Thursday, September 15, 2016

Good Bye

Hey. So I'm leaving this blog. Not Blogger it itself but this blog. I have done over 1000 post in the past four years and I've fun. I not getting rid of it so you can still look at all of the stories that I have done. Power Guild which is my favorite story that I've done had a post that I spent four months on was deleted so I'm pissed and sad. I love Power Guild but I'm sad to say that I'm canning that series hard. There is also technical issues that I'm too lazy to try and fix.

Don't get me wrong. I love what I've done what it but when you lose something that you spend a good amount of time due to some error on your part, you don't want to redo. I'm making a new blog so Soul will still be going on soon. I plan to do something like a spiritual successor to Power Guild because of one thing. I've always had a plan for an ending of the series in mind. I mean Power Guild was based of Fairy Tail and is still.

Since Fairy Tail is nearing its ending point due to the fact that it has been going on for over seven years, I feel like I should end Power Guild. The reason why I started the massive arc is because the current arc is still going on. Over that time, I slowly learned about Fairy Tail's flaws. I don't hate the series but I decided to cancel Power Guild. Spoiler Alert for the Ending. Heroes wins against my version of the Alvarez Arc and Bob and Allison are the one true pairing.

I will be bringing stuff from two old blogs that I have done so expect a lot of errors and more childish behavior. Oh things have changed for sure like a lot. I think I will be continue Soul on the new blog but Power Guild is dead. Don't expect Soul to show up there right now. I plan to bring some new stuff before hand I hope. I hope you enjoyed the growth that the story went through and I did as a writer. Here is the good news though. I will be still using the characters because I love writing them. I don't know you all did but I did and fell in love with them. So enjoy reading over a thousand post and I should be posting a link to the new blog if you want to check out. I hope you do and I will see you all there.

Link to New Blog:

Top 10 new smash characters for the wiiu (2012) 9/6/12

Now this is my first top 10 do Russia you are awesome for being my most read country on power dude stories. So the start of the list. Now I love Brawl because of bring Sonic and Snake. So here are the top 10 characters I wished they bring in brawl.
Number 10 Generation trainers
Now Jigglypuff really come on. So this time scrap the puff and make a trainer where you random select a generation Pokemon every attack and it will be a different outcome.
Number 9 Kirby partners
Now in Kirby Super Star, you can give your power to summoned a teammate to help you out. So in the game Kirby can hear suck a character and spit and summoned a little Ike or someone to help Kirby.
Number 8 Bomber man
I want to shoot bomb like crazy at people like peach. He was on the 64 so bring him
Number 7 Ryu
What time street fighter vs link. I need this okay so Xbox360 fans or traitor to Nintendos can come back to the best system because of a maybe later top 10s
Number 6 Shadow
He is awesome and Shadow the hedgehog has a good game. I know but a assist trophy come on Sega.
Number 5 Banjo
I like him okay but everyone hate him after the third game. So if you bring him and maybe Rare will be good but Kinect sports fuck you Microsoft.
Number 4 A Lego person
What I want to be a fucking Lego person deal with it okay. It would to pick different powers for the Legos game
Number 3 Crash Bandicoot
I think Crash is cool because Sonic and Mario lame. He can spin and abuse a polar bear hell yeah. So bring him back please.
Number 2 The mii
I want Mario vs the mii. The past and the future bring it on. What you could use the mii powers of the gamers they are in okay I need thus
Number 1 Mega man
I love Megaman because his game are awesome. You can play as a guy who kills anyone in his way so bring him back or I wont buy the game. Just bring him back okay we need him.

Next time I will do a list on some thing awesome.

Tops 10 worst Pokemon 10/5/12

Pokemon is awesome and since the new game is near . So I decide to make a couple top tens, some reviews, and the way to start to show my love for Pokemon.

This top ten is the worst. Here are some guidelines. Once only 2 from each gen. 2 my opinion. 3. Write me back. This will be sort of fun and will be awesome.

Number 10 Cresselia
What a legendary? The dream awaker. Okay it alright. The Pokemon from Platinum who it is like Mespit in the way. Why I hate this pokemon. Well it was no movie but i never see it online. So I think that it is terrible and you can hate me for this choice but you hate my later picks.
Number 9 Durant
This ant was 4x weakness to fire which in my book that suck a big one. In the game this Pokemon type is lackluster and this bug share the same type as Scizor. So that. I think this Pokemon should been on the worst unova list.
Number 8 Emolga.
This Pokemon is a rip off of Pikachu. This flying rat share the same types as Zapdos and Thundurus. So why. This Pokemon is fucking fast. So if you double team like a noob. This will be a bitch.
Number 7 Corsola
A water/rock. Great a rip of water/ground. This Pokemon is a fish morph with a rock. Clever. This Pokemon is lackluster because I can kill with Aggron and Flygon. Now I am 50-50 on this but Misty had one.
Number 6 Luvdisc
The great heart of Hoenn. What is this. A heart. Uncreative. It is one of the many one evolution fish of Pokemon. Now when I play black I thought the little heart evolve into a bigger heart but it did'nt and it will be a worthless fish.
Now you may be wonder what are the 5.
Deal with the wait with number 5
Number 5 Burmy
This things was 4 evolution. Plus all them suck. It has diffent forms but they are the same. I caught one because it look cool like the shiny bug. But it easy to kill and I delete from my game. No one like this Pokemon now number 4.
Number 4 Castform.
Why it on the list. It has boobies. Well it is perfect bad. It is terrible. You can change the weather wow. This Pokemon is so awesome that a evil team try capture it but it was so bad they let me win.
Number 3 Unown
Okay it is terrible for three reasons. One, too many forms. Two the alphabet come on and three no one like it.
Number 2 Jigglypuff.
I describe the hate in top 10 worst Nintendo charcters on Powerdude reviews. So go read that.
Number 1 Charzaid.
The great loser of Pokemon is that. I hate this Pokemon because it is lackluster. I hate how this Pokemon is fucking powerful. It is really fucking useless. I hate this one a fucking lot. So you Charazaid fans fuck you
That is it. Next check for Pokemon Emarld review.

Top 9 Pokemon rivals. 10/23/2012

I loved Pokemon. What make the game fun. One Animal abuse. Two the gameplay. Three the rivals. I like the rivals in the games because they test your team and strategy in gaming. So here is my top 9 rivals. I think off the top the head and I won't discuss Pokemon.
Number 9 Sliver.
Sliver is a okay rival. He steal from Professor Elm. I don't like crooks and he wants power like his pop. Oh in the manga Giovanni is his dad see. So Sliver has the type advantage to your starter. Okay but doesn't he help you with Rocket not he turn you in. Dick. Sliver is a red headed doush but he is a great rival to beat the crap out with Flygon. Next up.
Number 8 Barry.
This kid is hyper as three ounces of drugs. He is hyper man. He is hyper for three reason. Once he kept running into you. Two he is forgetful. Three he is annoy as fuck. His dad is a battle frontier person so he get points. In the anime he is unlike. He is annoying and dumb. If I was him, I would really fin Ash. Just saying. So Barry is fucking hyper.
Number 7 Blue
Why is Blue here? Well I am not a fan. He is annoying and like every rival gets the type advantage. Okay I don't hate him. He was the champion and the gym leader that is good from a 13 year old. I hate him in the anime like Barry. He was cool in the first season but Sinnoh came and turn into a pussy. He is pussy than Ash. Not a fan.
Number 6 May/Brendan
I like May/Brendan because she/he is awesome. You fight the female if dude and male if Chica. May has the anime. I love her because she was not a bitch. She was awesome and has a lot of fanfic. Brendan was nothing but fanfic. So he is forgettable. Now number 5
Number 5 Bianca
Yeah the next 5 are gen 5 because. Bianca is your neighbor and has a Pokemon weaker to your stater type. Yeah woo. In the game she got all 8 gym leaders in N's castle but the waiters. That is good girl. She in black 2 is a professor and not a loser. She is the blond to the awesome. She is my favorite female in gen 5.
Number 4 Cheren
I like Cheren. He is a strategist not like your other rival. This guy was a freaking Gigalith. Yeah. This time he helps take down Plasma. Cheren need love and black 2 he is now normal why? I like Cheren in black 2. He was my first challenge. I am sad because he is less seen but he get a tie. Yeah man.
Number 3 Colress
I like Colress. Why I like him? He is a man believing how to bring the power in Pokemon. I can agree because I want to make my Pokemon kickass. He joins Team Plasma but can you blame him. He wants ideals but Team Plasma reject him. So Ghestis the same man he is made him leader smart. After the elite you can refight him. So revenge with scientists.
Number 2 Hugh
I like Hugh or Aaron I call him. He was anger management. He wants to train to get back a purrlion. Okay why. It later explain in the game. You battle him not that much so not much training to fight your rival. Yeah. He hates team Plasma and I really mean.
Number 1 N
N is my favorite because he is the son of Ghestis. Awkward. He is selected by a legend. He is a guy who can talked with Pokemon. You later find out he is the king. He beat Alder. N bring the power of rivals to awesome.
Next up top 5 Pokemon region

Monday, September 12, 2016

Soul Episode 99 Invasion time of the Infernal Council!

A/N: We're here folks. One more to a hundred. You know that feeling when you accomplish a goal like finishing a book or completing a marathon, I'm feeling it strong since I'm near hundred posts on Soul and also I recently finished reading the manga and watching the anime of one of my favorite manga/anime series of all time known as Assassination Classroom. This series is to me perfect but it has flaws. Nothing in life is perfect. Everything good has something bad.

I tried to show that philosophy in Soul with the Protectors of the Earth. They're seen as good guys but to the devils and other evil creatures, they're monsters. Back to Assassination Classroom, I say that it is a great series to binge on if you have time. I would say that the dub is actually pretty great but to some, dub is evil. I'm on the side for Dubs because I don't like subs. I will watch sub if there is no way in hell that a anime I like will get an English Dub.

I like getting the jokes and not having to go back if I miss something. It's the worst feeling after you have watch the same scene seven times. I know that I'm exaggeration a little bit but the point is still there you know. Anyway, just give it a shot. Lets begin on Friday the thirteen the day right before the execution of Sora Hosino. Do note that a lot of characters will be appearing but the bonus is that they are more fights to be had so lets go!

