Monday, August 25, 2014

Powerful Power part 13 The life of Power

Welcome to part 13 of Powerful Power. This part will be having Bob dealing with some supernatural stuff.This part may be the longest part.

Ace P.O.V
It had been at least five days since Bob and Stella got together.They have been doing all sort of romantic things.Bob has even brought Stella a whole freaking garden.He was so much freaking money,I mean he is the richest guy I know.

Bob is really the perfect guy to the girls at Saint. He can cook amazing dishes,the fastest kid in the school,a sweetheart,and very strong.So I love being his best friend.I get his fan girls which all of them are hot.

Me and him were on the roof." So Ace? You got any new girls under your belt?" said Bob." Nah man.Most girls hate my guts but they like you." I said." Don't they know I am with Stella yet?" said Bob." Yeah and they have a fan club for you and her.It is very strange of girls obsession." I said.

Grim then appeared out of a black vortex." Man I can't figure out this new cord for my new song." said Grim." What is the song about?" said Bob." You know that training simulation Bob made.I am making a song about following your dreams." said Grim.He then rip the paper in half." Dude! That is your life work!" I said." I have it on the computer Ace.I wouldn't carry it with me." said Grim." So you guys want some cupcakes from the bakery who has the hot cashier." I said." Dude! I love their cupcakes.They taste just like Universe 3829.Man that universe had a killer bakery." said Bob.He then grab some cupcakes and devoured them." Dude! Calm down!" said Grim.

Bob then stared at the sky." Sometimes I wonder about things." said Bob." Ace did you put pot in those cakes?Bob isn't this deep." said Grim." Nope.Just regular cupcakes.Is something wrong Bob?" I said." Yeah Ace.The simulation has a bug.I am trying to figure it out.Every since I made public,it has cause me problems." said Bob." So what is the bug Bob?" said Grim." Okay so you have a choice on what you want to be in the game.So the bug is that everyone is turning into women and slutty ones.I made the game so that parents can put on the rating but they are transforming as well.So I am getting my ass sued."said Bob.

He then broke part of the roof." Calm down Bob.Lets just go into the game and find this bug and burn it to pieces." I said.Bob then stood up and he said," That is a great idea Ace.Wow I never thought I was say that.".I then burned him.

We were in what Bob calls the suit to protect from the bug." So aren't we bring Terra and Stella?You know Terra wants to kick some ass and Stella want to be with our super genius here." I said.I then grabbed Bob and he was gone and then we heard the door opened.

We were in some sort of room where we can enter the simulation.I saw Stella and Terra with Bob." Sup guys.You guys thought that you can do this without the ladies." said Terra." But we didn't want you ladies to get infected with the virus." said Grim." The Guild is in the game right now.I just told Bob.He brought us in as a mission to build the Squad's bond." said Stella." Yeah." said Bob.

We were sitting in these chairs." Bob?! What the hell are we doing in these?!" I said." This is your character customization chair.You will be making yourself in the simulation.I have set restrictions so that the virus wouldn't affect you.Have fun." said Bob.

I looked at the screen.Bob had put in everything.I was really impress with the super genius.

Narrator P.O.V
Ace had decided on his outfit first.He was wearing a red suit with a black flame on it.His hair was gelled back and he had a sword made of fire on his back.He was also a vampire.Grim then decide on a scythe for the weapon with a skull around his neck which was bones.He was a zombie.He was wearing clothing which looked like a zombie.Terra was wearing a black coat which had little spikes on it which was pink, she was wearing a steam punk corset which was the corset was pink and the top was black and the buttons was pink,her pants were the steam punk pants which were black and the gun holster was pink,she had her nails done with pink and they were huge,and she was wearing steam punk boots were pink and black.She was a cyborg.Stella was wearing a sliver top which showed her chest,she was wearing a mini skirt,and high heels which were sliver and she was an elf.Bob was wearing a red/black suit.

Bob P.O.V
I then opened up my eyes and I saw Stella." Do you like it Bob?" said Stella." Yeah.You look smoking hot as Ace would say.So where is Ace,Grim,and Terra?" I said."Checking out this place.It is really nice Bob." said Stella." Yeah.I took elements such as medieval era,the city era,and the wild west.It even has the future." I said.

I then saw Grim.His face fell on me." Grim! Your face is gone!" yelled Stella." Easy Stella.I am a zombie.It is freaking sweet.I can even throw my arm and make it cause serious traffic.Bobby my man you can make a pretty impress world." said Grim.He grab his face and he stood there as I asked him," Where is Ace and Terra?"." Don't know man.I kinda sorta of lost Ace when he went to go my arm and Terra went after him." said Grim.

He then wave his missing arm." Shouldn't we go get it?" said Stella." Yeah but I don't know where it is." said Grim." Grim.You have control of all your body parts.We can just follow your arm. We may even find Terra and Ace." I said." Bob!You are so freaking smart!" said Grim.He then was dragged away as me and Stella flew after him.

We were in front of a virtual Le Devil." So why are we here?" said Stella.Grim was reattaching his arm which grossed out Stella." His arm must be hungry for the food here.It is pretty good." I said.

Then a fire ball hit Grim." Grim!!" We yelled.I then pulled my sword and I said," Tornado Vortex!" A giant blast of wind came out of my sword and Grim's flesh was all gone." Was that just Ace?" said Stella." Nope.That wasn't him.It didn't have any passion.Ace has passion for his art. So that isn't him." said Grim.He then said," Time to find that flamethrower.Eat my darkness vortex!".He made a giant black hole and it grab the person who threw the fire.

