Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pokemon Adventure part 38 The Pokemon League part 12 The Second Half

Bob P.O.V
I found a note with an pokeball."That is weird. Where is Nurse Joy,Light,and Tetra?" I said.I then read the note.It said,"Dear Bob. Your battles have been awesome. Here is a present from me. From Lance.".

I then opened the ball and an Happiny came out."Cool." I said.Then Pancham came out and he played with the Playhouse Pokemon.I then pulled out my Pokedex and it said,"This Happiny knows the moves Roost, Slack Off, Synthesis, Recover, Softboiled, Moonlight, Milk Drink, Morning Sun, Heal Order, Aqua Ring, Ingrain, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Horn Leech, Drain Punch, Heal Pulse, and Leech Life.".

"So you can heal any of my Pokemon?" I said."Yeah daddy! Give her Rex, Robot, Swampert, Spark, Lighting, and Betsy!" said Pancham.I then gave her the 6 Pokemon and they were healed."Thanks. Guess you are joining the team then. What should I call you?" I said.She then pointed to a name.It was Joy."Guess I'm calling you Joy. You like that name?" I said.She then nodded as I smiled.I return the baby Pokemon and I said,"Can you help me with something?"

Ash P.O.V
"So what do you think Bob getting? And where did he get that Happiny?"I said.I was with Max at the mall.I was afraid of this place due to my experiences with girls but I wanted to know what he was doing here."I guess Bob captured her." said Max.

Bob then said to his Pokemon,"Can you wait out here? Lets go Froslass!".The Snow Land Pokemon came out and she said,"I will keep an eye on her Bob."."Thanks." said Bob.He ran inside a store as I said,"Is that a jewelry store?"."Yeah. Why do you think Bob is in there?" said Max."Getting some jewelry?" I said.Max then said,"Way to state the obvious Ash."."Yep." I said.

He ran out with a bag and the two female Pokemon followed him.We ran into the store and the owner said,"What do you two need?"."Oh nothing." said Max."Actually we wanted to know what the boy just bought." I said."Sorry but I can't tell you what he bought." said the owner."Thanks." said Max.We walked out of there and Max said,"Better see what else.".

We followed him for a good hour and he stopped for lunch.We sat nearby.Bob was feeding his Pancham, Happiny, and Spark along with Blaze, Swampert, and Aaron."So Bob went into a jewelry store, dress store, and other stores. What could this mean?" I said."Still so dense." said a voice.

I saw Paul and Harrison."Paul! Harrison! What are you guys doing here?" I said."We wanted to watch your battle man. I mean I lost to you and Paul lost to Bob." said Harrison."Makes sense. So is Tyson, Ritchie, and Cameron still around?" I said."They are around here. So why are you spying on Bob?" said Paul."He went into the mall." said Max."So?" said the two."Yeah without a girl." I said."Really?" said the two."It makes no sense." said Max.

Then Aaron stood there with an angry stare.We then said,"Sorry."."It is fine but can you leave? Bob was noticed you guys and he wants so quiet so can you guys go somewhere else?" said Aaron."Why?" said Paul."I can't tell you guys. Bob wouldn't be happy." said Aaron."So why are you out?" said Max."I need to keep an eye on those kids." said Aaron."They are gone." said Harrison."Really?!" said Aaron.

He noticed that the three were gone as Bob was talking with the starters."Later guys!" yelled Aaron.He ran off as I said,"He would make a great dad."."No he wouldn't." said my friends.I then stood up and I said,"Lets get ready for my match against Morton tomorrow."

Bob P.O.V
I sat in a hotel room.With the tourney coming to a close, I got a room.It was nice to sleep outside but I think the wild Pokemon would like their home back.I sat there and I look at the stuff that I bought from the mall.

It was a Shiny Stone from that flying egg, a pair of diamond earrings, and some other stuff.The door then opened and Rick stood there."Why did you call me man?" said Rick."I need some help." I said."With that?" said Rick."I need to apologized to her. I got some stuff for her and I need to get ready. So can you help me?" I said."Sure thing cos. I trained for my match against ." said Rick."Lets go." I said.