Oh and one more thing. The Underworld Team that is going to be the distraction for the rescue team won't be seen because the Infernal Council aren't idiots. The Rescue Team is going to be having all of the fights because why not? I would do something original but nah. Also the old school building from episode 49 and 50 is still there at Star Valley. It hasn't been torn down just yet and it will be seen more often I promise.

Sora was sitting in her cell waiting for something to happen. She didn't know if Natsu would come to save her after what she did to him. She looked up to see Eizan, Kyoji, and Satsuki standing in front of her bars. "What do you guys want? I don't want to see you." said Sora. "I didn't either Sora. Natsu has changed you into a hallow of yourself." said Eizan. "I hate to agree but I do. You were once the best but now look at you, you're fan service to those on Earth." said Kyoji.

Satsuki nodded as she said,"So do you like forever flats up there or what?". "Well, yes and no. Natsu used his power to give her what you're naturally blessed with." said Kyoji. "He also gave me a heart unlike Blizz who is a cold heart son of a ......" said Sora. She was then frozen excluding her head as Blizz stood there. "So. You can show an emotion rather than sulking. Have you told her the news? I hate keeping the prisoners in a jovial mood." said Blizz.

Eizan said,"Right. According to our spies, Natsu and his friends are going to try and save you. We're going to make your death today.". "What?!" yelled Sora. "Blizz. Do you need us here?" said Kyoji who looked at the floor. "Yes. Report to the main council hall. You'll be waiting here till we get the execution platform ready for you." said Blizz. The four were gone as Sora tried to break out of her ice prison but it was going to talk a while.

In the main council hall, the three reapers stood there. They were with all of the Eight Elements, the group known as the Prime Commandos, and others. The Prime Commandos are a group of Souls who were raised and grown to be the elite warriors. The others however were Souls but unlike the Prime Commandos, they were trained by a man known as Haruto Xasius aka Drachen, Natsu, and Noble's grandfather plus Riku's father.

Eizen said,"So what is the plan?". "Patience Eizan. Your queen is here." said a voice. The group saw a woman standing there. This woman is the leader of the Infernal Council known as Queen Carol aka a very strong and deadly Phantom. The order is Queen Carol, Arata Sazama, Haruto Xasius, the three Reapers, the Eight Elements, the Prime Commandos, Clyde aka Haruro's number one apprentice, and their army.

As Queen Carol went to her throne, her number two Arata Sazama stood there with a clipboard. He was wearing a dark blue cloak/hoodie with brown leather and steel arm bands. He had on a pair of brown leather boots and a pair of purplish black gloves with the roman numeral of Six aka VI. "So we have everyone here? I think we should sent the Crois plus the Evolved that was given to us by the group known as Gehenna to keep Riku and his army distracted." said Arata.

One of the Prime Commandos known as Shuzo Omura aka a great white shark and sawshark hybrid human said,"So are we going to fight someone strong? I'm not in the mood for fighting humans.". "I think that Noble being part of that group would make you happy after your previous defeat to him and his crew." said Arata. The rest of the Prime Commandos snickered with Shuzo said,"Fine. Just call me when you need me.".

He was gone as another one of the commandos known as Marissa Bryant said,"We'll make sure that he gets the message.". "Fine Marissa. Time to end the meeting." said Arata. Eizen stood there and he was looking right at the four members of the Eight Elements. They were Tidal, Shade, Shine, and Spark. Their element is pretty obvious but just in case. They are wearing the same thing as Blizz and Inferno. Tidal is water, Shade is darkness, Shine is light, and Spark is lightning.

The reaper felt a hand on his shoulder as he saw Haruto standing there. "Don't stare child. It's rude to stare." said Haruto. "But. They are ...." said Eizan. "Phantoms are different but we shouldn't stare at them like they are animals in a zoo." said Haruto. "Are you fine with fighting your grandson? He is here." said Eizan. "I think I need to teach that brat a lesson." said Haruto who cracked his knuckles. It was scary to see Haruto like this due to his punches able to break through solid anything.

Name something and he can destroy it. Eizan sighed as he left with Haruto. Arata noticed that after the brunette/red head left, the others followed including the queen. Arata walked over to a wall and he touched it. It went up as the man walked through the hallway. "I wonder if I should use them and those as well." said Arata. He looked at the Seven Deadly Sins and the Protectors of the Earth plus Shon and company with them currently in test tubes.

Arata walked over to a nearby computer and he said,"It seems that creating the Crois and the Seven Deadly Sins was something that the fore fathers of the Infernal Council did. I think I should sent them along with the Protectors for fun.". He pressed a button as the test tubes with the sins and protectors inside of them was gone. Arata walked away as he said,"If you can defeat them Natsu, prepare to die by my hand after what you did to me.".

Currently outside of the Infernal Councils walls which reached the heavens and it went down pretty dam far, the rescue team was in front of said wall ready to go for battle. The team of twenty three Souls consists of Akane, Chad, Drachen, Haru, Hikaru, Ivan, Lucia, Masoko, Momoko, Natsu, Nazar, Noble, Rain, Reva, Ruriko, Ryder, Ryo, Ryozo, Sabrina, Sekien, Soran, and Xiaoshi. Currently, Lucia was hugging since she hasn't seen Natsu in two weeks. Devil ladies are a strange bunch.

Haru said,"So should we get her off him?". "If you want to Haru, go ahead. I think we should let her do this." said Ryder. "He is right Haru. I mean you know how girls are when lusting over a man." said Momo. "I don't because I'm a male but maybe Soran knows." said Haru. Soran lightly punched him as Ryo said,"I think you should just ignore him.". "I am but I'm just hitting because it soothes me for some reason." said Soran.

Sabrina said,"Hey Lucia. We should get going. I mean I don't think we should be wasting time like this.". "Oh no. I think I'm going to be just fine. I mean me and Natsu are life partners right my little Nat-Chan?" said Lucia who pressed her chest on his back. Natsu's face had a tiny blush and he said with a smile,"Actually you're not wrong. I already have teams set up.". "You do?" said the two devil girls. "I don't doubt him at all. He is the son of the king so what's the plan?" said Ivan.

Natsu told the group his plan and Noble said,"I got you little brother. Lets combine our strength to break this wall down.". "After we put on the stuff that we got from your trip to space as well." said Reva. "Ready my brothers?" said Drachen. "Yeah." said the two. Drachen pulled out his signature dragon weapon known as Dragon Fists, Natsu activate both the Devil Arm and Dragon Arm, and Noble activate his Dragon Pistols.

The three then fired at the wall as it broke down with ease. An alarm went off immediately and the twenty three souls went into five groups and they went into five different directions. Group 1 is Akane, Hikaru, Lucia, Natsu, and Rain. Group 2 is Chad, Ivan, Masoko, Nazar, and Sekien. Group 3 is Haru, Ryo, Sabrina, and Soran. Group 4 is Drachen, Noble, Reva, Ryozo, and Xiaoshi. Group 5 is Momoko and Ryder. They stayed in contact with each other thanks to Ruriko.

With Group 1, Akane was running with Hikaru with Akane saying,"So I get the plan but why is she doing that to him right now?!". Lucia was still holding onto Natsu as Hikaru said,"I don't know. We should just let her be. I really don't want to fight her right now.". The five went into an alleyway and several guards which dress like the Eight Elements ran by them. "Natsu. What is the plan?" said Rain who wanted to hold Natsu like Lucia.

Natsu made Lucia let him go as he said,"According to Ruriko, they're planning to kill Sora faster than we thought due to the main team. The plan is separated into five groups and if something happens. It is the best plan to try and head toward the execution platform before it's too late.". "Wow. This plan is extremely simple." said Rain. "Yeah. They're expected something complicate but sometimes, you go the simple way to win." said Natsu.

Akane said,"So how do we keep in contact with each other?". "With me!" said Ruriko from Akane's phone. "So you gave everyone phones?" said Hikaru. "Yep. I also have very small drones and all of them are flying around the city. If something happens, I'll get you the scoop." said Ruriko who was wearing a sneaking suit from something. "I think we have company you guys." said Lucia. Natsu then looked out to see something very strange.

It was a giant and mechanical Minotaur from Greek legend along with several guards. "I will get the bull while you ladies get the guards." said Natsu. "Right." said the four. Natsu walked out there and he was wearing a black and gold matador outfit. "It's one of the invaders! Get him!" yelled a guard with a band around his arm. The bull rushed toward Natsu with him making the bull crashing into a building. "Swing and a Miss!" said Natsu.

The guards were about to rush toward Natsu but a fourth of the guards were burned by Akane who was in her phoenix form. The other guards were about to attack her only to be blasted by Hikaru who made a ball of light which turned into several beams of light knocking them down to the ground. The devil princess then blasted some of the guards with a magic fire ball which doesn't hurt. Rain attack the last of them as a cat and human hybrid.

Lucia said,"That is from your training with Kristen I presume.". "Yep. This is thanks to my Extinct Form." said Rain. Natsu started touching her ears as Rain had a noticeable blush on her face. "This is so cute Rain. I think I love you more." said Natsu. "Um Natsu, look behind you." said Akane. Natsu turned around to see that the bull was extremely pissed off and glaring right at Natsu. "I guess this cow wants a fight huh?" said Natsu who went back into his normal outfit.

The bull nodded as Hikaru said,"I guess this thing must hated that attack of yours.". "Yeah. Time to show you my training." said Natsu. He was gone as he reappeared in front of the bull. He was in his Vulcan form. He kicked the bull directly toward the ground and he warped above the bull. "POWER LIGHTNING SPHERE!" yelled Natsu. He fired a giant sphere that was filled with lightning and it shocked the bull.

Akane said,"Wow. That looked faster than normal.". "He was using Mojo along with his power to defeat that robot." said Rain. Natsu reappeared in front of the girl as he said,"Yep. I got stronger for sure and I didn't need to use a weapon.". "I seriously don't think that attack defeated the bull. I mean you're super strong but...." said Hikaru. "I got you. Be right back." said Natsu. He was gone and he pulled out Uvosea. He then slashed the bull into several pieces.

He put the sword back as Lucia said,"Wow. He's going stronger for sure.". "Yeah. He got stronger to protect Sora right?" said Rain. Natsu then reappeared as he put his hand on her head. "It isn't just her Rain. The last couple of months have been a blast so I want to be strong enough to protect all of my friends. It's simple right?" said Natsu. Rain nodded as Natsu said,"I'll be back. Going to go save Sora now. Later ladies.". He ran off and he was jumping off buildings like a free runner.

