Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Pokemon Tourney Episode 2 Invite to the Pokemon World Tourney

Welcome to Episode 2.Bob is Shadow and I will be calling him Shadow until Bob comes back.We are learning more about Bob and why he left.Enjoy and also try out the Pokemon Advent Calendar on Serebii. Net.It is a fun little thing to do every day.I recommend if you love doing that kind of style during the Holidays or to me Christmas.Also this is an alternative universe from Pokemon Adventure.

Shadow then saw Mural Town.It was a quiet little town in Ryoku and usually quiet."Is anyone here Stella? I will make Charizard drop you in the ocean." said Shadow."Use your Aura Shadow. You can sense others right?" said Stella."You're right." said Shadow."Smart move Shadow. You are so my boss. I mean wow." said Meowth.

Shadow then made Meowth get burned by a small ember from the Flame Pokemon as his eyes glowed bright.He then sense no one but some Pokemon nearby."You're right. Lets go down Charizard." said Shadow.The Flame Pokemon went toward the ground and Stella said,"So something have changed in town Shadow. If you hadn't notice already.".

Shadow then noticed that a house right next to hers was burned down."What happened? I mean I should care a little but that is Bob's house. I am Shadow now." said Shadow."You remember what happened to you Shadow. They burned it to the ground. I got your stuff inside my house." said Stella."Thanks Stella." said Shadow."Shadow showing compassion? What a shock!" said Charizard."Yeah. I mean I thought he lost all emotion. I guess Shadow is still human after all." said Meowth.Shadow then return the Pokemon and he said,"So can I come in?"."Sure Shadow." said Stella.

Shadow and Meowth sat in the living room of Stella's place.It was so girly but Shadow didn't mind it."So Shadow? Why did you decide to come back? I mean you losing is so rare and with Bruce none the less." said Meowth.Shadow then looked at the Scratch Cat Pokemon and he said,"You know that I can trust you right?"."Of course. I mean you did save me from being one of the countless Pokemon who have been killed by humans. You can trust me." said Meowth.

Shadow then said,"I want to exact revenge on those who have shamed me. You know who have shamed me. I want revenge."."We are agree with you hundred percent. You better tell Stella about your plan before you do anything Shadow. She can read you like a book. She can be trusted and if you know she betrays us, she is dead and being feed to Sharpedo. He really likes food and human." said Meowth.

Stella stood there with snacks and she said,"So Shadow. Do you hate me?".Shadow was sipping on tea and he said,"What makes you think that?"."I mean I know that it isn't my fault for making you leave but you should be mad at me. I mean you were wrongly blamed." said Stella."I don't hate you Stella. I hate those fools who made me hate humans. You are a good human Stella." said Shadow.

She smiled as she said,"That is good. I was worried about you. I mean we are really close."."Yeah. You two sure are." said Meowth."Can it cat." said Shadow."So Shadow? I was thinking something on the way here. Do you want to exact revenge on your old friend?" said Stella.Shadow was silent as Meowth said,"Wow. She really can read you like a book."."You do? You aren't going to kill anyone right?" said Stella."No Stella. I won't go that low.Maybe a couple of Near Death experiences but that is it." said Shadow.

Shadow sat in the guest room.It had all of Bob's stuff.Stella stood there and she said,"Did you mind if I save this stuff Shadow? I mean nobody knows about this. Not even Steven, Scott, Roy, and Aries know about this.".Shadow then saw 7 Pokemon League Trophies, a couple of medals, plaques from tourney and tournaments, and other stuff proving Bob was an amazing trainer."I don't mind Stella. So are Roy and Aries coming tomorrow?" said Shadow."Yes and they are going to call you Shadow. Get some sleep okay?" said Stella.

Shadow then closed his eyes and he was reliving an old memory from four years ago.This is a flashback so this part Shadow is back to being Bob and we are learning why he stopped calling himself Bob.So enjoy the flashback and be understanding toward our main hero.

