Saturday, January 31, 2015

Duel Academy Episode 39 Bob vs the Student Council

Yep.We have Bob vs the Student Council who hate Bob for some reason.We will learn said reason really soon.Lets begin already.Also you will see my opinion on a certain character from one of my favorite animes.

Bob P.O.V
I was walking toward Chancellor Crowler's office to meet the new headmaster for Slifer Red.After the previous one tried to send several souls to the Sacred Beasts last year, I wasn't sure that Chancellor Sheppard was going to get a new one but I have been wrong before.I wonder why Crowler picked me to meet the new teacher.I mean he knows about me and my friends staying at Slifer Red.I blame rumors.

I opened the door and I saw Crowler standing there."Yes Chancellor?" I said."Mr. Yagami. Please sit down. I got Bonaparte busy with a chore. We can talk alone." said Crowler.He was serious for once and I had more questions than answers so I sat down."You know why I call you here right?" said Crowler."To meet the new headmaster of Slifer Red right?" I said."Yes. She should be arriving soon." said Crowler."Wait? She?" I said.

I then saw a woman standing there.She had long red hair and she looked to be about in her early 20s.She had green eyes and a deck holder on her hip.She was wearing blue jeans, high heeled sandals, a white blouse, and she had several braclets on her left arm."So what is she doing here?" I said."Aren't you happy to see me Bob?" said the woman."Not really. I would rather get a terrible cold than the girl who made her tried to make her slave." I said.

Crowler said,"You two seem to know each other."."Yep. The name is Kate Summers. Bobby and me were friends right?" said Kate."Not really. She treat me like I was her little brother or something." I said."We were both adopted by Kaiba. I hope to teach people how to duel and I taught Bob how to duel at first. He has finally surpassed the master." said Kate."I surpassed the master when I was 6. What are you doing here Kate?" I said.

Kate then said,"Dad told me about you need a Headmaster and I decide to apply here. I guess dad wanted us to improve our family bond."."That makes sense. So do you mind showing your sister where her dorm is?" said Crowler."Sure. Lets go." I said.She grabbed my hand as we walked off."Why are you holding my hand? You know and have met my girlfriend." I said."Can't I hold my little brother's hand?" said Kate."You can but people will get the wrong idea." I said."Then lets stop the rumors before they started." said Kate.

After showing her to the Slifer Red Dorm, I stood there as Kate stood in front of my class which meant I get to see her a lot.Alexis then looked at me and I mouthed to her,"My sister.".She nod her head as Kate said,"I hope to teach you all a lot.".I then heard Chazz say,"So do you have a boyfriend?"."No Mr. Princeton. If you want to be my boyfriend, you have to beat my brother in a duel. He is like my guardian." said Kate.

Then I felt several guys's glares of death excluding Johnny, Kurt, and Syrus and I said,"I really do hate you sis."."No you don't." said Kate.She then hugged me as she said,"Don't worry Lex. He is all yours. I mean he is the perfect boyfriend for you.".I then saw Chelsea giving me one of her lust looks as I said,"Later Sis. I have some Bob stuff to do.".I ran to the roof as I sighed a breath of fresh air. 

"I don't get your sister Bob. I mean you and her don't mix whatsoever." said Utopia.He stood there as I said,"She was adopted around the same time as me. I was 5 and she was 12. She liked me a lot and she was worried about me when I moved out of the house."."Why did you move in the first place?" said Neos and Yubel.The three monster looked at me and I said,"I wanted to be free. You saw the house I live in. It is my man cave.".

"Yet you let me turn the place into a couples apartment." said Alexis.She stood there as I said,"How did you?"."Your sister was giving a lecture on something. She is very not like you." said Alexis."That is the understatement of the century Alexis." said Yubel."Indeed." said Neos."Yeah. So you want to start eating lunch? I mean our next class is gym." I said."Sure but don't we have to go to the dorm?" said Alexis."Nope. Watch this." I said.

I then made a darkness portal and Utopia said,"He is getting betting with his powers."."Yeah. I remember when he couldn't make one. Good times." said Yubel."Yeah. I wish I was there for that." said Neos."You may be new to the family Neos but we like you." said Alexis."Yeah." I said.Me and Alexis started eating as the three spirits started talking

Narrator P.O.V
Alexis and Bob were being spied on by a member of the Student Council of Duel Academy.He then ran down to the student council room with great speed.He opened the door to see the Student Council President Cecil Peterson.He is a third year Obelisk Blue Student with dark violet hair and green eyes."What did you find out?" said Cecil."Bob is with Alexis President. The rumors are true. They are together like as a couple." said the member.He then thought,"They have been dating for a long time now. I am impressed that he didn't know about it.".

"What did I tell you Cecil? Him and your precious Alexis Rhodes are together and they have made out before." said a voice.Cecil then saw Chelsea standing there and Cecil said."So you were right. What is the plan? I want Bob and Alexis to hate each other."."I have an idea. You make the rules around here right?" said Chelsea."Yeah. What are you suggesting Chelsea?" said Cecil."You change the rules to get Bob in trouble and expelled." said Chelsea.

Cecil smiled as he said,"I like your thinking there Chelsea. Okay. I will need my best officer out there to enforce these new rules on this. Helen Haynes is the perfect girl for the job".A girl stood there.She had scarlet red hair which has shoulder length, hazel eyes, and she was a second year Obelisk Blue Student.She has very petite but she was very cute."Yes President Cecil?" said Helen."You need to go with Chelsea to enforce some rules against a Mister Yagami. Am I making self clear?" said Cecil."Yes." said Helen.The plan was going into effect.

Bob P.O.V
I was walking with Syrus, Kurt, and Johnny to class."So Ms. Summers is your sister man? I mean you two are nothing alike." said Johnny."We are both adopted siblings of Seto Kaiba." I said."Yeah. Their relationship is like mine and Danny." said Kurt."Yeah. I guess we all have brothers and sister who are not like us all." said Syrus."Yeah except for me. I am a only child." said Johnny."It is awesome having a family." said Kurt and Syrus."Yeah but you have one." I said.

Then I saw several student council members walking toward us.I then saw Helen standing in front of us and she said,"You are breaking the rules set in the Student Council."."He is?" said Johnny and Syrus."Yes. You must have not gotten the new handbook. We sent to the Slifer Red Dorm this morning." said Helen."Shoot. I think Cecil is pissed off at you again Bob." said Kurt."Cecil?" said Johnny."The student council president." said Syrus.

"Ah." said Johnny.I then said,"Well Helen, I want you to tell Cecil something. I am following the rules and if he is jealous about me and Lex, he should do something about it.".Her and her groupies ran off as Kurt said,"You know that you just sparked a fire right?"."Of course he knows that Kurt. I mean what other reasons did he do it?" said Syrus."He is feeling a duel right?" said Johnny."Yeah. Who is up for swimming? I am mean my sister excuse me from class." I said."We are." said the three.

In the pool, I was standing on the diving board and I jumped down into the water with a cannonball.I came out of the water and I saw Alexis standing with Amelia, Stella, and Chazz.They were out of the splash zone so they didn't get wet."Bob. I heard that you pissed off the Student Council President again." said Alexis." I am so sorry Lex but he really needs to get over your feeling for you. I mean we are together and if he really liked you, he would be happy that you found someone who makes you happy." I said.

"That is really smart Bob. I am impressed." said Stella."Thanks. I watched a lots of romance movies and I have so many romance novels. Don't ask why." I said."You did it to spite your father?" said Amelia."Good guess. I mean Pegasus wanted me to be a smooth talker with the ladies so he told me too." I said."He is the most romantic of your fathers." said Alexis."So are you guys coming in?" I said."The Chazz is ready to show off his body to Amelia." said Chazz.

He walked to the locker room as Amelia said,"Doesn't Chazz know that I am not into him?"."Maybe. Who knows with Chazz? You girls better hurry. I sense a duel." I said."Do you have like some sort of duel sense?" said Stella."Yeah. He does. I mean it is uncanny. How good it is." said Alexis."That is my Bobby for you. He is so romantic, smart, and very hot!" said Chelsea.

I then saw her standing there with Helen, Cecil, and some of the girls from the I want Bob all to myself club.Chelsea is the president of that club.Johnny stood there with Chazz, Syrus, and Kurt and he said,"Wow Bob. You were right."."Never doubt the Duel Sense Johnny." said Syrus."It is usually right 80% of the time." said Kurt."Right. So what are they doing here?" said Chazz."I challenge you to a duel Bob! Right here and now!" said Cecil."Sure man. Lets get our game on!" I said.

I stood there in my uniform and duel disk with my hair still wet which made my fangirls go nuts."Do Bob have to be so very good with the ladies? They should be the loving and devoted fangirls of the Chazz! Not the loser Bob!" said Chazz.After getting hit with different stuff, Amelia said,"No one would ever be your fangirl Chazz. I mean that."."She is right Chazz." said Stella.

Alexis then looked at me and Kurt said,"Don't worry about Bob so much Lex. Bob would never leave you. Trust me, he really likes you a lot."."He is right." I said."I know that." said Alexis."Then why do you get keep staring at him?" said Syrus."The same reason that you stare at Carrie." said Alexis.He was quiet as Cecil stood there."Are you ready to duel and lose?!" said Cecil.I then said,"I am always ready to duel but losing is never going to happen! Get your game On!".

Cecil drew a card because he won the coin toss."I play the field spell Perfect School!" said Cecil.Then the pool changed into a very typical high school and I was in a normal high school uniform."This must be one of those new field spells that changes the duel itself. This is so cool Cecil. I am pretty jealous!" I said."Stay focus!" said my friends who wearing your typical high school uniform.

Perfect School.Spell.Field.The perfect high school.It has no crimes and it is perfect.This field changes the entire field including monsters, the duelists, and the audience.It also boost your monster ATK points by 1000.

Cecil stood there and he said,"I summon Marauding Captain in attack mode!".The captain stood there in the same uniform as me and Cecil."Wow." I said."Thanks Bob. I ask his special effect bring Command Knight from my hand to the field!" said Cecil.She stood there in the same uniform as the girls."I end my turn with a facedown. Your turn Bob." said Cecil.

I drew a card and I said,"Since I have no monsters on my field, I can special summon her to my field. She is the mistress of Dark Magic and one of my most loyal subjects! Devil Witch aka Zee!".She stood there in the same uniform and she said,"Bob. What am I wearing? This looks like something Moka or Rias would wear."."Blame Cecil's spell not me on that one Zee. I activate your special effect! She lets me draw 2 cards and special summon two monsters from my hand!" I said.

I drew 2 cards and I said,"I special summon Devil Knight and Elemental Hero Neos!".The two stood there wearing the same uniform as me and Devil Knight's wings stick out out of his uniform."I looked pretty cool." said Devil Knight."I really don't care what I look like." said Neos."I now activate Devil Knight's special effect! He lets me bring Natsu aka Salmander and Chopper!" I said.