Akane said,"Wow. This must be the real Natsu. I mean he had his Drive taken from him by force and for five days, he was a husk of himself but now, he is back to his normal self but he seems to be more happy than normal.". "Speak of which, I heard about that. What is a Drive exactly?" said Hikaru. "In Natsu's case, a Drive is his other half and what makes him well Natsu. Sora must have went into his body to give him more power." said Rain.

Lucia said,"However, she was taken rather drastically so there was side effects aka the husk of Natsu Ryu Xasius aka my honey bunny.". "So is Natsu faking this?" said Hikaru. "I don't think so. He isn't at all a good actor and a awful liar." said Akane. "We should probably get going. We'll see once he and Sora reunites." said Lucia. The four girls went moving as Rain thought,"Natsu seems like he is hiding something but what is it?".

Chad was walking with Ivan, Masoko, Nazar, and Sekien. "So I know why you're here for the prince Masoko but what about you three?" said Ivan. "Natsu is my rival! I want to fight against him and one day, win! He is so strong and super cool. Seeing him as that husk, it pissed me off so I did everything in my power to try and save him. Even if I had to go through that hell, I mean wow. Kerry is a very awesome dude and incredibly strong." said Nazar.

Sekien said,"My reason is the same as Nazar except Natsu is the one who helped me come to terms with my powers and my mother. So what about you Chad? You seem to be very loyal to Natsu but you haven't told anyone why you're here.". "He isn't trying to harass you Chad. We just want to know more about you." said Masoko. "Yeah!" said Nazar. "He fought with me to save some orphans from a gang. We swore to always be there for each other." said Chad.

The four were silent as Chad said,"We've company.". Several guards surrounding them from all four sides since they were at a crossroad. "Hands up Invaders! You are not getting out of here without a fight!" yelled a guard. He didn't see Chad in front of him as he said,"Move. We're here to save Sora from dying.". He punched the guard into the ground with it causing a very loud shockwave. "You're fueling the fire now Chad! Lets go!" yelled Nazar.

He ran straight in front of him as he punched several guards down like they were bowling pins. Ivan flew up and he said,"Freeze over!". He froze several guards with Masoko punching them. Sekien took a deep breath as he said,"Flame on.". His entire body went on fire as he rushed toward the guards. He then made a huge explosion out of ice that was both flaming hold and freezing cold. Chad held one of the guards that wasn't hit by the onslaught as he said,"Tell us where Sora is.".

The guard said,"Why the hell should I?". "My friend is going there. I want to make sure that he has some back up. Now tell me where Sora is." said Chad. "Okay! She is at the execution platform over 10 miles from here!" yelled the guard. Chad looked at Sekien as he said,"Sekien. Freeze him.". "You got it." said Sekien. The guard was frozen as Ivan said,"Lets go.". "Right!" said Nazar. "Yeah." said Chad and Masoko. The five ran off not knowing that they were being watched.

Haru stood there with a smile on his face. He was currently sitting in front of a captured guard who currently had several spicy things all over his face. Sabrina stood there as she said,"So is this normal for him?". "Actually as of late, it is." said Soran. "He was once a battle maniac like Nazar but he was lying to us for some reason." said Ryo. "I wasn't lying that much. I love fighting but I care about my friends. It may be weird but this is the real Haru." said Haru who finished with his project.

Haru then looked up and he said,"Oh. We have company boys and princess of hell.". Three guards stood there with each one looking different. One was bald with an average physical, one was a large and in charge man, and the final one looked like a runway model. "Hey Sabrina. Do you mind letting me, the trap, and archer here take them." said Haru. "Fine. I wanted a fight other than these weak as hell guards." said Ryo.

Sabrina nodded as Soran said,"So which one do you want?". He noticed that two of them were going leaving the fashionable samurai. "So. I get to fight against the girl. How rude. I guess that you have to fight against me, the one and only Attractive Ghost or AG for short." said AG He felted a burst of wind hit his brown hair as Soran said,"Sorry but I am not a girl but a man.". "Really? I guess you are a trap of some kind. I wonder what you would like as a girl though." said AG.

He had a noticeable blush on his face as Soran sighed. His eyes closed as time pauses. He rushed to the man but AG smiled. "Sorry but we trained in this situation before." said AG. He was about to hit Soran but he turned into bats avoiding the attack. "Yeah. My big brother trained me how to fight like a man and like a real vampire!" said Soran. He blasted AG with a lot of magic which then caused a huge explosion of smoke.

Meanwhile, Ryo stood there with the larger samurai. "Are you going to try and fight me? I may not be a Reaper but I'm strong enough to handle a twig like yourself. Prepare to lose against me! The name is Tank and you're going down!" said Tank. He made several knives appear as Ryo held his bow. "I don't need my eyes to take those down." said Ryo. He closed his eyes as he fired a arrow at the knives with Tank saying,"One arrow against my many blades? That is so stu....".

He was shocked as he saw said arrow going through all of his blades as it went back into Ryo's left hand. "Don't underestimate my power. It's stronger than you because I can control my arrow upon firing it." said Ryo whose eyes were still close. "Fine! Fly and try to shoot me now!" yelled Tank who did the same thing as before except for the fact that Ryo was now in the air due to Tank stomping down on the ground.

Ryo only opened his left eye while he fired four arrows with him saying,"Taste this!". The quartet of arrows flew through the knives just like before but some was burned due to one of the arrows being on fire, frozen due to one of the arrows being made of ice, or destroyed thanks to a steel arrow which looked heavy. Tank was hit with one of the steel arrows as Ryo smacked him with his bow. He then grabbed his four arrows with him placing them in his quiver that he always carried on his back.

Tank growled at him and Ryo said,"Are you thinking of giving up on me? I mean it's obvious that you have a snowball's chance in hell against me.". "Fine then brat. You have now forced me to release my inner power against you." said Tank. Ryo felt that Tank's power grew ten fold as Ryo opened both of his eyes. "Fine. I guess I thought that this was going to be a simple job. Expect nothing less from the infamous Infernal Council." said Ryo. The boy get ready to fight against the now stronger Tank.

Unlike Ryo and Soran, Haru was currently having fun with his opponent who Haru calls Baldy, Cue Ball, and Chrome Dome or CD. "Let me say my name already!" said CD. Haru was using his staff and he was currently writing something on his head. "Nah. I think I'll keep doing this." said Haru who was also whistling. Haru dodged half of a nunchuck as he landed in front of CD who had marker all of his shiny head.

CD said,"You are so dead kid. Your little pranks are nothing but a very sad attempt at fighting me and I do hope you're prepare to be defeated. If I defeated you, I will be able to get the real problem or the head invader's attention.". "You want Natsu huh? Sorry baldy but that isn't going to happen. I didn't want Natsu to do this in the first place but having the trap happy is well something nice. Lets fight for real now." said Haru as he got his staff ready for a fight.

Meanwhile with Soran, the young fallen vampire was currently dodging all of AG's attack by only a few seconds at best. This was due to the model's firing rate being fast hat it was before. Soran started to fly away mainly to get some breathing room. He noticed that AG was coming after him and Soran decided to freeze time but instead of the five seconds like normal, he decided to go even longer with him freezing time for five minutes.

He walked over to AG. He attacked with several punches and kicks plus a couple of magic bombs for good measures just in case. He unfroze time as AG was hit with the attack. Soran looked in a mirror to see that his nose was bleeding. He could freeze time for up to five minutes before his nose starts to bleed and if he goes any longer, he'll lose all control and destroy everything in his path. He didn't like to do that so five minutes is the limit.

He looked at AG who actually survived his attack. "You are lucky that I let you live girly boy because I need my beauty sleep." said AG. He then fainted as Soran went to go find Sabrina. Tank was firing several knives at Ryo who couldn't counter all of the small blades. "Die! Die! Die!" yelled Tank. Ryo jumped around his attacks only for him to stop. Ryo thought to himself,"Soran is using his power I guess. It is a good thing that he gave all of us a way to go through time just in case of this.".

Ryo touched his neck and he said,"I think he didn't want to bite us either but he need to make sure that he could handle it.". He looked at Tank who was PO with Ryo said,"I guess I should do the right thing but firing several arrows plus something to stop him from attacking me after this.". He fired his bow at Tank with the man having several fire, ice, lightning, and bomb arrows. He held one single arrows as time unfroze.

Tank was hit with the attacks as he fell over. Ryo walked away and Tank rose behind him with several bruises and cuts. He was about to attack Ryo but Ryo fired the arrow in his left hand directly at Tank's forehead. It drained all of Tank's power with Ryo held the arrow. He fired it up in the air and it then healed Ryo off all of his wounds. Tank fell over as Ryo walked away. He was hoping to go meet up with the others.

Haru looked at baldy who was frozen in time. "Let me see. What should I do with you?" said Haru who smiled. He turned his staff into a paintbrush as a grin that could rival the Cheshire Cat. He then painted baldy as Haru said,"You know I could be the next Picasso.". He looked like a piece of art as Haru jumped into the air. Time unfroze as the samurai saw Haru with his staff heading right toward his head.

Haru said,"Yashu Technique! Steel Smash of the Tiger!". He smashed the pole directly on the center of the samurai's head knocking him out. Haru looked at Baldy with him saying,"Yep. He isn't dead so if you can hear, come and get me when you are way stronger okay. I have a real good reason for me and my friends being here so later I guess.". He walked away with his arms behind his head and he was wondering if Soran was alright.  

Meanwhile, Eizan was sitting in a unknown room. He heard the alarm and he said,"You're coming to save her. Why? She is nothing like she was when she was a kid. She used to be full of life and joy. I loved her but now, she is nothing but a husk.". He stood up and he looked at an old picture. This was his room. Said picture was of him with a smiling Satsuki and Sora along with a frowning Kyoji. "I'm sorry but this is how it is now." said Eizan. He walked out of the room with him going after Natsu.

Next Time,
The infiltration begins with a successful start! The Eight Elements, the Prime Commandos, and the Reapers begin their attack on the rescue team! Secrets about the Sorcerers are revealed and also some other stuff! This and more next time on Soul!

Infernal Council vs Rescue Team. 43 vs 23.
Team Infernal Council: 43
Prime Commandos (Ayano, Bakin, Heizo, Ichiyo, Marissa, Sachi, Sayuri, Shuzo, and Zephyr).
Phantom Members (Blizz, Breeze, Inferno, Queen Carol, Shade, Shine, Spark, Stone, and Tidal).
Reapers (Eizan, Kyoji, and Satsuki).
Fighters (Arata, Clyde, and Haruto).
Seven Deadly Sins (Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath).
Protectors of the Earth (Carrie, Cortez, Lara, Layla, Lin, Lucius, Rick, Rey, Shon, Star, Valerie, and Von).