It was a women.She was wearing a bathrobe." This is one of the players who has been transformed.It looks like he/she was been hypnotized." I said.Her eyes had spirals in it." So the players have been hypnotized? So where is Ace and Terra?" said Stella.

Then a car flew toward us." I got this. Power Sword Magma!" I said.My sword became magma as I slashed the car in half." Only Terra could have done that." said Grim.He then jumped down from the roof top and he saw Terra.She was getting tired.She was surround by the polices." Grim! Could I use some help already?!" said Terra." I got it Terra!Eat this copper!Supernova Strike!" yelled Stella.She then threw a supernova at Terra and Grim said," Darkness Shield!" The two were protected as everything around them was burned alive.

I then got down there with the hypnotized player." So where did Ace go?" I said." He went to go find the players who were hypnotized.He can tell a real women from a fake one.His words exactly." said Terra. " Do you know anything about when he is coming back? We can probably figure out who has the virus.Am I right Bob?" said Grim." He is right.The spell is still in the body." I said." Science is so confusing." said Stella.

Ace then said," I got them all but I have a little problem."." And what would that be?" I said." Time to stop the Squad. Time for the Guild to kick some ass!" said Zeke.

He then stood there with the rest of the Guild." Are we screwed?!" said Ace." Hell no man.Time for Power to show his stuff. Eat this Tornado Vortex Blast!" I said.

I then pull my blasters and I said," Ace! Time to light them up.".He then looked at me and he said," I get it.Eat these amazing flame.Emperor Inferno Blast!" The fireball then collided with the wind and it made a killer explosion.

Me and Ace were hit by Terra and Stella." You just killed the Guild!" yelled the two." But we killed Zeke!" we said." Okay I am down with that." said Terra." You are agree with them?Are you crazy?They just killed their good friends." said Stella." Stella.They aren't the real Guild." said Grim.

He then grabbed the head of Zeke." They are robots." said Grim.He showed us the wires." So you can't yell at me any more Stella?We only destroyed robots." said Ace.

He then was hit into the trees." Don't mess with me Ace.So what are we up to now?" said Stella.I then grabbed some robot parts and I said," Okay.I am going to make a body for the data so go nuts.".

I then made a body." So why is it a girl?" said Terra." I couldn't find any men chests in the pile!So I decide to make a girls body.So where is Ace?I need his opinion on this.She cares about her looks." I said." Wait She?" said Stella.

Ace then appeared with Grim." Bob!You finished yet?I am so bored.I mean I blew up several cop cars.It gets really boring quite quickly." said Ace.He then looked at the robot." So is this body? Why is she so hot?" said Ace." Ace was gone to a new low." said the girls." So why did you make the breasts so big?" said Grim." The simulation that we are in is run by me and this program I made.It was supposed to be unemotional but thanks to the players,It has gained a personality. So let me introduce to you to the data of the game." I said.

Then a bunch of 1 and 0 went into the body.The body grew two purple eyes and her hair was long purple/black hair.I then sighed and I said," Hey Aurora."." I finally have a body thanks to you.You are such a guy.So how are these people?" said Aurora." My name is Ace.So you made this world?I am also very impressed with your body." said Ace."Your name is Ashley John Smith or Ace.You are known as Nova.You control the powerful element of fire which has given you super speed,flight,and the ability to charm your foes.You are also have a love complex because your parents left you at a young age." said Aurora.

I then looked at my creation and I said," How the hell do you know that about him?I mean I never told you that."." When you enter me,I gained all personality data." said Aurora." I like her man.She is really freaking smart.So Aurora?" said Grim." I know what you are going to say Gray.You want to know where the virus is.You must go out with me to get the data you seek." said Aurora.

I then hit her and I said," I made you that body Aurora.So help us find the source so we can stop it."." Yes Percy.From the virus inside those things,They are at a warehouse near the port." said Aurora." Lets go then.I want to kick some ass already." said Terra.She then flew off as we followed her.

Narrator P.O.V
The 6 were outside the warehouse." Here it is Percy.The base of former superhero Virus." said Aurora." Who is Virus?" said the 4." Virus was oncea hero from the golden era of heroics.She was a powerful hero who had control over machines,the speed of a race car,the strength of a rhino,and the power to make anything she wants into a weapon.She was one of the best until she killed a perverted man back in the 80.She was tried by the bested and she was place inside a computer program.She must have broken out and then she came after all the men in the world." said Bob." How did you get that out of her putting a virus in your program?" said Stella." Simple villain plan." said Bob.

Then a siren went off as the 6 were surround by tanks,helicopter,soldiers, aliens,cyborg,creepy cats people,and much more." Get inside now!I will handled these things." said Bob." No way man.I am not leaving you out here alone to die!" said Ace.He was then dragged in by Grim who ran in with Terra and Aurora.

Stella stood there and she said," Good luck."." I am Power.I don't need luck!" said Bob.He then ran in and he said," You guys! Protect Stella with your lives! Time for me to let loose!".He then touched his watch and he said," Armor me." He then made an armor suit and it was black and red." Time to face the wrath of Power!" yelled Bob.