He had come back from his journey in Kalos where he won the Pokemon League like he did in Ryoku, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova.He then opened the door to his house and he said,"I did it.".He placed the trophy in his room with his other impressive achievements in his three years as a Pokemon Trainer.

He changed into his lounge clothes which he wore when he wasn't on a journey or just relaxing.It was sweat pants and a black shirt.He walked down stairs to see a present on his kitchen table."This must be from Stella or maybe May." thought Bob.He blushed at hearing her name due to his crush on her as he opened the present.It was a single black rose and a card.Bob grabbed the card and it said,"Stay away from my May Bob or I will have to kill you or your family.".

Bob's eyes glowed brighter as he ran outside.He then saw a figure wearing a black trench coat and fedora and he looked like a certain Fallen Angel from Highschool DXD.He was on a Flygon and then Bob saw his brother tied up."Owen! Are you okay?!" said Bob.The figure came down toward him and he threw Owen on the ground.Owen was Bob's older brother by 7 years and he was his role model even though he was a Pokemon Breeder than a trainer.Owen had short brown hair and blue eyes.He got his hair from a family member.

"Bob X. You will stay away from May Maple. She is way too good for you. You should die and go to hell." said the figure."What gives you the right to judge my little bro? He is a Pokemon Master and you are just jealous of him." said Owen."Flygon. Burn that guy with Flamethrower and Dragon Breath." said the figure.The Mystic Pokemon then fired a beam of fire and dragon energy and it burned Owen to a crisp."Owen!" yelled Bob.

He held the burned Owen and Bob said,"You are going to be okay. I will get you to a hospital and you will be okay. Don't leave me!".Owen then smiled and he said,"Bob. I know that you have lived up to our father expectations. I know that you never met our father but he told me to tell you his name.".Owen then said,"Your father is Arthur and he loves you a lot and he is very proud of you.".

He then died as Bob's eyes glowed red."You bastard! I will kill you!" said Bob.He then rushed toward the figure and he was stopped by the Mystic Pokemon."Move." sad Bob.His eyes glowed brighter as the Mystic Pokemon backed away."Good. Now die you bastard!" said Bob.He then punched the figure down.He start punching him and his fedora fell off.Bob was shocked.

It was Drew with his green hair and green eyes."Drew?! Why!?" said Bob.Drew pushed him off as he said,"You will pay soon Bob. Remember that.".He flew off on the Mystic Pokemon and Bob went on his knees.He then saw Owen's body lying there and he said,"I will make sure that I will get revenge on him for you Owen and find my father. I promise you that.".

Back in the present day and Bob is now Shadow,Stella and Meowth were enjoying breakfast made by the Scratch Cat Pokemon."Wow. I didn't know that you could cook Meowth. This is really good and I am very impressed." said Stella."Thanks. I owe it to Shadow. I mean he is an amazing cook. He beats that annoying breeder with no problems." said Meowth."Is Shadow still mad at them?" said Stella.

Meowth then nod as he said,"Can you blame him? I mean they wrongfully accused him of killing his only brother. I mean Shadow must have been a nice kid but now, he has changed and I am worried about him. He knows that. I mean he can read our Auras with no problem."."How did he get that good with Aura? I mean I remember his eyes glowing a evil red when he was angry but that was so rare. Does he get angry often Meowth?" said Stella.

Meowth shook his head no and he said,"Shadow never get mad except when bringing up his past or hearing the name Owen X. According to one of his older Pokemon, he met an Aura Master in Sinnoh. He and her trained up in Stark Mountain, the home of Heatran."."She must have been strong." said Stella."Yeah. According to a Pokemon, Shadow and her trained together until Shadow is a master of Aura.He was with her until she kicked the bucket." said Meowth."Shadow." said Stella

Shadow stood there and he said,"Morning.".He then poured himself some coffee and Stella said,"So we have a problem Shadow."."What is it Stella? Did someone else find out?!" said Shadow.She noticed that his eyes glowed a bright red.Meowth then said,"Easy Shadow. Steven and Scott are coming with Roy and Aries. They won't tell anyone about you being well alive."."Yeah. You can trust them Shadow." said Stella.