Team Rescue Team: 23
Star Valley High (Akane, Chad, Haru, Hikaru, Masoko, Natsu, Nazar, Rain, Reva, Ruriko, Ryo, Sekien, and Soran).
Legendary Champions (Drachen and Xiaoshi).
Red Devil Pirates (Noble and Ryozo).
Devil Eight/Seven (Ivan, Lucia, and Sabrina).
Masters (Momoko and Ryder).

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Zephyr Lupine. The Commander of the Prime Commandos. 36 years old. White. Dark Brown. 9 foot 8. O. Aquarius. February 13. Justice, fighting, bringing people to justice, and good. People who disobey her and escape her wrath.
Shuzo Omura. 30 years old. The Devil Shark and a member of the Prime Commandos. Blue and Purple. Black. 9 foot. A. Pisces. March 12. Meat, fighting, using people, and destruction. Humans.
Ayano Kurata. 30 years old. Venom Guard and a member of the Prime Commandos. Dark Blue. Purple. 18 foot. Taurus. April 29. Poison, killing, torturing, and making her enemies suffer to the death. People who escape her fun time.
Marissa Bryant. 32 years old. Mistress of the Dance and the art of Capture and a member of the Prime Commandos. Pink. Green. Female. 7 foot. Virgo. September 14. Dancing, control, order, justice, shopping, fashion, and being cute. Fire.
Sayuri Okuma. 1500 years old. Vampiric Necromancer/Warrior and a member of the Prime Commandos. Dark Red. Red. 20 foot. Scorpio. October 31. Darkness, wine, power, fancy foods, control, strength, and zombies. Light, getting called old, getting called old, her meal getting disrupted, and her zombies getting destroyed.
Heizo Ogura. 46 years old. Gangster of Death and a member of the Prime Commandos. Dark Purple. Dark Red. 5 foot 5. Gemini. May 24. Pasta, fighting, loyalty, trust, respect, and death. Peace, distrust, lying, and life.
Ichiyo Harada. 37 years old. Explosive Killer and a member of the Prime Commandos. Light Blue. Lavender. 8 foot. Gemini. June 3. Explosion, architectures, stone, and spicy foods. Things that don’t explode, chaos, and dry foods.
Bakin Shirai. 30 years old. The King of Assassination and a member of the Prime Commandos. Black. Red. 8 foot 6. Cancer. July 7. Killing, meat, looking good, and death. People living, veggies, mud, and life.
Sachi Hirota. 25 years old but looks 8 years old. Matter Queen and a member of the Prime Commandos. Aquamarine. Pink. 4 foot. Leo. August 22. Candy, sugar, puppies, death, pain, suffering, toys, and friends. Long noses.
Haruto Xasius. 58 years old. Riku’s Father, Natsu’s grandfather, Drachen and Noble’s adopted grandfather, and high ranking member of the Infernal Council. White. Blue-Green and Gold when mad. 7 foot 4. O. Capricorn. January 19. Food, sleeping, fighting, his family, and the Infernal Council. Excuses.
Clyde Walters. 18 years old. Haruto’s apprentice. Purple. Blue. 6 foot 4. A. Pisces. March 11. The Infernal Council, strength, courage, fighting, eating, and protecting the innocent. His master’s antics and pointless death.
Arata Sazama. 23 years old. Natsu’s True Rival, high ranking member of the Infernal Council, and creator of the technique known as Tiasho. Blond with Purple tips. Black with violet. 6 foot 9. AB. Virgo. August 27. Winning, crushing his opponents, proving himself, and eating. Losing.

Phantoms: Name, Age, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height.
Tidal. ? Years old. Blue. Gray. 6 foot 10.
Spark. ? Years old. Yellow. Yellow. 5 foot 6.
Shine. ? Years old. White. Gray. 5 foot 9.
Shade. ? Years old. Black. Red. 5 foot 11.
Queen Carol. ? years old. Black, White, and Red. Gold. 6 foot 9.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Soul Episode 98 Preparation for the Invasion on the Infernal Council.

A/N: We have two more episodes till Episode 100. I don't know if I am going to do a second year yet because I've a idea for an ending but it is going to be different from what you all think. Anyway, lets begin. I plan to hopefully finish the other half of the notes by at least October but right now, I am on a Soul Frenzy. I hope you all understand this. When you're feeling the flow, you got to keep riding it to the end. It could be either Suzaku or Suzaki. I could have down that so I tend to make mistakes like that. 

The group (Akane, Chad, Haru, Hikaru, Masoko, Natsu, Nazar, Rain, Reva, Ruriko, Ryo, Sekien, and Soran) had arrived in the Underworld. Chad, Haru, Hikaru, Masoko, Nazar, Ruriko, Ryo, and Sekien were shocked to see this place looking somewhat they described in fiction and non fiction. "Wow. It is actually like the bible." said Haru. "Yeah. You get used to it after awhile. So our ride should arrive soon right Reva?" said Natsu. 

Reva said,"Yes. I did informed Riku about this little visit. He did give me his phone number after Elena's birthday party. We just have to hope that the guards don't arrive.". "Yeah but I think that they can handled them." said Natsu. The two siblings talked as Akane said,"So what are they talking about Soran?". "You'll see. This is actually pretty normal." said Soran. Sekien said,"You guys. Something is coming and it's fast!". 

A giant Cerberus appeared but this one was different. Instead of the three heads, there was nine heads and they were deadly. "Good luck you guys." said Natsu. "What are you talking about?" said Ryo. "It doesn't noticed devils or being from the underworld. Good luck taking him down." said Soran. The two were gone along with Reva and Ruriko since she was currently on Natsu's phone. The beast then roared as Nazar said,"Metal Armor!".

He rushed toward the beast and he jumped toward the heads. "Thunder God....." said Nazar. The dog blasted him with fire and he flew toward the trees. The dog then fired all of its head at the group with Sekien making a giant ice wall blocking the fire. "Okay. Haru and Masoko, you two aim for the heads farthest on the left and right." said Sekien. "Right." said the two. They jumped toward the heads and Haru smacked the head on the right with Masoko hitting the head on the left.

Chad noticed that Akane and Ryo were gone with him saying,"Hikaru and Rain. Protect Sekien. I will handle the mutt.". The two girls then saw that both Chad and Sekien had tackled the beast toward the ground. "So Hikaru, what is your power exactly?" said Rain who got ready to fight. "I can use Light and Sound. So what do you need me to do?" said Hikaru. "Combined my light with yours. We will blind him and then Akane and Ryo can get their shots." said Rain.

The two girls held hands as they created a blinding light. Haru and Masoko had hid behind one of the heads to make sure that this mutt would be blinded. The mutt was as it was blasted with several rapid fire arrows and fire balls. The dog recovered as it put its foot down. It caused a massive shockwave knocking the nine teens into the woods. The dog got closer as it heard a whistle. It fell on the floor in pain as the nine heard,"Humans? I guess you're friends with the prince then.".

Ling stood there with Storm as Akane said,"Aren't you two?". "Some of my dad's closest allies and they're pretty strict with me during my training." said a voice. The nine saw Natsu stand upside down from a tree with the dog barking in joy at seeing the prince. He pet all of its head as Soran appeared from a swarm of bats. "The Cerberus and Natsu are good friends since Natsu tamed her." said Soran who smiled. 

Nazar said,"That's a girl?!". The dog smacked him into the trees as Ryo said,"And he has a girlfriend somehow.". "The world is a mystery. So where is Reva and Ruri?" said Akane. The girl heard,"I am on all of your phones!". The group saw Ruriko on their phone as Chad said,"So did she ask us if she wanted to be on here?". "I decided to go through the internet to be on everyone in the class's phone to deliver information to others easily." said Ruri.

Sekien said,"That makes sense. So were you training us?". "Yes. The prince's dog here is extremely weak compared to the Infernal Council." said Storm. The dog growled at the ninja with Natsu trying to calm her down. Reva came out of the woods as she said,"But we're going to train you.". "How if you don't mind me asking?" said Masoko. "Follow us. We brought a carriage." said Ling. The group followed the two wizards with Natsu riding his pet.

Ling and Storm were at the front of the carriage with Reva talking to the two. The group excluding Natsu were talking to each other. The prince of the Underworld however was riding on his dog with him enjoying it. "So Soran, why didn't Cerberus attack you, Natsu, and Reva? I don't think she could smell Ruri." said Haru. "She doesn't go after things from the Underworld like I said before hand. She also loves anything that smells like Natsu." said Soran.

Hikaru said,"So why did she attack us? I mean we all know Natsu.". "Yeah. So how do you know him exactly Hikaru? He knows you." said Haru. Hikaru blushed as she said,"Well, it's complicated.". "She is a famous pop star known as the Shining Star. I used a lot of data to find that out." said Ruriko who smiled. "Seriously? Wow. Your music is actually pretty good. I hear Natsu listening to it which is rare since he likes classical music." said Rain.

Hikaru said,"Well, I do send him my songs a few days before the international release.". "So are you two childhood friends?" said Akane. "Yeah. He actually gave me this ribbon that I wear in my hair. It is nice right?" said Hikaru. "Meh." said the guys. The carriage stopped as Reva said,"We're here. I do suggest you get out now.". The group got out of the carriage as it sprouted wings with it flying off. "I have so many questions." said Ryo.

Storm stood there as he said,"Your highness. I suggest you speak to your father. The information that you brought it is highly informative toward the plan.". The ninja was gone as Ling said,"Sorry about that. Things have been pretty tense around here due to the idea of invasion.". "An invasion?" said Chad. "Yes. My old man plans to invade the Kingdom of the Dammed so we're going to use this to our advantage." said Natsu. "Huh?!" said the entire group there.

In the war room which this castle somehow has in its walls, Riku was sitting there. He wasn't alone since he was with one of the seven rulers Luther Phoenix, a general of Fallen Angel which are completely different than devils and Soran's father Axel Backridge, a general of vampires and Soran's mother Rosary Chainsaw, a legendary priate and Noble's mentor Ukon Shiraki, and two for hires Azami Kawata and Micad Reed.