Stella P.O.V
I was keeping an eye on Aurora who was hacking on Virus's computer while Ace,Grim,and Terra were taking care of the guards.I keep hearing the same words," Emperor Inferno!"." Dark Void!"." Hurricane of Earth!"." Stella.You can help them.I can handled what ever that bitch hands at me." said Aurora." I know that Aurora but I don't think that Bob would like if I let you be destroyed." I said." You like him don't you?You even call him by his nickname.So why are you so attracted to him? He is just a normal guy with super power." said Aurora." You know why.I mean he is your creator after all." I said." That is true but I wanted to hear it from you." said Aurora.

I then looked around and I said," I meet Bob or Percy when he was about seven.He lived alone since he was seven.I went up to his house one day because my mom want to give him some of her famous cookies from the bake sale.I was young and impressionable so when I rang the bell.The door then opened and I saw Bob for the very first time.His hair was wild and messy.He was wearing shorts and a red shirt.

" My name is Stella.And who are you?" I said.He was very shy and he said," My name is Bob.You are way different from my sisters." said Bob.Did he just compared me to his sisters? " So where are your parents?" I said." I live alone.My parents want me to live on my own so I can learn the way of the common man.So are those for me?" said Bob." Yeah.My mom made this for you." I said. He grab the cookies and he took one and he said," These are pretty good Stella.".

The next 8 or 9 years have been fun.Bob grew up to be a pretty hot guy and he didn't even have his powers yet.He had made some really great friends by sticking to his morals.His best friend Ace is a great example. Ace was like Bob in a way.All lonely and sad and not like he is now.Bob went to him in the middle of class one day.

I was talking to my close friend Z." So what do you know about that Ace guy?" I asked." I heard that he is a pretty quiet guy because he gets beat up by Norman all the time.I really hope Bob knows what he is getting into by being his friend." said Z.

I then looked over as Bob said," So do you want to come play with me?"." No thank you.I don't want to talk with you." said Ace.Bob then gave his award winning smile and he said," Please! I heard from teacher that you can do a impress front flip off the swing.I want to see it.".Ace then said,"Um okay.".

Then he and Bob were outside.I then started to walked over to them but I was stopped by Z and Norman's sister Myra.Myra was really mature for her age." Don't mess with Norman Stella.I learned that the hard way. " said Myra." Yeah Stella.Bob can handled him.I mean,he is pretty quick on his feet.Remember when he fought those teenagers to get back your backpack." said Z.

My face went red as I remembered putting band aids on him."We got to do something.Maybe tell a teacher or something." I said." Me and Myra will do that.Just stay here." said Z. They ran off as I watched Norman walked toward Ace and Bob.

Ace then said,"Norman!Please don't beat me up today!I have the money right here.".He then had his lunch money in his hand.Norman was way different back in 2nd grade.He was your average bully." Thanks Twerp. I am still going to beat you up." said Norman.He then threw his fist.

Me and Ace covered our eyes and I then heard," Don't pick on the weak Norman." I then saw Bob blocking his fist.Bob at a young age was already pretty strong not as much as now but he had the basic DNA of his mom and dad." What are you going do about it Bobby?!" said Norman.Bob then made his eyes glowed and he hugged him." What are you doing?" said Norman."Giving a trouble soul a hug.I know that your father hurts you.Mine did too also Aces.So we all have something in common." said Bob.

After that,Norman became nice and not a bully.Bob always had the certain aura about him that made people like him.Me and him were the best of friends.He would help me out with picking out a dress for a date,go shopping with me,Myra,Z,and Cindy,go to grab a bite,and a shoulder to cry on.I realize that I liked him when he fought off the older teenager when my boobs were developing.He beat them all down but he got a black eye and a broken hand.I then nursed him back to health and then I said as I left his house," I will tell you one day how I fell about you."

I stood there as I saw Aurora shedding tears." That is so romantic Stella! I think my Circuits are rusting from that affection." said Aurora." It is alright.Did you finish hacking Virus?" I said." Yes.I did.The simulation is back to normal." said Aurora." Lets go meet up with Bob already." I said.

Grim P.O.V
I then ran out to the front and I saw Bob.His costume was tatted.He then said," I think I got a new record.". He then fell down and he was falling down from the hill as I said," I got ya Bob.Materialize couch." I then made a couch and Bob fell on it." Thanks Grim.I owe you one." said Bob.

He then fell asleep as the others came out." Grim! Is he alright?" said Stella." Yeah.He is Stella.Just a little tired is all.I mean he did do a lot." I said." Yeah.He did.I mean look at all this carnage!" said Ace." Bob must be really strong." said Terra." Nope.His friendship is what gives him his power." said Aurora.

Then a limo drove up as Bob was drinking some tea after waking up.The limo was hot pink and it was very hard on the eyes." What the hell?How is that even here?Aurora!" I said." I didn't not make that." said Aurora.

Then the passenger's door open.I saw a high heel.I then notice pink toenails.I then saw a women who looked like an older female of Bob.She was wearing black skinny jeans,a black and pink top,and she had her black hair in a Hollywood style." You kids have caused a lot of talk in the super hero community.My name is Audrey.I am also known as the princess of The Galaxy Empire and also Robert's mother." said Audrey." Mommy?" said Bob.

