Saturday, January 5, 2013

Powerful Power part 6 beach wedding part 1 the evil villain

Bob was in a Hawaii t-shirt and had a pair of red shades in his room." Wow you look like a total d-bag Bob." said Stella." Thanks for the nice words there Stella but I am trying to surround my self in the culture." said Bob." You are so weird sometimes and Brendan called me to tell you to call him." said Stella. Stella left the room and used her gravity powers to carry her bags to the jet." I better call him then." said Bob. Bob grabbed his phone and called Brendan." Bob.It is good to hear from you and Stella. So where are you guys anyway? Cletus has made your name a dread symbol at school." said Brendan." Uh my cousin from my mom's side and her boyfriend are getting married on a island so me and Stella are going to the marriage." said Bob." That is great man but why didn't you tell me Bob about?We are bros." said Brendan." Sorry but I just learn about this a few days ago and I was going to tell you about it but you were sick that day." said Bob." Bob.Stella already told me about the wedding and Uncle Zak knows as well so him,aunt Liza, and Cletus are coming as well and Cletus taking me.So see you there pal." said Brendan. He hanged up.

Ace walked in the room." Hey dad. Whats up?" said Ace." My best friend is bring Cletus, the guy who made my life in high school a living hell and my cousin to your wedding because Stella told Brendan then he told Zak." said Bob." By the way dad. Me and Miley both hate uncle Cletus so we will pull some strings with the bouncers." said Ace." Good job Boy.I taught you well." said Bob." So how are your bags doing?" said Ace. " I got this T-shirt and nothing else." said Bob." You need some help with packing." said Ace. then Ace made a robotic butler to help out." Great work son." said Bob.

The jet was all packed and Robot Man was at the wheel."Okay kids off to Bob's Family reunion and Ace's and Miley's marriage." said RM." Party time!" said Wizard and Mind." They are total drunk right now Donna?" said Spinner." Yeah. Do you think Bob likes me?" said Mystic." Maybe but I am not so sure." said Spinner." Well dear gal pal.I am going to make Bob fall in love with me on this trip." said Mystic.

" So Bob?You excited to see your mom and pop?" said Monster." Yeah but will they tell it me after all this time?" said Bob." Kid come on this is your family after all. They will tell you apart from the crowd in a heartbeat." said RM." Thanks but do you think that Stella likes me?" said Bob." As a friend not a girlfriend.Complete obvious." said Monster." Yeah that what I thought." said Bob. Monster stood up to go get a drink.

The flight to the island was being followed by Brendan's private plane." I can't believe that little asshole knows a cousin that I the great Cletus didn't know about." said Cletus." Cletus honey calm down.We are on a private jet thanks to Brendan." said Aunt Liza." Fine you bitch but when I find Bob he will pay." said Cletus.

Bob's plane landed on the side of the island known as Fantastic owe by the famous rich man John." John is rich." said Stella. A group of employees grab the group's bags and then Bob was trampled by a girl." Bob!I can't believe it is you." said the girl." Who are you exactly?" said Donna." I am Rose,Bob's older sister." said Rose." It is so good to finally meet you dear sister." said Bob." Thanks and I know about my cousin Miley's wedding. Come on Bob lets go see the family." said Rose. Rose then grab Bob and ran inside and took him to a fancy room." Mom and Dad.Look it is Bob with John and his family and the to be married couple."said Rose. The family turn around in their chairs and Bob saw four men and two girls." Hi son.My name is Mike and I am your father. This is your older brother Rick,you know Rose, the oldest daughter, Rick is 30 and Rose is 30 minutes older."said Mike." His son.I am your mom Carrie." said Carrie." This is a dream come true but who is she?" said Bob." This is your best friend Kathy. You don't remember her do you bro?" said Rick." Hey Bob.It is great to see you again. Can me and Bob go hang out now?" said Kathy." Sure." said Mike.

Kathy grabbed Bob and then ran off." Bob it is so great you again." said Kathy." Kathy.I don't remember anything about you or my family. So can we talk so I can try remember you?" said Bob." Okay.Follow me to my room." said Kathy."You work here?" said Bob.