They all were the leaders of the invasion with them all stressed out about the whole thing. "So where the hell is he Riku? We can't risk any time waste?" said Luther who pounded the table. "Calm down Luther. He has enter the castle." said Riku. "Wow. I can feel his presence from here." said Axel. "He is just like Noble." said Ukon. Natsu entered the room as he said,"Hey Daddy and company. Sorry that I'm late. I had to show my friends to their staying area.".

He sat in his chair as Axel said,"So what are you planning to do with this knowledge?". Natsu looked up to see that they had built a plan and he said,"I like but I think we should save Sora with a smaller team.". "Are you serious? I mean are you going by yourself?" said Azami. "Nope. Axel and Rosary, I need your son for my team. His power is what I need to save her. She is a part of me and if I want to grow, I need to save her." said Natsu.

Rosary said,"Sure Natsu. Promise me that you'll keep him safe.". "Don't worry so much. I mean he is your guys kid. Don't worry a precious little hair of yours okay. The Prince and company will keep him sage. I promise." said Micah. "What the cowboy said." said Natsu. The parents agreed as Riku said,"We will be the main force keeping their eye on us while you guys strike with full force. The invasion begins four days from now.". The group there agreed with him.

Out in the courtyard, Rana was standing there with Iva, Lucia, Sabrina, and three members of the Devil Eight excluding Natsu who was busy with the rest of his classmates. The three members that Natsu didn't know as well were Raven Asmodeus, Loren Barbatos, and Danny Paimon. "So where is Natsy anyway? He should be out here with the rest of the Devil Eight." said Raven who blasted the targets around her.

Lucia said,"He is with the others that came from above the Underworld.". "You mean those strong souls right? I'm itching for a fight right now. These dummies are doing jack shit to improve my training." said Danny who broke a target in half. "I guess they are busy. I mean you know the plan right?" said Rana. "Yeah. I can't believe that they would do something like that. I mean they are just kids from high schools compared to us devils." said Loren.

Ivan said,"These kids have been through a lot and I know that everyone in Class C will do a fine job while we help them get Sora back.". "Right. So lets get back to work." said Sabrina. The eight went back to work with three of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld watching them. They were the older siblings of Danny's older sister Sydney Paimon, Loren's older sister Rita Barbatos, and Raven;s older brother Blake Asmodeus.

Blake said,"Sydney. Do you seriously think that Natsu and his crew can handle the Infernal Council at all? Our little brothers and sister have been training since well they could use their powers unlike them.". "Maybe. You need to give them some credit Blake. They came here even they could die out here." said Sidney. "Yeah. We should trust them and be there to support them. It makes the most sense to me." said Rita. Blake agree with her as they watched their siblings fight.

Drachen and Noble were with the other members of their group. Drachen belong to the group known as Legendary Champions and Noble belong to the group of Red Devil Pirates. The other Legendary Champions members are Araya Miyake who is the older sister to Osamu and Tora, Nyoko who is the older brother of Keiko and Suzaku, and Xiaoshi Chun who is Drachen's girlfriend and she is one of his most trusted allies.

The other members of Red Devil Pirates are Adam Zorro who is known for his skills with the blade of any kind, Ayaka Yoneda who is known for her sniper skills, Ryozo Furata who is known for his ability to hear any kind of wound, and Taya Obara who is known for her cooking skills. "So what are you two going to do?" said Taya. "What are you taking about?" said Noble. "You two are going with the group to save Sora right?" said Adam.

Nyoko said,"Yeah. I mean he is your little brother right? Heck, my little sister may hate my guts right now but here is the thing. I'll do anything to protect them.". "He's right." said Araya and Ayaka. "I am all for this idea but one from the Legendary Champion, Red Devil Pirates, and maybe two or three members of the Devil Eight excluding your little brother will be going with the group. I will go with you Drachen due to me wanting to meet him." said Xiaoshi.

Drachen said,"Okay babe. So who are you going to pick Noble?". "Well bro, I think that Adam and Ayaka are not an option. They're need by the king and Ukon." said Noble. "Yeah. My sharpshooting skills are unmatched and with Adam guarding me, we'll be unmatched right Adam?" said Ayaka. The man next to her nodded as Ryozo said,"I'll go with you Noble. You don't mind right?". "Nope. Lets go already." said Noble. "Right!" said the entire group.

Ryo was walking with the rest of the group coming from Star Valley except for Natsu and Reva. "It is a shock to see how much stronger people in the Underworld. It's no reason why the Protectors of the Earth were worried about Natsu to begin with." said Masoko. "Yeah but the invasion doesn't begin till Friday so that means one thing." said Ryo. "Training Ryo?" said Ruriko. "Yes. We'll train to be even stronger than ever right Natsu?" said Chad.

Soran turned around to see Natsu with him smiling. He said,"Yeah. I know that you guys have a lot of potential.". "So how are we going to do that? I mean you're smart Natsu but right now, we are weaker than a sack of potatoes." said Haru. "He's right." said Masoko. "So. What are you going to do man? I mean I'm up for anything so hit me with you're best spot." said Nazar. The boy walked into someone with Natsu looking at him.

He was a tall man with his red hair partly in his black eyes. He was wearing something extremely casually as Natsu said,"John?". The man looked at Natsu as he said,"Well, you're a sight for sore eyes aren't you squirt?". He pat the boy's head as he said,"So I bet you're here to train.". "Yeah. So do you and your wife mind?" said Natsu. Rain noticed that Natsu was really happy to see him as John said,"I think that is fair. Come with me kids.".

The group followed him into a strange shop. It looked like a mixture of a bar and a junk shop with all sorts of things. "Wait here for a minute. I'll be right back." said John. He went behind a door as Akane said,"So who is this guy Natsu?". "Yeah. He knows you well." said Chad. "Well, he is the first person that I trusted other than my parents." said Natsu. "I thought that you trusted everyone. I mean the only time that you haven't trust anyone ever." said Soran.

Natsu said,"Well, people change. I was a pretty spoiled baby.". "Wait. You said baby right?" said Ryo who was holding a ancient looking bow. "Yeah. Devil children are way more mature than one may think. Heck, a month year old has the maturity level of say a teen." said Natsu. "Devils are so weird man." said Nazar. Nazar was then hit into several pillows by a man with gray/black hair and brown eyes. He looked really serious.

He looked at the group with him saying,"You friends with John?". "We are and do you work here or what?" said Sekien. Chad was helping Nazar out of the pillows with the man said,"The name is Kerry Bates. I'm the bartender. Up for a drink?". "We're not old enough." said Hikaru. "And you speak with less emotion that Chad which is saying a lot." said Akane. "Sure." said Natsu. "Yes my prince." said Kerry. "So can you do anything down here?" said Rain. "Yeah. It's sweet." said Natsu.

John came back with Reva as Ryo said,"Reva? What are you doing?". "Reva here asked if me, my lovely wife Kristen, and my best friend Kerry will train you. I said yes so where is Natsu?" said John who smiled. "He's drinking." said the group including Ruriko from Rain's phone. Reva sighed as she said,"Anyway, you have all been selected in three different groups based of the fight with Cerberus earlier in the day. So do you want to tell them John?".

John said,"Sure thing Reva. So would Haru, Ryo, and Soran step forward?". The three stood there as Haru said,"I guess we're a team. Ready squirt?". He placed his hand on the girlish boy as Ryo said,"I think we are ready to fight.". "Okay then. Come with me. We don't have exactly a lot of time now do we? Reva, you mind doing the rest?" said John. "Sure." said Reva. John along with the archer, the monkey, and the trap left the group as Reva said,"Okay next group will go with Kristen.".

A woman appeared as she had long black hair and green eyes. "Yep. My name is Kristen and I'm the lovely bride of John. Oh and Kerry..." said the woman. She then gained a dark aura as she said,"Why are you giving a minor beer?". Kerry backed up as he said,"I thought it was okay.". "I don't care if he is a prince but he is still a minor." said Kristen. The bartender sulked in the corner of the bar as the group there said,"She is scary.".

Kristen gained a smile on her face as she said,"So who am I working with Reva?". "Akane, Hikaru, Masoko, and Rain. The girl group gulped as Kristen said,"Lets go!". "Right." said the four. The five were gone as Natsu said,"So let me guess that me, Chad, Nazar, and Sekien are the last group with the sulking Kerry?". "Sweet! The battle group!" yelled Nazar. "I do think that our power match each other." said Sekien. "Yeah." said Chad.

Reva said,"Sorry but Natsu. You have a special teacher. Kerry will take the others.". Kerry recovered as he took the three in the back. "So who is training with Natsu Reva?" said Ruriko. "I will be." said a voice. Natsu then sensed someone coming as he said,"I can feel her power from here. She is so much stronger than me but she's warm.". "You're using Astral to compensate for your blindness. Color me impressed." said the voice.

A woman appeared on the table of the bar. She has waist-length spiky grayish white hair that she has tied in a ponytail with two shoulder-length bangs framing her face. She is wearing a black backless sleeveless undershirt with her wearing it under a pink over shirt with two black straps on each of her shoulder with a large white sash around her waist and black stretch pants with a pair of long black jika tabi. She has peach colored skin and light purple eyes and lightning bolt eyebrows.

Natsu said,"Wow. You're very pretty.". "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself. So this your little brother or something else?" said the woman. "Yes. This is Momoko Ichikawa. She is your teacher for the next four days and she is going to be way more stricter than your previous masters. Good luck. Ruri, I ask you to stay with Natsu during all of this. I'm keeping an eye on the other three groups." said Reva who went to where the others went.

Ruri said,"So Momoko?". "Yes computer girl." said Momo. "So what are you planning to teach Natsu anyway? I mean he seems pretty much invincible." said Ruri. "Thanks but with my arms looking like well this. It's hard to do many things." said Natsu. "Yes but what if I could tell you that I have a way to make them go back to normal." said Momo. "Do I've to bond with them?" said Natsu. "Nope. You and computer girl, follow me." said Momo.

She was gone in a flash as Ruri said,"That was at least Mach 10! I don't think her Power is Super Speed.". Natsu placed Ruri in his jacket pocket as he said,"It isn't. She used a technique to increase her speed unlike say Keiko whose power is speed. Watch and study her.". The boy bolted out of the room as Ruri said,"You're moving at Mach 12!". He caught up to Momo as she said,"I see that you figure out my special trick then? Brains and look. The total passage huh.".