I stood there and I looked in the mirror.My hair was put down and I was wearing a suit.It was the suit that I used for dates."You look so cool right now cos." said Rick.

He stood there and I said,"Thanks Rick. I need this. I felt like a giant jerk."."Thanks you for the compliment Bob. I better get going. Don't want to ruin your date." said Rick.He then went to the window and he flew away on a Pelipper."Thanks cos." I said.

I sat there and Pancham plus Spark came out."Daddy! Why do you look so nice?" said the two."He is on a date." said Mewtwo.It stood there and I said,"Can you take them somewhere?"."No problem but I will be taking some of your Pokemon." said Mewtwo.

It grabbed Latias, Sawk, Grace, Nick, Selena, Brian, Donphan, Drake, Betsy, Z, and Meowth."Later Daddy!" said Pancham."Good luck on your date." said Spark.It left with them as the door opened up.

Stella P.O.V
I was sitting with Aries, Krystal, and Jade.She was still sad about her loss to Sonia.Then Rick came in and he kissed his girlfriend."So where were you Rick? I mean you were called by Room 75 right?" said Jade."Yeah. It was an old friend of mine. He wanted to see you Stella in this." said Rick.

He held up a dress plus some matching shoes."Why?!" I said."He may be a little weird but just go to him." said Krystal."You know this guy?" said Aries."Yeah. He and Rick are really good friends." said Krystal."Okay. I'll go." I said."Why?!" said Jade.Aries then grabbed the girl as she said,"We will wait here. Have fun.".

I was wearing the dress and I opened the door.I saw Bob wearing a tuxedo."Bob?" I said."I guess Rick delivered." said Bob.He led me in and I saw the room.It was so romantic."You did all of this?" I said."Yep. I wanted to make this amazing because I wanted to apologized you in a romantic way." said Bob.His face was red as I said,"Thank you Bob. You are welcome.".

He gave me a chair and I sat down."So how long did this take?" I said."A very long time. Here." said Bob.He then handed me a bag and I looked inside."Is this all for me?" I said."Yep. I spend some of the money that I got from all of those battles that I was in."  said Bob.I then held out a shiny stone."And that is for Togetic." said Bob."You got this for me?" I said."Yep and also I wanted to see one of my good friends being happy." said Bob.

I then held out some diamond earrings, a necklace made with diamonds, sapphire, emeralds, and ruby, and then a really cute bag."You are the best." I said."I know but I need to ask you one thing." said Bob."What is it?" I said.He then called in some people who were chefs."What would you like to eat?" said Bob.

I was sitting with Meowth."So Z? You happy for Nick?" said Meowth."Huh?" I said."You alright Z?" said Meowth."I am just thinking. I mean beside the legendary Pokemon, Pancham, Lapras, and Joy. I haven't been used yet in this." I said."Why don't you just ask Bob about it?" said Meowth."He might say no." I said."You should Z." said Mewtwo.

It stood there with Latias as a human."Hey guys. So where are the others?" I said."With Brian." said Mewtwo."Z! You know that rivalry between Grace and Selena?" said Latias."Yeah. What is going on?" I said."Grace and Sawk started dating!" yelled Latias.The cat looked at me and he said,"I don't get girls."."Me either." said Mewtwo."They are awesome together." said Latias.

Then we reached them and I noticed some stuff.Donphan was playing with the two as Drake and Betsy were relaxing under a tree together, Brian watched the group, Sawk and Grace chattting, and Nick sitting on the floor mediating with Selena."I see." I said.I then sense someone."Get back everyone!" I said.

I then return them all as Marco stood there."Marco?" I said."Yep. I am here looking for Bob." said Marco."Why?" I said."Team Hyde." said Marco."Lets go." I said.I then followed the champion toward a building with Bob's Pokemon in my bag which I made.

I then saw the current Elite Four plus Lance.The Current Elite Four is Greg the Grass Member of the Elite Four and the second in command, Edna the Electric member and the third in command, Eve the Normal member, and Roger the Rock Member and the Leader of the Elite Four.

