ask for Myra's help after Romeo gets creamed by the Wizard Saint.
X and Myra vs Louis.
Melody, Greg, Python, and Tia see Nick, Kurt, Leon, and Sonic.
All of Bloody Darkness tell Leon that Melody doesn't like him but he doesn't listen.
Melody, Python, Nick, and Kurt vs Tia, Greg, Sonic, and Leon.
The two future girls wake up and they tell the group about the end of the world and the true purpose of the gate.
Sophia tells Colin why they are doing this.
Anna still doubts the girl's words with the rest of Primeval Genesis on the cliff side.
Johnny learns more about Steve and the shadow slayer learns that he had friends.
Steve gets himself absorbed by the shadows and he violently attack by him.
The rescue team gets attacked by the army .
Rescue Team vs Royal Army.
Johnny vs Steve (Shadow Form).
Lucky, Jade, and Vera goes to Steve (Shadow) who is killing Johnny.
Johnny tells the shadow to let go off Steve who used to be his junior back in the day. He activates his Metal Shadow Form.
Johnny vs Steve (Shadow Form) Round 2.
Steve goes back to normal as Jade, Vera, and Lucky stops Johnny's rampage.
Primeval Genesis sense the dark magic but James tells the other not to worry.
The Golden Knights return to the battlefield for a rematch.
The Golden Knights return to the battlefield for a rematch.
Cameron looks for Colin and Sophia who plan for Twilight part 2 aka Twilight Cannon in his Sliver Armor.
Titus throws Bob around using his chains and he tells Bob while Namcy blast him that this will be his final spot. Titus made Bob feel an immense pain as Nancy laughs and says this what happens when you mess with Monsters.
Kurt realize that Leon's team has no teamwork and they can win this if they work together.
Adrian, Terry, and Tina say that they have this with the strongest wizard Saint aka Louis.
Dana spins them and she says that he may be the strongest human wizard saint but the top 5 are just demons.
X uppercuts Louis and he says that Heroes will win this with teamwork.
Allison attacks Nancy as Bob strikes Titus.
Bob and Allison vs Nancy and Titus.
Nancy is defeated by the weapons queen as she is worried about Bob who is in pain.
Titus reveal his secret and he attacks the stunned couple.
Titus reveal his secret and he attacks the stunned couple.
X and Myra land the finishing blow on Louis as Kurt's group does the same.
The other Heroes senses that Bob and Allison need their help and they rushed to save them from the angry Titus
Bob and Allison reveal their second origin being Champion for Bob and Titania for Allison as the others prepare their attack on him.
Team Heroes vs Titus.Bob and Allison reveal their second origin being Champion for Bob and Titania for Allison as the others prepare their attack on him.
Team Heroes defeat Titus.
The crowd cheers for Heroes as some of the crowd notice that Chad can win this.
Chad brings the group to him and he plans to finish them off but he can't do it. He surrenders giving the win to Heroes.
The games ends with Larry and Chad reuniting.
The team wonders about the rescue team while Larry and Chad are confused.
A strange shadow swallows up the guards and knights while James realize something about what Future Sakura and Stella told him.
Cameron catches up with Colin and Sophia. He will serve the princess but he doubts what the
princess heard from the future visitor. The two realize that they heard the prediction about the future from two different people.
Future Steve appears and he tells the team that someone will stop the opening of Twilight and he will kill the future girls.
He kills the both of them.
Chaos tells the group to leave right now while he handles him.
Chaos vs Future Steve.
Sophia begins the project and she evacuates the city.
The Rescue team tells what Future Steve told them and Sophia doubts her plan.
The King asks the Wizards to defend their kingdom from the army of death. Titus apologized to Bob during this. He runs away to go help Chaos.
Chaos is on the floor in pain from Future Steve who is about to kill him only to be saved by Anna, Bob, and Danny.
Stella tries to close the door and everyone there is lost at her actions.
They all see Gawaine coming out the gate with his fellow dragons.
Ana asks how Stella knows all of this when Stella tells her that it has combined Vex's magic and Spirit magic to make this gate and it is pretty much a time machine. Chaos told her that using a magic link as he was defeated by Future Steve.
The four Spirit Wizards close the gate but thirteen dragons are here along with Future Steve. He tells the army and the group his plan and the fact that Chaos is almost dead.