Chopper.Attribute Earth.LV4.ATK 2000 DEF 2000.Beast Warrior/Effect.He was once a normal reindeer with a blue nose.He wasn't very liked by his herd of Reindeer just like Rudolph the Red-Noised Reindeer.He then ate the Hito Hito No Mi Devil Fruit and he left the herd.He met the crazy doctor Hiluluk and he learned how to be a really good doctor.He met Luffy and the Crew along with Nefertari Vivi.He joined up with them after they protected his home from the Monarch Wapol.He later became the doctor of the Straw Hats Pirates and he is so awesome, adorable, and amazing.He can changed into two of his nine forms once per turn thanks to the Hito Hito No Mi Devil Fruit.His first form is the Walk Point which allows him to dodge an attack due to his incredible speed, his second form is the Brain Point which allows him to switch a monster mode, the third form is the Heavy Point which gives 2000 extra ATK points, the fourth form is the Jumping Point and he can jump into the air and he strikes your opponent with 800 points of damage, the fifth form is the Arm Point which cause all of your opponent monsters to lost 500 ATK points, the sixth form is the Guard Point which gives him 2000 DEF points, the seventh form is the Kung Fu Point which gives him an extra 1000 ATK and DEF points and an extra attack, the eighth form is the Horn Point which makes an opponent monster return back to the opponent hand, and his final form is the Monster Point which gives Chopper a lot of power about 2000 ATK and DEF points.He can't be targeted by spells, traps, and monster effects.

Then a reindeer stood there with the wizard.He was wearing a blue cap that has a ring of dots around the circle, while the cap has buckles hanging from it.He wears this over his old pink hat.He wears a white and yellow vertical-striped tank top, and orange pair shorts.He had light brown fur and he had a blue nose.He was about the size of a toddler and he was very adorable.

All of the girls loved him and then he said,"Ah. I love all of this attention.".He was wearing his normal outfit since the spell did nothing to him."I now play the spell Spirit King's Aura! This boosts all of my monsters by 1000 extra ATK points!" I said.The Witch, Wizard, Knight, Hero, and Reindeer felt stronger.I then said,"I now start Chopper's rampage. I now activate his Kung Fu Point!".

Spirit King's Aura.Spell.Continuous.All monster on your side of the field gain 1000 ATK points.

He then turned into a mini kung-fu artist and then I said,"Attack Marauding Captain and his Command Knight with Lighting Kicks! He gains 1000 ATK and DEf points plus an extra attack!".He then destroy the captain causing 1400 points of damage and then he destroy the knight causing 1400 more."I now attack you directly with all four of my monsters! Go! Devil Blast, Devil Slash, Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, and Neos Force!".

The four then rushed toward the president and he said,"I now play my facedown card! Expulsion! Since I have less life points and you are waging a direct attack on me, your Elemental Hero Neos, Salmander, Devil Witch, and Devil Knight are sent to the grave!".The four were then gone as I said,"Good move there Cecil. I ain't done yet. I now switch Chopper into his Guard Point so he can protect me from damage!".He then gained 2000 DEF points and I said,"I end my turn with 2 facedowns. Your move.".

Expulsion.Trap.Normal.Once you have less life points and your opponent is attacking you directly, you destroy all monsters on the field.

Cecil drew a card and he said,"I play the spell Card of Sanctity! We each draw up to 6 cards!".He then drew 4 cards as I drew 4 as well."I now play the ritual spell Protector Of Knowledge! By sending my LV 4 Warrior Dai Grepher plus my Warrior Lady of the Wasteland who is also LV 4 to the grave. I can now special summon Student Council Warrior!".Then a monster about the size of Cecil stood there and he had a giant sword on his back.

Protector Of Knowledge.Spell.Ritual.By sending monsters up to LV 8 from your hand or field to the grave, you can special summon Student Council Warrior from your deck.
Student Council Warrior.Attribute Earth.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Warrior/Ritual/Effect.This monster loves the Student Council.He helps any student council around the world stopping punks and people who make the Student Council President.For every monster in the grave, he gains 500 ATK and DEF points.He also inflict piercing damage.

Cecil said,"I now activate his special effect! For every monster in the grave, he gains 500 ATK and DEF. I count 9 so he gains 4500 ATK and DEF points!".The warrior grew stronger as Cecil said,"Attack that fur ball!".He then looked at me and he said,"Do it."."Right. I play my facedown! Half Damage and Heartfelt Sacrifice! I now gained Chopper's ATK points when he is in his Monster form which is 5000 big ones!".

I then gained more life points as my other card activated making me lose 4250 life points.I then fell on the ground from the pain as Cecil said,"I end my turn with a facedown. You don't have a monster in your deck able to stop me! Alexis will be mine!".I drew a card and I said,"I guess Chelsea made Cecil get crazy over him. She is mine Cecil! I fell for her first! I now that she feels that she feels the same as me. Time to end this duel!".

I then said,"I activate the quick spell Mystical Space Typhoon! Time to tear the building of education with a Typhoon!".The field changed back to normal as everyone went back to normal."I now play the spell Quick Summon! I now bring out Happy from my deck!".The cat stood there and I said,"I can bring back Salamander from the grave.".The wizard return back from the grave and I said,"I now bring out Odessa and Robin!".

The two stood there and I said,"I activate Robin and Odessa's special effect! I can now bring Odessa's husband plus Sakura aka Universe Dragon along one of Robin's teammates!".I then added the three cards to my hand and I said,"I now play the spell Double Summon! I now summon Cordelia!".Then the Pegasus knight appeared and she said,"I am ready to battle alongside my precious Robin.".Odessa looked at the wizard and he said,"I'll explain later."."I now send Happy and Natsu to the grave so that Drake can come out to play!".

Cordelia.Attribute Earth.LV 4.ATK 1800 DEF 1800.Warrior/Effect.She is one of Ylisse's Pegasus Knight and she is the childhood friend of Sumia.She also has an crush on Chrom but she doesn't want her and Sumia's friendship to be ruined.She met Robin(Male) after he saved her from a spear using Thunder.She then fell in love with him and she fights Anna, Olivia, Nowi, Tiki, and Lucina aka Chrom's daughter for his love.She can attack twice and all monster on the field by 500 ATK and DEF points.

Drake stood there and I said,"I now play the spell Heroic Entrance! I now bring out Universe Dragon!".She roared as I said,"I now play the field spell Fairy Tail!".My monster then gained an extra 500 ATK and DEF points.I then said,"Universe Roar! Dragon Punch! Arcfire! Stab him with your Spear!".The attacks then attack the Warrior and it was destroyed causing Cecil to lose the duel.

I turned off my duel disk and I said,"Man. That duel was sure epic. You are an awesome duelist Cecil."."So can I have Alexis?" said Cecil."Let me think about it that. Hell no." I said.He walked off in defeat as Chazz said,"I know his pain."."Huh?" said Amelia and Johnny."Don't ask with Chazz guys. Sometimes you have to go with him." said Syrus.

Utopia then appeared as Stella said,"Hey Utopia."."It is good to see you as well Stella. Bob and Alexis. The upgrades to the dorm are now complete. We have the Spirits living in their rooms. Also 8 rooms." said Utopia."Hey Sy. Do you and Carrie want to stay with us?" said Alexis."Really?" said Syrus."Yeah.  I wouldn't mind because Kurt, Stella, Danny, and Sam are staying with us." I said."The Chazz gets his pad back! Yes!" said Chazz.

Johnny knocked out Chazz as he dragged him off with Amelia following him.I stood there with my friends and I said,"So you guys ready to get moving stuff into the dorm?"."Yep." said the four.We left the pool and little did I know that I would be dueling a cult to save the world from total destruction.

Next Time,
Alexis and Chelsea duel for Bob's Heart during Affection Day at Duel Academy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Duel Academy Episode 38 Syrus vs Zane's Crazy fangirl

You guys didn't think that the fangirl was crazy for Zane.Just me.I guess I must be crazy.Anyway, lets begin with Syrus waiting for Bob.

Syrus P.O.V
I was sitting outside of the locker room waiting for Bob.The day had ended and Bob was hiding from his fangirls.Most of the group thought that when Bob and Alexis got together, the fangirls would die off and they did once Atticus came back.Then Chelsea came to Duel Academy.She is a nice girl don't get me wrong but she is crazy for Bob while Bob is scared of her.She got the girls who were once liked Bob interest in him again.

I then heard,"Are they gone Sy?"."Yeah. No crazy girls are here." I said.Bob stood there and I said,"Why don't you tell her that you don't like her Bob? I mean it would solve your problems."."I did Sy. Several times in fact. It is like getting your feeling through a dense protagonist." said Bob."Ah. That makes sense. I think." I said.We walking toward the Slifer Red Dorm and I said,"So I don't get why you and Lex are staying with us? I mean Hassleberry is living with us. Danny and him just clicked.".

Bob then said,"We are upgraded the dorm to fit more than just me and Lex. It is nice but if we need to have guest, we need to make more room."."I see." I said.We were in front of the dorm and Bob said,"So I guess Chazz finished his construction on his room."."Yeah. He hasn't shut about it for the last week. He is so annoying sometimes you know." I said."I understand that well. Danny is like Chazz except Danny knows when to shut up." said Bob.

I then saw Sam standing with luggage.I could guess what she is doing here."Hey Sam. What are you doing here?" said Bob."Crowler." said Sam.I then sighed as I said,"What did he do this time?"."He is trying to get us to became Pro Duelists through stupid gimmicks. I think he was going to make Johnny a punk. I mean he looks like one but he is a really nice guy." said Sam."Indeed. So I think the Slifer Red Dorm is getting more guests." said Bob.

"No need to worry Sam. The Chazz is here to save the day!" said Chazz.He stood behind Bob as Bob then grabbed him and he said in a evil voice which could scare a bear,"DON'T EVER SNEAK UP BEHIND ME CHAZZ! I WILL KILL YOU WITH NO REGRETS. I MAY BE RETIRED FROM THE GAME BUT MY MERCENARY SKILLS HAVEN'T DIE SO YOU WILL DIE.".

Chazz was hiding behind a tree as Hassleberry stood there with Danny."Hey Sy. So who is Urchin-Head hiding behind a tree? Sarge! What are you doing here?" said Hassleberry."Bob scared Chazz with his voice and he is staying with me and Danny along with Alexis." I said.We then glared at each other as Chazz came back over."Follow me." said Chazz."You really scared him Bob. I am impressed." said Danny and Sam."Thanks. I could scare a bear." said Bob.

We then saw his dorm.It was like a hotel because it was so nice.We were in the main lobby and I saw Alexis sitting in the main lobby."Bob. Isn't this place nice?" said Alexis.He sat next to her as he said,"Yeah. We are going to love this place. Thanks for letting us stay here Chazz."."Hold on! The Chazz never said that!" said Chazz."Do you want Bob to bring out the voice again Chazz?" I said.He was quiet as Alexis said,"You brought out your voice Bob?".

Hassleberry then said,"The Sarge only had to do it Private Lexi because Chazz was behind him."."Yeah. Don't blame Bob. So are the other Obelisk Blue staying here too?" said Danny.He was on the couch as he said,"Most likely. I mean we like Crowler with his quirks but he has gone to far." said Sam.Chazz then said,"Hey Bob. Do you think your spirits can make this place bigger?"."Yeah. I mean me and Lex are going to stay back in our dorm once it is fixed." said Bob.

Then Bastion ran in."Hey Danny. Who is that?" said Hassleberry."I think his name is Bastion Misawa." said Danny and Chazz."It is! Syrus! I have been looking over the whole dam island for you!" yelled Bastion.We were all silent and Bob said,"You guys haven't heard someone swear before. You guys need to expand your horizon."."So what do you need from me Bastion?" I said."You could become an Obelisk Blue Syrus." said Bastion."That is so awesome Syrus." said Danny.

Bastion said,"Yes. It would. You will need to beat Missy from Obelisk Blue."."Ugh Missy. Don't remember me about her. I mean she was freaky and she had a MAJOR crush on Zane." said Alexis."Yeah and her fashion sense sucks." said Sam."Oh. I need to go prepare then." I said.I ran off into the forest and I was pretty sure that no one was following because Bob being the wise one made everyone stay behind in the dorm.