She then opened her arms and Bob gave her a hug." You grew since I saw you.I am very impress with your heroics.You are so cool." said Audrey." So Bob? This is your mom?!She looks like you as a hot middle aged woman." said Ace. He was then hit into a wall by a bat as Terra said," Ignore him Ms.Bob."." I am used to this by now.So I am here to talk with you kids about something." said Audrey." And what would that be?" I said." Your team." said Audrey.

We were driving inside the limo." So what do you need from the Squad Mrs.X?" said Stella." I liked her Bob.She is a keeper Bob." said Audrey." So what do you need from us Audrey?" said Aurora." Good question Aurora.So you all know about the Guild? They think they are top shit so that organization Human Organization Protect Empire (Hope) is planing to fiance them so that they can end your heroics.I want this planet's heroes to blossom so I made the company under your father's supervision.It is known the Power Corp.It is going to make your superhero team more easier to pay for expenses." said Audrey." So you are going to help us kick the Guild's ass?" said Ace." Correct Ace!I am going to give all you a vow.I will never betray you." said Audrey.

We then left the simulation." So is your mother right Bob?" I said." Yeah.Mom never lies.She has always been a kind women.She helped make my family empire.So we can trust her." said Bob." So where is Aurora?" said Ace.She then appeared in front of us." Sup." said Aurora." What are you doing out of the simulation?" said Terra." Bobby here made me this body so I can be in the human world and join the superhero business known as Android." said Aurora." So is the Squad?" said Stella." For right now.I have no idea if we will have more but we are the founders of the Squad." said Bob.

Narrator P.O.V
Around midnight,a women wearing a skin-tight suit sneaked into the house of the sleeping Power." Okay I am in.Now what?" said the women." Inject the serum into Bob's arm while he is sleeping and put the bug. This is for messing with me." said the voice in her ear.

She then sneaked around the house looking for Bob.He was asleep.She walked up to him and grab the needle.Inside it was hot pink serum." Time to stick this in." said the women.She stabbed it in and Bob moaned.She then grab nanobots and threw them around.She left the house as she said as a pink light went off," Job well done."

Bob P.O.V
I woke and I did my normal routine.I then stood up and my body felt weird.I then walked toward the shower wearing nothing by my boxers.Bruce was out of town with Roy.He then learned of Roy's superpowers and he is going to try to win the all the best dog shows in the whole freaking world.I then walked inside the shower and I grab my shampoo.After my shower, I looked at myself." Morning handsome. " I said. I then saw two big breasts." That is weird.These shouldn't be here." I said. I then screamed," I am a girl!"

I then sat on my bed and I looked around my room.It was all black and pink.All of my video games were still here.I then grab my breasts and I said,"They must be a freaking F Cup.They are even bigger than Aces when he was a girl.".I then heard the door.Crap I forget today was the big final day." Bob! You awake yet man!" yelled Ace.

I then hid in my bed wearing my boxers which I was lost on how they were still fitting around my ass.I then myself sick." I am not feeling so cold.I might just skip school today." I said in my high-pitched voice." Okay Bob.I hope you feel better." said Ace.He left as I sighed." That was a close one." I thought.I then stood up and I said," Better see if I can find something to wear."

I then walked toward my closet.I then opened the door and I saw that it was full of shoes,pants,shorts,shirt, skirt,tops,dresses,underwear,makeup,a freaking mirror!,swimsuits,and costumes." What the fuck is going on here?" I said.

I then looked around and I put on something to contain my hair.It has a bow.A black and red bow. then looked around for a bra because these things are bothering the hell out of me.I find a black and red one and I tried to put it on.It was a struggle but I did it.I then put on a black jacket and red shirt plus a red/black skirt.I then put some sneakers on but I pushed them back.I was then confused as my feet went toward a pair of high heels.They was black and red.

I put them on and I started to wobble." Man these things make you feel tall." I said.I then fell down as my face hit the mirror.I looked in the mirror and I saw my new face.My nose was smaller,my eyelashes were long,and my regular red eyes were now blue.I then stood up and I look at myself.My black hair was down to my shoulder,my but was huge,and my legs and arms were hairless.I then pulled back my hair and I notice earrings.It has a diamond.It was hot pink.

I walked toward my computer.I had a new computer since Aurora became alive.I then placed my hands on the pad.It opened up and I said," So I am now a freaking girl!" I then hit the desk which it broke." I still have my superhuman strength." I said.I then pulled out my phone.It was still black and red.I then thought," Who should I call?"I then remember that Stella doesn't have school today.I called her and I waited for her to pick up.

Stella P.O.V
I then heard my phone ring.I walked toward it and I saw that it was from Ace." Hey Ace.What up?" I said." It is Bob.He is sick." said Ace." But he is never sick." I said." Yeah and that is what worries me.So can you go by his place and see what is up for me." said Ace." I will as soon I put on some clothes.You can call me right after I get out of the shower." I said." Sorry Stella.I'll see you later." said Ace." Later Ace." I said.

He then hung up as I put on some clothes.Then as I left the house, Bob called me."Bob?! Are you going to be all right?" I said." Yeah but can you come to my place?" said Bob. His voice was more high pitched." I'll be there soon." I said.

I opened the door to his house and walked up to his room.I then saw a girl.Her hair was long and black and she was a freaking amazon." Who are you?" I said.She turned around and she said," Hi Stella."." And how do you know my name?" I said." I am Bob." said the girl.I then looked at her.She did look like a young Audrey." Bob? What happened to you?"  I said.