Edna had yellow hair and it was spiny, Eve's hair was just well normal, and Roger was strong and he look like a god."Who is this Marco?" said Edna."One of Bob's friends." said Marco."So where is Bob? We need to see him." said Eve."He is busy out on a date." I said."Bob on a date?" said Greg.

He then fainted as Roger sighed."Same old Greg." said Lance."So why did you guys need me?" I said."Team Hyde's leader is in this tourney." said Roger."What! Who is it?!" I said."Shawn." said Roger."What?" said Edna and Eve."Yep. I knew about that. Bob isn't going to face him until the finals. We need to make sure about that." said Marco."Why?" I said."Bob and Shawn are rivals. He will make Shawn reveals his colors." said Greg."But I thought your dad was the Leader Lance." I said."No. He is an sub division leader." said Lance."I better go tell Bob." I said."Don't." said the trainers."Why?" I said." Bob hates surprises." said the trainers."Right." I said.

Bob P.O.V
I woke up and I noticed a sleeping Stella next to me.My face went red as she woke up."Bob! What are you doing in my bed?!" said Stella."This was my bed. You must have rolled in." I said.

She then punched me out as she said,"You pervert."."Sorry." I said.She then ran to the shower as I sat on the floor."Nice job Bob. I am impress with you man." said Swampert.He was out and I said,"How?"."Z. She came out and she saw that Stella went into your bed her words but she left in me charge of the place until either one of you wake up." said Swampert."Oh." I said.I then saw Stella get out and she knocked me down with a bar of soap.

I got out of the shower and I put on some clothes.It was my black shirt with a mega evolution and blue jeans.I put it on and Stella said,"You're not wearing a hoodie or jacket?".She sat there with some coffee."Yeah. So are we going to meet up with anyone?" I said.

"Yeah. Rick, Krystal, Ruby, and Jade. We don't want to miss Brendan's match now do we?" said Stella."Nope. Lets get going. Swampert." I said.He was watching TV and I returned him."Lets go!" said Stella.She was out the door as I followed her.

I then saw them as Ruby said,"So you two still dating?"."Yep. We used Recover." said Stella."That was bad Stella. I mean it is ever worse than Brendan's jokes." said Jade."Nope. Sapphire's jokes are badder." said Ruby.

The two then argued about whose jokes were badder?"So did the date plan work?" said Rick."He helped?" said Stella."Well Bob did most of it. I just helped him getting well mannered." said Rick."You were always the best dressed member of the family." I said.Krystal then said,"So who do you think is going to win?".Jade and Ruby looked at me and I said,"50/50.".

Brendan P.O.V
I stood across from my cousin.She was ready for our match."Guess we finally get to have our battle." said Sapphire."I guess so. You better not go easy on me." I said."Nope." said Sapphire."Begin the match!" said the ref."Lets go Phado!" said Sapphire.An Donphan came out and I said,"Lets go Dusk!".The Beckon Pokemon came out and the ref said,"Lets begin.".

"Brendan might have an advantage with his Ghost type but Sapphire must be prepared for this." said Marco."Having a great relationship is good so that a battle will be a amazing one." said Lance."Rollout into Assurance and Stone Edge!" said Sapphire."Dodge it and then Blizzard!" I said.The Elephant froze and then Sapphire said,"Rollout!"Dusk got knocked back as I said,"Power-Up Punch!".He then knocked out the Armor Pokemon and Sapphire said,"Return.".

She then return the elephant and then she said,"Go Lorry!".A Wailord came out and I return the ghost."Lets go Heliolisk!" I said.The Generator Pokemon came out and Lance said,"And we have an awesome battle to see."."Yes but Wailord is a very big Pokemon so that will help." said Marco.

"Bounce then Heavy Slam!" said Sapphire."Dodge it with Quick Attack!" I said.The attack cause a lot of smoke."Go in with a Thunder Punch!" I said.The gecko then punched the whale and Sapphire said," Lets go with an Hydro Pump!".The water blast then knocked back the gecko as I said,"Conduct it with Thundershock!".The attack then shocked the whale out cold."Return. You did a great job." said Sapphire.