Bob and Kathy then ran upstairs but they were spotted by Stella." Who is that with Bob?" said Stella. Stella followed after them." Okay Bob. I have powers and I know that you do plus your friend Stella. Your family does as well. You were kidnap and strip of your powers but your aunt Liza and cousin Cletus but Uncle Zak got them back with that rock." said Kathy." Wow I can't believe it. Do you know that my best friend invites him and them to come to the wedding right.?" said Bob." Yes but we have a plan for them and Stella you can come out now." said Kathy.

Then Stella came into the room." Hey Bob so I guess you got a girlfriend.So who is she?" said Stella." What?! Me and Kathy are just friends." said Bob." Yes.We are." said Kathy." Okay that is good because Donna would have kill you if she saw you with her after all we are friends. Right Bob?" said Stella." Yeah. We are." said Bob." Okay then so Brendan and your family are here." said Kathy." How do you know that?" said Stella."Psychic." said Kathy." Well what can we do? You two both know what Bob is going to do to Cletus." said Stella." We are already banning Cletus from the wedding so just avoid him till they leave." said Kathy." Now if you two girls need me.I am going to make a big cannonball." said Bob.

Bob then ran outside and jumped up into the clouds and jump and transformed to a ball. The splash made a island go down into the sea." That was awesome. Now dolphin race." said Bob, Bob transformed into a dolphin and then called some dolphin for a race.

Meanwhile,John was dragging Wizard to the rehab on the island." I always hate how you are always drunk all the time. I wish he was just sober for once." said RM. Then a woman appeared." Your wish is my wish." said the woman." Wish! What are you doing here?" said Wish."To fill some wish and you just made one." said Wish." Wish.You know I was just kidding right?" said John."Sorry John but to make the wish work.I have to make a change." said Wish. Wish made a flash of light and the two disappeared.Wizard was aged down to 20."What the hell! John where the hell are you?" said the young Wizard.

He went looking but then Wish appeared with RM out cold." Boss.I got their leader who is next?" said Wish." Good job Carol.Now go get Mind and make her wish come true." said a voice. Wish disappeared and then the voice dragged John off and put him in a cell." Time for revenge." said the voice. The voice was Power Women.

Meanwhile,Bob came out of the ocean near Stella." Bob!Where did you go?" said Stella."I was doing a cannonball from the sky and racing with dolphin. You know normal stuff." said Bob.Stella grabbed a beach ball and threw it at Bob." The ball hurts." said Bob. Then Kathy came running." Bob! Did you hear?" said Kathy." What?!That Bob just raced with dolphin?!" said Stella." You raced with dolphin Bob? Cletus is looking for you." said Kathy." Thanks so dolphin race I go?" said Bob. Bob went back into the water." That idiot. He forgot us." said the two girls. They jumped in after him.

Meanwhile,Mind was doing some yoga then Spinner came in." Destiny." said Spinner."What is it?" said Mind." Donna then ran off looking for her true love Bob or something along those lines.So can you help me find her before she does something stupid?" said Spinner." Fine.I wish I could find Donna." said Mind." Sucker." said Spinner. Spinner transformed into Wish. " You she devil!" said Mind. Wish transformed Mind into a doll and then teleport back to PW."Good now go get the young wizard,Mystic,Monster,and Spinner and then go to Aunt Liza who is here and make her dream true." said Casey." Yes madam." said Carol.

Carol teleport off and came back with Wizard and Spinner." Go to aunt Liza." said Casey.Carol teleport off and Casey put Mind,Wizard,and Spinner in the cell.

Meanwhile on the beach Bob,Stella,and Kathy were hanging out on the beach when Monster,Ace,Miley,and Donna came running." What happened?" said Stella."Wish is here and she has captured Destiny,John, my dad, and Ellie." said Donna." Wish. She is a villain that came make wishes but does something bad in the process." said Ace." Where is she?" said Bob." Bob!I found you for a beat down." said Cletus.

Cletus grabbed Bob and strangle him." Cletus!Stop that right now!" said Brendan." Shut up bitch!This is between family." said Cletus.

In the hotel,Aunt Liza was wishing for a daughter and a son.

Then Cletus split in two and one of them was a women and the other was a male." Bob I am Epic Women and that is my brother Epic Man. We are the Epic twin and so eat this." said EW. EW punch Bob away in space. She made 4 clones of herself. EM made 3 clones of himself. The two original flew after Bob while the others surround the group.

Next time, Bob fight his cousin, Stella realize the love, and a lot fighting.

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