I sat in the forest working on my deck and my deck glowed.Donna, Sarah, and Megan stood there and Donna said,"Are you ready for tomorrow Sy?"."Yeah. I mean I have never been more ready. Did you guys find out what Missy wins if she beats me?" I said."She gets to go to the Pro League to be with Big Brother." said Sarah."Ah. We have to stop her right?" said Megan."Indeed. You guys get back into the deck. We will need all of your strength for tomorrow." I said.

The three kissed me and they went back into my deck.I sighed as I stared up at the sky.The star night was so nice and I was at peace.I then heard someone singing and I decided to find the person who was singing it.It was so nice and I was at peace.I then saw a girl standing there.She had long orange hair which was in a cute pony tail and brown eyes.She was a second year because I remember seeing her around campus but I was hanging out with Danny and Bob to really notice her.

She then saw me standing there and she threw a rock at me."What are you doing here?!" said the girl."I am here to prepare for my duel tomorrow. What are you doing here?" I said."I want to see the night sky okay. My name is Carrie Rivera. We have been in the same class since our first year." said Carrie."Sorry Carrie. I guess all of the stuff last year was pretty crazy." I said."Yeah. I mean who knew that Bob was so old? He looks like he is our age." said Carrie."Actually he is a reincarnated king. I think he is 17." I said,

We sat together and I felt three of my spirits getting mad but I knew that the males could keep them under control."So Syrus? Who are you dueling tomorrow?" said Carrie."Missy. I heard she runs an Insect deck. It is a good thing that I am not afraid of insects. Living at the Slifer Red dorm can do that to a guy." I said."I heard that they actually clean the dorm over the break." said Carrie."Yeah. The roaches and the rats are going due to our new headmaster." I said.

Carrie said,"Hey Sy. Do you mind if I come cheer you on tomorrow?"."Yeah. I wouldn't mind at all. It would be awesome if you came. I mean most people are going to be rooting for Missy." I said."You are a popular guy Syrus. Don't forget that. I better get going." said Carrie.She walked off as I thought,"I will win tomorrow. I swear.".

Bob P.O.V
I was sitting in the stands with Chazz, Hassleberry, Sam, Danny, Bastion, and Alexis."Syrus is going to do awesome. He can beat Zane's crazy stalker." said Sam."Who is Zane?" said Hassleberry."Syrus's older brother and he is a spectaulr duelist." said Bastion."Bobby is way better!" said a familiar voice.Alexis sighed as Chelsea appeared and she was sitting in my lap."Get off! That is mine." said Alexis."It doesn't have your name on it." said Chelsea.

The two bickered as Danny said,"Women right?".He was then hit by the three girls.I then saw a girl with orange hair walking toward us and Chazz said,"Isn't that Carrie Rivera from class? What is that babe doing here?"."I hope not to steal my Bobby. He is mine." said Chelsea.She then grabbed me really tightly as I said,"Someone. Please get her off me."."I got it Sarge." said Hassleberry.

He grabbed the girl as Carrie walked over to us."Um. Are you guys friends of Syrus?" said Carrie."Yes. I'm his best friend. You know me as the Chazz but I can be your boyfriend." said Chazz.Danny then knocked him out as he said,"I am Sy's best friend or Bob is. So do you want to sit with us?"."Um sure." said Carrie.She sat next to me as Alexis said,"So Carrie? Do you like Syrus?".Her face went red as I said,"We can talk about that later. Sy is about to duel.".

Syrus P.O.V
I stood there and I saw all of my friends include Carrie who waved to me.I then saw Bonaparte who was smaller than me."You are ready to lose Ra? I mean you are dueling an Obelisk Blue and you are a Ra Yellow." said Bonaparte."Ranking really doesn't matter Vice-Chancellor. It matters on how you duel." I said."You are so not like my Zaney!" said a girl.

I then saw Missy and she really looked like a bug."My name is Syrus and I am nothing like my brother." I said."Yeah. You aren't tall or handsome whatsoever. Lets duel already. I want to see my Zane." said Missy.She activated her duel disk as I said,"Time to get your game on!".Missy went first as she drew a card and she said,"I summon Prickle Fairy in defense mode!".The monster stood in defense mode as Missy said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your turn Shrimp!".

I drew a card and I said,"I summon Breaker the Magical Warrior in attack mode!".The warrior stood there and then I said,"I play the field spell Magical Dimension!".My monster gained power as I said,"I now attack! Destroy that Fairy with your sword!".He then slashed her in half as Missy said,"I activate my facedown! Bug Infestation! Since you destroy my LV 4 Pickle Fairy, we each get four Ant tokens.".Then four ants appeared on my field.I then said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your move.".

Bug Infestation.Spell.Normal.Once a monster is destroyed on your field, you can summon an Ant token on both side of the field for the level of the monster destroyed.

Missy drew a card and she said,"I send one of my tokens to the grave so I can summon Insect Princess to the field.".The insect princess stood there and I said,"So? That bug doesn't scare me."."Oh it will. I play the spell Bug Explosion! For every Insect Monsters on the field excluding my Princess, you take 200 points for each one. I count 7." said Missy.I then lost 1400 life points as I fell over from the explosion."Syrus!" yelled my friends.

Bug Explosion.Spell.Normal.For every insect monster on the field excluding one insect of your choice, your opponent take 200 points of damage. 

I stood up and Missy said,"I now play the equip spell Bug Loving. This spell gives Insect Princess 200 extra ATK and 100 DEF points for each insect in the grave and I count 8.".Her princess then gained 1600 ATK points and 800 DEF points and then Missy said,"Attack that annoying warrior!".The princess went toward my monster as I said,"I activate my facedown! Magic Cylinder!".She then lost 3500 life points as she growled,"I end my turn with a facedown. You aren't going to win. My spell's secondary effect activates. You lost 200 points for every Insect monster that has been in play. I count 9." said Missy.

Bug Loving.Spell.Normal.This spell gives the equipped monster 200 ATK and 100 DEF points for each insect in the grave.At the end of the turn, your opponent takes 200 points of damage for every insect monster currently in play.

I then lost 1800 life points as I said,"I draw!".I drew a card and I smiled."I play the spell card The Magical Elixir! This lets me gain back the life points that I lost last turn plus 2 cards." I said.I then gained 3200 life points back as I said,"I now play the spell The Helpful Friend! This lets me special summon Dark Magician of Chaos from my deck!".He stood there as I said,"I now summon Blast Magician!".

The Magical Elixir.Spell.Normal.You gain back the life points that you lost on the last turn.You can draw an card from your deck for every monster on the field.

He stood there and I said,"I now attack you with my three monster! Also I play the quick spell Mystical Space Typhoon to stop any plans to stop me! I will be in Obelisk Blue! Some of my closet friends are in Obelisk Blue. They are nice to me and they like me for me being me!".Then she lost the duel as Bonaparte said,"And the winner is Syrus who is now an Obelisk Blue!".The crowd cheered for me.

Bob P.O.V
I was reading a book in Chazz's living room.It was night and I wasn't tired due to me being up for nights when I was a Mercenary for hire.All of the gang had moved in here include Carrie who had a crush on my apprentice but she had Donna, Sarah, and Megan to fight through.I smiled as I heard,"Bob? Why are you still up?".

I then saw Syrus standing there in his Obelisk Blue uniform."You look nice Sy. You must be getting all of the girls now." I said."Yeah but I am confused why you are still up." said Syrus.He sat next to me and I said,"I have been up for several days at a time Sy. This is nothing to me. I am going to be sleeping in class no matter what. So do you like Carrie?".He was quiet as I said,"I am going to say that is a yes."."Yeah. She is so nice and she can cook." said Syrus.

"Yeah. Spirits aren't the best when it comes to cooking. I had to teach all of mine how to cook. I know your pain Sy." I said.He then said,"So what are you reading Bob?"."A physic book. I am smarter than I look." I said."I see. Well, I better get some sleep. You should too." said Syrus.He walked off to his room as I thought,"You are in a good mood buddy. If I am right, we will need everyone at their strongest.".

Next Time,
Bob meets the new headmaster of Slifer Red while dealing with the Student Council who hated him for some reason.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Duel Academy Episode 37 The Mercenary King vs Reptiles of the past

Yep.We are having the first Bob duel of Season 2.You ready to see some new characters in this duel.Get ready for an epic duel.Also Bob will be have the Neo Spacian plus Neos because Jaden gave them to him.Also egual gender on the Neo-Spacians.You will see the gender from each one at the bottom.

Bob P.O.V
I was walking with Syrus and I was looking for duel disks thrown in the swamp.Me and Syrus got in trouble for different reasons.Syrus was sleeping in class and my reason is from punching Chazz."So why did you have to punch Chazz Bob?" said Syrus.I then said as I was pulling out duel disks from said swamp,"The Chazz had it coming Syrus. I mean that duel with Reginald Van Howell made me want to rip out Chazz's voice box. This is the Devil King talking here."."Yeah and also Chelsea Martin is being a real bitch right?" said Syrus.

Chelsea Martin is one of my fangirls but she wants me for herself so she and Alexis clashed arms.I was getting really tired of it because I like Alexis and not Chelsea."So how many duel disks have you found Sy? I got 7." I said."I found 5. I wonder where the other 8 are?" said Syrus.I then got out of the swamp.I brush off the swamp and I said,"Maybe our friends found the rest of them."."Yeah. We should go find them." said Syrus.I grabbed them as we headed toward the forest.

We then saw Miranda and Amelia were sitting on the ground with 6 duel disks around them and Miranda said,"Hey guys. I guess we need to find the last 2 duel disks."."Yeah. We did pretty good team." said Amelia.Miranda was now an Obelisk Blue since she got the 2nd highest grade for all first year.I beat her score by 5 points and Bastion was depressed because we scored higher than him."Yeah. So where is Johnny?" I said."Right here Bob." said a voice.

I then saw a boy standing there.He had green eyes, dark blue hair, and he had a weird tattoo under his eyes.This is Johnny Wilson and he is a friend of mine.He enter our school after meeting in Heartland City.He duels with a History themed deck.He and I dueled in the World Duel Carnival Finals.The duel was close but I won thanks to a spell combo with Ice Warrior.We became good rivals and he decided to come to Duel Academy as a second year Obelisk Blue making a good chunk of our group Obelisk Blue.

Syrus hid behind me as Johnny said,"Is he always like that Bob?"."Sorry Johnny. I mean you seem like a nice guy but you are so scary." said Syrus."It is fine little dude. I found the final duel disks." said Johnny.He placed them with the 6 on the ground as Miranda said,"I still don't get why they were in the woods and the swamp in the first place."."I have an idea. Stand back." I said.

The four then stood back as I said,"I now call upon the spirits of the gentle darkness to find the person who threw these into the forest and swamp.".The 20 duel disks then glowed as Amelia said,"I still can't believe that you are the reincarnation of two dead kings."."You get used to it Amelia. Trust me you do quick." said Syrus.They stopped glowing and I said,"Do you guys know where the bridge is?"."Yeah. Why?" said Johnny."It is time for me to duel." I said,

We walked to the bridge and we saw a first year Ra Yellow standing there along with several more first year Ra Yellow students.He has very muscular.He was wearing a Ra Yellow uniform with no sleeves and he wears a green muscle shirt underneath.He was wearing beige combat pants, white wristbands with matching bands just above his feet along with combat boots, a bandanna featuring a dinosaur face, bone earrings, and a necklace of dinosaur.He had long black dreadlocks and green eyes.