She then return the whale and she said,"Lets go Relly!".An Relicanth came out and I said,"Return! Go Swellow!".She came out as the ref said,"Begin.".

"Aerial Ace with Quick Attack!" I said." Blizzard!" said Sapphire.The bird then dodged the icy attack and she was hit.She then said,"Smack Down!".She went down and I said,"I hope this works! Close Combat!".The punches then knocked out the fish.The ref said,"Ten minute break!"

I stood there as Sapphire said,"Go Troppy!".A Tropius came out and I said,"Lets go Smoke!".My Charmeleon came out and I said,"Don't doubt this guy cos. He may be new but he can fight the good fight."."Right." said Sapphire."Begin!" said the ref.

"Bulldoze!" said Sapphire."Jump in the air and then Fire Punch!" I said."Dodge and Stomp!" said Sapphire."Dragon Rage and then Flame Burst!" I said.The Fruit Pokemon took the fire and then Sapphire said,"Sunny Day and Solar Beam!".The grass hit as Smoke fell to the ground."Smoke! You okay buddy?" I said.He gave me a thumbs up as I said,"Lets hit this plant with Inferno!".Then the Fruit Pokemon was knocked out as Smoke gave a cheer.

I returned him as I said,"You were awesome buddy. Take a good long rest."."Lets see if we can't turn this around Rono!" said Sapphire.An Aggron came out and I said,"Lets go Swell!".She came back out as the ref said,"Begin.".

"Let see if Sapphire can turn this around. I know that she can because she made it this far." said Marco."Yep but Brendan can win if he thinks wisely." said Lance."Aerial Ace!" I said."Iron  Defense!" said Sapphire.The bird stop as Sapphire said,"Metal Claw and Ice Beam!".

The bird was frozen and then knocked out."Return Swell!" I said.She went back as I said,"Lets go Heliolisk!".The Gecko came back out and the ref said,"Begin!"

"Thunder!" I said.The Iron Armor Pokemon then smiled as I said,"Huh?"."You forgot about him being rock didn't you?" said Sapphire.I fell down as Sapphire said,"Earthquake!".

The Gecko was knocked out as I said,"Return."."And Sapphire is turning this around like nothing else. Both Swell and Helio are out of here. Rono is a strong Aggron don't you think Marco?" said Lance."It is but it was a weakness." said Marco."Lets go Hitmonchan!" I said.The Punching Pokemon came out and the ref said,"Begin!".

"Focus Punch!" I said."Stop him with Screech!" said Sapphire.The fist hit
as swirls appeared in his eyes."Winner Hitmonchan!"."Never mind that." said Lance."She still has her final Pokemon plus Smoke and Dusk have been fighting so she could still win this." said Marco.

"Lets win this Chic!" said Sapphire.The fire bird came out and I said,"Stay out there Chan!".He stood there and the ref said,"Begin!".

"Thunder Punch into Sky Uppercut!" I said."Detect. Flamethrower!" said Sapphire.The Punching Pokemon was burning as Sapphire said,"Brave Bird!".The Flying move then attacked and she knocked out my fighting Pokemon."No. Return. Go Dusk!" I said.He came back out and the ref said,"Begin!"

"Shadow Ball!" I said.The ball was kicked off by the bird."Flamethrower!" said Sapphire."Dodge and then Future Sight plus Psychic!" I said."Blast Burn!" said Sapphire.The fire attack then burned Dusk out."I hope you can avenge the gang! Go Smoke!" I said.He came out and he roared."Begin!" said the ref.

"Blaze Kick!" said Sapphire."Dodge and then Dragon Claw!" I said.The claw move hit as the Psychic move hit."Blast Burn!" said Sapphire."Dig!" I said.He dodged underground and I said,"Dragon Claw!".The Flame Pokemon then knocked out the Blaze Pokemon and the ref said,"And the winner is Brendan!".