Shadow then calmed down as his eyes return to normal."Okay. I will be on my guard. You should too Meowth or I will let out Drake and Alpha." said Shadow."Drake and Alpha? I know Drake so who is Alpha?" said Stella."You don't want to know Stella. You really don't want to know." said Meowth.He then shivered by eating by the Land Shark Pokemon and the Brutal Pokemon.

Stella hear her door being knocked on and she opened it to see Steven Stone, Scott, Roy, and Aries."Hello Stella. Is he here?" said Scott.He stood there with his brown hair, black eyes under sunglasses, and a Hawaiian shirt."Yeah but first come inside." said Stella."Good idea." said Roy.The four walked inside as Aries said,"Don't worry Shadow. We aren't here to hurt you."."You couldn't hurt him if you tried Aries. I have heard of your many achievements Shadow. They are very impressive." said Steven.

Shadow stood there and he said,"Can it Stone. So what do you four want?"."Hey man. Guess what." said Roy."What?" said Shadow.The two younger trainers hugged him as Aries said,"You are okay Bob. I was so worried about you. I mean you haven't been in civilization for a long time."."Don't call me that Aries. Bob is dead." said Shadow.

The 6 humans plus Meowth sat in the living room and Shadow said,"So why are you here Steven and Scott?"."To see you Shadow." said Stella."You being able to read people's Aura is even better than your father Shadow." said Steven."Your dad? Who is he?" said Aries and Roy."Arthur X, the former leader of Team Hyde." said Shadow."What? You are the son of the Devil leader?" said Stella."Yeah. Shadow here found out when on the road. I was with him at the time and it was pretty heartbreaking." said Meowth.

Shadow then said,"Lets get back to business. Why are you here? I know why Roy and Aries but you two don't have a good reason under my book. I will let Alpha go wild on your bones."."We are here to talk to you about the Pokemon World Tourney." said Scott."You mean the one in Driftveil City? I defeat that when I was 11. It was quite easy." said Shadow."Not that one. The one on the many islands of Hoenn. It is known as Paradise Island." said Steven.

Roy then said,"And not the one with the Amazons. I think they call it Themyscira."."Finn was so depressed about it." said Aries."So why does he know about it? I mean he is just a gym leader." said Meowth."The Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champions, and several powerful trainers are going to be there. I know that Roy is entering because he is the leader of the Elite Four." said Stella."Good job Morgan." said Shadow."So are you going Shadow? I mean you know who lives there." said Meowth.

Scott said,"Who? And aren't you that talking Meowth that works with Team Rocket? I thought you would be chasing Ash and his friends forever."."He came with me after I saved him. We are going Meowth." said Shadow."K boss. I will tell the others about it." said Meowth.He walked off as Steven said,"Shadow. A Pokemon Ranger gave this egg to to me and I immediately thought of you. Here a present from me.".

Shadow then saw an blue egg with 6 bright lights and a red circle in it in his hands and Stella said,"Wow Shadow. That egg looks rare."."I know. You finding an Manaphy egg is very impressive Steven. Most of the time is the waste of space Phione." said Shadow.The 5 then looked at him and he said,"You don't want to know. I am full of some dark stuff."."Anyway, I have to get going. Good luck Shadow. I wish you good luck." said Steven."I'll be rooting for you kid. I mean you and that Ketchum kid." said Scott.

The two older men were gone as Stella said,"So are you two going to stay with us?"."Us?" said Shadow."I mean you live here don't you?" said Stella."I live on Mt. Sliver Stella. That is where I lived. It is nice and peaceful." said Shadow."So why are you living with Stella?" said Aries."Maybe a crush on her Aries." said Roy."Roy. I will make sure that you will feel my wrath." said Shadow.He walked upstairs with the egg and Stella said,"So let me show you guys to your room.".

Next time,
Shadow reached Paradise Island and he meets some of his old self friends. 

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