He stuck out due to the several duel disks on him."Who are you losers? The name is Sergeant Tyranno Hassleberry and you and your friends are being defeated by troop Tyranno!" said Hasleberry.The Ras cheered behind them as Syrus said,"You aren't going to defeat us. We are going to defeat you because we have the Spirit King on our side."."The Spirit King? He sounds like a giant loser." said a small Ra Yellow.

He then had Rias holding over the river and she said,"Don't make fun of my precious Bobby!"."Put him back Rias." said Utopia.He stood there with Yubel and the warrior placed him back."What are you freak?" said a big Ra."The Spirit King. Don't you forget it." said Yubel."Gotcha." said Troop Tyranno."So Hassleberry right? My buddy here will be dueling you for the rest of the duel disk." said Johnny.

Hassleberry said,"Sure. I always wanted to defeat a real king and a Obelisk Blue. You are going to be my hundredth victory!".He activate his duel disk as Amelia said,"Do you got this Bob?"."Yeah. No need to worry Amelia. I dueled against a monkey and Tarzan." I said.Miranda then said,"I explain what he means by that later."."Okay." said Amelia and Johnny.

I then activated my duel disk as Hassleberry said,"That is a pretty sweet duel disk. It will be nice to take from you weakling"."Thanks. Time to get your game Huckleberry Hound!" I said."It is Sergeant Tyranno Hassleberry Private!" said the troop plus Hassleberry.I then sweatdropped as I said,"Sorry. I made a little mistake.".

We stood across from each other with the river and he said,"You can go first Private.".I drew a card and I said,"The name is Bob! I play the spell Quick Summon. I now use it to special summon Future Zombie from my deck in defense mode!".Then a very futuristic zombie stood there and he said,"Brains!"."I don't think that guy has any brains on him." I said."Hey!" said the troop."It was a joke. You army guys really can't take a joke can you?" said Miranda.

Future Zombie.Attribute Earth.LV 4.ATK 1500 DEF 1600.Zombie/Effect.A zombie from the future.He hungers from brains and bran muffins.He can return from the grave with 100 extra ATK and DEF points. 

They stared at her as Johnny said,"Yeah. I got nothing. Destroy their leader already Bob!"."Gotcha. I now summon Twlight Rose Knight in attack mode!" I said.The knight stood there and I said,"I can now special summon a level 4 or below plant monster from my hand and I have the perfect one! I special summon Celine to the field.".Then a toddler stood there.She had light green hair with a flower on top with light pink petals and she had blue eyes.

Celine.Attribute Dark.LV 4.ATK 1500 DEF 1000.Plant/Effect.She was once a very huge and giant plant given to Rito by Lala from his 16th birthday.When she was infected with the Kare Kare disease, Rito and the others went to the S-level-danger class planet Misletoe to save her.She became a child and she cause some wacky situations.She can't be destroy in battle and she gains 500 ATK and DEF points for every monster in the grave.

The army guys laughed at her as she was confused."I don't know either. I now end my turn with a pretty sweet facedown! Your move Huckberry Finn!" I said.I was messing up his name on purpose and I called it mind games.He drew a card and he said,"I special summon Gilasaurus!".The fast moving Dinosaur stood there as Hassleberry said,"I now send my trooper to the grave so I can bring out my Dark Driceratops!".

The dino stood there and the boy said,"Jurassic Impact on that undead freak!".He then rushed toward him and I looked at my facedown ready for my next turn as I took the attack.I was knocked on the ground as I lost 800 life points and the troop cheered from an great move from their captain."What a weak offense coming from you." said Hassleberry."I now activate my zombie's special effect. Welcome back." I said.He returned as Hassleberry said,"Whatever. I was just keeping destroy him! I end my turn!".

I then drew a card and I said,"I now summon Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird in attack mode!".Then a alien humminbird stood there and she said,"You ready Bob?"."Yeah. I now activate her special effect! For every card in your hand, I gain 500 life points for each one! I now gain 2000 life points! Honey Suck!" I said.I then gained 2000 life points as I said,"I now Syncho Summon Twilight Rose Knight and Future Zombie to synchro summon Black Rose Dragon!".

Then the plant dragon appeared as I said,"I now activate my dragon's special effect! She destroy all cards on the field! Black Rose Gale!".Then the field was wiped clean as I said,"I now activate Future Zombie's special effect by bringing him back!".He return to the field stronger and I said,"I now attack you directly with my dragon! Black Rose Flare!".He then lost 2400 life points as he fell over.I then said,"I now activate the facedown that I send to my grave! Time Warp! This card lets me bring back Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird and Celine because they were destroy by my dragon's special effect!".

Time Wrap.Spell.Normal.This spell works once this card goes to the grave.You can bring back monster that were destroy on the turn that this spell was send to the grave.

The two lovely girls appeared as I said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your move.".He then drew a card and he said,"I play the field spell Jurassic World!".The field changed into the past as Syrus said,"Man, his monster stick out like a sore thumb."."Yeah." said the troop.Hassleberry said,"I summon Archeonys and he can attack you directly!".I then fell on the ground from the sonic scream and I lost 600 life points.Hassleberry said,"I now place down a facedown!".

A card appeared as I drew a card.I then heard,"Bob!".I then saw Alexis standing there with Chelsea.She had long purple hair and green eyes and she was very pretty."What are those girls doing here? I mean Duel Monster is a man's game!" said Hassleberry.My field then glared at him and I said,"Most of my monster's strongest cards are girls plus some of the best duelist! Time to change this duel! You need to get out of the past!".

Alexis then walked over to the group as she said,"So why is Bob dueling that pig?"."He is the best." said Chelsea.I then felt her love and I shivered."He is dueling for all of the duel disk that the Sarge stole." said Syrus."Yeah. I now play the spell Lucky Hand!" I said.I drew 5 cards and I said,"I now play my facedown Heroic Entrance to bring out Elemental Hero Neos!".The hero stood there and he said,"I am ready for battle Bob."."Yeah. I now summon Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin in attack mode!".

He stood there and I said,"I now activate my flying monster's special effect! Honey Suck!".I gained 1000 life points as I said,"I now overlay Celine and Future Zombie! I now build the overlay network to XYZ summon Number 44: Sky Pegasus!".The horse then appeared as I said,"I now contact fuse Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin, Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, and Elemental Hero Neos to summon Elemental Hero Storm Neos!".

The monster appeared as Miranda said,"Bob has a Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ monster on his field."."Bob is going all out on that pea size brain." said Amelia."Yeah and I hope that Bob teaches Hassleberry a lesson." said Johnny."And what lesson could you possibly defeat teach me!?" said Hassleberry."Dinosaur are cool Hassleberry but we are past from that era. I now activate my Hero's special effect! I can destroy all spells and trap on the field!" I said.

The field was wiped clean of spells and traps as Hassleberry said,"What do you mean?"."Hey Tyranno Troop! Did your sarge do the same strategy in all of his duels?!" I said.The troop then said,"Yes!".He then fell over as I said,"Dinosaur are awesome Hassleberry. You need to change your strategy up so that the Dino don't go extinct here at Duel Academy."."Okay! I will Best Friend!" said Hassleberry.I then sighed as I said,"Attack him and win me this duel Storm!".He destroy the bird causing Hassleberry to lose.

He layed on the ground as Johnny said,"So I will get the Duel disk back to the Chancellor."."We will help out." said the troop.The troop plus Johnny was gone along with Miranda and Amelia.I then saw Syrus standing there with Alexis.I was looking for Chelsea and she tackled me."You were so awesome Bobby! You deserve a victory kiss!" said Chelsea.She was then held in the air by Utopia and Neos."You aren't his girlfriend. I thought she would get through her skull." said Neos."Love blinds humans." said Utopia.

The two agreed as Hassleberry said,"Hey Bob! Can I be your apprentice?"."Hey! I'm his apperentice!" said Syrus.The two argued about it as I saw Alexis.She said,"How about you stay with Danny? He is Bob's main apprentice and if you beat him, Bob might accept you."."Good idea!" said the sarge.He ran off as Syrus ran after him.I then said,"So do you want to go have a quick make out session?"."Yeah but what about Chelsea?" said Alexis.

The spirits then teleported her away as I said,"Problem solved.".We started kissing.

Next time,
Syrus duels against a girl who is CRAZY for Zane and also we meet the girl of Syrus's dream!

Neo-Spacian Genders
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird Female
Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Female
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Male
Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Male
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Male
Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Female

Duel Academy Episode 36 Year Two starts with A.P and A,F

Now A.F should sound familiar but telling you would ruin the surprise.Lets begin off with Danny starting off Season 2 with the power of Heroes and Villains.

Narrator P.O.V
You could "Hey guys. The name is the masterful duelist Danny Raymond. I defeat several powerful duelists like the Dark Ruler and all of the ladies love me." said Danny's voice.Then a hit was heard as Syrus's voice then said,"Don't lie to the good folks out there Danny."."But it is true Sy! And what are you doing here? I thought I was narrating the beginning of Season 2!" said Danny's voice."Bob told me to come help you out in this. So we are here back after a pretty epic summer break." said Syrus's voice.

Then two people were running to the pier.One was Crowler with a short french guy."Hey Sy. Isn't that Vice Chancellor Crowler? And why is he with short round?" said Danny's voice."I guess you didn't hear the news. Chancellor Sheppard is on a trip and Crowler is our new Chancellor." said Syrus's voice."Are you serious man? So who is the short guy?" said Danny's voice."That is Vice Chancellor Bonaparte. We are going to learn about them soon. We better get going." said Syrus's voice."Right. See you all soon." said Danny's voice.

Crowler and Bonaparte were standing at the docks and Bonaparte said,"So what are we doing here Crowler? I mean we are waiting for the freshman."."I guess you didn't hear the news Bonaparte. The Aster Phoneix and Amelia Flowers are coming here." said Crowler.Bonaparte was shocked and confused and he said,"Why would two famous pros come here?"."Who knows? I mean we only have like 10 Slifers this year coming here." said Crowler.He stood there looking for the two pros as Bonaparte thought,"Soon we won't have the Slifer Red Dorm!".

Danny P.O.V
Me and Syrus were in our room relaxing from a pretty sweet summer break.I mean I almost died from the jerk Dark Ruler."So Syrus? Have you picked your girlfriend yet?" I said.He fell out of his chair as he said,"What are you talking about?!".Avery appeared as he said,"You have between Donna, Sarah, and Megan to choose from and unlike Danny here, you aren't the Harem King. They like you a lot."."Oh." said Syrus.

He then sat in his chair and he said,"I haven't decide yet Danny. I mean all three girls have special qualities to each of them."."So where are they? I haven't seen them in so long." I said."I think Henry and Ray said that they had some training to do. I guess hanging out with me all summer had something to do with that. So how was being the third wheel?" said Syrus."Not fun Sy. I mean Kurt and Stella were showing each other their love like crazy. I almost puked out my stomach." I said.

Syrus then said,"I see. So how is Bob and Alexis doing? Zane told me to ask you or Kurt that."."Him and Lex are doing pretty dam sweet. They enter a dueling tourney in Heartland City. Did you head about the World Duel Carnival?" I said.Syrus then said,"Yeah! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I mean Bob was rocking it."."Yeah but I say the final duel was pretty epic. I mean Bob almost lost to his girlfriend." I said.

The door opened up to Sam standing there with food."Sam? What are you doing here?" said Syrus."Well, I heard that you guys aren't getting your new professor yet so I made you guys some food." said Sam."That is so sweet! You are awesome!" I said.She smiled and she said,"Don't worry Avery. I made food for you guys too."."Did Horus teach you how?" said Avery."Yeah. Now lets dig in." said Sam.