I then sighed as Marco said,"That was an interesting battle wasn't it Lance?"."It was but I bet the battle with Ash and Morton will be good." said Lance.Marco then looked at his mini screen and he said,"We have a slight chance in the matches. It will be Leaf vs Hilda and Rick vs Virgil."."Cool!" said Lance.

Ash P.O.V
I was standing across from my cousin."Time to have our battle Ashy boy. Don't worry about me using legendary. I let all the ones that I captured free out into the wild." said Morton."Lets battle then." I said."Begin!" said the ref."Go Staraptor!" I said.My bird from Sinnoh came out and Morton said,"Go Sharpedo!" The Brutal Pokemon came out and the ref said,"Begin!".

"Ice Beam!" said Morton."Dodge and then Aerial Ace!" I said.The bird then got damaged thanks to Rough Skin."Hydro Pump!" said Morton.The wings were wet as Morton said,"Ice Fang!"."Wait till it gets close Close Combat!" I said.The bird then knocked out the fish and the ref said,"Switch!"."Looks like with some powerful punches. Staraptor came out with a win." said Lance."Indeed but the next one wouldn't be easy." said Marco.

"Okay. Time for the next one. Go Spiritomb!" said Morton.The Forbidden Pokemon came out and I said,"Return! Go Floatzel!".The Sea Weasel came out and I said,"Don't let this one get past you Floatzel. Don't you remember this type of Pokemom?".He then nod as the the ref said,"Begin!".

"Shadow Ball!" said Morton."Water Gun!" I said.The Forbidden Pokemon got soaked as the Shadow Ball failed."Try an Dark Pulse!" said Morton."Okay! Counter Shield with Hydro Pump and then Ice Aqua Jet!" I said.The water moves hit and then Floatzel was in the air and I said,"Ice Punch!".The punch hit and then Morton said,"Hyper Beam and Frustration!".The powerful attacks hit Floatzel and he slammed into the ground."You all right?" I said.

He stood up and I said,"Awesome! Rain Dance!".The rain came down and then I said,"Water Pulse!".The Forbbidden Pokemon was knocked out as Marco said,"And with a surprise rain storm Floatzel comes with a victory."."Yep.I know that Roy has one." said Lance.

"You were awesome. Now take a good long rest old pal." said Morton.She went back as I said,"You have really changed Morton for the better.".I then return my loyal Pokemon as he said,"We have Bob to thanks for that."."Yeah Bob is a great guy to be friends with."I said."Go Zebstrika!" said Morton.The Thunderbolt Pokemon came out and I said,"Lets see if you can do this Tauros!".The Wild Bull Pokemon came out and the ref said,"Lets go.".

"Flame Charge and Wild Charge!" said Morton.The two attacks then hit as I said,"Double Edge!"The two then slammed into each other and then I said,"Hyper Beam!"."Overheat!" said Morton.The fire attacks knocked out Tauros."And we have an change around." said Lance."Yep. Guess Morton and his Zebstrika are a good team." said Marco.

I then return the bull and I said,"Lets go Unfezant!"The Proud Pokemon came out and the ref said,"Begin!".

"Thunder!" said Morton."Dodge then Attract!" I said.The zebra was in love as I said,"Lets win this for Tauros! Sky Attack!".The flying attack then knocked out the Thunderbolt Pokemon."We will be talking a five minute break." said the ref."And we see that Ash is showing up his step brother." said Marco."Yep but one Pokemon can change the whole things in a flash." said Lance.

I then saw Bob and Stella."You two back together?" I said."Yep." said Bob."Thank Arecus for that. I mean Bob was a wreck without you Stella." I said."I was." said Bob."So how are you dealing with battling Morton?" said Stella."I am doing fine. You really changed him Bob." I said."Thanks but I did have some help. I can't take all of the credit." said Bob.

Lauren walked over to us and she said,"Hey Ash."."Lauren." I said."Bob. I have to thank you for those tips." said Lauren."You're welcome Lauren. I guess those romance tips I got from some Pokemon." said Bob."Pokemon gave you romance advice?" I said."They did. Bob's Pokemon are cool like that." said Stella."Would Ash return?" said the ref."Coming!" I said.

