Friday, May 9, 2014
Powerful Power part 1 Life is an confusing thing ain't it?
A man and a woman walked into a hospital room.The man had black hair and red eyes while the woman had blond hair and blue eyes." Explain to me why we are doing this again Angel?" said the man with the black hair." Because Devil.This is the one who is perfectly balanced." said Angel.Devil moved his hair out of his eyes and then a nurse walked in." Is this yours?You don't like the patient in the slightest according to the records." said the nurse.Devil looked at the nurse and he said," We are close friend of the patient so you can trust us.May we see the patient's records?".Her face went red as she said," Um sure!".She ran off really fast and Angel said," I can't believe you sometimes."." I was just doing our job.I mean with those records,we can if this thing is a boy or girl." said Devil." Did you have to use your charm on her?" said Angel." Take a chill pill for once in your life.I mean without fun,we would be emotionless beings.And what is the worst that could happen?" said Devil.Angel sat down and the nurse came back in and she said," Here you go!".Devil handled them to his partner and he said," Thank you.You better get back to work miss.We don't want people dying.".
She ran off as Devil said," So whose the kid?"." It says that his name is Robert Percival X.He is 11 years old.His dad during a accident over in the United Kingdom.You know where that is right?" said Angel." Of course.I do.I mean it is near Germany right?So where is the boy's parent?" said Devil.He then made a smoke as Angel said," Don't."." Why the hell not?" said Devil." He could die from that smoke and we don't want that." said Angel.He put it out and he said," What about his family?This kid isn't alone right?"." He has a mom but she remarried a few months after his father died and she married a man named Spencer who works for a company called human protection organization empire or HOPE." said Angel." You mean that thing that the paper was talking about." said Devil." Yes the exact one." said Angel." So does this Bob guy have a brother or sister?" said Devil.
Then the two saw a little girl running in." Bob!" yelled the girl.She was crying on the bed and Devil whispered to his partner," Can she see us? And who is she?"." No she can't.That is his older sister Robin and she is a high school freshman." said Angel." Are you freaking serious?I mean she looks like a middle school kid!" yelled Devil." Guess height wasn't good to her.She and Bob have lived together since their father's death." said Angel." Angel. That is so cool." said Devil.He then stood there and he said," We have to do this Angel.I don't care.These two need each other."." You're right.Lets do this." said Angel.The two jumped into Bob and then Robin was blasted out of the room.The door slammed shut as Robin pounded on the door." Bob! Doctor!" yelled Robin.
Bob looked around.It was white like ice cream." Where am I?" said Bob.He remember what happened." I got hit by a car." said Bob. He sat on the floor and he was crying." Robin.I am so sorry.I shouldn't have ran into the streets." said Bob." Don't worry about it Bob.We will bring you back to your sister." said Devil.Bob then looked up and he saw a man with long black hair,red eyes and demon wings and a woman with short blond hair,blue eyes,and angel wings." Who are you two?" said Bob." My name is Devil and I represent the death in this world and this is my partner Angel and she represent life in this world." said Devil." Why are you two in here?And what do you mean?Can you bring me back to Robin?" said Bob." Yes but you have to do something for us." said Angel." What is it?" said Bob." We need to give you our powers.You will be alive but things will be different for you." said Devil." I don't care! Bring me back to her!" yelled Bob." Okay Bob." said Angel.The two then blasted Bob with a black light and a white light.
The door slammed open and Robin looked at her younger brother.He was still alive." Bob.You're okay." said Robin.She cried on her brother and he opened his eyes." Bob?" said Robin." Hey sis." said Bob.She hugged him and Bob said," Calm down Robin.".She let him go as she said," What happened? The doctors said that you weren't going to live.I mean after mom left us for Spencer,it has been me and you.We have had some hard times and some good times and we have done it together and you were going to die.I didn't wanted to lose you Bob." said Robin.Bob said," I am fine Robin."." You are?" said Robin." Yeah.I bet life will be better from this day onward.I promise." said Bob.