We then started eating and then Syrus said,"This is really good. I can't believe it."."Yeah. The Obelisk Blue girls kitchen is pretty good. I mean girls are in there all the time try to impress the guy they like." said Sam.I looked at Avery who was deep in thought and I said,"You alright Avery?"."Yes. I just got a weird feeling." said Avery.Then someone was knocking on the door and Syrus said,"I'll get it."."Thanks buddy." I said.

He opened the door and I saw an old face.He had grey hair which sectioned in two layers, his bangs forming one layer and the rest the other.He had blue between the layers of grey hair.He was wearing sliver formal wear with button-up sleeves, a black shirt underneath with matching shoes, and a loosely-fitting necktie.I then said,"What is Aster freaking Phoenix doing in the Slifer Red Dorms?".

The two people in my dorm said,"How do YOU know Aster Phoenix?"."That idiot Bob brought him to a tourney. I am here to challenge Bob to a duel so I can take his title from that freak!" said Aster.I then said,"You will have to duel me first Aster. You will have to get past the Duke of Duel Academy."."The Duke of Duel Academy?" said Aster."It is his nickname." said Sam."The only one that him and his brother liked." said Syrus.

Me and Aster were on the cliff and Aster said,"Are you ready to lose the weaker Raymond brother?".I then activated my duel disk and I said,"Lets just duel. Get your game on!".I then saw Chazz standing there with Ms. Dorothy and Pharaoh."So who is Danny dueling pipsqueak?" said Chazz."Aster Phoenix and he is more spoiled that you. He reminds me of you." said Syrus."No one can be the Chazz!" said Chazz.Aster then said,"I summon Ojama Yellow in defense mode!".

The monster then stood there as Chazz fell down.God REALLY doesn't like him."Don't you run an Ojama deck Chazz? " said Ms. Dorothy."Yeah. I do." said Chazz."I guess you and Danny both have a mutual rival." said Sam.Aster then said,"I now end my turn with a facedown. Your move Danny.".I drew a card and I said,"I first summon Elemental Hero Wildheart in attack mode!".The hero stood there and I said,"I now play the spell Quick Summon to bring out Elemental Hero Avian from my deck!".

Avery stood there and I said,"I now play the spell Evil Signal! I now special summon Evil Hero Whirlwind from my deck in attack mode.".The evil version stood there and I said,"I now play the spell Sneak Attack! This spell allows me to attack you directly with Elemental Hero Wildheart! Wild Slash!".Aster then lost 1500 life points as I said,"Now for a double attack! Show him your teamwork! Double Quill Cascade!".

The two winged hero combined their attack as Aster said,"I have to stop your weak attack there! I play my facedown. Draining Shield!".The attack were absorbed by the shield as Aster gained 2500 life points."I now activate Evil Hero Whirlwind's special effect. I now can draw 3 cards!" I said.I then drew 3 cards from my deck and I said,"Perfect. I end my turn with 3 facedowns! Your move Aster!".

He then got a phone call as he said,"Hold on.".I fell over as Avery said,"He really stops the duel to answer a phone call. Color me impressed.".The two agreed as Aster end his call."Okay. I now play the spell Reload." said Aster.He then placed his hand into his deck and it shuffled giving him 4 new cards."Perfect. I play the spell Frontline Base! This lets me special summon a level 4 or lower union monster from my hand every turn. I now special summon X-Head Cannon from my hand!" said Aster.

The famous monster stood there as Aster said,"I activate my Quick Summon to bring out Y-Dragon Head from my deck in attack mode!".The dragon appeared as I said,"I know what you are doing. I mean this is a Chazz move."."Hey!" said Chazz."It is the truth." said the three.Aster then said,"I now summon Z-Metal Tank!".The tank appeared as Aster said,"I now remove from play my three monster to summon XYZ Dragon Cannon!".

The monster stood there and he said,"Destroy that freak of nature with the green wings!".He then fired his attack as Avery said,"Do it.".He was destroy as I lost 1800 life points.I then said,"I activate my facedown! A Hero Emerges!".He then looked at the three cards that I was holding and he said,"I pick the one on the right.".I then said,"I can special summon Elemental Hero Sparkman resting in defense mode!".He stood there ready to protect me as Aster said,"I end my turn. Your move. I guess.".

I then drew a card and I said,"I summon Evil Hero Currentman in attack mode!".Then the evil version of Elemental Hero Bubbleman stood there and I said,"I activate his special effect. Since I have cards on my field, I can draw 2 cards!".I then drew 2 cards and I said,"I now play the spell Evil Touch. I can now send Elemental Hero Sparkman to the grave so I can bring out his evil hero counterpart from my deck! Evil Hero Thunderman!".

Evil Hero Currentman.Attribute Water.LV 4.ATK 1800 DEF 1200.Warrior/Effect.He control water through his suit.He usually his control of water to make his enemy surfer by holding them over a cliff with a water dragon.When you have cards on your field, you can draw 2 cards.
Evil Touch.Spell.Normal.If you have an Elemental Hero on your field, you can send him/her to the grave to bring out an Elemental Villain or Evil Hero from your deck.
Evil Hero Thunderman.Attribute Light.LV 4.ATK 2000 DEF 1600.Warrior/Effect.He was born near a electric power plant and thanks to a freaky thunderstorm, he gained super powers.He usually his powers to rob banks or other stuff involving electricity.He gains 300 ATK points for every Elemental Hero, Evil Hero, and Elemental Villain on your field and grave not counting him.

Then the evil version stood there and I said,"I now attack your overgrown robot with Voltic Storm!!".The robot was gone as Aster lost 100 and I said,"I now do a trio attack! Finish off Aster with Wild Slash, Water Blast, and Razor Cascade!".He lost all of his life points and I said,"And that is game!".Aster walked over to me and I said,"So why are you here?"."I told you why Raymond. Good luck. I will be back to destroy you. Destiny is going to destroy you." said Aster.

He walked away as I walked up to my friends."What was the guy's problem?" said Sam."Who knows? He has always been like that. I met him along with Kurt when we were with Bob at a dueling tourney. He was a huge jerk to Bob for no good reason." I said."I see. I wonder why he is in the first place? I mean he is a pro not a Slifer Slacker." said Chazz."Maybe  he transfer here?" said Ms. Dorothy.Pharaoh walked off as I said,"Maybe."."Yeah." said Syrus.I didn't know how right I was.

Bob P.O.V
I was sitting with Alexis, Kurt, and Stella in the forest.We were having a picnic."So Bob? How was it like?" said Stella."How was what like?" I said."Almost losing to me." said Alexis."It was bad don't get me wrong but I was so happy. I mean you almost became the first Queen of Games and you are my Queen." I said.She smiled at my compliment."That is him being nice Alexis. I mean Bob isn't like Danny when he lose." said Kurt."Yeah. He is a sore loser." said Stella.

I nod as I sense someone and she was coming fast.She was a good presence and I smiled."What is wrong Bob? Is it a Shadow Rider?!" said Alexis and Stella."Nope. It is an old friend of mine. She is pretty famous in the dueling world." I said.Then a girl ran toward us.She had long blond hair which was in a ponytail and brown eyes.She was wearing an Obelisk Blue uniform with the academy issued duel disk and Kurt said with great confusion,"Amelia Flowers? Is that you?".

Stella said,"You know Amelia Flowers? How?".Amelia said,"It is good to see you again Bob and Alexis. I should saw the King and Queen."."Don't remind of us of that name." said Alexis."Gotcha." said Amelia.She then looked at Stella and she said,"You must be the Stella Polar. I heard so much about you. You are Kurt's girlfriend right? I am impressed."."What does she mean by that Kurt?" said Stella."I was known as the Ice prince before I met you. I fell in love with you Stella and don't you forget that." said Kurt.

She smiled as I said,"So Amelia? What are you doing here? And can you explain the uniform?"."Well, I transfer here as a Second Year Student and I met your Chancellor and Vice Chancellor. They seemed like such nice people." said Amelia."That is awesome. We will have another girl in the group." said Alexis."Yeah but I challenge you to a duel Kurt. My agent told me to do this when I arrived at Duel Academy." said Amelia."Sure. The boys could use a good duel." said Kurt.

We sat under the tree as Amelia and Kurt activated their duel disk and their staring hand.Kurt then said,"You can go first Amelia.".She then drew a card and she said,"I play the spell Pot of Greed!".She then drew 2 cards and she said,"Since I drew Watapon using a card effect, I can special summon her in defense mode to start things off.".The monster then stood there as Amelia said,"I now send Watapon to the grave so I can bring Flame Swordsman!".

The fire sword wielder stood there and Stella said,"I thought that monster was a Fusion monster."."Pegasus made it a normal monster stood there." said Alexis."Yeah. I was there for it." I said.Amelia said,"I now play the equip spell Lighting Blade and I give to my swordsman giving him an extra 800 ATK points.".The monster then grew stronger as Amelia said,"I now place down a facedown! Your move Kurt. You better bring the passion that you always bring in your duels.".

Kurt drew a card and he said,"I will. I now summon Samurai Green!".The samurai stood there as Kurt said,"She lets me bring a spell card to my hand and I pick Double Summon! I now summon Tony in ATK mode and Heart Turtle aka Leo in attack mode.".He stood there with the turtle ready to strike."I now attack with Tony! Showing him your Lighting Tackle!" said Kurt.He then tackled him and Amelia lost 400 life points."I now attack with Samurai Green! Time to inflict some damage with lighting slash." said Kurt.

Amelia then said,"Not so fast. I play my facedown Scrap Iron Scarecrow!".The attack was blocked as Kurt said,"I now attack with Leo! Heart Headbutt!".Amelia then lost 900 more life points and Kurt said,"I end my turn with 2 facedowns. Your move Amelia.".Amelia drew a card and she said,"I summon Kuriboh in defense mode.".The puff ball stood there and Amelia said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your move Kurt.".

I then said,"Something is wrong."."Yeah. I mean this isn't the Amelia Flowers that we met." said Alexis."I am so lost." said Stella."She is a lot like Kurt. They love dueling with passion and most people that they would get together but Stella is really the perfect girl for Kurt." I said.Kurt drew a card and he said,"I now play the spell Lucky Hand! I can now draw 5 cards!".He drew 5 cards and he said,"I now send Samurai Green and Heart Turtle to the grave so I can summon Soul Dragon!".

The dragon then appeared as Kurt said,"I now attack Kuriboh with my dragon! Soul Blast!".He then blasted the monster into the graveyard as Amelia said,"You know my monster special effect right?"."Yeah but unlike you, I am dueling with passion. I now attack with Tony! Fierce pounce!". said Kurt.He rushed toward her and Amelia said,"I now play my facedown! Scrap Iron Scarecrow!".The attack was blocked as Kurt said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your move.".

Amelia drew a card and she said,"This is because of my Manager."."Who is her manager?" said Kurt, Stella, and Alexis."Sartorius. I have met the guy once. He rubbed me the wrong way. I thought he would be busy with Aster." I said,"Yeah. He need me to duel with this deck for some reason. Who knows with that guy?" said Amelia."I see." said Kurt.Amelia then said,"I remove from play Watapon and Kuriboh to summon Black Luster Solider Envoy of the Evening Twlight!".

