Monday, November 24, 2014

Crossover High Episode 3 The School Beauties and a Ghostly attack

Okay.That may be one of the weirdest title ever that I have done ever.I mean it is a weird one to say the least.Anyone Bob is meeting a very beautiful girl and also then a prank by a ghost goes wrong and if you know my crossover series, you should be able to guess the ghost who does this.Anyway, lets begin with Bob walking to school with Anna.The Dragon Warrior is also known as the Dragon King so if I make that mistake, you know who the King of the Dragons is.Also I am near 10,000 pageviews.Thanks you guys.

A week after Bob's date with Yumma,Bob and Anna were walking to school.Bob was smiling as Anna said,"So why are you smiling Bob? I mean you seem happier than normal which is saying something."."Yeah because I am walking with my best friend." said Bob."Your best friend is a guy who looks like a girl?" said Anna."Yep. You just made fun of yourself." said Bob.Anna then said,"Soul's style of making fun of you is going into my vocabulary."."Yeah. I love her for that." said Bob.

The two then saw Ben with Yumma, Ayane, and Kari.The five second years have all become close due to them but Kari being in the same class but Kari came into the class a lot so she was sort of in the class."Bob? Who is this?" said Kari."This is my little sister. She goes to the same school as us and she is cute like a button." said Bob."She sure is. My name is Ben." said Ben."Hi." said Anna.She hid behind Ayane as she said,"You are scaring her Ben."."No wonder why you can't get a girlfriend." said Yumma.

Ben then grumbled a little bit as the girls plus Anna walked ahead of the two boys.Bob smirked as he thought.'This is going to be good.'."Hey Ben. Do you want to hear something cool?" whispered Bob."What?" whispered Ben."Anna is actually a guy and you were hitting on him." whispered Bob.Ben then looked at him with a shocked look on his face and he said,"Are you serious Bob?!"."Yep. He pulls off the girl look well right?" said Bob.

Ben then puked in the bushes as Ayane said,"What is wrong with Ben?"."He must have some bad food right Ben?" said Yumma."Yep. I totally had some rotten food." said Ben.He was walking with the girls as Anna whispered,"Did you tell him that I was a boy?"."Yeah or did you want him constantly hitting on you? I know that you hated that. I was just doing it for you." whispered Bob.He hugged him as he said,"You are the best bro that I could ask for."."And you are the best little sister that I could have." said Bob.'Thank the gods that no one of them can mind read.' thought Bob.

Bob was walking into his class as he saw that his desk was missing."Hey man. Where is your desk?" said Matsuda.The perverted duo stood there and Bob said,"Okay. I get it. So where is my desk?"."You should go look for it." said Motohama.Bob then quickly read their minds and he said,"K. Ben, tell the teacher that it is where I am going. I really don't need my "mom" yelling at me again."."Okay Bob." said Ben.He sat down as Ayane and Yumma gave the two boys the dirty look which the two boys liked and Ben found that wrong on so many levels.

Bob then found where his desk was.It was in the girls locker room and he thought,'Okay. How am I going to do and then exacting revenge on them for this. Those two should get the Dragon Warrior's full anger.'.He then stood there as he heard,"Is something wrong Bob?".He then saw a girl of immense beauty standing there.She had long crimson red hair and blue eyes.She was wearing the same uniform as Ayane, Kari, Yumma, and Anna but she was a third year.

Bob then bowed as he said,"It is an honor to be in front of one of Kuou Academy's Two Great Ladies. My name is Bob Yagami and you are Rias Gremory."."Yes but you don't have to bow Bob. I mean I am just Rias." said Rias.Bob then went back to normal as he said,"Sorry. I just thought that I had too."."It is no problem Bob. Why are you outside of the lockers room? I thought Class 2-A didn't have gym till the end of the day or did I catch you on your peeping? I didn't expect you to be like the Perverted Duo." said Rias.

Bob then said,"I am nothing like those two idiots. They put my desk in there and I don't want to be call a pervert."."Really? That is pretty mean. I can go get it for you." said Rias."That would be amazing Rias-Senpai." said Bob."Bob. Just call me Rias okay?" said Rias."Sure thing Rias." said Bob.He smiled as Rias walked inside of the locker room.