Chaos fuse back with Bob after getting some more power from Lee who now lives with Bob along with the dragon, devil, and Chaos. He heads to fight Future Steve who is on Gawaine.
The Heroes Guild meets up with the Lighting and Fire Dragon Raziel.
Monsters meets up with Jevrath the Sand Dragon.
Amazons and Bloody Darkness meet up with Mersoth the Plant Dragon.
Monsters vs Jevrath the Sand Dragon.
Steve and Adam remember their dragon Verioth and Briam and they wanted them to kill them.
Amazons and Bloody Darkness vs Mersoth the Plant Dragon.
Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra vs Verath the Rock Dragon.
Future Steve tells Bob what happens in the future and what he plans to do with his new magic.
Bob yells from on the back of the steel dragon for all Slayers to destroy a dragon.
Future Steve tells Gawaine to release the demon horde.
X tells everyone but his daughter, John, Myra, Grim, and the Inferno Legion excluding Alex to take care of a Dragon if you are a Slayer or a Demon. He fights Raziel with the group and daughter.
X, Sunni, John, Grim, Myra, and the Inferno Legion vs Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon.
Johnny, Jade, and Vera attack Mersolth while Bloody Darkness and Amazons goes after the demons.
Johnny, Jade, and Vera vs Mersolth the Plant Dragon.
Python, Owen, and Wanda attack Verath while Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra goes after the demons.
Python, Owen, and Wanda vs Verath the Rock Dragon.
Chad tells Steve to go take care of another dragon while he takes care of Jevarth. He tells the dragon that Monsters is done with its era of depression and it moves onto to being a proper guild that is strong due to its power with his friends. Athena and Larry help him out.
Chad, Larry, and Athena vs Jevarth the Sand Dragon.
Ira and Noah protect the non magic using people from the demons and they wonder if the Slayers can do this. Noah tells Ira not to worry because Heroes has this and Ira tells him that the Independent guild is there too.
Bob taunts Future Steve about the fighting below.
Kalinth the Emerald Dragon and Tyrath the Acid Dragon cause the royal army's clothes to be gone and the group and the Princess cover their eyes.
Tyrath sees Stella and he grabs her melting her clothes. Ana attack him and he throw Stella off into the stars and Scampers go after her. Ana swears vengeance on the two perverted dragons.
Ana, Princess Sophia, Cameron, Alex, Aaron, Rose, Dawn, Brendan, Casey, Morgan, Roy, Spike, Z, and Clara vs Kalinth the Emerald Dragon and Tyrath the Acid Dragon.
Stella crash into Bob making Future Steve confused. The two crash into a bell and the bell rolls down the hill and Bob blushed after seeing his girlfriend naked and she slaps him for it. Scampers gives her a cover as they tried to come up with a plan. Bob learns about Raziel and he has a plan which will give them the win.
A strange shadow swallows up the guards and knights while James realize something about what Future Sakura and Stella told him.
Cameron catches up with Colin and Sophia. He will serve the princess but he doubts what the
princess heard from the future visitor. The two realize that they heard the prediction about the future from two different people.
Future Steve appears and he tells the team that someone will stop the opening of Twilight and he will kill the future girls.
He kills the both of them.
Chaos tells the group to leave right now while he handles him.
Chaos vs Future Steve.
Sophia begins the project and she evacuates the city.
The Rescue team tells what Future Steve told them and Sophia doubts her plan.
The King asks the Wizards to defend their kingdom from the army of death. Titus apologized to Bob during this. He runs away to go help Chaos.
Chaos is on the floor in pain from Future Steve who is about to kill him only to be saved by Anna, Bob, and Danny.
Stella tries to close the door and everyone there is lost at her actions.
They all see Gawaine coming out the gate with his fellow dragons.
Ana asks how Stella knows all of this when Stella tells her that it has combined Vex's magic and Spirit magic to make this gate and it is pretty much a time machine. Chaos told her that using a magic link as he was defeated by Future Steve.
The four Spirit Wizards close the gate but thirteen dragons are here along with Future Steve. He tells the army and the group his plan and the fact that Chaos is almost dead.
Chaos fuse back with Bob after getting some more power from Lee who now lives with Bob along with the dragon, devil, and Chaos. He heads to fight Future Steve who is on Gawaine.
The Heroes Guild meets up with the Lighting and Fire Dragon Raziel.
Monsters meets up with Jevrath the Sand Dragon.