The next five years went better for the two.With Devil and Angel inside him,Bob had incredible luck which got the two a place in Mural.The town had an amazing high school which Robin did well at it but Bob changed.He hanged out with the wrong crowd and he got a nose piercing.Today was his first day at Revolution,an all boy school and he was dealing with his powers that Angel and Devil gave him.Angel gave him the power of water,ice,grass,and other forms of light and kindness while Devil gave him darkness and fire.He walked downstairs wearing his normal outfit.He had his black jacket which he got from his father,a red shirt,black pants,a black and red ring with the letter P for Power,a black and white watch,and black headphones with the symbol D in red and L in white." Good morning Bob.Did you sleep good?" said Robin.Bob looked at his older sister.She started college a few days ago but she doesn't start till next year and she was staying here with her brother.She looked a little kid but she is 19."Fine." said Bob.He stood there and he said," So are you going to be alright?I mean you are going to be by yourself."." I'll be fine Bob.I mean I can take of you when you are sick.I think I can handle myself at home.Have fun at school today." said Robin." Yeah.I will." said Bob.She kissed him but Bob had to bend down so she could reached.He opened the door and walked to school.
He was walking to school as Devil stopped him.Since his 15th birthday,Devil and Angel have been appearing front of him" You all right Bob?You seem tense." said Devil." It is fine Devil.Just leave." said Bob.He stopped the boy and he said," I am not letting you go to Revolution."." Why?" said Bob." Those friends of yours are there." said Devil." Why do you hate my friends?!" yelled Bob.Devil and Angel were like the mom and dad he wished he had and Devil said," They are an bad influence on you and that is coming from me." said Devil." What the hell gives you right to be a dad?!You aren't my dad!" yelled Bob.He then made some fire appeared from his hands and he fired it at Devil." You don't know anything!" yelled Bob.
Then he made the fire go away as Angel touched his back with her soft hands." I am sorry for my idiotic partner said Bob.We just feel like you could make some better friends." said Angel."You agreeing with him?Are you kidding me?" yelled Bob." Calm down Bob.Don't get anger." said the two." Leave me alone!" yelled Bob.He then froze the area around him and he walked off." Is he going to be alright?" said Angel." Yep.He just need to calm down.Guess his stepfather calling his sister last night wasn't the best idea to a child with an anger problem.I really hope that he doesn't get in trouble what so ever."said Devil." We better go after him." said Angel.
The two flew after him as a man walked up to the ice a good few hours later." Looks like that boy was here with his spirit friends." said the man.He then carved out some ice and placed it in the bag." Guess I will meet you soon boy.I mean you will be at that school.I know it." said the man.He walked off and then the ice melted into a puddle.
Bob was walking around the city nearby his school." I can't believe those two.I mean those guys are my friends." said Bob.He then saw an old woman holding a lot of bags." You need some help miss?" said Bob." Thank you sonny.Guess I bought more food than I can carry." said the old woman.Bob grab some bags and he notice the older woman.She had sliver hair and blue eyes." Guess you were a very beautiful woman back in the day." said Bob." Thank you sonny.I haven't been complimented like that in years.My name is Sarah and you are?" said Sarah." Bob." said Bob.We were walking and I said," So where is your car and where do you live Sarah?".
Then some men surround the two and they said," You shouldn't have been here miss.This is between us and the boy."." What do you want with him?" said Sarah.She was pushed down and Bob yelled," Sarah!You guys are so dead now."." What are you going to do?" said the men." This." said Bob.He punched one with a punch straight to the man's gut knocking him down." Get him!" yelled the man on the floor.Bob then said," Dragon mode.".He then knocked out the grunts with the power and speed of a dragon.Bob stood there and he helped Sarah up." I am sorry about the bags." said Bob." It is fine Bob.I can always make my very young granddaughter get the stuff.Who were those guys?" said Sarah." They are enemies of mine." said Bob.Sarah looked at one and their logo was the word HOPE." You are being targeted by HOPE." said Sarah." HOPE? My stepfather works for them?Why are they after me?" said Bob." We need get to Saint Academy right now .Do you have a cellphone on you?" said Sarah." Um sure but what is Saint Academy?" said Bob.He then thought as Sarah took his phone," Must be an private school on the other side of town I guess.".Then a limo appeared and Sarah said," Hop in Bob."
The two sat there in utter silence as Bob said," So where are we going? And does my stepfather have do with this?".Sarah looked at the floor and Bob said," What does it mean?!"." Calm down Bob." said Devil inside his head.Bob calmed himself as the limo driver said," Sarah.We are here.".Bob then saw a girl's private school." No fucking way." said Bob quietly to himself." Don't worry Bob.The girls are all in class.Lets get going.I need you to meet someone." said Sarah.He followed the old woman into the blue building and he thought," God dam it!".