Bob played on his phone for a little bit as Rias said,"I got it.".She held the desk and Bob said,"I didn't know that you were so strong Rias but hey you know the expression. Don't judge a book by its cover."."Thank you Bob." said Rias.Bob then grabbed his desk as he said,"I best be getting to class now. I don't want to miss learning."."Can I come with you?" said Rias."Don't you have gym?" said Bob."Nope. I was just walking around. You don't mind right?" said Rias."Not as all." said Bob.

Ben was sitting in class bored when the door opened in the middle of Art.Ben woke up to see Bob standing there with his desk and also one of the school two great ladies.'How does he do it?! I wish I had his luck with the ladies.' thought Ben.The teacher aka Ms. Maria Warren then said,"You have return Bob. That is good but what are you doing with him Ms. Gremory if you don't mind me asking."."I help Bob get his desk back because the Perverted Duo put in there to mess with Bob." said Rias.

All of the girls excluding Ms. Warren looked at the two.Bob then said,"I really hope to see you later Rias. You are quite the girl."."You will Bobby later at lunch." said Rias.She then kissed him on the cheek causing the rage from the guys excluding Ben to go up."You may sit down Mr. Yagami." said Ms. Warren."K teach." said Bob.He placed his desk next to Ben and Ben whispered,"How do you do it?"."It is my job Ben. I am a host." whispered Bob."That makes a lot of sense now." said Ben."It should have been obvious." said Bob.

Bob was waiting for Rias to come pick him up for lunch as Yumma said,"Are you really going with her Bob? I mean we need the fifth member of our group to be complete.".She stood there with Ayane as Ayane said with the same tone as Yumma,"Yeah. It would be like not having Yin or Yang. You need it."."I am not leaving you guys. I am just going to hang out for a while. Don't worry. I won't leave." said Bob."Okay Bob." said Yumma."You better not or I will hunt you down." said Ayane.

Bob left the room when he got a text from the red haired girl as Ben said,"So where should we go to eat? I mean Kari is waiting for us on the roof."."Lets go to the center of the school where the mini garden is. It is so nice there." said Yumma."Yes. It makes a great place to hide." said Ayane."And you know this how Ayane?" said Ben and Yumma."I am a ninja." said Ayane."Of course. That makes so much sense." said the two.The three left the room.

Meanwhile, Bob was in front of the old school building.'So according to Rias's text? She wants to meet me here. This is very strange. I mean she is a devil after all.'.He opened the door and he saw Rias."Ah Bob. You found the place. I thought you would get lost." said Rias."Nope. I had a pretty good guide from a ninja." said Bob."Ah. Lets go meet the rest of the Occult Research Club." said Rias."Cool beans." said Bob.

He followed her as he thought,'Did she figure out that I am not your normal human? Nah. That sounds crazy. I can hid my powers pretty well if I do say so myself.'.She then opened the door to the club room.It was a wood-paneled room with a Victorian-style coaches and chairs along the walls. Bob then saw that one side of the room was able to be used as a bath.He then said,"This place is pretty impressive Rias. Color me very impressed."."Thank you Bob. The other member of the club should be arriving soon." said Rias.

Meanwhile,Dohnaseek was watching Yumma/Raynare enjoy lunch with her friends from the roof top."This is a disgrace. That girl should be finding Sacred Gears not being a normal highschool girl. She makes me sick to my stomach." said Dohnaseek."I see. You hate that she is hanging out with humans instead of doing her job." said a voice."Who is there?! I demand that you should show yourself." said Dohnaseek.

He then saw a boy with white hair and red eyes.He was wearing a red jacket with black stripes, gray jeans, a black undershirt, and black and white tennis shoes."My name is Albedo and I am here to help you." said Albedo."What do you mean by that human?" said Dohnaseek."I am not exactly human. I was once a Galvan. You do know what that it is right?" said Albedo."Yes. Don't take me for an idiot human. What do you want?" said Dohnaseek.

"Albedo is working with me Dohnaseek." said a another voice.The Fallen angel then saw a cloaked figure.The cloak was sliver and the Fallen Angel couldn't see."Who are you? And how do you know my name? You better answer me." said Dohnaseek.The cloaked figure then said,"I am from another world and not exactly human. I am here to exact revenge on a man who goes to school here and I need your help.".