Amazons and Bloody Darkness meet up with Mersoth the Plant Dragon.
Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra meet up with Verath the Rock Dragon.
Future Steve says to the city that they can't win while onto of Gawaine.
He dodge a attack from Bob from the rooftop.
Bob vs Future Steve and Gawaine the Steel Dragon.
Heroes vs Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon.He dodge a attack from Bob from the rooftop.
Bob vs Future Steve and Gawaine the Steel Dragon.
Monsters vs Jevrath the Sand Dragon.
Steve and Adam remember their dragon Verioth and Briam and they wanted them to kill them.
Amazons and Bloody Darkness vs Mersoth the Plant Dragon.
Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra vs Verath the Rock Dragon.
Future Steve tells Bob what happens in the future and what he plans to do with his new magic.
Bob yells from on the back of the steel dragon for all Slayers to destroy a dragon.
Future Steve tells Gawaine to release the demon horde.
X tells everyone but his daughter, John, Myra, Grim, and the Inferno Legion excluding Alex to take care of a Dragon if you are a Slayer or a Demon. He fights Raziel with the group and daughter.
X, Sunni, John, Grim, Myra, and the Inferno Legion vs Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon.
Johnny, Jade, and Vera attack Mersolth while Bloody Darkness and Amazons goes after the demons.
Johnny, Jade, and Vera vs Mersolth the Plant Dragon.
Python, Owen, and Wanda attack Verath while Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra goes after the demons.
Python, Owen, and Wanda vs Verath the Rock Dragon.
Chad tells Steve to go take care of another dragon while he takes care of Jevarth. He tells the dragon that Monsters is done with its era of depression and it moves onto to being a proper guild that is strong due to its power with his friends. Athena and Larry help him out.
Chad, Larry, and Athena vs Jevarth the Sand Dragon.
Ira and Noah protect the non magic using people from the demons and they wonder if the Slayers can do this. Noah tells Ira not to worry because Heroes has this and Ira tells him that the Independent guild is there too.
Bob taunts Future Steve about the fighting below.
Kalinth the Emerald Dragon and Tyrath the Acid Dragon cause the royal army's clothes to be gone and the group and the Princess cover their eyes.
Tyrath sees Stella and he grabs her melting her clothes. Ana attack him and he throw Stella off into the stars and Scampers go after her. Ana swears vengeance on the two perverted dragons.
Ana, Princess Sophia, Cameron, Alex, Aaron, Rose, Dawn, Brendan, Casey, Morgan, Roy, Spike, Z, and Clara vs Kalinth the Emerald Dragon and Tyrath the Acid Dragon.
Stella crash into Bob making Future Steve confused. The two crash into a bell and the bell rolls down the hill and Bob blushed after seeing his girlfriend naked and she slaps him for it. Scampers gives her a cover as they tried to come up with a plan. Bob learns about Raziel and he has a plan which will give them the win.
Allison gets separated from the rest of the guild. She is surrounded by demons and she is saved by James and Alice. The three see Krista and the cat girl of the Amazons gets P.O (Pissed Off) quick.
He fly off with Scampers as Stella stands there in Spirit World clothing which is very pretty and she finds her future self's journal.
Volt, Malcolm, Percy, Rachel, Lucia, Julie, and Nick meet up with Firroth the Darkness Dragon and Garuda the Snow/Ice Dragon.
Volt, Malcolm Percy, Rachel, Lucia, Julie, and Nick vs Garuda the Snow/Ice Dragon and Firroth the Darkness Dragon..
Volt, Malcolm, Percy, Rachel, Lucia, Julie, and Nick meet up with Firroth the Darkness Dragon and Garuda the Snow/Ice Dragon.
Volt, Malcolm Percy, Rachel, Lucia, Julie, and Nick vs Garuda the Snow/Ice Dragon and Firroth the Darkness Dragon..
X and his group are having trouble with the fire and lighting dragon along with the demons.
John sees Bob and Scampers in the air and Scampers drop Bob onto the dragon. He tells the dragon that he will eat her shocking everyone.
Raziel tries to shake Bob off as Bob tells Scampers and X to go help Ana with her dragons. The group leaves as Bob fight the dual element dragon.
Bob vs Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon.
Raziel is reminded of the Dragon King Sivarth and she asked the boy if he knows the Dragon King. Bob answer with that he is Sivarth making the dragon laugh. She tells him that she is close to him.