We sat on her bed." So you just woke up like this?" I said." Yeah and I can't figure out how to change back." said Bob." Doesn't your room remind you of one of those place in those games where you can change your character's appearance in game?" I said.

She then gained a light bulb and she said," I got it Stella.You a freaking genius.".She then made a box with light." Okay I need you to point this at me and when I say go press the big red button." said Bob.She stood there and she said," Go" I pressed the button as Bob felt pain." Bob! Are you going to be alright?" I said.

His hair was shorten,the earrings were gone,his jacket was black to normal and his shirt,his skirt became jeans,and his heels became his red and black kicks.He was back to normal." Bob! You are a guy again!" I said.He looked at himself and he said," Yeah I am."

Then he pulled out his phone." Hey Stella.I was thinking for a end of the school year present. I was going to ask you to move in with me,Roy,and Bruce." said Bob." I would love that." I said." That is so awesome and I also have these tickets for Japan.You know for a vacation." said Bob.

He was holding tickets to Japan." You are taking me to Japan?" I said." Yeah.I wanted too last year but we had the whole crazy thing with Andy.So I couldn't take you." said Bob.I then hugged him and I said," I would love to Bob.So why do you still have the girl clothes in your closet?"." The ray only affect me.It would take a lot more power to activate it.So I need to get paint,a new desk,a bed sheet,and a wall that activates by putting in a certain PIN number to get in.So I got some interplanetary shopping to do.You in?" said Bob." I would love too." I said.

Audrey P.O.V
I was looking over the Squad files.They were all powerful kids.Ace was the flamethrower of the group.He could produce flames that could burn water.He has been known as the playboy of the school and he scores with none of them.Grim was the god of darkness's son.He could control many forms of darkness and dark magic.He is a musician who performs for many famous people.Terra was the virtual projection of Epic's girlfriend fantasy.She does look like my son.She had the same powers as him but he was more powerful.

Aurora was the android that my son made.She had the body of a amazon from Greek mythology.She was really smart and she knows a whole lot.Bob was my son from a different time.I still remember him because he is my son and also the owner of the Power.

I then pulled up Stella's file.She lives with her sister,Her mother is the known superhero Warp Drive and her father is America. Her mother has the power of super speed,super strength,and the power of the mind and her father controls fire,water,earth,wind,and he is immortal.So I can see why she has the Lunar in her.I don't think she or her sister know who are her parents are because they left for Japan after Virus went crazy.

Bob P.O.V
I was walking with my girlfriend to our house." I can't believe that we are going to Japan!The land of the rising sun!" said Stella.She always wanted go to Japan ever since she was a kid and I thought as a good boyfriend that I would take her there." Yeah it is pretty sweet.I wanted to try some of their food." I said.

My phone then started to ring." Who is it?" said Stella." My mom's ring tone." I said. I then put it on speaker so that Stella could hear." Bobby!Are you near the city?" said Audrey." Yeah.I am with Stella." I said." Very good.Virus is attacking with tanks,soldier,and anything that could cause massive damage to the city." said Audrey." Okay.We will be down there soon."said Stella.I then hanged up my phone and I said," So you ready to stop Virus?"." Yeah." said Stella.

We flew down there as fast we could.I look at my ring and I thought," What does this ring mean?" When we were in the simulation,I saw the symbol on my ring everywhere.I was wondering throughout that journey and last night.Does Virus have this ring?

I then landed on a building and I said," Okay.We are going to take down Virus and try to find her ring."." What ring?" said Stella." When we were in the simulation,I saw the symbol on my ring and my friendship with Ryan taught me to expect this stuff.So I want to know something." I said.I then heard screams.I then ran toward it and I saw a T-Rex." Bob. ou have way too much free time on you." said Stella." I think you were making fun of me." I said.

Then I jumped up and I said," Time for some Dino meat.Power Sword Steak Slash!" My sword went around it and it made the Dino into steak.I then took some but then it was gone." My lunch!" I yelled.I then fell on the ground and I saw Stella floated toward me." You haven't eaten yet!" said Stella.

She went on fire and she said," After this,I am making you some of my mom's amazing cooking.". I was happy and scared at the same time." How cute?!A couple making promise that they will never keep." said a female voice.

I turned my head and I saw a girl.She then look as old as Bruce.Bruce was about 30 something by the way. She was wearing a purple suit." Why are you wearing that ring?You don't deserve it!Take this!" said the woman.She then made herself a freaking tank and she said," Eat this! Mega Tank Blast!"

It went toward Stella and I said," Shield from Universe 1800!" I made a huge shield and I protect Stella." Are you all right?" I said." Yeah.So what did she mean by this ring?' said Stella." I think it was something to do with this." I said.

I then held out my ring which I treasured with my life." This.I need you to protect this okay.It is a family heirloom.When I was about seven,Bruce gave this to me on the day he died.I don't know where he got this from or how but I will treasured it.So can you keep a eye on it?I want the two things that I treasure to be safe." I said. Stella hugged me and she said," Go get them Tiger.I will handled the crowd.".

I jumped up and I said," Time for the Power Blasters.Toxic Blast!" I then made my blasters appear and then acid came out of them and it destroyed the tank." It is over Virus! You lose!" I said.She then stood there and she said," I am not Virus! Time for you to die! Freezing Push!"I then was frozen and then I went through 20 buildings.