Natsu said,"I read about this technique before in a book but this was a long time so I could be a little rusty on the details. It has been used in a long time but it along with four others makes a Soul with a terrible Power like reforming can be a true threat on the battlefield.". "And what is the name of this exactly? You remember that?" said Momo. "Yeah. Its name is Mojo right?" said Natsu as he jumped on a building to stop.

Momo said,"Correct. The next one is Ardor which let you manipulate the elements along with any form of magic. Okay then. Throw me an element or magic basic attack. I know that you can learn the strength and weakness of ones Power.". "Okay. I've been just dying to try this one out. Time for an special move known as Torrent Stars." said Natsu. Ruri noticed that a huge amount of energy started to cover his right arm. It was black with a crimson outline.

He moved his right arm toward Momo with him firing out a huge amount of beams at her. She then moved gracefully around them with her grabbing them all. "I can't believe it." said Ruri. "Well. You should believe it. I think that this is a strong attack though. On a weaker opponent, this will take them down with ease but someone on my level, it is nothing more that a breeze of wind." said Momo. She fired them all into making a firework show.

Ruri said,"Wow Ardor is just amazing.". "You may think that now but after my training, Natsu will be a foe to be reckon with however. This techniques that I am going to teach you is nothing compared to the ultimate attack. It is known as Clap of the Shinigami. It is so strong that not even the strongest shield can survive its blow. However, it comes at a cost. Are you up to learn it?" said Momo. Natsu said,"Teach me Sensei. I wish to be stronger. I just have to.".

Ruri looked away as Momo said,"I know why you're doing this but you'll tell when you needed to I suppose. Lets begin. We'll be training in the area nearby here. I hope you're up to the task.". "Yeah. I going to fight with all of my heart so lets begin." said Natsu. The two jumped off with Ruri looking at Natsu who looked serious. She wondered what Momo and Natsu were talking about. It was four long days but the group from Star Valley High grew stronger and taller by six inches.

Haru rested on the wall outside of the shop as he said,"So you're taller but dam Sora, you don't look like a guy at all.". Soran sighed as Ryo said,"So. We got the training. We just need the gear. Does the Underworld rely on a different system of money Soran? I don't think yen works down here.". "Don't worry so much kids. I got your gear made just for you. Take it." said John. He stood there with three boxes as Haru said,"Man. You're nothing to scoff at teach.".

Ryo looked at his bow which before was wooden but it was now steel as he said,"Thank you so much for this and the training.". "It's no problem. However, I do fear for what happened to the girls and the three strong man of the group." said John. Soran looked at the girls, Chad, Nazar, and Sekien who was silent with him saying,"I think we'll leave them be for now. So where is Natsu and Ruri? We're going to need them.". "How about you look behind you?" said a voice.

Soran turned around to see Natsu except he has changed. His arms were back to normal. He had on a pair of black and silver knee and wrist guards with the Celestial Spheres implanted in them. He had Tyrung completely open with his gray sleeveless muscle shirt and also like mesh armor. It is shown with his signature necklaces and he had a matching pair of gray camo pants, and boots that had some obvious iron souls. "Sup. I am back and stronger than before." said Natsu.

Ritsu appeared on everyone's phone as she said,"I'm here too!". "Of course." said Chad. "So are we ready to go? I'm fired up." said Nazar. "Yeah." said Sekien. "Okay. You guys have a hard job in front of you but you got this for sure. We'll be there being the distraction." said Momo who was enjoying some sweets. "Right. Ready you guys?" said Rain. "Yeah." said the group. The group walked toward where they were meeting the rest of their group to save Sora from the Infernal Council.

John walked over to Momo and he said,"So Momo, did you teach him everything?". "Yes. He knows Mojo which will allow him to move at supersonic speed, Ardor which allow him to manipulate the elements and magic, Stukinze which allows him to learn how to manipulate fighting styles, Asaihte which allows him to use mother nature herself, Gikna which allows him to use any weapon given to him to perfection, and Power Master Style." said Momo,

Kerry said,"What's that?". "Sound new to me." said Kristen. "It's something that he created thanks to all of the training with all sorts of masters and people that he has meet over the year. It's been a honor to be his final master." said Momo. She jumped down as she said,"You sensed it when you saw him again right Johnny?". "I did. I just don't want to believe it." said John. "Well start. Lets make sure that she gets saved." said Momo. The four left the kingdom getting ready for the war.

Next time,
Infernal Council vs Underworld! Who'll win!? Will Natsu and the gang's training save Rain or will they crash and burn? If you know anything about my writing, you should know the answer. This and more next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Luther Phoenix. 44 years old. Ivan’s Father and one of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld. Dark Silver. Silver. 6 foot 5. O. Aquarius. February 11. His family, battling anyone, friends, and his son. Annoying things and his son hating him.
risAxel Barkridge. 42 years old. Fallen Angel General and Soran’s father. Blond. Red. 6 foot 10. B. Gemini. June 16. Anime, manga, video games, maid cafe, internet cafe, the Heavens and the Underworld, Soran, and Rosary. Death and humans.
Rosary Chainsaw. 40 years old. Vampire General and Soran’s mother. Pink/Silver. Gray and Red when mad. 6 foot 6. O. Leo. August 20. Female. Fashion, shopping, cooking, Soran, Axel, her fellow vampires, and the Underworld King. Humans and the church.
Ukon Shiraki. 72 years old. King of the Earth. Gray. Blue. 18 foot. Sagittarius. December 15. Family, drinking, eating, power, loyalty, and fighting. Death, betray, and people who hurt his friends.
Azami Kawata. 24 years old. A kitsune swordswoman for hire. Half White and Black. Blue and Red. 6 foot 2. O. Cancer. July 9. Swordfighting, completing jobs, not causing trouble for people, magic, and Micah. Laziness, trouble for others, science, most humans, and death.
Micah Reed. 24 years old. A bounty hunter/cowboy for hire. Sliver. Green. 6 foot 4. A. Pisces. March 6. Eating, playing with his gun, getting a free meal, being a pervert, not doing a lot of work, and Azami. Working too hard, peace and quiet, magic, demons, and death.
Danny Paimon. 18 years old. Devil. Black with red tips. Red. 6 foot 2. A. Capricorn. January 8. His friends in the Devil Eight, fighting, training, his sister, and proving himself to his rivals and himself. The church, annoying people, and losing to something cheap.
Raven Asmodeus. 17 years old. Devil. Pink. Red. 6 foot 1. B. Taurus. May 4. Shopping, clothing, fashion, fighting, training, her friends in the Devil Eight, and Danny. The church, people who hurt her friends or family, and angels.
Loren Barbatos. 16 years old. Devil. Red. Red. 5 foot 11. O. Aries. April 13. Fashion, fighting, training, Ivan, and her friends in the Devil Eight. Nothing really.
Sydney Paimon. 27 years old. Danny’s older sister and one of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld. Black. Red. 6 foot. B, Libra. October 17. Her little brother, the Underworld, and her fellow Seven Rulers. Angels, some humans, and her brother’s strange desire to get stronger.
Blake Asmodeus. 28 years old. Raven’s older brother and one of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld. Gray. Red. 6 foot 6. AB. Sagittarius. November 26. His little sister, the Underworld, wrestling, and his fellow Seven Rulers. Monsters, humans, destruction, and death.
Rita Barbatos. 25 years old. Loren’s older sister and one of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld. Red. Red. 6 foot 4. A, Pisces. February 28. Her little sister, the Underworld, humans, and his fellow Seven Rulers. Angels, fallen angels, monsters, death, and poverty.

Nyoko. 21 years old. Cat Boy. Gold. Azure. 6 foot 6. AB. Taurus. April 30. Milk, yarn, fighting, his friends, training, and his siblings. Death.
Xiaosi Chun. 24 years old. Chinese Goddess. Black. Gold. 6 foot 5. O. Leo. August 18. Chinese cooking, chinese fashion, pandas, fighting, training, Drachen, her friends, and the chinese zodiac. Violence, mortals, and her friends getting hurt.
Araya Miyake. 22 years old. Older sister to Osamu and Tora. Gray. Blue. 6 foot 4. Sagittarius. November 30. Shopping, fashion, training, fighting, Osamu, Tora, her friends, and Justice. Chaos and Death.
Adam Zorro. 21 years old. Legendary Pirate, formerly known as Felix Read, the number one swordsman of the world, swordsman of the Red Devil Pirates, and the Blue Ranger of the Underworld Rangers team. Red. Brown. 6 foot 6. A. Capricorn. December 28. Training, fighting, swords, fishing, his fellow members of the Red Devil Pirates, loyalty, sleeping, reputation, and Noble. The idea of the Underworld Rangers, sometimes Taya Obara, getting lost, and someone betrayal him or his friends.
Ayaka Yoneda. 21 years old. A legendary Pirate, a legendary sniper, the sniper of the Red Devil Pirates, and the Pink Ranger of the Underworld Rangers. Pink. Green. 6 foot 4. AB. Aquarius. February 18. Money, reading, relaxing, Noble, shooting, her fellow members of the Red Devil Pirates, animals, fruit, children, and fighting. Legends/myth, the idea of the Underworld Rangers, and the man who goes by the name of Shuzo Omura.
Taya Obara. 26 years old. A legendary Pirate, a gorgeous chef, the chef of the Red Devil Pirates, and the Green Ranger of the Underworld Rangers. Blond. Purple. 6 foot 6. A. Aries. March 29. Cooking, woman, her fellow members of the Red Devil Pirates, jazz, smoking, fashion, shopping, and Noble. Secrets, the idea of the Underworld Rangers, dressing like a man, hip hop, most men, and sometimes Adam Zorro.
Ryozo Furuta. 32 years old. Legendary Pirate, a excellent surgeon and a former prince, the Surgeon of the Red Devil Pirates, and the Black Ranger of the Underworld Rangers team. 6 foot 9. O. Scorpio. October 30. Medicine, food, sleep, fighting, training, his fellow members of the Red Devil Pirates, and fish. The idea of the Underworld Rangers, his friend’s antics, his real family, and his friends getting hurt.
John Buckner. 39 years old. Natsu’s role model and owner of the Elite King Bar. Red. Black. 8 foot 6. A. Sagittarius. December 19. Relaxing, fighting, being nice, his friends, partying, drinking, courage, and Kristen. Someone hurting his friends and needless bloodshed.
Kristen Buckner. 38 years old. John’s wife and head waitress of the Elite King Bar. Black. Green. 7 foot 8. B. Taurus. April 26. John, her friends, supporting her husband in any way that she can do, and drinking. Her friends getting hurt and the bar getting destroyed.
Kerry Bates. 40 years old. John’s right hand man and bartender of the Elite King Bar. Gray/Black. Brown. 9 foot. AB. Taurus. May 6. John, Kristen, sleeping, relaxing, and drinking. Idiots and Kristen anger. He works with his best friend John Buckner and his wife Kristen Buckner.
Momoko Ichikawa. Looks to be 22 years old but actually 2200 years old. The master of body enhancement arts known as Mojo. element/magic arts known as Ardor, fighting arts known as Stukinze, nature known as Asaihte, and weapon arts known as Gikna. Grayish White. Gold. 6 foot 11. O. Aquarius. January 25. Weapons, sweets, training students, and animals mainly cats. Not getting what she wants.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Soul Episode 97 Party and Journey to the Underworld to save Sora. (Draft Apparently?)