Future Steve laughs at all of the destruction that he and the dragons are causing and no one will stop him.
Bob appears with Raziel and the Future Slayer is confused on how his Supremacy magic failed. Bob says that his friendship with the dragon broke it and he will defeat him.
Bob and Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon vs Future Steve and Gawaine the Steel Dragon.
Toto has a revelation about the whole thing.
Steve is confronted by Ator the Water Dragon. She tells the young boy that he will be spare because he will be their King.
Steve is confronted by Ator the Water Dragon. She tells the young boy that he will be spare because he will be their King.
Steve hears his shadow talking to him and the shadow tells Steve that this is his destiny.
Anna watches this happen and she is thinking of killing him to save the future.
Allison is trying to calm Krista down but it isn't working as the cat girl is trying to kill James and Alice tries to stop her.
Anna arrives and she tells the cat girl everything about her controlling James during the Tower of Revival and her being Darren's killer. Nearby, Mona sheath her sword.
Anna falls on the ground and she admits that her sins will never be clean.
Lora, Titus, Sake, and Lucky finds Steve about to be attack by Ator. Titus and Sake saves him and Steve see Lora again.
Lora tells him to keep on fighting and he stands ready to fight the dragon with Lucky, Sake, Titus, and Lora.
Steve, Lucky, Titus, Sake, and Lora vs Ator the Water Dragon.
The five then notice Athena, Chad, and Larry run toward them with Jevrath right behind them.
The eight wizards team up against the two dragons along with Romeo and Claude.
Steve, Chad, Lucky, Larry, Lora, Titus, Sake, Romeo, Claude, and Athena vs Ator the Water Dragon and Jevrath the Sand Dragon.
Jenny, Virgil, Tessa, Fate, Tanya, Sakura, Norman, and Cyrus attack Avra the Wind Dragon.
Jenny, Fate, Virgil, Tessa, Tanya, Sakura, Cyrus, and Norman vs Avra the Wind Dragon.
X, Sunni, John, Myra, Grim, and the Inferno Legion help Ana and her group with the two dragons who are quite the perverts.
X, Ana, Sunni, John, the Inferno Legion, Princess Sophia, Cameron, Alex, Aaron, Rose, Dawn, Brendan, Casey, Morgan, Myra, and Grim vs Tyrath the Acid Dragon and Kalinth the Emerald Dragon.
X, Sunni, John, Myra, Grim, and the Inferno Legion help Ana and her group with the two dragons who are quite the perverts.
X, Ana, Sunni, John, the Inferno Legion, Princess Sophia, Cameron, Alex, Aaron, Rose, Dawn, Brendan, Casey, Morgan, Myra, and Grim vs Tyrath the Acid Dragon and Kalinth the Emerald Dragon.
Danny, Bryan, and Renee find Melody in the ruins of the Wacky Fowl. The three former villains are looking for Anna who went missing along with Kirk and Sally.
The four are protected from Vesoth's storm by Kurt and Leon. Kurt challenge him to a fight.
Kurt, Leon, Melody, Danny, Byran, and Renee vs Vesoth the Storm Dragon.
Kurt is killed by a demon's blast while protecting Melody from Vesoth.
Bob senses that Kurt died. Future Steve does as well along with his dragon and they made fun of him being weak. He attack them with immense anger.
Victor are seriously wounded and Eric is trapped by some demons making Jamie and June cry as
Wayne who is crying takes them away.
Wayne who is crying takes them away.
Anna realize that she has no right to live.
She is about to use when she is stopped by Kirk and Sally who tells her to wait for them. She learns that they all learn her magic to keep her alive and with three people casting the spell, nothing happens to them.
Time goes back one minute and Kurt is saved from death, Victor isn't dying, and Eric is safe from death.
Back at the castle, John asks Dawn about the weird vision while Cameron and Morgan try to convince the Princess to leave but she will stay because this is her fault.
Stella runs over to them and she tells them that if they destroy the gate, the dragons and demons will go back.
X, Ana, Sunni, Krystal, Rose, and Dawn handled the two dragons who are tired from fighting them while John, Eve, Leonard, Viola, Cameron, and Morgan fight the demons and Alex, Aaron, Brendan, Casey, Myra, Stella, Scampers and Grim try to destroy the gate.
The Slayers finished off their dragons by defeating them.