I was then trapped by steel pipes." I guess that Power lost.You may be wondering how I know about you.I am the daughter of Virus of the superhero team known as The Team.My name is Thorn and you will die. Time for spikes of wrath!" yelled Thorn.

I then saw the thorns and the steel pipes in the air thanks to Stella." Stella? I didn't know you had that power. " I said." Me too." said Stella."How the hell do you have that power?The Lunar never had the power of psychokinesis!" said Thorn." Who cares?She just got more stronger!Like me!Time for Power Burp!" I said.

I then burped a nuclear explosion on Thorn who flew back.I then went after her.I then saw her fly down toward the school when they were getting out.I the ran toward the tennis court and I grab a racket and I said," Powerful Smack!" I then made her fly as I went after her again.

I was over by the ocean and I put Thorn in a cage." Let me out of this Power!" yelled Thorn." No thanks.I don't want you to cause more chaos." I said.Then I saw Stella." Hey Power.I see that you capture her." said Stella." Yeah.I did." I said.

She then hit me into the sea." Why did you do that?Aren't you two dating?" said Thorn." We are.But he hasn't gotten any sleep and food lately so his judgement may be a little off.Please don't judge him by that." said Stella.I then came out of the water with a squid,shark,and Plesiosaur on me." How?" said the two girls." I really don't know.So I guess this is my lunch." I said." You are so not going to eat that!" yelled Stella.

She then burned it to a crisp." No!" I yelled.I then started to cry as Audrey came in her hot pink limo from the simulation."You must be her daughter then.My name is Audrey and I am the leader of the Power Corp." said Audrey.She then grabbed Thorn and they were gone." That might be just the weirdest thing all day." said Stella." More weirder than me being a girl,a T-Rex in this time period,Tank,and a Plesiosaur!" I said." Yeah." said Stella." Lets just go home already.I want this day to be over." I said.

I opened the door to my house.I was then tackled by Roy.Her coat had gotten better." Is that Roy? She changed!" said Stella." Yeah.She did." said Bruce.He then stood there with a angry look on his face." What is wrong Bruce?" said Stella." We won the talent shows but it came at a price." said Bruce." What does he mean by that Roy?" I said.

Roy got off me and she led me inside. I then look in the living room and I saw one girl.She look about 15.She had black hair and it was short." So who are they?Are she your kid or something?" I said." No.She are actually yours." said Bruce.I then fell down." My daughter!" I yelled.

I went outside to the backyard and then I said," How are my daughter even here?".I turned around and I saw Stella." I am so sorry." I said." It is fine Bob.She is actually pretty cute." said Stella.

I then looked at her and I asked," So do you know who is your daughter?"."She won't tell me.She really want to talk with you." said Stella." I ain't so good with girls.You know that well." I said." Yeah.You really aren't.I think you learned this from Ace when you were a kid.So you want me to come with you?" said Stella." I actually have a better idea.Watch this.Clone mode." I said.

I then made a clone of myself." Why did you make yourself a clone?" said Stella." I am going to make you girls and Bruce an amazing dinner." I said.

My clone is in the kitchen making my daughter,my butler,my girlfriend,and my dog dinner while I was in the living room with my daughter." So what are your name?" I said.The short black haired girl said," My name is Selena Glitter X."I then said," So who is the mother?"." I can't tell you Percy.Mom said not to." said Selena. I then heard my clone say," Dinner."

I helped him set up alongside Bruce." So Bob? What do you think of your daughter?" said Bruce." She is pretty hot.I am guess that my genes got mixed with my wife's genes." I said." So do you know who the mother is?" said Bruce." Nah.They won't tell me." I said." But it is so easy to see Bobby." said Bruce." Look I just can't see it okay.I ain't so good at notice facial expressions." I said." I see.So do you know if she has a boyfriend?You are pretty judging." said Bruce.

" No I am not." I said." Yeah you are.I remember when you were little and you were going to your 6th birthday on Christmas.You couldn't decide what present to open.I miss when you were little.You were cute and now you scare me." said Bruce.I then kicked him with my eye beams." I hate that you have freaking powers!" said Bruce." Don't hate bro." I said.

I sat next to Stella who talking with my daughter.They seem so close.They just freaking met!"So what is your father like in the future?" said Stella." Dad is a musician,author,athlete,scientist,engineer,teacher, astronaut, superhero,and pretty anything you can think of." said Selena." So am I president I have some many laws I want to put in place." I said." You are running for president right now.You have a really good chance." said Selena.

My eyes went to star mode when Roy barked." Oh do you want to be my sidekick?" I said." What! Roy had superpowers?!" said Stella." Yeah.She does.She got them from Bob.She ate Bob's cooking which give you superpowers after eating all of it." said Selena." I guess my cooking is super then." I said." Yeah dad.It is." said the girls.

The next day,I was reading a book.It was called how to deal with your daughter.I got it from Audrey.Why I do not know." Man this book is informative." I thought.

I then keep reading until I saw Ace enter my room." Hey Bob.I am so freaking happy that school is finally over." said Ace." Good." I said." Shouldn't you be happy?I mean you get to see Stella in a bikini today." said Ace.My face then heated up." I completely forget about that." I said.