Dohnaseek then said,"Okay. What is the plan? If it involves killing a boy whose name I shall not mention, I am in."."Goody. I need you to make a barrier around the school. We don't need any unwanted guests. You can do that right?" said the figure."Yes. I am not a weakling." said Dohnaseek."Yes. I can tell that from you big guy. Albedo. Can you turn into an Nemunia and put everyone beside the students that we need asleep." said the figure."Yes. What are you going to do if you don't mind me asking?" said Albedo."Oh you will see soon." said the figure.

Meanwhile in Class 2-C,a boy was sleeping at his desk.He had white hair and green eyes.He was wearing the same uniform as Bob but with a green shirt.He woke up to see the cloaked figure."Howdy." said the figure."Who are you? And why am I in my ghost form?" said the boy."It doesn't matter. I am your friend Danny Phantom and that is what matters." said the figure."Yes." said Danny."Good. I need you to do me a favor." said the figure."What is it?" said Danny."Kill Bob Yagami for me." said the figure."Yes sir." said Danny.

Back in the old building,Bob was sipping on tea.He had just met the other members of the Occult Research Club which had Anna with them.Bob met Yutto Kiba who had short blonde hair and grey eyes and he was the school Prince Charming, Koneko Toujou who had white hair and hazel eyes and she was in Anna's class, and Akeno Himejima who is the other Great Ladies and she had long black hair and violet eyes.

Akeno stared at him as she said,"So you went on a date with a Fallen Angel and you didn't die?"."That is cool." said Koneko."Yeah. I had the way with the ladies." said Bob."That is because you are a host right?" said Kiba."Yes. Who told you that?" said Bob."I did." said Anna."Don't blame him Bob." said Rias."I'm not Rias. I am impress that you knew that he was a boy. So do you know about me being the Dragon Warrior?" said Bob."No. I didn't Bob. Thank you for telling me." said Rias.

Bob then sighed as Anna said,"You really suck at keeping secrets Bob."."That I do Anna." said Bob."So Bob? Why is the Dragon Warrior here? I mean you are just a rumor in the underworld." said Kiba."I came here to have some fun in the human world and that is the main reason." said Bob."That makes no sense Bob. You are so strange." said Koneko."Yeah but if you could read my mind, you would know the reason Koneko." said Bob."So why did the Fallen Angels targeted you Bob? I mean you don't have a sacred gear right?" said Akeno.

Bob then shrugged as Bob said,"Azazel and Fallen Angels likes people with power I guess."."You met Azazel? You know the leader of the Fallen Angels?" said Rias."Bob knows a lot of famous people in the underworld and Heaven. He is also really old." said Anna."Yes but I am using my powers to disguise myself as a young 17 year old boy." said Bob."I see." said Kiba.

Koneko then saw Ben standing there tired and she said,"Is he a friend of yours Dragon Warrior?"."Yeah. He is." said Bob."Bob? Who is the Dragon Warrior?" said Ben."You didn't tell him Bobby?" said Akeno."Nope. I have only Anna and my highest minion plus you all knowing my secrets." said Bob."You want me to tell him?" said Rias."Sure. Go nuts." said Bob.

Ben then sat there drinking tea as Kiba said,"He seems to be taking this whole thing well.".The brown haired boy then said,"So all of you are Devils?"."Not me and Bob Ben." said Anna."Then are you Angels? Or are you Fallen Angels like Yumma?" said Ben."The Dragon Warrior or King is more of a god and his servants are quite strong. Am I right Bobby?" said Akeno.Bob then nod his head as Koneko said,"So why did you run here Ben?".

Ben shrugged his shoulders and he said,"No clue Koneko. I mean I was hanging out with Kari, Yumma, and Ayane and then I arrived here. I remember seeing a ghost and I don't mean a Ectonurite."."An Extonurite?" said Anna."That is you when you are Ghostfreak right Ben?" said Rias."You told them?" said Ben."Nope. Rias is smarter than she looks.She couldn't figure out that I was the Dragon Warrior though. Baby steps I guess." said Bob.

Akeno then said,"Um Rias. We have a problem."The 7 then looked at the window and they saw that they were in a magical barrier."So is this normal?" said Ben."Yep. It must be a powerful fallen angel to have made this." said Kiba."Can't be. I mean I would have sensed it." said Bob."Bob has a pretty good radar especially when it comes to food." said Anna."Cool." said Koneko."Lets see if we can find the source of this. Will you help us Bob, Ben, and Anna?" said Rias."Sure." said Ben."Whatever." said Anna."We will help." said Bob.