A/N: So Episode 100 is going to be in the Kingdom of the Dammed or the Underworld. Yeah. we may do something for that but don't quote me on that. I didn't do anything for Power Guild. Speaking about that. I haven't posted the other half for the new arc of Power Guild for one reason. Fairy Tail has been very meh. I love Fairy Tail but this recent arc has showed me the many many many many many problems with it. I mean you'll see what I mean when it comes and trust me that. I learned something out while working on characters for Soul, there is a south Korean Drama with the same name. Yeah. I'm dead serious. The world is full of great and fantastic things.

In a realm that is very similar to Feudal Japan and a very futuristic version of Camelot, a girl is sitting in a tower. She has rose colored hair that goes up to her should and turquoise eyes. She is wearing a white kimono. "Hey Sora. Aren't you even going to eat? It's been eight days since you were brought here." said a voice. Sora turned around to see her old childhood friend Eizan Uzumaki standing there with him crossing his arms.

He was wearing the same clothing as both Blizz and Inferno but he had a long and thin scar going from the left to the right side of his face and across his nose. He has long straps of bandages over his arms to hide something. "I'm not hungry Eizan. Just leave me alone." said Sora. "Shit Sora. Just eat okay? You've a week left to live so at least show so god dam emotions already!" said Eizan. He then punched the wall nearby the cell as he yelled,"Be the real Sora not this coward!".

Sora smiled as she said,"I'm sorry Eizan but this Sora that you see here is the real Sora. I'm sorry but I would like you to leave.". "I'm your warden so you're not getting rid of me that quick." said Eizan. "I think she would like to leave red head." said a voice. The two saw Blizz standing there with his arms crossed. "Oh. So does the snowflake want to watch over Rain? You're just lucky that you got him to rage and it caused his death." said Eizan.

Blizz ignored him and he said,"Prisoner #8502 or Sora Hoshino. You're in here because you tried to hide in a human body known as Natsu. He has also pissed off one of the lower groups that are under our control. They would rather him in here as well. I tried to convince the higher ups about moving Natsu into the Stars.". "No. Don't. I don't want him to be hurt at all." said Sora. "We won't. I promise you on that. Come on Eizan." said Blizz.

The two walked away as Eizan said,"You're not serious right? I mean you do know this brat's father right?". "Do you honestly think that we're stupid? If they somehow get through the walls, everyone has been told to send anyone that tries to save her for whatever reason they have will be sent to the Stars. Get ready. They plan to attack I think five days from now but don't quote me on that." said Blizz. He was gone as Eizan said,"Son of a bitch.".

Later, Blizz walked into a room with two other members of the council. One was a man and the other one was a woman. They were the same thing as Blizz but the girl was wearing a wind theme and the man was wearing a rock theme. "Blizz. What took you so long?" said the woman. "I'm sorry Breeze. I had to get Eizan away from the prisoner. His friendship with her is a risk." said Blizz. "Yeah. He and the other Reapers are too emotional right Stone?" said Breeze.

Stone nodded as Blizz said,"So are the others coming back to base by Thursday?". "Yep. Inferno at first didn't want to come back but thanks to Busty Galore, he decided to come back." said Breeze who gagged upon saying Busty. "She is pretty busty." said Stone. "Yes. Satsuki Mayeda is strong but her love of the nectar is something that is a risk." said Blizz. "We should get ready." said Breeze. "Right Breeze." said Blizz and Stone. The three were gone in their signature elements.

In a bar, Eizan was drinking his sorrows away. "God Eizan. I didn't expect to see one of the reapers drinking his ass off. That's more of Satsuki's thing to be honest with you." said a voice. Eizan turned around to one of the three reapers whose name is Kyoji Sakamoto. He had short and spiked light blue-tinted white hair with yellow eyes. He us wearing the same outfit as Eizan but with the chemical symbol for water on it and gray sandals.

He had a red sash around his shoulder held by a round, water drop-like clip, Inside of the sash was his weapon aka a longer than normal katana with a intense freezing point. He also looks ten years old which he is slightly sensitive about. "Hey Pipsqueak." said Eizan. "Going to ignore that. So have you seen Satsuki?" said Kyoji. "Over there. So what do you think about all of this?" said Eizan. "It pisses me the hell off but we don't have a say in the matter." said Kyoji.

He sat next to Eizan as the drunk said,"Aren't you going to get Boobs?". "Not really in the mood. I got something to ask you. So are you planning something?" said Kyoji. "Not at all man. I mean pissing off those Phantoms is just asking for death. I think that those from the Underworld will give me a fight worth this pain." said Eizan. "Right. Do you mind helping me with her?" said Kyoji. "Sure thing squirt." said Eizan. The two went toward where Boobs aka the final reaper was.

Boobs or Satsuki Mayeda was drinking in the corner of the bar which was normal for her. She has wavy shoulder length wavy coral pink hair and light red eyes. She wears the same clothes as Eizen and Kyoji but her breasts tend to stick out like a sore thumb. She has a beauty mark which was under the left side of her mouth. "Hey Eizan and Kyoji. What are you two hunks doing here?" said Satsuki who had a bottle of beer in hand.

Kyoji then froze the liquid with him saying,"No more. We have work to do.". "Right. The orders for training just in case those freaks from the Underworld try to break Sora out right?" said Satsuki. "It isn't what I want but our job is to get ready." said Eizen. "Yeah. Blizz means business.  I mean the Father Killer is with those two are in the stars now." said Satsuki. "Right. Lets go." said Kyoji. The three left the bar off to train for the fight ahead of them.

Meanwhile back on Earth and outside of the Class C Classroom, they were have a party with only their class. Dante stood with Seth as Seth said,"Wow. This was done quick.". "Yeah. What do you really expect from the guy who can probably go mach speed without question." said Dante. The two saw Natsu moving fast and Dante said,"I think he is going mach 12.". "You can tell!?" said Seth. "As a ninja in well training, you learn about speed well pardon the pun but fast." said Dante.

The two saw Lucy and Mia talking with each other as Dante whispered,"So have you and Mia done what I asked?". Seth blushed a little as he said,"I seriously don't think that she would get what a date is despite her being well.....". "Dense." said Dante. "I know right? I mean just wow." said Seth. "You know that Lucy and I are trying right?" said Dante. "Yeah. I think I'll ask Issac for help." said Seth. "I can't believe you'll thinking that." said Dante.

Mia walked over and she said,"About what?". Dante looked at Lucy who said without words,"Yeah. I tried to keep her away but I couldn't.". "Um... I think I was going to ask him about....." said Seth. He thought about it and Dante said,"What Seth was going to say is that what we are going to do once our Natsu gets Sora back. Right?". The guy looked at him with Seth saying,"Yep. I was thinking another party.".

Mia said,"Yeah! That sounds like fun right Lucy?". "Yep. You should get us something to eat." said Lucy. "Right!" said Mia. She was gone as Lucy said,"So what are we going to do?". "Honestly, I've no idea." said Dante. "Maybe asking Issac for helping in charming Mia is the best option." said Seth who looked the two. "I guess we have to talk with the pervert." said Lucy. "Despite that, Issac knows his stuff." said Dante. The two there agree with him as Mia had no idea about all of this.

Alex was looking at her drink with Dana saying,"So is Alex alright?". Rain and Terry looked at their childhood friend as Terry said,"I don't know. This is new to me.". "I think she is in love." said Rain. "I am not!" said Alex. "Yeah right." said Terry. "So who is it?" said Dana. "I think Haru. I mean he did change his personality in a second." said Rain. "No way. I mean he is teasing Soran along with Harry and Issac." said Alex.

Terry said,"So what about Ben and Rex?". "Nah. I like Ben and Rex with Rex being pretty nice but they're not my type." said Alex. "So what is your type?" said Dana. "I don't know. I mean most of the guys in our class are nice but then we have those two." said Alex. "I don't think they are bad as well my boyfriend." said Rain who pinched her nose in annoyance. "I do hate guys like him but Natsu is a good guy." said Alex.

Terry said,"So have you guys find the final three sorcerers yet?". "Not yet. I mean we know only little about the Sorcerers with the very limited knowledge on them. A lot of it was destroyed after the great war." said Rain. "Ah. We could search for the info during the Cultural Festival." said Dana. "That is a good idea." said Terry. "I think Natsu is planing to go to the Underworld with the info to destroy the  wall surrounding the Infernal Council." said Rain.

Alex and Dana smirked as they said,"So are you planning to go with him?". Rain then blushed as she said,"Of course! I need to make sure that Natsu doesn't put himself in danger like he normally does and I want to be safe.". "You and Natsu make sure a cute couple despite almost him being a foot taller than you." said Terry. Rain then sulked as Dana said,"You really need to learn when to be quiet about things like this.". "Right." said Terry.

Akane looked at Cindy and Jake who were flirting with each other while Matt sulked. "So why are you like this Matt?" said Jake who was being fed by Cindy. "I want me and Stacey to be like you and Cindy man! But she has spend time with Haru lately. Is she thinking of dumping me?" said Matt. The boy was mumbling like crazy as Cindy said,"I don't think Stacey would cheat on you. I mean you two are pretty cute together.".

Akane said,"She's right. I think she just wants to spend time with Haru because well, those two love to torment Soran.". "He does look like a girl. Heck, he could be Natsu's height and he would just like a girl who is forever flat." said Jake. "And where did you hear that term?" said the girls there. "Issac told us about girls and what to call them based off their cup size." said Matt. The two girls there had a angered look on their face as the boys said,"He's dead meat.".