I then saw Ace grab my book." Dude? What do you have this?" said Ace.Ace didn't know about my daughter yet so I said," My mom sent to me."." She is a very strange women." said Ace." You don't know the half of it." I said." What do you mean by that?" said Ace."The females is my family always make me a simple stuff like a book crazy." I said." I still don't understand your lingo." said Ace." I think I was dropped on my head as a child." I said." That explains so much." said Ace.

I was at the beach alone.The changing room was long so I was waiting outside alone.I was doing some mediation while everyone else was in the changing room." Hey dad." said a girl.

I then turned my head around and I saw Selena.She was wearing a black bikini." Hey Selena! What is up?" I said." You finishing changing fast." said Selena." I was wearing this before I came here." I said." So Bob? Do you like me?" said Selena." Of course I do.Who said I didn't?" I said." Uncle Ace keeps hitting on me. Didn't you tell him about me?" said Selena." I was going to but I wanted him to figure it out." I said.

Then sand fell on me." Please tell me that isn't who I think it is." I said. I turned around and I saw Roy." Who did you expect dad?" said Selena." A bully of mine.I have only told the people on my team plus my butler." I said." I knew that already. I better go check on the other girls. They are taking a long time." said Selena." Okay. Roy you want to play fetch?" I said.She the barked." Okay! Fetch!" I yelled. I made a tennis ball and I threw it.

Selena P.O.V
My father has always been like this.He was always been a lazy man.He always tries his best when it comes to work and his parenting but he was always been a lazy bum though and through.I went into the girls locker room and I saw my father's girlfriend.Her hair was sliver like a diamond.  heard from my father that she can dance,sing,and she have most of Bob's powers expect from time manipulation.I then walked up to her and I said," Hey Stella.".

" Hi Selena. So you have your father's quickness?" said Stella." Yeah I do. So where are your girlfriends?I read from the history books that my father had a lot of girls that are friends and nothing else." I said."They are coming a little late." said Stella." I see.So do you know who my mom is?" I said." Nope.I can't tell.I guess me and Bob have a lot in common." said Stella.

I then looked at her and I said," Why do you like my father? He is lazy."." Your father isn't lazy.I mean he was a bum until he got his powers but when he protect his friends from evil doers.I don't what you do in the future Selena but I don't like it." said Stella.

As my father was having fun with his girlfriend and his dog, I was sitting on a cliff.I then looked at the ocean and I said," Why did I do that to her? She is special to my dad.".I then saw Roy."Hey Roy.I thought you will be playing with Bob." I said.

She barked," Bob wants to play with you Selena."." I know that Selena but I did something that I did wrong to my dad's girlfriend." I said." Stella doesn't hate you.You know that.She can't hate anyone." barked Roy." I know that Roy but I made fun of my own father.I better you have read my mind already." I said." Yeah I have.Bob is a sweet guy and so is Stella.So go play with them until their friends come." barked Roy.I then hugged my dog and I said," You are really sweet Roy."

I walked up to my father and Stella." Hey Selena.Did Roy talk to you?" said Bob." Yeah she did.She is a really sweet dog." I said." Yeah.Bruce raised her and he is the sweetest guy." said Stella." What about me?" said Bob." Dad.You are the sweetest guy I know.So don't worry about it." I said." Hey you are right.So Stella who is coming to our little party?" said Stella." Most of our friends from school.And no one tells that Selena is Bob's daughter." said Stella.We both looked at Bob who said," Okay I promise."

Stella P.O.V
Bob was talking with Ace about our trip to Japan.Ace then said," Dude! I can't believe you are going with Stella to Japan!You know how badly I wanted to go there."." So Ace?Why didn't you tell me that you had a sister?" said Bob.

He then looked a girl talking with Myra and Z.She had Ace's blond hair but it was more lighter." How did you not know that?" I said." We have never worked together on any project ever since second grade and we always hang out Bob's place because his "parents" were freaking rich.I can understand why Bob doesn't know my sister." said Ace." So how old is your sister?" I said.

" Her name is Ivy.She is coming to Saint next year.She is 15." said Ace." So she is younger than you by a year?" said Bob."Yeah.She was at a girls school last year.She wouldn't even set me with some of her friends. " said Ace.

Bob was on a surfboard and his dog was underwater as a dolphin.Roy had became a pretty good ninja when she is disguise as anything." So what is your idiotic boyfriend doing?" said Z.She was watching Bob who was talking with the dolphin." He does seem pretty weird." said Myra." Yeah.He is pretty weird but he is really smart." I said." Yeah.He prove Ms.Ellie wrong.That is always nice to see." said Z." I can't believe Bob is taking you to Japan! You have been wanted to go there since you were little.How did he know?" said Myra." I have no idea but I wanted to go there since I was little.So this will be a perfect date." I said.

Narrator P.O.V
Bob was surfing with the help of his dog as a dolphin so that his friends who weren't superhuman didn't see his dog being a superhero." Okay time for a Power flip!" said Bob.He then grab his surfboard and he did a flip into the water.

He then landed near Selena." Bob!Are you alright?" said Selena." Yeah.I have been in worse situation." said Bob.His head was bleeding." That is weird.Even at that speed that you were falling,your superhuman body would be able to protect you from that." said Evelyn.Then the two heard screams." I think we found it." said Bob.

It was a giant robotic squid along with fish soldiers.The Squid had already kidnapped the group which was Ace,Aurora,Brendan,Carly,Cindy,Donna,Grim,Ivy,Jake,Kari,Kathy,Larry,Lynch,Myra,Norman,Robin,RoseStella,Terra,and Z.