I stood there as Morton said,"Report for battle! Go Haxorus!".The shiny Haxorus came out and I said,"Lets go Floatzel!".The Sea Weasel return out as the ref said,"Go!".

"Hydro Pump!" I said."Dragon Claw!" said Morton."Dodge it then Ice Punch!" I said."Dragon Rage!" said Morton.The attack knocked out Floatzel."Return! Go Staraptor!" I said.The Predator Pokemon came out as the ref said,"Lets go.".

"Dragon Rage!" said Morton."Dodge it and then Aerial Ace!" I said.The attack then hit as Morton said,"Rock Slide!".The attack then hit the bird and he was breathing heavily."Time for a Close Combat and Brave Bird tag team!" I said.The attacks then hit as he fainted alongside Haxorus."Tie!" said the ref.

"And Morton lost 4 Pokemon alongside Ash who lost 3 Pokemon. Morton can change this for the better." said Lance."You're right but Ash has a chance." said Marco.

"Go Miltank!" said Morton.The Milk Cow Pokemon came out as Lance screamed."Still have that fear of Miltank?" said Marco."Yes! They are so scary." yelled Lance.The cow looked confused as I said,"Go Feraligatr!".The Big Jaw Pokemon came out and he looked at me."Lets do this." I said.He looked ready as the ref said,"Lets go!".

"Gyro Ball!" said Morton."Dodge!" I said.He then dodged the cow as I said,"Water Gun!"."Rollout!" said Morton."Okay time for that move! Hydro Cannon!" I said.The cow then rolled into the water and she was shocked."Now! Ice Punch!" I said.The cow was frozen as Morton said,"Milk Drink!"."Stop it with Superpower and Crunch!" I said.The Big Jaw Pokemon knocked out the cow as Lance said,"Thank You so much Ash for talking that thing down!!!".Marco and Bob sighed as I said,"Um thanks.".

Morton then return the cow as I said,"Lets go Charizard!".The Shiny Dragon came out as I said,"Lets go Unfezant!".The bird return as the ref said,"Begin!".

"Aerial Ace!" I said."Flamethrower!" said Morton.The fire then burned the bird and I said,"Sky Attack!"."Block it with your Overheat!" said Morton.The Flame Pokemon then knocked out Unfezant.

I then return her and I said,"Should I use Feraligatr or the other one?"."Lets go Ash." said Morton."Go Pikachu!" I said.My Loyal Pokemon came out and I said,"You ready for this one?".He nod his head as the ref said,"Begin.".

"Fire Spin." said Morton."Dodge it with Quick Attack!" I said.He dodged it as Morton said,"Fire Blast!"."Dodge again!" I said.The Flame Pokemon was getting angry as he fired fire everywhere."Time to win this! Volt Tackle!" I said.He then knocked out the dragon as the ref said,"And the winner is Ash.".

The Mouse Pokemon then made friends with the shiny Pokemon as I shook Morton's hand."Guess we are friends." I said."Guess so. I better get going." said Morton.He walked off as I said,"Morton!".He turned and I said,"You were awesome! Stay for my matches!"."I will. I first need to go heal my Pokemon." said Morton.

Bob P.O.V
I was sitting with Stella, Hilbert, Sydney, and Serena.I was watching the two girls get ready for their match."This match looks like a great one." said Sydney."Well she is my sister. So this battle will be a good one." said Hilbert."Yeah." said Serena.Hilda then said,"Lets go Leaf! I won't let you be Ash's girlfriend so easy without going through his big sister.".

"Huh?" said Leaf and Serena."What is she talking about Hilbert?" said Stella."She and Ash were good friends as she treated him like a older sister.I don't get it myself." said Hilbert.He then sighed and I said, Makes some sense."." Love works weird." said Stella and Sydney.

Leaf then said,"Okay then."."Go Simipour!" said Hilda.The Geyser Pokemon came out and Leaf said,"Go Golduck!".The Duck Pokemon came out and the ref said,"Go!".