Meanwhile in a classroom which isn't 2-A,the hooded figure stood there with the tied Ayane, Kari, and Yumma."Who are you? And why are you attacking our school?" said Kari."You can call me an old friend of Bob. Bob goes to school here so I attack here. It is pretty simple once you figure it out." said the figure."Bob wouldn't be friends with you! You are going to kill us." said Yumma."Yeah and Bob is the nicest guy on the planet." said Ayane.

The figure then started laughing almost falling down but the figure caught itself as it said,"Bob a nice guy? That is funny ninja girl. You don't know the real Bob Yagami."."What makes you think you know the real one? I mean I met Bob when he was trapped in one of my amazing traps but he turned out to be a really nice guy." said Ayane."He took out me to see the city. He is a nice guy. Maybe you got the wrong Bob." said Yumma."Yeah." said Kari."Let me tell you the story of the real boy known as Bob." said the figure.

Bob was standing there with Risa and Akeno."So why did we let Anna fight? He doesn't seem that strong." said Akeno."He is pretty strong Akeno. I think Kiba, Koneko, Ben, and Angel find the other sttudents. We need to find my friends." said Bob."They are just regular humans excluding the fallen angel. I mean you were on a date with her. Did you not think that would not attract attention?" said Rias."She is very pretty Rias. Not as pretty as you but you know what I mean. Lets get going." said Bob.

Ben then saw Kiba slashing Fallen Angels with his sword called the Holy Eraser.He then saw Koneko throwing an van at the Fallen Angels and then he saw Anna standing there."Anna!" said Ben.He then stood there and then Anna's hands then fired missile out of his hands and then Anna said,"I am a living weapon Ben."."Okay then." said Ben.He then turn into Swampfire and he fired out several fire balls and he use vines as whips.

Kiba stood there with Koneko and he said,"Those aliens of yours are very impressive."."Yeah Ben." said Koneko."Thanks Koneko." said Swampfire.He then had a hole in his chest as Anna saw a boy standing there aka Danny.He had white hair and green eyes.He was wearing a black jumpsuit."Ben!" said Anna."I am fine." said Swampfire.The hole was gone as Kiba said,"I got this one.".He then rushed toward the boy and then he phased through Kiba's sword.

"How did that?" said Koneko."I am a ghost and I am here to stop you." said Danny."Eat this!" said Anna.He then fired several missile out of his hands along with bombs.Danny then screamed as they exploded and Kiba ran from the explosion.Swampfire then turned into Bloxx and he was protecting the two."You two okay?" said Bloxx."Yes. Thanks Ben." said Koneko and Anna.

Bloxx then saw Danny getting tired as he said,"Kiba! Attack him!".He then turned into Kickin Hawk and the two then attacked Danny.Danny fell to the ground as Anna said,"I need to get a weapon to stop him. Hold him you guys."."Gotcha." said the three.Kiba stood there with a sword to his neck as Koneko held his arms as Kickin Hawk turned into Feedback and then he said,"I will shock him if he moves.".

Anna then pulled out an pair of handcuffs made of something called Ectoranium.He placed them on the ghost and he screamed.He went back to normal.Feedback went to normal and Kiba said,"I know him."."You do?" said Ben."Yeah. He is in my class. He is usually pretty quiet." said Kiba."So he is a ghost? So why was he working with the Fallen Angels?" said Koneko."I don't think that the Fallen Angels were working with him." said Ben."Why?" said Anna.

He then dodged an ice attack as Ben heard,"Dang it.".He then saw Albedo as the evil Arctiquana and Ben said,"Albedo?! What are you doing here?"."You know him Ben?" said Koneko."It is a long story. I will tell you later. We need to defeat him now." said Bob."Gotcha." said Kiba.He then rushed toward the lizard and then Albedo said,"Too slow Devil.".He then turned into Fasttrack dodging the Devil's slashes.

Anna then pulled out a rocket launcher and then he fired it at the Citrakayah.He ran from the missile as Anna said,"That is a heat seeking missile. You aren't escaping it."."I will." said Albedo.He then turned into an evil Ghostfreak and he went into the ground as the missile went toward Anna, Koneko, and Ben.Ben then turned into Shocksquatch and he said,"Get out of here!".