Ace was punching the squid with his fist.The squid turned his head and he blasted Ink at him.The fish then laughed at him." Did any of you guys ordered take out?" said Ace." You dare insult us mammal. We are the fish kingdom army." said a fish looking like a swordfish." Like Atlantis?" said Z." You can say that but we are more powerful than those mermaids and merman.They are so bratty.I wish someone would get rid of them for us." said a crocodile fish.

" Wait! Do you know any people to pleasure the mermaids?" said Norman." Yes?' said the soldiers." We offer our services to pleasure the mermaids." said Ace,Grim,and Norman in unison." Can the squid understand human?" said Cindy." Yes he can." said a starfish soldier.

" Hey squid! Can you bring Myra,the girl with the long blond hair to Norman,the boy with the short blond hair, Aurora the girl with the long purple/black hair to the guy wearing all black known as Grim, and Ivy the girl with the long blond hair and me Terra the girl with the long black hair to the boy known as Ace who was short blond hair?" said Terra.

The squid did that and a turtle solider said," What are you planning?"." This.Epic head slap." said the 4 girls.They hit the boys on the back of their heads.The soldiers laughed.

Bob was in his Power uniform with Roy in her uniform.It was red and black with a cape." Roy.You look freaking awesome." said Bob quietly."Thanks Master.Where is your daughter?" barked Roy quietly." I don't understand women Roy so don't ask me." said Bob.

He then turned and saw his daughter.She was wearing a red/black costume like Stella's simulation." Wow you look a lot less slutty then I thought." said Bob.

He then was out cold." So what are they Selena?" barked Roy." They are part of the underwater kingdom.The underwater kingdom contains the mermaids and merman,the fish people,and the fish.They are ruled by the family known as the aquamarine.They are part of the water kingdom which are part of the element kingdom which consists of fire,water,grass,earth,light,dark, wind,magic,and science.Bob's powers is from the best warrior's powers." said Selena.

" So that means what exactly?" barked Roy." She means that I am the best of the Galaxy Kingdom and the Element Kingdom plus more kingdoms.Plus some shrimp." said Bob.

He went over to the fish and he said," So what you guys laughing about?"." It is the person who stole the princess's heart! Kill him Kraken!" yelled a shrimp.Then a solider became a Kraken."Time to make some sushi!Japan Style Kendo Slash!" said Bob.He made his sword into a Kendo sword and he slashed the Squid's arm off." Catch them team! I will handled these fish with Lighting Barrier!" yelled Bob.

Then Roy and Selena catch them with" Sponge Net!",Ace then said to Selena," So who are you?You look pretty hot.".He then was knocked out by Ivy." I am sorry for my brother.So what is your name?" said Ivy." My name is Galaxy and this is Power's dog Titan." said Selena." So what is your relationship with Power?" said Joyce.Then a yell was heard." Lighting vortex! Then Mega Impact Slash!" yelled Bob.A vortex of lighting captured the fish and Bob went in there with his sword and he made a whole lot of dead fish.

Bob P.O.V
I was sitting in my beach chair as my friends were fun.I then sensed Larry about to pour water on me." Larry is it? I don't think you doing that would be a good idea." I said while sleeping." Sorry Mr.X. But Norman dared me to." said Larry.He then poured it on me and my ears were on fire." Norman! You are so dead!" I said.I then ran after him as he ran away.

I was walking home because the car I came in was full.I was starting to play something on my phone when i heard it ring.It was mother." Yeah mom.What do you want?" I said." How was the beach?" said Audrey." Fine.So what the hell do you want?" I said." You are going to Japan soon correct?" said Audrey." Yeah with my girlfriend." I said." Goody.I need you and Stella to go find this powerful person.He is a friend of yours. His name is Dan." said Audrey," You mean Dan the man?" I said.

Dan the Man was a old friend of mine.Me and him were the tag team in online gaming because we kicked major ass.We hung out in real life as well but when I was 14,he moved to Japan." Does Stella know mother? She wanted to go to Japan since we were little." I said." Yeah she knows and she is pissed.But I told her you don't have to find Dan until the start of July.Which means you and Stella can get it on." said Audrey.My face went red as I said," See you later mom." I hung my phone and I enter my house.

I was in my room packing for the trip.Roy and Selena was on my bed." So you have to go find this Dan guy?" barked Roy." Yeah.It ain't fun.I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend.So this won't be fun." I said." Dan is part of your team that conquered many games.His daughter is one of my closest friends." said Selena. " Good." I said.

I then finished packing as my dog asked," Why is there so much black/red?"." Daddy has loved those colors since he was little.He is always wearing black and red." said Selena." Yeah but I am bring other color such green and blue." I said." Really " said the two.

I went downstairs and I saw luggage with Stella. She was wearing a sliver dress." You look beautfuil as always." I said." Thanks Bob.I still can't believe we have to find some person for the squad on our date.Your mother is a bitch." said Stella." Yeah she kinda of us but she told me we have till July 1st. So we can mess around in the land of the rising sun." I said." Are you serious?Your bitch mom told us that we have to find him before we can have fun." said Stella." Yeah she lies to women.I can't figure out why so you ready to have some fun in the land of the rising sun?" I said." Yeah." said Stella.

Next time,
Bob and Stella are in Japan.

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