Bob questions Future Steve on how he changed into evil. The man explains that he is doing this for his future because Milorth the Deathlord well destroys the future. Bob mentions Lucky and the man tells Bob that the Chreax will die in a year.
The wizards finish off the demons as Bob calls upon their power along with his to finish off the metal dragon and Future Steve with one of his spells.
He kills the Steel Dragon and also defeats Future Steve also destroy the gate.
Everyone celebrates their victories over the dragons.
Future Steve tells Bob that the shadows are absorbing him and he needs to tell the Steve of this time to protect Lucky who will be killed by someone close to Bob and his guild.
Future Stella, Future Sakura, and Future Steve go back to the future and the two girls see their guild along with Bob and Cyrus in a golden field aka Heaven. Stella starts crying as she hugs Bob who is back to normal.
A few days later, the king invites all of the wizards including Primeval Genesis, Ira, and Noah to a great banquet. Shenanigans ensue.
The next day, Primeval Genesis talk with Ira and Noah about the events and the mention of the Underworld and New Dynasty.
Heroes return back to Mural with cheering from the townspeople and the mayor shows them an amazing surprise.
Vex sits over Mural and he talks with some of the members of New Dynasty about all of this.
Day 7
Dragons's battles in order.
Gawaine the Steel Dragon and Future Steve vs Bob.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon vs Heroes.
Jevrath the Sand Dragon vs Monsters.
Mersoth the Plant Dragon vs Amazons and Bloody Darkness.
Verath the Rock Dragon vs Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon vs X, Sunni, John, Grim, Myra, and the Inferno Legion.
Mersoth the Plant Dragon vs Johnny, Jade, and Vera.
Verath the Rock Dragon vs Python, Owen, and Wanda.
Jevrath the Sand Dragon vs Chad, Larry, and Athena.
Firroth the Darkness Dragon and Garuda the Snow/Ice Dragon vs Volt, Malcolm, Percy, Rachel, Lucia, Julie, and Nick.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon vs Bob.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon and Bob vs Gawaine the Steel Dragon and Future Steve.
Ator the Water Dragon vs Steve, Lucky, Sake, Titus, and Lora.
Jevarth the Sand Dragon and Ator the Water Dragon vs Chad, Steve, Larry, Lucky, Athena, Titus, Sake, Romeo, Claude, and Lora.
Avra the Wind Dragon vs Jenny, Fate, Virgil, Tessa, Tanya, Sakura, Cyrus, and Norman.
Tyrath the Acid Dragon and Kalinth the Emerald Dragon vs X, Ana, Sunni, John, the Inferno Legion, Princess Sophia, Cameron, Alex, Aaron, Rose, Dawn, Brendan, Casey, Morgan, Myra, and Grim.
Versoth the Storm Dragon vs Kurt, Leon, Melody, Danny, Bryan, and Renee.
Gawaine the Steel Dragon and Future Steve vs Bob.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon vs Heroes.
Jevrath the Sand Dragon vs Monsters.
Mersoth the Plant Dragon vs Amazons and Bloody Darkness.
Verath the Rock Dragon vs Thunder Wolves and Cinco Hydra.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon vs X, Sunni, John, Grim, Myra, and the Inferno Legion.
Mersoth the Plant Dragon vs Johnny, Jade, and Vera.
Verath the Rock Dragon vs Python, Owen, and Wanda.
Jevrath the Sand Dragon vs Chad, Larry, and Athena.
Tyrath the Acid Dragon and Kalinth the Emerald Dragon vs Ana, Princess Sophia, Cameron, Alex, Aaron, Rose, Dawn, Brendan, Casey, Morgan, Krystal, and Grim.
Firroth the Darkness Dragon and Garuda the Snow/Ice Dragon vs Volt, Malcolm, Percy, Rachel, Lucia, Julie, and Nick.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon vs Bob.
Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon and Bob vs Gawaine the Steel Dragon and Future Steve.
Ator the Water Dragon vs Steve, Lucky, Sake, Titus, and Lora.
Jevarth the Sand Dragon and Ator the Water Dragon vs Chad, Steve, Larry, Lucky, Athena, Titus, Sake, Romeo, Claude, and Lora.
Avra the Wind Dragon vs Jenny, Fate, Virgil, Tessa, Tanya, Sakura, Cyrus, and Norman.