Meanwhile,a man was working in the lab." I finally done it!" yelled the man.He had long white hair and he was your typical mad scientist." I finally made it.The perfect formula on making my wishes come true." said the man.The door then opened and Sarah walked in." Kelly.I had a special guest for you.You can come on it." said Sarah.Bob walked in and he said," A guy?!"." Who is he Sarah?Where did you find him anyway?I thought you were out getting stuff for you and her." said Kelly." This is my good friend Bob.He is being targeted by HOPE." said Sarah." You are perfect." said Kelly.Bob stood there and he said," What is going on Sarah?"." This isKellyRice, our school mad doctor." said Sarah." What private school has a mad doctor?" said Bob." This one.Now open up!" said Kelly.Bob swallowed the formula and Bob said," That felt weird. What was that?".
Then Angel and Devil came out." How?" said the two." It worked!" said Kelly.He then was holding a net as the two spirits ran from the mad doctor." Should I ask?" said Bob." Ask away." said Sarah." Who was that guy? Why did they come out? Where am I?" said Bob." That was Kelly Rice.He is a doctor looking for spirits like your friends.They will be fine though.I mean Kelly may be a little weird but he is a guy you can trust.That was a potion so he can hunt spirits and we are at Saint Academy.I am the director of this place." said Sarah." Can we talk?!" yelled Bob." Um sure Bob." said Sarah.
Bob sat there with Devil and Angel who were trapped in a net." Bob! Where are we?We need to get going." said Devil." Yeah.I mean these nets are really strong.Can't you break it?" said Angel." I could but Sarah is a nice lady but Kelly scares me to death." said Bob." Did the fearless Bob find something that he is scared of?" said Devil." No!" yelled Bob.The chair that he was sitting on burned into ashes." Guess I will have to get a new chair." said Sarah.She was carrying tea and Bob said," I'll buy you a new chair I promise!"." It is fine Bob.Just make a new one." said Sarah." Okay." said Bob.
He then made a chair and he sat down." Care for some tea?" said Sarah." Um sure." said Bob.He drank it and Sarah said," So what do you need to know?"." Um.Where to begin?" said Bob." I have one.Can you get us out of here!?" yelled Devil.He was knocked out by Angel." Anyway.You are here because someone from HOPE knows that you are a superhuman." said Sarah." Me a superhuman? You mean like a superhero right?" said Bob." Yep and we train the female ones." said Sarah." Then shouldn't I be at the guy school?" said Bob." Well you are being hunted by them so you can't leave." said Sarah.
" Are you kidding me?!I can't stay here!" yelled Bob." Why is he so angry all the time?" said Sarah." One of life's questions." said Angel." I have a sister! She needs me!" yelled Bob." Who is your sister?" said Sarah." It is Robin.She is the best sister that a guy could ask for and I don't want to lose her like I did my dad and mom." said Bob.The oldest person in the room said," Okay.I have an idea.Take this.".She handed Bob a card.It had the symbol P just like his ring." What is this?" said Bob." Your pass.This means that you can walk in and out of the school at any time you so please.This symbol means something as well but I will tell you tomorrow.Time for you to get home." said Sarah." Right.I need these two though." said Bob." Oh yes." said Sarah.She then made a pair of giant scissors and cut the two spirits free and they went back inside Bob." Goodbye Bob and welcome to Saint Academy." said Sarah." Later Sarah." said Bob.
He was walking to the gate and he pulled out his phone.He turned on the GPS feature on it." This place is like a wasteland.I mean this place isn't even on a map." said Bob.Bob then said," I can't believe it.I'm at an all girls school.".He then sighed as he sense a man." Is that Kelly?" said Bob.He then got his neck trapped in a chain." Who are you and what are you doing on school grounds boy?" said a man.
Bob turned around and he saw a man.He had black hair and he was wearing a teacher's uniform." My name is Bob and I just met the school director." said Bob." How did a boy get in here?It doesn't matter.Time for me to take out the trash." said the man.He then pulled the chain back as Bob said," I am not going anywhere without a fight.". He then planted himself in the ground as the man keep pulling the chain." Why aren't you moving?!" said the man." Because of this.Acid Breath!" said Bob.He then freed himself from the chair with some old fashion acid breath." You have powers?" said the man." Yep.You want a round with me?" said Bob." I will enjoy this." said the man.