Anna was grabbed by Koneko and Kiba as he destroy the missile."Where are you Albedo? What are you doing here?" said Shocksquatch."Right here Ben." said Albedo.Ben was forced back to normal as he saw Ultimate Albedo as he said,"Eat this one Ben!".Ben dodged it as he turned into Gravattack.He then took the hovercraft from Albedo as he said,"Koneko!".

She then smashed it as Albedo went back to normal."Now answer me Albedo. What are you doing here?" said Ben.He stood there with Kiba and Anna as Koneko was trying to wake up Danny."I was hired by someone trying to kill some kid named Bob. My boss seemed very angry with the kid." said Albedo."Was your boss wearing a cloak?" said Anna."Yeah. You know the boss?" said Albedo."We need to hurry." said Anna."Why? said Kiba."Bob is about to meet up with an old friend." said Anna.

The three inside the building found the room where the three girls were."Wow Akeno. You really like delivering pain." said Bob.Akeno opened the door with her lighting as Yumma thought,'That is Baraqiel's thunder. What is he doing here?'.The three girls then saw Bob with Akeno and Rias and Rias said,"We have a lot of explaining to do."."Yeah. You do." said Kari.

Bob then ran toward the girls but then he was stopped by an invisible wall."Wow Dragon Warrior. You sure have gotten sloppy." said the figure.It stood there as Bob said,"Who are you? And why are you attacking the school?"."You don't know who that it is Bob?" said Ayane and Yumma."Yeah. This is my first time meeting this person. Do you two know who this is?" said Bob.

The figure then fired darkness at him and it said,"Do you remember me now Bob!?"."Nope but I will soon. I summon a sword! Excalibur!" said Bob.The legendary sword appeared as Rias said,"Bob. Where did you get that sword?"."From King Arthur. He is a pretty cool guy Rias. You would have loved him." said Bob.He rushed toward the figure and then he slashed the cloak off.'Bobby is pretty good with the sword. I wonder if he is better than Kiba.' thought Rias.'I wonder if he would like me to sit on his lap. He is so cool.' thought Akeno.

Bob then saw a girl standing there.She had long violet/pink hair and blue eyes.She was wearing a white and red outfit and Bob said,"Do I know you?"."Idiot." said the three."Why don't you remember me Bob?!" said the girl.She then attacked him with magic and Bob was knocked outside.

The four ran into the room and Ben said,"So she did this to get his attention? Girls are so weird."."Indeed man." said Kiba.Koneko then punched the two and she said,"This is why you two don't have a girlfriend and other reasons but this is a big one.".Anna then nod as he said,"This wall should be easy to take down.".He then made a hammer and he smash to pieces."You are a living weapon Anna?" said Rias."Yep. Bob made Anna to be his projectile weapon because he likes close combat right?" said Kari.

He nod as Ayane said,"I can't believe that you are a guy. You really look like a girl."."Thanks I think?" said Anna."So who is she? And why doesn't Bobby remember her?" said Akeno."She is a servant of his right? She is really good with magic and she likes Bob right?" said Yumma."Yep. Bob is also very forgetful except when it comes to his job." said Anna."What does he do?" said Koneko."He is a host over at the mall." said Ben."That makes a lot of sense." said the group.

They all looked out to see Bob deflect magic blast from the magician with the Master Sword."Bob has the Master Sword? That is so cool." said Kiba and Ben."Yeah. Bob is very old guys." said Anna."But he looks our age!" said Ayane and Yumma."I will explain it later. We need to stop them." said Anna.He pulled out a freeze cannon as Ben stood there.'He is a literally a army base. I wonder what he has in him.".

Bob then dodged the cannon shot as he said,"What was that Anna!?"."You don't remember her Bob? Think hard about it!" yelled the two human girls.Bob then looked at the magician who wanted to kill him and he said,"Now I remember! You are one of my servants right?!".She then blasted him with magic as Kiba then said,"His memory does sucks."."Yeah." said Koneko and Yumma."My name is Elsa Gray!" yelled Elsa.

Bob then looked at her and he said,"Oh yeah! I remember you now!"."Idiot!" yelled the group.Bob then sighed as she hugged him."I miss you. Why did you leave?" said Elsa."Oh reasons." said Bob.Bob then looked up to the group as he thought,'I have SO many explaining to do! Dang it. Today isn't my day."

Next time,
Bob meets two swords user who are in love.Also we learn about the Dragon Warrior's Harem.He has one.Plus we meet a girl for Ben.


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