The monster stood there as Amelia said,"I activate a combo with my facedown card Banishment from the Kingdom! Since I remove all of my light and dark attribute monster from play, I can activate both of its special effect! I can now attack twice and I play the quick play spell Ego Boost!".He then slashed the two monster and then Kurt lost 500 points from Tony and then he lost 1500 life points."Now thanks to my trap, Soul Dragon and Tony are removing from play!" said Amelia.

Banishment from the Kingdom.Trap.Continuous.Once a monster is destroy, they are banished from the game.

"What?!" said Kurt.He then removed the two from the game and Kurt said,"Amelia!? Why did you do that?! This isn't like you at all.".Stella then saw that Kurt was crying and she said,"Kurt."."I end my turn with a facedown. I hate doing this Kurt. You know that I do but Sartorius never ask me to do anything for him. He only cares about Aster Phoenix! I hate him. He always thinks he is better than me when he isn't! I always wanted to duel him but the only way is to defeat you with this excuse for a deck!" said Amelia.

Alexis said,"Bob. Are Amelia and Kurt close?"."Yeah. She is like Danny and Kurt's sister. I met her when I was in the Pro League for a while like a year. Kurt and Amelia both believe in dueling with passion and they were always together when Kurt wasn't on a job. They are family. It is killing him to see her like this. Kurt! You can save her!" I said.Kurt nod as he said,"Yeah. Don't worry Amelia. I will make sure that you and Sartious never talk to each other again!".

He drew a card and he said,"I now activate two of my facedowns! Lets's Bring out the Gang! This lets me special summon Lord Art and Ninja Hiro from my deck!".The two stood there and Art said,"Lets save your sister Kurt old pal."."Indeed Kurt-San. Lets go." said Hiro.Kurt then said,"I activate Ninja Hiro and Lord Art's special effect! This lets their lovely compains join the battle! Come on Lady Ann and Ninja Karin!".

The two stood there and Ann said,"Lets do this."."She is right Kurt-Chan. Show him the power of our family." said Karin."Right. I play the spell Double Date! This lets me draw 2 cards since I have 4 monster on my field!" said Kurt.He drew 2 cards and he said,"I now play the spell card Future Savior! I can bring back Tony! Come on back Tony!".He stood there and Amelia said,"How did you do that? He was removed from play!".

Future Savior.Spell.Normal.You can bring Tony from your deck, grave, or bring it back into play.

Tony said,"That spell brings me back and I am ready to sneak revenge on you for removing me and Jake.".He then made some lighting as Kurt said,"Okay. I play the spell card Polymerization! I now fuse Lord Art, Ninja Hiro, and Tony to summon Champion Knight!"."Champion Knight?!" said Stella, Alexis, and Amelia."One of Kurt's champion monsters." I said.The three then jumped into a portal and then Kurt said,"Come on out Lucas!".

Champion Knight.Attribute Light.LV 12.ATK 4000 DEF 4000.Warrior/Fusion/Effect.Lord Art + Ninja Hiro + Tony.A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters.He is a very powerful monster.He is friends with anyone and he doesn't have many enemies but the ones he does hate his guts with a passion.He doesn't like to fight but he is very strong.He counted as a Wind, Earth, and Light attribute monster.He can let you draw a card for every monster that has been played in the duel even ones removed from play plus he can't be targeted spells, traps, and monster effects.

Then a monster stood there.He looked like a knight and he was wearing gold and sliver armor.He stood there and Ann said,"Wow. He looks really strong."."Yeah. He is." said Karin."Indeed. My name is Lucas and I am here to help Kurt. His spirit made me join up with him." said Lucas.Kurt then said,"I activate his special effect let me draw 12 cards!".He drew 12 cards and Kurt said,"Since Champion Knight is on the field, time to bring out his steed! I special summon Champion Pegasus! Lets go Greg!".

Champion Pegasus.Attribute Light.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Beast/Effect.The horse of the Champion Knight.He was founded by him after the knight protect him from jealous humans.He joined up with the knight as his fateful stead.He will do anything to serve his master.He can be special summoned to the field if you have Champion Knight on the field.When he is summoned to the field, you can special summon Champion Knight to the field.He can destroy one card on the field and you strike your opponent with a monster in the grave.

Then a Pegasus stood there and Lucas jumped on."I now activate his special effect. Show him your Light Blast!" said Kurt.He destroy the Banishment from the kingdom as Kurt said,"I now send Samurai Green to attack you directly!".The samurai appeared to slash Amelia and she lost the duel."And that is game Amelia!" said Kurt.

She then said,"What happened?"."You were dueling me remember?" said Kurt."I remember that but when I played that trap, I am lost." said Amelia.I held the card and I grabbed my hand in pain."Bob. Are you alright?" said Alexis.She gave me her worried look and I said,"I am fine. I just worried about what Sartorius is planning."."Lets enjoy the picnic. Care to join us Amelia?" said Stella."Yeah." said Amelia.She joined as I wonder what is up next for us.I knew that year 2 isn't going to be easy.

Next time,
Bob duel against a man who is from the military and a dinosaur Duelist!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Duel Academy Episode 35 Brothers dueling each other part 2 Machine Dragons vs Magician and summer plans.

Ah.The final part of Season 1.Lets begin this show already.

Bob P.O.V
I was walking toward Syrus's dressing room alone because I need to talk to him alone.I opened the door and then I saw Syrus getting ready."Bob?! What are you doing here?" said Syrus."You are going to do great out there Sy. Here is a card from me." I said.I then handed him some cards and he said,"These are awesome Bob. Why don't you ever use them?"."I never found any use for them. Maybe you can use them." I said.

Syrus then place them in his deck as he said,"I am ready Bob. Wish me luck!".He ran off as I stood there in the dressing room.My deck then glowed as Utopia stood there."Are you sure giving him those cards was a good idea Bob?" said Utopia."Yeah. I mean they wanted to go with him since the start of the Shadow Riders Utopia. He is ready for their power." I said."We trust your decision Bob. Lets get back to your friends." said Utopia."Right and they are ready for an epic duel." I said.

Narrator P.O.V
Crowler stood there and he said,"Lets welcome to the field! He is the Kaiser of Duel Academy and the Cyber Dragon duelist Zane Truesdale!".He stood there and he said,"You better be ready Syrus. I am not going easy on you.".Taylor then said,"Is it just me or does Zane look angry?"."Nope. That is his normal face." said Alexis."She is right." said Atticus.

Crowler then said,"Now his opponent! He is Zane's little brother but he and Zane are very different! Welcome to the master of magic Syrus Truesdale!".He stood there and Zane said,"Ah. You look confident Syrus. I have to thank Bob and your friends for giving you confidence. Lets get started."."Right bro." said Syrus.He then activated his duel disk as Syrus followed."Game on!" said the two.

Zane drew a card and he said,"I summon Cyber Phoenix in attack mode!".Then a robotic phoenix stood there and Zane said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your move Syrus!".Syrus drew a card and he said,"I summon Skilled Dark Magician in attack mode!".He stood there and then Syrus said,"I now play the spell Double Summon to summon Skilled White Magician!".Then a very similar magician stood there and Syrus said,"I now attack with Skilled White Magician! Destroy Cyber Phoenix!".

The phoenix exploded in a fiery flame and then Zane lost 700 life points."I now activate my facedown. Threatening Roar!" said Zane.The Dark Magician was stopped as Zane said,"Since my Phoenix was destroy in battle, I can draw a card.".He drew a card and then Syrus said,"I end my turn with 2 facedowns. Your move Zane.".

Zane drew a card and he said,"Since I have no monsters on my field, I special summon Cyber Dragon!".The signature monster stood there and he said,"I now normal summon Proto Cyber Dragon!".The prototype Cyber Dragon stood there and Zane said,"I play the spell Polymerization! I now fuse the two into Cyber Twin Dragon! Proto-Cyber Dragon counts as Cyber Dragon.".The two headed dragon appeared as Syrus said,"I activate my facedown combo! Shrink and Spellbinding Circle! I place Cyber Twin Dragon in defense mode!".

The dragon was trapped and it lost half of its ATK points."Very impressive brother. You stopped me from attacking this turn. I end my turn by placing a facedown." said Zane.The dragon ATK return to normal as Bastion said,"Syrus has this duel. I mean he knows his brothers deck."."Don't think that Bastion. I mean a duel can change in a second." said Miranda."That sounds like a Bob saying." said Sam."It is. I taught her that." said Bob.

Syrus drew a card and he said,"I now activate Skilled Dark Magician's special effect! I can now special summon Dark Magician from my deck!".He stood there and Syrus said,"I now play the spell Lucky Hand!".Syrus drew 5 cards and he said,"I now activate Skilled White Magician's special effect! I can now special summon Buster Blader!".The warrior stood there and Syrus said,"I now play the spell Ancient Rules to special summon Dark Magician Girl!".

She stood there and she said,"Hi Zaney!"."She is very interesting Syrus." said Zane."I now summon Silent Magician LV4 in attack mode." said Syrus.She stood there and then Syrus said,"I now attack with Buster Blader! Dragon Sword Attack!".Zane then said,"I now activate my facedown! Negate Attack!".The attack was stopped as Syrus said,"I end my turn with a facedown. Your move Zane.".

Zane drew a card and he said,"I now play the spell Card of Sanctity!".He then drew 3 cards and then Silent Magician went to level 8 and she was the strongest monster on the field.Syrus then drew 4 cards from his deck and he smiled."You must have drawn a card brother. I now play De-Fusion to bring back the Cyber Dragon plus Proto-Cyber Dragon that made my Cyber Twin Dragon!" said Zane.

The two dragons stood there and then Zane said,"I now build the Ovelay Network! I now overlay Cyber Dragon and Proto- Cyber Dragon to XYZ summon Cyber Dragon Nova!".The dragon stood there and then Zane said,"I now play the spell Cyber Repair Plant! I can now add a machine type monster from my hand!".He add a card to his hand and he said,"I now activate my Cyber Dragon Nova's special effect. By detaching one overlay unit, I can bring back a Cyber Dragon from the grave!".

The dragon stood there and Zane said,"You may think that I am going to activate Cyber Dragon Nova other effect but you are dead wrong. I now play the spell Power Bond! I now fuse the two Cyber Dragons in my hand with the one on my field! I now summon Cyber End Dragon!".It stood there with 8000 ATK points and Zane said,"Attack Dark Magician Girl with Super Strident Blast!".

The attack went toward her and then Syrus said,"I activate my facedown! Half Unbreak! This card protects my monster and I only lose 3000 life points instead of 6000 life points!".He was then blasted back as Zane said,"A good counter Syrus. I now activate the effect of Cyber Kirin in my hand! By sending it to the grave, the effect of Power Bond is negated!".He stood there and Zane said,"I now end my turn with a facedown. Your move Syrus. This turn will be your last. I mean I am going to sick my dragon on you real soon.".

Syrus then drew a card and then time stopped for everyone but him and Bob.Bob then jumped down there and Syrus said,"Bob. What is going on?"."Look at the card that I gave you before." said Bob.Syrus then said,"It is a Field Spell."."Yeah. This field spell is where the spellcasters are their strongest. Play it and find out what it does." said Bob.

Time return back to normal as Syrus said,"I am going to win this duel! I play the field spell Magical Paradise!".Then the field changed into a place where magic felt stronger."This card lets my monster gained 1000 ATK and DEF points, it also cuts all Warrior and Machine ATK points in half on your side of the field, and it can changes Spell cards. I now play the spell Magical Tribute! This spell normally requires me to remove from play a monster on my field when I have 2 or more spellcaster on the field. I use my field spell to switch its effect. I now can special summon a spellcaster with ease! Meaning that I don't have to remove a monster from play! I pick the spellcaster Ultimate Magical Girl!" said Syrus.