"Scald!" said Hilda."Protect!" said Leaf. Then the attack was deflected and Leaf said,"Hydro Pump!".The water attack hit and it didn't do much."Hyper Beam!" said Hilda."Dodge it and then Zen Headbutt!" said Leaf.The monkey was in the air and Leaf said,"Hold it with Psychic and then Focus Blast!".

The attack hit as Simipour was knocked out."And looks like Leaf is on her way to win Ash's hearts." said Lance."Always a romantic aren't you?" said Marco.You don't know the half of it.

Hilda return the monkey and she said,"You're good Leaf and Serena will be some fierce competition for Ash. Lets see if you can win against this one. He won against Brycen and Marlon even due to the type advantage. Lets go Crustle!".The Stone Home Pokemon came out and Leaf said,"Return Golduck!".The duck return and Leaf said,"Go Butterfree!".The Butterfly Pokemon came out and then the ref said,"Begin.".

"Slash!" said Hilda."Fly up and then Sleep Powder!" said Leaf.The insect fell asleep as Hilda said,"Sleep Talk!".Then a Rock Slide came out and Leaf said,"Dodge! Bug Buzz!".The attack then hit and the Pokemon woke up and then she said,"Rock Wrecker!".

The Butterfly Pokemon got knocked out and Leaf return her."You want to keeping going Leaf? My Crustle will be hard to beat!" said Hilda."Yep. Lets go Nidoqueen!" said Leaf.

The Drill Pokemon came out and Hilda said,"Rock Wrecker."."Smash it with Focus Punch and then Superpower!" said Leaf.The Stone Home Pokemon got knocked out as Nidoqueen hugged her trainer.

"Good job Leaf. Lets go Sawsbuck!" said Hilda.The Season Pokemon came out and he was the Winter Form."Return Nidoqueen. Go Alakazam!" said Leaf.The Psi Pokemon came out and the ref said,"Begin.".

"Double Kick!" said Hilda."Fire Punch and Ice Punch!" said Leaf.The deer was knocked back and then Hilda said,"Sunny Day and Solar Beam!"."Teleport to dodge!" said Leaf.He was gone as I noticed him behind the deer."Super Power Fire Punch!" said Leaf.The deer was knocked out as the ref said,"Five minute break!".

I congratulate Hilda."Your Crustle is really strong." I said."Thanks Bob. I trained him well and I was sad that he lost the match but Leaf's Nidoqueen is really strong. So do you think Ash will pick Leaf or Serena?" said Hilda."No clue." I said."Just like a guy." said Hilda."What is that supposed to mean?" I said."Oh nothing." said Hilda."You are making fun of me aren't you?" I said."Nope. I better get going." said Hilda.

She stood across from Leaf and Hilda said,"Time for you! Lets go Mandibuzz!".The Bone Vulture came out and Leaf said,"Come back out Golduck!".The Duck Pokemon return as the ref said,"Begin!".

"Hydro Pump!" said Leaf."Dodge it and then Dark Pulse!" said Hilda.The duck took the attack as Leaf said,"Ice Beam!"."Take it." said Hilda.The bird took it and then Hilda said,"Brave Bird.".The attack then knocked out Golduck."Return." said Leaf.

She return the Duck Pokemon as she said,"I can't send out Alakazam due to her being a dark type so lets see if Nidoqueen can handle it!".The Drill Pokemon came out as the ref said,"Begin.".

"Brave Bird!" said Hilda."Ice Punch!" said Leaf.The bird froze and Leaf said,"Pick it up with Strength and then Hyper Beam!".The Bird was knocked out and then Hilda return.

"Return Mandibuzz. Lets see if you can beat this one Delcatty!" said Hilda.The Prim Pokemon came out as Leaf said,"I'll keep Nidoqueen!"."Begin!" said the ref.

"Sludge Wave!" said Leaf."Dodge it and then Assist!" said Hilda.Then it was a Blizzard.The Drill Pokemon then froze over and she was knocked out.