Inside the building,a girl was looking at the board.She had sliver hair and blue eyes just like her grandma." Stella?Wake up!" yelled a girl.Stella looked up and she saw her best friend.She had blond hair and blue eyes and Stella said," Hey Kitty? What's up?"." Didn't you hear the rumors?How Kelly actually caught a spirit?" said Kitty.Kelly was their crazy science teacher and Stella said," He did?That is such a lie.I mean him catching one is silly.I mean the only way that is possible is if someone came onto schools grounds with one.". "You're right about that Stella but someone did come today!" said Kitty." What do you mean?" said Stella." I heard from one of the girls who were practicing her fire attacks this morning that your grandma came in with a boy." said Kitty." A boy?" said Stella." Yeah.I know.I mean a guy here would be crazy.I mean we have Kelly and Noah but that is it and they are both adults." said Kitty." Yeah.I guess we will have to ask grandma herself about this." said Stella.
Then a girl ran in.She had black hair and green eyes." Jade?What is the matter?" said Kitty." Noah is in a fight against some boy who wandered his way in here." said Jade.She was crying because Noah was her father." Lets go then!" said Stella.The three ran out of there and to where Noah was fighting a boy.Noah is the fighting instructor here at Saint Academy and along with the director he was strong.The girls noticed the boy.He had black hair which look crazy,red eyes,a red shirt,black pants,and black and red tennis shoes." Is that a boy?" said the three.Then Stella notice a black jacket with black headphones,a ring,and a black and white watch nearby the boy." Who is this guy?" said Stella." Get down!" yelled the boy.
He then pushed her down as a chain went over the two.Stella's face went red as the boy said," Next time.Listen to me.".He got off her and he ran back to Noah." Stella! Are you okay?" said Jade." Yeah." said Stella.She felt her face and she thought," Who is that?"." You are good kid.I mean most people would have ran from me but you are differently." said Noah." Thanks and the name is Bob.Don't forget." said Bob." Bob.I am going to enjoy this. I summon the power of the chain cobra!" said Noah.Then his chain turned into a snake like monster and Bob dodged his attacks.
Then the Chain Cobra was stopped by a blast of electricity." Not so fast there if any one is going to kill that kid.It is yours truly Lighting!" yelled Lighting.A blond haired girl stood there.She was wearing an outfit that amplify her boobs well and it made her look well hot." Stop!" yelled Noah.He then made another chain which trapped the electric girl." I won't let you hurt these students." said Noah." Oh mister.You are make me feel all hot." said Lighting.The man's face went red as Jade said," Dad!"." Sorry honey." said Noah." So she is your kid?" said Lighting.She then shocked Noah out as Jade yelled," Dad!"." Get back!" said Bob.
Bob then blocked Jade from Lighting." Wow.You are a strong one.Most guy can't handle me but you must be different." said Lighting.She then punched him with everything that she has." Time to end this.Ground Capture!" yelled Bob.He then made the ground hold the girl as she tried to get out." Thanks Bob." said Jade." You're welcome." said Bob.He then fell over as Stella looked over him." He is wounded.Your father did something to him along with Lighting here." said Stella." I'll go get your grandma." said Kitty.She was stopped by Bob and he said," I'm out of here.".He put on his jacket and he walked off." Who was that guy?" said the three.
Bob walked back home with the sharp pain in his chest." Man that lighting girl can sure throw a good punch." said Bob.He opened his door and he walked up to his room.He went onto his bed as Devil came out along with Angel." So why did you defend that girl?" said Devil." Huh?" said Bob." You defended the daughter of the girl who tried to kill you with that chain earlier!" said Devil." Calm down Devil.Why did you do it?" said Angel." No clue.I just felt like it." said Bob.Bob looked at himself.He was covered with wounds and burns." I better not let Robin see this.She will have a freakout." said Bob.He went into his shower as Devil said," I feel like this Sarah is going to be changing things for him."." You are right." said Angel." How did you?" said Devil." Women's instincts." said Angel." Makes sense.I think." said Devil.
A man was looking at Bob fighting Lighting." This boy is going to be a thorn in our side." said a man." But President Spencer." said a scared man.Spencer looked at the man and he said," Make sure that brat is dead!".The scared man ran off as Spencer said," Time to make you pay for you did to me Bob."
Next time,
Bob goes to Saint Academy.He meets the girls from yesterday,learn more about that card,and deals with HOPE and girls
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