Magical Paradise.Spell.Field.The world of magic and magic was born here.This field spell has some very powerful effects.Every spellcasters gains 1000 ATK and DEF points.It cuts all warrior and machine monster ATK and DEF points in half on your opponent side of the field.You can change a spell card to your advantage.
Magical Tribute.Spell.Normal.You can special summon a spellcaster from your deck in attack mode with you removing from play a monster on your field along with 2 or more spellcaster on your field.
Ultimate Magical Girl.Attribute Dark.LV 5.ATK 2000 DEF 1700.Spellcaster/Effect.She is the apprentice to the Ultimate Wizard.She is known for being very nice to everyone and she protects the ones that she loves.She gains 300 ATK points for every spellcaster in the grave.

Then a girl stood there.She had long brunt orange hair at the same length as Dark Magician Girl, sapphire blue eyes, and a costume that showed off her body.She then looked at Syrus and she said,"You are so cute.".His face went red and Donna said,"He is mine!".She then grabbed his right arm as Silent Magician grabbed his left arm."What are you doing Sarah?" said Henry."I want him for myself." said Sarah.Then Ultimate Magical Girl grabbed his body and Syrus almost fainted from the three.

Zane along with his dragons were confused as Buster said,"They all like your brother Zane. Donna, Sarah, and Megan like him a lot. My name is Barry by the way."."Yeah." said Henry.Zane then said,"Take good care of him for me ladies."."Right big bro!" said the three.The three went back to their spots as Syrus recovered.He then said,"Okay! I now play the spell Polymerization! I now fuse Dark Magician and Buster Blader to summon Dark Paladin!".

He stood there and he said,"Ready to battle."."I now activate the spell Magical Summoning. This spell normally requires me to send two of my monsters to the grave to bring a spellcaster! I change it so where I don't have to send a monster! Lets go Ultimate Magician!" said Syrus.Then a magician stood there.He had green hair with it in his eyes with him brushing it out on his eyes and he looked really strong."I now activate his special effect. I can now send a spellcaster in my hand to destroy a monster on your field. I send Blast Magician to my grave to destroy Cyber End Dragon! Show Zane your Magical Blast Mark Ray.".

Magical Summoning.Spell.Normal.You can special summon a spellcaster from your deck by offering up two monster on your field.
Ultimate Magician.Attribute Dark.LV 7.ATK 2500 DEF 2000.Spellcaster/Effect.One of the master of magic.He is also very popular with the ladies due to him looking like the perfect guy.He is also helping out people with his magic.If you offer up a spellcaster from your hand, you can destroy a monster on the field and this effect can't be negated with spells, traps, and monster effects.He also gains 500 ATK and DEF points foe very spell casters in the grave and on the field.

Ray then blasted him away as he said,"Way too easy."."I now attack with Dark Magician Girl! Dark Magic Attack!" said Syrus.She then blast Cyber Dragon Nova and Zane lost 2250 life points as Zane said,"Bring it on Syrus! You have made very proud to be your brother! You and your friends will make Duel Academy proud!".Syrus then said,"Okay! Attack all of you! Show Zane the power of Magic!"."Right!" said the four magician.They charged up an attack which knocked Zane.

The crowd was silent as Bob start clapping.Then Alexis joined with him and the others did as well.Syrus then said,"Thanks you guys.".Then Sheppard said,"I now start summer early! Enjoy your summer and continue dueling!".

Bob P.O.V
I stood there next to Zane.We were standing by the lighthouse and he said,"Hey Bob. Can you promise me something?"."Sure Zane. What is it?" I said."I am going to be entering the Pro League. I know that I am ready but can you tell me something. Do I need to keep an eye for anyone?" said Zane."Don't give on the heart of dueling. The heart of dueling is where you believe in their cards and never let your opponent get to your head. I mean I broke that while facing off against the Dark Ruler." I said.

I then sat on the ground and Zane said,"Bob. You know that the guy killed your family right? He is being tortured by them."."Yeah but I broke my code." I said.Zane then said,"Bob. I want to give you this.".He then helped me up and he gave me a hug."Zane. Did you get abduct by aliens or what?" I said."You have been a big help toward Syrus. He was afraid of everyone but you made him pretty bold. I mean he has three girls fighting over him." said Zane.

He let me go as I said,"Thanks Zane. I think I see our friends waiting for us.".I then saw Kurt, Stella, Danny, Alexis, Atticus, and Syrus on a boat heading toward Domino City."Yeah. So how are we going to get there Bob?" said Zane."I got this!" I said.I then activated my duel disk and I said,"I summon Stardust Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend!".The two dragons appeared as Zane said,"You are quite the duelist Bob."."Yeah I know." I said.We hoped on the dragons heading toward the summer break.

Next time,
Year 2 begins for Bob and the gang.Two Pros duel Kurt and Danny to get their claws at Bob.


Miranda, Sam, Taylor, Atticus, Alexis, Bastion, Bob, Stella, Chazz, Danny, and Kurt

Friday, January 23, 2015

Duel Academy Episode 34 Brothers dueling each other part 1 Fusions vs Family!

Yep.This is the final episode of Season 1.You thought it would be long but we have 2 duels.One duel with Danny vs Kurt and then Syrus vs Zane.Nope Bob dueling because he is really drained from his duels with the Dark Ruler and Professor Banner.

Bob P.O.V
It was finals weeks here at Duel Academy and while most students were doing their finals, I was sitting in the nurse office.I couldn't duel until my Spirit energy recovered since I use the Spirit King and Devil King's power in my duel against the Dark Ruler who is in the Shadow Realm being tortured by the spirits of darkness thanks to Dark and X working with the Shadow Realm to make sure that the Dark Ruler pays for he has done to me and my friends.

When I was allowed to leave the office, I saw Chumley duel against Dr. Crowler for a position at Industrial Illusions thanks to me sending Pegasus some of Chumley's art.Thanks to my help, Chumley defeated the mad professor and even if he lost the duel, he was going to Industrial Illusions thanks to Pegasus.It was sad to see the Koala duelist but he will always be remember by me and the others forever due to his amazing chill cheese sandwiches.

I stood outside of Chancellor Sheppard's office because I was called there after I finished all of my finals in record time.I knocked on the door as Sheppard said,"You may come in Robert.".I then opened the door to see the Chancellor with a huge smile on his face."Did I do something wrong Chancellor?" I said."No my boy. I came here to give you a gift. According to Kaiba, Pegasus, Joey, and Yugi. You are ready to control the Sacred Beasts." said Chancellor.

He then held the box contain the beasts and I said,"Are you sure about this Chancellor? I mean they have the power to drain the power of Duel Monster Spirits."."Don't worry so much Bob. I will make sure that they don't do that." said Yubel.She stood there along with Utopia and Chancellor Sheppard said,"This isn't the last of your rewards for saving the world from the Dark Ruler."."There are more?" I said."You sound like a spoiled child sometimes." said Yubel."You get used to it Yubel. Trust me." said Utopia.

The Chancellor then handed me three more boxes similar to ones holding the Sacred Beasts."So what are these Chancellor?" I said.I then opened them at the same time and I said,"The Egyptian Gods, the Wicked Gods, and the Legendary Dragons! Where did you get them Chancellor Sheppard?"."Your father gave the Egyptian Gods to me along with the others. Pegasus thought they would be helpful in your duels." said Sheppard.

I then placed the four boxes in my arms as Utopia said,"Thank you for the gifts Chancellor Sheppard."."You are very welcome. Make us proud Bob." said Sheppard.I then walked out of the room and I added the twelve cards to my deck.I then saw twelve male students standing there."Hey guys. What's up?" I said."We all challenge you to a duel." said a Ra Yellow."Um why? I kinda want a reason to be dueling all of you." I said.I had a good guess but I want to see if I am right.

A Slifer Red then said,"You are going to become the next King of Duel Academy since Zane is leaving us."."Also you stole the Queen of Duel Academy's heart!" said a Obelisk Blue.I then said,"Okay then. I challenge all of you at once. I mean I can handled you all.".The 12 activate their duel disk and I said,"Time to test out my new cards! Lets get my game on!".

Alexis P.O.V
I was standing at the lighthouse with Zane.Tomorrow was his last day here at Duel Academy and he was like a second brother to me."Alexis. Are you going to miss me?" said Zane."Of course I will Zane. I mean you were like a second brother to me. I mean you and Atticus are polar opposites but you treated me nicely after Atticus went missing." I said."I see. You are going to be really happy with Bob. I mean he is a king Alexis and you are his queen." said Zane.

I smiled as I saw an hologram of The Creator God of Light Horakhty and Armityle the Chaos Phantom."Bob must be dueling people wanted his recent title as the King of Duel Academy plus you being his boyfriend." said Zane."I thought our fanclubs were gone." I said."Nope. You can't get rid of your fans easily. So do you know where the Slifer Red dorm is?" said Zane."Why?" I said.

Zane then said,"I need to see my little brother. Me and Bob got the highest grades on our finals in our school. I am off to go pick my opponent."."You picked Bob?" I said."No. I know that Bob, Kurt, and Danny will honor our school proudly but I wanted to pick the student who improved the most this year and I pick Syrus." said Zane."Okay. Lets go Zane." I said.We walked toward the Slifer Red dorm to get Syrus ready for his duel.

Syrus P.O.V
I was walking with Danny and Bob.We were just at the Hot Spring in the Obelisk Blue Boys dorm.Since Bob is an Obelisk Blue plus he is the king of Duel Academy, me and Danny got in for free."So you have the Egyptian God cards in your deck now Bob? I am so jealous!" said Danny."Yeah. It is awesome. I won't be using in duels against my friends of course. I mean it is like bring a gun to a knife fight. It is just unfair." said Bob."So Bob? I heard about you getting the same grade as my brother." I said.

Danny said,"Yeah. Bob is one smart guy. I just got enough to pass the test. I mean I had Sam helping me with some study. She is so cool you guys."."Does someone have a crush?" said Bob.The two bickered as I opened the door to Danny's room.I then saw Alexis and Zane in his room and I said,"Zane and Lex?! What are you two doing here?"."So you picked Syrus Zane. You are thinking the same thing as me aren't you?" said Bob.

Danny was lost as Alexis said,"Zane picked Sy because he improved a lot this year. I mean he is a Ra Yellow unlike a certain someone I know."."Hey!" said Danny."You want to duel me bro?" I said."Yes I do Syrus. You improved a lot this year as a duelist. I am very proud of you Syrus. Danny, you are going to be dueling Kurt tomorrow. He told me to tell you that." said Zane."Sweet!" said Danny.

He then made all of us leave and Zane said,"I am off to the Obelisk Blue Dorm. Good luck Syrus. You'll need it against the Kaiser.".He walked off as Alexis said,"Are you ready Syrus? I mean Zane isn't going easy on you."."Yeah. I will need to bring the power of the spellcasters tomorrow." I said."We better get going too Sy. Good luck my apprentice." said Bob."Yeah you too Shadow." I said.

Bob then fell over as Alexis said,"Where did you learn that name Syrus?"."From Danny. That was your mercenary name right?" I said."Yeah. I tried to forget that chapter of my life. It can't escape me though." said Bob."Later guys!" I said.I ran off ready to duel Zane.I am going to show everyone the power of Syrus Truesdale.