Cora, Irene, and Tsuki were sitting nearby where Natsu was hanging mainly aka the cafeteria that Natsu had installed upon building the classroom for his selfish purpose. "So are you guys worried about wife?" said Irene. "Wife?" said Tsuki. "She is talking about Natsu." said Cora. "Ah. So is this a German thing?" said Tsuki. "No. This is a IRENE thing." said Cora. "She is a strange girl but she is really strong." said Tsuki.

Irene said,"I thank you for the compliment but Soran was just wow. He appeared out of thin air and I bet that he used his vampire powers to hide from us. We're just lucky that he didn't bite us.". "I still can't believe that he is a vampire. At first glance, he looks like a trap to me but he is strong. Maybe he is one of the strongest in the class." said Tsuki. "Right. I wonder if Natsu trained him to use both his time and vampire powers in complete unison." said Cora.

Tsuki said,"That would be a deadly combo. I bet he would make a killer assassin.". "Soran could be a great assassin due to his special gift." said Cora. "I think him looking more feminine than most of us girls is something." said Irene. "Yeah." said Cora and Tsuki. The three girls sat there as Cora said,"So have you heard anything about the new transfer student?". "Another one?" said Tsuki. "Yes. She was supposed to be in class before the year started but her schedule got in the way." said Irene.

Harry and Issac were talking pictures of Soran in all sorts of feminine outfits. "So why am I doing this again you guys?" said Soran who had his body hidden by a curtain. "We're getting ready for the Cultural Festival Trap. I mean you as a girl is pretty convincing right Stace?" said Haru. "Yeah. He is perfect. I mean guys love big boobs but sometimes the lollis get the big bucks." said Stacey. "This is awful right guys?" said Soran.

Harry and Issac said,"Get back in there pal.". Soran sighed as he continued to change. "So Stace, I am curious about something." said Haru who was sitting on his pole like a monkey. "What is it?" said the girl. "So why are you hanging out with me? I mean your boyfriend is looking like Soran except he isn't well crossdressing." said Haru. "I like hanging out with you. I mean I thought you just a battle hungry idiot like well Nazar except you're like a prankster." said Stacey.

Haru said,"I guess but spending time with your man isn't be a bad thing. I mean we just went up to space. Makes you think about things you know. I think I should finally ask her out.". "Who?" said Stacey. "Wouldn't you like to know that juicy detail blonde? I guess we should stop Harry and Issac from going overboard." said Haru. "Do you really want to?" said Stacey. "Not really but we have to just in case." said Haru. "Right." said Stacey. The two went over to them stopping their plans.

Sekien was staring at his hands with him saying,"I need to go see her before tomorrow you know. It's going to be life and death.". "What are you talking about Sekien?" said a voice. He turned around to see Katsuo and Masoko standing behind him. "Oh. Hey you guys." said Sekien. "Let me guess. You are going with Natsu to hell to help him save Sora right?" said Katsuo. "Yeah. You're so right about that Katsuo." said Sekien.

He made ice appeared in his right hand as he said,"With these powers of mine, I am going to help my best friend out in his time of need.". "I guess I'll be going with you." said Masoko. "Are you serious about this?" said Sekien. "I have my reason. I mean Natsu is my cousin. He is going to get himself killed if he goes alone." said Masoko. She had a faint blush as Katsuo said,"I see. I better go check with my good friend Masaru on fireworks.".

He was gone as Masoko sat next to Sekien. "So are you going to go see your mom before you head to the Underworld?" said Masoko. "Yeah. She is going to become a teacher here. I'm excited for it but I hope Harry doesn't ogle over her." said Sekien. "Don't worry. You will just freeze him. So how strong is your mom? I mean your dad is well your dad." said Masoko. "You mean a bastard right? I'll admit that he is strong though but.." said Sekien.

Masoko said,"But?". "Natsu or Quantum got him beat." said Sekien. "You seriously think that?" said Masoko. "My uncle Vance is the number one hero in the world with Natsu having great potential. It is good growth and well Natsu is going to be a great Soul. I just know it." said Sekien. "You're right but you could be one too. I mean look at this. Some of the girls know about this." said Masoko. She then handed him her phone. "So what am I looking at?" said Sekien.

Masoko said,"Some of the class pick the top ten students with you and Natsu being the top two. You two will be great so don't worry about it.". "Gotcha." said Sekien. The two teens sat there and they were watching the fireworks together. They didn't know that they were being watched by some of the girls and guys. They were looking at the next Class C couple with them being on the same level as say Natsu and Rain.

During the fireworks, Urara was shocked by what Natsu and Reva were asking of her. "I don't think my parents would like having three extra mouths to feed." said Urara. "I'm still not a fan of you going to the Underworld to begin with Natsu but I know that I can't stop you." said Reva. "So are you going to tell the Protectors about this? You know that they'll stop me if they get words of this? I mean you are friends with them...." said Natsu.

Reva said,"Natsu. I want to be there for you like you are for your friends. I mean they would risk their own lives for you. I'm going to be there for you okay? I think I can have a portal built nearby here early tomorrow morning. You'll tell the class right?". "Yeah. So do you mind taking care of my little siblings Urara? I mean you're great with kids and I think Raku likes Molly so they wouldn't mind it that much." said Natsu.

Urara said,"It's no problem at all. Just be back. I know how much they love you so if you'e going for long, they would go there to save you.". "I really don't want that." said Natsu. "I think we should go enjoy the rest of the party. Right?" said Reva. The two teens nodded and they went to where the rest of the class were. They didn't know that their plan was being spied on the Protectors of the Earth who are evil despite being good guys.

The next day, Natsu was heading toward the portal. "Hey man! Wait up!" said a voice. Natsu turned to see Nazar. "I know that you and Reva said that you didn't want us to risk our life in the Underworld but we're going with you." said Nazar. He dragged him toward the portal and Natsu saw the rest of the class waiting for him. "So what the hell took you so long?" said Masaru. "Um. I had a little thing that I needed to do." said Natsu.

He pulled out his phone as he said,"Okay. I want to introduce you to Ruriko Uchiyama.". A girl about Yataro's age appeared on his phone. She was wearing the uniform with her having her purple hair and lime green eyes. She smiled as she said,"Hi! You can call me Ruri.". "So is she your creation? I mean you have April and Core." said Rex. "Actually, I was created by a company who friends with Natsu due to his other careers. They sent me here after fixing my last couple of bugs." said Ruri.

Reva said,"Can we get going?". "I didn't expect her to be the impatient type." said Karla. Natsu stood there with Akane, Chad, Haru, Masoko, Nazar, Rain, Ryo, Sekien and Soran. "Man. This team is so freaking awesome right now!" said Ben. "Yeah. So are you ready Yataro?" said Tatsu. "Yep. We've a slight problem." said Yataro. "Which is?" said Ryo. "Somehow, the Protectors of the Earth are going to try and stop our little plan." said Yataro.

Masaru said,"Okay. Everyone, lets go stop them.". "Yeah!" said the class. The rest of the class beside Yataro left as Haru said,"Wow. What a good group of folks and friends.". "I do hope that they don't get hurt." said Chad. "I think with Phoebe and Tessa, they'll be just fine." said Ruri. "You already know the whole class?" said Ryo. "Yep! We also have the transfer student coming." said Ruri. "So she shows up now? What good time." said Akane.

A girl appeared as she said through tired breaths,"Sorry! I had one last thing left to do before I get a break.". She had her black hair tied in a ponytail with a signature dark blue ribbon with her wearing a black coat with matching hat. "Who are you?" said Sekien. He wasn't sure if she was a spy. She then revealed her green eyes as Natsu said,"Hikaru Spencer.". "Wow. You actually know her Natsu." said Haru.

Yataro said,"You go with them. The others need my help so lets go.". She smiled as she joined the others. Rain noticed that Natsu was looking away from her as Yataro said,"Go!". The portal activated as the group went in the portal. It turned off as Yataro said,"Are you going to help?". Mizuki stood there as she said,"Yep! Lets go help my future students and your future classmates.". "Right. This is a good class." said Yataro. The two rushed toward the forest.

Next time,
Who is Hikaru Spencer and Ruriko Uchiyama? They arrive in the Underworld on Monday November 9 2015 with them being five days until the execution. This and more next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Sora Hoshino. Looks to be 25 years old but actually 1516 Years old. Former Reaper of the Infernal Council. Rose colored. Turquoise. 5 foot 2. B. Cancer. July 1. Fighting and Studying. Someone not getting her drawing and being reminded of her flat chest.
Eizan Uzumaki. Looks to be 26 years old but actually 1517 Years old.Reaper of the Infernal Council. Maroon. Brownish Green. 6 foot 2. B. Taurus. April 30. Fighting, wearing sunglasses, arcade games, and taking naps. Anything spicy.
Kyoji Sakamoto. Looks to be 10 years old but actually 1490 Years Old. Reaper of the Infernal Council. Gray. Turquoise. 4 foot 4. O. Sagittarius. November 27. Watermelon, anything juicy, spinning tops, and history. Being called a child.
Satsuki Mayeda. Looks to be 24 years old but actually 1398 Years Old. Reaper of the Infernal Council. Coral Pink. Light Red. 6 foot 1. A. Libra. September 25. Dancing, shopping, drinking, and teasing Kyoji. Paperwork and people ignoring her.
Ruriko Uchiyama. 11 Years old. An AI (Artificial Intelligence) giving life as a Real girl. Purple. Lime Green. Whatever height she makes herself. O. Gemini June 9. Anything cute and her friends. Nothing.
Hikaru Spencer. 15 years old. International Pop Star, First Year Class C at Star Valley High, and Natsu’s Childhood Friend who he actually remembers surprisingly. Black. Green. 5 foot 8. Pisces. March 4. Songs, poems, lessons, Natsu, fashion, shopping, and games. Parties, press interviews, and being made fun of.
Mizuki Ozaki. 36 years old. The former Wife to Exertion and First year Class C Japanese Teacher. White. Blue. 5 foot 4. O. Aries. April 11. Sekien, teaching, frozen foods, embarrassing his son in front of his friends, and studying. Exertion.

Phantoms: Name, Age, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height.
Breeze. ? years old. Light Green. White. 5 foot 7.
Stone. ? Years old. Brown. Emerald Green. 6 foot 8.