Leaf return her."That is a strong Delcatty Hilda." said Leaf."Thanks but I know that you have that powerful Alakazam plus your other two." said Hilda."You are right. Let me introduce you to Gyarados! I got him from a weird salesman." said Leaf.The Atrocious Pokemon came out and he roared."Lets begin." said the ref.

"Assist!" said Hilda.It was Bubble."Darn." said Hilda."Hyper Beam!" said Leaf.The Cat Pokemon was knocked out as Lance said,"Looks like Leaf turned it around."."Indeed." said Marco.

"Lets win this Emboar!" said Hilda.The Mega Fire Pig came out and Leaf said,"Stay out Gyarados!"."Begin!" said the ref.

"You may have the type advantage but this will be fun." said Hilda."Yeah. Twister!" said Leaf."Dodge it and then Wild Charge!" said Hilda.The electric attack hit and then Hilda said,"Roar!".The Atrocious Pokemon went back as Alakazam came out."Continue!" said the ref.

"Psychic!" said Leaf."Dodge it and then Heat Crash!" said Hilda.He knocked back the Psychic and then Hilda said,"Sucker Punch!".Then the Psi Pokemon was knocked out and Leaf returned him."You did a great job." said Leaf."Yeah. He did." said Hilda.

Emboar agreed with the girl as Leaf said,"Lets go Gyarados!".The Pokemon return as Leaf said,"Hyper Beam!".The attack hit as Hilda said,"Flamethrower!"."Evolve!" said Leaf.Then the mega form stood there."Hydro Pump and Hyper Beam!" said Leaf.The Mega Fire Pig was knocked out as the ref said,"And the winner is Leaf.".

Hilda then said,"That was an awesome battle."."It was."said Leaf.Leaf then return the Pokemon and I said,"So you going to stay?"."Yep. I just need to heal up the gang. Leaf should try it really hard to get through Ash's dense skull." said Hilda."She should. Guess we have one more match left Stella." I said."Right." said Stella.

Rick stood there as Krystal joined us with Sonia."Hey guys." I said."You two are back together? I am so happy for you guys." said Sonia.She then hugged me and Stella said,"Can you stop Sonia?".

She let me go and I said,"Thanks you Stella."."Lets begin the two triple battles." said the ref."And both trainers want a triple battle." said Lance."They want a great battle." said Marco."Go Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon!" said Virgil.

The Flame Pokemon, the Lighting Pokemon, and the Bubble Jet Pokemon came out as did Scampers."Scampers?! What are you doing out?" said Stella."I love battles with my evolved forms." said Scampers."Makes sense." said Krystal and Sonia."Lets show Bob my power. Go Camerupt, Machamp, and Galvantula!" said Rick.

A Shiny Eruption Pokemon, the Superpower Pokemon, and a shiny EleSpider Pokemon came out and I asked,"Does Rick have a lot of shiny Pokemon?"."Yep." said Sonia."Begin!" said the ref.

"Fire Blast, Thunder, and Hydro Pump!" said Virgil."You two Protect! Eruption!" said Rick.He then made the spider and muscle Pokemon stay there as the camel fired out an Eruption.The air got hot as I started sweating."Scampers. Switch to Vaporeon now!" I said.He made a rain dance as I felt better."Thanks Bob." said the girls.The Eeveelution were hot as Rick said,"Electroweb, Dynamic Punch, and Flamethrower!".

The three Pokemon were knocked out as Virgil said,"I can't battle any more."."Why?" said Rick."My Pokemon were stolen last night by some crooks. I'm sorry Rick but you win." said Virgil.He walked away as I said,"Was it Team Hyde?"."Yeah." said Virgil.

I stood there with Shawn, Leaf, Krystal, Rick, Brendan, Ash, and Serena."You 8 have gotten this far but you must wait for a week." said Charles."Why?!" said Brendan and Ash."We need to get the stage set." said Cynthia."Makes sense." said Shawn.

He walked off as I said,"This is going to be fun."."It is because of this." said Rick.He then held up some tickets and I said,"Huh?"."I am asking you and your girlfriend to Paradise Island because our family Reunion is happening there." said Rick."Awesome." I said.

Next time,
The semi finals begins.            

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