Narrator P.O.V
The Obelisk Blue Duel Arena was picked to see the duels between brothers.Bob sat with Alexis, Stella, and the rest of the group.Bastion said,"I wonder why Zane picked Bob in the first place."."Yeah. It makes no sense. I mean I thought he would pick Bob or Alexis. I mean they are the king and queen of Duel Academy." said Miranda."True but Syrus was one of the best freshman." said Taylor."I heard about those duels. Those are some action packed duels." said Atticus.

Chazz then said,"The Chazz should be dueling the Kaiser not the pipsqueak."."Hey Bob. Can one of your monster hit Chazz for us? I think we are tired of hitting the Chazz." said Stella."Yeah." said Sam.Alexis said,"I was thinking Utopia or Armageddon myself.".Then Rias hit the Chazz as she said,"That was being annoying Urchin Hair."."Thanks Rias. Guys. This duels are starting." said Bob.

Crowler came to the field and he said,"We have two amazing duels for you all here folks. We have first the prince of Obelisk Blue Kurt Raymond! He is a duelist who duels with passion and his deck has a family bond! He is also dating Stella Polar, the princess of Obelisk Blue and the Space duelist!".Kurt stood there and he said,"It is an honor dueling in the final duel of the year against my little brother. He won't be making this duel easy for me.".

"Now let me introduce you to his opponent! The Harem King Danny Raymond! He may be a Slifer Red slacker but his dueling skills are just as good as his brother. He use the Elemental Hero, Evil Heroes, and Elemental Villains!" said Crowler.Then Danny came in and he said,"Time to win!"."You haven't beaten me before this duel but that when we were children. Time have change!" said Kurt.He activated his duel disk and Danny said,"Okay then!".He then activated his duel disk and they said,"Time to duel!".Crowler then said,"This duels are both 8000 life points.".

Kurt won the coin toss and he said,"I draw!".He looked at his hand and he said,"Time to bring out a classic couple! I summon Lord Art in attack mode!".He stood there and he said,"You better be ready Danny. We aren't going easy on you."."I know that. You better bring it as well." said Danny.Kurt then said,"I now activate his special effect! Lets go Lady Ann!".She stood there as Danny said,"Shoot. Bringing out your best cards on your first turn. I am proud of you man.".Kurt then said,"I end my turn with 2 facedowns! Your turn!".

Danny drew a card and he said,"Perfect. I summon Evil Hero Inferno!".Then a evil version of Elemental Hero Burstinatrix stood there.She looked ready to roast the two monster in front of her."I now play the spell Evil Signal! This card is very different from Hero Signal due to it being a spell and also I can bring out Evil Hero Hurricane from my deck!" said Danny.Then an evil version of Elemental Hero Avian and he looked ready to fight.

Evil Hero Inferno.Attribute Fire.LV 3.ATK 1600 DEF 1000.Warrior/Effect.She can burn men and woman up really fast before you can say that you are sorry for pissing her off.She is very picky about her men as well.She can destroy an ocean with her power over fire.For every Evil Hero, Elemental Hero, or Elemental Villains on your field include her, you can deal 500 points of damage for each one at the end of your turn.
Evil Signal.Spell.Normal.This card lets you summon an Evil Hero or Elemental Villain to the field.
Evil Hero Whirlwind.Attribute Wind.LV 3.ATK 1500 DEF 1500.Warrior/Effect.The evil version of Elemental Hero Avian.He does evil crimes with his wings of destruction.For every Elemental Hero, Evil Hero, and Elemental Villains include him, you can draw a card.

Kurt said,"Where are the Elemental Heroes Danny? Or have you gone all evil on me?"."Nope. We asked him to do this. Don't blame him Kurt old boy." said Whirlwind."Right." said Inferno."Thanks you two! I now activate the spell Changing Sides! This spell allows me to special summon Elemental Hero Avian and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix!" said Danny.The two heroes stood there and then Danny said,"I now activate Whirlwind's special effect! I can now draw 4 cards since I have 4 monsters on my field!".

Changing Sides.Spell.Normal.This spell allows you to special summon an Elemental Hero from your deck for every Evil Hero and Elemental Villain on your field.

Danny drew 4 cards and he said,"I now play the field spell! Fusion Dimension!".Then the field changed into the dimension where fusion was born and Danny said,"This spell allows me to fuse my monster without using any Fusion cards and I can keep fusing! I now fuse Elemental Hero Avian with Elemental Hero Burstinatrix to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!".Then the famous hero stood there and Danny said,"I now fuse once again! I now fuse Evil Hero Whirlwind and Evil Hero Inferno to summon Evil Hero Eternal Darkness!".

Fusion Dimension.Spell.Field.This dimension is where fusion was born many years.You can fuse as many times as you want during your turn.This card also gives your monsters an extra 1000 ATK points.
Evil Hero Eternal Darkness.Attribute Dark.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Warrior/Fusion.Effect.Two evil heroes.A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters.She is the gentle darkness reincarnated.She can destroy any sources that can cause her destruction especially the Light of Darkness.She can bring a fusion monster from your Fusion deck to join the field.

Then a girl made out of darkness stood there and Danny said,"I now activate her special effect. She allows me to bring Elemental Hero Electrum from my deck!".He stood there and Danny said,"I now attack with Flame Wingman! Show him your Infernal Rage!".He rushed toward Lord Art and Art said,"Now!"."Right! I activate my facedown card! Negate Attack!" said Kurt.The attack was stopped as Danny said,"I end my turn with 2 facedowns! Good job Kurt!".

Bastion then looked at the field."Wow. This duel is so intense. I mean they are dueling with some much passion." said Bastion."Yeah. I mean he just summon three fusions monster on his first turn." said Sam."So the score is that Danny has Elemental Hero Electrum, Evil Hero Eternal Darkness, and Elemental Hero Flame Wingman plus Fusion Dimension and two facedown on his field and four cards in his hand." said Taylor.

"Right. Kurt has Lord Art and Lady Ann on his field, 3 cards in his hand, and a facedown on his field." said Miranda."And it his turn. Lets see if the duel changes." said Stella.Kurt drew a card and he said,"I play my facedown card! Heroic Entrance! This lets me bring Legendary Ape from my hand!".The ape stood there and he said,"Hey guys!".He then added four cards from his hand as Kurt said,"I now summon Ninja Hiro! Lets go!".

The ninja stood there and he said,"Time for a battle Danny!"."Right!" said Danny."I now activate his special effect bring Ninja Karin to the field!" said Kurt.She stood there and Kurt said,"I activate the spell Double Date! You know what this card does!".He added two cards to his hand and he said,"I now use your field spell to bring out Cowgirl Ninja by fusing Lady Ann and Ninja Karin!".The girl then combined to make the powerful monster and Kurt said,"I now activate her special effect to bring out Tony from my deck!".

He stood there and he said,"You ready Art?"."Heck yeah. I mean if Danny wants a fusion battle! You got one!" said Art."I now fuse Tony and Lord Art to bring out Lee!" said Kurt.He stood there and Lee said,"Kurt should use Lee's effect!"."Right! I now activate his special effect to bring Mike Smith to the field!" said Kurt.The rocker stood there and he played a quick tune."I now introduce you all to a new monster. I now fuse Ninja Hiro and Mike Smith to summon Musician Ninja!" said Kurt.

Musician Ninja.Attribute Light.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 2600.Warrior/Fusion/Effect.Mike Smith + Ninja Hiro.A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters.A ninja who loves music.He is super silent when he is out spying but during the day, he is playing a pretty sweet tune.For every monster on the field include Musician Ninja, you gain 500 life points for each one.

Then a ninja appeared.He was wearing a normal ninja outfit but he had a guitar on his back."I see that you are bringing out him Kurt. Color me impressed." said Danny."Yeah. I now activate his special effect. For every monster on the field, I gain 500 life points for each one." said Kurt.Danny then said,"Lets see. I have Elemental Hero Electrum, Elemental Hero Flame Wingman, and Evil Hero Eternal Darkness on my field. You have Legendary Ape, Musician Ninja, Cowgirl Ninja, and Lee. You gain 3500 life points!".

Kurt gained more power and he said,"I now play the Equip spell Support! This card gives Lee an extra 2100 ATK points!".The monster gained more powers as Kurt said,"Attack Elemental Hero Flame Wingman! Dragon Blast!".The attack went toward the hero as Danny said,"I activate my facedown! De-Fusion!".The two monster went back to normal and then the attack missed."You just made it easy for me to attack you with Musician Ninja and Cowgirl Ninja! Show those heroes your song of fire and bullet shot." said Kurt.

The two went toward them as Trix and Avery and Electrum said,"Do it Danny!"."Okay. I play my facedown! Villains Unite! By offering up Elemental Hero Avian, Elemental Hero Electrum, and Elemental Hero Burstinatirix, I can stop your attack! Sorry Avery and Erik and Trix!" said Danny.The three were gone as Kurt's battle phase was over.Danny drew a card."I end my turn with 3 facedowns your move Danny." said Kurt.

Villains Unite.Trap.Normal.By offering up 3 Elemental Heroes or Evil Heroes from your field, you can end a opponents battle phase and you can draw a card.

Alexis said,"They may not be inflict damage to each other but this duel is so interesting."."Yeah but the Chazz would have defeat either of them with the power of the Chazz." said Chazz.Everyone then sighed as Danny drew a card.He then grabbed his arm and he said,"Since I have a Evil Hero on my field, I can special summon Evil Hero Acid Golem!".Then a monster stood there.He was very huge and he was literally made out of Acid."I can now draw a card but he can't attack this turn!" said Danny.

Evil Hero Acid Golem.Attribute Dark.LV 8.ATK 3000 DEF 3000.Warrior/Effect.A golem made out of combing acid, a rock monster, and evil.He joined the Evil Hero to fight for evil.You can special summon him from your hand if you have an Evil Hero or a fiend monster on your field.You can draw a card but you can't attack with him the turn that you use his effect.

Danny then drew the card and he said,"Yes! I now play the spell Monster Reincarnation! By sending a monster to my grave, I can bring back Evil Hero Inferno!".He added the card back to his hand and he said,"I now summon Evil Hero Detective!".Then a very evil looking detective stood there and Danny said,"Using my monster's special effect, I can now bring out Elemental Hero Stratos from my grave and Evil Hero Malicious Edge!".The two stood there along with the golem, detective, and darkness.

Evil Hero Detective.Attribute Dark.LV 4.ATK 1600 DEF 1400.Warrior/Effect.A detective who looks for the good guys and then he kills them.He can bring a monster back from your grave and one from your deck.

Danny then said,"I now activate Elemental Hero Stratos's second effect! I now destroy Support and your three facedowns!".The card was gone as Kurt said,"You won this Danny. Show them the power of the Harem King!"."Right! I now play the spell Evil Void! This destroy all of your monsters!" said Danny.The monsters were gone on Kurt's field as Danny said,"Lets go! Elemental Hero Stratos will start us off! Turbine blast!".

Evil Void.Spell.Normal.This spell destroy all of your opponent's monster currently on their field.

Kurt then lost 2800 life points as Danny said,"I now attack with my detective! Slash!".He then slashed him with a secret sword and he lost 2600 life points.Danny then said,"Darkness Blast!".Kurt then lost more as Danny said,"Finish this epic duel! Needle Burst!".The attack knocked Kurt out of life points and Danny said,"And that is game!".

The two shook hands as Kurt said,"You have gotten better Danny. I guess you were really prepare. Can you tell me the truth? Did you actually have an Elemental Villains in your deck?"."Nope. I only bring out those monster when the duelist hurts my family." said Danny.The two walked off as Crowler said,"Lets go to the battle between Syrus and Zane!".

Next time,
Syrus and Zane duel.Also some plans for the summer break.