Tyrath the Acid Dragon and Kalinth the Emerald Dragon vs X, Ana, Sunni, John, the Inferno Legion, Princess Sophia, Cameron, Alex, Aaron, Rose, Dawn, Brendan, Casey, Morgan, Myra, and Grim.
Versoth the Storm Dragon vs Kurt, Leon, Melody, Danny, Bryan, and Renee.
Slayers's battles in order.
Bob aka the Power Slayer vs Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon and Gawaine the Steel Dragon.
Ana aka the Wind/Air Slayer vs Kaline the Emerald Dragon.
Chad aka the Light/Holy Slayer vs Jervath the Sand Dragon.
Johnny aka the Metal Slayer vs Mersoth the Plant Dragon.
Python aka the Poison Slayer vs Verath the Rock Dragon.
Jenny aka the Explosion Slayer vs Avra the Wind Dragon.
X aka the Fire Slayer vs Tyrath the Acid Dragon
Kurt aka the Passion Slayer vs Vesoth the Storm Dragon.
Steve Shadow Slayer vs Ator the Water Dragon.
Volt aka the Lighting Slayer vs Firroth the Darkness Dragon.
Percy aka the Darkness Slayer vs Garuga the Snow/Ice Dragon.
Demon Horde vs every wizard who isn't helping a Slayer or isn't one.
Bob aka the Power Slayer vs Raziel the Lighting and Fire Dragon and Gawaine the Steel Dragon.
Ana aka the Wind/Air Slayer vs Kaline the Emerald Dragon.
Chad aka the Light/Holy Slayer vs Jervath the Sand Dragon.
Johnny aka the Metal Slayer vs Mersoth the Plant Dragon.
Python aka the Poison Slayer vs Verath the Rock Dragon.
Jenny aka the Explosion Slayer vs Avra the Wind Dragon.
X aka the Fire Slayer vs Tyrath the Acid Dragon
Kurt aka the Passion Slayer vs Vesoth the Storm Dragon.
Steve Shadow Slayer vs Ator the Water Dragon.
Volt aka the Lighting Slayer vs Firroth the Darkness Dragon.
Percy aka the Darkness Slayer vs Garuga the Snow/Ice Dragon.
Demon Horde vs every wizard who isn't helping a Slayer or isn't one.
Crifark: The place where the Grand Magic Games are located. The kingdom of Meca is here and all of the royal family have a role to play in the games.
The Beach: This is the place where Team Power (Bob, Kurt, Brendan, Stella, Allison, Scampers, Dawn, Ana, Rose, Casey, Melody, and Alex), Team Ultimate Champions (Jade, Victor, and Fred), Team Future Heroes (Clara, Morgan, Volt, Percy, Roy, Aaron, Vera, and Rachel), and the younger members (June, Rich, Jaime, and April) try to gain back their magic power or get stronger. Most of them have been gone for seven years causing their magic power to be weaker than the people who have aged seven years. A group of familiar faces makes their return as well.
Spirit World: This world is where Stella. Brendan, Bob, and Morgan's spirits live. Humans are not allowed to go there unless you are wearing their clothing which Stella has been wearing in this story. She wore them after she and Team Power went into the Tower of Revival, right before the battle on Paradise, Prion's invasion of the castle, and after the battle with Damien.
Crifark Gardens: This is where the Monsters guild is staying during the game.
Stargaze Resort: This is where the main members of Heroes Team A (Ana, Allison, Brendan, Kurt, Clara, and Stella) plus Bob, Roy, Rose, Scampers, and Dawn is staying during the festival.
Carran: It is where the Magic Council HQ is located.
Fangdor: This is the royal family lives and it is very huge. This place has its secrets aka the Golden Knights.
The Wacky Fowl: It is where the Heroes guild drinks their victories and their loss.
Midnight Paradise. It is a Oyrus's famous amusement park and it is mainly a water park.
Alpha Stadium: This is where the main battles of the games begin. Most of the games are there.
The Library of Sorcery. Everything involving magic is here and wizards come here to learn more about their guild's past or more about their magic. It also holds every single Magician Monthly ever in there.
The Twilight Project. It is a giant gate which is one of the ultimate dark wizard Vex's creations. He made it during the time when Chaos was a normal human being. It holds a very powerful magic for which could bring great destruction to the world. It doesn't involving vampires whatsoever or does it?. No it doesn't. We later learn that it is actually a really big time machine which allows the user to go back or forward in time.
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